"A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference."-Winnie the Pooh
Kate ♥
潮流粉丝俱乐部始于July 2007年
Female, 32 years old
Favorite TV Show: 24; The Big Bang Theory; Law & Order; Masterpiece Theater; The Simpsons; 欢乐合唱团
Favorite Movie: Pride and Prejudice; Beauty and the Beast; The Lion King; 星, 星级 Trek; Monty Python; Dark Knight; Gladiator; Princess Bride
Favorite Musician: I mostly like soundtracks to films, classical music, 80s rock, and 迪士尼 songs :)
Favorite Book or Author: All 由 Jane Austen; It's a Magical World (and all C&H); Great Expectations; The Road Not Taken; The Prisoner of Azkaban (and all HP :)