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posted by Cinders
It's finally here! All the submissions to this month's 诗歌 contest is included within this soapbox, for your convenience. For the sake of the judges, I am allowing two weeks from today for them to peruse the works herein and then create a pick with their 最佳, 返回页首 five choices. The judges may confer amongst themselves if they wish. Input from the 潮流粉丝俱乐部 community should also be considered. 评论 on particular poems are welcome. The only thing that is prohibited is pointing out (subtly 或者 obviously) which poem is yours. As a poet, that may disqualify 你 from the competition, for betraying the anonymity clause.

Judges, please post a pick 由 Thursday, January 29th, 或者 alert me if 你 need 更多 time (you are 更多 than allowed to take as much time as 你 need, so long as 你 let me know).


"The Secret Life Of Children" 由 Contestant Number 1

The kids are hunched over fires
Laughter licking it’s way along the ground
And up the crumbling walls
Faded marks of war smeared beneath eyes
Rosy cheeks, dry, cracked lips
Dirt sits comfortably beneath bitten fingernails
Bony arms and legs jutting out
In primitive, animal, angles

The kids see everything
Crouched behind the bushes
With their shining eyes and willing ears
Adult secrets no longer whispered behind closed doors
But declared as undeniable, unremarkable truths
Gathering in worn, forgotten lots
Creating cities made of talk, and touch, and joy
Seeing all but seen 由 few

The kids disperse
Mother’s calls crawl along the breeze
Urging weary soldiers home
Wordless goodbyes, a wave, and a nod
Feet thumping along paths and pavement
Carrying them from battle, from play, from companions
Cleaned and dressed, sent to bed
Left to dream of glorious tomorrows


Lord of the Dance? 由 Contestant Number 2

His costume glitters with sequins and jewels
His dancing shoes glisten and shine
The 音乐 begins as his dancers dance in,
Feet tapping in rhythmic line

He waits for his cue in the shadows and smiles
He’s hearing the roar of the crowd
The sound of cheers is sweet in his ears
They call to him, clear and loud

(But what is he left with,
When the applause dies away and the cheering ceases?
What is he left with?)

The spotlight dazzles his eyes as he enters
The audience screams out his name
And then with a leap and a blurring of feet
He dances as wild as a flame

He’s the 星, 星级 of his show, this spectacle grand
The stage is his world without end
A vast expanse on which to dance
Where Magic and Realism blend

(But what is he left with,
When the dance is no 更多 and the stage is bare?
What is he left with?)

The grand finale now draws to a close
A standing ovation at last!
They shout for more, “Encore! Encore!”
So he grants to them one final dance

Then he flashes a smile and blows them a kiss
He lifts his arms high, he bows
Drunk on fame and the praise of his name
He basks in what fortune allows

(But what is he left with,
When the thrill passes and the glory fades?
What is he left with?)

He flirts with the ladies, poses for cameras
And waves at the crowd of his fans
Autographs here and contracts there
And for the 下一个 program, he plans

But the spark in his eyes is empty and false
And his soul remains unsatisfied
He can't fill his desire 或者 kindle true fire
Despite every wonder he’s tried.

(For what is he left with,
When everyone leaves and loneliness surrounds him?
What is he left with?)

He has chosen 粉丝 over true friendship.
Fleeting thrills over everlasting joy.
Greedy ambition over genuine fire.
Stardom over servanthood.
Arrogance over humility.
Lust over love.

He refuses to admit it...but in his 心 of hearts, he knows.
There is an aching emptiness which he cannot fill.

For he would rather be the lord of the dance
Than to serve the Lord of the Dance.


lost 由 Contestant Number 3

for years i have wondered where do i fit in.
anilate myself will not keep a friend.
push myself 日 to 日 i wonder when it will end.
this thing called life.a quest i am on.
though i dont know how to start.i become unattached to the word that
is my 心 for fear i will lose it .i want be able to pull it back.
the hurt of its 迷失 beat 更多 severe than a heartattack.days months and years
roll by.i sit alone but never cry.for that is weak and i am not.i yell but no one responds
is it to late for me.no its not for i have begun i have opened my eyes.i can feel the tears
dwelling in them.i have come to far i will go on.fluttering like a humming bird.my 心 rages on.
i have found love.


Our World 由 Contestant Number 4

你 turn on the TV and what do 你 see?
Another bomb in Iraq, another hurricane in the Caribbean Sea.
Children are dying, houses are flooded.
People just stare, all of them cold-blooded.

Another 火, 消防 in California, another tsunami swept the coast of Bali.
Another attack in India, another dead child in Mali.
While 你 stare at the screen and eat your food,
Isn’t your feast a little bit rude?

Breaking news announce the civil war in Sudan.
Tell me, Presidents, Ministers, what is your plan?
“Free Tibet” banners are burned on the beach.
Tell me, what happened to the freedom of speech?

Radars will be put in Poland and the Czech Republic,
Dear officials, do 你 care to know the opinion of the public?
Cuban news try to hide distress
Whatever happened to the freedom of press?

The world is dying, poverty on every street,
Yet 你 walk around with Gucci on your feet.
People have no 食物 或者 water,
Every 秒 a mother loses a daughter.

As the deadly clock ticks by
People around the world die.
How can 你 sleep knowing your aid
Could’ve saved another person from Death’s blade…?


