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Trapper Part 3

2 Months Later...

Explosions rocked through the city. People ran and screamed as cars flipped over themselves, spraying shrapnel into buildings, people, other vehicles.

翠, 翡翠 grappled through the city, crashing into a car with her feet and somehow prevented it from landing on a mother and her child, redirecting the object with her weight. The mother ran off without thanking the blonde heroine. 翠, 翡翠 looked around. With all the explosions and guns, she had moved to a full body suit.

While it wasn't Revenge's, it was still Kevlar with sewn in bullet/stab resistant armor. Her costume 设计 was slightly different. The 最佳, 返回页首 was closed off, not revealing as much of her chest. Her legs were entirely covered with an intricate 设计 of black weaving. Sleeves and gloves provided extra protection as well as firepower. Black and green were her primary colors, and for the ripening 月 of March, she had taken to sporting a dark trench 涂层, 外套 that only added to the beauty of the outfit.

"This needs to stop!" she yelled, landing on the 最佳, 返回页首 of a car. "Come out where I can see you! Let's talk!"

A small army jeep emerged from an alleyway, Trapper inside. He grinned and pointed his gun at Emerald.

"Not the kind of talking I meant." she muttered.

The White House

11:32 EST, March 1

"Mr. President."

"Who are you?"

"I'm special agent William Fowling from CIA. Sir, I'm here to talk to 你 about the situation in New York."

"Heroes down, Justice League mysteriously disappeared 或者 unable to help." The president read the file in front of him before folding his hands over the file and looking at the agent.

"Our boys are getting cut to shreds." the President said. "Blown to bits. This terrorist has come to New York City and taken over. Nothing we can do can stop him."

"Mr. President, I have a man inside the city. He's reporting the heroine 翠, 翡翠 is performing adequately enough to save many innocent lives. However, not enough." the man dropped a file in front of the President. "So far over twelve thousand people have died due to these attacks."

"What else does this agent of yours have to say?" the President asked. "And who is this vigilante?"

"He's out of the action, sir. Took a few bullets to the chest, and is recuperating. As for the 秒 question, I'm not a liberty to reveal that information, sir, should we possess it."

"You're telling me the greatest spy agency in the world can't pinpoint who these vigilantes really are?"

"With all due respect, sir, that has not been a priority 或者 issue of the CIA. Our main concern is what we will do with New York."

The President leaned back in his chair and looked at the man, glanced through the files again before looking at the man once more.

"I want my advisors and the senators from New York and surrounding areas in here now. We're going to decide whether to declare New York lost."

New York City

11:42 EST, March 1

翠, 翡翠 ducked behind a car as bullets from the machine 枪 sprayed in her direction. She threw several lethal grenades over her shoulder and cringed as they detonated. She looked up and bullets sprayed again. She ducked down.

"Fine time for iron man to get stuck in the flipping hospital." 冬青, 冬青树 muttered.

But suddenly, bullets sprayed over her head from behind her. She turned to see United States military officers running through the streets, firing at Trapper and his crew of three men. The driver got hit in the head and Trapper had to leap to avoid going up in flames with the car. He ducked behind a vehicle at the same time an African-American soldier did 下一个 to Holly.

"Good to see we weren't forgotten." 冬青, 冬青树 said.

"Never, ma'am." the soldier replied. He fired his gun over the car, but missed Trapper.

"All units, this is General Lang. Repeat, this is General Lang. Fall back immediately. I repeat, retreat and rendezvous outside of New York for extraction."

"What?!" 冬青, 冬青树 and the soldier exclaimed at the same time.

"You heard him soldier, retreat!" another voice yelled.

The man looked at Holly. "Throwing knives and projectiles aren't going to get 你 through this. Take it." he tossed her the gun. "I'm not sure if it's your type 或者 what, but you'll need it."

"Thank you." 冬青, 冬青树 said. She genuinely meant it. The soldier started to leave, but 冬青, 冬青树 motioned for him to stop.

更多 terrorists were rounding the corner, coming to back up Trapper. 冬青, 冬青树 tossed a smoke grenade and it detonated. As soon as the area was full of smoke, she gestured for the men to go.

They ran, one 或者 two falling to stray bullets.

New York had become a war zone. And she was sitting right in the middle of it.

The White House

1:45 EST, March 1

"Mr. President. 你 realize this is abandoning our most populous city!"

"I understand that! But the American People have to know we're doing something!"

"But planting a nuclear warhead in the middle of eight million people?!"

The President sighed and leaned back in his chair. "We've discussed much in this half hour. I've come to a decision."

Everyone waited anxiously as the President spoke his 下一个 words: "Trapper takes one step out of New York, we'll flatten the whole city, with him in it."

