《少年正义联盟》 Club
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca snuck inside, tiptoeing across the floor. She was halfway to her room when the light to the living room flipped on. She froze where she was. Robin came into view and Becca looked like a guilty child.
“You really shouldn't hack into the system. Especially when I'm upgrading it.”
Becca bit her lip, looking even 更多 guilty.
“So...I'm in trouble?” she asked.
Becca rubbed the back of her neck, looking at her boyfriend.
“Where are 你 coming in from? It's well past midnight.”
“I just had to run an errand. To my house.”
“Oh. I thought I may have left my house unlocked. I didn't.”
“Mhmm. Look, I don't mind that 你 have personal buisness 或者 whatever. But don't make up a lie about it. You're a terrible liar.”
Becca smiled, feeling relieved.
“No problem. Just make sure Bats doesn't find out.”
“You heading to 床, 床上 或者 still upgrading security?”
“What do 你 think?”
“Go to bed. You've 迷失 enough sleep with your nightly patrols. Let me finish security.”
Robin looked at Becca through narrowed eyes. She was giving him her 小狗 dog eyes and it was working, just like it always did.
“Fine. But don't stay up to late.”
Becca saluted playfully.
“Yes sir!”
Robin 偷了 a quick 吻乐队(Kiss) before heading off to bed. Becca smiled and took his laptop into the living room. She turned on the TV and scrolled through the channels until she found one with music. Half listening to the background noise, Becca proceeded to upgrade the required security system. It was almost complete and Becca didn't have much work to do. But she had one other thing to add.
“Let's see. Add hero. B0-25 Red X. Hmmm...no voice alerts. No required training. Do not add to superhero roster. No information. No alerts. Allow entrance to all files...Allow access to all computer systems. There. Red X is added.”
Becca sat back, releasing a sigh. She pulled out a com link, not her YJ one. Pressing the button, she spoke into it.
“You're in X.”
“X-cellent Becca. Thank you. I'll leave your pay under the door.”
“I look 前锋, 期待 to it.”

“My apologies, Jade. I didn't know 你 were out here.”
Jade looked up with a smile.
“Kaldur. Don't apologize, just sit. I think I'm the one who took your spot anyways. I just 爱情 to admire the ocean.”
“You are one of the few people I've met that just watch. Most go right past this view. But not you. How is that?”
“I don't know. I guess it's because most challenge the ocean. But they can never win. It's like I told Becca when she was learning how to surf. 你 challenge the ocean. But even if 你 own one wave, it doesn't compare to the millions of waves ready to take it's place.”
Kaldur smiled at her.
“You see things in a different light then most people.”
“I guess it comes from spending so much time on other planets. 你 learn to appreciate beauty anywhere.”
“Jade! Jade!”
“Oh. I'm sorry Kaldur. I must go see what Becca wants.”
“No. Don't apologize. I hope to see 你 soon.”
Jade blushed, a smile on her lips. She stood, bowed her head and left. She was walking so quickly, she almost bumped into Becca.
“What's the problem, Bec? Is something wrong?”
Becca pulled on Jade's arm, her nails digging into Jade's skin. In a quiet whisper, Becca spoke.
“We're being summoned.”

