4 lifetime gold
“Be yourself, don't take anyone's shit, and never let them take 你 alive.” Gerard Way
Anna Oggier
潮流粉丝俱乐部始于January 2010年
- Female, 30 years old
- hopatcong , new jersey
- My Websites: GOODBYE FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!, offical GOODBYE FRIDAY SITE!!!!
- Favorite TV Show: glee, icarly, big time rush and anything on the 食物 NETWORK!!Favorite Movie: charlIe and the 浓情巧克力 factory and nightmare before 圣诞节 and the twilight movies!!!Favorite Musician: MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE, ATTACK ATTACK, BLACK VEIL BRIDES, PARAMORE, JOURNEY, BON JOVI. THE BEATLES, AND OTHERS!!Favorite Book or Author: the twilight series, harry potter series and rule of the bone

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Hi wondering how come your facebooks deactivated,hope 你 can get back on and on twitter soon!
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