Sonic 粉丝 Characters Club
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posted by MephilesTheDark
Just a 列表 of everything on this club I hate. Opinions/comments welcome. Flames will be used to melt kitten flesh. All of the following are things I see a lot of on this club.

1. Hypersensitivity to gore.
2. Hypersensitivity to swears.
3. Hypersensitivity to sexual references.
4. Hypersensitivity to bi/gay/lesbian characters.
5. Dependence on religion.
6. Using religion as a 'rulebook.'
7. 'Randomness.'
8. Irrelevant content.
9. Irrelevant comments.
10. All the stupid, irrelevant shit on the wall.
11. Spam.
12. Attention seekers.
13. People who can't take a joke.
14. People who don't understand sarcasm.
15. Denial of certain species.
16. All the Slender references.
17. People who copy-paste characters from other fandoms to make their own 'OC.'
18. 'Emos.'
19. People trying too hard to fit into some social label.
20. People who don't get the psychology of characterization.
21. People who don't do their research.
22. Uber-prude people.
23. Uber-graphic people.
24. People who only seek attention.
25. People who only create characters for attention.
26. Self-obsessed people.
27. People whining about not getting their requests done.
28. People who 评论 pictures with stuff like 'wow that's good can i have rq?'
29. People who send messages asking for requests.
30. People who can't take 'No' as an answer.
31. People who use depression as an excuse for stupidity.
32. People who use anxiety as an excuse for stupidity.
33. People who use ass-burgers as an excuse for stupidity.
34. People who use ass-burgers as an excuse for lack of skill.
35. People who whine about their art being bad.
36. People who whine about their stories being bad.
37. People who shamelessly 做广告 things everywhere.
38. Recolours.
39. Homophobia.
40. Avid gay priders.
41. Thin-skinned people.
42. People who can't speak basic fucking English.
43. Anime-faggots.
44. Kawaiidesu.
45. Shitty character designs.
46. Clashing colours.
47. Too-long character names.
48. People who assume everyone will like their characters.
49. People who get offended from constructive crit.
50. People who don't get my references.
51. People who assume stereotypes are correct.
52. Anyone who still uses Internet Explorer.
53. People who blame everything on their shitty internet.
54. People who whore out their characters in their canon storyline.
55. Mary-Sues.
56. Marty-Sams.
57. Gary-Stus.
58. Uber-abused characters.
59. People who don't understand basic thought processing.
60. People who can't work a computer well. (If 你 don't know what any of the following are/how to create and use them, then 你 are one of these people; SPR, OBJ, RM, HTML, HTML coding, </insertcommandhere>, ZIP, RAR, TIFF, scripting.)
61. People who don't get the things listed above and still make robotic/cybernetic/program characters.
62. People who don't use memes correctly.
63. People who DEMAND to be taken seriously all the time.
64. People who claim to be stupid as an excuse for other things.
65. People who call themselves 'shit, stupid, etc' and then get upset when 你 agree.
66. Butthurt people.
67. People who can't answer a simple 问题 honestly and instead just make up 随意 shit.
68. People who can't ever admit they're wrong.
69. 哈哈 69.
70. Everyone who found #69 offensive.
71. People who claim someone 偷了 their idea when that idea had been used 24975684353656 times before.
72. People who steal ideas that are actually original.
73. People who steal character designs.
74. People who steal characters.
75. People who steal character backstories/bios.
76. Backstabbers.
77. People who continuously force others with something they think. (Even if it's jokingly.)
79. People who try too hard to be funny.
80. The fact I even managed to make a 列表 this long.
82. 锦标 LOCK.
83. Raping the 'shift' button.
84. People who put the '{' thing in 'XD' as a mooostachy thing. 'X{D What the fuck is that anyway? :/)
85. People who use emotes waaayyy too much.
86. All the goddamn pop music.
87. The use of memes/viral trends that died years ago. (Shoop da Woop, Carmelldansen, Numa Numa, 仓鼠 Dance, etc.)
88. The fact no-one has done any Gangham style faceswaps yet.
89. The growing popularity of this shit.
90. The fact people still honestly LIKE this shit.
91. PEOPLE WHO USE ALL 锦标 AND USE '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!21!!!11!' WHEN THEY ARE ANGRY.
92. People who make those long 屁股 评论 that fuck up the 评论 box. (Like FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! I mean what. How is that even funny. It just looks bad.)
93. Any relations to official Sonic characters WHATSOEVER.
94. People who can't write for shit trying to get their fanfictions popular.
95. People who pair their character and any official. (Especially Shadow.)
96. People who do the above without ANY good reason.
97. People who make their character look like an official for no good reason. (Not that there is one.)
98. The fact that this 文章 will probably get flagged and deleted.
99. Anyone who 评论 with some dumbfuck response of 'OMG y r u so negative :(( dis club is awsum nuthin wong wit ittt!!'
100. You.
posted by Shade2145
Hi. I'm Shade2145. It appears a load of 你 are Mary-sues. I am here to help. Unlike someother FC guides. I give 建议 in the best (and shortest) way possible.I don't try and offend you,this is just here to help.
So here we go!