"You almost died!" 冬青, 冬青树 exclaimed.

"That was two months ago!" Sam replied, tugging on his armor. "The wounds-"

"Have half healed! If 你 get shot again, when 你 die this time, you'll stay dead!"

Sam paused and looked at her. "I died?"

"Yes!" 冬青, 冬青树 exclaimed again, tears welling in her eyes. "I don't want it to happen again!"

Sam pulled her into an embrace and let her cry into his chest. He hugged her tightly and kissed the 最佳, 返回页首 of her head, stroking her hair. "It'll be fine. I'm wearing invincible armor."

"But as Samuel Grant-"

"I have body-guards, I'll be wearing the same protection as the President of the United States. But that's after this crisis is resolved."

冬青, 冬青树 looked at him curiously.

"The city needs Red Revenge, not Samuel Grant. Samuel Grant who will have been smuggled out of town." Sam said. "I'll be fine."

冬青, 冬青树 breathed deeply and kissed him lightly on the lips before turning abruptly at the sound of an opening door.

"Will?" Sam asked as the man in a suit and tie walked in. He looked the part of the spy he was.

"We need to talk. Now."

New York City

09:07 EST, March 2

"All units, respond to biological attack at New York Highschool. Five hundred students down. Repeat, five hundred student down!"

"So the ravenous beast strikes again." Revenge said, pulling his 头盔 over his face. "Except this time he gets a nasty surprise. Emerald! Get to helping the students! I'm going after Trapper!"

"Got it!"

The White House

09:12 EST, March 2

"Mr. President, there's something 你 might want to see."

Without waiting for the President's approval, William Fowling set a laptop down in front of the man. A news broadcast was streaming.

"There's been a biological attack? What the hell does-"

"That's not what I'm trying to 显示 you, sir." William said. "Listen."

The volume tapped up. "-appears New York's vigilante team have finally returned. Red Revenge has been MIA the past two months but has suddenly reappeared. It appears the Black Hero is chasing after the terrorist known as Trapper who has kept New York City hostage 由 brute force the past two and a half months. We've brought in-"

"So New York's vigilante team is back." the President said, leaning back in his chair. "Let's hope they can do some good."

The Watchtower

09:25 EST, March 2

蝙蝠侠 watched the screen with interest. The rest of the Justice Leaguers gathered around him to watch as Red Revenge landed in front of Trapper's car, blowing the tires. The terrorists skidded to a stop and opened fire. Red Revenge walked right towards them, bullets bouncing off his chest.

"Why don't 你 have that?" Flash asked. 蝙蝠侠 glared at him.

"Where the hell did he come from?" Terrorist #1 yelled.

"Beats me!" Terrorist #2 replied.

"I don't care!" Trapper yelled. "Give me that RPG!"

The man tossed the rocket launcher to Trapper. He stood up and aimed it at Red Revenge. That's when it happened.

"Is that a gun?!" 蝙蝠侠 demanded.

Lead hit concrete as Revenge aimed at the man. Trapper ducked, dropping the RPG which fired off a rocket and blew up a car behind Red Revenge.

"Yep." Flash said. "Definitely a gun."

Revenge sprayed bullets at the car Trapper and his cronies were hiding behind. The one with the cronies detonated.

"Alright! Do it!" Trapper yelled.

Three army jeeps screeched around the corner, bullets and rockets firing at Revenge. Revenge would've sprayed 更多 bullets had he not spotted a little boy standing in the middle of the war-torn street. Revenge dived on him as explosions rocketed around him. They subsided. Revenge looked back. Terrorists were helping Trapper into a jeep. He was badly burned from the close explosion of the car. It was Revenge's chance. Trapper stopped halfway into the jeep and turned to look at Revenge. The Black Hero saw fear in his eyes.

Then he looked at the boy. The boy's eyes were covered in fear as well. But not Trapper's fear of death, but the childish fear of the loud noises. Revenge looked at Trapper and they came to a mutual agreement without speaking a word. Trapper got away, and the boy didn't get harmed.

Revenge turned to the boy, no older than six.

"See the girl in green?" he asked, pointing at Emerald. "Go to her!"

The boy nodded and ran towards the blonde who picked him up and placed him in an ambulance, checking on him.

New York's vigilante hauled himself to his feet and turned to watch as Trapper drove off.

The White House

09:37 EST, March 2

"He let that slime walk away?!" the President demanded.

"He didn't have a choice, sir."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

"It means he saved that boy's life. But I suspect the Black Hero of New York probably already has Trapper caught."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means he most likely slipped a tracer on multiple locations of Trapper, his men, and his equipment. Notice how he left his gun?" the agent asked, pointing to a spot on the screen. "He has a tracer on it. Notice how Trapper grabbed it?"