Vanilla Wings 由 Contestant Number 5

I stood and watched the feathers,
As they'd fall tender to my ears
Falling like an Angel
Who had nothing left to fear
Drowning in the silence of
The roaring of the tide
And none of them could surface
Their wings had all been tied

I had a word with God today
Of 天使 and their kin
Of feathers and weathered dreams
Of children and their sins
How frequently I listened to
The 天使 when they cried
As they'd fallen from their clouds
And had no wings to fly

I had a word with God today
But he didn't know my name
When I asked him why he said,
"Everybody looks the same"
I couldn't help but notice
Him standing in the sand
And when I reached out for him
He wouldnt take my hand

I went to see my God today
To have a word again
To have him soothe my fears away
But he wouldn't let me in
He was buried in the feathers
Of all the 天使 that were fell
So I told him I was leaving,
And that I wish him well

Then I took a wingless dive into
The brand new world below
To 加入 all the Angels
that had fallen long ago
But when I saw 你 standing
With my halo in your hand
My gaze had all been stolen
As I fast approached the land

Your beauty like an Angel
Who had never seen the sky
A beauty without compare
To these Angelic eyes
I watched 你 stand there waiting
With my wings laid at your feet
I could only pray to God above
That 你 were there for me

I fell into your arms that day
With nothing left to fear
I melted into your embrace
As 你 wiped at all my tears
你 led me to a different heaven
One I couldn't find above.
你 took me deep into your world,
then wrapped me in your love.

I had a word with God today
About all the things he's done
Of all that he's created
You're my 最喜爱的 one.
He told me he was glad to
Finally see me smile
He told me was glad that
你 made everything worthwhile.


Cycles 由 Contestant Number 6

As one 星, 星级 dies
Another is born

As one civilization crumbles
Another is born

As one life ends
Another begins

So goes the endless cycle
Of life,death and rebirth


Deliberately Delirious 由 Contestant Number 7

Deliberate applause for each moment left for a pause, i purposefully do not applaud.
They raise their fists; clenched at each wrist, pointing at my deliberate ploy to topple their 云, 云计算 like a toy.
I hear the screams in the background, oh Gaza, with its deliberate beat thumping in my mind like all of our bad dreams; 图片 of hope wrestle with deliberately distorted beliefs encased in dope.
I open my eyes to see what i am shown, and then deliberately close them to my own wise thoughts, free from these thieves.
The 日期 is written, the time is clocked, history is made today at four o'clock, as i deliberately run, not walk, through those doors made of rock.
Discrimination is not a fabrication to be deliberately littered with empty fruitless words that only aspire to fruition.
And so i too clench my fists, stamp my feet, and dance to the tune of rebellion, happily whistling as their 云, 云计算 topples down in a 云, 云计算 of dust.


Home 由 Contestant Number 8

The Honking of Horns
The Constant Movement
The Diversity of Neighbors

The Tourist Traps
The Tourist,

Lady Liberty at Her Post
Ground Zero,
A Place for

Central Park,
For Care-Free Souls.

All these places
Are my


Best 老友记 turned Strangers 由 Contestant Number 9

She was a girl with a lifetime of experiences
He was a boy who had been through a tough time too
They grew up together
Best 老友记 forever
That was the promise they made
A promise that would soon fade
As tragedy struck the younger of the two
The little boy’s mom got sick and went away
They 迷失 touch with each other
She found the words too hard to say
Years later they met again
Mere glances across a crowded room
She was too afraid to speak
He was too shocked to move
They 偷了 glances at each other all night
Both too afraid to speak
But never losing sight
Of the one they thought they would never again meet
When the night was over
And both had gone there separate ways
In the end both too afraid
To speak the truth
And end their silly charade
They thought of each other
Both with a tear in their eyes
Wondering if things could have been different
Had they both not decided to hide


My private intervention 由 Contestant Number 10

The other girls are going to the mall,
I have no energy to.

I act differently,
but this drug has a weird affect.

When I look in the mirror,
I don't look back.
It's someone else,
not me.

I tell everyone I'll stop soon,
I know I won't.

It's a habit,
That's all,
but It's more,
and I'll suffer.

When finally I've realized what has happend to me,
it"ll be too late.

I always thought this addiction was temporary,
turns out I was wrong,
I should've never looked into your eyes,
but now your my drug, and I need help.


The Mask 由 Contestant Number 11

Some hearts are strong, made of steel,
On the right path forever.
Some are weak and eas’ly turned,
Like the down 或者 heather.

The problem is, what 你 see,
Isn’t always what’s inside.
Strong behind a mask of weak,
Isn’t hard to find.

It is the weak masked,
As strong, that causes fear.
The person inside,
May not be in the mir’r.

So, 加入 me now my fairy friends,
If 老友记 你 be,
And let us all remove our masks,
Of fear and uncertainty.

For where I’m taking you,
There are no masks.
你 are seen for what,
你 truly are.

In this realm, evil,
Ugliness binds, and
The pure of 心 from,
Inside to outside shine.

How do 你 know,
This is true?
Well, I’m afraid,
It’s up to you.

Choose to believe me, if 你 will.
If not, I will be here still.

Waiting for the next,
To extend their hand,
And 加入 me in this,
Magical land.


Untitled 由 Contestant Number 12

Alone in the world
Memories are the only comfort
But the memories seem so far away
Almost out of slight


Untitled 由 Contestant Number 13

Have 你 ever lived my life?
Spent one 分钟 in my shoes?
If 你 haven't then tell me why
你 judge me as 你 do.

Have 你 ever woken up in the morning
Wondering if this was your last day?
Have 你 ever left your house
Unsure if you'd return?

Have 你 ever seen your friend get shot
Outside his 最喜爱的 store?
Have 你 ever seen a fried die
From drugs he'd never used before?

Have 你 ever seen your best
friendsmom get beat up 由 her
stepdad messed up on booze?

Have 你 ever sat beneath the stars
Hoping God Will hear?
Have 你 ever seen your friend drive away
After way too many beers?

Have 你 ever had a friend
Experiment with weed?
Have 你 ever covered up guilt
由 doing a good deed?

Have 你 ever considered suicide
As the only way?
Have 你 ever tried to hid yourself
Behind the things 你 say?

Have 你 ever wanted to protect
Your 老友记 and Everyone in sight?
Have 你 ever felt such pain
That 你 cried yourself to sleep at night?

