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Chapter 17: Freedom City's Wrath
Part 2: The Shocking Truth

Dokuro's secret is out--he isn't the true Malice. After he sent his skeleton army after th­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­em, they ran for it. Whirlwind fired off an air sphere at some of the skeleton's, and they broke apart. But a bunch 更多 kept coming for them, armed with swords.
"I don't think both of us can fight them all off, Whirl! We need to find Duji....and fast!"
Whirlwind agreed and kept on running away from the skeleton arm ay. Whirlwind grabed Jackson's hand and flew off deeper into the city. Whirlwind looked down at Jackson and asked, "About Duji...where IS he? Shouldn't he be with you?"
"He was, but he and I 分裂, 拆分 up when he went off to face the citizen's solo.....I hope he's alright," Jackson added.
While they were on their way towards Shock, Shock and 鸭, 德雷克 were still face-to-face with the citizen's. They hid under a car, trying to stay clear of the wrath of the citizen's. It was quiet. Both Shock and 鸭, 德雷克 listened for any sounds of the citizen's talking 或者 preparing to 火, 消防 again, but nothing was hard through the dead, cool air.
"OK, why haven't they 火, 消防 at us yet?" asked Drake.
"How should I know, Drake? 或者 whatever your name is...." Shock asked back, somehwat irritated.
He peeked his head out from beneath the car and looked around for any sign of them. He looked at the nearby buildings, and he saw that the poeple has seemingly vanished. He looked back to Shock and said, "I believe the coast is clear, kid."
He grabbed Shock hand as he got up from under the car and stood back up. They looked around for anymore signs of the citizens.
"It's quiet. And we all know that when things get quiet, all hell breaks loose..." Shock
鸭, 德雷克 continued to look around and said, "Exactly...which is why I'm calling for backup. I'm sure they'll come, but I need to be sure they get here before--"
鸭, 德雷克 was cut off suddenly, when they both saw bullets flying at them. It didn't take long for them to notice the citizen's running towards them. 鸭, 德雷克 fired off several shots, while running away from the scene. He got a few of them, but wan't enough to stop the riot.
"Come on! We need to get 你 outta here!" 鸭, 德雷克 screamed out.
Shock shook his head and formed electricity around himself, also making himself hover into the air.
"No....I'm gona take them ALL on!" he shouted back, having his eyes focused on them.
"Fine, then I'll be back with back up!" 鸭, 德雷克 called out, before officially leaving.
With one last effort to stand against the city, he flew off after them, firing off massive electrical bolts. One person was hit, while another jumped 前锋, 期待 to stab Shock with a knife. He quickly grabbed the guys hand and electrocuted him, then swung him around using his electrical whip, and slammed him into two other people. Another person tackled him down and they both rolled around on the street. When they stopped, Shock kicked the guy off him and stood back up. He then flew after him, and was ready to electrocute him. But before he could get to him, someone else nearby caused a peice of the concrete below him to come up and hit him. The impact sent Shock flying up higher, and hurt like hell. he fell back down to the 街, 街道 hard--with scrapes and scratches all over him. He got up, but was sore from impact.
"Damn you...." he called out.
Just as Shock charged toward the remaining citizen's, several police cars drove into the scene--one of them driving in between Shock and the others. Drake, along with other cops, got outta thier cars.
"OK, everyone, get back to your homes! This riot ends now!" 鸭, 德雷克 shouted, ready to use his gun if this gets ugly.
One officer came over to Shock and saying, "We need to leave...if 你 come with us, you'll be safe."
"NO! I'm finishing what I started!" he shouted back.
Tyson, with a few other mobians, came up and appraoched Drake.
"We're not going anywhere til that kid is DEAD!" he yelled at Drake.
鸭, 德雷克 aimed his gun at the remaining Mobian's, mostly towards Tyson. 鸭, 德雷克 had mixed emotions about shooting Tyson--but knew he may have to if Tyson kept this riot going.
"I never thought I would have to do this....I never did like you, but still..." 鸭, 德雷克 说 to Tyson.
Tyson rolled his eyes and said, "Do 你 think I care? Once I make that kid pay for this, I'll be outta your hair, COUSIN Drake..."
Shock heard that and then looked at Drake, asking, "You two are related?"
"Yeah...he's my 秒 cousin. That doesn't matter now--Tyson? Get these people to go 首页 before this gets ugly! We got the 'criminal' under control," 鸭, 德雷克 told Tyson.
"Liar! 你 idiots didn't do WE will take a stand against that monster!" he shouted, while motioning the other mobian's to attack.
Out of pure reflex, he shot several bullets at the crowd as he ran.
"Go...GO! GET THE KID OUTTA HERE!" 鸭, 德雷克 screamed at one of the cops standing by.
Him and another cop quickly grabbed Shock as they ran for their cars. They got in as quick as they could and then drove off down the street, heading for the bridge. Ironically, at the 秒 they drove off--Whirlwind and Jackson stopped them as they happened to walk by. It didn't take them long to notice the group of citezen's.
"Wait...if they're chasing after that police car, then Duji must be in it! We need to get to him before--" Jackson said, being cut off when seeing Dokuro.
Dokuro flew past them in air above them, making his way towards the police car Shock was in. Whirlwind grabbed Jackson's hand and flew after Dokuro. While driving, 鸭, 德雷克 happened to notice Dokuro flying past them.
"Isn't that him, Duji? You're...'master'?" he asked Duji, who sat in the back.
"It is! Wherever he's going, follow him!" he shouted.
With that, 鸭, 德雷克 drove faster, as he turned right down the 街, 街道 where Dokuro was heading. Several bullet sounds where heard hitting the car from behind them, as the angry mod chassing them was shooting at them. Shock rolled down the window and shot out multiple electrical blasts at them. Most of them where hit, while the others decided to back off for the moment.
"I got them to back go get--" Shock said, but noticed that Dokuro was outta sight.
