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Aria Glass sat on 最佳, 返回页首 of her house with an unopened 啤酒 in her hand and her eyes on the sky. It was a beautiful night and Toby and Jared where at it again. Jared had become 更多 quick-tempered than usual, barking at almost everything. Neither boy’s where good at their temper control and over the years Aria had learned to let boys be boys and fight it out themselves. But Aria could take them both, Aria smirked at this thought, true 或者 not they would never hurt her.
    But she did hate it when they fought, although they were brothers, they did not need to get as physical as they did. If only they could save their anger for the things that deserved their rage.
The moon shined high above, the night sky was cloudless and beautiful. Aria only wished Jared and Toby where up here to enjoy it with her.
“Oh shut up, Jared!” Toby’s voice boomed from below, as Jared did not respond, Aria assumed a 冲床 was thrown. That’s all they needed in this chaos, 更多 chaos. She sighed deeply as she got off the room and walked inside, sure enough Tony was holding his nose, which was bleeding with blood, and Jared was smirking, clearly satisfied with himself.
“You okay?” Aria asked Toby ignoring a glare from Jared as she asked him. Toby nodded, rage in his eyes. She walked away hoping it was over and decided it be best if she went and got some sleep. Lucky for her it came quick, most nights she lied awake staring at the walls.
Aria sipped her coffee the 下一个 morning as she listened to Jared try and talk Toby into going on a 日期 with the girl he had ran into yesterday. Jared was pretty proud of Toby since he usually was not into getting girls numbers. Toby had this thing where he was always afraid he would get the girl into trouble with what he brought with him.
“Come on Toby! 你 说 it yourself that 你 like her, why don’t 你 call her. 你 have not been on a 日期 since before 你 graduated. That’s a long damn time.” Toby sighed and looked down at his coffee that he had not taken a sip of since he poured it and was now running cold.
    “You know what happened last time!” Toby finally barked, “She almost died and called the cops on me, I don’t want to deal with that again.”
“You won’t, we will make sure of it! Right Aria,” he 说 smiling at her, she nodded and patted Toby on the back.
“Yeah, we can go on patrol 或者 what-not. We got your back, not many demons can slip past our radar,” Jared leaned back in his chair with a, you’re going to do it look.
“Plus 你 saved the last girl, and the demon that attacked 你 was a level one demon. It was an easy kill.” Jared got hard glares from both Aria and Toby for 表演 like it was no big deal, but he just shrugged it off and took another sip of his coffee, which Aria could tell he had but a few hits of whisky in it since he was on his third cup. Plus the bottle of whisky was right 下一个 to the coffee maker, far from the liquor cabinet.
“Isn’t it a little early for that?” Jared looked at Aria 表演 like he had no clue what she was talking about. Aria was a little worried about him, ever since the Healer had been bothering them he had been drinking non-stop, the amount of money they were spending on alcohol had almost tripled in the last two months. Since Aria was only twenty and not old enough to buy 啤酒 yet she had no control of it, but she wished he could find a way to make him stop.
“I don’t care if it was not 或者 me, she could be living without the nightmares I have shown her!”
“Toby,” Jared 说 glaring at his brother, “You are going to call this girl and have a good time! That’s an order!”
“An order, who the hell are 你 to give me orders?” Toby stood up so fast he makes his chair scrap against the wood floor.
“I’m your older brother 你 gotta do what I say!” Jared mimicked his brother’s actions and stood up, but he had a smile on his face unlike Toby.
“No I don’t! I’m old enough too – “he was cut off 由 Jared giving him a hug like he was drunk, but it was too early and too soon for Jared to be drunk. As Jared pulled away he laughed and ran like a fool into the other room. “What the – damn it. Jared, give me my phone!” Toby 说 running after Jared.
Aria chuckled and followed them into the family room where Jared was on the phone, he had a huge smile on his face.
“Hello is this Anna?” Aria had to choke back at a laughed as she realized Jared was calling the girl Toby was reluctant to call and ask for a date. Toby looked furious as he tried but failed to grab the phone from Jared. “Yeah this is his brother Jared.” There was a short paused then Jared did a loud jolly laugh. “You want to talk to him? Here he is” Jared shoved the phone into Toby’s hand and smiles.
Toby walked out of the room before saying hello, as soon as Toby was out of sight Aria walked up to Jared and smiled, “Nice! He really needs that date.” Jared nodded and relaxed into the couch.