Have 你 ever lived my life,
Spent one 分钟 in my shoes?
If 你 haven't, then tell me why
你 judge me as 你 do.


Barely Noticed 由 Contestant Number 14

Life is an iPod
The different melodies, the ups and the downs
Changes in tempo
Every song and every experience differs a little from the next.
Start with the tinkling bells,
Meaningless lyrics;
Soothing sounds of early childhood.
Everything is simple;
A song for young ears
One song flows into the next
Changing subtly, barely noticed.
The words begin to gather 更多 depth;
The beat becomes a little faster,
A little louder
As time passes the 音乐 picks up strength,
The tempo increases
The melody weaves patterns
In and out of the rhythm
The cycle repeats.
Until finally the volume lowers
Ears re-adjust
The 音乐 becomes less irregular, settles into a pattern.
Life moves on
One song running its full length before another begins
No skipping around
The 音乐 becomes softer
It fades into the background
It slows
Almost to stop as work
As life
Carries on;
The lyrics tattooed inside the brain
Thinking is no longer required
The 音乐 slips to the back of the mind.
For now
Retirement doesn’t block out the music,
It brings it forward.
Nothing else on the mind,
音乐 pushes its way back in;
Taking on a different shape
In songs heard a thousand times,
Suddenly there comes new meaning.
The 音乐 gets louder,
音乐 pounds until the red light flashes,
The iPod’s battery wears down.
The volume gets softer;
Preserving energy
Until finally
The energy is gone
The 音乐 has run its course.


Apart 由 Contestant Number 15

She said, “If I didn’t know your name,
“I’d call 你 home.”

When he touches her hand, it is not butterflies
that make her ashamed of her chipped nail polish,
and she has no inclination of heaven 或者 angels…
Between the secret glances…
In the negative 太空 before they touch…
In the hidden limbo between Midnight and Morning…
It simply Is.

But then, Sunday screams quick as lightening
She's shattered in shambles (feed the fire)
His hunt is hindered, haplessly haunted (point of no return)
由 lullabies of a cartoon masquerade

“I 爱情 you”
And as I do
I 爱情 to lie to you

A man can learn that a woman is a dungeon
in which he’d be glad to drown.
And a woman can learn that a man is a hero
who will always let her down.

“Don’t be afraid, Daddy’s coming home,”
As soon as the alcohol rots my bones.

Her 草 can’t be greener if I scorch it black
And then, it won’t grow back again.

This is the lament of the ugly duckling
Who never became a swan
This is the revenge of the ugly duckling
Who always played the pawn

… But in the negatives of Polaroids, you’ll still remain the same…


Expressions 由 Contestant Number 16

This is the happiest I've ever been
To be here today in joy and light
To shine in glory though not all mine
I've never been so happy in my life

I aknowledge those who brought me here
You, 你 and not forgetting the best, You.
I 爱情 that 你 爱情 me enough to be here
To give me this so I can smile again

I'll never forget the way it is
或者 was 或者 could ever be
I will always remember this bouquet
My favourite 花 in all of springs glory

I'm poor and doomed, dried and dead
But always, I know you'll be my listening ear
The shoulder to lean, the hand to help
Now I'm sure,
This is the happiest I've ever been


Untitled 由 Contestant Number 17

My 心 hurts but it has no reason

tears, distraction, screams, reaction

How selfish of me to think I'm



Lingering, whispering 由 Contestant Number 18

my eyes glisten,
as hatred rests in my gaze.
I’m staring at shadows,
whispering your name,
while burning tears scar my face.

Even with only anger left, I doubt,
for I hate you,
because of what 你 are…
so much 更多 than I.
But I stay silent,
watching you, and 你 alone, from far.

You’re chained to my heart,
but even so, these 苦 words on my tongue
make me deny.
And they make me wonder,
make me wonder

Vengeance makes me strong,
keeps me alive
Yet this “love” breaks my soul, so I close my eyes.
But I’ll have to open them once again,
and the trail will linger,
even if the tears will dry.


Love and Light 由 Contestant Number 19

it stands resolutely at the edge of our minds
constantly it stays, causing doubt and hatred
we must fight the darkness
fight with our souls
你 are not alone in the battle
light must prevail
believe with your whole heart
in the goodness of men
for that is the only way
to fight the battle
We must brighten the world
but what to do it with?
what do we, mere mortal men
have to battle darkness?
We have the greatest thing
no shadow could overcome,
Light must battle dark.
the greatest weapon we have,
is love
So fight the battle
fight for the right side
wield the right sword
Fight for 爱情 and light


Don't Plagiarized 由 Contestant Number 20

If 你 want to create a poem
你 must learn 更多 words about English.
Don't make similar like famous Shakesphere,
If 你 do it, That is a act of Plagiarizing
like stealing an ideas
and stealing a plots
and stealing an 文章 like 你 reads
and That has been plagiarized.

If there's a person who copy that,
The original who make it will gonna put 你 down!
So do it your Own.
like 你 do a write term for college.

If 你 have a great idea
that 你 didn't plagiarized
Don't share your untrusted 老友记 and someones
So 你 keep your idea for the future.

So Please Don't Plagiarized!
Don't take the ideas from someone else,
Don't take the writings from other else,
But Don't Plagiarized!


Why? 由 Contestant Number 21

Why didn't 你 come when I called you?
Why didn't 你 hold my hand every night?
Why didn't 你 吻乐队(Kiss) me in the moonlight?
Why did't 你 invite me over sometimes?
Why? Why didn't you? Why?
I used to 爱情 你
becase 你 use to care about me!
Why didn't 你 care about me anymore?
Why? Just Why?


Tomorrow 由 Contestant Number 22

Yesterday I was happy,
Today not so.
Yesterday Iwas in Heaven
Today the devil has me in a chokehold.
Yesterday I went to the doctor,
Today I got the results,
Today I found out it was terminal.
Yesterday I was happy.