“Becca. I'm scared. What if we're found out?”
“Then we tell them the truth. If they hate our guts...I'll go back to what I was doing before.”
“Working for your mentor?”
Becca didn't 显示 any sign of recognition.
“You know 你 worked for a criminal?”
Still no response.
“A criminal who happens to be on Batman's bad list?”
Jade must have struck a nerve because she turned to Jade, fear and hatred in her eyes.
“ I know that! I know all of that! But if Young Justice hates my guts...if Robin hates me...then I would rather live fighting him than never see him again.”
Becca turned back, walking towards a lit building. They were in the outskirts of Happy Harbor and the two were getting further from the mountain and closer to Gotham.
“Becca...maybe we should rethink this.”
“Too late. We're here.”
Becca walked up to the building, knocking twice. A small eye slit opened, looked at the two girls, and closed. A 秒 later, the door swung open.
“They are waiting for you,” a robotic voice sounded.
“Thanks Jay.”
Becca strode inside confidently, Jade hesitating before going after her friend.
“Becca! Love! You're here!”
A red-haired male stood in front of her. His light green eyes sparkled and his smile was sincere. He wore a thick black 领, 衣领 hung around his neck, along with silver dog tags. His outfit was simple, black and red complimenting each other over his green t-shirt.
“Dusk. Good to see you.”
Dusk ran a hand through his red and white-highlighted hair.
“Really? 你 missed me?”
“Yeah. About as much as I miss living with the rats.”
Becca moved past him.
“Still so mean to me,” Dusk said. “But it makes 你 even 更多 desirable.”
“Dusk! Stop hitting on Becca. She's here on buisness.”
A girl stood in the doorway. Her black hair was long and silky. Her 紫色, 紫罗兰色 eyes were framed in 紫色, 紫罗兰色 glasses. She looked all buisness, dressed in a schoolgirl's uniform of white 衬衫 and black skirt. Her 橙子, 橙色 tie seemed to be the only real color on her outfit.
“Dawn. Pleasure to see 你 again.”
“Pleasure is mine, Becca. But enough with the formalities. The boss is waiting.”
Becca walked beside Dawn as the high school girl lead them to a meeting room.
“You're brother hasn't changed,” Becca said.
“Not in the least. 你 have though. Working for the good side I see?”
“What?!” Dusk exclaimed. “Why? The dark side has cookies!”
“Horrible ones. Why I changed sides isn't your buisness, Dusk. But let's just say I had a....change of heart. A really big change.”
“Becca. Jade. You've arrived.”
“As 你 ordered, X.”
“Good. Take a seat. All of you.”
posted by MikkiDs
I got rather bored one 日 and made up this gal...

Name: HeartBreaker

Secret ID: ???

Alliance: ???

Age: ???

Height: 5 ft 2 in (yeah she's short)

Weight: 114 lb.

Appearence: Curly black hair goes to about mid back, she wears a black and white baseball 帽 with a symbol of a broken 心 on the front, black eyes, a red hooded jacket, black tanktop with the symbol of a broken 心 on it, a black leather belt, black skinny Jeans, and black and white sneakers

Species: Demon 或者 Angel???

Personality: laid back, witty, wise, funny and likes to joke around but serious when need to be, very determined to get...
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posted by YJTTFAN

“COME ON! LET’S GO! HURRY UP!” Kyra yelled to her two siblings and other sort-of sibling. Dick was on his computer most likely hacking the 五角大楼 again, Helena was just lounging around, and Danna was surfing YouTube.
“What is it now Ky?” Danna mumbled not looking up from her computer
“Something boring,” Helena answered for Kyra. Danna and Dick nodded symostinisly.
“Fine, Bruce and I will take Joker out,” Kyra smirked turning on her heel, only to get knocked down 由 her siblings rushing out of the room. Lifting her face from the carpet, she saw the feet of...
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posted by ZoeYJ
It was a Sunday evening. thunder took over the nights sky, but it didn't effect the household of the Rouge Family. Zoe and Zinc were preparing 晚餐 with their parents, Ronald and Sapphire.
Whilst at the 晚餐 table, Sapphire announced important news.
" Good news, we have heard that your new cousins have been born, Phoebe, Katie and Shanelle".
Zoe and Zinc were filled with joy that they had new cousins. But Ronald was unapproved.
"I think im going to take the rubbish out. Is that alright dear?" asked Ronald.
" Of course!" Replied Sapphire.
Ronald stormed out of the kitchen, into the backyard ....
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Okay, I have finally found the time to sit down and sort out the Red Revenge universe. Red Revenge also receives a new suit upgrade which I will 显示 later.

Basic Upgrades to his Suit:

* Revenge now possesses complete mental control of all of his weapons, computers, suits, self-destruct sequences, and a kill-switch on Emerald's* suit.

* Revenge has nano-technology sewn into his cape and neck/shoulder armor. (The specifics of this nano-technology have yet to be revealed).

* He now has micro-tubes on his arms and near his utility 带, 皮带 which dispense daggers at his mental command allowing for greater...
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posted by YJTTFAN
Young Justice Goes Red Vs Blue Quoting
You don’t really have to know what RvB is, just that it’s super funny and epic and that 你 should see it. (its a web series, It’s up on youtube)

After a long battle with Scarecrow, the team realises that Lucas and Megan got hit with some of his ‘new toy’. The newest gas seemed to have two different effects, for Megan it made her lose her ability to use her powers and she only spoke Martaian, and Lucas...well.....it did something...
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posted by Dezzylove3
"What the heck was that,Dick?" 蝙蝠侠 说 in the cave after a close call with the joker,Dick is now Nightwing,damn he grew up.

