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This series focus's on the 标题 character and his cousin 斯莱什 roommate, Derpy Hooves.

Saten Twist is a red pegasus with light red eyes and medium sized black hair. Much like Twilight, he two has his own set of friends, consisting of Derpy, Trixie Lulamoone (who in this verison, is actually normal when not stage preforming, in fact she's one of the nicest characters), and Glaze Wooden, the 阿凡达 of that MLP singer. All of them grew up and went to school together, and Saten is the only guy of the group, not that he seems to mind.

Back in their 日 Saten's group were actually petty criminals. Other than Trixie, who simply became as magician and ended up the "only sane one" in the group. Saten ended up a bit of a alcoholic, Derpy a stoner, and Glaze her dealer.

Surprisingly it's actually Derpy who was the bad influence on Saten, rather than the other way around. She's not as innocent as 你 would think.

Eventually Saten and Derpy ended up in Ponyville, from a small town named Fillydefia. The other two stayed behind at first. Espically Trixie, who's always travelling, which is why she lives in an RV.

Saten almost immediately develops a crush on AJ, despite Trixie being in 爱情 with him. Somewhat implying it's cause Saten has a thing for blondes.

Regardless, the 日期 goes badly. But it doesn't stop Saten from drunkenly stalkingher sometimes (he's harmless though).

Also in the series is Master Sword, a green earth 小马 with short blonde hair and blue eyes, he also moved here, but from a unknown town. Sword was not orginally my character, he belongs to a friend, but my verison of him is actually my favourite character, 给 he's protrayed instead a comedic sociopath, but not to the point of being unlikable. He's still a loyal person, and will always do the right thing in the end (usually).. In mine he's very based on Roger from American Dad, to the point I would probably even ask Seth to do him.. I settled on Curtis Armstrong for Saten himself.



AppleJack: (in one of rare times she's not wearing her hat is seen tiredly trotting home. Suddenly a red pegasus falls out the sky, and almost hits her, he usually wears a black outfit around him).

AppleJack: Saten Twist?

Saten: *drunkily* H 嘿 Applejack

AppleJack: Are ya drunk 或者 something?

Saten: *dizzily* No I'm no- A little

AppleJack: *giggles* Y'all really need some sort of AA. Ah mean this is the third time this week.

Suddenly Saten Twist squeeze hugged her, even though it was clear 苹果白兰地 wasn't completely comfortable with it.

Saten: I -I 爱情 你 Applejack.

AppleJack *trying to push him off her*: Yeah.. About that.. Look. We only been on 'one' date. It didn't even end well..

Saten: Yeah.. So?

AppleJack: Look. I don't wanna seem like a mean girl, but it's time I told 你 blunt.. We're not a couple. So stop 表演 like we are.

Saten: Oh just playing hard to get.

AJ: Unfortunately not Saten.



Saten Twist is trotting around without any proper destination, still abit hungover, and grumpy about AppleJack. Unfortantly for him, he was nearly hit 由 the carriage Twilight and Spike arrived in, since this is back when she first came to ponyville.

Twilight: Ohh. Sorry..

Saten: 你 from canterlot?

Twilight: How do 你 know?

Saten: Can tell 由 the type of carriage.

Twilight: Hope that isn't a problem.

Saten: No. No.. Just as long as 你 never end up becoming an alicorn princess.

Twilight: Yeah.. That would be weird... I'm Twilight Sparkle.

Saten: Saten Twist.. Spelled with an E, my parents misspelled it and they never bothered to fix it after.

Twilight: Huh.. Well uh, see 你 around.


Spike and Twilight got out and soon met Pinkie, but joining their bizarre interaction her. Saten Twist was in thr background, and ended up stealing the carriage for no full reason other then boredom.


AppleJack was bucking apples, when she heard her name start being called up.

Saten: AppleJack! Up here!

AppleJack *looks up to see him*: Saten Twist!? What the hell are ya doing here!?

Saten: That dosen't matter. What do 你 think of my carriage!? *proves to be still riding in it*

AppleJack: Please tell me ya didn't steal that in some lame tempt ta win me back over.

Saten: That depends.. Is it working?

AppleJack: No. Not at all.. Now. Please go away. Ah'm busy.

Saten: Fine. Whatever. *flies away with it*


After flying in the carriage all day. Saten Twist saw there that there was something going on in the 树 liberary. And peaked inside.

Pinkie: that's why. I threw this party, and invited everyone in ponyville.

Saten: *groans* Not me.. But oh well. Just me and my car- Crap. The carriage is gone.. Oh well. It was getting boring anyway.

EPISODE 2: (Based on a Fanfiction "Spike's 彩虹 Dash")

Rainbow: I'M NOT F*IN' GAY!

Lyra: Are 你 sure. Cause this whole lesbian tantrum, isn't helping your point.

Rainbow: #$% 你 *prepares punch*

Spike: Woah. Wooh. Calm down Dashie..

Rainbow: Fine. *tries calming down*

BonBon: Still a lesbian!

Rainbow: *growls and punches BonBon square in the face*

Rainbow: 你 STUPID #$%!

BonBon and Lyra run off in fear.

Rainbow: #$% THOSE #$, MOTHER #$ PIECES OF #$%!., HOW COULD THEY #$ SAY THAT!... FUCK!


Rainbow: I bet I could make even 你 fall in 爱情 with me!

Spike: Good luck with that.

Rainbow: No need for luck. I'm awesome!

Spike: Whatever 你 say.


Meanwhile Saten Twist and Derpy approach sugercubes and see that it's crowded, and Pinkie has pages saying Team rainbow, team Spike.

Saten Twist: *imitating Stewie from Family guy* Da hell is this?!

Pinkie: Didn't 你 hear?

Derpy: Hear what?

Pinkie: Dash made a bet with Spike that she'll make him fall in 爱情 with her.

Saten: Annnd, your taking advantage of your 老友记 由 going into their personal business 由 betting money on it.

