Sonic 粉丝 Characters Club
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posted by ShadowFan100
Character Chart
Character's full name: Danyel Lorre King
Reason 或者 meaning of name: None
Character's nickname: Kori
Reason for nickname: It goes with his powers
Birth date: September 12th 2000
Powers: It used to be water, but her personality grew "colder"--more evil-like. So due to this, her power switched to ice and has stayed that way.
Theme: Unstoppable 由 China Ann McClain

Physical appearance
Age: 13
How old does he/she appear: same age
Weight: 45 pounds
Height: 3ft
Body build: Slim bot not TOO skinny
Shape of face: n/a.
Eye color: Green
Glasses 或者 contacts: None
Skin tone: Tan (his hands, feet and mouth)
Predominant features:
Type of hair: Thin
Hairstyle: 3 quills on the back of her head and 3 bangs over her face
Voice: kinda deep
总体, 整体 attractiveness: cute
Physical disabilities: dyslexia
Usual fashion of dress: She wears a blue and white dress. She has blue and white gloves and shoes

Good personality traits: She's like her brother when it comes to being kind, determined, loyal and all that. But she also has different views--she doesn't have the same morals as Shock does. She does what she can to help someone, but is selfish at times.
Bad personality traits: She's WAY too serious. She can be rude and a bit mean without warning and isn't AS kind as Shock is. When she fight's evil, she KILLS them. She's not as merciful to the enemy as Shock is, and is brutal when she kills them. And tho she does good things like Shock, she tends to do 更多 evil anyway.
Mood character is most often in: Happy, mostly.
Sense of humor: Normal--nothing cruel, 或者 inappropriate.
Character's greatest joy in life: Hanging with the people she loves
Character's greatest fear: Loosing her only twin
Why?: She spent most her life hating him, so now she's trying to make up for it
What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil? If Shock died
Character is most at ease when: Righting in her book. 或者 TRYING to...she has dyslexia
Most ill at ease when: she's alone (being alone scares her sometimes)
Enraged when: He sees a loved one being hurt in anyway
Depressed 或者 sad when: she thinks of how she use to believe all those lies Malice told her
Priorities: Taking care of her brother and living life the best she can
Life philosophy:
If granted one wish, it would be: to have never been kidnapped 由 Malice
Why?: She HATES him DUH...
Character's soft spot: Cupcakes
Is this soft spot obvious to others? It MIGHT be
Greatest strength: Her powers
Greatest vulnerability 或者 weakness: Fire, electricity
Biggest regret: Believing the lies she was told as she grew up with Malice
Minor regret: Hating her brother
Biggest accomplishment: IDK yet
Minor accomplishment: IDK yet
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know: Not sure
Why?: IDK
Character's darkest secret: She's another Legend of Nature. Like her brother, they both have past-lives
Does anyone else know? Shock

Drives and motivations: Not sure yet
Immediate goals: Living life the way she thinks it should be lived
Long term goals: Spending as much time with her bro as she can to make up for the times she HATED him
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: 由 any way she believe is right
How other characters will be affected: I...have no idea

Country: She's got Cordon blood in her (the core-creature's from under Mobius) so she's from Cordonia
Hometown: Unknown
Type of childhood: It was very different from Shock's. She never knew their parents and was raised to believe that Shock was evil. She spent her childhood training for the 日 she got her revenge on Shock for killing their parents (which Shock didn't even do of course)
Pets: None
First memory: When Malice told her about Shock
Most important childhood memory: She's a child NOW but: when she finally realized her brother was no killer
Why?: Because she had been lied to and wants to remember that day
Childhood heroes: none
Dream job: Singer
Religion: Atheist
Finances: None she's a kid

Country: Doggeria
Current location: Freedom City
Currently living with: Her family
Pets: none
Religion: Christian, but often doesn't really act like one
Occupation: None
Finances: None

Mother: Meishi King
Relationship with her: She never knew her mom
Father: Jonathan King
Relationship with him: She never knew her dad either
Spouse: None
Relationship with him/her:
Siblings: Duji "Shock" King
Relationship with them: Also times.
Children: None
Relationship with them: IDK yet
Other important family members: Her two cousin's: none

Color: Light Blue
Least 最喜爱的 color: Pink
Music: Soul, rap and heavy metal
Food: Salads
Literature: Thriller
Form of entertainment: Watching TV
Expressions: Mostly smiling
Mode of transportation: Nothing

Hobbies: Doodling, singing, jumping rope
Plays a sport? Ice skating
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Listening to music
Spending habits: She buys things she needs and wants--most of the time it's for herself
Smokes: ...sometimes
Drinks: Nope
Other drugs: Nope
What does he/she do too much of? She has a bad stealing habit
What does he/she do too little of? Homework lol
Extremely skilled at: Dancing
Extremely unskilled at: Football
Nervous tics: She's shakes as if she's freezing but is cold at all
Usual body posture: Good

Optimist 或者 pessimist? It depends
Introvert 或者 extrovert? Extrovert
Daredevil 或者 cautious? Both
Logical 或者 emotional? Both
Disorderly and messy 或者 methodical and neat? Neat
Prefers working 或者 relaxing? Relaxing
Confident 或者 unsure of himself/herself? Both, depending on how she feels at the time
Animal lover? TOTALLY! She IS an animal so....

