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posted by Harrypotter148
The Train Ride

As Emily gazed out the window of the train she saw her dad-waving goodbye, his face had a bright smile, but when Emily looked into his eye she saw sadness. She was off to live with her mother in Roscoe; this was a four-hour train ride from Chicago to Roscoe. It would be a little over two hours but there are 更多 stops on this train ought. Dad was only sending her because he felt she would have a better life. Emily disagrees, she hated her mother, and she was cruel, heartless and hated the sight of Emily. She new better he dad lied to her, he knew she was find living with him but he found another wife. Emily never met her but she new her name, Rita Mildew. The train smell of horrible human waist and dried up food, why was she stuck on here alone. Now that she thinks back most of her 老友记 did not car she was leaving, Amber her best friend for 4 years gave her a card but she did not even sigh it. Emily was a very shy girl, were they just pity friend! Was all there wonderful memories a lie, are they all sitting at Ambers house laughing at her saying there glad she is gone? Tears formed in her eyes at the thought, her dad laid to her, her so-called friends, suddenly silent tears poured down her face.
“I’m sorry to bother 你 miss but may I sit here?” 说 a soft males voice from behind her. He turned to she his face; there beside her stood a young man around her age, 15 或者 16. He had 浓情巧克力 brown hair the shine in the train’s florescent lights; he had matching eyes to go with his hair. He was tall about 5’11” wearing a leather jacked and baggy black jeans.
Struggling to find her voice Emily whispered “ sure”
He thanks her he warmly and sat down across from her, she continued to stare out the window but 偷了 glances at the boy for he was something different. About ten minuets later she was tired of staring at the passing trees she turned to face him keeping her head down. He studied her for a moment, she had a rare red color of hair, he noticed she also had light blue eyes that were clouded with nervousness’, she wore blue jeans and a dark blue tank 最佳, 返回页首 that made her eyes pop. He watched as her read hair gently swung from side to side, he was deciding wreathes 或者 not he should talk to her. Wondering if she was a catty Cathy 或者 a silent bird.
Clearing his throat he said, “ What’s your name?” Shocked he has 说 anything at all she gazed in to his eyes and spoke in a whisper.
“Emily Smith, yours?
“I’m Trevor Lead, where are 你 headed?” he laughed at him self inside at his failure at small talk, Emily since this too but continued
“I’m going to live with my mom in Roscoe, dad 说 he thought I would be better off at her house but I know he is engaged to a women I have never met. He wants to be alone with her. He never much cared for me.” She half smiled then what back to looking at her plane white snickers. That reminded him of his mother, he was running away from her. She got pregnant at 16 years old, when the dad found out he ran for it. About a 月 以前 he found out that she was going to have adoration with him, the only reason she did not go through with it was because he came out 2 月 early. She never wanted him; she was always saying he screwed up her life. She now sat at 首页 all 日 smoking and drinking 啤酒 with no life, Jim her boyfriend now works and pays her bills. Jim deserved better then his lazy…Mother!
“Why did 你 live with him so long if he dose not care for you?” he wondered if something of the same thing happened to her, that the mom dumped her new baby on the dad.
“I like him better then mom, dad would at least act like he loved… my like a dad, but mom treats me like I’m dog crap. She never agreed properly to let… me come stay with her. She got pregnant at 20, they lived to gather for 2 years 或者 so and the she just out of the blue left! I’m sorry I bet 你 really don’t care… about this”
“The truth be tolled I do. I have the same thing going on in away. I’m running away from my mom, he loathes me. She was going to have an abortion 7 months pregnant with me but then I came out early. I found out a 月 ago. She is always reminding me that I screwed up her life, now she smokes and drinks al 日 long.” Emily could see the ping of hurt deep inside his eye before he looked away.
“Are 你 going to um… live with your… dad?” she managed out
“ Oh no, he ran out on my mother when he found out she was having me. But what I have heard from my mom’s …friends he was a real pervert. He smiled a little Emily liked him; he was easier to talk to and understood what she was going through. She hoped he wound not bother him to keep the conversation going.
“ I have a … question, um did 你 ever have … pity friends?” he glanced at her in confusion, “ 你 know 老友记 that were only your 老友记 because the feel sorry for you?” he thought back, yea he has. 鸭, 德雷克 Simon, the little… he nodded yes.
“ Me too, all of them, the did not car at all that I was leaving. Um... “ She stopped she did now know what to 日 to him. But she did not have to for he spoke not have paid any attention to her mumbling
