Young Justice OC'S!!! Club
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posted by khanna266
3:45 AM Paris, France AmourCafe
交叉, 十字架 has been sitting at the 表 closest to the exit for about 5 分钟 now.
"Where is that idiot?"she sighs aloud drumming her black fingernails against the table. She looks at the clock and sighs again.
"Hey there toots,I'm here now." Bart stands 下一个 to her in formal attire.
"Don't call me that. Why are 你 late?"she gives him a dirty look.
"I was freshening up. Do 你 know how hard it is to find a cheap tux in France?" he sits across from her. 交叉, 十字架 rolls her eyes annoyed 由 Bart.
"Where's Artemis and Wally?"she asks,and just then they come in.
"Right here."Wally says and they both sit down,
"So,Why are we dressed formally?" Bart asks
"There's a secret Gala tonight here in Paris held 由 a group of villains called the Aries Army,and they have invited villains from around the world to join.We're going disguised as villains to see what's going on."Artemis explains and looks at Wally and Cross,"You two are going as a couple."she finishes. She's disguised in her old villain disguise as,Tigress.
"What?! Hell no I am not doing that."Cross objects and so does Bart.
"Look,it's just for one night,and it's only pretend 你 don't even have to kiss."Wally says and the two younger ones agree to do so.
"Thank you, now Bart go put this wig and eye patch on in the bathroom.Your villain name will be Scar.Cross put on this mask and some red lipstick.Your going to be Mistress Death."Wally demands,and they follow his orders.He is disguised in a black mask,thin mustache,and a Dark brown wig,wearing a black tux. Bart and 交叉, 十字架 finish putting on their disguises and go.

