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posted by zutaradragon
    Police are investigating a 火, 消防 at a local school building, which was full of what are now dead children and teachers. 或者 at least, presumed dead, as no bodies have actually been found. There was only one person left: a seemingly deranged babbling female teacher speaking of a giant blob, of sorts. The police instantly dismissed her ramblings as those of a traumatized and stressed mind and went back to work. Their investigation turned up large amounts of sulfur, which was very odd and completely unexplained. Most dismissed it, saying that the science labs must have just gotten some for an experiment. There was no way to 确认 或者 deny this, as all paperwork that may 或者 may not have existed as proof was burned in the fire. Looking back, it's amazing that woman survived.
    The entire building had been reduced to rubble and a brick shell, and somehow she found her way to the only spot untouched 由 the flames. It was a very small room, 更多 of a closet, really. The most probable reason it was untouched was simply because it was empty inside...just a brick square room. She stated she'd thrown all of the things out of the room in fear that they may catch fire. In addition, it was the only room with a steal door, so it wouldn't be burned...and it was just big enough for her to sit in the middle and not be burned 由 the walls around her...
    She was found with sulfur poisoning...only just below deadly amounts. They pulled out a bluish woman with boils and bumps, who was wide-eyed and rambling incoherently. It was clear she was using her ramblings to keep herself awake. Her blue tint was caused 由 Cyanosis, a common symptom of extreme sulfur poisoning...her skin looked burned, whether from 火, 消防 或者 sulfur was to remain unknown. She was barely able to breathe and yet...she kept rambling, as if it were important that she tell us her story, important that we know...
    As I said, when she was recovered from the wreckage of what was once a rather peaceful school she was talking about some large black blob...uh...she was switching constantly between an octopus, a slug, and a dragon in her story. Supposedly it was pitch black with piercing yellow eyes that had fiery 橙子, 橙色 rims and cat-like pupils...those are the only constants as to what she said...other then one other...disturbing feature...she 说 it started in a human form and it's skin appeared to crack and shed off when it became this thing...
    Now, as an avid 粉丝 of Supernatural, I thought instantly of the shape shifters. It was confirmed that she, too, enjoyed the show, and she was also really into mythology, as it was part of her job. She taught theater arts. Everyone assumed that these two things, combined with stress and the horror of the fire, caused her brain to create whatever this thing was. However, I wanted to hear the story from her myself.
    At one point, (mostly out of curiosity, admittedly) I went to the woman's house, just to find out. She seemed relieved that someone was willing to listen to and to understand this horrible thing that happened. Honestly I, as well, thought she was probably insane. The only reason I went was so I could finally write my first story to go up on Creepypasta. Call it “The ramblings of a mad woman” 或者 something like that. It wasn't...It wasn't until I sat and listened to the vividness to which she could recount the entire day's happenings that I began to realize just how real it was. 或者 at least, how real her mind believed it to be…
    For the sake of brevity I'll recount a summery of what she said...It still sends chills up my spine, just thinking of it. If this…whatever it was...if this creature is real...I fear the worse...
    The 日 had started well enough. It was a bright, sunny day, she said. Not a 云, 云计算 in the sky save one little wisp, which was too small and light to be counted. Nothing notable happened in the morning, it was a Wednesday, she recalled. The only thing, really, that was slightly out of the ordinary was the substitute, Mr. Bradner, was running about 5 分钟 late.
    This was odd because Mr. Bradner was always very prompt. He was, in fact, usually early. They all shrugged it off as the issues with his alarm he 说 he'd been having, something about it not going off despite it having been set for the correct time. He'd told her it was an older alarm and he'd been needing a new one. He was in such a rush to get there he'd left his phone at home, 或者 else he'd have called. It didn't really bother them, though. He was the forgetful type, so this seemed to suit him. To her, though, there was something a little off. She'd shrugged it off as paranoia and moved on, but she'd sworn up and down his eyes had been brown...not the coppery yellow color they were that day. Because he wasn't wearing his glasses, she'd just assumed he'd gotten contacts.
    That morning had gone as normal, a much calmer 日 even then normal. In her words it was the “calm before the storm.”, because things started to go wrong about lunch time. Oh it started off only vaguely...creepy. 你 know, the normal horror story lights flickering constantly and occasional incandescent bulb busting in it's socket when one 或者 two got much to bright. Just normal stuff and, despite me expecting this to come in at some point, it still made my 心 race when she told it. Just her...her tone told me she had been sucked back into memories...and so I listened intently...
    She 说 that the entire place reeked of sulfur so badly that she'd gotten a headache. It wasn't like normal smells, she'd added. It was just, very suddenly…there. There was no fade in; it was 更多 like someone had cracked a horribly rotten egg just under her nose. Needless to say, this caused a massive panic and everyone was rushed to nearby doors. However, when they got there, they found every single door leading outside, including the emergency exits, to be locked. Several teachers and janitors alike tried busting out the windows but no matter what they used the windows stood firm, as if something else was holding them together. Several teachers and kids pulled out cell phones, but no one got any signal.
