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posted by Ms_Montana

1. Kalte Pizza

Es war ein kalter und verregneter Tag im November. Manche Menschen bezeichneten diesen Regen sogar als Schnee, aber nicht so Helena. Sie war nicht der Typ Mensch der das alles beschönigte.
Während sie durch 巢穴, den, 书房 voll gestopften U-Bahnsteig hetzte, kramte sie ihn ihrer Tasche nach ihrem Handy. Sie versuchte in dem Gedränge die Nummer ihrer Mutter zu tippen, jedoch ohne Erfolg.
Helena rollte genervt mit ihren Augen. Ihre Mutter hatte ihr gesagt sie müsse mittags ihre kleine Schwester Allison abholen. Und nur deswegen stand sie hier.
链接 von ihr telefonierte ein schwer beschäftigt aussehender Mann mit seinem Handy und vor ihr stand ein kleiner Junge mit einem MP3-Player, dessen Musik sie auch ohne Kopfhörer hören konnte. Helena sah ungeduldig auf ihre Uhr und hoffte inständig dass ihre Mutter wenigstens Essen gemacht hatte, da sie am Verhungern war.
Als sie nach 15 endlos erscheinenden Minuten endlich an der richtigen Station ankam, rannte sie zum Kindergarten. Im kleinen Spielplatz hinter dem Kindergarten wartete schon Veronica. Sie war Allisons Gruppenleiterin. Obwohl Helena diese Bezeichnung unglaublich lächerlich fand.
„ Hallo Helena. Allison ist bei 巢穴, den, 书房 Schaukeln.“ begrüßte sie Veronica. Helena schaute hinter die groß gewachsene junge Frau und entdeckte Allison bei 巢穴, den, 书房 bunt angemalten Schaukeln. Dann rief sie: „Allison, bitte komm.“
Das kleine Mädchen drehte sich zu der bekannten Stimme und ihre braunen, zu Zöpfen geflochtenen Haare wirbelten herum. Sie stand auf und rannte zu ihrer Schwester. „Hallo, ich habe Hunger! Was gibt es zu essen?“ Helena musste lachen. Das war die erste Frage die ihr Allison jeden Tag stellte, wenn sie sich sahen.
Helena nahm ihre kleine Schwester an der Hand und ging mit ihr zum U-Bahnsteig.
„Fahren wir zuerst nach Hause oder gleich zu Matty?“ Allison sah mit ihren leuchtend grünen Augen direkt in Helenas Gesicht. “Zuerst nach Hause. Du hast doch Hunger oder? Danach besuchen wir Matthew.“ Allison nickte. Die beiden warteten bis die richtige U-Bahn kam.
Allison liebte die Fahrt mit ihnen. Helena belustige das nur. Sie fand es süß wie ihre kleine Schwester sich über so etwas Simples freuen konnte. Aber Allison war ja auch erst 4 Jahre alt.
Als sie endlich an der richtigen Station ankamen wollte Allison nicht gehen, aber Helena hob sie einfach hoch und Allison lachte. Die beiden gingen zwei Blocks bis sie bei dem Wolkenkratzer ankamen, in dem sich ihre Wohnung befand. Die beiden fuhren mit dem Aufzug in 巢穴, den, 书房 5. Stock und Helena öffnete die Tür.
Allison warf ihren lila Plüschrucksack in eine ecke und lief ins Wohnzimmer zu ihrem Fernseher.
Helena ging in die Küche und sah sofort 巢穴, den, 书房 leuchtend, gelben Notizzettel der mit einem Magneten am Kühlschrank befestigt war. Darauf stand:

Sind bei Matthew. Essen ist in der Mikrowelle. Mum & Dad.

