Young Justice OC'S!!! Club
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posted by godmor
( yes the 标题 is a play of words on the saing, Don't poke the bear.)

The Shepard house 20:00 (8:00 pm).
Twan stood infrond of the frond door, about to pull his keys from his pocet when he heard a group of people running his direction. He tryd to turn around and look who it were.
But as he turn he felt a sharp pain in his back, unable to tun in time the group came closer, as they reached him he felt the same pian al over his back, he recognized it as the feeling of knives plummeting in his back, he tried to ficht them of, he drew his pistol and fired a few shots, He felt his legs becoming weaker, and crumble to the ground, he felt blood trialing over his arm and he grabt onto his Necklace/locket tichtly, clenching it in his fist. He tries to 火, 消防 a few 更多 shot as the group before losing conciseness, feeling a sharp sting in his back right before the group runs away.

The Shepard house 20:30 (8:30 pm).
When Twan regaind his consciousness he found himself laing chest down on the choutsch in the living room.
"Dad your awake!" Tess 说 happily.
"Wat happend?" Twan asked.
"you got stabbed dad, they pined this letter to your back whit a knife" she 说 wel handing him the letter whits had some dried up blood on it.
As twan acstandet his arm to take the letter he feld a sharp pian in his back as if somting was holding him back.
"Easy there handsome, 或者 your rip open thad wound agian" Mafia siad.
Twan looked over his shoulder to see Mafia sitting on his lower back sewing shut the stab wounds in his back whit needle and thread.
he looked at her "sorry babe il try laing 更多 still"
"thanks, thad makes this a lot easier" Mafia replied.
Twan read the letter.
the letter reads:

嘿 Pup.
Looks like 你 got a bit to careless.
I hope 你 enjoy being a pincushion.
Lets hope thad girlfriend of yours and your little daughter will enjoy it too.
Geas they will find out soon anof.

Don't bleed out to fast.
Two Face.

Twan's face twisted in anger.
"Tess could 你 give me my phone? I got to call Boris"
"sure ting dad" She handet him his phone.
Twan punced in the number and called Boris.
"Boris here"
"Boris, its me, could 你 come to my house? I got a job fore you."
"Sure ting boss om on my way"

10 minuts later.
"Oke boss, wat is the job? "boris asks when he walks in, when he sees twan lain on the choutch, Mafia stil bussy sewing his wounds shut.
"wow boss, wat happend to you?"
"Got amused and stabed, but Thad isn't the worst, read this" Twan handed him the letter.
Boris read the letter unshure of wat to say, knowe well thad Twan would go balistic afther this tread to his loved once.
Twan looked at boris anger stil clearly visebel in his face.
"Round up evry known associate of thad basters and get them to talk, i want to knowe where thad asshole is hinding, so i can teatch him not to threaten my fuking famly!"
"shure ting boss" boris turned toward the door.
"Wait, Tess go whit Boris, if anyone can get the basters to talk, it would be you"
"Sure ting dad, il make them talk, weather they want to 或者 not"she 说 whit a sadistic grin.

The Sheperd house 21:00 (9:00PM)
Borris walked into the house.
"Boss she got one of them to talke"
Only then he saw thad Twan was liang on the chousch whit his eyes closed well Mafia was bussy sewing shut his last wound, he had apentaly fallen asleep.
Twan was woke up slowly ash he heard Boriss talk, hearing most of wat he siad.
Mafia got of his back as she finist sewing shut the last wound, afther witch Twan sat richt up slowly.
he lookd at mafia whit a smile. "Thanks Beautiful, this feel a lot better"
"My pleaser" she 说 as she sat down 下一个 to him.
Borris smiled wel slightly shaking his head "Boss your the only person i knowe thad can fall asleep wel somwan is literally sewing there skin shut"
Twan smiled "Wat can i say, Cad got a gentle touch. And it exactly turnd out to be surprisingly relaxing.
But 你 说 Tess got one of them to talk?"
"yes sire, back at the 猫 Tail"
"good then lets head out" Twan siad as he put his shird and jaked back on whit a littel help from Mafia were needed.