4:00Am Paris,France hidden castle
"So,What's your code name?"Cross asks Wally telepathically while waiting in line to get in,
"Dare Demon"he responds and moves up.
"Invitations please." Dr.Light stands at the door asking."Here."Wally gives 4 solid 金牌 invites.
"Go in."Dr.Light removes the rope,and they go in.They notice all the glowing lights,and golden streamers everywhere.Then, the lights dim.
"Hello fellow villains.I am Akito the main host of the Gala,I see so many new and familiar places.I'm excited to see all of us villains joined here together. I should introduce 你 to my friends.In fact,here they come now." Akito greets all the guests with a mischievous smile.
"I'm Kuro.Nice to meet ya."Kuro hops down
"We are Rika and Alek."They speak simultaneously intertwining hands and pressing their faces cheek to cheek.
"I'm MaryJade! Teehee!"she giggles
"Names Mick."he keeps a blank face
"Now that we have introduced ourselves,Please dance and eat.Have a good time."Akito announces and violin 音乐 fills the air. Couples start dancing,and Wally runs to the snack table,with Bart right behind him. They start pigging out when 交叉, 十字架 and Artemis grab them and bring them to the dance floor.
"We're here on a mission,not to eat." Artemis whispers into Wally's ear.
"Sorry babe,I couldn't help myself."he whispers back to her,
"Your lucky I 爱情 you."she says aloud,
"Yup,I sure am."he says and kisses her lips gently,they then start dancing.
"Should we dance as well?"Bart asks Cross
"Guess so,"she grabs his hand
"Umm,"he mumbles
"What?"Cross stares at him
"I don't know how to dance."he blushes
"Just follow after me,I'll teach you."Cross says,and she begins to lead.
"My,my look here sister."Alek says to Rika,and she grabs his hand,looking at Bart and Cross.
"Well aren't ya'll just the cutest?" she smiles,
"What might ya'll be called?"she asks
"I am Mistress Death and this is Scar."Cross introduces,and bows slightly.
"No need to bow sweetheart,nice to meet ya."Rika shakes her hand,"May I dance with your beau?"she asks,
交叉, 十字架 looks at Bart,whom looks nervous.
"Forgive me,but I'm sort of the jealous type."Cross looks at her and declines,
"That's okay.Adorable,in fact."she smiles,and grabs Alek's hand.
"How about we dance brother,while M.J dances with Kuro?"she smiles at him
"Of course sis,"he kisses her hand and dances
"Is it just me 或者 do they seem a tad bit incestuous."Cross suggests
"I think they are."Bart looks at Alek's hands on Rika's waist.
"Ew."Cross scowls in disgust,Bart then places his hands on Cross' waist.
"So,I place my hands here?"Bart smiles
"Umm,"Cross blushes,and Bart starts to lean in,
"You know your really not all that bad when your nice."he whispers into her ear,and she blushes even more.He then get's closer to her lips and they close their eyes.
"Attention!"Akito shouts,and they jump
"Before,we start getting into the dance too much,I would like to propose an offer to all of you.."he continues,and everyone stops.
"We,the Aries Army would like 你 to 加入 us in our mission to Justice.Evil Justice.We could end all these stupid monarchy's and Democracy's. We can end,all these laws that keep us away from real justice,like lust,money,and power.We wouldn't have to abide the rules of the filthy Democracy's and Monarchy's.Instead,we can build our own Anarchy and rule the world!" he announces laughing evilly.
"He's a little cuckoo!"Wally whispers to Artemis
"Who will 加入 us?!"he asks and a lot of hands go up.
"Any questions?"he asks Wally and Bart's hands go up and Artemis smacks Wally.
"Yes young boy."Akito calls him
"Can 你 explain that in English?"he asks,and 交叉, 十字架 face-palms herself.Everyone laughs.
"Sure,What I'm trying to say is we can be the leaders of these continent's and take over the world.Would 你 join?"Akito looks at him
"Yeah! Ruler's of the world! Awesome!"he yells
"I 爱情 your enthusiasm."Akito smirks,and calls Bart to come up to the stage.Bart then enters the stage nervously.
"What is your name?"
"Scar,I like that name it has..Edge."
"So,Scar how would 你 try to rule the world?"
"We're doomed"Cross whispers,worried
"Well,I would first try to get people to like and trust me,then crush 'em."he smiles
"You got spunk kid I like that."
"Wow,most people hate it."
"Ha!Your funny,how about 你 introduce me to your girlfriend."
"Ok,Death come on."
"Uh okay,"Cross walks onto the stage
"What is he doing?!"Artemis whispers to Wally
"Don't worry I know what he's doing."he says
"Death? Interesting name,"
"Mistress Death,"she bows slightly