How he/she feels about himself/herself: Depends on her mood.
One word the character would use to describe self: Determined
One paragraph 描述 of how the character would describe self: I'm loyal to those close to me. I 'm kind, like my brother, but not AS kind. But I'd do ANYTHING for him. I have to be there for him when he needs me...or I might loose him.
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Her determination
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Her jealousy
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Her eyes
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Her hands

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: She believes a BIT different than Shock does. She is forgiving, but not all the time. She tends to hold grudges against certain people. She believes most of the people around her are evil and/or plotting to kill her.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Nope. She will willingly say ANYTHING she thinks 或者 feels at the moment
Person character most hates: Malice the Wicked
Best friend(s): Aside from family, Kyle, Kagen, Dyllon and others
爱情 interest(s): None for now
Person character goes to for advice: Shock
Person character feels responsible for 或者 takes care of: Her brother
Person character feels shy 或者 awkward around: Charity
Person character openly admires: Shock
Person character secretly admires: No one
Most important person in character's life before story starts: Malice
After story starts: Shock

Assuming they're strong emotions, how does this character deal with 或者 react to:

Anger: If she's mad enough, she'll beat the crap outta the person who angered her

Sadness: She'll bottle it up until it all comes out--mostly when she's around others

Conflict/Danger: She's stays mostly calm...depending on WHO'S in danger

Rejection: She'll act as tho she doesn't give a darn, but she really does. She'll go somewhere to be alone and cry

Fear: She'll stand there, brave--with a serious face and try her best NOT to 显示 fear

Change: She pretty much just goes with it

Loss: She IS serious most of the time, but when she looses someone close to her--she falls down, crying her eyes out

Flirting: Honestly..she's never flirted before...

Pain: She'll ignore it--or TRY to. Eventually, she'll break and go crazy

Stress: She can handle stress a lot 更多 than Shock can.

Peer pressure: She doesn't just give in so easily

Guilt: Depends on how MUCH guilt. If its not too bad, she can ignore it. But its too much guilt: She'll just let it bottle up until it finally comes out

Being wrong: She hates being wrong and does NOT handle it well

Being criticized: She looks at it as an opportunity to do better

Praise: She does enjoy a little praise here and there--but she's not full of herself

Love: She's kinda shy around guys. She'll most likely NOT talk to em at all, unless pushed to

Being hated: She doesn't really care what people think of her

Humiliation: Same as the 前一个 one
posted by Dragonfruit44
Rose immediately let go of the people's arms. " No...No it can't be!..." Rose knew these people because the people were Rose's parents. "Rose, help us!" "You're not my real parents...You can't be..." Rose's parents stepped 前锋, 期待 her. "Remember the 火, 消防 Rose? The 火, 消防 you created? The one that killed us?" Her father said. "We always told 你 not to play with fire.", 说 Rose's mother. Rose shook her head. " It wasn't me! It was an accident, caused 由 a cloth being 由 the stove!" Her parents got closer and as they did, they became 更多 and 更多 fire. " No, stay away! I don't like the fire...
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posted by Dragonfruit44
Rose stared at Nat in disbelief. "What?!" She said. Nat sighed, " I've had these dreams lately, just suddenly coming to me. It was about me wondering into the woods and I kept hearing a voice. I followed it to this hole, where I was pushed in and while I was falling, I saw two dark figures looking down at me. One of them was your brother." They all stared, then Flare looked into the hole. It looked as if it was a bottomless pit. "Rose my brother is down there? Why would he go down there?" Nat got up and walked to the hole. " There's only one way to find out. We have to take our chances and...
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posted by mephiles97
The Rasoul Saga: Chapter 11

Kyle released a quiet groan as he slowly began waking up from the effects of the tranquil dart that he had been hit with. He struggled to open his eyes as his stamina very slowly began returning to him. He finally did manage to open his eyes, struggling to focus his blurry vision on his surroundings. He was sure that he had been captured 由 the Dark Horses.