The 猫 Tail, Interrogation room 21:15 (9:15 PM)
Twan, Boris and Mafia walked into the room.
They saw a man tied to a chair covered in shallow cut and stab wounds, lichtly bleeding frome some of those wounds, agony clearly visebel on his face.
Tess stood a few feet away from the chair, her hands covered in both dried up and fresh blood, cleaning the blood of her knive whit a old rag, thad had clearly been used before fore the same purpose.
Twan walked up to the man "So your willing to talk to me? 或者 should i have my daughter there, ask the questions?" he 说 wel pointing at Tess whit his thumb.
The man lookt at Tess whit barely contiand terror in his eyes, "Il tell 你 whatever 你 want to know, but pleas keep her away from me"he 说 pleadingly.
Twan smiled "oke than, Were is Two Face hiding?"
"A old warehouse near the old steel mil"
"thads al i wanted to knowe, 你 can go, boys get him out of here" 2 of Twan's men excordet the man out if the building, after they had cut him loos.
"I geas we can go beat uo shit face then"Tess siad whiping some sweat of her forehead whit her hand, leaving a small trial of blood along her forehead, she cleaned after witch she cleaned her hands whit the rag.
"almost" Twan siad as he took out a handkerchief, and gently cleaned the blood of Tess forehead.
Boris lookd at Twan "Oke Boss, we are on the way"
Twan turned to him "No, this is a family mater, we take care of this personally, plus if we take to many people along, we loss the advantages of surprise."

Old warehouse near the old steel mil 21:45 (9:45 PM).
Twan, Tess and Mafia walk into the old warehouse, having there 枪 drawn, as they walk in they see Two Face standing on the other side of the room.
Before they can act 2 of his henchman grab Tess and Mafia, standing behind eaths of the keeping them in a headlock, putting a pistol to there temple.
"welcome to the party, pup, howe nice to see thad 你 brought the family.
Lets see who dies firs, Head and it is the Redhead, Tials and it is the blonde"
Twan burst out in laughter, almost manically so "You idiot, do 你 really think, just beceas i am overprotective over my family, thad they cant defend themselves" Wel distracted 由 Twan, Tess kicks the henchman holding her in the balls, as he releases her in pain she kicks him in the chest making he fal down against a wall, liang motionless on the ground.
Ath the moment the henchman releases Tess, Twan quickly fires 1 shot thru the head of the henchman holding Mafia, she releases her, falling to the floor death. As she is realest Mafia Lunges at Two Face kicking him in the head, chuasing him to fall down, she places her boot on his chest making sure he can't get up again.
Twan walked over to Two face, gabbing him 由 the neck and dragging him over to the nearest wal, siting him up against it, he got down on one knee to be on eye level whit him, punting his pistol to Two Face's arm.
"You stupid bastard, 你 should have just stopt at stabbing me, i would probably haven't even cared than. But 你 were stupid anof to do the one ting Thad gets my blood to boil, treating the 2 people i 爱情 更多 than anything in this world"he siad well pulling the trigger and punting a bullet thru Two Face's arm.
"So now i got to teach 你 a lesson"
Twan took out is 刀 and carved a 2 saml crossed 枪 in the good side of Two Face's face, hearing Two Face scream wel the 刀 carved the emblem permanent into his skin.
"Next time your thinking of doing something this stupid. Look in the mirror. Beceas if 你 do as muts as look wrongly at my family il put a bullet thru there! Ore if im feeling to be cruel il put something thru it thad kills 你 slower" Twan siad wel punting on the midel of the emblem whit his 刀 to illustrate his point.
Twan took out his phone and called Boris wel Mafia and Tess kept an eye on Two Face.
"Boris i got some trash fore 你 to pick up"
"We are on are way Boss"