"You actually remind me of someone I once knew,she was quite the lady,until she joined those stupid Justice League sidekicks."
"You wouldn't would you?"
"No sir"she stutters,and he looks at her closer
"Well then,welcome back."
"Cross,don't 你 remember me?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"No need to keep the act up,do 你 remember me 或者 no?"he gets angry
"Yes"she takes off the mask
"What?!"Artemis and Wally look in shock
Bart looks confused and scared,
"My have 你 grown,have your powers grown as well?"
"Show me."
交叉, 十字架 then moves her hands in circular motions creating a black sphere representing the universe,and it glows with a dark aura.
"Beautiful.Everybody meet the wonderful Cross.
Formerly known as Black Death."
The crowd cheer's her on.
"Now,for the impostor's with her,show yourselves.Including,you Scar boy."
They all do and Wally and Artemis come up on stage.
"What a surprise.The Teen Justice's."
"We're not called that."Wally whine's
"Looks like we do get to have fun tonight."
"Aries Army,attack!"Mick hops down,and uppercut's Wally,then Wally punches him back in the gut.
"That tickled"Mick grins evilly
Then the other villains leave the fight to the Aries Army,and go away.
"So much for Allies."Akito frowns,"As for you,are we going to have to fight 或者 will 你 come back peacefully?"he speaks to Cross
"I'm not coming back."she punches him in the chest,and he hits back.Then,the fight really begins."Kuro,come help,and get off your lazy ass!"Mick yells,"Your doing fine fighting him yourself.Just then Bart comes from behind,and hits him in the back."You better watch it kid!"Kuro swings at him,"Missed me!"Bart dodges and sticks his tongue out at him."Grrr!"
Kuro shoots an electric bolt at Bart,and it hims him in the arm"Ouch! that burns,"Meanwhile,Artemis fights off Rika and MaryJade."Ha!"Rika jumps and kicks Artemis in the head,Artemis hit's her back.Then MaryJade comes from behind and uses her banshee scream causing Artemis to fall over. "Damn! And I thought that girl from white chicks screamed loud." she then grabs her sword and continues to fight them off.
"So, 交叉, 十字架 I guess after all these years your still just a traitor." Akito comes up behind her and holds her in a choke-hold."No i'm not, I've just learned wrong from right." she gets out of it, and throws a plasma ball at him.
"We're the ones that raised you! We treated 你 like our child! Yet, 你 betrayed us, your family!" he yells and uses his telekinesis to throw her against a wall. "Aagh!" she screams in pain,"Cross!" Bart yells and runs after her.
MaryJade freezes him and Akito runs to him.
"Now how would 你 feel if I hurt your little boyfriend here?" he threatens,and Kuro comes over to him too ready to electrocute him.
"No!" 交叉, 十字架 yells trying to run to him, but Akito throws her against the 墙 again.
"So, will 你 come back to us Cross? It's the only way to keep him safe." Akito grins.
"Don't do it Cross!" Bart manages to escape him and runs toward her. He makes it to her and holds her tight.
"Look here kid, your ruining our plans." Kuro throws a lightning bolt at him.
"Leave.Him.Alone!"Cross yells and a force-field covers Bart and her.
"Whoa! 交叉, 十字架 you've never done that before. how'd 你 do it?" Bart is left in shock.
"I-I don't know." she looks down at her hands, and then moves them really fast to one side throwing Kuro and Akito up against a wall.
"Man I feel bad for those walls." Bart comments
交叉, 十字架 then let's down the force-field and walks toward Akito and Kuro.
"Don't ever touch one of my 老友记 again!" the 城堡 starts to shake and every one holds onto something. "Don't ever claim yourself as my family again!" Akito starts to slide off the wall.
"A real family accepts one another! A real family loves one another! I don't give a damn that your my blood father!" her eyes start to glow and she levitates him up in the air. "What?!" the others scream in shock
"A real father loves his daughter no matter what! A real father would never hurt his daughter on purpose! A real father protects his child!" she screams louder and a tear goes down her face. "So, don't ever say what 你 说 again! My 老友记 are my family. So take this Bitch!" she blasts him through the 墙 and all the other Aries Army members run after him and leave.
"Cross!"Bart runs to her as she falls and catches her."I'm so sorry Kid Flash, I never wanted ya'll to know my secret.You won't leave me will you?" she cries and Bart lays his hands on her scarry cheeks. "Never." he say and kisses her.
"I knew they'd get along." Wally says and wraps an arm around Artemis' waist."Let's go 首页 babe."Artemis responds.