Untitled 由 Contestant Number 23

爱情 wondered inside stronger than 你 stronger than I but now that it has begun we can not turn back we can only turn into one, and I'll always remember the part of 你 so tender and I won't hesitate at all whenever 你 call and I won't ever be to far to give a call, so don't hesitate at all just call


Love 由 Contestant Number 24

I'm tired of being your booty call;
the one 你 call when no one cares
I'm tired of feeling the way I feel,
so I'm going to take my self out of the game.
and watch from the sidelines

Cause whats the point in playing the game if your gonna loose....... like i do.
I'll always be here to cheer 你 on;
I'll even shed tear just because your gone.

Inside I'm hurting;
and I know 你 are too...
I'm sorry it had to end this way;
but maybe in another life we could play the same game,
and win everytime...

but for now all I'm going to say is bye,
I'll see 你 下一个 time.


Carving Angels 由 Contestant Number 25

Above me, with my head on the grass,
I thought I saw eyes peer down at me,
Golden 由 nature and clear as glass.
Tragic as the battle of the Bismarck sea
Did we meet,
With her hand in mine and a smile open wide.
Inside me, where my 心 lay still,
I felt her image rest within me,
Warm with ease and dressed to kill.
Engraved in my mind were her words
She spoke quietly,
Promising to bring me to that unknown place.

Beneath me, where the ground sunk away,
The 草 had yet to touch her feet,
Agile and pale like a liquid diamond display.
Forgotten were the days I dreamed of seeing
Slowly fade to black,
As she blinded me with her sun
And buried me in her clouds.


My Angel 由 Contestant Number 26

The beauty of an 天使 sweet
Did fall from heaven above
And toward some beautiful pearly feet
Came gliding like a dove

But oh this girl on 最佳, 返回页首 of which
The 天使 did descend
Did indeed have quite the itch
Upon a river to wend

And so she went and bought a boat
To take her on her way
She stepped aboard and was afloat,
then glided from the bay.

A fellow traveler did she meet
A’stranded in a pond
And with her beauty oh so sweet,
She saved him with her wand

Upon her joyous face a smile
Of never ending cheer
Evoked from old and hidden files
Bright eyes devoid of fear

And so was every 日 aboard
The angel’s elusive ship
A bigger, grander, 更多 magical reward
Than on any other trip

He prayed that He could ride with her
for many moments more,
and find a way to dine with her
and talk of 爱情 and lore

Because upon one fateful night
She made this poor boy soar
And now I live just for the sight
Of 你 outside my door.


The Unfinished Story (Based on a true story) 由 Contestant Number 27

He found himself lost, not taking credits for his acts,
he had denied the truth, the evidence, the facts.
Everyone had seen it and so did he,
but out of all the things, this wasn't where he wanted to be.

He didn't wanna talk, didn't want to confess,
but this only had made him 更多 of a mess.
All those sleepless nights, tossing and turning,
It took him a while, before he was learning.

This was something he couldn't avoid, something he truly couldn't surpass,
he had never realized, he was falling so fast.
爱情 is where he would plunge, deeper and deeper every day,
but realizing who he was loving, only put him to dismay.

Somehow this had changed him, 更多 than 你 would think,
he was headed for a breakdown, right at the brink.
She was already in love, someone else had her heart,
except this wasn't the only thing that seemed to tear him apart.

They were best friends, and that's how they would remain,
that's how it would always be, and all the pain would he sustain.
What had made things 更多 worse than needed, was something that made his surrender, that raised his white flag, that left him defeated.

She left her place where they had met, leaving him in solitary,
forcing him to 移动 on, give up, onward with his life would he carry.
He could not let this go, not her, not now,
so he spends his nights, thinking, what do I do, and how?

Then one night, light was shined on the circumstances,
it all came in a whisper, it showed him his chances.
He's making it now, his wounds are mending,
but there's something in my gut, something bad it is sending.

He's moving on, fairly well, but all within the process,
he's losing himself and every day, there is always a little less.
I'm hoping she'll come back soon, cause this story isn't done,
for the good guys still have not yet won.


I am what I am 由 Contestant Number 28

I am a lonely girl, sitting on the side walk
Pushing 你 away when it’s time to talk
I am the teacher’s student, staring into space
Not sure that being here is worth the waist
I am the walls surrounding you, grace and all
Hoping I wouldn’t fall while 你 were gone
I am the sky above you, and in my haste
Forgot what I truly was, turn dark again
Forget that I am a true color, honest blue
或者 at least what those below me said
I am the words 你 say, dark and true
Knowing eventually I’ll get it too
I am a path in the night, dead ahead
Trying hard to forget the hurtful words 你 said
I am the fading letters on your keyboard
Knowing, eventually, I’ll get back up again
I am the days of your life, both long and short
For reasons only 你 and I know
I am the silence heard between your words
So sure that the tables will never turn
I am the lump inside your throat
你 feel when 你 want to say ‘no’
To all the sins 你 were a victim of
And know 你 are so dumb to think
That when the thought of it disappeared
So would the memory
I am the word hanging in the air
That ‘Goodbye’ we’re both so reluctant to share
We cannot leave until it’s said
I am this fear, so hurt and raw
Knowing this blow would make 你 fall
Hoping against hope that it wouldn’t
And, under your intense scrutiny
I am all I could possibly ever be.


LOVE 由 Contestant Number 29

Lookng for a piece of me
Over the distant seas
Vast landscapes around me
East to west,north to south
is where I'm going to find you


My Grandmother. 由 Contestant Number 30

The greatest realisation hit,
when her lover had departed.
The truth could now be hid no more,
Confusion, anger and fear.
Confusion lead to pain and weakness,
Anger spurted tears,
The fear of which we all did live with,
slowly, resolutley,
sent daggers to our hearts.