5 分钟 later.
Boris and arrived flanked 由 2 men.
Twan turned to them "get this bastard out of my face, il fear il might kill him if i got to look at Thad ugly face fore 1 更多 second"
the 2 men falking Boris drag Towe face away.
"Anything els we can do fore 你 boss?"
"No, we are done fore tonight" he gave Mafia a fast 吻乐队(Kiss) "Plus i stil go to thank this Beautiful snake properly, fore taking care of those wounds"
He warped his arm around her as they together whit Tess walked back to there car.
 Interrogator Tess (closes i could find to it anyway)
Interrogator Tess (closes i could find to it anyway)
After my 最近的 文章 a lot of people think we should reset the OC spot. Do whatever 你 want. But as for me I'm making a Role Play that will be in a controlled enviorment. Meaning the following:
~It will be Invasion (season two) ONLY (and what happens in the show, happens to our group. 
~You must apply and get accepted to get in 
~We must have a complete 或者 near complete 大炮, 加农炮 team before OCs applicants will be accepted
~All of the rules I 发布 in my 前一个 文章 will be heavily enforced to promote a good RP place (not to be a dictator but to make sure its easier for everyone)
~If you...
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posted by Obscurity98
Harley flew away from the Mountain crying she knew they could have helped her, but she didn't want to take chances. What if one 日 she really did hurt some one.
Harley let t=her mind wander thinking back to the words Kaldur said. How he pleaded with her on not leaving. Then it dawned on her, what would happen when they told Roy?
He'd have a fit! and then try to find her. She knew it.

She walked now down the streets of Metropolis. she flew over to Clark's apartment he shared with Lois Lane.She didn't want to bother them, so she just sat there, on the window sill not making a noise. After a time,...
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Okay, I'm having one of those moments again. The kind where I get all depressed about Mercy becoming evil (because I really didn't want her to!) and about how there are WAY to many OC's! Not pointing fingers at anyone, because I'm doing it too, but seriously! If 你 want to make an OC, could 你 PLEASE just write an 文章 about them first? We need some idea about them first!
That's why I won't be RP-ing at all until I can actually WRITE a story for Casey! I suggest a lot of 你 guys do that, saying that some people don't even put up a bio for their character!
One 更多 point, PLEASE refrain...
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OOC: This is a one-shot that me and robinluv14 wrote together. We were really bored so this is kind of insane. Like really insane. It’s really random, and not on the timeline of our other stories 或者 the rest of the wall. Which is why Fin is alive and Delta isn’t a traitor and all that. Well we wrote most of this before the Delta thing. We were just too lazy to finish it and post it.....Well I’m rambling, as usual, so here. Read. If 你 dare.

The sun had set, and gray dusk had overtaken Happy Harbor. Most of the team was piled in the cave, in the lounge, the kitchen, 或者 in their respective...
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OOC: Okay let me explain and apologize. This is going to be dark, extremely dark, and probably pretty twisted too. If 你 don’t like that type of thing, don’t read this. I don’t usually write this type of stuff, but I can explain...maybe. See, lately I’ve been 阅读 some pretty dark, often graphic, Slade/Robin 斯莱什 on If you’ve ever read any of that, you’ll understand. I’m pretty sure it messed with my mind, because the other day, I had a very...vivid.. dream about it. So of course, me being the lunatic that I am, I had to write it down. This is the slightly...
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How to end up running for your life from a pissed girl wearing a red 头盔 with two 枪 pointed at you. AKA, how to piss me off.

1) Sneak into my room dressed like Joker when I'm sleeping.

2) Constantly say horrible 'Lady Gaga' jokes when I'm around.

3) Poke me constantly in the head when I'm wearing my helmet.

4) Ask if I have a motorcycle fetish. Constantly.

5) Tell me anyone on the team loves me.

6) If I decide to be nice and let 你 ride on my motorcycle, try and make a 移动 on me. (You will then be dragged along the road behind me 由 your ear)

7) Say YOLO for everything.

8) Tell me I...
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posted by Kenzie_KarmaYJ
OOC: The beginning of the third and final fic in Kenzie's little trilogy. Enjoy!