“Have 你 ever wanted to disappear and go were no one 你 hate could ever find you? Its not like running away, when 你 run away there is always a change they will find you. What I’m saying is, create 你 own world and not be afraid of what others think?” Emily was never asked this before. She knew the answer right away
“Yea, I would 爱情 to get way from mom and dad I would 爱情 to for get my stresses and forget my troubles. But sadly there is not place like that,” she stared out the widow once 更多 now realizing it was raining. She watched at to rain drops raced each other to get to the bottom. They were silence between them Trevor listened to the sound of the other passengers. Some complaining about how dirty the train was, others talking about there hard 日 of work, and some wining about the rain. He gazed at Emily as she looked out the window, wishing his mother had a kind nature like Emily. He never met anyone like her on the streets of Chicago and he bet he would never find another like her anywhere else.
“Emily?” he asked quietly, “How old are you? I’m 16” he was hoping she was his age, she looked young for her age but that might be because she had the natural look, no make up. In his opinion girls looked better that way.
“I’m also 16, turn 17 in two months” wow she was older then him. Again there was silence, he rain his hand thought his hair thinking out what to say next.
“What is your mom like?” this startled Emily.
“She is a cruel women who thinks she can have what ever she wants when she wants it. She thinks 你 should drop whatever your doing just to meet her needs. Its pathetic!” She opened her mouth again but closed it, after a few 秒 she got up sand whispered, “ be right back” then headed to the bathrooms.
Emily did not care for the bathrooms for the smelled worse the seating aria on the train. Diapers with poop in them were thrown at the wall, pee stains were al over the toilet and on the floor, and it made her want to puke. As she entered the bathroom a full smell of throw up hit her in the face, she could hold it. She glanced at the clock resting above the toilet; she had about 3 hors to go. She rushed out of the bathroom and back to her seen 下一个 to the window.
“That was fast” Trevor 说 with a smile as he watched her sit back down.
“I-am-not- going-in –there!” she 说 trying to breathe for she had help her breath running back. Trevor laughed at her, “what”
“ Nothing its just 你 different, your not like other people I have met.” This time Emily laughed
“ How many times have 你 heard that story in a book 或者 movie!” He smiled a weak smile then turned. “ Oh! I’m Sorry its just… I thought it was cute… but-”
“Cheesy I know.” He turned away more
“Oh, I always screw this up! Please don’t be made at me! You’re the only person I have ever met that understands,” he chuckled a little “ yea I know that has been over done before too,” he finally faced her meeting her eyes.
“I know we just met but I like 你 Emily and I want to get to know 你 more!” he 说 flashing a brilliant smile
“Well we do have about 3 hours left, tell me-”
“ You’re getting off at roscoe right?” she nodded “ 你 get off in 1 小时 they announced that when 你 were in the bath room.” She groaned; her dumb dad read the ticket wrong. And dummy her forgot to read it over.
She thought of a 问题 quick, “ what kinds of 音乐 do 你 like?” he pondered the thought,
“ Well I 爱情 rock, metal, and very little country, why did 你 ask me that?”
“I just wanted to know I mean he I can’t like a guy that’s all into rap!” she joked, laughing she asked “what about bands?” he searched into his pocket and pulled out his ipod的, ipod then handed it to Emily after rewrapping the white headphones around it. She skimmed through his artists and songs, there were bands like Three days Gracing, Fall Out Boy, ECT. She gave it back with a smile. Time passed as the chatted about 随意 things, school, parents, things of that sort. When it was about 5 minuets till she had to get off Emily asked
“ Want to get off with me?” she 说 with hope
“ If I did where would I go live, with 你 and your mom? I don’t think she would like that very much. I would 爱情 to but I must proceed and get off in Janesville, I’m sorry.” All his hope was gone. But clearly he new nothing of geography, Emily popped up and yelled
“My mom lives 30 或者 so 分钟 away from where you’re going! Here,” she griped his hand and scribbled don her phone number. Then the intercom kicked on and announced, we are not at stop Roscoe!” As she got up she kissed his cheek “Bye” she whispered as she headed out the door.
Trevor garbed his phone and dialed her number she picked up “ Hello?”
“Hey it me!”
“ I thought 你 would never call” she 说 he could here the smile in her voice.
Taylor Mali lovingly mocks his own genre.
slam 诗歌
taylor mali
i could be a poet
posted by para-scence
**6 months later...***

Bride laughed and giggled as I bounced her on my leg; just another 日 at the park. It was summer, finally, a break from school. I guess I was looking 前锋, 期待 to being a sophomore. School wasn't that bad anymore now that I had my friends. Felicity wasn't that bad either. We're not exactly the greatest of friends, but we can tolerate each other now. Also, Trace and I started dating. It was great; he's really sweet and funny. I couldn't ask for a better guy.

