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posted by TeamRosalieHale
22: Way of the World

The hours took forever, the 秒 longest night Jack had lived through. Well, 更多 或者 less lived through. At long last, the sun started a steady climb in the Ohio sky, soon to be replaced with West Virginia. It didn’t take long for Tristan to wake, he needed less sleep than an average human to get by. Jack and Rosalie were changed from what they had been in before-he in simple black 休闲裤, 松弛 and a white shirt, she in light blue jeans and a black tank top. Tristan was back to looking like a Greek god again-his hair golden, his eyes rich blue. “Can 你 do that at will? Change your appearance?”
He nodded once. “Yes. I changed yesterday as that is what Rick and Annette knew of me. The way I am is usually the way I am-the way Jack saw me for the first time.”
“Where’s David?” Rosalie asked, turning to look at the back of the carriage.
Jack and Tristan took that chance to share a look, a look that spoke volumes. A look that 说 hell would be waiting when they returned. “He’ll be back” Tristan simply answered.
She frowned then brushed it off. Jack breathed a silent sigh of relief and stood, stretching his arms above his head. The carriage was at a standstill, the first time in many hours. Tristan walked back to his room, returning 秒 later. “I’ll be gone for a bit. We’ll leave as soon as I get back.”
“He’ll find us love. Don’t worry.” She turned her gaze to Jack’s face. His eyes-which when she had first seen him had been copper-were the familiar liquid 金牌 that she was used to seeing. She would be glad when they were the green that she loved.
Sometime in between, Tristan had left the carriage, silent as a ghost. Rosalie slid out of Jack’s arms and into one of the bathroom, correcting God knew what. Jack shook his head-when would she learn that in his eyes she was perfect? At the same time, his gaze turned to Tristan’s door. He took a deep breath and walked down the hall towards it, his legs felt as heavy as lead. He hesitated in front of it, he knew what he was about to do was very stupid. But his hand gripped the handle and turned it soundlessly. The room was neutral white, egg-shell white. It accommodated a single, simple bed, a 台, 办公桌 that was neatly stacked with books, a map that when looked at closely had small dots that moved sporadically-these dots were of the entire coven though he noticed that Rosalie had been added. He saw that Tristan was about ten miles away from the carriage, Rosalie was in the bathroom still, David was some fifty miles 或者 so south from the carriage, Michael was in North Carolina, no doubt back with the coven as he could see Sarah’s just to the left of him, Luke’s directly above them.
He broke away from it and gently opened the bottom drawer. Inside were thousands of small crystal balls, no bigger than the palm of a small child’s hand. He swallowed and gently took one out, sliding it in his pants pocket. He would have to put it inside a jacket, the bulge was too noticeable. He slid it shut again and leaved through a few books, he had looked at the map and saw that Rosalie was still preoccupied in the bathroom, Tristan and David were still very far from the carriage. He found what he was looking for and jotted down what he needed, placing the 图书 back in the exact way he had found them. Only when he was safely out of the room did he breathe a sigh, going to his own room. He dug out a black jacket, carefully removing the precious cargo and transferring it to his left pocket.
He came back out and walked outside, before he shot away from the carriage, heading north as to avoid David and Tristan who was heading east. He stopped until he was certain no one would see 或者 hear him. He removed the paper first, 阅读 over his handwriting quickly, his other hand taking out the crystal. It lay in his hand which was several feet away from his body. Slowly, he spoke, careful with the wording as he didn’t want to do something that would attract attention to him: “Oh great and powerful ones, come to me, allow me to see inside your world, your secrets I swear to keep, 显示 me, 显示 me…My greatest fear…Is it real?” Slowly, the ball rose from his hand, a blinding white light flashed from it, he was unable to turn away from it. The rest happened in a blur: the ball spun madly out of control, the light changing from white to blue to red like some kind of American flag on fire, and then he felt a hard jolt that rattled his whole body and slammed him into a 树 a good fifty yards. “Damn” he grumbled, standing, brushing dirt off his back and pants. He had his answer which left him at an ease again. He walked back to where the glass ball lay in the soft earth, looking perfect. He pocketed it and started off back towards the carriage.
