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A Million 爱情 Songs Later

A/N: Right last chapter here it is! Well nearly, this is the final one then just the epilogue. So right I tried to finish this asap and it's been so sunny here the last few days so I just took my laptop down to the 海滩 with me and finished it there. I've realized just how fast I write in the sun, I think I wrote like all of it without stopping so now I have sunburn but anyway it's worth it to get this final chapter up, I'll just put some aftersun on it'll be fine. Right so if 你 read please do 评论 and let me know what 你 think like of the whole story and the ending. Thank you. Thank you. Thank 你 so much xoxo

Chapter 21: Sacrifice

        Blair's 心 had never been beating so fast in her whole life, she could feel it beating out of her chest, but she had no time to stop to feel anything she had to get down to LAX as fast as she could get a cab. It wasn't as easy in LA as it was in New York.
After a while of trying to hail a cab she gave up and just decided to call for one, which was totally pointless she spent an 小时 waiting for the stupid thing and it was hardly a luxury ride when it finally arrived but at least it got her to the airport.
So the plan was going fine so far until she set the first step into LAX.
“Hi, excuse me... Excuse me, sorry. MOVE!”
Blair found the queue to the checking in 台, 办公桌 and pushed past all the waiting passengers. “Hi. Do 你 have any tickets on the eight o'clock to JFK?”
“I'm afraid that flight it full”
She answered coldly, without even looking up from the computer screen.
“No 你 have to get me a flight. 你 have too!!”
Blair's voice grew louder.
“Not on this one”
She still didn't look up.
Blair got annoyed 由 her coldness and reached down and pressed the standby button on the screen forcing her to look up.
“YES THIS ONE!! 你 don't understand. I have money. I'll pay anything. First, Business, I'll even go coach! Anything!!”
Blair was obviously desperate she would not fly coach for just anyone.
“I'm sorry”
“Please there's got to be something. I have to stop Chuck before he leaves”
Blair started talking like she was talking to someone who understood her situation, someone who knew Chuck, someone who knew what they had been through together.
“I'm sorry but if 你 wait around if someone doesn't turn up I can get 你 onto the plane”
The woman took pity on Blair, she could tell how desperate she was.
“Okay. Whatever any chance!”
Blair was hopeless, she thought her chances where already gone. She should never spent so much time in Los Angeles she should have gone back to New York weeks ago, but hiding in LA suited her, but Los Angeles wasn't her home. New York City was home, with the people she loved.
        A few hours past and Blair must have fallen asleep because the 下一个 thing she knew the women who she had spoken too behind the checking in 台, 办公桌 was nudging her to wake up.
“Excuse me, miss”
Blair jumped up and yelled.
“A 座位 has become available”
“Oh my God! Thank you”
She rubbed her eyes and gratefully thanked the woman as they made their way over to the checking in desk.
“It's a window seat”
“Yes whatever”
Blair didn't care where it was, just as long it was on the plane.
“In coach”
“Coach? Ah” Okay maybe she did care but then she heard Serena's voice and what she had told her on the phone coming into her mind and realized what had to be done. “Oh well it's gotta be done. I'll take it”
Blair paid for the ticket and got her boarding pass. If she was going to get to New York in time a sacrifice had to be made and that was travelling coach.
        When she finally boarded the plane she was all nervous and fidgety but seeing that the seats were arranged 2, 4, 2 so at least if she needed the bathroom she wouldn't have to hurl past two other people. It was going to be compact enough as it is, no leg room, those stupid folding trays falling over every ten minutes, luckily she got to her 座位 before there was anyone else there, but then he arrived. He was a young man, probably just a bit older than Blair. He smiled at her as he sat down and Blair smiled back. She thanked God that she hadn't been left 下一个 to an screaming child 或者 an annoying person who just fidgets with everything. No that was Blair's job.
Once they got in the air everything became so much 更多 real for Blair, she was leaving LA. She was going to tell Chuck the truth something she hadn't done for months, years even, but thinking about him and what she was going to say made her even 更多 nervous. She started fidgeting with all the appliances that were stuck on the back of the chair in front.
“Could 你 please stop doing that?”
The man turned to her while rolling his eyes.
“Sorry. See I'm going back to New York to tell someone something really important...”
