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posted by SilverWings13
“Ana, are 你 ready?”
The teenager was deaf to her name. Octavia sighed and went to the bedroom where the younger had gone to get dressed. “If you’re getting cold feet, it’s a little late for that—”
She paused in the doorway. Ana stood in front of the full-length mirror, staring at her reflection. Her curls bleached coppery blonde from years in the 甜点 sun, Octavia had referred to Ana’s dark roots to dye her hair its natural dark auburn. The soft waives were tamed into a bun, circled 由 an elegant braid like a mock crown. A few ringlets escaped to frame Ana’s face, where her freckles were made invisible 由 light foundation, and the Eastern-European 杏仁 shape of her eyes were accented 由 dark mascara and eyeliner. Even the dress, a light cream color, made the young woman look 更多 like her 皇后乐队 grandmother. It modestly covered all of her skin, with a loose bodice, billowing sleeves, and long skirt. A diamond and obsidian choker twinkled around her neck with matching studs sparkling in her newly pierced ears. The 袍, 礼服 shaped her body into something mature, but the golden bow around her waist and crown braided into her hair made her unquestionably resemble her aunts. If someone had painted Ana into a family portrait with the princesses, she could have been their fifth sister.
“You look darling,” Octavia breathed, clasping her hands. The redhead blinked up with at her with dreamy wonder. After a brief moment, her gaping mouth curved into a smile. “You made me so…beautiful.”
The witch giggled and went over to Ana, standing at her shoulder in the mirror. “You’re beautiful on your own, sweetheart. I simply took the focus off your scars to make 你 more…innocent. It’ll help sell this story your brother wants told.”
“That we’re little children who want peace and happiness for all?” Ana rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Octavia tutted and retrieved a 毛皮 coat, holding it for the other to slide her arms into. “Aleksander’s message in genuine, darling, that’s what really matters. He’s smart, just like your father. If anyone can pull this off, it’s him.”
“My father was a murderer,” Ana pointed out.
“But his 心 was in the right place,” Tavvy amended, then sighed at the younger woman’s raised brow. “What? He wanted justice for his family. It’s heroic if 你 ask me.”
“He killed hundreds of people to get just a few suspects. 你 really support the Circle’s practices? They’re prejudice against vampires, a whole species!”
“It’s the only organization that allows members of the Red and White armies to meet,” Octavia pointed out with a dismissive wave of her hand. “It’s the closest thing to peace we have right now. My father may lead the White Army, but they failed to protect the royal family against the Red Army way back then. If there were ever a governing body to control the factions, the 圈, 圈子 is it. It’s feared, but respected. That’s how Alexie ruled, and many understood his vision.” Octavia raised a camera to take a picture of Ana with a proud smile. “Now, sweetheart, don’t be nervous. Aleksander will do the hard part, simply be yourself…just more…eloquent.” The witch turned on her heel and glided out of the room. Ana followed as expected, quite confused 由 the speech. She quickly forgot the politics, however, when she followed Octavia out to a limousine similar to the one in which her brother and his 日期 had departed. Ana took a gulp of cold air, overwhelmed 由 the night already.
Octavia stood 由 as the chauffer opened the door, smiling as if all were right in the world. She kissed Ana’s cheek with a giddy smile. “Don’t look so afraid, Anastasia. 你 were born for this,” she reminded the anxious one. The truth of her heritage made it easier for Ana to breath, and she returned Octavia’s smile before climbing into the limousine. Through the rearview mirror, the little house and witch quickly faded from view, leaving the young princess alone with her worry.



