《少年正义联盟》 Club
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posted by BeccaYJ
I could hear the sounds of a fight from my room. The thick wood door was closed. Which meant I was missing out. But damn it all Sam had hurt me. I was starting to respect him and he had hurt me! I was very tempted to go out there and kill someone. But those flirtatious perverts wouldn't stop even if I did! So I stayed hidden in my room.
“Becky, report!”
Oooo. I wanted to rip his throat to shreds for calling me that. But that would jeopardize the entire mission. Not okay. Bats would tear me to shred. I answered with the communicator.
“Mission successful. Two-Face got what he wanted.”
“Thank 你 Becky.”
He was pushing it. I let go of the communicator and checked my ankle. The swelling had gone down thanks to my serum. It would be a few days before I could do much though. I thought about telling Jazzman about my ankle. 图片 of him and the other perverts coming into my room swam in my mind. Then again, I could adapt to working with it sprained. No one was coming into my room. I sighed and looked around for something to do. If only they had an electric guitar...no. That would attract even 更多 attention. I groaned.
“This place is so boring.”

It was only a few days later when I was called, once again, to Jazzman's office. Not a good sign. The memory of my last trip there was still fresh in my mind! Fortunately for me but also unlucky for me, Sam was there. Perfect. Maybe I could just kill them both, set a bomb, and make it seem like an accident? Right. People would buy that. I stood in front of Jazzman's desk, daring him to say something like he had last time.
“You have another assignment.”
Well that was something to do. But doing this with Sam? At the moment, he'd be lucky to get out alive! I was still hurt about what he had said!
“What is it this time?” Sam asked.
Jazzman held up a folder and Sam's shoulder brushed mine as he retrieved it. I folded my arms across my chest, glancing at the file without moving from where I stood. I really hated Jazzman.
“We'll get it done,” Sam assured.
“Alright. 你 leave tonight at eleven. Be ready.”
We both nodded and I let Sam get out first. I rushed back to my room. I needed to get this out of my system. I quickly changed into black tights and a red dancing top. I slipped on a pair of socks. Over all that, I put on my black trench coat. I walked down one of the halls and entered one of the larger rooms.
I closed the door, locking it. I didn't trust these guys at all. I shut the blinds on the windows, turning on a few lights. I grabbed a boombox and started the music. I did a few stretches before finally matching the beat in a series of dance moves. One of the many things about me that nobody knew was that I danced. I practiced all the time so it's not like I keep it a secret. People just never see.

There was a knock on my door and I slipped on my mask. I opened it to find Sam standing there. My dancing hadn't worked. I was still mad at him.
“You ready to go?” he asked.
I nodded. I really was in no mood to talk to him. I followed him out and towards our destination. When this mission was over, I was going to find Jazzman and kill him.
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