Sonic 粉丝 Characters Club
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 Dis Him. Right dere. See?
Dis Him. Right dere. See?
(Okay! here we go! Finally got done with Jetsket's backstory. ^^ I'mma have a picture for him here too, hope y'all enjoy learning about my protagonist for my newest series of fancharacters!)

Name: Jetsket "Sket" Blaston

Age: 17

Birthday: August 18th

Species: porcupine/tiger hybrid.

Height: 3'6"

Weight: 112lbs

Powers/Abilities: Chaos powers. Jetsket's powers are different from the abilities bestowed on an individual 由 the chaos emeralds. His relate 更多 closely to Chaos, the god of destruction's powers. While they're far from being anywhere near close to Chaos' power level, Jetsket can cast similar attacks and defense, and for a regular Mobian, his powers are pretty strong. His most notable abilities are his miniature tornados made out of a water-like substance, causing a lot of destruction, shooting off a bullet-like ball of energy that is either red 或者 pinky purple in color and deals a great amount of damage, and perhaps his strongest ability, a constant stream of energy that also varies between pinky purple and red in color. Other variations of his powers are randomized, however possible, but these three are ones he's mastered to be able to command at will.

Siblings: Annette, Jetsket's younger sister. At the age of 8 years old, Annette was confused at her brother's sudden change, and bears some slight resentment towards him for spending less time with her.

Enemies: Arakid and his 蜘蛛 colony.

Important Personality Traits: Sket can sometimes come off as a bit mentally unstable, but to say he has a bit of an attitude is a tremendous understatement. His condescending remarks can earn him a lot of enemies who are impatient with his off-putting attitude, and he has some issues bonding with others, making it 更多 difficult to form a meaningful friendship with him. He's very laid back and carefree with a bit of a phoney 'rockstar' vibe at times, and although he stands for justice and freedom, his heroic instinct isn't so easily provoked. He finds his environment to be boring for the most part, and feels that people should learn to fight for themselves rather than relying on 超能英雄 to save them all the time. Though his reluctance to fight is arguably caused 由 his lack of control of his powers, this outlook changes greatly when his family 或者 老友记 are threatened, and if a case arises where the planet is seriously threatened, he will step up and fight to protect it.