Pinkie: I, I guess.

Saten: No fair, I was gonna do that!

Pinkue: Hey.. How about this. 你 can be on my team. And if neither wins. We're 分裂, 拆分 the money.

Saten: ... Done *they brohoof*


Rainbow: Rairty!.. Rarity I need makeover.

Rarity: Haha. Very funny.

Rainbow: I'm serious!

Rarity: It'll take to lon-

Rainbow: *angrily* Rarity, I'm desperate!.. Now make me hot 或者 I swear, I'll set your head on fire!

Rarity; Fine. Fine..


彩虹 Dash, having her new makeover a success, waited for Spike up on a cloud. Suddenly she was approached 由 Derpy.

Derpy: Oh. There 你 are.

Rainbow: Hello Derpy.

Derpy: Soooo.. Is it true?

Rainbow: Is what true?

Derpy: Rumors say your trying to get Spike to fall in 爱情 with you, simply to prove your not a lesbian.

Rainbow: Yeah. So?

Derpy: Isn't that rather mean of you?

Rainbow: Yeah. Well.. Least I never got my name and voice changed.

Derpy: *gasps* 你 swore you'd never speak of that!


Down at Sugercubes. The tensions started rising. Both teams were certain they were gonna win the money.

Pinkie: Everyone please calm down.. What's a cake, without the icing.

Saten: what is that suppose to mean?

Pinkie: I don't know.. But it sure felt good saying it.


With the town having gone crazy. Dash flew herself and Spike out of Ponyville.

Spike: Man, am I glad to be out of that crazyplace.

Dash: Yeah.. I am done with this stupid contest., besides. I think I'm falling in 爱情 with you.

Spike: Really? Because I coul-

Dash: *bursts into laughter* 你 are sooooo gullible!

Spike: ...


Rarity: Sweetie Belle, I adore having 你 help me, truly I do, but...

SweetieBelle: Guess I got a little carried away. It's just that I know how important it is for 你 to finish this wardrobe in time for Sapphire Shores and her backup dancers.

Rarity: This is without a doubt my most prestigious order ever. After all, Sapphire Shores is ''the'' 小马 of pop, and her Equestria-wide tour launches in Canterlot 下一个 week! Which means she must have these outfits 由 日 after tomorrow at the latest!

SweetieBelle: ... 你 迷失 me.

Rarity: *groans annoyedly* Coarse I have..


Rarity: *out of breath* I'm here!.. I'm here!.. I brought the costumes.

SweetieBelle: *happily* 你 made it!

Rarity: Oh, I beg your pardon for cutting it so close, but out of all my business. I somehow found enough time to work on your costumes as well.


Saten: Hey. Nice perfamance.

SweetieBelle: Really!?. Everyone only cares about the stupid dresses. *sudden anger* This always happens! Rarity always outshines me.

Saten: Hey. Siblings do that.. In fact.. When I was your age. I won a ribbin at a science fair, my project was called "do Lima beans nurture under classical music". But my unimpressed mother simply just pointed out that it was a rip off of my older brother's project "do Lima beans grow better in rock and roll". And well.. I ended up losing the ribbon and it was 给 to my stinkin brother.


Saten: *now angrier* First off, the projects were completely different!. I was 展示 that classic 音乐 nurtures Lima beans. But my stupid mother didn't lesson.. If your like to see the relationship between nurturing and growth, I'd like to point out that my brother is EIGHT INCHES TALLER THAN ME!

Saten: ... Anyway. I hope that helpe- (sees that Sweetie Belle must of ran off quite some time ago)


SweetieBelle stormed 首页 and started confronting her sister.

Rarity: Honey. If this is one of those emotional talks about 你 wetting the bed, I really don't wanna hear about it-

SweetieBelle: *angrily* That's not what this is Rarity!.. It's about about those stupid dresses!

Rarity: Oh.. Were they hated? Cause I make new ones.

SweetieBelle: No! They were perfect! TOO perfect!.. Nobody watched it for anything else! Only the outfits!

Rarity: I.. I don't understand?

SweetieBelle: *angrily* It's like my fifth birthday all over again!

Rarity: I.. Don't understand... Why are 你 angry sweetie? Are 你 constipated?..

SweetieBelle: This is nothing to do with water!

Rarity: Darling, I think 你 miss heard m-

SweetieBelle: I HATE YOU!

SweetieBelle: I'm gonna go eat 20 buckets of ice cream. And not gain any weight, due to this being a cartoon!

Rarity: Bu-

SweetieBelle: *offview* Good 日 Mr White!

Rarity: ... 你 really need to stop watching that show.


Sweetie Belle was too angry to sleep, and decided to take revenge on Rarity.

SweetieBelle plans to ruin one of Rarity's hats.

Angle on her shoulder: No! Don't do it!

Devil on shoulder: Don't lesson to that sissy. Do it!

Angle: Who 你 calling a sissy!

Devil: You... Sissy.

SweetieBelle: Guys this isn't helping.

Angle: Look. Look.. Rarity didn't mean it.

SweetieBelle: Wow.. Guess your right..

Angle: That's right. Now just go back to be- *literary gets shot 由 a gun that the devil pulls out*

SweetieBelle: OH MY GOD!

Devil: *points the tiny gun* DO IT! DO IT NOW!

SweetieBelle: *puts hands up* Okay. Okay. Take it.. Take it easy *nervously goes back to ruining the hat*


SweetieBelle: Princess Luna!? Is it really you?

Luna: Yep. I'm the princess of the night. And it's my duty to come into your dreams.

SweetieBelle: *points off view* What about him?

FreddyKrueger: Hey. Hey. I'm not involved in this.

SweetieBelle: Wait. If this a dream the- *makes mirror appear* Haha. Awesome.

Luna: Listen. I know how it feels to be outshined.. I too have a sister who often shines 更多 brightly than me, and with this, I have struggled.

SweetieBelle: Please don't have this turn into a scrooge like plot.