5:30 Am Mount Justice
"So, Aries Army wants world domination. How cliche." Nightwing says looking over the video from earlier.
"Can't villains ever have an original idea?" Tim says sarcastically chewing on a granola bar.
"Either way we can't let it happen." 交叉, 十字架 walks in bandaged up.
"You should still be resting."Nightwing tells her, but she doesn't care and walks up to Bart.
"Hey angel. Are 你 better?" he asks
"Don't call me that....And yeah."she responds
"There's my special girl." he smirks and she sits 下一个 to him laying her head on his shoulder.
"Well I guess this is gonna mean war." Nightwing looks back at the video screen.
"Yeah,and I'm willing to fight it." 交叉, 十字架 adds
"dido." Bart smiles and holds her hand
"You know I never thought I would say this,but I really like 你 goth girl." he finishes.
"Dido." she smiles and kisses him.

Hope 你 liked it <3<3<3
The White House
1:45 EST, March 1

"Mr. President. 你 realize this is abandoning our most populous city!"

"I understand that! But the American People have to know we're doing something!"

"But planting a nuclear warhead in the middle of eight million people?!"

The President sighed and leaned back in his chair. "We've discussed much in this half hour. I've come to a decision."

Everyone waited anxiously as the President spoke his 下一个 words: "Trapper takes one step out of New York, we'll flatten the whole city, with him in it."


"You almost died!" 冬青, 冬青树 exclaimed.

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posted by WallyXArtemis
 I couldn't get enough of this one! :)
I couldn't get enough of this one! :)
Name: Avery Silver

Alias: Meta

Powers: Manipulating metal (hence his Alias), sensing emotions, and he can take take other people's pain away.
(Sorry if people already can do these I tried not steal any.. PLEASE do NOT be OFFENDED!)

Relationship Status: Single.. :)

Eye Color: Green


Height: 6ft exactly

Weight: 185lbs (PURE SEXINESS)

Hair Color: Brown Hair with (barely noticeable) traces of green in it!

Personality: He's really shy and quiet, quite aggressive, he is very nice, also he doesn't talk (SHY) so when he doesn't talk to 你 much don't be offended!

Costume: Dark green 夹克 with either...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Jess's feet pounded against the gravel road as she ran farther from her home.
"Jess! Jess! It was a accident I swear!" her father's voice echoed behind her as tears stained her cheeks. Resisting the urge to stop and run back into her fathers arm, Jess kept pushing, pushing 更多 than her body could go until she reach the outskirts of Gotham City. She leaned against to 墙 to trying to regain her breath and energy she's just burnt out, looking to the right she heard rocks 移动 and feet shuffle.
"Hello there pretty girl." Two men stood in front of her, while another man stood behind her. Jess...
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Time line: Some point in the past... Figure it out yet?

"Daniel!" Marquez growled. "You li'l cheat! Why do 你 always gotta steal my thunder."
Jaguar's 可可 dark skin paled as he realized his mistake. "I- I didn't know- I didn't realize you- I mean, how could-"
"How'd 你 find this out?" Will asked, saving the speedster from his frantic stuttering.
"I was coming back from reconnaissance," Jaguar said, "and I heard Spence and Jessie talking about it with the other superiors and Sam in his office-"
"Hold up a sec," Will said, holding up a hand. "You were spying on the superiors? Outside Sam's office?"...
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posted by -BelovedRobin

你 are having a meltdown and your face is failing to hide it. Your lips are part, your eyes widen all because of this guy standing before you. In all his Captain American (your nickname for him) Glory with his, what 你 just notice, large hands griping your umbrella. 你 glanced over your locker hoping, praying, that Narnia was just a leap away. Quickly 你 made a mental note to make a bonfire out of your Father’s 幻想 books.

“Vash?” He called out, grabbing your attention once more. You… You… What do 你 do with this giant, then again standing at 5’3” anyone is a...
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Previously on Red Revenge...

"All units, murder suspect on fifth and third proceeding north on foot. Pursuing. Require backup. Suspect is heavily armed and protected. Female, mid-twenties. White hair, black clothes, sword and possible body armor." the radio crackled. 

"She cut them in three pieces and set 火, 消防 to their car." Revenge replied, and swung off.


"I assume 你 did your homework?" Revenge asked.

"Yes." Rose replied, untying her snow-white hair from its ponytail. She was dressed simply. White tank top, skinny jeans, white eyepatch. Her hair hung loosely behind her. 

"As far...
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posted by AislingYJ
So this is part 1 of a three-shot I’ll be doing, as an alternate ending to my story “Knights in Shining Armor”. 你 don’t HAVE to have read “Knights” first, but if 你 want to, 你 can.
Link is here: link and link. This is pretty dark, so if 你 don’t like dark, don’t read. Oh, and the song is “Iris” 由 Goo Goo Dolls.