Helena kannte diese Zettel zur genüge. Sie öffnete die Mikrowelle und sah die Pizza, die sie gestern bestellt hatte. Sie schüttelte 巢穴, den, 书房 Kopf und knallte die kleine Tür zu.
„Was ist los?“ Helena drehte sich um und bemerkte das Allison hinter ihr stand. „Nichts, aber wir haben nur alte 比萨, 比萨饼 zu essen. Soll ich uns was anderes machen?“ Noch während sie diese Worte aussprach bereute sie es auch schon wieder. Denn es gab nur ein Gericht das Allison zurzeit liebte. „Spagetti.“
Helena stellte einen Topf mit Wasser auf 巢穴, den, 书房 Herd und suchte im Kühlschrank nach Tomaten. Als sie endlich welche gefunden hatte, schnitt sie sie ihn kleine Stücke und warf sie in einen Topf mit etwas Tomatensaft. Während alles kochte, nahm Helena das Telefon und rief am Telefon ihrer Mutter an.
„Young Marina.“ „Hey, Mum. Danke für die Pizza.“ Helena sagte, das in dem sarkastischsten Ton 巢穴, den, 书房 sie drauf hatte. „Helena, es tut mir leid, aber ich musste zu Matthew und hatte keine Zeit etwas zu kochen. Und dein Vater ist auch arbeiten also dachte ich mir ihr könntet die 比萨, 比萨饼 essen.“ „Dann hast du falsch gedacht. Ich mache gerade Spagetti. Dass nächste Mal fragst du mich.“ „Es tut mir leid, dass ich bei deinem Bruder sein muss.“ Langsam wurde 码头, 玛丽娜 wütend. Dann legte Helena einfach auf.
Als Allison wieder aus dem Wohnzimmer kam, war der Tisch gedeckt und auf 巢穴, den, 书房 Tellern war Essen. Allison lächelte und setzte sich auf einen der Holzstühle. „Wieso hast du dich mit Mami gestritten?“ Helena schaute Allison an und sagte darauf: „Ich wollte heute keine Pizza. Nur deswegen. Und ich habe sie gestört. Und weil das oft so ist, habe ich sie angeschrieen.“
Helena konnte ihrer kleinen Schwester nicht sagen, dass sie es leid war ihre Ersatzmutter zu spielen. Sie immer wieder zu bekochen.
Dafür liebte sie Allison zu sehr. Das konnte sie nicht sagen. Und ihrer Mutter schon gar nicht. Die würde ihr nicht einmal zu hören.
Nach dem Essen spülte Helena das Geschirr und Allison ging in ihr Zimmer um mit ihren Puppen zu spielen. Sie liebte sie. Helena konnte das nur belächeln.
Während sie gerade die letzten Gläser einräumte, klingelte das Telefon.
„Hier Young.“ „Helena, ich bin’s. Deine gute, alte Freundin Ella. Erinnerst du dich noch an mich? Ich weiß nicht, es ist so lange her.“ „Ella, hör bitte auf Theater zu spielen. Das ist nicht witzig. Ich hatte eben keine Zeit.“ „Das war auch nicht witzig gemeint. Und das du keine Zeit hattest weiß ich. Gehen wir heute shoppen?“
Helena seufzte. Sie wollte Ella nicht enttäuschen. Die beiden waren schon seit dem Kindergarten beste Freundinnen gewesen.
Doch Ella wusste sofort was dieser Seufzer zu bedeuten hatte.
„Du kommst nicht oder?“ Ellas Stimme war kalt und etwas verbittert. Sie war es gewohnt, dass Helena keine Zeit hatte.
„Allison und ich fahren nachher zu Matty ins Krankenhaus. Und ich würde gerne einmal wieder meine Mutter sehen.“ „Kommst du dir nicht vor wie Allisons Mutter?“ Helena wusste nicht was sie sagen sollte. Ella hatte Recht. Mit allem was sie sagte. Aber das wollte Helena nicht zugeben.
„Etwas. Aber ich möchte Matthew besuchen. Er ist schon so lange im Krankenhaus. Er ist sicher einsam. Und er wird sich freuen, wenn wir ihn besuchen. Du könntest mitkommen. Wenn du willst.“ Am anderen Ende der Telefonleitung schüttelte Ella 巢穴, den, 书房 Kopf.
„Nein. Das kann ich nicht. Tut mir leid. Wir sehen uns dann morgen in der Schule.“ „Ja, bis morgen.“ Dann legte Ella auf.
Helena war auf einmal so wütend das sie eines der Gläser, das auf dem weißen Plastikregal stand, mit voller Wucht auf 巢穴, den, 书房 Boden warf. Sie war so wütend. Nicht auf Ella, oder Allison, nicht einmal auf ihre Mutter. Nur auf sich selbst.
Helena kehrte mit einem Besen die Scherben weg und holte dann Allison aus ihrem Zimmer.
„Allison, wir gehen. Zieh dir bitte deine Jacke an.“ „Aber ich will noch nicht.“ Das kleine Mädchen saß gerade vor ihrem Puppenhaus und zog einer der Pupen ein silbern glitzerndes Kleid an.
Helena hob ihre Schwester hoch und trug sie zur Garderobe. Dort zog sie Allison eine giftgrüne, dick gepolsterte Jacke an. Helena selbst zog sich schnell ihren tiefschwarzen Wintermantel an.
Sorry for the delay I have had some sever mental block and I couldnt think of anything to write LOL! Enjoy chapter 12 and remember to feedback and keep looking for chapter 13! Amber/Twilightsauce.

