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posted by Ms_Montana

1. Kalte Pizza

Es war ein kalter und verregneter Tag im November. Manche Menschen bezeichneten diesen Regen sogar als Schnee, aber nicht so Helena. Sie war nicht der Typ Mensch der das alles beschönigte.
Während sie durch 巢穴, den, 书房 voll gestopften U-Bahnsteig hetzte, kramte sie ihn ihrer Tasche nach ihrem Handy. Sie versuchte in dem Gedränge die Nummer ihrer Mutter zu tippen, jedoch ohne Erfolg.
Helena rollte genervt mit ihren Augen. Ihre Mutter hatte ihr gesagt sie müsse mittags ihre kleine Schwester Allison abholen. Und nur deswegen stand sie hier.
链接 von ihr telefonierte ein schwer beschäftigt aussehender Mann mit seinem Handy und vor ihr stand ein kleiner Junge mit einem MP3-Player, dessen Musik sie auch ohne Kopfhörer hören konnte. Helena sah ungeduldig auf ihre Uhr und hoffte inständig dass ihre Mutter wenigstens Essen gemacht hatte, da sie am Verhungern war.
Als sie nach 15 endlos erscheinenden Minuten endlich an der richtigen Station ankam, rannte sie zum Kindergarten. Im kleinen Spielplatz hinter dem Kindergarten wartete schon Veronica. Sie war Allisons Gruppenleiterin. Obwohl Helena diese Bezeichnung unglaublich lächerlich fand.
„ Hallo Helena. Allison ist bei 巢穴, den, 书房 Schaukeln.“ begrüßte sie Veronica. Helena schaute hinter die groß gewachsene junge Frau und entdeckte Allison bei 巢穴, den, 书房 bunt angemalten Schaukeln. Dann rief sie: „Allison, bitte komm.“
Das kleine Mädchen drehte sich zu der bekannten Stimme und ihre braunen, zu Zöpfen geflochtenen Haare wirbelten herum. Sie stand auf und rannte zu ihrer Schwester. „Hallo, ich habe Hunger! Was gibt es zu essen?“ Helena musste lachen. Das war die erste Frage die ihr Allison jeden Tag stellte, wenn sie sich sahen.
Helena nahm ihre kleine Schwester an der Hand und ging mit ihr zum U-Bahnsteig.
„Fahren wir zuerst nach Hause oder gleich zu Matty?“ Allison sah mit ihren leuchtend grünen Augen direkt in Helenas Gesicht. “Zuerst nach Hause. Du hast doch Hunger oder? Danach besuchen wir Matthew.“ Allison nickte. Die beiden warteten bis die richtige U-Bahn kam.
Allison liebte die Fahrt mit ihnen. Helena belustige das nur. Sie fand es süß wie ihre kleine Schwester sich über so etwas Simples freuen konnte. Aber Allison war ja auch erst 4 Jahre alt.
Als sie endlich an der richtigen Station ankamen wollte Allison nicht gehen, aber Helena hob sie einfach hoch und Allison lachte. Die beiden gingen zwei Blocks bis sie bei dem Wolkenkratzer ankamen, in dem sich ihre Wohnung befand. Die beiden fuhren mit dem Aufzug in 巢穴, den, 书房 5. Stock und Helena öffnete die Tür.
Allison warf ihren lila Plüschrucksack in eine ecke und lief ins Wohnzimmer zu ihrem Fernseher.
Helena ging in die Küche und sah sofort 巢穴, den, 书房 leuchtend, gelben Notizzettel der mit einem Magneten am Kühlschrank befestigt war. Darauf stand:

Sind bei Matthew. Essen ist in der Mikrowelle. Mum & Dad.