Chapter One

Mary Sueing is when 你 bassically God Mod.
Don't know what God Modding is? It's when your Invincible,not being able to die. Thats wat Mary sueing is. Let's take an example from a RP.

N00b133!!!: I shoot 你 then telport 你 inside then kill you!! N00B! N00B pro!!!!
Mephilesthedark: Mary suer

See what i mean? This will turn into something like this
N00B133!!!: I kill u
N00B134: Oh no 你 never.

Now. This is the terrible thing of Mary sueing. If we 显示 ourselves to weak and don't stop Marysueing,this Commuity of 2,257. Will disapearr and be absorbed into MarySuering.
Do 你 want that? No.

Chapter 2.

Never Mary sue.
That is all.
posted by TakTheFox
Yeah it took a while for me to think up something to whine about X{D, but here’s one. FIGHTING IN ROLEPLAYS. NO, this isn’t going to be me complaining about “VIOLENCE IS BAD! NERRRRRRRRR!” I mean… yeah Violence is BAD, but th- okay right, off topic, sorry.

Anyway, Fighting in Roleplays is usually… one of the most annoying things ever. If someone is fighting someone else in a roleplay, it is can be at times what I like to call “Stubborn-one-sided” where both side will act like no matter what, they are the ones in control, and the superior. Now I originally was going to say that...
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posted by Dragonfruit44
Everyone ran to the room that Rose was in. See was at the far wall, staring. Thorn ran to her and hugged her," Rose! I'm so happy you're alright! I was so worried I-...Rose?" Rose was staring into the purple mirror, the mirror reflected nothing but flames. Thorn stepped back and looked at Flare," What's wrong with her? Why isn't she responding?!" "She's being controlled 由 these stones called nightmare crystals. If 你 stare into for even a second, 你 go into a dreamlike state, where your nightmares seem real. 你 could be stuck there for days, and it would only feel like seconds." Flare said...
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posted by Dragonfruit44
Flare looked around for some way out, but everything looked locked tight. " Do 你 see anything that could help us, Thorn?" Flare asked. Thorn shook his head and then noticed the rusty bars of their cage," these look like they're really really old, maybe we can break them?" Thorn grabbed one bar and shook it. The bar became loose, but was still stuck in place. "It's moving!" Flare yelled, then suddenly covering her mouth so Bard and Scar wouldn't hear. Bard had fallen asleep and so had Scar, and they still seemed to be snoring away. Flare helped Thorn try to 移动 the bar. It seemed to get more...
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posted by Rachel_Savaya
Follow My Dreams (Rachel's Theme)
by: Rachel Savaya

verse 1:

ive been hurt
ive been crushed
ive been told
im just crazy
but i will not listen to them


cause i know
i know
i know who i am
and i know
i know
i know what my 心 wants
and i will
i will
follow my dreams dont
care where they take me
ill follow my dreams

verse 2:

ive been lied to
been shut down
i just cant
take this anymore
but now ive got 老友记 to
help me through this
and i will hang on cause