The choice was left for us to make,
the biggest... it hurt.
Although at first, unendurable,
Time made us 迷失 for words.
No need to be confused it seemed,
The pain had settled down,
But best of all, the anger,
reduced, deducted, gone?
And again, all seemed well.

Ourselves forgot, mistake involved,
that age cannot be thwarted.
A simple, true and honest fact,
That makes a mark on all.

No warning, preperation,
We were prehaps asleep.
But newly resurected came,
Consusion, anger, fear.
I went one 日 to visit,
She was no longer there.
I call it luck,
She was alive,
A struggle to survive.

Months were spent,
In the confides of a hospital bed,
A weakness overheld us,
Waiting.. the time we waited.
Was it luck again?
That enabled her to leave.
或者 deservation, determination?
We were pesamistic,
We thought her gone,

Forever, we regarded,
That those three words would haunt us.
Confusion, anger, fear.
Impossible, irrecovable.

We never though she'd walk again.
We didn't think she'd eat.
How did the strength find it's way?
where, did it live?
I think I know an answer,
She had it all along.
The strongest woman I will know,
A remarkable thing,
I could never have immagined.

We were blessed,
why? I do not know.
I know it's not forever,
And so I always keep in mind,
whilst enjoying her strength and her kind.
That age cannot be thwarted,
And we all in turn will die.


Confessions of a Rock 由 Contestant Number 31

I sit here, unmoving, in this lovely dull park.
The passersby react to me as they might the
homeless: they may glance at me when they think I am not
but I am forever looking.
It is not impolite for me to stare.
I see imperfections, acts that they wish to hide:
The garbage tossed casually into the water,
the exchange of money and white powder
between strangers,
and one night, even the loss of innocence...
and life.

Her screams will haunt me forever.

But of all the ugliness that takes place here,
beauty surrounds it and, while the seasons change,
I remain the same.
And at the end of the 日 I am content to be
just a statue
on a pedestal
in a park.


My True Family 由 Contestant Number 32

I 爱情 my 老友记 like they are my family.
The guys annoying like bros,
But they dis whatever guy hurt my feelings.
The girls are truly supportive,
Like the the sisters I wish I had.
They are my true family all in all.

We get in trouble together,
Talk about things with each other
That we wouldn't say to anyone else.
We are together whenever we are able,
Supporting each other when needed.
They are my true family all in all.

We try our best not to hurt each other.
We 爱情 each other just the way we are.
We usually enjoy each other's company.
We make each other laugh, smile and happy.
We try to cheer each other up when one is sad.
They are my true family all in all.

This is my true family:
Andrew, Lily, Heather, Aaron, Lexus,
Joey, Nicole, Alannah, Tony, Ihab, Keifer,
Greg, Rhea and last but certainly not least
These are my 老友记 and my true family.


The Woods 由 Contestant Number 33

Twilight approaching
Walking, falling, indefinitely toward an unreachable perfection
Light coming and going, there is no hope
Pushed in the Dark Woods, stumbling, grabbing straws
Heartedly falling, no where to go, no one to see, laying there
Hopeless, timeless, immutable, staying down.
Suddenly, leering, Silver Smiles, glowing, creating their own light, I fall
"Follow," hopeless, timeless I rise to a new horizon, a new dimension, a better reality
In standing here, I sink deeper into Reality there, I follow.
I follow my teachers, darker and darker into the woods, deeper and deeper I trust.
The trees climb the sky, killing the moon, higher, higher until my guides are invisible
Unable to see the light from those smiles, I trip, stumble and grabbing pine needles, I fall
Hopeless, timeless I lay in my new grave; No self, no point, nothing felt
Swaying like a reed 由 a river's bank, an angelic like beauty boasting three heads
Emitting yet a brighter light than my 前一个 guides
"Lead me," says my new found hope, "Lead me"
Walking we descend deeper into this forest
My left foot passing my right foot, quicker, still quicker, my beauty and I run
Chasing nothing, no one chasing.
Deeper, colder, blacker the darkness of this forest drowns my follower
She my light and now no more; no hope, hopeless
I sit, thinking nothing, not thinking.
Around me the owl, the wolf, the mountain lion, hunting in these darkened, ancient woods
Searching for survival they are, I cannot resist the instinct to stay, hopelessly.
Thicker, ubiquitous now, the dark has swallowed me
Hopeless, timeless, immutable; I sit
No self, no point, nothing felt; sitting
Chasing nothing, no one chasing; staying
Thinking nothing, not thinking; sinking
Then, driven 由 Gravity I am pushed down through the forest floor, through a canal
Light peering: changing, ticking, singing; Light
Burning my eyes, a familiar, distant Reality, the woods buried therein.
Dawn has broke


Oh Herald! 由 Contestant Number 34

Oh Herald! speak so that I may speak again
For in silence my 心 yearns for him.
The emptiness blinds my vision with tears,
And I fear my weakness he still hears.
Oh Messenger of my soul please make haste.
I have no 更多 sorrow for hatred to waste.
His words are the motive for his murderous deeds,
And with his witty retorts, my 爱情 painfully bleeds.
Oh, divine Savior please give me relief.
Please severe my incredibly hopeless belief.
或者 if thoust cannot end the feelings inside,
Take out my heart, and my soul may 你 hide.
For to 爱情 a mortal the way mortals do
Is surely the worst torture that Heaven can do.
Oh, come now and offer me a remedy!
To ease my worries and set my 爱情 free.
In silence his voice resounds through space,
And in stillness I can see only his face.
So Lord of Justice, take these feelings away,
And no longer in 爱情 with shall I stay.


Freckles and Teardrops 由 Contestant Number 35

see your tearstains on your face

Your mind...it seems out of place

Heard your plan to hurt yourself

So I picked up this paper from the bookshelf

I started to write

I wrote in despite

of the darkness lurking inside me

Suicide isn't a solution

Don't consider it an option

I'm your friend, you'll find

that 你 don't have to feel confined

It doesn't have to end this way

Please don't go away...