Luna: Too late! *sends them back in time*


SweetieBelle: I remember this. This is my fifth birthday party! I decided to make a grand entrance. I made myself all beautiful, just like my big sister.

Luna: (deadpan) I'm pretty sure they just wanted 你 to just 显示 up in general.

SweetieBelle: *ignores her* Anyway. When I finally finished. I kept posing at the 最佳, 返回页首 of the stairs, waiting to be noticed..

Luna: Now your sounding like Tara Strong..

SweetieBelle: That a good thing?

Luna: No. Not even a little.

(just kidding, we 爱情 你 Tara).


SweetieBelle: See! Even at my own birthday! Rarity outshined me.

Luna: Or.. Maybe 你 didn't get the full story.


Sweetie now realised that Rarity was never trying to outshine her. She was just buying time, till Sweetie Belle arrived. IF she arrived.


Luna ended up 展示 SweetieBelle, that ruining ONE design, would ruin all of Rarity's would end becoming the plot of "Rarity's Dress".


SweetieBelle: Thanks for flying us over.

Derpy: No problem.

SweetieBelle: Here's the truth... I was upset at 你 for stealing the spotlight from me at the play, so I pulled out the center stitch to the 头巾, 头盔 so it would fall apart.

Rarity: *angry* What?!

SweetieBelle: But then I realized I didn't want your future to be ruined forever and ever, so I came back to change it before it was too late! So... here it is. It's all fixed. Please forgive me.

Rarity: Forgive you!? How could I forgive yo-

Sweetie Belle: *puppy eyes*

Rarity: *sighs* finnnnne



Saten: Fired!? Why am I fired!?

Boss pony: Cause 你 only been here a week, and 你 keep getting drunk on the samples.

Saten: Okay. Not gonna lie.. I 'might' be an alcoholic.

Boss pony: *sarcastically* yeaaaah.. Kinda got that. Thanks for clarifying though.


LATER: Saten - Derpy's apartment:

Derpy: Saten? Good 日 at the your job?

Saten: (sighs) 你 know what'll be nice. If I could come back, and have five minutes, before 你 JUMP ALL OVER MY BACK!!

Derpy: That bad huh?

Saten: (sighs) I was fired.

Derpy: That's horrible.. But I did warn 你 about drinking the samples..


THE 下一个 DAY:

Saten was seen in a local bar.

Saten: (pounds counter) WERE'S MY DRINK!?

Bartender: Sir. 你 haven't oldered one yet.

Saten: Oh, right.. Give me.. Hell, what's the strongest alcohol 你 got?

Bartender: I don't know.. Whiskey.

Saten: Great.. I'll have the Rum.

Bartender: If 你 say so..

Derpy: (runs over excitedly) Saten! Saten!. I have great news.. Twilight invited asked to tomorrow's grand galla party! 说 she owed me a favior.

Saten: That's tomorrow?

Derpy: Yeah.. Crazy huh?

Saten: Oh well. I'm happy for you.

Derpy: (sadly) If only 你 were able to come also.

Saten: Who says I'm not.. In fact.. I also have a date..


Applejack: NO!

Saten: Oh come on. Give me one good reason why we shouldn't go together.

AppleJack: I can name 'ten' good reasons.

Saten: (desperately) I'll give 你 40 dollars!

AppleJack: ... Fine.


AppleJack: (wearing the same dress she did last time she went to the Galla, as see and Saten were somehow to take a stage coach to the yearly party) I don't get it. How did ya even get tickets? I thought it was sold out.

Saten: Ohh, I have my way.



Saten: Dude! I need your grand gollaping galla tickets!

Sword: No way dude.

Saten: Fine.. I guess I'll ju- (snatches them and flies off as fast he can)

Sword: (angrily) Hey!

Saten: *is already gone*

Sword: (sighs) And he wonders why I never invite him to anything.



Saten: Besides.. All that matters is we're here.. *anxiously* Now we're is Derpy?!

AppleJack: (chuckles) What are ya, her mother?.. She's fine, just in another stage coach.

Saten: I'm sorry.. It's just.. She's all I got.

AppleJack: Ah know. Ya told me earlier..

Saten: Fine.. I'll try to relax.

AppleJack: Good.

Saten: So... Wanna make out?

AJ: No Saten.

Saten: But 接吻 is what 你 do on dates.

AppleJack: For the last time, this isn't a date.. It's just me doing something nice for ya, and we agreed to leave it at that... Besides. Twilight will be there. And she'll want ta see me.

Saten: Why?... Oh. Right.. The princess thing.


Twilight was greeting everybody. When suddenly AppleJack approached her.

Twilight: A.J. What a unexpected pleasure (hugs her).

AppleJack: Yes. I-

Derpy: *ends up banging into Twilight as well, and happily hugs her*

Twilight: *chuckles* Yes. Yes. Nice seeing 你 too Derpy.

Derpy: *sees her wearing the dress from when she first became an alicorn* 你 look pretty in that.

Twilight: Thanks.. Yours is nice too. (not sure what Derpy's dress should look like. Except for being then same shade of grey as her 毛皮 或者 whatever 马 have.. I'm not good with that stuff, so shut up).

Derpy: 由 the way. 你 ever been interviewed about being a princess and all that?

Twilight: Once.. But didn't go very well..



Mastersword as an interviewer: 嘿 princess Twilight. Good having 你 here.

Twilight: Sure.

Sword: First off. How dose it feel being the forth princess ever?

Twilight: (robotically) Yes. I wouldn't be here without my friends.

Sword: That's nice. But the 问题 is, how dose it make "you" feel. You!?

Twilight: (robotically) Yes. That is diffently a 问题 being asked. And I'm confident in my friends, and getting it done.,

Sword: Okay.. Have to be honest with 你 sweetie. I feel like this interview. Is going absolutely nowhere. 你 answered 'none' of my questions. 你 kinda sound like a broken automatic response system, that's only been tought 4 phrases.