Short Backstory: Jetsket was born to his mother ultimately unintentionally. She was raped and as a result, became pregnant with Jetsket, but even though Jetsket's appearance resembles closest to a porcupine, his mother refuses to think of him as a reminder of that day. Jetsket's mother raised him as a single mother for most of his life, making Jetsket grow up and mature fairly quickly. He grew to be very protective of his mother, and even when she was able to open her 心 to another man again, Jetsket was very cautious with him. After a long time seeming like his mother's boyfriend would never earn Jetsket's trust, Sket witnessed the two on a 日期 and saw the genuine 爱情 they had for each other. After that, he opened his 心 to the man and they themselves became very close. Sket was chosen to be the best man at their wedding, and for the first time in his life, he had someone to call his father. Life was happy after that, and he even had the chance to be a big brother after his sister, Annette, was born. He was determined to be the best big brother, and that he was. He spent all the time he could with his little sister, doing what she liked and teaching her about the things he liked. They couldn't have been a happier family, they had even adopted a dog a few years later. It wasn't until Jetsket was 16 years old that things took a turn for the worst. Sket's father was at work, and the rest of the family went to take their dog to get its check-up at the vet. On their way back, they got into a terrible car accident. Jetsket was hurt the worst, having been sent flying through the windshield, he had taken his 座位 带, 皮带 off to adjust Annette's when they made impact. Jetsket awoke in the hospital, finding himself without the memories of his entire past life. He didn't know who he was, who his mother was, 或者 who Annette was. When the doctors told him he had amnesia, he sort of figured it out already. Not having much other option but to believe the ones who claimed to be his family, he went back 首页 with them, his family under the instruction that to talk about his past would be almost like 阅读 him a story out of a book and saying that's who he was. It wouldn't help him remember, it would only be a story in his head. Jetsket went along with his mother and Annette and his father in their life. He was confused and found himself lacking in pretty much every field where passion and interest and trust were concerned, and often times just climbed his now 最喜爱的 树 in their yard and sat there, looking at the clouds. After he got somewhat settled into his way of life, he branched out 更多 and explored his environment, getting up the confidence to venture to some nearby cities and take full-day adventures. He met some friendly people, but made some enemies as well, probably 更多 enemies than friends. One enemy in particular was set out to destroy the entire area. A 蜘蛛 that went 由 the name of Arakid led a colony of 蜘蛛 minions hell-bent on making the world their personal 蜘蛛 web full of the helpless little inhabitants of the planet. That was one thing Jetsket wouldn't stand for. He boldly stood against these fiends a number of times, during one of which he discovered something about himself. Wonderful? That wasn't the word. A gift? Perhaps, though it far from seemed like it at times. Jetsket discovered that he had mystical super powers of some kind. Unbeknownst to him, he had developed these powers thanks to something he came into contact with during the accident; some kind of chemical solution that had fallen out of the truck they collided with. Jetsket used these powers, however poorly, to defend the places that were being attacked. Some of these places were specially targeted due to their limited defense. After awhile, Jetsket won the reputation of quite the hero with these places, but soon after this, Jetsket noticed that they tried even less to defend themselves now that they knew he would always come to save them. He realized that his heroism was doing 更多 harm than good for the people, so the 下一个 time the 蜘蛛 gang struck, Jetsket strayed from jumping straight to their rescue. The town was damaged, but Jetsket didn't let it get destroyed. He did step in before too many people got seriously hurt. The 更多 he laid off the rescuing, the 更多 the citizens amped up their defense. They were learning to at least try and defend themselves, which was good. Jetsket even begun to hear some instances where they were able to fend off the spiders 由 themselves. In truth, others would view his methods as harsh and immoral, but even Jetsket knew that no hero could always be there when needed, and when that time came, people needed to know how to defend themselves. He was being a BETTER hero, in a way. As Jetsket's life went on, it became clearer and clearer that he wouldn't be able to get his memory back. It depressed him, but at the same time, was almost indifferent to him. In truth, he didn't know what he was missing, so it didn't affect him the way it did his mother. Although she tried to hide it from him, it was obvious she constantly thought about it, and it constantly affected her mental health negatively. With the help of his mother and a promise that no matter what happened in the future 或者 past, Jetsket would always 爱情 and care about his family, he was able to genuinely leave his past where it belonged and focus on making something of his future. For a long time, he was content just with this, but he soon began to wonder about his past again. However, he did so secretly this time, not wishing to put his family through anymore than they had been through already. With Arakid's gang suddenly targeting his younger sister, Annette, Jetsket soon learned of her own little secret. Her baton wasn't just any usual baton, it was a whip that allowed her to take control of Arakid and his minions, however temporarily. It was a useful ability, he admitted, but he still wished her back to a sideline position in major fights for fear that she would get hurt. Annette's ability was a secret that he would leave to her to tell their parents. Jetsket had other things on his mind. Now, dealing with 老友记 and enemies from a past that he doesn't remember, Jetsket is trying to hang on to what he does know about himself and build on that. He has gained some experience with his newfound powers, but they still seem so uncontrollable to him. Even they didn't really hold an important priority to him. Even though he had a renewed outlook for his life, he still found he lacked passion 或者 drive in really anything he tried to do. His emotions were a jumbled mess and he couldn't even decide most of the time how he felt 或者 what he really thought about certain things 或者 people. There were very few things he knew exactly how he felt about the way he did his family. Clinging to that one sure thing as much as he could while desperately trying to push aside any doubt that they were his family, he pushed on in the grand 搜索 that was now his life. His 搜索 for who and what he wanted to be.

--Additional info for Jetsket--

Special/Genetic Flaws: Staying true to its description, Jetsket's powers are very destructive and very hard to control. Sket doesn't have a lot of skill with his power, and as a result, most of his attacks are 随意 outbursts of pure power at a 随意 strength level. This can often lead to him wiping himself out quickly if he 'experiments' too much. His energy stream uncontrollably lasts until his energy completely diminishes, making this a very risky move. The loss of his memory has made it hard for Jetsket to emotionally connect and bond with his family the way he should. Unless one of his family members is in present danger, this often leaves Sket without an actual reason to fight, limiting his passion during battle, as well as his strength and endurance.