"What is it? Did he vanish?" asked Drake.
Shock nodded as he pointed towards that same old house that he saw before--the house that "Malice" told him to stay clear of. 鸭, 德雷克 stopped the car as he aproached the strange, creepy old house. They quickly got outta their cars and Shock went ahead of them, running up to the porch.
"Hey, whats wrong? Did he go inside 或者 something?" 鸭, 德雷克 asked.
"Yes...I'm going inside..." he said, with a determind look.
After that, he opened the door and waisted no time going inside. 鸭, 德雷克 noticed Whirlwind and Jackson coming into the scene--Whirlwind lowering down to the front yard.
"Glad 你 made it....your grandkid went inside after Malice," 说 Drake.
"Good...but we have some news: that guy isn't Malice! His name is Dokuro and he's not your regular Mobian...." Jackson called out.
鸭, 德雷克 was a little shocked 由 the sudden news, but then motioned for the other officers that were with him to go inside.
"Let's worry about that later.....right now we need to catch this guy," he told Jackson.
As they went inside, Shock was already waking in the livingroom. The house was dead quiet--as it has been for the last 6 month. There were no furniture around, just a huge empty space. As he looked around the place, memories of that house came flooding back to him. he looked over at the section where there was once a couch, and he began to see a specific memory reply in his head. One of him and his parents watching TV. 鸭, 德雷克 and the others finally caught up to him. Jackson rushed over to Shock and was worried.
"Duji, are 你 OK? Is he here?" he asked him.
He didn't quite hear him talking--he was toobusy thinking back. 鸭, 德雷克 came over to Jackson and said, "Wait...I think he's remembering..."
秒 later, Shock went up the stairs and down the hall. Jackson, 鸭, 德雷克 and Whirlwind all followed. Jackson looked at Whirlwind and asked, "What exacty are 你 doing here? Are 你 still after that Spectre guy?"
"Yes. Spectre 说 that him and Dokuro are planning to team up...." he added.
As they came up the hallway, 鸭, 德雷克 and a few other cops aimed their 枪 around the place.
"Shock? Are 你 OK in here?" asked Drake, his voice echoing in the hall.
Shock was in his old room, looking around the place. He then saw another memeory reply in his mind as he looked at where his 床, 床上 use to be. Thinking of these memories brought tears to his eyes as he silenty cried. Little did he know: Dokuro was watching him from inside a closet. The door was open, so he quietly stepped out into the empty room. Dokuro grinned maliciously as he saw what Shock was doing.
" the lil 小狗 sad?" he asked him, clearly trying to taunt him.
He looked back and saw Dokuro standing there--he was angry.
"You lied to me, didn't you?" he asked Dokuro.
Dokuro rolled his eyes, though 你 couldn't see it through his shades.
"Kid, we're way passed that I'll just cut to the chase: I DID lie to you...." he announced.
Shock grew angrier and fired off some light bolts. Dokuro and jumped up and quickly flicked his wrists around, and started twisting Shock's bones.
" 说 I had no family! 你 说 I was EVIL!" Shock screamed out.
While still holding Shock in his grip, he raised Shock's body in the air, saying, "Evil? were NEVER truely evil! I only made 你 think it til I was done with you..."
Then he threw Shock across the room. Shock hit a nearby 墙 face first. Shock groaned in pain. He stood back up as Jackson and the other cops entered the room. They aimed their gun toward him.
"Put your hands up! I don't know what 你 wanted with this kid, but it's over..." 鸭, 德雷克 说 to him.
"Over? Far from it....wanna hear 更多 of the truth, kid? 你 DID have a family, but Malice killed them off 6 months ago," declared Dokuro.
When he heard that, he grey 更多 angrier. And his teary eye's face was replaced with that of pure rage. Electricity circled around him. Jackson, 鸭, 德雷克 and Dokuro all backed away from him as this happened.
"Duji, I know you're probably in a of shock right now, but I want 你 to know--" Jackson said, being cut off 由 Drake.
"Jackson, I think it's best we get outta here...." he said.
Then he got so angry, that his electricity became bright red flames. Shock didn't notice this of course, but the others did. At that moment, he officially remembered who he was and that Dokuro had lied the whole.
"'re gonna pay for this! For ever tinking 你 could USE me like this!" he shouted, flames bursting from around him.
He made a loud scream and as he did so, a streem of 火, 消防 burst from and went straight through the ceiling, making a huge hole. Dokuro knew this may end badly for him, so he flew out the window in a hurry. But Shock wasn't gonna let him off that easy. With 火, 消防 still around him, he flew after Dokuro and smashed right into the wall, making another huge hole. Jackson rushed over to see if he could find out where Shock had went to. He looked upwards at the sky and saw him giving Dokuro hell. Shock, while still angry, made a firy sphere around himself and flew straight for Dokuro. He was coming on pretty damn fast, and Dokuro barely dodged it. He would attack with his bone-weapons but knew it was useless at this point. As he flew circles around him, he also shot out 火, 消防 balls at Dokuro. He tried his best to dodge the attacks, but didn't do much good. Then had got an idea: he backed away some, and then started moving the 识骨寻踪 in Shock's arms while saying, "You think 你 have me, don't you? Think again...."
He then made Shock push the button on that watch that he had 给 him a few hours ago. Afterwards he let go. Shock started to calm down some and gew confused. He heard beeping sounds from the watch and then saw a timer iluminate on the screen.
"What is this...? Why is it counting down?" he asked Dokuro.
"Considering it a birthday present form your master. Happy birthday, mutt!" shouted Dokuro, flying off.
He aw that the timer was counting down, and had 10 秒 left. He tried getting the watch off, but it wouldn't budge. He grew terrified, and didn't know what else to do. So as a last resort, he flew--WAYY up high as high as he could before it finally went off. The force of the blast still hit the city regardless, and poor Duji was cought at the center. But is this it? Is this the end of his journy?