Twilight: (not listening) Thanks. It's been an experience.

Sword: *annoyed* Yeah it has!

Twilight: *listing stuff about friendship*

Sword: What are yo- *looks behind him* Are 你 阅读 cue cards wait now!?.. What is this!?

Twilight: *still 阅读 off them*

Sword: (proving point to audience) What's your name lady!?

Twilight: ...... Dedication.

Sword: (angrily to camera) Her name is dedication!.. 你 know what, (storming off) this interview is over!... *offview* WHERE'S GOD DAMN BEER!?

End cutaway:


AppleJack: Wow.. That's. Interesting.

Twilight: I gue-

Saten: *comes out of nowhere. Clearly drunk* Princeeeeeeess!

Twilight: *uncomfortably* Hello, Saten Twist.

Saten: *hugs her, much to her uncomfort about his smell of being drunk* Congrats on being a prin-(hiccup)-cess.

Twilight: *awkward chuckle* Thank yo-

Saten: I found 你 a present!

Twilight: What kinda prese- OH MY GOD!

Saten: *holding live snake* I found her outside. *gives the snake to Twilight. Cause he is too drunk to see her fear of it* Take her.

Twilight: I.. I don't like snakes.

Saten: (not listening) Yeah adorable right? Your welcome Twilight- *falls down a bunch of stairs, rather painfully*

Derpy: (sighs speed flies over to him)

Saten: (off view) Good thing I'm drunk!

Applejack: *pets the snake* She's cute.

Twilight: JUST GET IT OFF!

AppleJack: *laughs, and gets the snake off Twilight, and puts it out a window to roam free*


Saten: Guys what's with all the vines?

AppleJack: We don't know. But it'll soon take over all of ponyville considering how fast it's moving.

Saten: Soo.. Ponyville is being invaded 由 huge vine like plants? And the princess's have been captured?

Twi: Yes.. Except for me.

Saten: (turns to AppleJack) Hey.. Remember how 你 keep saying "only when hell freezes over".. Well.. I think this qualifies..

AppleJack: What are 你 talking abo-

Saten: (thinking it might be some kind of "end of the world" deal, Saten suddenly kisses her on the lips, much to her complete shock).

AppleJack: ... Umm.

Saten: I'd say.. I mean no offence, but your a terrible kisser.

AppleJack: I.. What?!

Twi: Guys, can we please focus on the matter at hand.

Pinkie: Twilight is right.. I'm sick of all this twists and turns.

Twilight: Wait.. Twists and turns..

Twi: (goes over to window) Half day, half night... strange weather patterns... out of control plants. I think I'm starting to get a pretty good idea of who we're up against.



Discord: Don't get me wrong. I absolutely loooove what 你 did with the place. But I can't take responsibility. I'm reformed. Don't 你 remember?

Dash: Yeah, right! This has got your cloven hoofprints all over it!

Discord: I'll have 你 know that I have only ''one'' cloven hoof.. Such accusations. And here I thought we were friends?

Pinkie: Drop the act buster! We're one too you!

Discord: Ladies. Please. We'll I lie to you.

all them but Fluttershy: YES!

Fluttershy: Umm.. Maybe.


Twi: (sees them all staring at her confusedly, including Saten Twist, as he and Dash were seen hovering) W -Why are 你 all staring at me like that?

AppleJack: It's just... Ya were mumblin' ta yourself...

Pinkie: Ooh! And don't forget the uncontrollable sobbing!

Fluttershy: We were really worried.

Saten: I for one thought it was hilarious.

Discord: I 秒 that.. Sort of a one-pony theater piece, if 你 will. (shows the humorish verison of her crying). 你 should really consider taking it on the road.

Twi: I saw something from a long time ago. But it didn't explain what's happening now.

Discord: (dressed as camera man, and holding camera) Oh, I do hope she breaks into a song this time!

Saten: Ha, nice! (he and Discord brohoof)


Saten: The 树 of what now?

Twi: It's where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna found the Elements. I think it's in danger.

Saten: Then let's go.

Twi: Not you., This is too important.

Saten: So?

Twi: It's just.. 你 don't always seem to have everyone's best interest at heart.

Saten: Everyone's best interest.. Dude! I am a man of dignity!.. (smokes a large glass bong full of marijuana)

Twi: Look.. Just watch Discord for us.

Saten: (coughs violently) Fine. Fine..

AppleJack: So.. We're excatly is this "tree of harmony"

Twi: It's in.. (points to ever green forest) there..

Discord: Oh. Hoho.. I'm gonna need 更多 popcorn!


Twi: That was close.

AppleJack: (sighs) A little too close, 你 sure your alright?

Twi: I'm fine. I just can't seem to get these new wings to do what I want them to do when I want them to do it.

Dash: Aw, you'll figure it out eventually.

Twi: "eventually" isn't good enough.

AppleJack: Ya have been having an awful lot of trouble with those things. And, well, who knows what else is gonna to come after us? Ya know, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea for Twilight to go back to Ponyville and let us look for the 树 of Harmony without her.

Twi: What!? Why!?

AppleJack: For starters, 你 just about got eaten 由 a cragadilly.

Twi: We all did. It wasn't just me.

AppleJack: Sure, but... well, the rest of us aren't princesses.

Twi: Bu-

Rarity: 苹果白兰地 does make a valid point. Even if we manage to save the 树 of Harmony, it won't necessarily mean Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will return. Equestria will need somepony to lead in their absence.

Twi: I'm not the only alicorn still standing.. Remember Ditto? He's an alicorn.. He's even dating Luna, they bonded over being outsiders.

Dash: Yes but Ditto is only a cop, he's not put in charge.. That still leaves 你 as 更多 important.

AppleJack: Yes, we all find it too risky to have 你 here..

Twi: 你 'all' feel this way?

(the girls node)

Twi: F-fine (tearfully leaves).


Doscord: Oh so your back.