I smiled as my eyelids fluttered open. The sun was streaming in through the window making my skin glitter in a mysterious way but not sparkling like the rest of my vampire family. I knew that Jacob was awake because everything was silent- Jake was the LOUDEST snorer ever. I propped myself up on two of the fluffy pillows to get a better view of his face. Jacobs’s eyes were closed but he had...
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posted by 1-2vampire
I'm sat at home
In my cardboard box
I'm scared to death
So I cuddle my socks
I hear the key turn in the door
Fear swells inside of me
My hope plummets through the floor
I peep outside my little box
In time to see my daddy roar
I'm worried now, I realise
Because he's angry I notice now
That what I'm seeing with swollen eyes
I don't know when I don't know how
It may be the last thing I ever see
This may be the last of me
I see his boots come closer, so I shriek
My bruises hurt 更多 than ever
He picks me up, I feel so weak
He shakes me now and calls me worthless
I just want him to 爱情 me
I just want him to know me
But the broken bottle is against my chest
And is thrust through my cotton vest
Into my heart, the pain is fire
I see myself as I float higher
Now my vision is rimmed with darkness
The end is near, I feel its presence
I just wish that I could tell him
I 爱情 him, but his 爱情 is dim
posted by amethyst44
 Feyriem Faeor Burian...Feyries Of Winter
Feyriem Faeor Burian...Feyries Of Winter
Snow. To us, it seemed like the pure spirit to keep us alive. It was always saddening to know that winter passed so mysteriously, every year; a new condition globally, whether it be a blizzard 或者 rarely a snowfall at all. Either way, the cold was a mixture of high against our skin, and the instant that we saw frost escaping from the sky and settling against the window the 前一个 morning, we knew we were in luck.

I am sad to say that it's not winter right now.

No, beyond the human portal it was only the blazing sun that taunted us as we stayed indoors, avoiding the exposure. For the feyries...
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posted by coolie
. ‘’What happened to Sucky Sam?’’ Who knows,’’ replied Ted. They started walking through the catacombes.
We should get going ,”Bill. This place gives me the hibie Jeebeis,”said Death. You’re right,” replied Ted. They walked towards the front of the catacombes. For some strange reason, there was no hole to get out! They looked in the other direction. There was Sucky Sam standing about five yards away from them! Who, what, where, when…. Why,” 说 Bill. Looking for me,” 说 Sucky Sam in a cocky voice. All of the three were shocked in horror. Sucky Sam’s eyes turned...
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posted by housefrk
Through the darkness, a flash
Of lightning appears, and the girl, in a hurry
To get back inside, attempts to chase an animal
Out of the yard. Giving in to the sudden rush
Of cold wind, she goes inside the lonely house and phones the Operator
To hear another voice. She imagines her family on the boat

Out on the waves, the boat
Rocking precariously, the deck illuminated 由 another flash
Of lightning. She listens to the dole-set tone of the Operator
And goes to the window in a hurry,
Just in time to see a shadow rush
Across the yard, and she, once again, hears the sound of the animal

Against the house. She...
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posted by HarryPLover
更多 beautiful in the light,
He gives me sight,
Saves me from evil's bite,
Holds me when I cry,
Always 由 my side.

My last breath is taken and 给 to him,
He saves me from the storm I'm in,
He saves me and calls me his,
Have him when I'm in a crisis.
耶稣 is everything.