“He will thank me later, “Jared then turned on the sports channel and Aria went into the 厨房 to clean up, (although Toby would probably fix it up later) the first thing to go was Jared’s alcohol coffee down the drain. Then she cleaned the dished until Toby came into the room with a large smile on his face. He purposely ignored Jared as he passed him and sat right down at the table.
“So, when’s the date?” Aria asked sitting down 下一个 to him.
“Tonight, I’m taking her out to 晚餐 then, as a surprise, out dancing.” He smiled brightly at Aria like it was the best 日 of his life, because it probably was.
“Toby 你 are the sweetest, aren’t 你 glad Jared did that?”
“Yeah but I’m not going to tell him,” He 说 with a chuckled and leaned back in his chair. Aria finished doing what she could before Toby butted in and 说 he would finish.
“Hey if 你 get married to this girl I’m going to hire 你 to clean my house” Aria 说 over her shoulder as she exited the kitchen.
“Shut up!” Toby laughed throwing a towel at her. Aria sat 由 Jared a hint of laughter still on her face, but it soon vanished as she saw his face. It looked like his jaw was clenched tight and although his eyes were on the TV Aria could tell that his mind was nowhere near what was playing on the screen. As odd as it sounded, it was scary when Jared was thinking as deeply as he was at this moment, he went deeper into things and soon almost everything pissed him off. Aria was unsure if she should disturb him 或者 not, it’s not like she had anything importation to tell him. So she just grabbed the remote from him and changed the channel. The fact that Jared did not say anything was proof he was not paying attention.
    Aria flicked on some movie that was playing on TV, the movie was unknown to her but it looked interesting, there really was never anything good on the TV. The movie was 300, Aria found this out when Toby came into the room; it was one of Toby’s 最喜爱的 war movies. Sex, gore, action, that’s Toby’s kind of move.
    As Aria was finally getting into the movie when it started again, the annoying chatters that she could not control. Getting angry, as it slowly got louder, she grabbed her headset and IPod and walked out the door. Neither Toby nor Jared questioned her as she waved goodbye and plugged herself into loud rock 音乐 that drowned out most of the noise. They lived on a large block, it took Aria a good half an 小时 to walk it, but that did not bother her. Sometimes on a really bad 日 she walked it twice just to have time to herself and to keep the voices out of her mind as long as she could.
    As she walked it this time around her mind was on one thing, Healers. The annoying things that would not leave her allow and were non-stop chattering in her mind. She would kill them if she knew how but she didn’t plus they were not evil just cruel and demanding. They had been ‘visiting’ her for a little over a 月 now talking about how she was ‘one of them’ and ‘the one to end it all.’ They are talking about a massive demon army breaking out to end the world. One large army that no human forces could stop, and would kill at will.
Did Aria believe it? Hell yeah, the demon part anyway. Killing demons was what she did for a living. The other stuff like her being one of them was totally out there. If she was one of them then way was down on earth living like a human? There was no proof.
“There is proof, that tattoo, that is your proof,” The voice was in her head louder than her 音乐 but it was almost like a whisper. Aria yanked her headphones out of her ear in frustration and threw them on the ground. “Damn it” she muttered as she started walking leaving her five dollar headphones in the middle of the street. Her IPod was tucked tight into her back pocket while her hands were stuffed into the two upfront. She soon forgot about the little headphone incident and turned onto a creak that she found with Jared and Toby as kids.
It was peaceful, the only sound was the water lightly hitting against the rocks and running along the rocky path to no end. She could stay there and grow old, live a life without all the stress and pain. No people, just her and nature. But that was just a fancy, on that would always stay just a dream.
But all that mattered was this moment, her heaven
But a POP interrupted her. Kal, one of the many Healers that came and ‘visited’ her was sitting 下一个 to Aria.
“Hello Aria,” His regular greeting in his flat voice that never seemed to speak any emotion. He was wearing what he always wore, a nice wrinkle free pure white suit. The jacket, shirt, tie, pants and shoes were all white. There was no color, just the white tint. No matter where they were, there 《金装律师》 never seemed to get dirty. The suit seemed to shine even in low light, if Aria stared at it to long it would offend give her a headache.
“What do 你 want?” Aria barked, now her good mood now ruined.