“—not so complicated, is it? They were once the 心 of the empire. How could they not consider themselves Russian?”
“They’re not Russian,” Aleksander pointed out, clasping a friendly hand on the fuming dignitary’s shoulder. “They’re Ukrainian. But like the Americans are not Britain, they can continue to be our brothers as allies. Forcing them to 加入 us 由 crushing their small army is no way to start what can be a long-overdue brotherhood.”
Aleksander’s 日期 found herself nodding along with the rest of the gathered crowd despite only partially hearing their argument over the overwhelming sensations of the extravagant ball. The bothered ambassador was a part of some extremist group, obsessed with re-absorbing Ukraine into Russia, but when her 日期 countered him, it sounded 更多 like a settled declaration than an opinion. The extremist cowered under the firm hand, squandering under this crowd of important strangers agreeing with the 22-year old in a prince’s uniform. The only unrequited one in the circle, one of many groups of lively chatter in the ballroom, was a dark-haired young woman in a bright red kimono. She kept glaring at where Hailey’s hand rested on the arm of the winner of the conversation. The latter resigned herself 由 sighing into her flute glass and sipping the sweet, expensive champagne.


“Having fun?” Aleksander’s low voice reached her over the loud hum of conversation in the ballroom. He was guiding them across the floor, in preparation for his sister’s arrival, as the group broke up to mingle with other advocates and world leaders. The young diplomate was somehow relaxed enough to laugh when Hailey rolled her eyes.
“My idea of fun consists of way less bullshit than this,” she replied. “Everyone knows that Ukraine wants to remain an independent democratic state of its own, not one of Russia’s brain-washed, puppet satellites.” Her partner laughed, a pleasantly surprised sound. “I had no idea 你 had such strong opinions about Eastern European politics.”
“Of course. I’m proud of my Romanian roots, another state threatened 由 your monster of an imperialist, 由 the way. Maybe 你 should make me your head advisor once you’re in control of the Kremlin, Your Highness~”
It was the blonde’s turn to roll his eyes at her mockery. “You know that I don’t want to be king, Hails. A voice of reason is enough for me.”
“Whatever,” Hailey replied with blatant disbelief. She giggled as the prince nudged her arm with his. When he opened her mouth to argue, she shook her head and stepped back. “I’m going to find that 表 of adorable finger foods. All this activity is wearing me out, and I’m starting to get hungry.”
“If 你 need a bite—” Aleksander had lifted a hand to his 领, 衣领 as if to offer her his flesh. The young woman flushed at such an intimate offer, then blushed even darker as he laughed at her reaction. The crowd quickly absorbed Hailey as she huffed and turned away.