I've been there

just know...that I care...


My ode to pie. 由 Contestant Number 36

Pie, so sweet and savoury on my tongue,
你 can make good of any 日 gone wrong.
Whether it's 樱桃 或者 peach,
你 could even make Blagoyevich feel unimpeached.
Once my fork cuts into your crispy skin,
I know my happiness is about to begin.


I am the Driver 由 Contestant Number 37

‘Does that make it zero-risk? No. Is life without risk interesting? No.’ Wing Commander Andrew Green

A thousand miles per hour- land speed record.
The wind rushes through my hair as I find I can’t afford
to stop this whirlwind of a life. They’ll be
fast cars and superstars. The fee
of admission 你 ask. A supersonic engine.

Bloodhound 由 name, bloodhound 由 nature. I follow
the scent of a human frame. I’m on an Apollo
mission. But then I take off only to find
that, untrue to myself, I have become blind
to reality. And I 爱情 it?

Right now I’m in first place- here I plan to stay.
No competition. Bluebird, Thunderbold, Railton, out of my
But make no mistake, once I reach terminal velocity
I know, I will start to slow. So I’m gonna
polish my own titanium. For now.

Editor's Note: This user would like to acknowledge that the quote at the beginning is from: link


Sisters Forever 由 Contestant Number 38

I could never live without my sister
That I can’t deny
你 bring joy to my life when you’re 由 my side
When you’re gone it feels like my world has been destroyed
Together we fill our lives with laugher
Our memories will last forever and ever
No matter if we argue
或者 get in stupid fights
We 爱情 each other from the heart
Best 老友记 for life
Just always remember
I’ll 爱情 你 forever
Because we’re
Sisters forever

Poet's Note: This poem is dedicated to my sis Laura.


Untitled 由 Contestant Number 39

One 日
Centuries from now
They will find our bodies
Long since dead,
Long since forgotten
Buried together
Under the same blue sky,
Under the same green 草

And when they find our bodies
They won't know what colour our skin was
our 识骨寻踪 are grey
They won't know if we were beautiful
our faces will rot
They won't know if we were thin 或者 fat
our flesh will not remain
They won't know in which gods we found our faith
they will not know our minds

And when they find our bodies
Our petty wars and hollow causes
will exist only as the tales of a distant time,
Our fleeting words of hope and fear
will be 迷失 to the earth and the rising sea,
And all the things that forced us
to draw lines,
to fight eachother,
to stand apart,
Shall fade to dust
And the centuries past
will unite us.


09 Bonnie and Clyde 由 Contestant Number 40

I sit here and think
About Bonnie and Clyde
And i cant help myself
I want that life
The running and robbing
And 爱情 they one had
The rush of the 小时
The feeling of bad
The crossing the lines
From state to state
Sometimes theyd try
But it was to late
They had chosen that life
Til the 日 that they died
And i cant help but want
That very same life
It must have been funn
At least for a while
The things that theyd done
Were not very wise
But they had there gunns
And 爱情 with blind eyes
I hope that one 日
I will find my right guy
Robbing banks 或者 Shopping Sprees
One 日 hell be all mine
The 爱情 that they had
Was unique indeed
It was the kind
The one that i need
So i say once 更多
That one 日 i will
Have adventure, romance, and why
Because one 日 well be
The 下一个 Bonnie and Clyde


If I Were... 由 Contestant Number 41

If I were a paintbrush of splendour,
I would create a painting so brilliant
With splashes of hate brightened 由 love,
With dashes of joy darkened 由 misery,
And with an endless turmoil of every feeling, every thought,
And memories forgotten.

If I were an ominous 云, 云计算 of approaching danger,
I would splay a net of warning
To the ones who cringe from hurt
And test the resilience of the fine thread
That balances the life of those who resist.

If I were the precise, focused eyes of a predator,
I would pick out the absonant lopes of an antelope
That strings a twine of discordance
Through the rhythmic flow
Of the galloping of an agitated herd.

If I were the breath of the Winter Queen,
I would arouse a storm so bitter
That the very being of life is chilled to the core,
Until all within my reach
Has felt winter’s wrath.

If I were hate,
I would rip the brittle structure of the world
Into wretched shards of envy, lose, hate,
And 爱情 for the pain of others.

If I were the chimes of crystal bells,
I would empty my cup of music
Onto the clouds that hover just above,
So that the music, so sweet to the ears,
Can rain down in a phantom storm.


Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that this is a piece of 粉丝 Fiction based on the 电视 显示 friends. The poet did not create and does not have the rights to the characters used within this poem.