Helena kannte diese Zettel zur genüge. Sie öffnete die Mikrowelle und sah die Pizza, die sie gestern bestellt hatte. Sie schüttelte 巢穴, den, 书房 Kopf und knallte die kleine Tür zu.
„Was ist los?“ Helena drehte sich um und bemerkte das Allison hinter ihr stand. „Nichts, aber wir haben nur alte 比萨, 比萨饼 zu essen. Soll ich uns was anderes machen?“ Noch während sie diese Worte aussprach bereute sie es auch schon wieder. Denn es gab nur ein Gericht das Allison zurzeit liebte. „Spagetti.“
Helena stellte einen Topf mit Wasser auf 巢穴, den, 书房 Herd und suchte im Kühlschrank nach Tomaten. Als sie endlich welche gefunden hatte, schnitt sie sie ihn kleine Stücke und warf sie in einen Topf mit etwas Tomatensaft. Während alles kochte, nahm Helena das Telefon und rief am Telefon ihrer Mutter an.
„Young Marina.“ „Hey, Mum. Danke für die Pizza.“ Helena sagte, das in dem sarkastischsten Ton 巢穴, den, 书房 sie drauf hatte. „Helena, es tut mir leid, aber ich musste zu Matthew und hatte keine Zeit etwas zu kochen. Und dein Vater ist auch arbeiten also dachte ich mir ihr könntet die 比萨, 比萨饼 essen.“ „Dann hast du falsch gedacht. Ich mache gerade Spagetti. Dass nächste Mal fragst du mich.“ „Es tut mir leid, dass ich bei deinem Bruder sein muss.“ Langsam wurde 码头, 玛丽娜 wütend. Dann legte Helena einfach auf.
Als Allison wieder aus dem Wohnzimmer kam, war der Tisch gedeckt und auf 巢穴, den, 书房 Tellern war Essen. Allison lächelte und setzte sich auf einen der Holzstühle. „Wieso hast du dich mit Mami gestritten?“ Helena schaute Allison an und sagte darauf: „Ich wollte heute keine Pizza. Nur deswegen. Und ich habe sie gestört. Und weil das oft so ist, habe ich sie angeschrieen.“
Helena konnte ihrer kleinen Schwester nicht sagen, dass sie es leid war ihre Ersatzmutter zu spielen. Sie immer wieder zu bekochen.
Dafür liebte sie Allison zu sehr. Das konnte sie nicht sagen. Und ihrer Mutter schon gar nicht. Die würde ihr nicht einmal zu hören.
Nach dem Essen spülte Helena das Geschirr und Allison ging in ihr Zimmer um mit ihren Puppen zu spielen. Sie liebte sie. Helena konnte das nur belächeln.
Während sie gerade die letzten Gläser einräumte, klingelte das Telefon.
„Hier Young.“ „Helena, ich bin’s. Deine gute, alte Freundin Ella. Erinnerst du dich noch an mich? Ich weiß nicht, es ist so lange her.“ „Ella, hör bitte auf Theater zu spielen. Das ist nicht witzig. Ich hatte eben keine Zeit.“ „Das war auch nicht witzig gemeint. Und das du keine Zeit hattest weiß ich. Gehen wir heute shoppen?“
Helena seufzte. Sie wollte Ella nicht enttäuschen. Die beiden waren schon seit dem Kindergarten beste Freundinnen gewesen.
Doch Ella wusste sofort was dieser Seufzer zu bedeuten hatte.
„Du kommst nicht oder?“ Ellas Stimme war kalt und etwas verbittert. Sie war es gewohnt, dass Helena keine Zeit hatte.
„Allison und ich fahren nachher zu Matty ins Krankenhaus. Und ich würde gerne einmal wieder meine Mutter sehen.“ „Kommst du dir nicht vor wie Allisons Mutter?“ Helena wusste nicht was sie sagen sollte. Ella hatte Recht. Mit allem was sie sagte. Aber das wollte Helena nicht zugeben.
„Etwas. Aber ich möchte Matthew besuchen. Er ist schon so lange im Krankenhaus. Er ist sicher einsam. Und er wird sich freuen, wenn wir ihn besuchen. Du könntest mitkommen. Wenn du willst.“ Am anderen Ende der Telefonleitung schüttelte Ella 巢穴, den, 书房 Kopf.
„Nein. Das kann ich nicht. Tut mir leid. Wir sehen uns dann morgen in der Schule.“ „Ja, bis morgen.“ Dann legte Ella auf.
Helena war auf einmal so wütend das sie eines der Gläser, das auf dem weißen Plastikregal stand, mit voller Wucht auf 巢穴, den, 书房 Boden warf. Sie war so wütend. Nicht auf Ella, oder Allison, nicht einmal auf ihre Mutter. Nur auf sich selbst.
Helena kehrte mit einem Besen die Scherben weg und holte dann Allison aus ihrem Zimmer.
„Allison, wir gehen. Zieh dir bitte deine Jacke an.“ „Aber ich will noch nicht.“ Das kleine Mädchen saß gerade vor ihrem Puppenhaus und zog einer der Pupen ein silbern glitzerndes Kleid an.
Helena hob ihre Schwester hoch und trug sie zur Garderobe. Dort zog sie Allison eine giftgrüne, dick gepolsterte Jacke an. Helena selbst zog sich schnell ihren tiefschwarzen Wintermantel an.
posted by hannah_vampire
thxs for the 评论 plz keep commenting thxs so much :)

