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A week 以前 I made an 文章 of my 20 最喜爱的 animated heroines so I thought I'd make an 文章 for my 10 least 最喜爱的 animated heroines. I'm not going sugar code it, I'm going to be brutally honest because I really hate all these girls. Just so there's no confusion I wanna let 你 know that that number 10 is the one I hate the least and number one is the one I hate the most. Please leave a 评论 on what 你 think about this, enjoy.

10.Lady(Lady and The Tramp)

I know she's considered one of the most loved 迪士尼 heroines and the most loved of all the animal heroine but I really hate her. I think she's just really useless! Also I have to say she's REALLY stupid! She really didn't know what a baby was? I mean come on, she was like at least 16-18 in human perspective at the time. Shouldn't she know what a baby was 由 than? Also she really thought she could trust an alligator to help her get the muzel off? She actually put her head in his mouth? That's not being naive that's called being stupid! She wasn't lacking streetsmarts she was lacking common sense! Plus and I know this is debateable she actually had sex with someone she just met. I know that sounds weird but 嘿 they faded out, they were asleep, and they have kids at the end of the movie; so it's kind of debateable. Plus I just think she's completely useless and has no spark of heroic! Why do most animal heroines always have to be so useless? However she wasn't higher because I loved that scene where she tells off Tramp, I was impressed but that's the only time I actually like her. However I 爱情 her son, Scamp.

9.Esmeralda(The Hunchback of Notre Dame)

I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but please save all your boos for the end of the article. First of all I did like her in the first half of the movie; she was cool, brave, and wasn't afraid to speak against injustice. However in the 秒 half of the movie her character goes downhill. Also I wanna make it clear that she did know that Quasimodo had feelings for her; she kissed him on the cheek to get him to do what she wanted to obviously she must've known. This is one of the reasons I hate her; she manipulated a poor deformed man who always wanted a girl to 爱情 him. The main reason I hate her is because of Frollo was looking for her and was killing and ruining the lives of millions of innocent people. While all this is happening she's hiding and just watching like a selfish coward. She's a hypocrite, she claims to be someone who stands up for what she believes in but in this situation she's just a spinless coward hiding. The Esmeralda in the first half of the movie would've turned herself in to save everyone 或者 done something. It's like she has two completely different personalities. I really hate her when she kisses Pheobus right in front of Quasi. She knew he had feelings for her and could've at least waited until he was gone. She doesn't 显示 any concern for Quasimodo and just tells him to make sure nothing bad happens to her boyfriend. When Quasimodo and Pheobus come to warm her and the gypsies all she does is thank Pheobus. HELLO Quasimodo is the only one who had a map to the Court of Miracles, 你 might wanna thank him. I also wanna say that despite what people think, she's not heroic 或者 badass. The only reason people think she's badass is because of the scene at the festival where she was avoiding the guards but other than that she doesn't do anything much. Also she doesn't save anyone(besides Pheobus like once), actually she's constantly always getting saved herself 由 other people; Quasimodo, Pheobus, the preacher, the gypsies, the citizens, and even her pet goat. SERIOUSLY? A STINKIN GOAT! I also just gotta say that I hate the hype over her looks, I don't even think she's pretty at all, I find her homely. I really hate that Quasimodo risks his life and everything all just for her and she still just goes with the good looking guy. What's that suppose to teach people? Oh well her lose, besides Quasimodo gets a girl in the sequel who's a MILLION times better and prettier than Esmeralda. She's not higher because I actually like her in the first half of the movie but I still hate her.