“Alexie Romanov, what a pleasant surprise,” an amused voice bellowed from behind. The prince whirled at what was practically a shout. Several guests close 由 turned to see the 来源 of the confrontation. “Oh, forgive me, son. For a moment there, I mistook your demanding visage for your father’s.”
The man was not alone, but escorted 由 a party of his own. He was set apart from their modern clothing 由 his eclectic appearance: his tall stature was draped in a thin robe, dark blue in color and decorated with golden tassels and bells that tinkled as he walked. He wore a finely cut, Western business suit under the robe. Rings and earrings winked on his appendages, including his toes where his leather sandals left his feet bare, while the collection of necklaces and cords of various lengths were like an extension of his dark beard and curly hair. Aleksander, whom had been so relaxed throughout the evening as he chatted with elders who far out-ranked him, was suddenly still as stone and just as tense.
“Wilhelm Magnus,” he greeted calmly. “We were all so disappointed to hear 你 were unable to attend this year’s celebration of the spring solstice. I’m glad 你 could make it after all.”
Magnus grinned at Aleksander’s pristinely polite greeting, flashing a golden canine. “Of course, boy. Your father was my greatest inspiration. I didn’t want to miss meeting the heir to his legacy…Especially when I had already been preparing my own sons for that legacy.”
Most of the crowd around the pair had quieted to whispers and murmurs. Dozens of eyes fell on the middle-aged warlock and the son of his once-partner-in-crime. Aleksander straightened his shoulders, his epaulets winking as they caught the light bouncing off the mirrors lining the walls. “It’s my father who co-created the Circle, is it not?” he remarked with a casual shrug. “He wanted everyone to partake in bringing honor back to this country, regardless their loyalty to Red 或者 White, communism 或者 monarchy. I too share his vision.”
“In that case, why haven’t we heard from 你 in so many years?” a woman just behind Magnus questioned. Her red pants suit was adorned with a Russian flag, marking her as a government official. “You were present in Paris with Alexie, as a part of Hitler’s army, then…nothing.” The wave of murmured gossip through the crowd seem to rise up against the young man. Those closest to him shifted their eyes away, but he refused to tear his eyes from Magnus’.
“You are all aware of the tragedies faced 由 my family,” Aleksander stated, directing his response to his challenger. “My brother’s accident put us all in dismay. It pushed my late father to the brink, God rest his soul. I remained in the shadows as I collected what was left of my family, but now I’m ready to retake the helm of the Romanov name. Russia, and the Circle, are strong and in need of a strong leader.” Out of the corner of his eye, the young man saw others raise themselves to their full height at his proud words. Heads were nodding, and even a few hands clasped in agreement. Magnus’ jaw twitched in irritation, an emotion 迷失 beneath his attire’s loud bravado. “Convenient, isn’t it?” he retaliated over the growing hum of approval in his opponent’s favor. “There’s no one here to challenge 你 for such a mantle. Not your elder brother…not your sisters. They all has a greater claim to the throne, and the Circle, than you, a bastard and son of a whore. Could 你 not convince even one of your siblings to stand with 你 to strengthen your claim?”
“I don’t need anyone to strengthen my claim,” Aleksander snapped angrily. “I AM a Romanov. I was dishonored with the rest of my family, with the rest of my country, with all of you, 由 the murder of my aunts and grandparents!”
“And the murder of your brother?” a solemn voice questioned from the crowd. The colorful gowns and finely-pressed 《金装律师》 parted to allow a dark-skin man in a white three-piece to step forward. From his closely cropped hair to his rigid form, his entire demeanor screamed soldier. A dark band around his arm designated him as an FSB officer, the Russian government’s own version of America’s FBI. “Many organizations spent a great deal of time time researching Prince Thomas’ death, Prince Aleksander. The evidence seems to conclude that his death was not, in fact, an accident. 你 see, the bomb he was killed by, was detonated remotely…and we all know His Highness Alexie was injured 由 that blast in attempting to save your brother. But you…you were there, weren’t you? Perhaps even within 100 yards, within the bomb’s range of detonation?”
Aleksander stared at the officer as the words caught up with him. His brother’s death, thrown in his face, in front of all these people? The crowd was once again turning against him, but it was the pressure in his chest that was crushing him.
There was a commotion suddenly, near the back of the room, that caused Magnus’ calculating group to stir. Government officials, leaders of wealthy families, and foreign ambassadors were suddenly out for blood. The accusations against the bastard regarding the death of their 最喜爱的 heir were too good to let slip away without action. Aleksander attempted to step back, away from the angry tide turning on him. Those at his back, however, grabbed at his shoulders and held him still. What had been soft whisperings were now infuriated shouts. Some still regarded him with uncertainty, but expletives drowned out any questions. Magnus stood silently among the roiling mob with a cold grin in the young prince’s direction. Aleksander attempted to shrug off the hand gripping his shoulder, but he stumbled, and suddenly found himself face-to-face with the FSB officer in his fine white suit. “You think these people will let 你 see a trial?” he growled, “When Magnus’ sons have twice the support as a vague, half-princeling?”
Aleksander wanted to scream something nasty in the accuser’s direction, but his word stuck in his throat. The shouts around him were crammed into his windpipe, suffocating him. So he opted for spitting at the police man. There was an angry roar as the officer’s face turned crimson, and Aleksander expected to feel a fist colliding with his face at any moment