An Abridged Version Of
The One With The Poem 由 Contestant Number 42

So 老友记 begun and it began with a bang
Chandler made jokes and Phoebe sang,
Ross was glum whilst Rachel was free
Well if 你 escaped Barry, wouldn't 你 be?
Monica had relationships but they ended badly
Joey had auditions but never got parts, sadly.
Phoebe found a thumb but never knew her Dad,
She hardly saw her sister but for that she was glad
Ross and Rachel got it on and Chandler was still funny,
But then Eddie moved in and he wasn't a happy bunny
Monica found Richard and Joey got a new job too
But he missed Chandler, well wouldn't you?!
Whilst Phoebe found her brother Rachel found the list,
Ross was devastated, but of course there was a twist
Richard didn't want kids, and a prom video was to be found,
Ross was Rachel's lobster, it was smiles and kisses all round
When Monica 迷失 Richard, Janice came onto the scene
But Chandler found her annoying, her laugh was just obscene!
The 老友记 played Football and Rachel was made to 'go long'
Phoebe sang Smelly Cat and so it was her signature song
Monica worked as a chef as Ross and Rachel took a break,
He tried to keep his drunken night a secret, of course for Rachel's sake
But it proved the wrong thing to do as Rachel found out anyway,
He tried his best but to no avail, Ross didn't know what to say
Chandler finally dumped Janice, no 更多 'bing-a-ling',
Whilst he, Monica and Joey were freaked 由 a jellyfish sting
Rachel moved on as Ross found Emily and got set to wed,
But at the alter it was not Emily's name but Rachel's that he said
When they got together, Monica and Chandler surprised us all,
The gang went out to Vegas whilst Joey made a call
He didn't want them to know he hadn't got the part,
The 老友记 found out anyway, and helped him make a fresh start
Chandler tricked Monica, and a proposal was what he did,
She happily accepted, their 下一个 step was a kid!
Phoebe made 饼干 but the recipe was not her own,
Monica found out they were Nestle's and boy, did she moan.
Then came the time for Mon and Chan's special day,
Chandler got cold feet but he got there anyway
Rachel had a secret that was to be revealed there and then,
She was pregnant, and needed to tell Ross but didn't know when
Ross was shocked but was happy he had a sister for Ben,
Joey too had a secret, he loved Rachel (like most men!)
Rachel was flattered but wanted to remain friends,
She then had a baby as her and Ross made amends
As the holiday ended Ross found out about the kiss,
He pretended he was fine but it was something he couldn't dismiss
Joey and Rachel stayed 老友记 and Phoebe married fast
Whilst Monica and Chandler found a baby they could adopt at last
Rachel was offered a job but it was too far away
How could she leave Ross, could he not persuade her to stay?
She left for the plane but he raced to bring her back
She couldn't do it and boarded the plane, she thought she was back on track
Monica and Chandler had brought the twins home,
While a sad Ross just wanted to be alone
A voice message told him Rachel wanted to get off the plane,
And as the door swung open it was Rachel that came
So there it was as Monica and Chandler got set to leave,
They had all spent ten years together, it was hard to believe
Tears and sadness followed as they put their keys on the side,
As they left the apartment, knowing they'd made an impact worldwide.

The poem's full version may be found link for reference purposes only.


Untitled 由 Contestant Number 43

The cigarette drags
Inhaling the toxins
Fills me with doubts

Around me the rain drips
And drops
So morose, so morose

Even if it kills me
The time of my life
Calling all writers!
Are 你 an artist with your words? Do 你 like to write? I know I do. "So 你 Think 你 Can Write" is a contest for people who would answer the same as me.

Basic Rules & Guidelines
1. Your entry MUST be 提交 to this spot as an article. If it is entered in any other section it will NOT be accepted.

2. Your entry MUST be original/written 由 you. If anybody helped you, please credit them.

3. Your entry must be properly key-worded and titled.
a. A proper title: "[username here]'s SYTYCW Entry - [season and year] - [category/type of literature]"
ex. If I entered a poem,...
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added by axemnas
added by shenelopefan
added by storylover
If someone told you...
Life's like a rollercoaster,
Don't waste the ride.
Live it up all the way,
because today's your last day
What would 你 do?

Would 你 cry a little, scream a little, think it's all pretend.
或者 go into silence until the very end...
Would 你 爱情 the ones 你 hate the most 或者 be the person 你 hide?
Would 你 pretend that you're ok but really scream inside?

Would 你 try and keep the sun from setting as your last 日 ends?
Knowing you'll never see it rise...
Tomorrow I'll be somewhere else 你 say as 你 close your eyes.
posted by Cinders
Exercise: Sleep Deprivation: 4:00AM Tuesday October 7, 2008*

The black spiders of mania are crawling over my brain, searching for a plump place to sink their pincers into. It’s been four days. I haven’t left the house for anything, not even a tuna sandwich. The 太空 in my 床, 床上 is empty, indented, as if something used to rest there, but I’m beginning to forget 更多 and 更多 what that may have been. Maybe it was a coffin, its contents shaken, risen, defeated, dazed, meandering around with its arms stretched out and a dull expression on its face as it mutters something indecipherable that...
continue reading...
posted by t_direction
So, this is a kind of short story that I wrote one evening when I was just bored out of my mind. Please tell your opinion, feel free to criticize, it is much appreciated =)
Thanks ^_^

The voices buzzed inside my head, making me feel dizzy. I couldn't help but hold onto the 床, 床上 post for support. In a state of exhaustion, I collapsed on the 床, 床上 with a sigh. The voices never let me sleep. They were like many people were talking all at once, screaming all at once.

Madness, rage, worry, sadness were the emotions that those voices gave off. I couldn't understand a word of what the people were saying,...
continue reading...
added by SymmaGirl2
posted by madening_mahem
who am I ?
what can I do?
I'm self-centered, self-induldged, self-absorbed, hateful, short-tepered, implusive, in a complete state of denial, confused and lonely, yet I don't try to think.
a creature of the night
a princess of darkness
I long for light
but all is midnight
and my only companions are the moon and the darkness
thought it comforts me when no one can
I wish to be out of darkness for once
to be clear, understood, unquestioned, and loved.
but who am I to ask for this?
who am I to want this?
is that what makes me human?
all I want to know is why?
posted by Fyrwenn

The way I feel has changed
When we met I was a fool, thought
You weren’t gonna treat me like a tool
I tell myself that I care ‘bout you
But deep inside I know we’re through.

Change is never easy
But what am I supposed to do?
I can’t sit around, cry and wait for you,

I guess we were too naive
Believing it would work
Why didn’t I see,
that 你 were such a jerk?