Rosalie stood outside the carriage, the guards protectively near her. She smiled when she saw him come out of the thick forest. “Where did 你 go?” she asked, pulling ever so slightly at the cuffs of her jacket.
“Well 你 should have asked me.”
“I’m sorry. I’ll be right back.” He quickly strode back inside the carriage, back to Tristan’s room, returning the ball to its proper place, shutting the door behind him. He swiftly stepped off and took her hand. “Ready?”
She nodded. “Yep.” He led her to the west, away from David, Tristan, and the broken tree. It was quiet, too quiet, though since two 吸血鬼 were walking through the forest it made sense. Again, Jack’s hand trailed over Rosalie’s left hand, particularly her left finger. She smiled at the feel of it, how matter how light the touch, her body always tingled when Jack’s body touched hers.
It was mostly overcast, though suddenly a bright patch of sunlight poked out. A shaft of it cut across them, catching ever so faintly on Rosalie. Jack inhaled sharply, again taken 由 her beauty. “What?” Rosalie asked him, not sure what to make of it.
He smiled. “You’re just the most beautiful thing in my world. 你 always have been.” They had stopped walking then, Rosalie looking at Jack, their hands still interlocked. His hand left hers and gently traced her face, much like that late-September night years ago. With her eyes closed, she felt it ease its way down her cheek, across her lips. She kissed his hand the way she had before and his reaction was identical to the first time. She smiled and did it again, feeling him shiver again. Slowly, his hand worked its way into her hair, running through it so many times she was certain he had touched every strand. She smirked, keeping her head up, looking at him until his lips were on hers, pressing down gently, then harder, dragging her body into his, holding her tightly on him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, running through his midnight hair, 接吻 him deeper, with 更多 passion than she had ever 给 before.
Jack broke away first, breathing deeply, his lips at her neck, faintly 接吻 her there. She sighed and tilted her head back slightly, Jack’s body easily adjusting, his lips back on hers, desperately, hungrily, wanting and needing all at the same time. Once again, he broke away first, despite every part of him wanting her again. She looked up at his face, smiling. He returned it, his hands once again tracing her face.
Like the first 日 that had been reunited, both were afraid to speak. Somewhere up ahead, a bird cawed, the wind blew gently, something rustled in the trees, something small and unobtrusive. Neither of them heard any of this, the only thing they saw was the other’s face, the only the thing they felt was the other’s body, both taut and wanting yet able to restrain for the time being.
Slowly they walked back, Rosalie in front of Jack, his arms around her waist, his lips whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Though he couldn’t see it, he was certain she was smiling his own face held a never ending smile that radiated throughout this entire body. He hoped that if this was a dream, a figment of his imagination, he never wanted to be told otherwise-let him be unaware, in his own world, for this was heaven on earth-his body so close to Rosalie, feeling her around him, and some part of him chided quietly, telling him that of course he wasn’t dreaming.
This was as real as it got.
Master watched, watched it all, smiling. “Yes, enjoy the time 你 have now, Jack. Cherish every moment with her for they are limited.” Master turned its gaze to IT which had accidentally taken a wrong turn earlier, though master didn’t seem to mind. Like Jack, master had a sudden feeling of ease.
Master watched them reach the carriage, Jack helping Rosalie in, following swiftly behind her. Dr. 起重机 watched as well. “Like watching two teenagers.”
“They may as well be” Master 说 quietly.
“Yet…Seems right somehow.” Master didn’t answer and Dr. 起重机 left.
posted by jasperwhlover