"Come on, Harley! Gail 说 to be 首页 由 three!" Aspen called. Everyone else was already at the sidewalk, starting...
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posted by Insight357
    I sat in a chair 由 the window. I was still in the asylum. Days had passed, and nothing changed. I hadn’t heard anyone speak of Alexander. Doctors would come in my room every few hours to make sure I was still alive, 或者 to make sure my arm didn‘t hurt.
    I asked one of the doctors about my arm. None of them knew how I broke it. Even the paramedics 说 it was broken when the man from the motel called. I didn’t break it. I knew I didn’t. I think the motel manager did. He probably crushed it when he found out I never gave his Nyquil back.
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posted by ginax0o
Something has severely struck my curiosity
Did he know of his ill fate?
What were his last thoughts?
Did he even have any?
If so were they about his family?
If his life flashed before his very eyes,
Did he have any regrets about what he saw?
What were his last words?
So many 问题 about this stranger dying before my very eyes ,
whom I know absolutely nothing about.
The touchiest of subjects and its stuck on my mind
Truthfully, the only people who know the answer
are forever gone.
When time comes for me to know the answer
What will I be thinking about?
Will I know of what is to come of me?
Who will I...
continue reading...
posted by elizasmomma
I'm setting here looking at a paused 电视 screen and i soon think to myself is that the way that our life is life when we are put on hold.

If tht's the case then why are we not able to do the work that we have been meant to do forever,
how can the people in our lives trust us for the decisions that we make in our daily lives that we live.

are we really meant to be th people that we are meant to be 或者 are we just passing through this earth with no-where to go but down, that is what i think about when i see a paused tv.

so what do 你 think about this journal entry that i just wrote 你 need to think about what i 说 and give me your best anwsers that 你 can give.

thnx erie 摩根 maples
posted by hgfan5602
Why, do things have to be so hard
In life?
Why can't things be easy
And everyone could just enjoy
Their short lives.

由 an old friend
由 an old boyfriend
It feels like the whole world
Has gone on the enemy's side

Why do things have to be so complicated?
Tears are rolling down my cheek
As life goes on,
That's what I do.
Because I feel unused, unhelpful, abandoned.

Life goes on
And even though I try
To shrug off the troubles I have had in the past,
Inside, I am extremely hurt
Stabbed 由 my own friends

I am deserted
Even though I smile
I am hurt
I am betrayed.
posted by Triscia95
The entire neighborhood was out in the front yard of Sarah's house. They had all come back from the 4th of July fireworks at the high school and were now waiting for the huge firework 显示 that her father put on every year.

Though Sarah wasn't out front with everyone waiting for the show. Instead her and Niall were running out to the pool. The 显示 was a little over a half an 小时 long so they finally had time to themselves.

The backyard was dark, but the pool water lit up beautifully from the full moon light. Millions of stars shown in the black sky, something that doesn't happen to often...
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posted by GummyBears_11
A poem written 由 me. :]

Snow, snow, 你 are perfect.
When 你 fall down, 你 are white. A clean white.
Beauty, beauty.
The beauty of snow.

We put on mittens, we throw on scarves.
We run outside a pick 你 up, ball 你 up,
and toss you.

Then we get cold.

We run inside and drink coffee and cocoa, we
snuggle up, we run hot baths.

Why, snow, why are 你 so cold, so numbing?


A new girl at school is seen 由 the 皇后乐队 bee.
She is approached.
The 皇后乐队 bee wears expensive clothes and carries a designer bag.
Her hair is sleek and red, with gorgeous highlights in all the right places.

She isn't skinny, nor is she...
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posted by Dhampires
Hate.Disappointment.Regret.They all make up some of the worst thing in our lives...then why can't we just give it up?Give it up and just throw all our problems away?The answer is simple because this,this is reality not a fairytale 或者 some fiction story,where the writer can just have their way over their characters like puppets.No.Not at all in reality does one have their way to control their life 或者 the lies that people tell them.There's no stopping your troubles in life 或者 changing the regret you've made in the past ...it's life.
posted by para-scence
"Blake!" I shouted. I ran down the stairs, grabbing my 涂层, 外套 and quickly throwing it on. He came in, holding Tristen and Blakely in his arms.