And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that 你 feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go 首页 right now...

He slid on the ground, the rough earth tearing his 衬衫 and leaving deep scratches in his skin....
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posted by AislingYJ
Her knuckles hit the wood of the door, softly knocking.
“Come in,” came a muffled voice from inside. Lily slowly opened the door.
The room was a wreck; everything, from pillows, to books, was strewn across the room, a pile of broken glass lay 下一个 to the wall, which Lily skirted around. She throws things too when she’s angry, Lily thought. Just like Mom. But she knew better than to mention that. Annabelle lay on the bed, her face buried in a pillow. She didn’t look up as Lily walked over, sitting down on the 床, 床上 下一个 to her.
“Annabelle,” Lily 说 softly. The girl still didn’t...
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posted by VictoreYJ
Name: Victore

ID: Confidental

Age: 25

Occupation: Assassin and villian

Physical Appearance: light brunett, bronze colored eyes, 5'6"

Clothing: varies, but always wears a scarf that she can bring up to hide her identity.

Powers: 由 looking into her victims eyes, she can command them to do as she pleases.

Weapons: Doesn't always carry one, but she is skilled with a sword.

Personality: vengeful, focused, feisty

History: Unknown.

Relation to Team: actual relation is a secret, but she seems to have a hate for fire-casters...
posted by Obscurity98
Harley growled as she walked through the Zeta. Silver looked up at her, "Hey Har. Everything, okay?” Harley only scowled at her, “Does it look like everything is okay? Does it!?” Silver stared at her, unsure in whether she should answer 或者 not.
Harley walked past crumpling a paper in her hands. And an unlucky Burke waved as she pasted the couch, “Hey...” Harley cut him off with a death glare. Burke stopped speaking. Silver watched her friend walk to Skylar’s room. Harley created a large thorn and then stuck the paper onto the door like a tack. Silver and Burke flinched as Harley...
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"What's that smell?" Bullet asked, walking through the zeta into the cave.
Infinity, who sat 交叉, 十字架 legged on the couch, pointed to Skylar without looking up from her computer.
"I don't smell bad!" Skylar objected. "I'm perfectly clean."
"So you're not the 来源 of all the fleas, pervvy mutt?" Mercy said, frying a flea as it crawled up her arm. 或者 was it climbing down her arm? It was hard to tell with her hanging upside down.
"No," Skylar said, involuntarily scratching behind his ear.
SilverWings rolled her eyes and looked back down at the magazine that lay open on the floor in front of her. She...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Sorry that's it shorter than most of the other chapters, it's kind of a filler... Enjoy anyways, though.

Blade walked in, Korran and Cain following quietly. Their footsteps echoed in perfect unison on the floors of the now nearly abandoned Hall of Justice, the League’s headquarters after losing the Watchtower. A dark, cowled figure sat at the computer, watching every screen carefully. 更多 smaller figures wandered aimlessly, waiting for orders. They stayed away from Blade’s path, because she was the head of the younger League’s division at the moment. Roy and Katerrina watched at a distance,...
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BAM! Assasinated by....yours truly....SilverWings13

Skylar pulled Harley out the front door. Harley was wearing a cacky-jacket and some blue jeans. Skylar in a 运动衫 lined with fuzz and some torn jeans.
"Come on!" Skylar rushed.
"I dont think cheeseburgers is exactly 'romantic'." Harley said. Skylar shrugged.
"Its something right?" Skylar said. He lifted harley up and onto a motorcycle.
"This is yours?" Harley asked.
"Yep!" Skylar 说 as he hopped on.
"I didnt know 你 had a motorcycle!" Harley said.
"You do now!" Skylar replied and started the engine.
"Hold on tight!" He 说 and Harley...
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posted by SilverWingsYJ
It was surprising how awake and alert 你 could be at 3am when 你 were risking your life. Like when you're crouching on roof across from an abandoned warehouse. That was clearly not abandoned.
Or maybe, to the average citizen, the dark building appeared empty. Maybe Silver had spent too much time looking for the deseption beneath the blanket of innocence.
She laughed under her breath. Innocence. Was there really such a thing?
Her train of thought was derailed when she saw the flicker of a flame appear and disappear in a corner of shadows below. Silver brushed a finger over her 天使 pendant...
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posted by Robin_Love
*sighs* Here goes nothing. *crosses fingers*