Kenzie grinned in delight, watching Delta furiously charge towards Robin and scissor kick him. He retaliated, grabbing her legs and flipping her to the ground. Kenzie gave a small laugh and the teens gave her simultaneous smiles before going back to their training. She shifted her attention to Bentley, Aisling, Belle, and Russel, her momentary visitor. The four sulked in the corner. It was a habit for the particular group. Kenzie got up from her place and, carefully avoiding the sparring siblings, she made her way...
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posted by TerrorYJ
Becca approached him from behind, never making a sound. She wasn't too keen on talking to him, much less being anywhere near him. He was a fool, someone she would ignore. But he had crossed the line. He had hit a nerve inside her and she needed to be heard, loud and clear.
He turned his head slightly. He turned back to looking at the bank when he saw who it was. She knew he was upset. He had been hurt in battle, but Becca had wanted him out of the mountain. There were very few she turned away from. But this guy she did. In front of everyone.
“I get that 你 don't like me....
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The harsh winter wind whipped through the dusky air as she walked down the forest path, blonde hair billowing behind her. She pulled her heavy 涂层, 外套 tighter to her body as she trudged through the snow. She looked up at the frost-lined trees, and cupped her hands to her mouth.
    “Zig!” she called, her voice reverberating through the forest until it was 迷失 among the trees. “Zi-ig!” Looking down, she noticed a trail of small footprints in the snow, and followed them.
    She reached a thinning in the trees, and now a hill, covered in the thick...
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posted by NekoTheif
"I don't know who 你 are"

It shook Charm's foundation. "You...what?" he blinked. "Where am I?" she blinked at him. Charm noticed something different. The anger, the hurt, the love, the understanding it was all gone. She wasn't his Amara. "your not her. 你 can't be" he shook his head. "Who was I suppose to be?" she blinked. "Your suppose to be Amara! Your suppose to be Tundra!" he yelled shaking her.

She looked hurt. "I don't know who she is but she must mean a lot to you" she slid onto her knees. "She does. She means everything to me." he let Abel 包, 换行 her arm around his shoulders. "Is she...
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posted by Skittles98
Sorry about the long wait; I got 迷失 on the road of life ;)

When I woke up and looked around, I was half expecting to see the run down house I used to live in. Instead, I woke to my new crimson room. The paint reminded me of fall leaves. I stretched and found a blue bundle at the end of my bed. I picked up the note.
“Time to go and meet some friends. Put this on, Sapphire” Dad used my ‘super-name’. I quickly slipped it on and tied my hair into a 小马 tail. I flew out and down the stairs. I whipped passed Alfred, my wake ripping the duster from his hand. I quickly flew back, placed...
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posted by Skittles98
The boy sat on the large, fancy chair.
“Dick, this is my and Diana’s daughter, Evelyn Veronica Isabelle Lang” he explained
“Your…daughter?” the boy asked
“Yes. We 迷失 her in a storm six years before 你 were here” Dad said
“This is totally whelming. Why would 你 keep this secret from me, Bruce?” the boy demanded
“Dick, now isn’t the time. I’m making it your job to 显示 her around the mansion, find a room for her and tell her who 你 are” Dad ordered
“Fine, but don’t think that we’re done talking about this” he nodded.
“I’m Dick Grayson. I’ll be your tour...
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posted by Lollipop97
Full Name: Annabelle Hawthorne

Nicknames: Anna, Ann, Annie, Bell, Anders.

Age: 14

Aliases: Timer

Identity: She tries her best to keep it secret to everyone but her family.

Nationality: American

Father: John Hawthorne, founder of the McFresh waffle company. Caring, but busy family father.
Mother: Mary Hawthorne, caring housemother, always trying to find fitting husbands for her daughters.
Sister: Abigail Hawthorne, grumpy 18-year-old sister with the bitchy attitude, but can also be kind and loveable at times. Also called ”Pissy Pants” 由 her younger sister.