She could not stop herself blurting half her story out to him, before he even got a chance to turn away and get back to his in-flight movie Blair had already told him her reasons for leaving LA, and eventually after an 小时 of story telling the young man finally got a chance to speak.
“So 你 and Chuck Bass, 低音 industries?”
He was leaning over to Blair's side of the 座位 to try to get the gist of the story.
“Yeah, so what do 你 think?”
“I think 你 need your heads banging together, especially you”
Nothing like a honest opinion from a total stranger.
Blair's eyebrows arched.
“Well planning on marrying this Nate when 你 and Chuck clearly in love”
“We weren't then”
Blair explained herself.
“If 你 say so, now can I please get back to my movie?”
“Oh I'm sorry of course, it's just I'm a little nervous and coach, really isn't helping”
Half way through her sentence the man had turned away and placed his headphones back on which didn't bother Blair in the slightest, she was to busy 日 dreaming.
        Before she knew it the captain spoke, New York City, going in to land. Ten 分钟 to final destination, John F Kennedy International Airport. She was aching, 蝴蝶 where fluting in her stomach. She hoped she wasn't too late. It was one in the afternoon when they landed. As Blair got ready to make a quick run for the door to be the first out the man who sat 下一个 to her turned to her.
“Good Luck”
He 说 with a smile.
“Thank you”
Blair answered gracefully and then ungracefully pushed past anyone and got out the plane door. Not that it would make any difference she still had security to get through.
What a nightmare Blair thought finally getting out of security and having to explain why she had no luggage, they found that deeply unusual but she was finally let free but 由 the time she had it was two hours later, that could make all the difference she thought maybe she should wait at the airport for Chuck if he was going, but that would have been pointless, she had no idea where he was going, when he was going, what terminal he was at. So she asked the 台, 办公桌 to get her a yellow cab to take her back home.
        As she stepped through the door she had an insane realization of Deja vu. The wind blew in her hair and she finally got into her cab and though the last time she arrived in JFK was nine months 以前 when she and Nate were going back to the Upper East Side to start their new lives together. Who could have known it was going to end up like this?
The cab drove past Victrola like it had before, it was being repaired after the fire. She was glad Chuck had seen to it, after all Victrola was his baby he couldn't let it die.
However this time she spotted the new places that she would remember forever. They drove past Belleview hospital, that made her mad. She knew Katie, Dan and the twins would be there. She really wanted to stop, go in and see them but she would get her chance to see them, seeing Chuck was not optional, it was now 或者 never.
“We're here!”
The cab driver yelled about five times before Blair finally noticed they were pulled up outside the 低音 Industries building. She paid the fare and slowly but surely stepped out of the cab, exhaled deeply a few times and finally stepped inside and went straight to the elevator that would lead her to Chuck's office. She wished so much that he was there.
“Is he here?”
Blair asked instantly as she stepped out of the elevator and marched up to Chuck's PA's table.
“Mr 低音 is in a meeting right now”
She muttered.
“Well I'll go in then”
Blair walked towards the door and was about to turn the handle as the PA yelled at her.
“Mr 低音 is in conference right now!”
“Oh screw you!”
Blair went to open the door again but before she had a chance, Chuck's PA was pulling her back knowing how much Chuck hated interruptions.
Meanwhile Chuck's meeting was going fine. He had gotten a little better, Serena had convinced him to go to the office that 日 to take the meeting, he had missed so many. He could not miss any more.
“And 由 these figures we should be able too...”
Chuck stopped in the middle of his sentence as her head the commotion that was going on on the other side of the door.
“What's going on out there?”
One of the men asked.
Chuck shrugged.
Blair yelled as she tried to get the psycho PA to stop pulling her away from the door.
“Security! Get this 'lady' out of here”
She asked as the security officers arrived.
“Get your hands off me! Look I have to do something!”
Blair yelled even louder as both security officers tried to get her in the elevator.
“Please if 你 leave now it'll make it easier for everyone”
The PA pleaded with her.
“Okay just let me go”
She calmed down and spoke normally, tricking them as she made a quick dash for the conference room door and hurled it open.
Chuck's eyes widened and grew an immense amount not believing she was standing in front of him, well laying on the floor, whichever.
She got up and fixed her hair.
“What are 你 doing assaulting my staff?”
Chuck shook his head and muttered.
“You mean what are your staff doing assaulting me?”
Blair's eyes glued to Chuck's PA.