"THAT was me saving youre sorry ass,by disableing the bomb before it could blow." Nightwing 说 ripping off his mask and packed it into his duffle bag he uses for his uniform.

"Yeah,but 你 could've been hurt."Batman 说 sadly.He's been like that since his last robin didnt work out so well,Nightwing knows thats what this is about.

"Hey Im fine,Im not thirteen anymore,"
"I know."
"Im a grown-up now."
"I know."

They've stripped out and into normal clothes now,Dicks always...
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posted by killer24
hope 你 like him


real id:unknown


power:super smart,can fly,can sift from robot 或者 human forms,can expand body to full height,can stretch body parts


looks:blond hair,purple eyes,green skin,well muscled,purple and black clothes,three dots on head

fears/phobias:to become a full brainiac and take over the universe

history:on a mission got teleported back in time to when the league found super boy (end of episode 2) him and shadow became 老友记 latter became part of squad X bats secret team

other:is a brainiac/robot
 data going human
data going human
 data at full hight
data at full hight
Liberty placed both hands on the steering wheel of the dark blue Ferrari she was driving. She shifted gears and pressed on the gas petal. The car screeched off down the streets of manhattan. Liberty looked over at her dad who had one hand on the door handle and the other on his shield. She slammed on the brakes as pedestrians ran in front of her, while aliens ran after them. They stood in front the car, Liberty put the car in neutral and pressed down on the gas, making the car give off a loud roar. She put it back in drive and sped off. 
"You're cutting it close Liberty." her father said.
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posted by AislingYJ
I stifled a yawn as I sank lower in my 台, 办公桌 in the back of the classroom. My first 日 at the Gotham Academy had been torture. I was the only kid who was here on a scholarship, and all day, I had been surrounded 由 rich brats who, upon realizing that I wasn’t like them, wanted nothing to do with me. At one point during the day, I had thought I’d seen Fin, my best friend, walking through the hallways, but when I ran towards her, it had been someone else. Why would Fin be there, anyway? This was a school for rich kids, and anyway, she was only thirteen. She couldn’t possibly be a high schooler....
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posted by Robin_Love
Serepta walked into the core of headquarters. She typed in several commands, leaning over the desk. Several 图片 appeared on the huge screen. She smirked. I warned them before. Don't mess with me. Foolish heroes.
“Who to see to first?”
Serepta tapped her fingers on the desk.
“Looking fabulous today, aren't we?”
Serepta smirked over at her boyfriend. Usual flirt that he was. He was good at it too. Just loved to flirt with himself.
“And who would 你 be talking to?” Serepta asked, crossing her legs seductively.
“You of course. I already know I look good.”
Serepta turned back to...
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posted by Mclovin_69
" Lex. Luthor. is your dad! " Robin exclaimed with shock, " he summoned me the Santa Prisca...." Connnor 说 as the blur came back to the feild surrounded 由 the jungle. Meagan passed Connor looking at him then looking away and Artemis passed Lucas with fear in her eyes and looked away as well, Becca followed the two girls aswell, " bring them along..." SportsMaster 说 to Bllockbuster, Blockbuster walked up to Connor and Lucas, Artemis watched then suddenly began to run towards them and shot an 《绿箭侠》 and a blur came back to the mountain with the team and Artemis spoke up, " ugh... listen.....
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Chapter One- "Assassin"

Sam never saw it coming.

He had ten calmly walking towards the school when the first shot had been fired. A .50 Caliber grazed his neck. Immediately all of the students on the campus ducked for cover.

Sam 鸽子 behind a pillar and quickly took off his 夹克 to reveal the infamous crimson dagger beneath.

This time, the assassin never saw it coming. The dagger flew through the air and impaled itself in the barrel of her sniper rifle. The assassin saw the dagger and leaped for cover as it exploded.

A moment later, Revenge had grabbed her and swung to the nearest building. Before...
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As it turns out 由 the time I did get to the lab my Dad/creator was way past the worried state, and 更多 into the ticked off, in rage what-the-heck-were-you-thinking and where-have-you-been-do you-realize-what-could-of-happened state.

Yeah, typical parents.