Twilight: Just me..

Discord: No luck finding your 树 then?

Twi: We ran into some trouble. And my 老友记 decided it would be best if I returned to Ponyville while they continue the search. Equestria will need me if Princess Celestia and Princess Luna don't return.

Discord: I'm just surprised that 你 agreed to their plan. I never thought you'd be the kind of 小马 who would think she was better than everybody else.

Twi: I don't think I'm better then everybody!
Saten: Everybody!

Discord: Oh, well, how silly of me to assume that 你 would think that. All 你 did was choose to keep your precious princess self out of harm's way while your 老友记 thrust themselves right into it. I'm sure you'll all be the best of pals again when they return from their terrifying yet deeply bonding experience that they're having without you. [chuckles].

Twi: Damn 你 discord! (runs back in)


Spike: Oh come on. It's discord. He's just trying to get under your skin.

Twilight: Well.. It's working.

Saten: Wait., (flies after her)

Twi: Saten? I thought I told 你 stay with Discord.

Saten: I was afraid you'd get lost.. Besides. that dude is really annoying.

Twi: Fine.. But try to behave yourself.

Saten: Can do.

Twi: ... How's Derpy 由 the way.



Filly Derpy: (jumping on bed, but her eyes seen as normal and she dosen't have her cutie mark)

小马, 柯尔特 Saten: 嘿 Derp. Quite that already, your gonna hurt yourself.

Filly Derpy: (stubbornly) Shut up! Your not the boss of me.. (bangs her head on the roof, making her have the 交叉, 十字架 eyed design).

小马, 柯尔特 Saten: My god, 你 okay!?

Filly Derpy: (calmly and unaware of her new look) Sure, why do 你 ask?



小马, 柯尔特 Saten: Told you, 你 were gonna hurt.

Filly Derpy: Just shut up. (looks in mirror) My eyes look terrible.

小马, 柯尔特 Saten: No.. They look unique. Just like 你 yourself.

Filly Derpy: Whatever.

小马, 柯尔特 Saten: Just please don't tell your mom that this happened at my house.. She'll automatically blame me. Like she always dose..

Filly Derpy: Fine. Whatever. Just as long as nobody makes fun of.

小马, 柯尔特 Saten: Relax. No one is gonna make fun of yo-

Reggie: Hey! Nice eyes Derpy.. Makes 你 look even stupider then before..

Filly Derpy: *whimpers*

Saten: Hey.. Screw off Reggie. Nobody likes you.

Reggie: Screw off.. But I only just started.. (continues making fun of Derpy).

Saten: Whatever.. I'm just trying to put this 刀 away (shows a 面包 knife).

(suddenly the famish rainboom happened, and it shook the ground causing Saten to loose his balance and unintentionally stab Reggie with a 刀 he was about to put away, accidantally killing him)

Filly Derpy: (turning away from window) 嘿 cuz did 你 se- OH MY GOD!!

小马, 柯尔特 Saten: I'm sorry!

Filly Derpy: Is that Reggie!? DID 你 STAB REGGIE!?

小马, 柯尔特 Saten: It was an accident!

Filly Derpy: How can it be an accident!?

小马, 柯尔特 Saten: I'M SOR-



Saten tosses the body into the ocean.

Filly Derpy: (anxiously pacing) Oh.. What if they find us!? I'm too cute for jail!

小马, 柯尔特 Saten: Try to keep your voice down.. And besides. They can't find us. We threw both the body and the 刀 into the ocean.

Filly Derpy: (still pacing) But there's always a way.. Don't 你 ever watch those crime shows?

Filly Saten: Relax.. Go 首页 and put 大麻 into some of your muffins and chill.

小马, 柯尔特 Derpy: That's just it.. That's usually how I would handle this type of situation. But.. I'm just too frightened.

(awkward silence).

Filly Derpy; We have to leave town.

小马, 柯尔特 Saten: Leave town?.. But what about Glaze and Trixie?

Filly Derpy: We're send them letters.

小马, 柯尔特 Saten: But Derp-

Filly Derpy: Pleease.. I'll make me feel so much safer.

小马, 柯尔特 Saten: Fine.. Anything for 你 cuz. But the only one who knows a good way to getta of town is Glaze's ex boyfriend, Chimney Sweep.

Filly Derpy: But.. He's in jail.

小马, 柯尔特 Saten; Then we just have to bust him out.. Besides. He was always so nice too me.



小马, 柯尔特 Chimney: (throws Saten against 墙 violently)

小马, 柯尔特 Saten: Oh, ho.. Now your gonna beat me up? That's exactly why I called 你 an asshole in the first place!

小马, 柯尔特 Chimey: SHUT UP! (violently beats him up).



小马, 柯尔特 Saten: Yep. We shared some good times.



Patrol board member: Do 你 believe, in your best judgment, that 你 have been rehabilitated?

Chimney: Rehabilitated? It's just a stupid, made-up word, so boys like 你 can sit behind a desk, wear a fancy suit, and feel important. You're a jerk, and I had sex with your mother last night. And I swear to God, 你 let me outta here, first thing I'm gonna do is kill again!

Patrol board member: (approves him for bail).


Chimney: Well. Thanks for bailing me out 你 two.

Filly Derpy: No problem.

小马, 柯尔特 Chimney: Shit Derpy. What happened to your eyes!? 你 look like a 小狗 that was chewed up 由 an even bigger puppy. Hahahah- but seriously, 你 look great.

Filly Derpy: Look. We need 你 to help us get out of town. My cousin ended up killing Reggie.

Chimney: Well nobody is gonna miss him anyway.


YEARS LATER, (their all at their current age).


Derpy: Oh no. The line is so long. We're never get aboard.

Chimney: (imitating an sarcastic Rarity) Oh no, what EVER shall we do.

Chimney: (normal voice) Watch and learn my dear... (suddenly he takes out a live and loaded handgun and fires it several times into the air, successfully causing panic, and all the ponies ahead of them ran away in fear). There, problem salved. Now 你 two better hurry on there.