Chuck mumbled. They both stood silent for a few 秒 and then she remembered the reason she had come back, not to attack Chuck's staff but to tell him the truth.
“Well I'll just get straight to it then... I'm really sorry I hurt 你 and I...”
She tried to hold onto his hand, but he pulled away. It didn't seem to bother Blair at all that the room was full, but it obviously did Chuck.
“Blair please I'm in a meeting here”
“Oh okay well I'll just wait outside then”
That hurt her, that he didn't want to speak to her after what felt like a lifetime.
“You do that”
Chuck nodded, as Blair left... For two seconds.
“NO! I'm not waiting out there.” She barged back into the room. “Have 你 any idea what I've just done. I flew coach for you!”
Chuck could see some of the older business men wanting to laugh, it was like he was a teenager again.
“Get out there now”
Chuck grabbed her arm and pulled her out the door.
“I'm sorry about this. Excuse me for just five minutes” He apologized and closed the door behind him. “Beth can 你 give us a minute?” He asked her as she got up and left giving Blair the evil eyes as she left. Blair gazed at her, frowning and returning the evil glare.
“Blair what the hell was that?”
Chuck yelled at her.
“You just interrupted my meeting, a very important meeting”
“More important than me?”
“You made it quite clear you'd rather be in California than here”
He wasn't sparing her feelings, but she couldn't argue with him. He had every right to be mad.
“Why are 你 being like this? Just in a hurry to get the airport right?”
She wanted to know where he was planning on going.
Chuck stopped and looked all confused.
“Your flight, leaving soon?”
“I have no idea what you're talking about”
He was still clueless.
“You're leaving in a few hours to your mystery destination”
Blair explained again.
“What have 你 been smoking?”
“I got a call saying 你 were leaving today so I had to get on the first flight I could”
“I didn't call 你 Blair”
Chuck sighed.
“I know 你 didn't. Serena did”
“Serena what?”
He was back to being clueless.
“She called me saying 你 were leaving”
“I haven't seen Serena for days”
He protested.
“No because...” Penny dropped. It was a lie. Chuck wasn't going anywhere. He never was. So Serena had lied to get Blair to New York. “She knew I'd come back.”
“What did she say?”
“She 说 that 你 couldn't stay in New York anymore and that 你 were leaving and maybe never coming back”
“Going where?”
He was starting to understand what Serena had done and why.
“Someone unknown destination, 你 didn't want to be found. I couldn't bare not knowing where 你 were”
“Blair I...”
He began to speak rationally again.
“Stop. I need too know, do 你 still 爱情 me?”
“Please don't drag it out just tell me”
She pressed her finger up to his lips and begged him to tell her.
“I will always 爱情 you” Blair sighed and gazed to the floor. “I'm sorry I didn't tell 你 back then I should have...”
Chuck, this time grabbed onto her hand and pulled her closer to him and kissed her gently.
“I'm sorry for everything I've done to you, I've hurt 你 更多 than 你 could ever hurt me”
Blair placed her arms around his neck and as the tears started to fall she apologized for everything she had done to him. Because it was true, she had hurt him over and over again, 更多 times than she could ever count.
“I don't care about any of that stuff anymore”
Chuck said, forgiving her for everything she had done. It didn't matter anymore.
“Neither do I because I wouldn't change anything not one 秒 of our lives together”
Blair kissed him back. He had waited so long for this moment. It had happened a few weeks earlier but that wasn't like this. Blair didn't want it then, this time she did. It was requited 爱情 this time. They both wanted it.
“I 爱情 你 Blair Waldorf”
Chuck loved saying it. He had 说 it so many times, and he hadn't got the response he wanted but this time he knew he would hear it back.
“I 爱情 你 Chuck Bass” He sighed a sigh of relief, and pulled her tighter holding onto her waist and they finally kissed. But Blair pulled away with a serious face, that left Chuck worried. But he was reassured when she giggled and asked. “Like 更多 than anything?”
He nodded.
“So you'll do anything for me?”
She asked biting her lip.
He knew she was after something, but whatever it was. It was done.
“Fire that bitch! She grabbed my hair”
Chuck laughed it off.
“I'm serious”
Blair giggled again as he kissed her again. All the most perfect words in the world could not describe how Chuck felt at that moment.
He felt everything.