posted by scougesgirl
Ashton:*running around with Sonic*
Sonic: ash. Ash!
Ashton: * runs in to an other wolf* ow!
Volt: 你 okay?
Ashton: do I look okay?
Volt: yeah.
Ashton: than I am* gets up*
NIC:*appears out of no where* Volt whose the other wolf?
Sonic: Hi, NIC.
NIC: Hmpht.
Ashton: hi, I'm Ashton Jade moon.
Volt: hi. I'm Volt that's NIC.
Ashton: I know him. Sally talks about him.
Sonic: he's a glitch.
Ashton: I'm a glitch too then
Sonic: okay. Bye * runs off*
Ashton: got to dash. * runs after sonic*
So nothing really to say except that I’d like to start up a birthday system. People don’t usually tell others when they’re birthday is for varying reasons but I’d like to make it so that everyone knows when the birthdays of club-members are.

I’ll be adding each birthday to a file and try to make so there’s a notification each time the birthday is near. This way I can announce the birthday to everyone if they want to draw something for that person.

Normally this would be considered spam but unlike most unrelated posts this actually helps strengthen the community. I feel it will show...
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posted by scougesgirl
I'd like to thank sonicfan67 for letting me use his amazing sonic character in my stories. I'll try my hardest to make them better but I'm kind of insane so it may fail. To the story.