I had not been to school which I kinda liked but I had to get out I hated it here and when i know that he likes me it makes it 更多 hard just to even look at sefo it kills me.

I stayed away from him for aleast a week, I had to talk to him but alone and the only time i could talk to him was now, He was standing near the water and it was sunset how perfect is this!
He turned and saw we walk down towards him 'Hey Belle look before 你 say anything your wrong i know that' I stayed at him excuse me did he just say I was wrong 'Look here sefo...
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Thanks to all those who read the last chapter, oh, and please be apart of the War of Hearts Rp!!! It's really fun to do!:D

~2. New and Mysterious

uddenly, a great light shone before me in the dark. And the Key responded to it, so - as if on instinct - I lifted the magic Key and pointed it right at the light. I heard a sound, like a door opening, and suddenly I was engulfed in the pleasant warmth of light.

Very slowly, I opened my eyes and blinked a few times until my vision cleared. I immediately saw tall town-like buildings, a white stoned ground (the ground I was sitting on), and clear, open...
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posted by serenacullen93
I wish that my mother was here that stupid drunk driver had never been born it was my fault that she died that she is now six feet under the ground . I remember that night like it was yesterday I had snuck out with my 老友记 to go to this party down town . Things got out control I called my mom from the side of the road for my mother to come get me one of the guys from the party zoomed down the road and hit my mother head on . I saw it I was right out side the car I saw the red hot metal cut into my mother flesh ending her life with one feel-swoop like the cut of a blade. The ones who should...
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posted by amethyst44
(this is realistic-fiction, some parts are true and some are false. that should become evident as time goes on ^.^)


Everything fell when David left.

I never understood why. He was just a friend to me at that time, and 老友记 back then were any people that I could get in a conversation with. They were people that listened. And really, seeing him leave was just as normal as any of my other 老友记 that left during that year. There was nothing too it; I would convince myself over and over again that he would eventually come back, and that we might even meet up in the future and talk about our...
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posted by hannah_vampire
I sat on the table, Wondering why my dad was so pissed off not just at me but also at something else the doctor 说 that it would healing very fast dont ask me how but he 说 it would.

2 Weeks later

I healed really quick to my suprise even though i didn't believe what he 说 was true for some reson I felt like it was and what do 你 know it was. I drove to school thinking how it could be true and having that guys vocie in my head i mean my dad lying to me but why?.

When i got out of my car, I decided to go sit on one of the tables were soon after i was joined 由 one of the vampire freak show's...
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posted by starwarsfangirl
I wrote this is five minutes. Not that good, I know.
It's in the point of view of a fire.
It's in a fireplace in a living room.
Hope 你 enjoy.
Read to the rhythym 你 would
'The Night Before Christmas'

I flickered and jumped
and sat on the logs
and watched as the human
kicked off his clogs.

The dog soon followed
and sat 由 his side
and they soon were asleep
and my flame soon died.