I hated her from the moment I saw her in the movie. She was just so ANNOYING! For one I hate how her young version just kept constantly giggling like an idiot! I hate animated girls that are like that, thankfully there aren't any that brainless in real life. I just really hate how she was completely useless in the movie! She's actually and unnecessary character and her only reason for existance is just to be Bambi's 爱情 interest. I also don't believe she deserves someone as amazing as Bambi. She's just a bore! I can't believe she can't handle herself! I mean I know she has no antlers for protection but seriously she's not that useless! All she does in the movie is giggle constantly like an idiot, flirty with Bambi, act weak and useless, and constantly get into trouble. It's like the goes to use the bathroom and than suddenly she's in danger of being killed and needs someone to come and save her. I actually liked her in the sequel; she wasn't some idiot who constantly giggles, didn't always need someone to come and save her, and actually was sassy and charming. I suppose it's her lack of screentime that kept her from getting higher, since I had to suffer from the others longer.

7.Wendy(Peter Pan)

As many of 你 know I REALLY hate Wendy and find her to be completely spinless! Actually at the beginning of the movie I liked her and found her charming. However I started to hate her when she met Peter Pan, so it didn't exactly last long. She was so annoying how she wouldn't shut up! I mean come on doesn't this girl know how to shut u? Peter not all girls talk to much, just this one and some of the other girls on this list. I find her really stupid, like when 小叮当 called her a big ugly girl and she was laughing than after like 5 分钟 she realized she was being insulted. Seriously? It took her that long to realize she was being insulted? She really annoyed me how she couldn't even tell that 小叮当 was trying to lose her. Plus she actually took pity on 小叮当 after she tried to kill her. SERIOUSLY? NO ONE IS THAT NICE? She's such a mary-sue! I also found her really annoying how she got upset just because Peter and Tiger Lily were spending time together, 你 DON'T OWN HIM WENDY! She just never stands up to Peter. Also I like how she stood up to Hook but I hate how she doesn't try to fight like her daughter does. People say she can't because her brothers would be in danger, HELLO THEY ALREADY WERE! WHAT DOES SHE HAVE TO LOSE? SHE JUST WALKS THE PLANK WITHOUT A FIGHT! STUPID GIRL! She really has nothing going for her besides her pretty face. I liked her in the sequel as a mom, she was actually charming, smart, and not annoying. She's not higher because the others are just(surprisingly) 更多 annoying.

6.Clara(The Nutcracker)

I have to say I saw the movie recently and I just couldn't stand her. There were parts of the movie but mostly I just found her really irritating. First of all I find her really bratty! It's not going to kill her to let her little brother play with the Nutcracker, plus if she wasn't busy whining she would've noticed that he broke the toy and could've stopped him. So she shouldn't just blame him, it's just a little boy, I hate it when older siblings treat younger siblings like that. What really annoys me is how completely useless she is in the movie. She just stands and watches her toys and the Nutcracker fight the 老鼠, 鼠标 King and the other mice. HELLO, YOU'RE HUGE 你 COMPARED TO THEM! STEP ON THEM! KILL THEM! DO SOMETHING 你 IDIOT! Sure she does throw her shoe at the 老鼠, 鼠标 King but only right when he was about to kill the Nutcracker, if she just killed the 老鼠, 鼠标 King earlier they wouldn't be in that situation. Plus the 老鼠, 鼠标 King threatens to hurt her kitten she just begs him not to and than gets on her knees saying "Oh Nutcrack, what should I do?" STEP ON THE 老鼠, 鼠标 AND KILL HIM 你 IDIOT! SERIOUSLY? IS SHE THAT USELESS AND STUPID? Why is it they have to work so hard to make girls dainty little weaklings, they're not this dainty. Besides this isn't being dainty this is because a completely usless moron! Plus I have to say she's REALLY UGLY! At least Wendy stood up against the villian somewhat once and was actually pretty. She's not higher because there are parts where I find her charming.