“I don’t understand why 你 hate me; I have done nothing but try to help you,” Kal was not looking at her, his ice blue eyes were looking up at the trees watching as the breeze made the branched dance. It was true, Kal never did anything that really pissed her off, truth was, Kal was the only Healer Aria wanted to see when the Healers had to talk to them.
“I don’t hate you,” Aria muttered as she stared at her dirty old sneakers. “I just want to be left alone; I want 你 … Healers to leave us alone,”
“We can’t, and I’m not going to leave 你 alone with my fellow Healers, they are dangerous.” Aria finally looked at him, but her 截止 was full of confusion. “The others think that 你 should be there puppet, they never imagined 你 would be as … rebellious as 你 are. I, on the other hand, knew better, I am trying to keep them from harming 你 或者 steeling 你 from your 床, 床上 at night. 你 know nothing of Healers, I can help 你 understand our kind, but 你 have to be willing. I don’t want to be the bad guy.”
Aria was flabbergasted at how Kal was talking to her, although he was the “nice Healer” he had never talked to her like that, offering help. She had to look away as his eyes pierced hers when he finally looked at her. Why was he doing this? She was confused as it is and now he was changing sides?
“How do I know 你 are legit?” Aria was still looking at her dirty shoes so she missed his confused face at the word legit. But as a long silence fell upon them, she got that he was confused, “How do I know 你 are not messing with me?” her tone was a little harder than the last time she spoke. As much as Kal was being nice, she wanted to go sleep again, no matter how early in the morning it was. 或者 was it finally the afternoon?
“Because I don’t mess around, Aria, I am and never will be your enemy,” And then he did the one thing Aria hated that Healers did. They locked eyes and Aria could not look away until Kal, but he just stared at her, changing her to call him a liar. But Aria knew better, and the serious expression in his face was proof he was not lying, Aria doubted any Healer could lie that well.
After what felt like hours, Kal looked up at the sky, “I must go; we will continue this conversation later,” A few 秒 after he 说 that the muttering in her head came back to her, she grunted as she bent over in pain. She had not noticed that the muttering had stopped when Kal appeared. But Kal was quick to act; he touched her head and immediately the voices stopped.
“What – was – that?” she breathed just noticing she was holding her breath,
“It shall stop them from entering your mind, but not for long. I can teach 你 so much about your abilities, 你 just have to let me,” Aria was about to snap at him about how she did not give a rat’s 屁股 about her abilities, but with a pop he was gone.
“Damn it,”
Aria stayed at the creak for another half an 小时 before her phone went off; even before she looked at the caller ID she knew it was Jared. Normally she would have been annoyed but 给 the circumstance, demons running loose, Healers after them, they had a right to worry. She answered the phone then walked 首页 as soon as she hung up.
“Wait, Kal is willing to help us?” Jared questioned as Aria finished telling them her story. Taking a sip of her beer, Aria nodded. “Well this has to be bull! It’s definitely a trick to get 你 to trust them, I mean why now? Why out of the blue?”
“Jared I really don’t think that is the deal, I think – I think Kal is serious about this. I – I “Aria sighed not knowing where she was going with this, she was about to say she trusted him, but she was still thinking about it. “I am going to believe him at the moment.”
“I still think he is going to screw us over in the end.”
“I don’t” Toby chimed in; he was in his usual spot leaning against the corner. “Kal is nothing like the twins, they are just corrupted and stupid like assholes, and Kal never seemed like that. Aria even 说 she never had him demand her something in her dreams. Which, for the record, I find dream stalking very creepy.” Aria smiled a little at Toby’s humor.
    “I don’t care if he is ‘the nice one’ he is still a Healer, therefore, I don’t trust him.”
Aria rolled her eyes at Jared’s stubbornness, but maybe he was right, but it did not fit Kal’s personality. Comparing him with the twins was like comparing an ant with a gorilla, they are nowhere near alike.
    “Do 你 think the twins know?” Toby said, Aria had not thought about that. Apparently the Twins were the boss of Kal, 或者 where a high rank. And Aria realized that, if Kal was serious about all this, he could get into some big trouble. And, although Aria would never admit it in front of Jared and Toby, she liked Kal, and she did trust him. They had not seen his face, he was not lying and she was one hundred percent sure of it.
posted by shenelopefan
La parte prohibida del parque