But a flicker did linger
and I wondered a bit.
When would be the 下一个 time
that I would be lit?

posted by Funnygirl77
After a long 日 of school and making new 老友记 Kisa is tired, but happy. She starts on her 首页 work and is finish with in ten minutes. Then she starts on math her hardest subject, it takes her fifteen 分钟 to finish. When she is done she text Erick and a bunch of her other friends, They all agree to meet at the mall. Kisa asked Zack if he wanted to come and he shook his head.
"NO thanks моя влюбленность"(my love) "I am fine" Kisa smiles and turns to leave "goodbye принц ночи" (good bye prince of the night)Zack was not shocked that Kisa knew about him. "she is...
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posted by Flana_2
We walked down back to what I thought was his house. It was actually his tiny hospital hut.
“You healed me”?    
“Yeah. On your head. 你 were banged up pretty hard.” He 说 that with pride and a smile. At least there was that. He could heal people that make them 爱情 him, it fills him with so much joy. I sat down on the tiny 床, 床上 and tried to think about my past, if I could remember the ocean ride here. I thought hard but it didn’t come back to me. Hmmm I wondered why, why can’t I remember a single thing about sleeping 或者 riding 或者 anything? Minrough read my...
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posted by TeamRosalieHale
24: Victim of the Game

The rest of the trip was in relative silence. Rosalie seemed ok after a while, even talking to Luke and Michael. To Jack, she spoke with her mind only. Tristan had gone to his room-to work on something though what no one knew. At long last the carriage came to an abrupt and Tristan came out, his face grim.
“That bad?” Jack asked, looking up at him.
He didn’t answer, just looked down. “What?” Rosalie asked him, sensing that something big had been kept from her.
No one answered, they all silently got off but Rosalie was not done. “What is going on? Jack?”...
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posted by TeamRosalieHale
5: Remember Me This Way

After the initial shock had worn off, Rosalie and Alice had spent most of afternoon outside, neither finding it in them to function. Alice had gone inside the house-Rosalie still could not bring herself to do it-and after quickly gathering some clothing and other practical items for them she had quickly returned. She had silently placed a small bag at Rosalie’s feet and sat down 下一个 to her again.
A short time later, the two looked up as Sam, Embry, and Jared came through the trees just in front of them. Sam simply looked at the girls before saying “so, everything...
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posted by Fangirl99
jamie is a beautiful girl. she has long ,blond hair,she has a 粉, 粉色 衬衫 and dark blue jeans. she was the cousin of lindsey.
she was walking her dog,sweetie,when,jamie tripped on a rock. she thn fell into the arms of trent.
'hell," he said.
"thnks for saving me,abd hi."
"you okay?"
"yeah,but,i,need to rest,and my house is pretty far from here.
"you can com,e over. i live across."
they went to trents house,and they went up to his rom

"and this is my room."
i had a gray wall,with gutiar poster,and a bed.closet,drawers and other things.
"wow,thats a cool room."
"listen,do 你 have a girlfreind?"
"i dont,do 你 wanna go out?"
then trent kissed jamie,and thats hat went on for the rest of the day.
posted by Fangirl99
i dindnt say anything for a minute,then i spoke.

'do 你 know why?"

'well,she 说 something about an old friend in texas." izzy told me.

"you dont think.."

"maybe.where else could she have gone?"

"come 由 my house after school,i have plan."

After school,izzy came over.We went to my room.

"what are we gonna do?"izzy asked,as soon as she walked in the room.

"wee gonig to find aslee" i siad,trying to sound as serious as possible.

"youre kidding,right? i mean,where are we gonna go?"izzy said.


she stared at me.Blankly.Not saying a thing.As if she was gonna drop dead.

"izzy?"i asked,trying to get her back to reality.

"you must be on drugs," she said


"youve got to be joking me.i mean,your mom is not gonig to take us,my mom is dead,and theres no way ere gonna..wait...your not saying?

"yep,wee going to texas"
posted by Fangirl99
poem 1:the world

the sun shines bright
there's day,and there's night
both are beautiful sights
this is the world

Winter,spring,summer,and fall
is a magical season
so there is no reason
for 你 to hate
seasons so great

we are all one
we need the sun
we need the air
we all care
about the world

poem 2:love

there is something above
we cant see it
we cant bee it
but we all know what it is
it is love