    One of the children screamed at the 最佳, 返回页首 of her lungs and pointed, shaking, at one of the vents. They'd all turned and seen a black, oily, sludge ooze out of it, just before all the lights went out. One of the maintenance workers ran off, carefully avoiding the slime, and within a few 秒 the lights came back on...only to start glowing far to brightly, sending glass shards raining over all of them with a very loud Pop. The maintenance worker...was never seen after that.
    In the blind panic she'd forgotten she hadn't seen Mr. Bradner. At first, she was worried but then she recalled he always locked up his room and walked a block away to his 最喜爱的 三明治 shop. She felt relief wash over her. If he was still out when he came back and realized all that was happening, then he could help! She announced this to all of the students and teachers she had with her and, eventually, all of the students and teachers from all the classes and grades seemed to have the same idea: go to the center of the school. Her group met up with another group on the way there, only to find several had already gathered. The masses of students and teachers all thought “If there's going to be an attack it'll have to come from outside.” They would later find out they assumed this incorrectly. The teachers all put on a false confidence and went to work trying to sooth the younger students, when something even worse happened.
    One of the younger and more...inquisitive...students sat, trembling and wheezing, towards the edge of the group. She was choking and managed to cough something about black slime before her face went blue. Her labored breathing told everyone near that something was very wrong. When she'd walked over she noticed the child had some of the slime on her face 由 her lip, her face went pale. This child was known for, as she 说 it, “finding out if something ought to be put into her mouth 由 putting it in her mouth” but the fact that she'd thought strange black sludge would be a good thing to even touch...she told me she'd had to force back vomit as she'd called over a nurse.
    Suddenly and...oddly...there was light. Faint...dim...almost nonexistent…light. Several of them had felt relief, thinking it must be that not all of the bulbs went out. None of them noticed that the color of the glow was an eery dark purple, like a black light that was just about to go out. She was the only one 《勇敢传说》 enough to look up. She 说 she'd instantly regretted that choice, for when she did a blob of glowing black ooze dropped onto her forehead, narrowly missing her eye. She shrieked, wiping it away instantly. Soon, everyone was looking up and screaming. They all scattered, the little bit of pseudo control the teachers had thought they had, not only over the students but also over themselves, left them very quickly.
    She, however, was 《冰雪奇缘》 in place for the moment, remembering the child. When she looked, there was slime completely covering her...all but her face, which was twisted in agony, her mouth open in a scream which could not be heard. She was sure she could do nothing to help the girl and, quickly snapping out of her brief sadness, ran as well.
    After that, she said, everything became a blur of running and screaming and 更多 running. 由 now most of the walls were covered in black, and the smell of sulfur was impossibly strong. She would glance into rooms and see long black tentacles shoot out from the black sludge 或者 the vents 或者 any number of places, grab students and teachers alike, and she would run even faster. She didn't want to see what became of them, but at one point she accidentally ran into a dead end and saw a giant mouth, lined with sharp teeth, at the entrance of the vent before she turned and ran the other way.
    The school seemed a lot bigger now. Almost…Maze-like, she explained. She'd been teaching there for five years, and she swore that there were hallways now that hadn't existed before, added rooms and hallways that were completely foreign to her as she ran. She just pushed herself to keep running until she reached a place that she knew: her own classroom. She rushed in, locked the door behind her, and half fell into her chair. She couldn’t…no, wouldn’t…run anymore. She just sat there, frightened and exhausted, listening to the sounds of screams all around her. She knew she wasn't safe, 由 any means of the word, she added when I questioned her. The important thing was she felt safe, even though everything in her head told her she wasn't her 心 could calm down...even if only for a few seconds. She could look up on stage and through the costumes and masks and feel almost...at ease. I should mention the reason these things were in her room is because she was a drama coach, 或者 whatever your school calls them. This was yet another reason no one would believe her. She did mostly ancient plays revolving around myths.
    But then the screaming stopped and, for a few moments, there was silence...precious peace...broken 由 a pounding at the door and a child screaming for her to let him in. She walked to the door and looked at him. She didn't recognize him but she shrugged it off. There were so many children in the school, there were bound to be a few that she didn’t know. That, and he appeared to be about six 或者 seven, and she taught 4th graders. When she let the blond boy in, she asked if there were any others. He shook his head, saying he'd been looking for his teacher and couldn't find her. Things took a strange turn when she asked the boy his name...he told her that he didn't have one...