Happy. Lucky. Grateful. Ecstatic. Overjoyed. Love.
Finally he had his Blair Waldorf back and he was never, ever going to let her go.
After two days of not ever leaving each other's sight 或者 side Blair finally thought they would have to tell everyone about what had happened. First she had to find that devious best friend of hers.
She arrived at Serena's door and knocked with a devilish grin on her face.
“Serena can I have a word”
“Of course”
Serena seemed worried.
“You lied to me”
Blair grinned.
“Did I?”
Serena held back a smile knowing what Blair was on about.
“Yes. Yes 你 did.”
Blair nodded, still smiling.
“It paid off right?”
Blair didn't even have to tell Serena anything, the smile on her face was obvious enough what had happened.
“I 爱情 你 Serena”
Blair smiled and hugged Serena.
“I 爱情 你 too.” Serena kissed Blair's head and mumbled. “Do not mess this up”
“I promise I'll do my best”
They both giggled and closed the door, letting Blair to fill Serena on on everything that had happened and how she was now officially the happiest woman in the world.
Blair and Chuck had finished letting everyone know. Blair wanted to let Nate know but he wasn't there anymore, the apartment was up for sale and Serena let her know that Nate had moved to Chicago for his new job. She had also told Dan and Katie, they were over joyed but she hadn't yet seen the twins and now the Humphrey family were back at 首页 Blair just couldn't resist stopping 由 to see them.
She banged on the door with full force before Dan finally answered.
“Dan! Where are they?”
“Calm down you're not even in the door yet”
“I'm sorry I'm just excited”
Blair's smile was growing 更多 由 the second.
“Their in there with Katie”
“Can I go through?”
She was now nearly jumping on the spot.
“Go on I know you're dying too”
Dan pointed through to the living room as Blair rushed on 由 him and into the 下一个 room.
“Ahh!! Katie Hi, how are 你 doing? Eighteen hours huh?”
Blair gave Katie all of her sympathy.
“Hey Blair I swear he is not coming near me ever again”
“That bad huh?”
“Blair 你 have no idea. 你 want to see them?”
Katie asked seeing the excitement plastered all over Blair's face.
“Could I?”
She giggled.
“Dan's got Grace and this is Zac”
“Here Blair 你 hold her”
Dan had picked up Grace and handed her over to his best friend.
“She is so tiny and oh she's beautiful” Blair stroked her forehead and walked over to Katie and Zac. “He's gorgeous too”
“Um Blair did Dan tell 你 about what we wanted to ask you?”
Katie asked grinning over at Dan.
“Oh he mentioned something but not the full details”
Katie nudged Dan to ask her.
“Well we wanted to ask 你 if 你 would be their Godmother?”
Dan asked as Blair stood speechless, shocked.
She wondered why would they want her?
“Yes 你 Blair”
Katie nodded.
“I don't know what to say”
“Say yes”
“Of course! Yes, I'm so honoured 你 both want me to be Godmother”
“There was nobody else Blair”
Dan smiled as Blair walked over to him and carefully hugged him while holding Grace and did the same with Katie.
“Thank 你 and I'm so happy for you”
Blair grinned as she handed Grace back to her father.
They chatted for another 小时 about the twins and mostly about Chuck and Blair which reminded Dan of what Chuck had asked him.
“Oh shouldn't 你 be getting back 首页 to Chuck Blair?”
Dan remembered.
“Oh yeah I guess I should, well I'll see 你 soon and my gorgeous godchildren”
Blair 说 goodbye and left.
“Is it tonight?”
Katie realized that Dan had remembered what Chuck had asked earlier in the week.
Dan nodded smiling back at his wife.
Tonight was the night.
        Blair finally arrived 首页 an 小时 later than what she had said, and it wasn't exactly what she was expecting.
“Hey I'm home”
She walked through the door into an empty room and hearing loud yells from the kitchen.
“No. No! No!!!”
Blair asked puzzled.
“Blair you're early”
He coughed as he ran out of the kitchen.
“I'm an 小时 late, what's going on?”
Blair placed her 钱包 on the 表 and walked over to Chuck.
“Nothing, it doesn't matter now”
He continued to cough.
“What's going on?”
She asked still clueless.