Change is never easy
But what am I supposed to do?
I can’t sit around, cry and wait for you

In the future we might get another chance
Maybe, it was just a short romance
Then what I’m feeling is really wrong
I felt I had to write this...
continue reading...
posted by disneyworld007
Swing, Batter, Batter, Swing!
Putting my weight on my right foot, the foot closest to the catcher. Leaning back re-gripping my bat. I watched as that black haired pitcher powered up her pitch, rocking back and forth on her heals, taking in her 手套 now to her side and starting the wind-up. 'This is it,' I thought to myself, now taking the best grip on my bat, 2 balls and 2 strikes have passed 由 this plate and I am not letting this pitcher strike me out, 或者 walk me! I got ready the ball was realeased, and I heard the 'ump' say "Ball Outside".
I stepped out of the batters box, and took a couple...
continue reading...
posted by samuraibond005
Yaouta lived on a farm in Missouri, he had only recently graduated high school, had a pilot's license, and even a couple of airplanes used in war. He had an old A6M zero that belonged to his rich father, grandfather, and his great grandfather before him. His father was assassinated 由 a rival corporation (His father owned a wealthy publishing corporation) and the corporation decided to target his family afterward. 5 black cars pulled up in his front yard, though the yard was big enough to hold just about 10 times as much. Yaouta's younger brother, who was 15 at the time, walked out to greet...
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posted by Me_Iz_Here
A/N: I've gotten a few 标题 suggestions, but for now I'm just gonna keep it to Stay and Run. And this chapter has a lot of unnecessary details and unrelated dialogue, the first few chapters will, I just wanted to get the general idea of the girls' life.
Prologue: link

1: An Average 日 in Spencer’s Life

Spencer sat at her desk. Tomorrow was her twenty-second birthday. The first of the girls’ birthdays with 星, 星级 missing. Spencer had been sad ever since she disappeared. 星, 星级 was one of her best friends. And after losing three when they were recruits, she couldn’t take it.

There was a lot...
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posted by coolie
Step, creak, step, creak! the floor boards speak to me as I slowly tremble on its hard, splintery wood. Each step feels so daring. I feel danger crawling up my dangling spine. Thump, thump, my 心 tries to refuse to my wishes of moving forward. Nothing has happened so far.
I carefully make my way towards the forbidden wooden chair. Creeeeeeek! goes the 座位 as I lower my self to its level and sit on it. SHHHHHHHH!
“What was that?” I whisper to my self with my eyes wide open. I slowly start to climb the fence to view the streets of emptiness and quietness. My 心 starts to beat even louder. Thump, thump. I slowly turn my anxious head to look. But it was only a car passing 由 my house.
posted by wierdgem7
I felt the tape on my mouth and the long rope that was binding me to the chair. The Room was so black, I couldn't see. I recalled how I had got there. The new family 下一个 door invited me to their housewarming party. So I went. Then, as I was going home, some-one grabbed me. A rough hand covered my mouth, so I couldn't scream. All I saw of my kidnapper was a pair of shocking green eyes. I was thrown into the back of a white 面包车, 范 and tied up. I was there for only five minutes, but time slowed down and took five hours.Why did anyone want to kidnap me? I had done nothing wrong. The 面包车, 范 doors opened,...
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posted by para-scence
My breaths were trapped in the back of my throat. I was afraid to breathe, because they'd probably come out as screams. The barrel of the gun pressed harder into my head, probably leaving a mark.

"Give me your money," the voice said. I tried to speak, but I couldn't. A couple moments later he took his hand away from my mouth so I could speak.

"I-- I-- I-- don't ha-- a-- ave an-- n-- n--y," I said, my voice shaking so much it took him a while to tell what I was saying. Then he laughed darkly.

"Well, that sucks for you." I felt the gun 移动 a little, as he put his finger on the trigger. I took a...
continue reading...
posted by flabaloobalah
I stare at the screen with my mouth hanging wide open in shock and horror. The caption reads: SIXTEEN 年 OLD BOY BRUTALLY MURDERED IN LOS ANGELES
The anchorwoman says, "Late last night in Los Angeles, California, sixteen 年 old Wyatt Starmount was killed. The identity of his murderer is unclear, but authorities say he's hispanic, six feet tall, and was last seen wearing a gray hoodie.
Now here's a video of Wyatt's death. Due to the graphic nature of this video, viewer discretion is advised." the lady informs me.
The video starts. The boy I realize is Wyatt is walking down the street. Sure...
continue reading...
posted by para-scence
I was torn. On one hand, I really liked Foster. But, I wasn't sure if he really liked me back. He completely cut me off at school, but acted like he was totally in 爱情 with me when we were alone. It was strange. I could usually read people really well, but Foster left me speechless, and I had no clue what to think.

"Do 你 whatever 你 feel is right," Grandma said. That did not help. I had no idea what was "right." And honestly, I wasn't sure there was a right and wrong in this situation. I wasn't so sure about asking Echo. She still hated Foster no matter what.

Echo came over one 日 after...
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posted by para-scence
I couldn't believe it. He actually liked me back. This was the best thing ever. We hung out on Saturday, and part of Sunday as well. It was like something out of those romance movies; only it wasn't as cheesy, and people weren't watching us from their living rooms holding buckets of ice cream and quietly crying.

At least I didn't think so... o.O

If they were, I wouldn't be surprised. The whole thing was so amazing I wouldn't be surprised if I was on a prank TV 显示 或者 something. I was sad when the weekend came to an end. I didn't want to lose this feeling.

"I'll see 你 tomorrow, right?" I asked,...
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posted by para-scence
"...My parents are alcoholics," Echo confided with me. "They're almost never sober. Then I'm stuck caring for my little brother. And it's... it's just hard," her voice cracked. I put my arm around her and pulled her close. I opened my mouth, but I had no idea what to say. She wiped her eyes and sniffed. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I can't imagine what it's like for you..." She shrugged. Then a 钟, 贝尔 rang and students started filing out of the lunch room. Lunch was over already? We stood up, and went to our 下一个 class.


"How was your first day, honey?" Grandmother asked when I got home. I shrugged,...
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