    His eyes...they suddenly went from ocean blue to a golden, sickening yellow, his pupils suddenly lined with 橙子, 橙色 and red. He grinned a grotesque grin which stretched comically across his face, bearing horribly pointed teeth on a face with was becoming 更多 and 更多 dragon-like, 或者 cat-like…one of the two. She wasted no time in running to the door, only to find it stuck shut with black ooze.
    “You...are the last one left. I was INTENDING to eat all of the adults FIRST,” He had growled, the skin of the once beautiful boy ripping away slightly, and his voice slowly changing from childish to completely demonic. “but 你 just wouldn't slow down...and your damned room doesn't have a vent! No worries though...” His, 或者 rather, its voice had changed completely, and the boy’s skin had completely peeled away and was laying on the ground “Even if I don't get to eat you, the flames will happily finish 你 off.”
    She then proceeded to describe the monster before going on. It was so detailed I'm going to have an artist sketch it later, but in case this gets up and out before the sketch is done, here's what she 说 as briefly as I can make it, for purposes of this story. She 说 it had a body like a slug...only very narrow. It had what looked like the belly plates of a snake on it's back. Eight tentacles were used as legs, and it's back ended in a tail...a long, spiked tail like a scorpion...but on the other side of the tail hung something. This thing...it looked like a 交叉, 十字架 between a cage and a lantern...the glowing ooze dripped from it, she said. It's entire body was glossy, but it's head, it's horrible face…what she described...
    It sounded like some sort of mutant from a movie...it was slightly humanoid, she'd said. It had what looked like very small ears and giant golden eyes with slime oozing from them...but it also had two smaller eyes above those, presumably to cover some of its blind spots. It had a feline nose but the head was plated like that of a dragon. It also had tentacles 由 its nose that looked like whiskers, 2 on each side. It's mouth though...the way she described it's mouth...she 说 from directly in front it was very cat-like but from the side 你 could see just how...messed up it was. It took up most of it's head and appeared to have extra joints. Where the corner of a normal mouth would be she 说 it was “M” shaped, and even the bend was lined with teeth. There were parts just behind where the whisker tentacles where the mouth was pulled up into a point, like some sort of monstrous grin, but instead of gums like 你 might expect, the teeth there just seemed to be larger to fill the gap. It's mouth oozed saliva as black as the rest of it's body. It's also worth mentioning, she added, that it took up well over half of the room.
    How is it, then, that she got such a close look at this monster? I was quick to ask and she was slow to answer. She looked not as if she was unsure of it but…more as though the answer itself still baffled her...
    She stated it twitched, almost like a machine that got hit 由 water. She quickly ducked under the 台, 办公桌 to avoid being hit 由 the flailing tentacles and then...it was gone. She could still hear growling but the creature itself was gone. She breathed a sigh and thought it was over. She got up and out from under the desk, only to see the pile of skin suddenly burst into flames. She ran again, remembering the sulfur and just how flammable it is in such massive amounts. Most of the slime was gone, but she wasn't even thinking about that. Her mind was still picturing that thing following her and, even though she couldn't hear it, she wasn't taking any chances. She found the untouched storage closet, removed everything, jumped in, and sat as she suddenly realized she'd ran through a small pile of slime which was now on her leg. And, well...you know the rest of the story.
    It was all over the news, parents calling police because their child hadn't come 首页 and it was well over an 小时 after school was out, police and 火, 消防 trucks rushing to the school. 你 know, a bit of normal in the story of disbelief.
    That would satisfy any normal person's curiosity. I thanked her politely and left, assuring her that I believed her, not just to console her as 你 may think, but because I had begun to. However, I wasn't quite satisfied with this because there was no proof, other then the sulfur the police found in massive amounts at the scene. I began to do some research and find where this thing could have gone to...and how...
    Presuming it shares qualities with an octopus, it would have few 或者 no 识骨寻踪 or, perhaps, just very flexible bones. It is a monster, after all. That’s the only name 你 could give something like this. It seemed unlikely that anything of that size could fit down any drain, but there was a man-hole just outside the school. I went to look and, sure enough, here were traces of a black slime that reeked of sulfur just inside. That was the first clue I got that this thing...whatever it is...exists...
    I say 'first' because, well…there’s more...Earlier today I found a bit of the same black slime sitting at the bottom of the toilet...and in the sink...and the shower...pretty much everywhere in the house that was connected to water pipes, there was black ooze...I smell sulfur...and just a few moments ago...when I took a drink...I saw golden eyes reflecting in the glass when I put it down...
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Source: 谷歌
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Source: Internet
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Source: 图片
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Source: Tumblr
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Source: Tumblr
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added by EimieRose
posted by VoicesInMyHead
Disclaimer. I don't own anything but the question. May be SLIGHTLY offensive, I think, not sure, but VERY funny. Enjoy and PLEASE comment!!!