but a shout rose above the rest


Stunned silence fell across the mob as the patrons turned towards the command. Every pair of eyes found their way to the main balcony overlooking the ballroom floor, until the FSB officer had no choice but to turn away from his suspect.
“Unhand him,” the young woman ordered. “As descendance of the late Tsarevich Alexie Romanov, and His Highness Czar Nikolai II, I demand 你 显示 my brother and me the respect that our family is owed.” Chandelier lights reflected off her choker, drawing attention to the youthful features hardened into a stern, expectant glare. The hands slipped away from Aleksander’s arms and shoulders like snakes slithering away from a blinding light. He straightened his 涂层, 外套 and moved through the crowd, which parted with the downcast looks of scolded children. Only Magnus glared at his back as he climbed the steps to 加入 his sister. Aleksander passed Hailey on his way up, standing dutifully on the stairs as if she had guided Ana there and planned to eradicate anyone who tried to remove her. He gave her a grateful nod as he was allowed past.
Anastasia, despite her success thus far, recognized that surprise was on her side, and continued on before the moment of shock passed. “Members of my father’s Circle, I am 真假公主 Romanov II. I appreciate your attendance in celebration of this spring solstice. As 你 may know…2018 marks the 100th anniversary of my family’s slaughter.”
Some heads bowed at the reminder, and a comfortable, respectful silence settled over the crowd. The young woman looked down over the crowd as she spoke, taking in the colors, ages, ethnicities, and emotions of the people her father’s memory had brought together. “A few years ago, the Catholic church honored my family in canonizing them as saints. Not only my aunts, my father, and my grandparents, but also my aunts, my uncles, my cousins—all recognized as martyrs of the religion that they and their ancestors so proudly championed.”
There were a dozen 或者 so members of the party who raised their hands in the motion of the Holy Trinity; others removed their hats respectfully, but none moved their eyes away from the princess.
“This 年 is important, because even if the Church remembers my family, the world has started to forget. Our empire was once feared, but now it is mocked 由 foreigners’ lies. We are not weak; we are not tyrants. We are not murderers.” Her gaze settled on the FSB officer in his blindingly white suit. Those closest to him shifted a half-step away. 真假公主 would have preferred to pick out Magnus in the crowd, but the leader of the confrontation had moved out of her line of sight. She felt her brother step up to her side, his presence a strong reinforcement of their family’s strength. “It’s time we remembered who we are, starting tonight. We are the Circle, harbingers of peace. We want justice for what was done to our monarchy, and we want respect for our nation.” 真假公主 clasped her hands with her brother’s and raised it above the railing for all to see. “We are united! We will NOT be forgotten!”
The crowd responded with a deafening cheer. Anastasia’s smiled widened to a grin as her brother raised their hands higher, above her head, and the cheers redoubled. Aleksander dipped his head and whispered into her ear, “Father would be so proud of you.”

The brisk air was a welcome greeting after the oppressive, stuffy ballroom. Hailey took a deep breath of the quiet night. The cold was chilling in her ball gown, cooling the sweat at the small of her back. She kicked off her heels and descended the steps towards the limousine Aleksander had rented for their night together.
As Hailey settled into her seat, she smiled at the confidence in Anastasia’s voice. She was eager to meet the young woman face-to-face. The redhead was years younger than herself, but Hailey loved her strength, and knew well the 爱情 Aleksander had for his stubborn sister. Despite their differences, they had stood invincible together.
With a heavy sigh, Hailey slumped in her seat. The party had been overwhelming to her senses, but now the silence felt lonely. She turned in her 座位 to see the mansion fading into the darkness, then turned 前锋, 期待 to call to her driver to take her to the nearest pub for good drinks and company. Before she could get the words out, however, the car shook with an explosion a mile behind them. Hailey whirled back around to see the smoke rising from the mansion, aglow with flames. She opened her mouth to scream, but was cut off as a truck slammed into her car.
(( Bentley’s P.O.V ))

I gasped out looking at the mirror in my hands, i-I saw me?.... no longer the 阿凡达 that hide my identity. The people around me all looked as surprised as I did, why would Keith Losanger creator of Swords and Shields Online do this?, why would he trap all of these people……why would he risk all this and risk losing everything if he was caught. The feeling in my stomach was strange and I didn’t like it, I looked up at him intently as he spoke once 更多 “ …now… all of 你 are probably thinking that your family members 或者 roommates can come and just unplug the...
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posted by HarmonianYJ
Name: Ciel Norrian.

