After last night's kiss, is there 更多 drama brewin' between Nate and home-wrecker Jenny? Something's definitely going to happen, but what that something is, showrunners Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage won't say specifically.
It was a week of proposals — both indecent and otherwise. There weren't a lot of OMG moments in "Inglorious Bassterds," but what they lacked in quantity they made up in quality.
According to Kristin from Watch with Kristin, Chuck and Blair 粉丝 should have some faith. Gossip Girl showrunners Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage say Chuck and Blair are part of a "long-term plan" for the show.
It's all about 爱情 triangles this week: choosing between the thing 你 爱情 the most and the shiny, twisted temptation that 你 know is wrong. Who chooses wisely and who blows it? Read on!