Finally managing to get his eyes to focus, Kyle slowly moved his head around to observe where he was. He was in a fairly large cell made of solid concrete, so they would most likely be very sturdy. Since he was...
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The first few years of my life went 由 without much trouble. Dad and I lived together, peacefully and almost bored-like, in the Mystic Cave Zone until that day... that dreadful day...
It was pretty peaceful until about 10:00 am that morning...that was when we saw him...a blue streak, almost impossibly fast, ran right past us. Shortly after, HE showed up...with his army of robots, he chased me and Dad out of the cave. Being a 3 年 old, and having 更多 Echidna than Cat, I couldn't exactly stay on my feet very long, but that's when Dad set me on my under-developed paws, kissed my forehead,...
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Name(s): Athro(male) and Sifris(female)

Age: Both are seventeen

Species: Erm… oh boy
Athro and Sifris are mostly Snow Leopard, but they were enhanced with mutated Banshee-Mobian-bones. However this does not give them any banshee powers whatsoever.


The metallic 识骨寻踪 that Athro and Sifris have an extremely rare ability that allows them to regenerate their cells. How this is done is that their claws and feet have small holes that can stick into the ground, and suck up all the nutrients close to them, which are turned into either energy, 或者 they are turned into small bomb-like sacks that...
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posted by mephiles97
The Rasoul Saga

Chapter 8: Seeing Mancer Again

Kyle laid on a large, soft bed, although this 床, 床上 wasn't his own. He was in the hospital, still in a fairly bad shape from the fight with I2 and Ruby. He still couldn't believe that Virus had turned them against him like that... And he couldn't believe that I2 was gone. He released a heavy sigh, closing his eyes slightly at all of the thoughts that swam around in his head.

In the room with him, there stood Kagen, Casey, and Ruby. Kagen turned his head to look at his golden furred hedgehog friend, laying his ears back against his head. "It's going...
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As soon as Kyle turned his head, Casey had already thrown the door open. Ira stood there a bit stunned, holding a large plastic bag with a warm Italian scent inside. “List-“

Ira walked passed Casey before the ticked girlfriend could continue and quickly sat the bag on the Dining Room Table. She then turned around and gave Kyle a large hug. “Hey.” She greeted. Kyle was a little stunned and dared not hug back, but was able to reply with “H-h-hi, Ira…”

“Who’s your friend?” Ira asked, turning to Casey.

“I’m his GIRLFRIEND…” Casey growled.

As soon as the sound echoed...
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Rasoul Saga Chapter Seven

Kyle slowly rolled over in his bed, releasing a small yawn. He slowly tried to open his eyes, finding that difficult due to the fact that he had just woken up. He slowly managed to get his eyes open, and slowly rolled himself over onto his back. He squinted his eyes, looking up at his window. Bright sunshine shined in through the window and shined onto his face, blinding him just slightly. He loved morning sunshine.

"...Well... Looks like a nice 日 today..." He thought to himself, releasing another yawn. He slowly pushed the covers off of himself, leaving them near...
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posted by TakTheFox
Chapter Five

“Ah, victory is sweet.” Grace announced triumphantly from a game of air-hockey. She had just once again beaten Dave. Rynk was watching and refused to play due to fearing either losing too much, 或者 getting too aggressive.

“Are 你 sure 你 don’t want to play, Rynk?” Dave pleaded. “My ego can’t take much 更多 of this.”

Rynk shot a glance to Dave, then to Grace, then back to Dave again. “Okay” she sighed while shrugging, “but I don’t blame me if I end up making the puck hit the window 或者 something. Who am I playing against?”


“Him!” Grace interrupted,...
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posted by TakTheFox
(Note: While I will be 写作 this story in the first person, this story has nothing to do with myself personally, 或者 my own experiences. It is for interest purposes only.)

(Also if anyone is wondering this will NOT be messing up the IAW progress. This is just something I thought up and I wanted to get written down. I am still working on IAW I’m just having some writer’s block.)

“My head hurts…” I groan as I blink my eyes open. It takes a while to get into focus of my surroundings. “Where?” I spin my head around. I’m inside a… house; yes I can see it now. There’s a couch,...
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Part Two “Problematic Circumstances”

Talon slowly opened his eyes. He was weary and dizzy. “What… wh-where?” He slowly turned his head and pushed himself upward to get a better look at his surroundings. He was in a metal room… with a locked door… one light… and one bed… a cell? He was in prison?

“How did I get here?!” Talon jerked to his feet and yanked at the door handle; obviously it would not open, but why not try anyway?

“Wait a second…” Nick closed his eyes and concentrated on what happened before this. “There was the… fire… then I was taken 由 the cops!...
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So I told everyone that I’d be taking a break from IN ANOTHER WORLD, so that I could start 写作 the reboot of THE CONFLICTS ARCANE, and I know I haven’t finished the first chapter yet, but I assure 你 I’m not being lazy.

So far I have about 24 pages written, and I’m still not done with the first chapter (it will be a part one part two thing, maybe a part three.)