Q: name two benefits of having a general ledger.

A: 1. Well, a zombie soldier is pretty cool, but a CELEBRITY zombie soldier is AWESOME!!!!! no one can win aqainst a ZOMBIE!!!!!!! Plus who would want to hurt Heath, he's too freakin awesome!!!!!! So, any battle you're in, 你 can't lose!!!!!!!

2. 你 just KNOW his fangirls are gonna 加入 your army! The sheer NUMBERS are gonna give 你 an advantage!!!!!!! 你 can't lose!!!!!!! You'd be INVINCIBLE!!!!!!!! WORLD DOMINATION IF 你 WANT!!!!!!!!!

And those are two benefits of having a General Ledger!!!!!

Teacher's note: Genral ledger is a BUISSINESS term, NOT an idea to take over the world with an army of fangirls and celebrity zombies!
posted by LUV_4_BIEBER
I find your smile 不可思议的
Passion unsustainable
My 心 beats faster and faster whenever your
Only to come to a cold stop when she passes by
My tears will go on forever
My smile isn’t real
And my 心 is 分裂, 拆分 in two
Every thought I ever had about 你 are buzzing in my head
I pray one 日 i'll be under your arm
Holding your hand
接吻 your lips
I hope one 日 你 dry my tears
See right through my fake smile
And repair my broken heart
posted by selenagomezfan7
Hi I'm Chelsea I Was Born December 3 1996 in Dallas Texas I'm 14 Years Old!! Now I'm Living In Brazil!! ...... I'm Kinda Tall I Way 107 Pounds ......I'm White With Blond Hair Hazel Eyes ..... My 最喜爱的 Tv Shows Are Wizards Of Waverly Place Drake&Josh Of Course My 最喜爱的 Singers Are Justin Bieber Selena Gomez 鸭, 德雷克 Bell!☆ ..... My 最喜爱的 Songs Are Selena Gomez Round & Round Justin Bieber Baby 鸭, 德雷克 钟, 贝尔 Our 爱情 My 格言 I 爱情 Being Alive :☆ ....,More Just Message Me In My 收件箱 Thanks Ooh Please Comment
posted by CUTEDXC
tips to get boys :)

1.NEVER right a poem about them at your birthday party in front of every one

2.dont cheat on them u will be sorry

3.be honest

4.right down the 日 u met dated and be came a thing to let him now u care

5.never act crazy (that mean no 50 cups of coffe)

6.spend time with him

你 can trust me on this :)

7.he brakes up with u well i tryed mabey u dint follow my tips :3 cant help u there >:3

good luck 你 SAW NOTHING

NOTHING I TELL U >:3 NOTHING i have had lots of boyfriends my life i dumped them cuz there asses so i am taking my brake
hello fanpopers i'm writting this 文章 to talk about one of the best things i like about fanpop. I 爱情 all the amazing people here the ones who are so kind and caring i couldn't believe in my status i wrote i was kinda down and within two 分钟 over 5 people asked me if i was okay and helped me feel better. This is not the first time it happened either.
I 爱情 being on a site where 你 can have a group of 老友记 that 你 live far away from and have never actually meet and yet trust them and feel like they are your true friends. and have the feeling that they actually care for 你 its...
continue reading...
posted by TOTALIzzyluver
Sooo i continued my Druckies skik soooo here it is. Enjoy. and thx for the awesome coments on the last 1

Z:Hi Awesome!!

Awesome: 嘿 watz up??

Z: Pie

Awesome: what about pie??


Awesome: doesn't everybody??

Z: Your soo giggly

Awesome: What?

Z: OMG! theres a paper frilly under ur butt! (pokes at frilly)

Awesome: Theres a frilley under ur butt so u poke it??

Z: um? False? is this a trick question??

Awesome: Your a trick question

Z: and it took u that long 2 figure it out??

Awesome: ......

Z: Lets play uno

Awesome: sorry i dont speak spanish

Z: Pity...
continue reading...
posted by lilred96
mysterious 爱情

-chapter four-

He 说 "Hello June" in a com voice...my 心 melted 由 the sound of his soft voice,I wanted him too talk too me all day,but I new we had too get too class soon and I would have too wait two hours too see him again.So then I 说 "Hi mathew" I could here the classic 钢琴 playing a soft 爱情 song in my head.He handed me my jacket,and said"you forgot it yesterday"
I 说 "Oh thanks for returning it"and smiled a little bit he moved from my locker so I could put my bag up.Then he 说 "What class are 你 headed too?"
"Reading" I 说
He put his hands in his pockets...
continue reading...
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哈哈 I 爱情 this
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Ladybug playing with/eating sprinkles