Name: Tara (pronounced Terra) Lopez
Alias: Midnight
Occupation: Minor, hero
Powers: acrobatics, agility, speed, flexibility, force fields, weapons, handcuffs
History: Tara grew up in an ordinary family, always dreaming of greater things. Her dreams became reality when she was recruited for the team 由 Green Lantern. She moved into the HQ, leaving her family behind. Tara was a fast learner and a talented pupil. But she knew her dreams were not going to last for ever. When Tara was 15, she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a condition that causes her joints,...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
I was sitting around bored today…and I came up with these! xD Bold is myself talking and regular font is Fang. Astrics are movement, etc. W/e 你 want to call it.

Does not having a special sort of power make 你 angry?
I have special powers! Sort of!

If some 随意 person off the 街, 街道 hugged you, would 你 kill them?
They’d probably get kicked.

Do 你 secretly want to be hugged?
Don’t we all?

Do 你 like Devin?
Duh, obviously.

What about me?
No. You’re annoying me.

GOOD. Now, do 你 prefer blondes 或者 brunettes?

Do 你 like eating things?
I 爱情 eating, I 列表 it as a hobby.

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posted by Obscurity98
Name: Sy

Gender: female

Species: Tiger

Relationship to team: Harleys pet

Super strength, change color from white to orange, Sonic roar, can grow to extreme sizes. agile, all the Tiger like abilities.mental link with Harley within a 5 mile radius.

Note: Doesn't like men. likes other cat girls,and will like guys with Cat DNA , doesn't like Skylar, 或者 any other canine/meta human

Harley found the large cat while on a mission in India, where she found it being tortured 由 men, and receiving experimental drugs to enhance its molecular structure's. Harley saved her, and 由 accidently touching her while unhooking her, they gained a mental/ telepathic link.
posted by AislingYJ
“Of course we’re alone!” Chandler said, slightly irritable at Nathan’s sudden detachment. “It’s the middle of the freaking night!”
Nathan ignored the boy’s irritation, resuming his brisk manner. “They had to make sure.”
Lily crossed her arms. “They? So there’s more. It’s not just 你 two, is it?”
Nix nodded, smiling slightly. “No, it’s not just us.” She turned away from the children, calling over her shoulder to someone they couldn’t see.
“It’s safe!”
The three children looked at each other, perplexed, but they didn’t have long to wonder, because at that...
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posted by PhantomYJ
I finally got around to doing this, it completely slipped my mind to actually 上传 it. 你 get a songfic at the end, but for t to make sense just read the info.


Name: Cleo
Alias: Phantom
Status: Not a hero 或者 villain. 更多 like a freelancer
Age: 15
Hair Color: Very light brown almost blonde
Eye Color: Green
Body Type: Fit
Race: Ghost
Powers: She’s a ghost -.-. Ability to become intangible, energy blasts, flight/levitation, invisibility, ability to give anyone else ghost abilities for a few minutes.
Costume: Whatever civi clothes she is wearing plus a black hood.

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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Set in 5 years from now.. In case 你 were wondering, Fang does 加入 the military..Not sure that will settle well with Devin...

Brendan sat on a couch, staring at a wall. He looked over his shoulder as his phone started to ring and vibrate. 
"What now?" Getting up, he picked up the car keys hesitating to answer the call. Brendan shoved the phone in his pocket and swung open the door to exit the house to find a general standing there.
"Glad your 首页 Adams. Your needed at this address." The General shoved a piece of paper in Brendan's hand and left. Brendan sighed and closed the door behind him...
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