Ferrari sat on the 长椅, 沙发 while Ashton flipped through the channels. "There's nothing on and I'm not watching Sonic X." Ashton yelled and throw the remote at the tv.
"No need to throw the remote unless your trying to kill the tv." Tiber yelled from the kitchen.
"Yeah right. The acs out and it's like 5,000 degrees in here." Ashton said.
" I have a boat. 你 two up for the lake?" Ferrari asked Ashton and Tiber.
"I'm up...
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posted by scougesgirl
Ashton walked around the small apartment she shared with two other people. She was having a nervous breakdown, shadow hadn't texted her in five hours. She took a deep breath, then she sat on the couch, and turned on the tv.
One of her room mates walked in. She was a brown and green bob cat named Tiber. She was skilled with a sword and fast not as fast as Ashton with a pair of hover skates on, but fast. The cat walked over to the 狼 on the couch. "Hey, Ashton 你 okay?" Tiber asked the blue wolf.
"Okay, what's for dinner?" Tiber sat down 下一个 to her friend.
"What ever, Ferrari makes...
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posted by MoonSpirit863
Name: Hanzo light

Species: Dog

Personality: he is caring and kind- hearted and funny guy. He hates when he gets mad (which rare) cause he starts to cuss a lot (which he tries to avoid doing).

Likes: Swords, sweets(he really likes carrot cake with creme chesse and daifuku (rice cakes with sweet red 豆 paste filling) ),
video games, and hiking

Dislikes: Demons, peas, string beans, rude people

Weapons/powers: he has no powers well besides his right eye that can detect demons 或者 evil spirits if that counts as a power. He has a metal 项链 of a 交叉, 十字架 that can turn into a exorcist sword at will....
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*in a British accent* T'was the middle of July, and all throughout the house, I could not find the TV remote. So, unfortunately, I was stuck watching the My Little 小马 Mega Mare-a-Thon. Then, soon I ended up having an MLP related iPhone lock screen wallpaper. 你 cannot even tell that's what it is, as it's a backwards 音乐 note and blue and purple splotches of paint.
*normal voice* Then I told my friend and he and I were now both bronies. Then I told him I'd only watched 15 episodes, and thus I was dubbed a bro-meh. THE END.
(okay, so....thought i had one 更多 日 of school to play with 你 guys, but evidently not. -.-* someone always has to ruin my plans..... unbelievable....anyways, awhile back i 发布 a mystery person picture. I 发布 the coloured ID verson of him, so now here's the bio that goes with him. He's my newest, and I'm actually really happy to how he turned out. He's gonna be really useful in the Parue/Kayverian war.)

Tryvor's Character Bio:
Name: Tryvor Jallen

Age: 18

Birthday: December 18th

Species: Kayverian.

Height: 3'5.7"

Weight: 119lbs

Powers/Abilities: Originating from the crescent moon, Tryvor's...
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posted by NintendoFan364
Character bio

Name: Jason Gearsmo

Age: Eighteen(18)

Gender: Male

Species: Negative Nanite being(Usually takes to form of a lynx)

Height: 4'0"

Weight: 125ibs

Personality traits: Spiteful and short-tempered, Jason is labeled insane with multiple personality disorder as he is defected nanite being. He speaks in a very cold tone and he stares his enemies with a soulless glaze.

Siblings: Melvin Gearsmo(His younger "brother"), Pomu Gearsmo(His younger "sister")


~As a negative Nanite being, Jason has quite possibly the most deadly kind of nanites out of the three: Nanites infused with negative...
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posted by NintendoFan364
Character bio

Name: Pomu Gearsmo

Age: Thirteen(13)

Gender: Female

Species: Yellow Nanite being(Usually takes the form of a lynx)

Height: 3'0"

Weight: 112ibs

Personality traits: Very intelligent and kind, Pomu is very mature and emotionally strong for her age. Much like her older brothers, she has surpassed the three laws of robotics and has a free will to do as she pleases.

Siblings: Melvin Gearsmo(Her older "brother"), Jason Gearsmo(Her other older "brother")