I tried to roll in unnoticed, 你 know, nothing’s wrong, haven’t got a care in the world.

The roll never works. As soon as I walk in its “Jozyl Marie Jocoti!”

“Hey Doc! What’s up?” I smile…

“What’s up? Do 你 care to explain this to me?”

Yep, he’s fuming now.

He presses a button and the giant computer screen shows a broadcast...
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posted by InfinityYJ
“Look me in the eye and tell me 你 don’t care.”
The green met the blue, then switched to the gold.
“I don’t, I really don’t. I couldn’t care even less. I would 爱情 to see 你 die.”
Tear spilled out of the gold, which slowly reverted back to a blue. Then they closed peacefully, and the girl let out a long sigh of relief. Nathan grimaced.
“You know I do care, right Delta?”
Danna nodded silently, looking down at her once again out-of-control sister. She was slightly crying too. “You know... this may be the last time we ever see her like this.”
“I know, Delta, I really do....
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I apologize for this.....dissension of mine.
Until further notice Knives And Tights has been discontinued.
You may be asking your self why I made this. Well for 3 reasons.

1. 写作 a OC character than goes along with a 大炮, 加农炮 character's as sidekick is something I have done for a long time. 苔原 was my first breath of fresh air from that. And i find it hard to use her character anymore.

2. I want to create a different OC that has the idea I have never tried to conquer before. A person who is good nor evil and yet interacts frequently with the 大炮, 加农炮 characters with out changing them to...
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posted by Obscurity98
Harley sat with her back to the living room and Hallway. Talking with megan on how to bake 饼干 to the perfect tenderness. "i'm not kidding Megs, 你 cant jsut leave thethe 厨房 with out putting the timer on!" 说 harley, blowing her hair form her face. and as she pulled it into a 小马 tail, the timer wnet off. "The Cookies!" shrieked megan standing still. Harley jumped from her seat,"Dont just stand there megan! get htem out!" But it was too late the smoke alarm went off.
No one bothered looking up 或者 comin to see what was wrong. they already knew.
Megan was jumping around harley as...
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posted by lolfan88
As I looked into her eyes they burned with rage. “Well hi.” I 说 sourly, wiping the blood from my mouth. I returned with a powerful blow of red magic. She went flying across the room then hit her head on something hard and got knocked out. “Kid, Superboy clear a path NOW!” Aqualad screamed telapahticly it gave me a slight head ache. Superboy and Kid Flash punched guys left and right. The team ran passed them

We all jumped onto the bio ship. “Stop them, Stop them…STOP THEM!! The “Boss” cried. They tried to shoot at us but we were to far up for them to hit us. “I’m going...
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posted by Dezzylove3
"Reconized,Batman 02" "Valcanis 17" "Reconized,Impulsia po9"

"I sure hope she fits in.........well?"

"Wally,give me my arrows!!!!"

"Not a chance blondey"

"Conner give me my wrist computer back!"

"But I wanted To play Donkey Kong.."

"To bad you'll screw up my system UHHHG!"

"Miss Martian I advise 你 give me my water 枪 back."

"No,Not until 你 give my cookie sheet back!!"


At the soung of the dark nights voice evry body frove...in aquard positions

Robin was on 最佳, 返回页首 of Conners back holding his hands back in a painful grip.

Artemis had Wallys legs...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Willow and Becca were walking down the hall when they stopped hearing strumming on a 吉他 coming from Lucas's room. Willow and Becca smirked at eachother and pressed their ears against the door.

" put your faith in what 你 most believe in......two worlds, one family.....
trust your heart...
let fate decide....
to guide these lifes we see....."

Lucas strummed his 吉他 to the beat of the song.

" A paradise untouched 由 man....
within this world blessed with love.....
a simple life they live in peace....."

softly tread the sand below your feet now.....
two worlds, one family
trust your heart....
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posted by Becca_Shade
I got permission from Terror on this one. And if 你 read, you'll see why I needed permission. Enjoy...please. :)

Terror sat in the dark, willing it away. The warehouse was a perfect place to hide in. No one was around and it was dark. It was almost soothing to stay there. Almost welcoming. But the peace was ruined as doors opened and the lights were flipped on. Terror growled deep in his throat, peering over boxes. He saw two guys. One was carrying a gun and the other was dragging in a girl. They better have medical insurance, Terror thought. He crept closer and listened.
“Set her here,”...
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