Chapter 3

Now, Serenity on a happier note was learning how to defend herself and about Exorcism she wanted to help Father Bartholomew, even though she was forced 由 the church to conform to the earthly practices like everyone else and to hide her wings, Father Bartholomew encouraged her heavenly attributes, he made wings, of feathers, waxed together, they were perfect, and everyday, he would teach her to fly as she forgot how because of the number of years that she spent conforming to the earth. Father Bartholomew raised Serenity like a daughter, a few years later, when she...
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posted by iluvtheshow
嘿 Mom,
It's been a while
Since 你 sat 下一个 to me,
Since I saw 你 smile
I miss 你 Mom
I wish 你 were here
Giving me kisses
Holding me near
I can still see 你 Mom,
the laughing happy you
Not the ill broken women
Who broke my 心 in two
I'll always remember Mom,
你 taught me well
To do good things,
And with Honesty tell
I'm telling 你 Mom
Losing 你 killed me
Laying a rose on your casket
Trying hard to be
That's what 你 were Mom,
In everything 你 said
In everything 你 did
So now I'll be just that
Strong like a mother, not like a kid

I wrote this in honor of any child who has ever 迷失 a parent.
Chapter Three

At the kitchen, wondering when Michael will be coming down and have breakfast with his wife and children, Jamie was at the stove, making some 更多 薄煎饼, 煎饼 and was so into her thinking of Michael that she hadn’t heard a little voice calling out to her “Mama, Mama.” Jamie was still thinking about him for a few 更多 秒 until she felt a little hand tugging at the end of her shirt. Turning around and looking down to see who was tugging the end of her t-shirt, she saw her oldest child, Mac standing 下一个 to her and staring at her mother with her brown eyes, giving her that...
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3 Worst Ways To Start A Story - Steve Douglas-Craig via FilmCourage.com.
Before Screenwriters Pitch Studios This Is What They Should Know - Shannan E. Johnson via FilmCourage.com.
Screenwriters Need To Understand That Hollywood Is A Dollar Driven Industry - Carole Kirschner via FilmCourage.com.
Here is a selection of true stories from around the world last week.
1.Price of the week.
James Bolton,who is unemployed,was very excited when he won first prize in a raffle last week.The prize was a weekend for two at a hotel in Bournemouth on the south coast of England.Unfortunately,he was less excited when he saw the name of the hotel.It was the hotel where he had worked as a porter the 前一个 month.He had 迷失 his job there.

2.Mistake of the week
A 33-year-old Norwegian man came 首页 one night from the pub and got into 床, 床上 下一个 to his wife.The woman immediately woke up,screamed,and jumped...
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posted by 1-2vampire




Tick, tick, tick
That sound, constant in my head,
A sound that haunts every mind,
A sound that brings fear,
A clock,
Ticking the 秒 of your life away,
Making life shorter and shorter with every tick,
Drawing death nearer and nearer,
But 你 should not live in fear,
For life is too short for such a thing,
Some people waste these precious seconds,
Others treasure them, making sure that no tick is wasted,
The clock ticks on,
But as this sound is registered,
What do 你 do?
Tick, tick, tick
Three 更多 seconds, gone, like that,
Did 你 use them well?
Live life,
For life is too short to spend these 秒 in hell.
His Melody
To quiet the tears
She sings him to sleep
When the morning has dawned
He can’t be roused from a rest so deep

She sings him to sleep
Night after night
And when he does not awaken
Her will to go on grows slight

She sits and waits while he’s away
She remembers his laugh and smile
Oh what a joy to see his joy
She lifts up a prayer “May I see him in a short while?”

She sits at the window and waits
The sun sets slowly behind the 爬坡道, 小山
The others say hello but she doesn’t hear
She is waiting to make the tears still

The time has come she cannot wait
She sets out to see her boy
To stop the tears
To bring him joy

But the tears she stills are not his
They fall from her eyes
She sings his lullaby again tonight
As she kisses the stone and her son good bye
Screenwriting Plot Structure Masterclass - Michael Hauge [FULL INTERVIEW] via FilmCourage.com.
am 写作
posted by JellyPopper
The House I Cherish And Hate

~Chapter #1~

Marie and I 爱情 to adventure. However this time we went overboard. I think this was our LAST adventure."Are we there yet!" Marie 说 impatiently. "Yep its right here!" I 说 exited. "You wanna um... walk in fist Marzia?" Marie asked. "Sure!" I 说 starting to rethink this whole abandon house thing. I walked in slowly and held the door open for Marie. "Are 你 sure 你 wanna do this?" Marie said. "Of course, we will. Trust me" I 说 trying to convince Marie not to leave. "Okay i'll look for 食物 and 你 look for beds and stuff if we stay over night."...
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Dear record of my misfortune I was correct. Today I walked into class and saw a huge pile of letters on my desk. When I opened them I realized that it was hate mail. It was so stupid, people were getting angry at me for what I did to Jessica when it was her fault! They were saying things like : Die 情绪硬核 婊子, 子 die, bitchy whore. That last 评论 doesn't even apply to me! I haven't even had my first 吻乐队(Kiss) and they are saying this stuff to me! There was one letter that was bot mean even though I don't know who sent it. Inside it 说 玫瑰 are red violets are blue I don't now why they hurt you, if 你 want I'll tell them to can it, all because I 爱情 你 Janet. I don't know who wrote 你 爱情 poem rhyme thing but I 爱情 你 too!
posted by jedigirl
The 日 my life became 更多 than reality was when I was seven.
2 months earlier, my mother had passed away due to reasons I never understood. All I knew was she was gone and Dad wouldn't talk about it.
I was sitting at my desk, watching the snow fall out the classroom window. The window started to frost over quickly. I turned back to the teacher, but she was frosting over too. I realized it was my vision frosting over. I rubbed my eyes to stop it, but it only made it worse. So I sat in my 台, 办公桌 and let it take over.
I soon found myself in a field of dandelions and fireflies. I looked around...
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posted by Isabella_17
Is It True 你 Lie?
Is It True 你 Hate Me?
Is It True 你 Want Him?
Is It True You're My Best Friend?
Is It True 你 Enjoy Hurting Me?
Is It True 你 Like Me Crying?
Is It True 你 Talk Behind My Back?
Is It True 你 Tell People Our Bussiness?
Is It True I Hurt You?
Is It True 你 Back Stabbed Me?
Is It True 你 Let Me Believe The Lies?
Is It True 你 Let Me Call 你 My True Bestfriend When 你 Weren't?
Is It True.....?