Alias: Harmonian.

Appearance: 6'0 tall, purple eyes, white hair.

Gender: Male.

Civvies: Usually a white t-shirt and jeans will due, an occasional 夹克 as well.

Hero-Suit: PICTURE.

Weapons: Pocket knife.

Skills: Fair 唱歌 voice, extremely agile.

Powers: When he sings a special chorus, he can create 或者 repair items such as..... a 项链 made of pearls, he sings "Build it up with silver and pearl, silver and pearl, silver and pearl. Build it up with silver and pearl, my fair lady...." and then the 项链 will be created, 或者 repaired. Also capable of making weapons, but...
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posted by RichiYJ
I feel like I'm gonna regret even 写作 this story, buy whatever. Hooray for over-used world destruction plot!


Creak.... The branches of the trees groaned as they were pushed 由 the howling wind. The 草 rustled, the leaves shook, and the night time air was cold. But all was 安全 in a particular branch of a large 树 in the forest. Lychan and Hibi were asleep soundly, as they were used to the freezing weather. Richi, however, was being bothered 由 demons tormenting his dreams.


His dream shifted once more. Another piercing scream rang, and an evil laughter joined the horrible...
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In which the reader is forced to wait while I try and figure out what's coming up next. >-<

“Patience, Kyra.”
She got 鸡皮疙瘩 at Chelsea’s calm voice, tears escaping down her face. The pain of the 金牌 was immense but she couldn’t place why-- skin contact hadn’t affected her before. Chelsea’s chuckled reached her as she took in a shuddering breath. “I assumed it would pain 你 更多 than 你 believed.”
The dark cloth over her eyes slipped away and she blinked a couple of times. Chelsea sat across from her, scraping a jagged 刀 on rock, making earsplitting screeches....
continue reading...
He leaned against the birck 墙 that lined down the alley way, the puddles rippled as the raindrops fell from the sky and smacked its way on the ground. The dark 兜帽, 罩, 发动机罩 pulled over his head created a shadow that covered his upper features, his lips had a slight pout as he listened to the rain around him . “ Early much? “ a voice spoke out, he turned his head and stood up regularly uncrossing his arms and spoke out back “ early? We agreed we would meet here at six “. He sighed “ sorry but the Allpine woods aren’t exactly that close”, he looked at his companion still “ have there...
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No, this is not a new series. This just me doing something very 《勇敢传说》 and probably very stupid. With the help of InfinityYJ, I am songfic-ing each and every song from Linkin Park’s (semi) new album, Living Things. Wish me luck. Btws this and most of the other ones are all AU.

Skin to bone, steel to rust
Ash to ashes, dust to dust

Wide eyes, narrow eyes. Turquoise blue to slate gray. The shock was clear on his face; she waved it off, the rage eating away at her heart. She knew that from the start, it was never going to last, she knew she could never have actually pulled it off, but that didn’t...
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posted by Robin_Love
She opened her eyes and looked around the dimly lit room. She read the time on the clock. Only noon. She had time. She reached under her 床, 床上 and pulled out the suitcase. She got up and looked in her closet. Pushing the clothes aside, she grabbed all the weapons left on their posts. She placed them in the suitcase along with the other smaller knives and 枪 hidden in the room. S
he threw in a book of 照片 and her journal. She closed the suitcase, slipped her iPod in her pocket, and looked around the simple room she had called hers. There really wasn't much she had, a few books, few clothes,...
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Rene leapt over another roof, looking around every once in awhile. Ciel came up behind her. “See anything yet?”
Rene shook her head. “How ‘bout you, Ariel?”
A couple blocks away, Ariel held her hand up to her earpiece. “Nope,” she said, popping the ‘p.’ “I don’t think Revenge does either, but how should I know? He doesn’t talk.”
“Yeah, he’s like,” Aisling had a sudden coughing fit, “in that way...”
Rowan glanced over at her. “You okay?”
She snickered quietly. “Yeah, I’m fine. Tanner? Fang? Any luck overhead?”
The two landed behind them. “No, nothing,”...
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Part 6! (Oh and thanx to my readers for reading...I really appreciate it :))
Since its a ling time since posting, This is 更多 like a continuation article. Now we are definitely getting to the good parts hehe