5.Princess Pea(The Tale of Despereaux)

I've actually only seen this movie once and that was enough for me to know how much I hate her! All she did was whine and mope around the palace, was rude to her servant, assumed things, and was a weak damsel in distress who just screamed. I mean she just whines about how sad the kingdom is, she could do something to help make the kingdom happy again, SHE'S THE STINKIN PRINCESS! Also she just treats her servant girl like garbage, the servant girl tries to be nice to her but no matter what she does she just acts rude to her. She also just assumes that the rat(whatever his name was) is bad and that he wanted to hurt her, just because a 鼠, 大鼠 accidently killed her mother. She gets kidnapped 由 rats! SHE SERIOUSLY COULDN'T EVEN RESCUE HERSELF FROM A MUNCH OF UGLY STUPID RATS? All she does is scream and wait for someone to come and save her, she's comepletely useless! I actually don't even find her pretty, she's BUTT UGLY! She has no charming moments! She's not higher because the others are even worse!

4.Cera(The Land Before Time)

Ever since I was a little boy I hated her, I always have and I always will! She was always just so annoying and full of herself. She would never admit that she was wrong, even when she was proven wrong she still wouldn't admit it! She's actually really racist, she believes all dinosaurs, except three-horns(triceratops), are inferior. She treats her friends, especially Littlefoot, like garbage. I hated her the most when she called Littlefoot's mother a "stupid old longneck", HELLO 你 SHE SAVED YOUR LIFE! You'd think she'd be 更多 greatful to her considering she died saving her life! She will never accept help from anyone and will take every oppurtunity she can just to 显示 off. Her and her dad are the only characters in the movie I actually hate! Despite what she thinks she's actually really stupid! She lacks common sense, she never thinks with her head, she just acts without thinking. Even when there's obviously a safer way she just goes with the 更多 dangerous way. She's rude to everyone she meets. This is really weird but when I was a little kid I actually thought she was a boy and Littlefoot was a girl, only as I got older I realized it was actually the other way around. She reason she's not in the 最佳, 返回页首 3 is because she does have a little bit of redemption in the end and in the sequel. I guess another reason is nostalgia, I grew-up with The Land Before Time 1-6.

3.Mrs. Calloway(Home On The Range)

I haven't seen this movie too many times but I really hate her and that stupid horse! She's just a boring stick in the mud! All she does it be negative about everything and is one of those cracky old neighbor ladies who are always mean to 你 and 你 hate. She's just HORRIBLE! I mean when the farm is going to be sold and Maggie has a plan to save it you'd think she'd at least consider it. No she just criticize it and only goes with Maggie and Grace because she thinks they won't last out there without her. She think thinks so high of herself that she doesn't think anyone is capable of doing anything without her. I hate how she thinks everything has to be her way of the high way, she thinks the only right way to do things is her way. LOOK HERE COW, YOUR WAY ISN'T THE ONLY WAY AND IF 你 WOULD TRY CONSIDERING SOMEONE ELSES IDEAS THAN MAYBE YOU'D REALIZE THAT SOME PEOPLE ACTUALLY ARE JUST AS GOOD AS YOU! Despite how humble she think she is she's actually really arrogant, I'm surprised that hat of hers is big enough to fit that BIG FAT HEAD! I CAN'T STAND HER! She's not higher is because she does have a little big of somewhat redemption in the end. Plus my 最佳, 返回页首 2 are just insufferable!

2.May, Dawn, and Iris(All from Pokemon, the LAME version)