Special/Genetic Perks: Jetsket's abilities are very powerful, allowing him to take on opponents that are seemingly out of his league. His attribute allows for a wide variety of attacks and spell effects. His energy stream is a very powerful 移动 that can potentially overwhelm an opponent to be a one hit knock out depending on the lasting endurance of the targeted individual.

Theme Song: "Unwell" 由 Matchbox Twenty.

Song to Lover/Would-be Lover: "Love Somebody" 由 Maroon 5

Position: Soloist. Jetsket typically flies his adventures solo, but he can sometimes get lumped in with someone else, during which time his role can vary depending on the other people he's with.

Fighting Style: Long Ranged. Jetsket's attacks usually keep him at a distance from his opponent, preventing his body itself from the higher risk of harm from a close combat fight. Although the effects of his powers can be randomized, they still typically keep to long range fire. He hits hard, but is often slow at charging up energy for his attacks. With little knowledge of the full extent to his powers, he will most often just throw 随意 bursts of energy in 随意 forms at his opponent and hope for victory.

最喜爱的 Color: Maroon red.

最喜爱的 Food: Scrambled eggs

最喜爱的 Music: any mix of rock, punk, and punk/pop.

Allegiance 1(evil) - 10(hero): 7

Catch Phrases: (win big) "Rock on! That was fantastic!!", (win) "Totally Trampled!", (challenge) "Hah! This should be a decent laugh!", (lose) "Wha-....!! no....way!"

Best Event: Trampoline

Important Relationships:
Annette Blaston: Jetsket's younger half-sister. This 8-year-old tiger is surprisingly outgoing for her age and looks up to Jetsket very much. She sees him through rose-colored glasses, and as a result, her expectations for him are high. She's old enough to understand that Jetsket 迷失 his memory, but she doesn't understand the full extent of what it did to him emotionally. This results very often in hurt feelings and resentment on her end. Jetsket sees Annette virtually as any 17-year-old would see a young friend of her age. Cute and precious, but like all his relationships, Sket struggles to genuinely feel that special inner connection to her that a big brother should feel on a regular basis. This feeling is very present if Annette is in danger, however, sparking his hero instinct and igniting it into a burning flame. She means a lot to Sket, as does his whole family, but Jetsket's 迷失 memory and slight doubt drives a wedge to prevent their relationship from blossoming in full.
added by StephanieTheCat
Source: me
added by awsome_chick
added by freya-the-cat
Source: Me (Paint)
I opened a Wisp Capsule, and let the little indigo-colored aliens phase through my 衬衫 and into my body. "OK, Sonic. NOW What do I do?" I asked Sonic.
"Now, 你 just yell the name of the alien that just went into your body. In this case, Asteroid."
"ASTEROID!" I yelled. I immediately became the miniature Saturn, but indigo-colored. "What's this do?" I asked curiously.
"Well, Wildfire, just walk -- 或者 float -- into these targets I've got set up," Tails said.
Targets popped up no sooner than he finished saying it. I floated right into each target, and the became part of my ring thing. I decided to see what would happen if I jumped. I jumped and went higher than I anticipated. I descended slowly.
I was about 20 feet into the air when the Color Power wore off. I fell and faceplanted just in time to see Rhiannon (pronounced Ree ann in), my best friend, get taken away 由 Darkfire, along with Tails.
posted by TakTheFox
Banshee Facts: The Basics

So I was going through this guide, and noticed I left a lot out, and I changed quite a bit about the banshees over time, so I give 你 the edited, Guide to Banshee Mobians.

What is a Banshee?
Banshee Mobians are cat-like creatures in form. They are called Banshees because they have sound-like powers, and can be transparent.