Saten: Aren't 你 gonna come?

Chimney: 你 kidding. This train is heading to Ponyville. That place is as stupid as it gets, I can see why 你 chose it.



Derpy: This works out for the best. I was tired of my stupid, dead end job.



Derpy: (literary hammering a dead end road sign) THIS JOB SUCKS!



Stallion: Hey. Can 你 idiots keep it down!

Saten: Hey. No need for that.

Stallion: Just shut up. Just go back to talking to the crossed eyed freak over there.

Saten: *angrily* Before I knock out every single one of your teeth.. I'm gonna give 你 a final chance to apologize for that remark.

Stallion: I never apologize for the trut- (gets violently punched in the face, but surprisingly 由 Derpy instead of Saten).

Stallion: 你 aggressive woman! (runs off crying like baby).

Derpy: Wimp!

Saten: Right uh.. So what now?

Saten: Only one thing too do..



Saten and Derpy are seen sharing a weed joint, as only 'one' was able to be sneaked aboard.

Derpy: (stoned) I.. I'm telling you. T The only reason we die.. I Is because we except it as an inevitability.

Saten: ... (stoned laugh and points at the joint) This shit is AWESOME! (they both laugh, and high five).


The train finally arrived in Ponyville. Almost instantly, Pinkie Pie was there to reach introduce herself. She still knew the Rarity, Applejack, 彩虹 and Fluttershy back then. But the others never met each other yet.

Pinkie: Welcome to Ponyville.

Derpy: Wow.. Back in Fillydefia. We would of gotten robbed 由 now.

Saten: (shrugs unsurely).

Pinkie: Want me to give 你 a tour?

Derpy: We.. We don't have any money.

Pinkie: (pets Derpy's head) Oh. Your so silly, 你 don't need money for this.

Derpy: Okay then.. As long as 你 don't pet me like that. We'll be happy to.

Pinkie: (pets her head again) great.

Derpy: (groans)

Saten: (snickers to himself).


Pinkie showed Derpy and Saten all over Ponyville, eventually they ended up at sweet 苹果 aches.

Saten: (eyes widen) 冬青, 冬青树 cow.. Who's that!?

Pinkie: Oh that.. That's Applejack.

Saten: She's.. Beauitful.

Derpy: I guess.. But say Pinkie here prettier.

Pinkie: Aw, your sweet. :)

Pinkie: (calling out) 嘿 AppleJack! Come meet the new folks!

AJ: (comes over) greetings.

Saten: (has trouble finding his tongue)..

AJ: Are ya okay?

Saten: Yeah.. It's just.. (sigh) would 你 go out with me?

AJ: (pauses)... Sure.

Saten: R Really?

AJ: Sure. Why not.. Just give me an 小时 或者 so (leaves)

Pinkie: Wow, impressive.

Saten: Really? Cause I almost shitted myself.

Derpy: Oh trust me Saten, I'm sure 你 two would be perfect together.



AJ: (sadly) Ah.. Ah think we need ta break up

Saten: (holding large wine bottle, having finally opened it) What!? Why!?

AJ: It's.. It's just not working out.

Saten: Why!?

AJ: Well.. For one thing. I'm pretty sure an alcoholic.

Saten: No I not! (ends up chugging down the entire bottle of wine in less then five minutes, much to AJ's shock).

Saten: (burbs)... What? I was thirsty.

AJ: Look sugercube.. I'm sorry, your just not my type. But I do like being your friend. I'm sure your find someone, but it's not me.



Everyone was enjoying the party. Derpy was invited, but Saten wasn't as Pinkie felt it'll be too awkward between him and AppleJack. However it's Derpy that becomes the problem as she becomes a bit over overprotective and tricks AJ into eating pot covered 松饼 as revenge for hurting Saten.

AJ: (eating it quickly) this is delicious. What's in it?

Derpy: Oh 你 know. Dough. Blueberries.. Bit of pot.

AJ: (nervously) What was that last part?

Derpy: ... Raisins.

AJ: That's not what 你 said!

Derpy: Whatever. Just be glad this is a party for that new girl. Because your gonna be hungry.. A lot.


After the party. Derpy found Saten Twist sitting sadly ontop of a hill, holding a 蛋酒, 蛋奶酒 box and drinking from it.

Derpy: 嘿 cuz.. Still upset about AppleJack?

Saten: Well. It's not JUST Applejack. It's just.. I'm starting to realize. Nobody loves me.. Not Glaze, not AppleJack. Not even my own mother. ESPECIALLY not my mother..

Derpy: That's not true.. Someone would always 爱情 you.. Me!

Saten: (chuckles) fair enough (kisses her cheek). Eggnog?

Derpy: Laxtose.

Saten: : It's just Vodka. Stopped being 蛋酒, 蛋奶酒 about two hours ago.

Derpy: in that case (grabs it and takes hug drink out of it).

Saten: (laughs) hey, save some for me.

Derpy: Right. Sorry.. (hands it back to him).

Saten: (takes anouther drink of it).

Derpy: (looks around, and wraps her arm around Saten) All in all.. I think we're gonna like it here.

Saten: (burps) sorry.



Trixie Lulamoone (old childhood friend of Saten): I'm glad your finally over AppleJack.. Who needs her anyway. She didn't understand you.. 你 need someone who understands you.. Someone who 你 knew your entire life..

Saten: 你 mean Derpy?

Trixie: Well, sure, Derpy.. But I meant some else who knew 你 for your entire life. And she always had a thing for you.. Who knows.. She might be sitting wait in front of you.

Saten: (oblivious) I honestly have no idea what your going on about Trixie. But your voice is soothing, and strangely I feel better.. (happily) Thanks, 你 always such a great friend.

Trixie: (sighs) Sure... Friend.

Saten: (gets up) Anyway. I gotta go.. (leaves).

Trixie: (sighs) Guess Trixie's paying again..


