call me ty

潮流粉丝俱乐部始于May 2011年

  • 25 years old
马赛克 列表


Dedicated Fan in 4 clubs Dedicated (4) Die-Hard Fan in 2 clubs Die-Hard (2) Fanatic in 1 club Fanatic (1)


XxKeithHarkinxX 说关于 随意
Im lowkey surprised this website still alive and semi functional ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 发布 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
Same tho. Though semi functional is a bit of a stretch at this point lmao, I can't even make new clubs. 一年多以前
melodybryant 评论…
yep same 一年多以前
Lusamine 评论…
I'm high-key surprised I haven't been banned yet lmfao. 一年多以前
XxKeithHarkinxX 说关于 随意
update, 6 years later and im still emo. 发布 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
I'm still in my so 随意 xD *rawr* phase 一年多以前
Mauserfan1910 评论…
你 people are old as shit. Six years 以前 I was barely growing tits. 一年多以前
8theGreat 评论…
I guess it really wasn't a phase, Mom. 一年多以前
zanhar1 评论…
It became a lifestyle mom. Though I think I'm 更多 哥特式 than anything. 一年多以前
8theGreat 我支持 my links
link Here's some of my 更多 最近的 stuff. Sorry for taking a few days, I was anticipating moving (which didnt freaking happen but thats another story) so I was a bit busy this week.
I was going to post 更多 but a lot of them wouldn't 上传 properly for some reason?
Also full disclaimer, my mentor has drawn over/corrected a good portion of them. It's still all my work but he's tidied them up a bit.
//lowkey can't wait to see your stuff 发布 一年多以前