"La depresión es la que guía, la alegría es la que llega"

En la ciudad dónde yo vivía de niña, había un parque en dónde siempre pasaba las tardes con mis amigos. Éramos un grupito de niñas y niños que nos juntábamos a jugar en ronda, cantábamos canciones que no tenían sentido (casi nuestro propio idioma, de hecho) y recorríamos todo el parque jugando a las escondidillas.

Bueno, no todo el parque porque había una a la que los adultos no les gustaba que vayamos. Era un sector tan lleno de árboles que, desde afuera parecía una selva en medio de un parque...
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The room is silent, as always. Nothing can be heard, aside from the soft rasp of pencil on paper. Words take form, joining various thoughts into one whole. On the outside, nothing is different from the average writer. To find what sets me apart, we must look deeper than the surface.
Inside my mind, 图片 and ideas race about, sometimes colliding, sometimes not. This whirlwind is composed of everything I know, read, seen, heard, 或者 thought of. It is here that my greatest works begin to form.
To 显示 how thw whiirlwind works, let us have an example. During practice for spring track, I noticed...
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posted by Lord_Anubis
If 你 mates like it, comment, I'll make 更多 if anyone notices it =3


''Oi, 你 guys! What are 你 doin'?!'' screamed a brown haired boy from the street.
''Mind your own business and go back under your momma's skirt, 或者 you'll get some too!'' replied the tallest boy on playground, probably the leader of the rest 4 boys.
5 of them were teasing one small boy, taking away from him candies and ruining his game on playground. The brown haired boy frowned with his black eyes and started walking towards them.
''You scum really have guts! 5 tall 狗 on 1 small...
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posted by dragonsmemory
The Eden Chronicles is the 幻想 series I am currently working on. As the series is in progress, I decided to add a club here, allowing you, Reader, to tell me your thoughts.
In 写作 the series, I decided to document the entire history of Eden. I called this place Eden because it is where the spirits of dead 动物 and plants are taken. No humanspirit has ever been pure enough to come here. Eden is a true paradise.
The first book, A Little Bit 更多 Than Love, takes place toward the end of Eden's history. Later in the series, I hope to explain the past. Once I get caught up, I will then...
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posted by Kimi4312
Chapter 3: Here It Goes Again.
Roxana woke up one night to hear a loud howl outside her window, she slided herself out of 床, 床上 with her covers wrapped around her, she walked toward the window and saw a somewhat a large white 狼 outside, watching her then it turned its head to hear other 狼 howling, the white 狼 runs off to follow the howl, Roxana felt like she knew that 狼 for a long time, Roxana walked back to her 床, 床上 and lies down, but she couldn't sleep, she kept tossing and turning but she couldn't sleep, she sat up, grab her wallet and pull out a 照片 of a beautiful, pale-skinned,...
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posted by Kimi4312
Chapter 1: Don't Change Me.
A young and beautiful succubus named Roxana opened her green eyes as she sees the sun flooded her dark room with lights from her windows, she sat up in her twin bed, the mattress was tan and her covers were 浓情巧克力 brown color, she pulled herself out of the 床, 床上 and throws on her black tank top, then she slipped on her jeans on her long and beautiful legs, Roxana then walked in her bathroom and brushed her long red hair slowly as she stares at herself in the mirrior, she put her brush on the sink and walked outside, as she walks, she turns around as she feels like...
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We were builders. We were builders, fighters, scholars, but 更多 importantly, friends. When the Government took all our rights away, our food, money, our culture, we allied ourselves against it. But they had a machine. A machine that could sail the seas and air. It was called, The Oppresive. The Oppresive forced us underground, making us creatures of the very soil they walk on. But it is time for our revolution. We have a great machine, bigger than the Oppresive, and stronger than it. It will trample them like a boy tramples grass. No resistance at all, we are sure of it. We are ready. We have...
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posted by DarrenGruch
Ever since my family died down to be just me.... I`ve been alone since they died in a car accident. I got out fine (only with cuts and a migrane), but they died. I now live with my grandpa... but he doesn't get me..... I cut my self, dresss diffrently, and never really talk.