"Very smart." the President mused. "Very smart."

"Sir!" a young man ran in. "Sir! Trapper and his crew are proceeding to the Brooklyn Bridge."

New York City

23:49 EST, March 2

"This is the United Sates Government! Put your hands in the air and drop all weapons!"

"Do 你 really think," Trapper yelled back at the voice through the mega-phone. "That after two and a half months I would just lay down?"

"Let me re-phrase this: 你 put one footstep on this bridge, we'll flatten the city with 你 in it!"

Trapper placed one foot on the bridge.

"Fire on the Brooklyn Bridge." the President 说 gravely.

"Sir, are you-?"

"I 说 fire!"

The President shoved his key into the slot and turned it. The other key was turned as well.

"Firing in 5...4...3...2...1..."

A laugh echoed around the silent base. A very familiar laugh. Three green, vibrating heads popped up on every screen. They wore devilish little grins and domino masks.

"Damn it!" The President yelled.

"Well?" Trapper demanded.

"Thanks, Nightwing." Revenge said. "I owe 你 one."

"I'll hold 你 to it!"

"Very funny."

Revenge cut the com line and pulled the pins out of a few grenades. Looking straight down at Trapper's men below (who were starting to walk onto the bridge), he dropped them.

"Well, boys." Trapper said. "Looks like Uncle Sam won't stand up to his-"

"GRENADE!" someone yelled.

Trapper and his men 鸽子 backwards, hitting the snow and ice in the dark knight as explosions rocked the bridge.

"Did we do that?" the President asked.

"No, sir!" one of the technicians said.

Revenge rappelled onto the bridge, pulled up a gun and fired a volley of bullets at the men. Most of them fell dead 或者 bleeding and screaming to the ground. Revenge ceased his firing, allowing Trapper to stand.

"That was pretty merciless of you." Trapper called out.

The black figure didn't respond for a moment.


"This is war. 你 do what 你 have to." Revenge replied slowly, trying to keep Trapper's attention as 翠, 翡翠 snuck up behind him.

"Well, what 你 have to do is lay down your weapons." Trapper called out.

"Pretty bold statement from a man with an army pointing their 枪 at him."

Trapper whirled, grabbed Emerald, and held her in front of him as a shield, cocking a pistol against the only part of her body not protected.

Her head.

Revenge stepped 前锋, 期待 a footstep. The ice cracked in the silence of the night.

"Nuh-uh." Trapper said. "Take another footstep and the girl gets it."

Revenge froze.

翠, 翡翠 struggled against the man's grasp, tears coming to her eyes as he tightened his grip around her neck.

Revenge slowly put his gun and utility 带, 皮带 down. He took off his armored gauntlets.

"Good, kick them over here." Trapper ordered. Revenge obeyed. Trapper grinned wickedly and started backing up, keeping 冬青, 冬青树 in a firm grip.

"Trapper!" Revenge called. "Let her go!"

"Not a chance!"

"Not much of a man, hiding behind a twenty-year old girl!"

"This is war, 你 do what 你 have to!"

Revenge cursed himself and watched as 翠, 翡翠 disappeared from view. He bent down to pick up his weapons and heard a faint whine.

"DOWN!" he yelled, firing a grappling hook at the city. The bridge detonated before the line reached it's target and Revenge fell, crashing into the icy water below. He sank, laying on the bottom of the river. Quickly working to ensure his survival, he activated oxygen, lights, heat, and propellers on his back. He reached into his cape and pulled out a handful of daggers, launching them in a gun, and firing them at the New York sky.

"Pan up." the President said. The technician obeyed, turning the drone camera up towards the sky. Five faint red lines zoomed across the city. A moment later, Red Revenge's jet shot straight out of the water, flying up into the New York City skyline before disappearing into the night.

"Congratulations, Trapper. 你 just made it personal." Revenge growled.

added by Connor_Veritas
added by Hot_ShotYJ
Source: Hiyokofreedom
added by Hot_ShotYJ
Source: Internet
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Rene hung onto his neck, giggling like a complete idiot. Zack was carrying her like a baby, walking down the 街, 街道 to her apartment.