Everything to me,
Helping me see,
Stealing my heart,
Oh how I hate being apart.

Stand here and be moved 由 him,
To feel him in my veins,
To feel him inside of me.

My friend,
My helper,
The great shrink,
I am proud to be part of his link.

Blown away 由 his grace,
Blessed 由 his mercy,
Oh how he carries.

Holds every tear in his hand,
Wipes away our sorrows,
For a better tomorrow.
I felt completely laid back and excited to go to the arcade,I needed to play some Gears of War 或者 something to get my frustration out.But when I saw Juan pass the arcade I started to get nervous.
"Ummm...Juaney...are 你 kid napping me?"
We joked around and laughed our butts off for a few 分钟 but Juan ended up explaining to me that he knew that playing some fighting game would just make me get even 更多 upset and that I needed to cool off before I did anything I would regret.Therefore he took my phone away and turned off the radio just in case I decided to start cuss-texting Joel out 或者 started...
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Chapter 2

"Hey babe. Where are 你 going?" asked Megan. She was already obsessed with me... Like practically all the other girls who have come to the school. Why couldn't one time, just one time, a single girl didn't crush on me. Even the girls who are in a relationship. Is it that hard? I mean there were plenty of other guys at this school and it wasn't only just me. I wasn't ever interested in girls! Man I sound like a six 年 old rather than a eighteen 年 old. That's pretty sad.

"Away from you." I mumbled under my breath. I looked at her beautiful lustful eyes and 说 a little loud....
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posted by ChickRiddler

It gets harder and harder to see Dominic each day. Every 日 brings new pain, new longing, and new tears. I 爱情 my boyfriend but Dominic has a certain affect on me that I can’t control. I am a terrible person….
When I’m not with him, I feel a relief from deception. But also, an opening into a deep pit that swallows me until I’m with him again. When I’m with Jason, I am partially taken from this hole. But there is still a 云, 云计算 looming over me, and the pit below me, threatening to 吞, 燕子 me at any minute. I try not to give in to the temptation if telling my 爱情 how I feel...
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posted by Fangirl99
Chapter 2:the mysterious sign

Vanessa Colorado of Waysway school was going to her locker to get her stupid homework. She was tried,in pain,and achy. She thought it was just a cold,but it was a lot worse than she knew. “oh,look who the cat dragged in,”said Susan,the meanest chic in school.

“shut up,ok?”Vanessa 说 sternly. “im in a really bad mood.”

“why? Cause 你 realized your having a bad hair day?”katie asked. the 3 laughed.

“hey!leave her alone!”called out kylie,who was walknig to her locker.

“oh,look,im so scared,what are 你 gonna do about it?”taunted susan.

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I was bored. I was very bored. There was nothing to do; not a single thing. I grabbed my iPod and turned on the Numa Numa song, but I was still bored. I turned on my laptop and begun 写作 a short story, which 你 may very well be 阅读 now, but my boredom was left uncured. Riding in the car was boring, and I wished I had a cell phone to text my 老友记 with, but alas, I was practically broke. I only had around seventy-five bucks, and that was from Christmas. If I had kept my twenty that I had used for IMVU credits, well, then maybe I’d have enough for a go phone at the least. But I had...
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posted by June4
It’s raining on my window pane,
Inside this house looks so lame.
I’m so funny, so bored hunni.
Nothing much to do but to be a horn dog,
Being bored makes me write in my log.

Are we counting up 或者 down?
Nothing seems to go around.
Boredom, 你 don’t like him.
Boredom, 你 wanna shoot him.
Don’t make that move.

你 get in trouble when looking for fun,
你 get so tired when the 日 is done.
Soon as 你 get in bed,
你 remember what should be done instead.
Just forget the problem.