It's really hard to decide which one of these girls is the most annoying so I decided to just give all three the number 2 spot. These girls are what they tried to use to replace Misty, it was a complete and total failure! They're part of the reason the new Pokemon is AWFUL! All they ever do in the 显示 is whine, talk about how pretty they are, obsess over their appearence, act spoiled, get angry over the stupidest smallest things, act like complete idiots, never shut up, get into ridiculous fights with Jessie, overract to the smallest thing, get scared too easily, and always think about picking their pokemon for 5 分钟 right in the middle of the battle. Examples are like with May it took her like almost 2 hours to get ready. WHAT DOES SHE THINK SHE'S GOING TO THE PROM? YOU'RE JUST TRAVELING IN THE WOODS STUPID! Plus how she was actually thinking about what pokemon to pick right in the middle of the match, HELLO YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO DO THAT BEFORE THE BATTLE! I found her really annoying how she always got into a fight with Jessie over who's wumple was better. SHE'S THE BAD GUY, YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO FIGHT HER NOT ARGUE WITH HER STUPID GIRL! Plus they totally copied Misty's family owning a gym and promising never to come back until she's a pokemon master. With Dawn she constantly obsessed over her looks, especially her hair. I mean it's like she worships her hair like it was god 或者 something. She also obsesses over her outfits, basically anything that has to do with her looks she's obsessing over it. Plus when she first left on her journey she actually tried to bring 7 bags of luggage! SERIOUSLY? YOU'RE GOING ON A JOURNEY NOT A HOTEL/SPA 你 IDIOT! Plus they couldn't even find an original way for May and Dawn to meet Ash and Pikachu; they just repeated Misty's bike being electrocuted. With Iris she just never SHUTS UP! Seriously, she's even 更多 annoying than Wendy. She's overracts to every single little detail! I was so happy when 皮卡丘 finally electrocuted her. All three of these girls are just super annoying and complete idiots! All they ever do is whine over little things like a much of big babies. They're completely useless and are just damsels in distress. They don't do justice to Misty AT ALL; she was useful, didn't constantly obsess over her looks, got angry but not over stupid stuff, didn't constantly whine, was smart, and was no damsel in distress. These girls are just a bunch of whiny, annoying, useless, weak, damsels in distress bimbos! These girls are part of the reason Pokemon is ruining my childhood. The only females on the 显示 that are worse are Misty's sisters. May and Dawn really have nothing going on for them besides their pretty faces, Iris is just cute; at least they're appearence helps somewhat with their HORRIBLE personalities. I've only watched two episodes of Pokemon with Iris in them and that was 更多 than enough, I watched most of the first season with Dawn in it and it was awful, I watched almost all the episodes with May in them; the only reason for that was I kep hoping Misty would come back, which she did but she didn't stay. I was happy when May left but sad when Dawn joined because that meant Misty was never coming back. THEY RUINED EVERYTHING! The only reason these girls aren't number 1 is because there's actually one heroine who is actually 更多 irritating than them.

1.Princess Irene(The Princess and the Goblin)

I saw her movie once and that was 更多 than enough! First of all her movie is INSUFFERABLE! I HATE THE MOVIE SO MUCH! I JUST WANTED TO PULL ALL OF MY HAIR OUT! If 你 haven't seen the movie than I'm jealous of how lucky 你 are! NEVER SEE IT! IT'S REALLY THAT AWFUL! Anyway time to talk about her, just like the entire movie, she's INTOLERABLE! First I'll say something nice about her, she's kind of pretty, that's it. She's just so whiny and all she does is whine. Plus out of all heroines she's the most useless and stupid! Whenever she sees a goblin all she does is just scream than lay on the ground crying. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE 你 STUPID IDOT! She's always just walking herself into danger. Plus she's really stupid! She couldn't figure out that she just had to 移动 a munch of rocks to get threw, it's not exactly that hard. Plus the fact that all people have to do to stop goblins and make them leave them alone is just to sing AND SHE CAN'T EVEN DO THAT! She's had several chances to just sing to save herself but she's so stupid she can't even do it! SING 你 IDIOT! She could've saved her life several times and all she had to do is SING! Plus she's the most weakest damsel in distress EVER! She makes Wendy and Bella 天鹅 look like Mulan. She is always having to get saved. She even almost gets herself killed just from tripping. She even almost has herself a heroic moment but she messes it up, she actually ends up having to get saved AGAIN! This girl has been in trouble and needing saving like a thousand time. She's the worst of all animated heroines!
posted by AngelFaceBarbie
This is my 最佳, 返回页首 14 fave sayings and 语录 :) Enjoy xx