“You are so drunk right now.” The red head giggled as a response. Snow fell on 最佳, 返回页首 of them both as he walked down the street. He knew he couldn’t get in through the door, so he phased through the electricity from the phone 民意调查 and out through her answering machine. As he stepped out of it, he looked down at Rene, who was smiling in her sleep. Zack walked into her room, pulled the covers off the bed, and set her down gently. He took her shoes off and covered...
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(( WARNING TO THOSE WHO IT MAY CONCERN: This one-shot hints several times at rape during the 秒 part. Anyone who has a problem with this can just simply click "back" and go back to what 你 were doing previous! Thanks! ))

"So, you're my... half-brother?"
"In a twisted sort of way, yeah."

~~~~~ 5 Days Earlier... ~~~~~

"Police, open up!" Detective Lake banged on the door, this time with even 更多 force than the time before. "Mr.Neferet, we have a 搜索 warrant for your apartment!" Detective Watson added.
"Bella, 你 take the back in case he tries to run. I got the front."
"Got it." She pulled...
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“You're a monster Amber. 你 always were!”
Becca cringed at the sound of skin hitting skin. She grinded her teeth together, letting a low growl peep out.
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posted by godmor
This is a small announcement, I only post this 文章 beceas the new 潮流粉丝俱乐部 system is so broken Thad I can't even poste any 墙 posts 或者 图片 anymore. so to the announcement.

I knowe I have not been on here muce lately but I wil be o 更多 often.
and il stat whit a series of story's about Tyrion Blackwell ( the undeath king) both in his time and the modern ages, beceas I have inspiration to write about medieval stuff.

So im gald to be bak.
Godmor, a.k.a. Twan a.k.a gunfire ( and al my other oc's)
 Some of Tyrion's troops
Some of Tyrion's troops
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Source: 谷歌 图片
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"Now! Lon, take him out." It hate just been over a 年 since my last assignment, but a 年 was enough to change me. At one point in life, killing was easy, not enjoyable but I didn't have much guilt. Now that was all different. Now I had friends, family, people I cared about. And its that, that madr it that much harder to pull the trigger.
I had a gun as I ran down the steps and kicked open the door to the lobby. My target was in my line of fire. I could take him out. He made himself so obvious. But we were in a hotel lobby. Around me, people were in a panic at the sight pf my gun. Who was...
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Because this girl doesn’t get very much attention.

Name: Alexandria Douglas.. used to be Michels. But 你 can call me Alex, 或者 Nudge... I’ll 更多 than likely respond quicker to Nudge. It’s grown on me.
Reason 或者 meaning of name: “a beautiful person; that of which is consumed in greatness; usually has nice hair” tch, wish I could agree.
Eye Color: They're blue.
Hair Style/Color: It's naturally blonde, shocking I know. It’s pretty long, middle of my back, usually up away from my face.
Height: 5'8, I'm taller than Fang's kid, funny right? He's a giant.
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Source: Tumblr
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She could see for miles up here and enjoyed the way the wind cooled her down; the climb was well worth her pain. She made herself comfortable and waited. 分钟 later, she heard a noise behind her. She didn't move, hearing 更多 than one warning. But she knew she was safe. If someone had attacked them, she'd have been the...
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Virgil sighed and dropped his backpack on the ground beside the couch. He couldn't believe his history teacher.

"Hello Mr. Hawkins. You're two 分钟 late because 你 were saving the city this morning. Double homework for you!" Virgil imitated his teacher as he spilled the contents of his bag on the floor.

One of the notebooks spilled on the blonde teen sitting on the floor with a book in her lap, a pencil in her mouth, and her thoughts skyward. She looked at Virgil. "Do 你 mind?"

"Sorry." Virgil said, pulling the notebook off. However, it wasn't his.

"Hey!" Cassie exclaimed, jumping up and trying...
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posted by BladeYJ
((Okay.. first graphic fanfic. This has cursing, a rape scene, and a sex scene! So I AM WARNING 你 here, if 你 don't want to read this just hit back and ignore this completely! Thank 你 ^-^ Also it's a song fic! The Song is "Your Guardian Angel" 由 "The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus" Not the best song but I was listening to it.. :) SO why not!!))

A Demon's Love.

She backed up into an alley, as four 'roided men surround her. She reached for the gun in her boot. Nothing. She hissed under her breath,"Fucking Bloodmist."

The men closed in, they didn't say anything just moved closer. Blade pulled out...
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She flinched...
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February 12, 2017

To whom it may concern,

What many people don't realize is the intervention of the 邪恶力量 world in the natural, constant and beyond influential.
Most people know the human's version of this story. They say the Romanovs, last royal family of Russia, were assassinated 由 the Bolsheviks on the night of July 16, 1918. This event occurred after the family had been held captive for over a year. The Belshoviks told them the exile was for their "protection" from those who had forced Czar Nikolai I to abdicate the 王座, 宝座 on March 15, 1917. A few realize that the rest of the male...
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Soon the chugging stop she grabbed the scissors and clipped the extra thread. She smile, it was finished and it looked amazing. Her gazing soon led her to the clock which only startled her.
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