~As a yellow Nanite being, Pomu's nanites have magnetic properties to them. Allowing her to draw and push away metallic objects and...
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posted by unknown99
Syke the Hedgehog, a hedgehog born in the City of Sand. He is a child born in harsh situations. But with his great sand techniques, he was able to defend the city. He was sent to the Andromedian Pyrokinetic Academy along with 14 other people from many different country. They joined in that academy for the first time then. Syke was assigned to a dormitory with Skye, Jack and Amethyst. Syke did well in the academy. he followed the lessons seriously (unlike Nico who's pranking always upset the teacher). Syke did well, until the final test. The field is scarce on sand which caused him to lose against Joey. The night after the battle, Syke rested on his 床, 床上 unaware of the black hole approaching. When the alarm was triggered, he got off his 床, 床上 and onto the assembly area. He was led to a black room almost the same as the one in the dorm. He was then launched to outer space, leaving him only the doom of his planet.
posted by Dragonfruit44
"Ok, so here's the plan." Bard 说 to everyone in the den," Tonight is that special 伪装 Ball thingy. Since its being held at a huge mansion, there will be big loot. We can go as anything we want, we just have to have a mask. We'll walk in and once the party starts to end, we'll hide. Then the loot will be ours. Any questions?" Bard asked and it looked as if no one was paying attention," HEY! Are 你 idiots even listening?!" " We're listening!," Selena yelled,"How are we suppose to get out once we got the loot?" Selena asked. " I thought you've been pretty steamed lately, so I thought...
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posted by TakTheFox
Tear flavored rain drops
Falling from a cloudy sky

Lying on my death 床, 床上
Begging “Please don’t let me die!”

Wishing I was stronger back then
~Wishing I could fight

Wishing I had made a difference
On the side of light…


But mi-^ine was known to be just darkness
Mine was not the light

A darkened world of shadowed hiding
Was how they survived…
They My Kind


Guit sprinkled 草 dew
Wiping off the blades I pass

Walking through this grave-yard
Seeing lives dead in the past

Crying for the ones who died so
~Others could survive

All For a cause that was folly
A folly peaceful life…...
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"hush, child, darkness will rise from the deep and carry u out in2 sleep. child, darkness will rise from the deep and carry u out in2 sleep..." i sang in2 the darkness as i walked thro the forests i knew once..."Guileless son, I'll shape your belief. And you'll always know that your father's a thief. And 你 won't understand the cause of your grief, But you'll always follow the voices beneath..."

I should start this story at the saying this. there was a prophecy in my kingdom....of a son who would die 4 the right his mother was denied. I was born princess. Yes, I was also human...
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posted by smartone123
I've been here 40 分钟 and I want to leave now.This place has me on edge with its gloomy shadows and eerie colored walls instead of dreamy think nightmares of clowns.I sit in my new room that they say is suppose to make me feel at 首页 and comfortable I feel neither fore I have never really felt at 首页 any where for my 13 年 of my life and will never ever feel at all comifotable with the room mate with unblinking owly eyes that see the slightest twitch and a twisted smile like she has sins that would send her to the worst of fates.I dot belong here Since I wasn't the one to actually try...
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My 心 rate was untellable. All I can say is, it was fast. And I don't mean just as if 你 finished a suspenseful movie 或者 anything like that. My 心 was racing as if I just ran 10 heart-throbbing, unforgivable miles.
The man jerked his hand forward, palm up, inches away from my face. But it was fuzzy, considering he was standing on the shattered glass that was my glasses.
"I'm not gonna tell 你 again," he growled at me angrily, panting between each word, "Give me that BOX. 你 don't want to know what happens if 你 don't put it in my hands this very minute!" His voice raised louder, word-by-word,...
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Here is the link to chapter two if 你 missed it (It contains the link to Chapter 1 if 你 missed it too)
Where we left off....
It was dark outside and Damon was running through the wilderness, trying to get as far way as possible. He was about four miles away from the prison. He needed to find something to eat and somewhere to hide for the night. He could see red and blue lights flashing in the sky. He heard a loud buzzing sound behind him. He turned around and saw a tall black Hedgehog with smoke emiting from it's body. It was completely black except...
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added by SonicxMina4eva
added by MephilesTheDark
Source: Me/ Ningizzida.
added by blazeandarose
posted by zelda4559
"You're misson is to recover the chaos emeralds." "ok" Ruby runs off heading towards Eggman's base."who's that" ruby thinks. As a Blue hedgehog races by. "It don't matter" As ruby sneaks into one of the vents. Crawling until the she sees the glow of the red chaos emerald. "It's like taking 糖果 form a baby" ruby jumps out of the vent and takes the chaos emerald. As she gets ready to leave a two tailed 狐狸 walks in. "huh, who are you" "I'm ruby, don't bother me" she jumps into the vent before tails can get her. "Get back here ruby" Ruby escapes Eggman's base and run torwds the spy HQ. "so 你 say a red hedgehog took the chaos emerald" says sonic "yes, she escaped before I could get her" says tails angerliy "let go after her,sonic" says cream "I'm back" "Good job, angent ruby"says Emma the HQ leader "I have a question, who's the yellow two tailed fox" ruby demands "tails the 狐狸 he travels with sonic the hedgehog" "tell me more"