Personality: Annabelle is a...
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posted by Skittles98
Everyone looked up and saw the Dark Knight standing on the landing pad.
“Welcome back Gambette” he said
“Batman” I nodded curtly. I walked up the stairs to see the Dark Knight in all his dark, brooding glory.
“So, 你 gunna let me leave?” I asked
“No” he shook his head. I saw a lady with blonde hair walk by.
“Okay. Then I might as well familiarize myself with the base” I shrugged, running off. I sprinted after the lady.
“Excuse me!” I called. She stopped and turned around.
“I’m Gambette. Can 你 authorize me leaving the cave?” I asked
“I’m Black Canary. And sure”...
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posted by Skittles98
“Hey, you’re Remy’s kid, ain’t ya?” one asked
“Maybe. And maybe I’m an Arabian slave trader here to collect this little lady to sell for two stallions” I sneered. Laura laughed.
“Yup, that’s her” one nodded
“Anyways, what’s it to 你 who I am?” I asked
“Well, we’re the Ripper’s, and we want Remy dead” the lead one said
“Your point?”
“Well, we’ll need bait to get him down here. And if he knows his daughter is here, he’ll come get her” he continued
“Pass” I said, getting up.
“It wasn’t an option” he smirked. Laura snarled.
“Don’t use your...
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posted by Skittles98
I walked down the empty streets, shuffling the decks of cards in my hands. My long over 涂层, 外套 flapped behind me, along with my long brown hair. My brown eyes followed the path my cards took. I turned down a wide alley. Four guys block my path. Another four blocked my retreat.
“You guys wanna play a little card game?” I asked, holding up my deck of cards.
“Sure” the lead guy nodded
“Let’s play 8” I said, throwing 8 cards to the ground. They started to glow, then they exploded. I walked away, passing my cards back and forth between my hands. My brown hair writhed around me. As I walked...
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posted by SilverWings13
"Where to next?" The blonde answered 由 running past the elder assassin, leaving him to follow her. Her braid was just long enough to dangle between her shoulder blades, the bleached color startling against the black material of her suit, he noticed as they sprinting through the corridors. It was the brightest part about her, the braid. Her suit, combat boots, 刀 belt, sheaths, 整流罩 were all black to compliment the stormy gray of her eyes and dark mood that was a constant around the girl. The man decided that he spent far 更多 time than necessary studying his enemy.
After taking out a handful...
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1AM, Twan's command post.
Twan stood infrond of a 表 inspecting maps of the city.
Suddenly a throwing 星, 星级 land only inches away from his hand.
Bothe Twan and Boris aim there 枪 at the ceiling.
Is Thad how 你 greed old 老友记 now?
Ceschire sais in a playful tone we she climes truw a ceiling window, taking back her throwing 星, 星级 and sits down on the 表 crossed legged.
Twan sigeds in relieve. Bohe him and Boris put there 枪 away
Damm Jade can't 你 just use the door 你 scared me half to death.
Nowe were is the fun in thad? She 说 in the same playful tone.
I geas your rigt.
Its good thad...
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posted by SilverWings13
Tolf 你 i would get somethingpostes this weekend, RL.
The steady hoofbeats were a rockstar’s drum set in the boy’s ears as he rode through the silent forest. The only other thing he could hear was the pounding of his own 心 in his ears. The deafening noise made it even 更多 difficult to focus on making a distinction between the silhouettes of the trees and the shadows cast 由 the moon’s light through the branches.
They should have beaten the sun to the horizon, but the night had been too fast, even for the Arabian-quarter horse.
Aleksander leaned even further 前锋, 期待 over the horse’s...
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posted by BladeYJ
 COSTUME! or.. whatever :D
COSTUME! or.. whatever :D
We entered a bedroom, the scent 冶炼, 闻到 oddly familiar, like I'd been in here before. The dark red silk sheets on the 床, 床上 and the luxurious velvet curtains were so beautiful; along with the dark mahogany cabinets and drawers and door. I was so entranced with the room and all it held that his deep voice startled me,"This is your bedroom, 你 will sleep here, I've had Vexx go out-"
"I wasn't finished talking--go out and get some clothes for you, they're in the wardrobe 下一个 to your bed. But first, before 你 get comfortable, I want to give 你 the attire you'll be wearing when 你 go hunting...
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