Get a goodnight sleep and dream.
Forget about the boring adventure,
你 should’ve discovered something in nature.
Boredom, forget them.
Boredom, sleep before the morning.
posted by dragonrider
That first 日 -Eric's Perspective

Maybe I should of 说 something to her. I was kind of rude then again I was scared as well. These situations always scare me. Who knew she would take the bus today? I was told she never took the bus. I don't know. When she put her hand on my knee it just made me think of her in the future.
I laid my head on the 表 and sighed. I inhaled the scent of 柠檬 pledge and I got a coughing fit.
"Dude Eric 你 okay?" my best friend Tom asked walking up to the table
"Yeah *cough cough* I am. I just inhaled 柠檬 pledge. That's all," I coughed out.
He backed up a...
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Joseph Warren cursed himself. He knew that he should have killed him. But he couldn't bring himself too. He always thought Kim-Jong was evil but he learned quickly that he wasn't evil, just misguided. Joseph wasn't cruel 或者 evil either he just fought for what he believed, and he believed that everyone should have rights and they should get it through peaceful means. But as usual, getting your rights through peaceful means is impossible. Ever since Hannah was killed, negotiating humans rights with the Chinese, he knew that the only way they could gain freedom for the people was through violence....
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posted by Fangirl99
title:real you

no matter wat
i say.no one believes
me anyway. so why do
i try.shes gonna deny.

there might be a day,
when things turn out to
change.they might actully see,
the real you.it aint likely.
but we should give it a shot.
telling them,is all i got.
one 日 they will see,the real you.

here i go again.Another
day of stress.i alomst wanna die.
dont make me make 你 cry.
better back off,better step back.
cause any time, i might attack.

no matter wat
i say.no one believes
me anyway. so why do
i try.shes gonna deny.

there might be a day,
when things turn out to
change.they might actully see,
the real you.it...
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posted by bubble_babe
One Fine Sunny Morning Izzy Sat At A 表 At Her Fav, '50's Dinner'. Although The Red Head Was Not In The Mood To Eat, 或者 Do Anything For That Matter. Something Keep Bugging her. Something She Couldn't Identify. The Poor Girl Sighed, Now Her Head Hurt From Thinking so Munch. She Then Fell back in her 座位 And Poped her Feet onto the table, eventhough She New The Cause Of It.

"Ey, Izzy, Gits Your Feeta Of Meh Table." A Big Man Behind The Main Counter Called.

"Leave Me Alone, Joe." Izzy 说 as she closed her eyes

"Nononononononon; Now!" Joe told her

"I 说 'Leave me alone'!" The Red Headed Girl...
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posted by JuneLynn
Waking up to the sound of my parent’s shouting I got up to change. Looking out the window, I saw the world was bright and colorful. Many would think it the best time of the 日 but to me it was the gloomiest time of all. It was the same thing every morning my parents would wake me due to their constant arguments, going to school, and returning back home. Life I felt was just plain boring.

This morning, was no exception because my parents were picking at each other again. I crept into the 厨房 to get some breakfast. What I saw was horrifying; the 厨房 was a total mess. Nothing was in...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
An 小时 later they had gone threw what little was left and found four bodies one out of four survived. He was badly hurt and probably wasn’t going to be out of the hospital for a couple weeks possibly months. Vanna wasn’t to hurt she broke her left leg and had to get three stitches. You’d think that because I was closer to the building I would have gotten hurt 更多 but no I just sprained my wrist had to get six stitches and had a couple cuts and burses.
“Excuse me sir?”
I walked up to a one of the doctors that was taking care of Vanna at the time. He turned around and it looked like...
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I could feel no pain what so ever, I couldn’t talk 或者 move, though I could hear ever thing being said. “Her 心 rate is dropping!” and then I heard a long buzz. “We have to get her 心 beating again 或者 she’s going to die.” I could hear my grandfather panicking because it was me his first grandchild, here dieing. I could feel Jacob’s tension. He wouldn’t let go of my hand unless my grandfather asked for something then he grabbed it again.
    I could feel seven pare of eyes on me. I could hear crying not dry crying but from my babies. It was weird I didn’t...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
“Jacob!” I was yelling from the bath room. I was in 更多 pain than I ever thought was possible. It felt like something was clawing its way out of my stomach. This couldn’t be possible I’d been pregnant for only a couple of months. “JACOB BLACK GET 你 屁股 UP HERE!” I was screaming so loud I thought Jacob would go def. He ran into the bath room and kneeled down beside me. “What’s wrong?” “I need to get to grandpa.” He picked me up and drove me to the house and carried me in.

“What’s wrong with her?” My mother came rushing to my side. “Mom stop just get grandpa.”...
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