14. 你 got to swim out of your comfort zone to catch the wave thats going to change your life -Unknown
13.Sometimes your knight in shining armour, is just an idiot wrapped in tin foil -Unknown
12."God heals and the doctors takes the fee" -Unknown
11.Ever notice that "what the hell" is always the right decision -Marilyn Monroe
10.Remember the days when 黑莓 and 苹果 where just 水果 -Unknown
9.When guys get jealous, its kinda cute. When girls get jealous, World War 3 is about to start -Unknown
8.You know youre in 爱情 when 你 cant fall...
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People Key
Apolla=Goku Gaden=Vegeta Kelvin=Piccolo Leonzio=Yamcha Pablo=Dende Yajira=Bulma
~~ =Memories
The snow, it glittered like delicate diamonds against the night sky. The ocean, it roared like an ever persistent beast unable to rest, crashing in waves upon waves against the rock. And the sky, oh the sky. It was grey with its predominant clouds rolling and turning, ever in their turmoil. But yet, the snow, it continued to fall and it remained pure and fragile.

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posted by LizzyTheCat
1.Hum loudly in class and when he/she tells 'the person who is humming' to keep quiet-stop but then carry on two 分钟 later.

2.Tap your foot loudly when he/she is grading tests.

3.While he/she is busy explaining something, have a huge coughing fit (make sure it's loud) and don't let her finish a sentence.

4.Push your chair in and pull it out, non-stop.

5.Sigh loudly while he/she is explaining something and look longingly at a clock (or your watch if 你 are wearing one) and then look out the window and sigh again.

6.Pretend to be asleep during a lesson and when 你 get woken up, scream loudly...
continue reading...
posted by dizzydiscgirl
Hi peeps, I just had an idea so I made a spur of the moment article!!!
So, what you've gotta do is write a single word in the 评论 box (make sure it's relevant to the one above it!) and eventually it will make a story!!!

Get it? Ok, the starting word is...


Just filling up 太空 so the 文章 will ACTUALLY POST HOW LONG DOES THIS THING HAVE TO BE?!?!?
嘿 everyone, I just joined.

I stumbled upon this while surfing the net. I'm posting the ones I thought were the funniest. (I'm not the 作者 of any, of course, and I don't know whom to credit.) Hope 你 like it.

Three things are certain: 
Death, taxes, and 迷失 data. 
Guess which has occurred.

Everything is gone; 
Your life's work has been destroyed. 
Squeeze trigger (yes/no)?

The code was willing, 
It considered your request, 
But the chips were weak. 

Windows NT crashed. 
I am the Blue Screen of Death. 
No one hears your screams. 

Errors have occurred. 
We won't tell 你 where 或者 why. 
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posted by hetaliaitaly
One 日 there was a little girl called Emily She had a toy doll the doll seemed so normal but with one exception it was missing a finger one night before Emily went to 床, 床上 she sat the doll above the fireplace and went to bed.

Emily was fast asleep but then "Emily im in the lounge room coming to get you" Emily thought she was dreaming so she ignored it but then "Emily im on the staircase coming to get you" Emily hid under the covers,

Everything was quiet but then "Emily im in the hall way coming to get you" Each time the voice spoke it got louder Emily was very scared and then "Emily im at your...
continue reading...
posted by SymmaGirl2
Coffee can reduce the risk of skin cancer.
Ancient Rome is now a micronation
No matter what your language teacher tells you, short sentences are important in 写作 and are not mistakes 或者 bad.
Sealand now has eight official citizens
Ice cream is Italian food
Fortune 饼干 are Japanese, not Chinese
Hatsune Miku was NOT the first Vocaloid, Leon and Lola were
Thunder is a natural sonic boom
The speed of sound is 330 miles per second
Infrared light was first used in WWII
Schrödinger's Cat is a physics paradox
Weak force is a billion trillion trillion times stronger than gravity
People are actually obsessed...
continue reading...
posted by littleangel0520
'It is an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only 由 preparing for war'
- John f. Kennedy
'Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety - nine percent perspiration'
- Thomas Edison
'Impossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools'
- Napolean Bonaparte
'The child is father of man'
- William Wordsworth
The government of people, 由 the people, for the people shall...
continue reading...
1. When a twilight 粉丝 says 'twilight rocks' say 'rocks made of twilight?'
2. Go up to a twilight fan, scream 'Bella! Bella! BELLA!!!! YOU'RE AWESOME!!!!' when they say 'I know right!' say 'Oh no I meant Bellatrix'
3. Ask them all 问题 about twilight that 你 can think of. When they ask why say 'I'm doing a book 报道 on the most boring 图书 of the world'
4. Get all the boys and twilight haters (better for them to be Harry Potter fans) to start saying 'Edward, Edwardo, Eddibear, sparkle sparkle'
5. Say that 你 hate Stephanie Meyer, she's a horrible 作者 and her 图书 make want to poke...
continue reading...
posted by energizerbunny
5. Avril Lavigne