cause i know
i know
i know who i am
and i know
i know
i know what my 心 wants
and i will
i will
follow my dreams dont
care where they take...
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posted by Dragonfruit44
Nat walked down the tunnel, hand against the 墙 and flashlight on. She walked around until she came to an open room. Nat walked around gazing at how big the room was. She shone her flashlight around and then something caught her eye. The light was reflecting off of something. She walked towards the shining object. Then she stepped on something. She looked down and noticed some purple crystals. "What are these doing in these tunnels?" She looked up and saw a mountain of treasure. She stepped back in awe and tripped over something. She got up quickly and was face to face with eight giant eyes....
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posted by Dragonfruit44
Nat finished making some eggs and 培根 when Flare woke up. "Good Morning. Did 你 sleep well?" Nat asked, getting her a plate. "I slept like a baby! How about you?" Flare answered, digging into her breakfast. "Not one of my best sleeps, but I'll pull through the day." Nat answered then yawned. She got herself a plate and sat 由 Flare. "Did 你 have any dreams? I had a strange one about going to the public pool and then ending up in the ocean and finding treasure. Very strange." Flare said. " Nothing interesting, I'm sure of that." Nat said, uneasily. Flare seemed to notice. " You're lying....
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posted by Dragonfruit44
Nat was walking to The Speed Demon, The restaurant she and her mother worked at. She was carrying many groceries for the 食物 they needed to prepare. She was about to open the restaurant when she heard someone calling her. She looked around, but no one was there. A thick fog was starting to come down the street. " Hello? Is someone there?" She called, but no answer. The fog was in front of her now, and she couldn't even see a foot in front of her face. She went for the door, but it was gone and she was touching a tree.
What the? I haven't moved an inch, how am I 由 a tree? She went to put the...
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posted by mephiles97
The Rasoul Saga: Chapter 11

Kyle released a quiet groan as he slowly began waking up from the effects of the tranquil dart that he had been hit with. He struggled to open his eyes as his stamina very slowly began returning to him. He finally did manage to open his eyes, struggling to focus his blurry vision on his surroundings. He was sure that he had been captured 由 the Dark Horses.

Finally managing to get his eyes to focus, Kyle slowly moved his head around to observe where he was. He was in a fairly large cell made of solid concrete, so they would most likely be very sturdy. Since he was...
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So the small city-like village of Crystal city was in a bind,with the greedy tyrant Bubba closing in to take all the folks prisoner,the people of Crystal city worked like clockwork to retrieve the gems from the caverns in order to pay off the bill.However all the gems were incinerated due to the heat surrounding the smoldering remains of MTL's pod,The villagers quickly gathered everything and brought it to Bubba,however it didn't meet the proper amount,Angered 由 this,Bubba shouted "Cheapskates!I was generous enough to give 你 vermin the 标题 of this land and 你 try to trick me out of it!?You...
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Part Two “Problematic Circumstances”

Talon slowly opened his eyes. He was weary and dizzy. “What… wh-where?” He slowly turned his head and pushed himself upward to get a better look at his surroundings. He was in a metal room… with a locked door… one light… and one bed… a cell? He was in prison?

“How did I get here?!” Talon jerked to his feet and yanked at the door handle; obviously it would not open, but why not try anyway?

“Wait a second…” Nick closed his eyes and concentrated on what happened before this. “There was the… fire… then I was taken 由 the cops!...
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Heh,I bet 你 didn't think I was going to write this,huh.XD

Okay...time for the shit storm of shit storms.The original MTL series...oh dear lord,where to begin?Well the creation of my original 粉丝 character was no easy feat,Back when I created my FC I never understood the concept of Gary-stus and Mary-Sues(Until mephs pointed out sometime later),but where to begin...I suppose let's get the easy part of this 文章 out of the way,My regrets and mistakes with the original series.First regret...cliche back story.Again,long before I knew anything about cliches I decide to give MTL a back-story...
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Note: If your character is already in a relationship, 你 can still answer, but pretend they aren’t. And do NOT just describe their current boyfriend/girlfriend for all the 描述 parts unless they actually have the wanted traits.