A heads up about what this series will introduce.
1.    This series will be 更多 mystery-based if I can make it that way, which is partially why it’s taking longer, opposed to how quickly I usually write...
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Name: Nova Paradox (Real name not available X{D)
Age: 16

(Skills that do not involve super-natural abilities. Super-natural abilities go past level 20.)
Strength level:6
Speed Level: 8
Intelligence: 8
Reflexes: 8

Main Skills
1.    Swords (fencing, etc.)
2.    Parkour
3.    Dashing
4.    Nova does not claim this, but he has a near photographic memory.

1.    Nova induces Phantis-Energy. This makes his emotions his drive. The 更多 determined he is the 更多 powerful he becomes....
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(This is my first attempt at 写作 a book from a 1st person POV, so I'm 写作 from Cyber's.)
It was a normal day. Really. It was. I was outside training, and I could tell Alpha was working hard inside, because I could hear Topaz crying and I could smell 晚餐 cooking. However, this 日 was going to turn out...different. I could just feel it...
I walked into the house after training for about 2 hours.
"Train hard enough out there, dear?" Alpha had asked me with a smile.
"I guess so, but something just Like, something's gonna be different about today..." I replied. "What do...
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posted by silverstream101
 星, 星级 the 狼
Star the Wolf
I am light. Some of 你 might be wondering on why i have alot of YinYang symbols. The reason for that is because i have a sister. She's dark. We were seperated at birth. While i went 首页 with our mom, my sister, Thorn, somehow ended up with Eggman. That explains the demon half of her. But want to know how we meet? This is how it happened....


I sigh, my life is perfect...but so...bland[i] i think to myself. I stand up as the clock chimes noon. I grin to myself, [i]its about time! Now to my fighting lessons! the good thing about my mom? She wanted me to be trained as...
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Okay, to start, there were only about 1,200 粉丝 in this club when I started up, but almost every single one of them was active, minus the club owner. My 粉丝 base took off quickly, rising to 45 in the first month, making me think I'd have a lot of fun with this site. And I did. Up until a short while ago, this club was the only club I'd ever play on. That was when I figured out how to make my own club, and the drama began...
Let me tell you, I'm not a big guy on fighting, verbally 或者 physically, but once my ADHD sets off, you'd better run the other way FAST. The first person to learn this...
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Shadey: Ok... so I'll get this done...
Shade Gang: 你 better... we are getting bored!
Thorn: Did 你 add me?
Shadey: Shut up!

(Shadey's Mansion 10:06 a.m.)
Shadey looks at herself in a mirror. "Hmm... I'm just me... and no one else...," Shadey says to herself. She wonders to herself about her life. Sigh... why is my life so plain... so bored, she thinks to herself, and it is only 10:09. She sits back and stares at the finely painted roof. What 更多 of a person could someone ask for? She slowly starts to dooze off and closes her eyes. Yeah... life is some-what good. She falls asleep.(Ok... lets...
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So who’s Trisell Chronos?

Back in A VERY LONG TIME 以前 IN THE PAST SOMEWHERE, there was the Zonac Council, of which only one person survived, to later be known as The Hidden (this is not Trisell Chronos). But before they… disappeared, the Seven Servers were created.

~Mistrum Pyro
~Trixin Lighten
~Tearence Aguan
~Luner (yes that’s how I spell it) Herban
~Midnight Psych
~Revten Crystiline (who would later become Revten Tess)
~And Trisell Chronos

There were other servers who were meant to be brought through as well, but sadly the council was unable to do this before...
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posted by mephiles97
Chapter 3: Captured
Location: Somewhere in the Northern District of Freedom City
Date: Saturday, January 3rd
Time: Unknown

Kyle slowly awoke, his vision still extremely blurry from being knocked out 由 the tranquil dart. "Ugh... Where am I..." He looked up and down slowly, noticing that his arms were chained to the ceiling, and that his legs were chained to the floor. His ears stood up slowly, remembering that Kagen had gotten shot with a tranquil dart as well. "Kagen...? Are 你 in here with me...?" He looked around slowly, searching for his black and red 狐狸 friend.

"H-He's in the c-cage right...
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日期 of interview: 2012
Name: Caesar (Kai-Sar) Licentia Midiotai
Height: 6ft
Age: 19
Country of origin: England, British Empire

Likes: metal music, fire, Anarchic movements, Gypsies, 动物 and Tea.

Dislikes: Governments, Yaoi, people pronouncing his name wrong, Yuri, Centipedes, And most of all: Cold tea

Short story of his life (In his own words) : So 你 wish to know about me do you? Alright then I suppose the beginning it is the best place to start....
I was born in 1993 to what 你 could call... a broken home... No mother she died during childbirth. So that just left me with dear old daddy. Dear,...
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