Not a 粉丝 but she's so skinny!! I've never been skinny in my whole life and will never be.

4. Sophia Bush

She's pretty. She has boobs & a butt, but is not big.

3. Kaya Scodelario

Again with the skinniness. I don't think skinny is all there is, but for someone like me who's never been skinny, it's seems nice! She also has a unique face and her eyes are gorgeous!

2. Katie Cassidy

This girl is just so GORGEOUS!! And looks so classy when she dresses up.

1. Megan Fox

Not a 粉丝 but she has to be the DEFINITION of PERFECT! PERFECT face, PERFECT body, just PERFECT!!

Some people are just lucky I guess. <33
1.eat like 10 candys 或者 something
2.chew lots of sugar gum
3.eat a bowl of sugar
4.listen to a song that makes u crazy
5.eat some ice cream
6.think of something crazy u want to do
7.just do nothing then if u cant take it it well make u crazy
8.go outside then do a game of base ball 或者 swiming water and when u lose makes u go crazy
9.if ur mom tells u what to do and u dont want to do it it well make u go crazy
and finally
10.listen to a jb song then it well make u go crazy cuz u kinda hate him
posted by ilovetowrite
How do 你 find motivation to exercise when 你 just don’t feel like getting off your butt? I ask myself this 问题 every now and then, and I have the feeling I’m not the only one.

A few weeks ago, I wrote 4 Simple Steps to Start the Exercise Habit… and the fourth and final step was to add motivation as needed until the habit sticks. This post is to help 你 with that fourth step.

There are a million ways to motivate yourself to exercise, actually, but these are a few that have worked for me. And trust me, I’ve had days when I’ve struggled with exercise. Most recently, the things...
continue reading...
posted by jbiebs4evajb17
1... ask Ur teacher if u can sharpen your pen(and 显示 your pen to them)
2... when taking attendance say here for every one.
3... when taking attendance.. tell the teacher that they 说 your name wrong and say ur name different every time.
4.. raise your hand to ask a 问题 and say some thing 随意 like.. i like cheese... 或者 carrots are pink... 或者 say something obvious,,etc,,
5... raise your hand when the teacher calls Ur name say what then they say u had Ur hand up and u say no i didn't..
6... ask your teacher if u can have a bath room pass when they give it to u say never mind im all better...
continue reading...
posted by katetekiku
1.Buy a kids meal, and play with the toy 你 get on the middle of the floor.

2.Fill a 袜子 with pennies, and then demand all of the 食物 using the money in the sock.

3.Run through the waiting lines.

4.Buy a burger and give it to the waiter/waitress.

5.Go up to the counter, and before the waiter/waitress can say anything, say "Welcome to McDonalds. How can I take your order?"

6.Give a burnt french fry to a 随意 person across the room.

7.Buy something off the menu, like tacos 或者 baked beans.

8.Go to McDonalds in your bathing suit.

9.Chew as loud as 你 can so everyone can hear.