爱情 is what we need
to live,to breath
to be what we can be
we all need love

爱情 is power
爱情 is strong.
thats why 爱情 songs
are so very strong

Poem 3:run (this one isnt all that good)

in the sun
is where i run
away from here
ill not be near

Something that will kill me
something that can be
so deadly and strong
and can kill me with a song

thats why i run
in the sun
i still remember 你 hum.
im sorry i must run.
posted by KatiiCullen94
I remember the times of the i 爱情 you's
and times when it was i hate you.
But 你 come back begging at me feet.
And when my pity defeated me.
and the sweet seranades, in our matching shades.
My rose collection, evidence of your effection.
The sheets unmade, from the nights 你 stayed.
The child in me, from the times 你 loved me.
The debt 你 owe, from using the word borrow.
The times i was scared, was the time 你 spared.
And this dress i wear, in which are people become aware, that 你 are gone, and withdrawn.
The memories i hold, they are written in bold.
my broken heart, from when 你 apart.
so rest now my love, up now from above.
posted by I_love_Mikey
When it hits, it hits hard
Worse for you, because 你 saw it coming from the start
A blizzard of thoughts and truths buzz around your head
You can't think, it makes 你 wish for death.
Blood and sacrifice are your devotions,
but life can only give so many promotions
Soon, it will give up on you.
Give up first.

The pain it brushes against your cheek,
A touch so soft, leaving 你 so weak
The broken glass of a stained window leaves 你 praying,
He's the devil's spawn, he's recreating
What was gone for good once.
But he's not for good, he's for bad.
And bringing back what made us sad.
Life is over,
I'll make it...
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posted by coolie
Both Crack-a-bottle and Shatter-a-glass were teens, and their names had a lot in common. Crack-a-bottle and Shatter-a-glass. Hee Hee. The 问题 right now is how the heck do we get out of here?” 说 bill. Shatter-a-glass searched in her pockets. 嘿 my phone, the only phone in the world that lets 你 text and do nothing else,” 说 Shatter-a-glass. How will that help?” asked Crack-a-bottle. I could text a plane to fly over here and pick us up!” answered Shatter-a-glass. Shatter-a-glass was thinking for a moment. She didn’t have a clue of what number she text so she did every combination...
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posted by Twilightsauce
Sorry this chapter has taken so long -my computer brok so I had to re write it!!!- but enjoy!

Running, breathing, living, hunting, fighting and Jake. These were the only five words running through my head right now. We hadn’t been running long and I was still at the front of the 圈, 圈子 with Jake. As we ran I could almost smell the danger approaching us. I knew that the others were trying not to 显示 their anxiety around me but I knew that these newborns weren’t as new any 更多 and were becoming better fighters 由 the day.
“Stop,” I herd Alice call from behind me, “The newborns...
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posted by werewolflover
This is the 秒 story to my friend's Bite Series.
First Blood
"No!Leave him alone.He had nothing to do with this."I was telling Robert."Go eat someone else.Not Nick!"Nick was strong,but not strong enough to take on Robert...
I "woke up"from my daydream.Good thing it was just a daydream for now...I was awakened 由 my phone ringing.It was Nick,my knight in shining armor.
"Hey,Allie.What do 你 want to do today?"
"How 'bout 你 come over?We can watch a movie."I couldn't tell him about my daydream,then he would definately think I was crazy.
I told him to rent a movie.I wish,just for...
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Days and days passed,this just wasn't going to end.This constant battle with Leo.Leo and I weren't fighting we just kept..well actually HE was the one leading me on so I was beating myself about it now.Leo could go from saying stuff like "hi beautiful" to "I don't wanna be around 你 right at the moment Jas,i-i gotta....see 你 later."And then he will walk away.I don't get it at all.The crappiest part of all this is that whether 或者 not he is being a jerk.I'm falling for him,and I'm falling for him fast.

I mean its so hard to not fall for him.He can be the sweetest person on earth sometimes,and...
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Sorry for the delay I have had some sever mental block and I couldnt think of anything to write LOL! Enjoy chapter 12 and remember to feedback and keep looking for chapter 13! Amber/Twilightsauce.

I smiled as my eyelids fluttered open. The sun was streaming in through the window making my skin glitter in a mysterious way but not sparkling like the rest of my vampire family. I knew that Jacob was awake because everything was silent- Jake was the LOUDEST snorer ever. I propped myself up on two of the fluffy pillows to get a better view of his face. Jacobs’s eyes were closed but he had...
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