"Huh?" he asked, completely unconcerned.

"Hollis is being taken to the hospital," I 说 quickly. His eyes widened. "We need to go!" He nodded, and we got the twins in their car seats, and soon were off to the hospital.

"What happened?!" he asked, his voice thick with tension.

"I don't know! Her teacher just called, and 说 she was being taken to the hospital! I didn't really think to ask the details!" I said, panicked. We were nearly speeding, but still...
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Sorry this is so long and confusing! I promise the 下一个 part will be 更多 exciting! :)

I never realized how much it hurt to be shot. Who would believe that that was the least of my worries? I certainly didn’t, so as I was screaming my head off, all people from around the school came into the band hall to see who was screaming. I suppose they would be a bit disappointed that someone was just shot and no one had gone crazy, which would have been equally entertaining, but there was tension in the room. Kids stood awkwardly around, not knowing what to do. People that had crowded around me earlier...
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added by Nostariel510
Source: 谷歌
写作 for the Green Light: How to Make Your Script the One Hollywood Notices 由 Scott Kirkpatrick via link For 更多 videos, please visit link
posted by WildCherryWolf
To You,

Why? Why are 你 so gorgeous? Why were 你 wearing shorts?

I was tossing and turning in 床, 床上 last night, knowing that as soon as I saw your face, I would like 你 again. Dammit, I was right. I do. Sort of, anyway.

And I saw 你 in class. I peeked through the window. Damn, I saw you.

My dreams did 你 no justice. You're too gorgeous! Your blonde hair, 你 didn't cut it, that kind of made me happy.

Your eyes, why! Why did I have to want 你 so bad again?

Chloe and I, we were going to call 你 vampire. But now, I'm all shy again. Too bad, conscience. I'm going to do it. Vampire! Vampire! You...
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posted by iluvtheshow
"Harper! Aren't 你 happy she's eating with us?" Gwen asked happily. Harper shot her sister a glare. "It shouldn't be a big deal that your step-mother decides to eat with you." Harper spit out, looking back at the book she was reading. Gwen's face fell. She didn't care what Harper thought, she was going to make the best of this. Their step-mother, Lyn, hadn't eaten with them in 2 months. Gwen walked down the hall toward the kitchen, her sister's words echoing in her head.

Chapter 1 *Gwen*

Divorce. God, I HATE that word. It's like something something toxic. Something that can ruin lives...
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posted by zutaradragon
such a waste, my life whole life is a fake!...but im sure ive been a thorn inside of you...that's torn at 你 for years. but, sometimes i can taste how 苦 i've become...& its 更多 then i can bare. sometimes i pray for someone to blow me away. just make it quick, but let it burn...so i can feel the pain thats torn at me for years. i can't be held responsable, 'cause this is all so new to me. can i...leave my pain behind?

the sercomstances of one's birth are irrelavent. its what 你 DO with the gift of life, that determends who 你 are. the pain 你 feel...its normal. let it go.

你 think?

yes. 你 need to forgive and forget.

i can't...

你 can.

but i can't just do nothing...

it's not nothing!

i cant just...forget.

it's hard to forgive, and its hard to forget, but it's easy to do nothing...

you're right...
added by mxk555
posted by Katiegirl
Nightfall was rising rapidly on this wondrous night.
    I found myself dozing into a heavenly sleep. My dreams
    began to indulge my inner thoughts seductively I could
    Feel myself falling into an internal state of mind. A place
    where only my dreams had a recollection of my desires
    of this world. In the outermost parts of my dream I
    could faintly hear the loud thunderous storm
    lurking outside my window. Slightly beyond
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added by maxpayne1111
posted by Screamer45
Teen Pregnancy

Introduction: Why are there so many teens pregnant ? And why do they do it in the first place if they know they are going to regret it ? The answer is too much freedom and absolutly no discipline.Teenagers don't understand the fact that one 日 they'll regret it , but the problem is that they say,"Oh no that will never happen to me, I have self-control "but when that self-control isn't controllable anything can happen .
First Paragraph: But teenage pregnancy is preventable.Some times during pregnancy it's very difficult to keep up with others and activities like ; running , P.E....
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