At the same time...
“Girls, its fine, its just a power cut.” Shadow said. Reaching frantically inside one of her utility 带, 皮带 pouches she bought out a small flashlight and clicked it on.
“Oh yah”, Fin said, obviously creeped out, “Than what was with the scream? 你 know how creepy that was?”
All the girls stayed silent, too shocked to say another word. One of...
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This is not a fairy tale. There are no happy endings

Power can make even the greatest among us fall.

Allies Fall
Enemies Rise
Friends Return

The Story that changes Everything,
Starts Now


"Mr. Grant, Wayne Industries is the biggest company in the world 秒 to LexCorp and us. I highly doubt a buy-out would be a good 移动 on our part. Even if we did buy out Wayne, that would leave us with no money."

Sam looked at the man for a long moment before standing up.

"Follow me, all of you."

Eight Chairmen looked at each other before following the man who's name was hanging above the door. Grant...
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posted by SilverWings13
Maddex backflipped, avoiding two blunt projectiles.
"Ha! Missed- oof!" He stumbled back as a boots collided with his chest. He dodged another kick, then knocked it aside as it swung at him a third time. SilverWings fell back, her balance thrown. Maddex pounced on his opponent. She leapt out of the way at the last moment and he had to screech to a stop to keep from face planting into the wall.
Coaxoch and Harmonian walked in and face-palmed in unison. "They're still going?" Ceil said, astounded.
"Not for long," Mel got the sneaky smile on her face that made her friend nervous.
Silver swung a...
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posted by HarmonianYJ
This started out in IM... Enjoy!

Eclipse sat in her corner. Being the little 情绪硬核 she is, rocking back and forth. She sneezed, and she had wet herself. She continued to rock. Ciel felt for her, walked into his room, and searched his drawers. Meanwhile, Eclipse had crawled into her box. Ciel's walked out of his room, holding a pair of jeans, and a shirt. Eclipse crawled out of the box.
"Help?" She whispered. Ciel crouched down, holding his arms out.
"Come here..." He said, and she slid over, and her eyes had turned pink. He held his arms out, and she hugged him. He stood up, holding her.
"Lets go...
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posted by InfinityYJ
My mind wanted this.. and I completely hate my mind right now.. But I wrote it anyways... So... *goes and hides in corner*
It's kinda... creepy/weird. Forgive me.

“I missed you.”
The halls were completely bare, the rug was clean to perfection, but the house had an eerie air to it. The lights didn’t work well and the doors seemed to whistle creepily. Shadows bounced off the slightly dirty windows. He walked slowly, his bloodshot hollow eyes darting to and fro among the halls, jumping at even the slightest of noises. His mouth would open to scream when a sudden shadow came out at him, but...
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Cassie took a large bite out of her hamburger, swallowing a gulp of her 浓情巧克力 shake. "I'm ravished. That business in Moscow made me hungry."

All that food?" Tim asked, looking at the nice, neat, perfect 沙拉 before him.

Cassie shrugged. "Teen's gotta eat. I don't have to worry about the tighty-tights." Cassie stopped mid-chew. "Not that 你 don't look good in them."

Tim smirked. He was dressed in a tight T-Shirt and jeans. Cassie was wearing her usual civvies: Red spandex, white and red T-shirt, and baseball cap.

"You realize you've only mentioned the tights eight times in the last three dates,...
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posted by InfinityYJ
 Just chillin'
Just chillin'
This is my new OC, appearing in Ebony, and then I swear to god I'm never making another OC again. If 你 want me to RP as him, tell me, but I won't do it if 你 don't want me too. So... don't hate me? *sheepish grin* I deleted all my other ones, basically!!!

