XxEmolovexX posted on Nov 04, 2010 at 02:13AM
i am going to vent cuz im pissed and upset rite now.

ok so i love this guy i hav know for 3 years! and this new chick comes and she had only known him for 3 months and she started dating him! and she says " oh well i wouldnt let a guy get between us! "

so i am thinking " so dump him! cuz i love him "

and im sitting here rite now crying cuz she wont stop bragging bout it she is all like " omfg i cant believe we are dating " and its like " just shut up! "

i need help i need advice plz help me :'(

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一年多以前 XxEmolovexX said…
plz reply i need halp
一年多以前 Llawliet74 said…
you could tell her that it bothers you.....nicely..
一年多以前 jawjee_gurl said…
:/ looks like its not going to well for you. does the guy no u like him?