Types of Banshees
While the amount of variations to Banshee types are large there are three main types of Banshees.
1.    Sound Banshees
2.    Mind Banshees
3.    Dark Banshees

Sound Banshees are...
continue reading...
posted by NebulaSkies
As I mentioned on my 墙 post here, my opinions on my old FCs have changed over my absence from this club (and 潮流粉丝俱乐部 in general). Here I'll discuss what they are, what I'll be doing, all that jazz.

First off, my original Sonic 粉丝 Characters started developing 更多 into human OCs than FCs for the Sonic universe where I started noticing some things I didn't like about them. Their backstories and basic ideas and concepts seemed far too disconnected from the Sonic universe. While I do know that some people think that having your own ideas and stories for your 粉丝 characters is a good thing, this...
continue reading...
嘿 everyone. I'm pretty sure 你 all have your own 问题 to me that haven't exactly been answered, so I'm gonna start posting these to answer them for you. Now, I have some (not many) rules for your questions.
1) They CAN be awkward, as long as it is between two characters and NOT me and 你 directly.
2) 问题 such as "Where do 你 live", 或者 "CAN I HAS YO NUMBAH" will NOT be answered, as I do not need another crazy stalker person texting me every 5 minutes. :|
and 3) If it pertains to something OTHER than Sonic, I will answer it, just with a different viewpoint.
An example of a good 问题 would be:
"Why did Aqua and Cyber fuse together?"
An example of a bad 问题 would be:
"Who are 你 dating?!"
I hope to get plenty of good and not a lot of bad 问题 asked, because to all your good questions, I will provide an answer.
added by TheDarkEmpire
由 Courtney (ProjectSNT)
dreams of an absolution
南瓜 爬坡道, 小山
follow me
翠, 翡翠 eyes
由 Emezie Okorafor
porkchop 'n flatscreen!
蘑菇 爬坡道, 小山 zone
added by mariaxshadz
 Her finalized 个人资料 picture. ^^; I don't even KNOW how many times i redrew this....
Her finalized profile picture. ^^; I don't even KNOW how many times i redrew this....
Okay, Rachel's next. I elaborated on the beginning parts of her backstory too, I think I was sort of vague with it before.

Name: Rachel Savaya

Age: 18

Birthday: July 16th

Species: human/fairy/mermaid

Height: 3'5"

Weight: 135lbs

Powers: Golden lightning (light+lightning combo), nymph crystal allows ONE of her companions to breath under water for up to 20mins. Her Purge ability can remove an evil spirit from inside someone. This will have a watered down effect to simply pushing its consciousness to the back of their mind if the spirit is very powerful. This ability is what she uses to keep her dark...
continue reading...
posted by NoctusLynx
There is a land where a bloodline is made, and incest is the foundation of the power of a greater tomorrow; where murder to maintain order is accepted. Where a species is deformed, broken, humiliated beyond comparison within the Animal Kingdom, only to rise again from it's ashes as the phoenix of it's domain.

These are the Miltian tribes.

These are their stories.

There is a continent in a dimension separate from any 你 may have come across in your travels through voyage, literature, celestial maps, 或者 any other medium. This dimension beheld normality as sacred. Very much sacred, to the extent...
continue reading...
*Jojo is laying on the floor, stiff as rock...*

Gizbin: ....*finding it hard to concentrate* What....What am I doing...?....*shakes head and holds onto it*
Jojo: ......*opens eyes slowly and sees Gizbin* Father...
Gizbin: *looks at him immediately*
Jojo: *Jojo is all torn in places, scratches covers him, blood drips from mouth*

*the moon turns a normal colour again, white*

Gizbin: .....*eyes turn normal, a shining 金牌 and body turns back to normal to* Uh....
Jojo: Oh father....*tear runs down cheek*
Gizbin: *quickly spots Jojo is hurt* Son! What happened?! Oh no! *hits himself hard in the face* This...
continue reading...
added by TheDarkEmpire
由 chaomix
artificial intelligence
dall-e mini
scott the hedgehog
sonic adventure 2
added by Milesprowerfan
Source: ME!!
added by shadowroks32
added by Emo-Bunny
Source: Emo-bunny
added by numnumyellow67
Source: Numnumyellow67
added by numnumyellow67
Source: me
added by breezethecat
Source: breezethecat