Name: Nikita Andreevich
Age: 15 (17 in Ebony)
Hero name: ((You guys can help with this!))
Appearance: light 焦糖 colored hair, light yellow/green eyes, 5'11", strongly built upper body
Civvies: brown long sleeved shirt, slightly worn navy jeans, old black high tops
Costume: he basically just throws a grey hoodie on (see picture)
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posted by CoaxochYJ
Just one 更多 wouldn't hurt...would it? *Flees from angry mob*

Name: 蕨类, 蕨类植物 Elizabeth Ameer.

Alias: Delirious.

Appearance: Pale. Blood red hair. Sapphire eyes. Scar that runs from her eyebrow to cheek. Golden Wings.

Civvies: Green hoodie, black t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers.

'Stume: Picture.

Powers: Flight(wings)*You didn't see that coming, did ya?*Wink**.

Skills: Hunting. Extremely advanced senses.

Past: Escapee from the School, took shelter at a circus. Hid her wings from others, started accidentally killing everyone. Fled to Germany, hiding her wings for a year, came back to USA.


~Fear of heights, despite her birdy-nature.
~Can make her wings blend into her skin, but only for a short period of time, due to it getting extremely uncomfortable.
~Finds interest in rain.

I just had to! And if 你 request, I will 删除 her...
 'Stume. Ignore the awkward blonde hair...
'Stume. Ignore the awkward blonde hair...
 What her Wings look like.
What her Wings look like.
“Epsilon, are 你 sure this is where she was?”
Delta sat on the edge of the roof, watching out over the dimmed lights of Trinity for any signs of trouble, 或者 even just a flame. Eric was pacing on the roof as well, glancing over the edge. “Yes, yes, I’m very sure..”
“I don’t know, man...”
“It’s a possibility.”
Both Delta and Eric whirled around at the new voice. Red Revenge stood there, glancing over the city himself, arms crossed. “I saw the news as well.”
“Were 你 invited?” Eric questioned, glancing to Delta out of the corner of his eye. The teen made an innocent...
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posted by RichiYJ
*Insert grinning face here* *Turns around* *Sees angry mob* ~flee~ Ahhhh! I'm sorry!

Name: Hibi Rain

Age: 12

Skin Color: Light

Eye color: Green-ish blue

Hair: Short and occasionally messy, blonde

Civvies: Green jacket, 金牌 T-shirt, black cargo pants

Costume: (See picture)

Weapons: Two small pistols which 火, 消防 an infinite amount of small thorns that slow down response time; a slingshot with toxic bombs

Powers: Earth-based powers. Hibi can instantly grow any plant anywhere with soil, manipulate all plants, travel through the roots of plants and soil from location to another quickly, and morph himself...
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posted by Robin_Love
The metal pierced her skin gently, drawing a small amount of blood. The darkened room matched her mood. She picked up the mask, the souvenir from last night's fun. She held it over her face and grimaced.
“How did Bane see in this?”
She tossed it aside, retracting the long claws back into their hidden place in her arm. The line of blood on her arm started to heal slowly. Ever since she had watched her boyfriend die because of Bane's goons, she had kept a tight control on all other emotions beside her rage. Now that she'd properly disposed of the villain and his lackeys, she wanted to sob....
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posted by CoaxochYJ
*Giggle* I have weird dreams...

"MEL! Get down here!" Fang shouted for me downstairs. I groaned, slipping on my sweats.
"I'm coming!" I walked out of my room, jumped onto the rail, and slid down. I'm too good to walk down the stairs, what I saw seemed normal. Until... uh... Fang spit a mouthful of cereal into Lexi's mouth. Am I the only one that finds that disgusting?
"AK! GOD! DADDY!" I almost puked.
"What? Its good for you!" Fang said.
"That. Is. Disgusting." I stared at him.
"Were birds! Its what we do!" Fang looked at me oddly.
"We're two percent bird." I said. "NOT ACTUAL BIRDS! Plus, its the...
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