10.Run inside and sing Mary Had A Little 羊肉, 羔羊 at the 最佳, 返回页首 of your lungs.

11.Eat another person's 食物 when they aren't looking.

12.Have a loud conversation with your friend about 随意 things, maybe even a fight (no punches though!)!

13.Rap your meal at the counter.
posted by -Wednesday-
u wudnt know if there was 面包 on yer head now wud u if u ask why u wudnt know if there is 面包 on yer head its cuz it is floating above yer head and u cant see it if the 面包 is on yer head which u wudnt know at less i told u and if u wud like to get it off dont try to get it off and 或者 eat the 面包 that is on yer head cuz if u do u will die and to get the 面包 off of yer head u must go to the bottom of a pool and ask the master of crayons to remove the 面包 that is on yer head so u can on living without 面包 on yer head.....if u servived under water that long which i rly doubt u did so wen u die the 面包 that was once above yer head with haunt yer grave and float above yer grave like the magic floating 面包 it is so if i tell u that there is 面包 on yer head i suggest not to do anything cuz it ont even bother u at less u try to remove it yerself only the master of crayons can so just dont do anything and go on living life with a loaf of 面包 on yer head
One day, I was walking on the sidewalk on Walden Lane. It was 5:00 in the morning in Lakeland, Florida, and the sun was just coming up. I was whistling "Celebrate Good Times" while dancing a jig. All of a sudden, A guy zoomed down the sidewalk on his bike with his arm out, and smacked me in the face. I fell to the ground from the impact, my face throbbing.
"Watch where your going, jerk!" I yelled, clambering up and waving my fist at him. He turned, laughing at me, but then he peddled into the road and a semi truck zoomed past, almost hitting the guy. I gasped, thinking that he had been hit....
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 The 舱, 小木屋
The Cabin
舱, 小木屋 for the Summer
By: moolah
Chapter Eleven: James
    “She’s what?” Tori screamed, in horror. Dr. Haffer looked at her again, “She’s about 2 months pregnant.” Tori gagged. I was horrified. I looked at my hands. “She’s pregnant?” I asked. Tori was in tears again. “No, this can’t be. We…” I thought back to 2 months ago. It was that party Damian had thrown. Chelsea and I had been in love. I sighed. It was no use. She was pregnant. I bit my lip and walked out the door. I couldn’t deal with this. I would go back to the house,...
continue reading...
posted by yukikiyruu
Sleeping Beauty: Perfect for the sleepyheads.
Dolly Wholly: This name is perfect for the well-dressed girl.
Honey Bunny: Ideal for your playful girlfriend.
Cutsie Wootsie: This cute name is excellent to say when 你 are pinching her cheeks with both hands.
Pretty Eyes: If your girlfriend has crystal-clear, beautiful eyes, then 你 may call her 由 this cute name.
Princess: It is a perfect name for your girlfriend, if she has that little girl spirit.
Pumpkin: This name can be used for casual moments.
Doll Face: This name is perfect for a girl with a cute face.
Beautiful: It is a simple but effective...
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hi, i'm kairi. i felt bored and just decided to give up my acquired knowledge for those of 你 who need a little help with being 更多 流行的 on fanpop/ are bored and just feel like 阅读 something.

1. consider something someone might want to take part in. some of the most 流行的 答案 have to do with games 或者 something of the sort. this is because they sound interesting to a fan, so they'll click it.

2. ask the 粉丝 about themself. people like talking about themselves and sharing interesting stories, it's human nature.

3. think about what you're asking. think about the subject's popularity....
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Translation: If people continue to write like this I will start flipping out!

....Now there's two points alone in that sentence and those points were horrible spelling and the constant abuse of the 锦标 lock. Most people continue doing these two things to get on everyone's nerves. I can understand that some people 写作 this way if he/she had dyslexia 或者 someone learning to speak English and hasn't quite grasped it yet 或者 if you're texting someone on your phone(that can be a real pain), but there's absolutely no excuse for the rest of us...
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