Blair goes completely themed, donning adorable sailboats on her 衬衫 to make her Parisian vacay with Serena. We immediately needed to recreate this cheekily nautical outfit — hop aboard and see how to get the look!
你 know how Vanessa was absent entirely from the last few eps of the season?, not so much? But in case 你 were pining away for V, showrunner Stephanie Savage explains why they had her exit early.
Who's the hottest GGer of them all? Representatives from both sexes weigh in on which Gossip Girl character came out on 最佳, 返回页首 in Episode 3.22, "First Tango, Then Paris."
Get yourself GG edjumacated, friends! Learn about all the cultural references (pop and otherwise) 你 might have missed during the show. If 你 don't know, now 你 know...