4 days after the funeral for my family.... I became Emo. But the 日 my Family died, something changed within me..... something good went rotten.
My Grandpa see's it, but ignores my pain and anger... only if that drunk driver that hit us was sober and never... spun out of control. Some 日 I hope his 心 gives out and he dies in jail.

Does any one feel the same?
posted by noahnstar1616
"Are okay, V?" Francine was checking me for bruises.

"I'm fine."

"We're so telling the principal." Zoey grabbed my arm.

"No, it's okay. She didn't hurt me." I rubbed my arm where Mercury dug her nails in. She didn't leave permanent marks.

"What happened?" They both waited for my response.

I told them how Mercury knew that I felt something when Cameron was visiting me in the hospital. How she knew I was trying to get him back. How I saw her eyes glowing red, like a sea witch's eyes when angry.

"You know what this means, right?" Francine and I waited for Zoey's answer. "That Mercury is the sea witch...
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Jed was a part of the Rebellion against the Syndicate of Alien Beings (S.A.B.). 或者 like most enslaved races call them, the Monsters. In 2067, S.A.B arrived on Earth in 搜索 of fuel sources for their machines, not expecting to find a whole planet that has been living for centuries unconquered. Caught unexpected, the S.A.B. slowly amassed their forces, while countries all across world united. North Korea, Russia, China, all those countries that were on the opposing sides during all the wars, united alongside all the other countries. With the whole world united, the U.W.O. (United World Order)formed...
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posted by DxCFan123
"Oh, 嘿 Sam!" I 说 as I found her in the hall while going to lunch. "How are you? 你 seem upset. Something wrong?" I said. The edges of my 短裙, 裙子 floated up as I walked. Marie's jewelery jingled along my neck, ears, wrists and fingers. It really hurt to get my ears pierced, but the earrings are so beautiful!

"Nothing's wrong" she murmured and pulled her arms closer to her chest. She looked away from me, at the floor. "Ah, come on! Something's gotta be wrong! Trust me! I know! One time, my cousin, Valeria, accidently fell off her carriage and twisted her ankle. But, still, she told us she...
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posted by noahnstar1616
My 心 rate increased, causing my 心 monitor to start beeping erratically. Not at the sight of Cameron, but at the sight of Mercury.

Cameron must've noticed because he ran up to me and said, "Vanessa, calm down."

I kept my eyes on Mercury. "What's she doing here?"

"You should be greatful that I came to see you", Mercury said.

"Mercury..." Cameron turned to face me. "She drove me here."

"After he hit you, the police too his car away", Mercury said, grabbing my 电视 vision remote and changing the channel.


"Don't worry about the television, Vanessa." Cameron sat down on the 长椅, 沙发 chair...
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posted by dexisawesome
Jed was running. Running from a dark figure a few feet behind. "You will never escape!", the dark figure from behind yelled. "yes I will", he thought. He ran and ran, until he reached the dark grey building in the middle of the field. He ran inside and slammed the iron door shut. A few bangs came from the other side, but they subsided quickly. He ran down the hidden staircase that was under a 箱, 板条箱 in the small shack. He reached the bottom, and passed through the small passageway until he came to another door. He opened and entered the dimly lit room. Five other people were sitting around some...
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"No,no,no! Ponny, you're supposed to sound scared. like this, 'AAAA! The Coopestells! They're back!'" Hilisia said. She 说 the line terrifiying. Ponya rolled her eyes. "If I say it any 更多 frighted, my eyes will pop out! And anyway, you're NOT the director. I'm doing it wrong when Mr.Figgsten says so." Ponya snapped back. "Ok girls, from the top!" The girls got ready. Then suddenly, Ponya stretched her arm out to Hilisia(Luci) And said, "Luci! LOOK OUT!" "What? What Brenda?" "AAAA! The Coopestells! They're back!" "EEEEEEK!" "RUN!!!" They both said. Then the scene ended as they ran off stage. "Perfect!" Mr.Figgsten yelled. Huffing and puffing, the girls came offstage. "Hey 你 guys I know it's short notice, but we will have to shoot the rest of the film in New jersey
Hi 粉丝 of Writing! I bet we all experienced Writer's Block before, heck, all writers must have. It's frustrating isn't it? So I devised 5 steps to get rid of it and get rid of it fast. If it doesn't work, devise your own plan, but here's mine.
P.S. If 你 don't know what Writer's Block is 或者 if 你 haven't experienced it yet, I'm not giving an explanation so find out what it's like first!