Saten: Your dating Master Sword?!

Derpy: What's the big deal?

Saten: He's nuts. Don't 你 remember when I first met him.



Saten: (a 年 或者 two ago) Excuse me. I'm looking for the owner this business?

Mare: Wait though there (points at Master Swords office)

Saten: (starting going in).

Master Sword: (hiding behind wall) Come on. Come on.

Saten: (walks in) Excuse me I-

Sword: (tackles him and start violently beating him up)... (stops).. Sorry. (pants). I thought 你 were the mafia.

Saten: N No I'm Saten Twist.

Sword: Who?

Saten: I've been asked to interview you.

Sword: Interview!?. (eyes narrow) Well. 你 can't interview a dead man now CAN YOU! (jumps out the four story window, and ends up going into ambulance, and he waves evily to Saten, as Saten watches him get lifted into the ambulance).



Derpy: Look. Dating him is my own choice, I'm a grown woman, besides I have a good feeling about this guy.

(doorbell rings)

Derpy: (claps happily) Oh. He's here!..

Master Sword: (waiting at other side of door, spraying mouth spray. But it ends up going into his eye, due to bad aim, and he begins freaking out, and unfortantly Derpy sees him doing so).

Derpy: Um.. (giggles cutely) Nervous much?

Sword: I.. I, I, I..

Derpy: (kisses his cheek)

Sword: Umm... (awkwardly) Okay. So that happened.

Derpy: (closes door and start walking a bit) Any plan?

Sword: Well I-

Saten: (bursts open door) HAHA! Keep away from my precious little flower!

Derpy: (gasps)

Saten: 你 guys almost stepped on it (rakes lone 花 on the front yard).

Derpy: (growls) Saten!

Saten: What?

Derpy: Forget.. Let's just go Swordy (takes Master Sword's hoof, and starts leading the way).


Scootaloo: Whatever they decide AppleBloom. We're here for you.

SB: Yeah, even if it changes things forever and ever.

Scootaloo: Yeah. Because either way. We've been though worse.


CUTAWAY (spoof towards my OWN story):

Spike: Wait, are 你 drunk.

Ditto: (drunk) I've been out he-(hiccup)-re for a WHile.. Who here thinks I can kick my own ass!?

SB: (raises hoof into the air, as to vote for a "yes").

Ditto: (gags).

Scoot: Are 你 gonna be sick mister?

Ditto: Yes. I need to go throw up. B But then I'll be back.. T To tell y'all my plans.. (runs off).


Ditto: (flies into view, but still holding empty 啤酒 bottle).. Alright. I'm back, and I'm MUCH 更多 sober.

Spike: We sincerely doubt that.. But if 你 say so.

Ditto: Alright.. My name is Ditto. 你 probably heard of me.

Spike: Yes! 你 kidnapped Twilight!

Ditto: Who?.. Oh, right, her.. But look. Either way.. 你 guys are part of my plan now, and I'm never gonna release you, not ti-.. (the Cusaders are seen giving 小狗 eyes).. Stop doing that! That isn't fair!. (they containue).. Seriously! It's too much.. Just sto- (he gets tackled 由 Rainbow, and ends up in a fist fight)..

Rainbow: I'll kick your ass!

Ditto: We're see. (breaks the bottle on a tree, but a piece falls into his eye socket, interrupting the scene).. AHH! Glass in my eye! Glass in my EYE!

Scoot: Dose it hurt?


SB: Push against the side of your eye.

Ditto: (starts doing so) It's not working!

Rainbow: Really gotta twist at it.

Ditto: I'm TWISTING!

SB: Now take it out. With ANOUTHER piece of glass!

Ditto: Are 你 FRIGGIN insane!?

SB: (awkwardly) .. I I'll get a first aid kit (runs to do so)



SB: Yes.. How can we forget about that guy. 你 still write to him Scootaloo, after he was reformed and all?

Scoot: (proudly) sure do.. He's police chief now.

AB: Makes since.

Granny Smith: (comes into view) We have decided.. Your old enough to stay 首页 and handle the chores for us, the whole afternoon.

Crusaders: (gasps)

AB: Ah accept your decision.

Crusaders: (cheer)
added by Usui--takumi
Source: My friend
added by Tamar20
added by Smib
added by alizoula
added by TDIlover226
Source: Various websites
added by Cliff040479
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/77371316@N00/72816738/
added by EminemAddict09
Source: my awesomeness
posted by Bluekait
An expert farmer is outstanding in her field.

An incompetent ship captain grounds the warship he walks on.

Camels live in Camelfornia.

Cannibals like to meat people.

Hands are like bells, especially when they're wrung.

How about the 熊 that was hit 由 an 18-wheeler and splattered all over the place? They 说 it was a grizzly accident.

How about the man who ran through a screen door? He strained himself.

If life is like a bowl of cherries, what's the 葡萄干 for living?

In some places fog will never be mist.

Once upon a time, a tribe of cannibals caught a saint sent to them as a missionary...
continue reading...
posted by nmdis

You speak to me
And in your words I hear a melody
But in the twilight it's so hard to see
What's wrong for me

I can't resist
Until 你 give the truth a little twist
As if you're gonna get away with this
You're not sorry

I can't believe I fell for this

I fell through the hole
Down at the bottom of your soul
Didn't think 你 could go
So low
Look at what you've done
You're losing me
Here's what you've won
Got me planning to go

你 sing to me
Too bad 你 couldn't even stay on key
If your life is such a mystery
Why don't 你 stick to acting?