This is A Poem Hope Yuh Enjoy It Btw Tell Me What Yuh Think And This Is Just About Me Gettin Hurt After Being Stupid Enough To Believe Her Lies She Wasnt A True Bestfriend
posted by AuthorForPooh
Her eyes were 火, 消防 red,
as if they were
lit from anger.

I dont understand
why 你 are
mad at me.

Why 你 shoot
those harsh words
at me.

Aimed like bullets,
piercing my soul.
And It cant heal.

I never can dodge them.
The words hit me,
and I fall back.

My 老友记 ask me:
"What's wrong?"
"Can I help?"

But they cant help.
Because I dont understand,
why 你 are mad.

Why do 你 have to do
what 你 do to me?
Why does it give 你
joy to harm me?
Why are people bullies?
Why dont my 老友记 take action?
Why cant 你 tell me WHY?
posted by TheAmyPond
She stopped dead in her tracks. She was startled. Her voice was completely gone. Shockingly, she saw that the hooded silhouette in front of her wasn't her mother; she did not know who it was.
Slowly, as not to alarm the unwanted visitor, she reached out for her ballpoint pen and dug it as deep as she could into the neck of the intruder. The mess was horrific, blood all over her face as well as his clothes, but Emily stayed strong. She clumsily tumbled off her 床, 床上 and ran as fast as she could downstairs to the phone.
She hastily pressed any buttons she could until she'd finally keyed in the number...
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posted by para-scence
"Cosette!" Echo shouted. We ran over to each other, and hugged. She nearly squeezed the life out of me, but I didn't care; I'd missed her so much.

"Echo! I'm so glad to see you!"

"Ahem," a voice said. Echo smiled and rolled her eyes, and took a step back. Asher smiled as he hugged me, and kissed my cheek. I laid my head on his chest.

"I missed 你 too," I told him. He chuckled.

"Come on!" Echo 说 impatiently. "Let's go do something! Anything! I just don't want to deal with this mushy-teen-love crap." Asher and I rolled our eyes, but smiled. I told Grandma we were going to hang out.

"See you...
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posted by para-scence
I admit that I kind of slipped into a depression. I wasn't sure what to think about anything. I started to feel like I couldn't trust anyone. I wanted so bad to drink, and forget for at least a little while, but I couldn't when someone was always home.

That was the only bad thing about not being with Drew anymore; I rarely go the chance to drink. I started going into withdrawal as well. I couldn't keep control of my emotions, I felt like I was going insane sometimes. I had 更多 stress related seizures, 更多 than I usually do while on medication. I've had a lot of headaches, I've been sweating...
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posted by athena305
Streetlamps, houses, gates, remotes, books, CDs and televisions. Brothers. Pairs. Each has a twin. In this chaotic place of materials the world has come to be, everything has a brother. But brothers are family. And family is connected somehow; if not 由 blood, then 由 what?


Look hard. At everything that has a brother. A line of energy casts a connection between the two. The energy, with its harsh glares and cold looks creates the strongest and most complex bonds. Strong because of their brotherhood. Complex because of its invisibility. For there is power in invisibility. Cold, cruel power. The power to be a persecutor with no chance of being a victim. The power to twist and squeeze but not feel the wrenching pain of your twists.

Now, 你 ask, what is left? Cruel, invisible energy. For a cruel, invisible world.

This is my first time 写作 in stream of consciousness. I know it's short but don't judge me too harshly.
posted by Sonicishot
It was late at night and the lights were out, and i couldn't see at all. So i crawled on the floor dragging my hand with me because i needed to feel my way too. I bumped into three friends. Ike, Roy, and Sheeda. I screetched. Ike covered my mouth. "SHUT UP!!!" He whispered. Roy chuckled. Sheeda followed my hand. So did Ike and Roy. I tried to stand up, but my head hit the table. I rubbed the back of my head and crawled out from underneith it. I slowly slid my hand across the 墙 to 搜索 for the power switch. "Whoever this is, 你 are very cute!!!!" she 说 feeling around me to reconize...
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