Step 1: Don't Panic
-Panicking 或者 fussing over your running out of inspiration will just make things worse and definitly lead straight to mind blank mode. So just relax and do something else other than writing....
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posted by hailieywithin
The amount of sleep I got was not alot. I was always getting awoken 由 visions of Emily with other guys. I loved her alot. But I am not obsessed with her only a crazy person would. With her eyes and hair and mouth. Fine I guess I am obsessed a little. But she wouldn't go away. The fight over and over again.
August 12,2011.
"hey Emily look at this"! Emily ran to the Kay jewelry store at gasped at the new shipments of sapphire diamonds. "there pretty aren't they"? I asked her as she gasped at the colors. She nodded this time looking at me. "just like you". I said. She smiled and we kissed on the...
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posted by hailieywithin
I glanced at my digital watch. 7:48. Exactly 2 hours 以前 Emily my girlfriend of 1 年 broke up with me right as I was going to purpose. Occasionally Darla the sexy girl behind me would talk to me about collage. She was going to learn about getting a PHD in Physics. Darla was actually quite smart. She had a letters to 8 major collages. Then she would ask about my life. My dad died when I was 6 and my mom 迷失 custody of me when I was 12. I quit 白日梦 and prepared my things to get off at the nearest motel. We would take off again tomorrow. At about 5 minuets from a Red Inn Motel. As we...
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posted by hailieywithin
你 pull up to you're moms house after getting abused 由 your father. 你 limp inside as she is on the 长椅, 沙发 with vodka. "MOM"! 你 shout at she sees 你 looking at the bottle. "I'm so sorry-name-". She hugs 你 as 你 cringe because of a bruise on your arm. She is shocked when 你 tell her what happened. Quickly she calls the police and they arrest him and bring 你 for questioning. 你 break down in tears as 你 tell them 你 are sexually abused every week 你 are there. When you're father is put in jail for twenty years 你 believe 你 are at ease. Days after 你 fall down your stairs at...
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posted by Aisuanime
 This is just a 预览 image of a lovely 哥特式 Lolita, but not the same outlook as the girl described in this short -short- story :)
This is just a preview image of a lovely Gothic Lolita, but not the same outlook as the girl described in this short -short- story :)
The Orient Train

The petite girl distraughtly writhed to straighten her black and red ruffled dress. Its somber frills drew abnormally eye-catching, causing her to sustain its contour along with every dainty ribbon and bow fastened. This became a slight drawback however. The black 花边 patently entangled with her mundane russet luggage affected the handle tousled within some lust-red ribbon. The legendary train will arrive at any moment. She tugged feebly to jerk the 花边 and adornment free. It finally gave out, with a soft muffled rip, disrupting the hushed atmosphere. No other person seemed...
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Are 你 bored? Despretly trying to find something on Google, but everytime 你 serch something innoceont weird and gross stuff just overflows your computor screen? Well, 加入 this 写作 compeition! I will 列表 five 随意 genres and themes I pulled from a hat and all 你 have to do is write a short story from a genre 或者 theme of your choice but it has to be one of the five. The compeition will run from November 07 2011 - November 21. Voting will start from November 21 - November 31.

1. Mystery
2. 粉丝 Fiction (Lucky You!)
3. Sci-Fi
4. Children's
5. Drama

As I said, there random.

1. Magic
2. Sacrifice
3. True Story
4. Childhood
5. 日本动漫 (For 粉丝 Fiction)
Just Post Your Entry on 潮流粉丝俱乐部 and ur good to go!

The winner will recive 10 支持 and 5 runners up will recive 3 props. :P