1.    Describe your character in five words.
2.    Is your character looking for love?
3.    Would they rather stay single?
4.    What is the name of the first male/female that your character knows that comes to mind? (THE TRUTH)
5.    Does your character want an...
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posted by RawrMonster123
One question: Why do 你 do it?

Well your answer is probably "I can't draw!" 你 know why 你 can't draw? Because 你 never picked up a pooping piece of paper and pencil and actually tried to! So now, kids, I'm gonna teach 你 a little lesson about art:


You know, good drawers weren't born as good drawers. If 你 believe that, you're sadly mistaken. 你 know how they became good drawers? 由 actually drawing!

Also, 你 can get arrested when 你 steal people's art. Really.

Now, just grab a paper, grab a pencil, get your pencil...
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Shadey: Ok I got bored... so I start now.
Thorn: But 你 说 下一个 Saturday!
Shadey: Yeah... I know but I'm bored so... shut it! Now begin

(Rooftops 11:47 p.m.)
"The night is wonderful... sigh... why does it have to end? Why does everything have a story?" A grey hedgehog thinks to herself. "Of course why is it my problem? I'm Shadey Grey! The last dark user... nothing is darker than me!" Shadey chuckles to herself. She jumps off the roof and wanders through the city. She messes with her black limiter rings and smiles and walks home.

(Shadey's mansion 12:26 a.m.)
Shadey takes off her black jacket...
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Picture this,
You just found this new roleplay called (for lack of imagination) “Roleplay of love, brought to 你 由 Hormones”. And because romance roleplays are so 流行的 (HORMONES!) 你 try it out. So your character falls in 爱情 或者 whatever with another character. At the end they are either…
A.    A couple
Or B. an item.
So now you’re all like “Cool. Now my character has a love-interest.” So every time 你 rp with those two characters in mind, you’re lead on to think that your character is the love-interest, only to find out that when 你 make a 移动 like proposing,...
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posted by TakTheFox
Who is Relm?

Relm, as I’ve stated, is a banshee. Not just any banshee though. Relm is a DARICHA Banshee. Daricha stands for “Moonlight” 或者 “Darkness”. So basically Relm is a DARK Banshee.

Relm comes from a future-mobius-timeline AFTER the Identity Wars, and first appears in Mobius Academy: Evolution. Before that she came from three Mobiuses. Mobocan, Nicous (the future Identity-world), and Ryft’s Mobius. She lived there for about ten years before coming to Mobius Academy #2, seeing how she heard so much about its predecessor.

Personality-wise, in a word, Relm is… graceful. Pardon...
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posted by MephilesTheDark
This, like my '100 things I hate about this club' is completely opinionated and such. This time, flames will be used to roast the flamers own flesh. (Not that I expect much of that, because this is LUL OPTOMISTICCCC HURRDEDURR.)

1. This won't get HALF the awesome response I got for it's brother article.
2. So many roleplays to choose from.
3. There are some awesome character designs.
4. The 'community' feel.
5. Religion is usually unimportant.
6. Lack of republicans. (Or at least obnoxious ones.)
7. The fact that the only reason I even know what a republican is is because someone from here taught...
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posted by ripperoo1
Journal Writing

"October VI, MMXI," I scribbled in a small book that I used as a journal. I thought and thought about what to write next. Nothing happens in my life, really. My typical 日 is composed of playing chess, reading, and caring for my father who is too old to do simple things. Many would say that the way I live is different from normal, modern life. I live in a castle. My father is the king. Therefore, I'm the prince. I do everything for my father, so many people just look at me as the king's representative. I wish that something happened to my life, something interesting....
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So a lot of the time when I'm in a 论坛 it ends up that it's either me, Gracethefox, 或者 Sarathedog, that are the only ones staying on a forum, and I gotta say, it gets old, and BORING. I mean sure, WE aren't boring. We 爱情 rping together in forums, but we can't do it with JUST us the entire time.

Now I know a lot of people CAN'T get online at times, and when that happens there's nothing wrong, but when people CAN and just don't, it gets really annoying. I'm not saying that 你 have to get back on, but everyone just disappears and doesn't say why.

My guess is boredom. They get bored, and lazy...
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