Here 你 go again...
continue reading...
posted by nmdis

Living in fear
Is not what 你 had
In mind for me
But holding to you
Is so hard
I cling to what I see

In a world where my emotions
Seem to rule my every move
They will challenge my devotion
To seek and know the truth

You're piercing me
This self will bleed
You're killing all
Of my securities
Lord, help me see the reality
That all I'll ever need is You

Here in this haze a distant light
Seems to draw me near
But in the shadow of my doubt
My faith just disappears

In a world where my emotions
Seem to rule my every move
They will challenge my devotion
To seek and know the truth

continue reading...
posted by nmdis
She fell in 爱情 with a dope boy
Black diamonds on the neck of that dope boy
Big body Benz for that dope boy
Love every tattoo on that dope boy
She sheds tears for that dope boy
Shit, it is what it is for that dope boy
Handle minor biz for that dope boy
But the reward is major, so on and so forth
She can tell 你 由 the Greyhound
She can 显示 你 how to stay down
I can tell 你 'bout to break down
VS1's all in my 婊子, 子 watch face now
Straight G's for your low esteem
A.P's for the whole team
As I run away from my obituary
Walking in the shit that'll get 你 buried
Miami's mine like I'm Pat Riley
continue reading...
posted by nmdis
Come and Get it
When you're ready come and get it (x2)
Na na na (x3)

When you're re-e-a-dy (x2)

When you're ready come and get it
Na na na (x3)

You ain’t gotta worry it’s an open invitation
I’ll be sittin’ right here real patient
All 日 all night I’ll be waitin’ standby
Can’t stop because I 爱情 it, hate the way I 爱情 you
All 日 all night maybe I’m addicted for life, no lie.
I’m not too shy to 显示 I 爱情 you, I got no regrets.
I 爱情 你 much to, much to hide you, this 爱情 ain’t finished yet. This 爱情 ain’t finished yet…
So baby whenever you’re ready…

continue reading...
Chapter One: Salvador

Silver Monroe skipped up the stone steps to Westover High School. Silver could have easily gotten almost any boy she wanted; only she had yet to find the one meant for her. She walked swiftly down the long hallways to her first class; math.

After about ten 分钟 the boy sitting behind her raised his hand, asking for water. Silver had been in mostly the same classes as him almost the entire 年 and she had never heard him talk before. She had never really even noticed him before. He had long, blonde hair that was almost white and black eyes. The teacher, Mrs. Taylor dismissed...
continue reading...
June 17th 100,000,000 BC 12 O'clock at night
Four children are born, quadruplets, the youngest born at the strike of midnight. The first child is named Queverial, the 秒 Ceelarion, the third Ierailiasha, and the last one is named Mist. The father decides the last child should have a complex name as the others do but the mother has made up her mind that Mist is the perfect name.
Then she sends them through the mirror of fate to find there destiny and they may never return if they do not find it in time.

January 21st 90,000,000 BC 3:30 P.M.
The children grow up living in the chosen lands...
continue reading...
Just a few things before the story; one, if there's something 你 don't like about it, please tell me! I want it to be as good as it can be. ^-^ Just please tell me in a respectful way, please. I would appreciate that. Thank you.
Also, this story will be a little (well, 更多 than a little) bloody and violent, and there may be some cussing later on. Just a warning.
That being said, I hope 你 like it!

Gnarled branches. Green leaves grew from them—green leaves spotted with yellows and reds. They rustled dryly, talking of the upcoming season of autumn....
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(Jade’s POV)

“John…I’m bored” I whined to my friend in the other room. “Well i’m sorry Jade, but i don’t know what do do about that” John 说 walking in with a bowl of 爆米花 he popped himself. “What about Rose and Dave?” I asked sneaking some 爆米花 away from the bowl. “What about them?” Dave asked sitting the bowl on the coffee 表 in the middle of the room. “Can we invite them over? And can 你 change out of the girl’s uniform?” I asked. He cheeks grew pink, “It’s comfortable.” “Oh John, 你 little boy” I 说 ruffling his hair up. “Fine Jade,...
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posted by Bluekait
There are some things about Justin Bieber, this "role model" for kids, that 你 may not know. Sorry to any of the Beliebers out there.

He's attacked and screamed obscenities at photographers. [1] He says rape happens for a reason. [2] He wrote in the guest book at Anne Frank's house that he "wishes she was a Belieber." [3] When he was asked to try being vegan, he spit out the vegan 牛扒, 牛排 that was specially prepared for him and made gagging sounds. [4] He peed in a restaurant kitchen. [5] He's frequently late to his own concerts. [6] He's been kicked out and banned from places for throwing temper...
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Now, there's no denying that Dani is pretty adorable. She's playful and immature, just like a little girl should be, as 你 can see from the scene where she comes out of the closet and scares Max. She has the spirit of a cute little girl, as she loves trick-or-treating.

However, after the first few 分钟 of screen time she has, her character started going downhill for me. She screams for her mother at the 最佳, 返回页首 of her lungs when Max refuses to take her trick-or-treating, which makes me think she's spoiled. She's 表演 all tough and 《勇敢传说》 against 松鸦, 杰伊, 杰伊 · and Ernie "Ice", but ends up doing this...
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posted by justinfangrrl
Hello, and Welcome to my article; in this 文章 I will tell 你 about the environment, what's happening now, what will happen VERY soon if we continue to pollute the earth and what we can do to stop it.

I will also tell 你 about the Idle no more movement and the First Nations who are leading it; it's trying to save the environment, like me.

So read and enjoy; perhaps I shall educate 你 in a good way.

Everything in this 文章 is true and based on Scientific, religious and environmental research and up to 日期 facts.


Remember when the whole 2012 thing happened? Yeah, that was funny... Here...
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We all know what rednecks in 'Murica do best, partying, drinking and being stupid as fuck, but this might surprise you.

Sources close to the death investigation say it's likely Shain died from carbon monoxide poisoning.

"Buckwild" 星, 星级 Shain Gandee was found dead in a vehicle in West Virginia this morning ... 31 hours after the 21-year-old 音乐电视 reality 星, 星级 had been reported missing, this according to law enforcement.

According to officials, Gandee, his 48-year-old uncle David Gandee, and a third unidentified body were discovered dead in the vehicle in Sissonville, West Virginia. There was no sign...
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