“I was...” He was embarrassed to admit what he was doing, but he couldn't lie. “I was cooking 你 dinner” Blair smiled in astonishment. “I'm sorry I think I broke the thing that cooks it and the chicken is burnt a little, but maybe we can save it”
Chuck tried to explain himself, and making himself out to be obviously not a whiz in the kitchen.
“Shut up”
Blair laughed and flung her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his while trying not to giggle.
“Did 你 hear the complete opposite of what I said?”
Chuck was confused.
“No I heard I just can't believe... 你 were making me dinner?”
There's a sentence she thought she'd never say.
“Yes. So hard to believe?”
He laughed along with her.
“Ha! Chuck 低音 cooking? There's a sight I thought I'd never see”
She laughed as well.
“Yeah and 你 never will again”
He reassured her.
“Why were 你 doing it anyway?”
Chuck walked over to the 表 he had prepared all lovely as Blair hung her 涂层, 外套 up.
“It doesn't matter now”
He mumbled.
“Now I know there was a reason, what is it?”
She knew Chuck wouldn't go to that much effort for no reason.
“I just wanted to cook 你 dinner”
He tried to convince her.
“Yeah right...” She laughed and then spotted the glass of already poured champagne. “Oh champagne too!” She spotted the sparking glass on the table.
“No Blair give me that!”
As she picked up the glass that glistened in the light it wasn't the champagne bubbles it was something else in the glass. Blair saw it. It was beautiful and rather large. Chuck muttered something under his breath as Blair pulled it out.
She gazed at the sparking, beautiful ring.
“I know 你 wanted it to be perfect and I've ruined it”
He tried his very best and he felt so angry for ruining everything. He just wanted to make Blair happy.
“Were 你 going to ask me to...”
Blair was still staring at the ring.
“Yes I was, I'm sorry. I've ruined for you, we can change it. Forget this, do it over again”
He tried to make it better, he knew Blair would be upset. It was hardly perfect.
Blair whispered.
“Okay where ever 你 want”
He nodded and agreed with anything she said.
“No I mean yes”
She corrected him and gave an answer to a 问题 that didn't need to be asked.
“Anywhere 你 want Blair” He continued with his muttering. Until he paused and realized what she had said. “Yes?”
Blair jumped into his arms.
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!! Million times yes!!” Every time she 说 yes she stopped to 吻乐队(Kiss) him. “Put it on my finger” She stepped back and handed her the ring.
“Wait I need to do it right” He held onto the ring and dried it on his 衬衫 while bending down on one knee. Blair smiled so hard and squeezed her eyes shut in disbelief, thinking that Chuck 低音 she knew in high school, the 吻乐队(Kiss) on the lips party Chuck Bass, the jerk Chuck 低音 would never do this, but now she had to believe it. It was happening. “Blair Cornelia Waldorf will 你 make my life hell and be my wife?”
He laughed as Blair rolled her eyes and giggled.
“Really? This is so unexpected”
She laughed so much she was nearly in tears.
“Just answer the 问题 Blair”
Chuck muttered.
“Yes! YES! YES!!”
Every time she 说 yes it got louder.
Chuck placed the ring on her finger and picked her hand up and pulled her into his arms.
“I 爱情 你 Blair”
She was crying, she had never been so happy in her entire life.
“I 爱情 你 too so much. I'm sorry for everything” She felt she needed to apologize again.
“Stop apologizing. I forgive 你 and anything else you'll do in the future. I'll always forgive you. 你 are the most important thing in my life, in the world. I'd rather die than be without you”
These words he was saying were making Blair melt in his arms. All she could do now was sequel one last time and screaming out,
“Oh my God! I'm going to be Mrs. Bass!!”

TO BE CONTINUED... (With epilogue)

A/N: Oh my Gosh! 10 pages in Office Writer that took, woah never written that much before. I can not believe I've finished well nearly the epilogue will be up in quick succession of this chapter and I'm thinking 或者 just hoping that the ending makes 你 all happy, and I know I had that Dan/Katie/Blair scene but I just had too, I wanted Blair to be their Godmother so I had to make it happen. I hope everyone is okay with that, but anyway I hope you've all enjoyed this story and please do let me know what 你 thought of the ending and the story overall. I'd really appreciate your opinions and what 你 think I could do to improve my 写作 for my 下一个 fiction because I will defiantly be 写作 more.
Thank 你 so much I'll leave a 更多 detailed thank 你 on the epilogue.
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