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posted by windwakerguy430
*Hannah’s eyes were on the dark figure. She couldn’t see who 或者 what they were. Her curiosity was all over her mind. She wanted to rush over to the person, but there was not a single monster near them. They stood perfectly still, almost calm. Hannah couldn’t look at them another minute. Instead, she continued to follow the butterfly. She hoped that, in due time, she would find out who that mysterious figure was. She hoped that they would meet soon. But, she had to stay focused on helping the person in danger, the one the 蝴蝶 was leading her to. She ran down the street, following a very familiar path. A path she had taken every day. She was making her way to her home.*

*Hannah’s fears were proven to be correct, as she witnessed the 蝴蝶 slowly fly into her house, revealing the location of the 下一个 victim to these horrid dreams. She ran right inside the house, throwing the door open as she ran inside. And at the end of the hall that was inside the house, stood the man with combed hair, glasses, wearing a suit. He turned to look over at Hannah. And it was clear to Hannah who it was.*
Hannah: D-Dad?!
*As she stepped toward him, ready to break into a run, Drew’s appearance faded away, and was replaced with the bright glow of light. It flashed repeatedly, on and off again, slowly. The blinding light was enough to distract Hannah, as she covered her eyes to do so. She tried to keep her eyes on Dred, trying to remain within the dream, but only to be swallowed 由 darkness, the world disappearing around her, leaving her with only the blinding light.*

*Hannah groaned, disrupted from her dreams, before she shot up, her eyes wide, before they squinted again at the blinding light. She looked at the light, and saw a figure holding it. It was from a flashlight, the light still blinding her before the carrier moved it out of her eyes. She was able to finally get a good look at the man, before she felt a sudden feeling of regret.*
William: 你 have a lot to answer for, kid.

Drew: *He looked at the door, confused and terrified about his current situation. He could’ve sworn that he saw Hannah. He looked around the burnt, rotted remains that resembled his home, not sure where he was 或者 how he had gotten here. But as he stumbled around to try and figure out where he was, he heard a quiet voice, gently whispering his name. And the voice came from his bedroom.*

*Hannah sat in the passenger 座位 of William’s truck, sitting in silence. William was quiet, staring at the road as he drove in total silence, the lights of his headlights illuminating the darkness in front of them. Hannah didn’t care about what William thought of her. She could only think about her father, and what sort of guilt he had that would cause him to end up inside the dreams. Then a horrible thought came to her mind. Did he kill someone? Did he take a person’s life, and now feels horrible about it? As she thought about it, her thoughts went to her mother, and why she was never around. And she immediately stopped thinking all together. She didn’t even want to imagine those two scenarios being connected. As she sat in silence, William finally broke the quiet atmosphere.*
William: Alright, Hannah. What were 你 doing there? And what were 你 doing with Wendy’s phone in your hand and a gun in your lap?
Hannah: I-I just heard a rumor and I wanted to find it out
William: It looks 更多 like you’re getting involved in something 你 really shouldn’t.
*Hannah was silent immediately. William was not as dumb as she had always thought he was. He could catch onto things easily. It was almost as if he knew exactly what Hannah was looking into.*
William: I swear to god, 你 teenagers. Why can’t 你 just live a normal life. Go to school, hang out with friends, hit on cute boys, all that stuff. No, 你 gotta get involved in murder. 你 have Wendy’s phone, 你 are talking with Marcus who is investigating these murder cases, and now you’re hanging around places like this
Hannah: Why is it your business? Are 你 stalking me 或者 something?
William: Yeah, sure. I’m stalking you. No, I knew 你 were here. I followed you
Hannah: F-Followed?
William: The 蝴蝶 imprint on your tattoo. That’s not some tattoo job, I know. That thing there, that’s the work of pure evil
*Hannah was dead silent. William had complete knowledge of the butterfly. She was quiet for at least ten seconds, before responding*
Hannah: H-How do 你 know about the butterfly
*William did not speak. Instead, he showed her. He extended his right hand toward Hannah, and showed her his right hand. In it, was the imprint of a butterfly. The same scarlet one that Hannah had on the back of her hand. She knew that there were other’s with the imprint, but William was the first person who truly understood the 蝴蝶 in the same way she did.*
William: 你 saw them. The nightmares. They come every night
Hannah: H-How come I’ve never seen 你 in the nightmares
William: I only recently started seeing them. About three days ago. Every time I had them, I just remained inside my house. I didn’t dare go outside. And when I hear the child-like voices calling my name, I just ignore them. I know it’s nothing but the dream trying to trick me. I’m not going out there. Then again, I guess I should face them at some point. The nightmares never stop. They never will
Hannah: That’s not true. We just need to find the person responsible, that’s all
William: I swear, 你 kids are always delusional. There is no hope, okay. All we can do is hope that no one else gets affected 由 this
*After a short time, William finally stopped the car. They were outside Hannah’s house. Hannah didn’t hesitate to get out of the car and run inside, hoping to wake Drew up before he succumbed to the dreams. As she did, William stepped out of the car.*
William: Hey, wait. 你 still need to answer for the gun!
*William shook his head and followed behind Hannah, walking at a medium pace. As he walked, he could see a flash from the doorway and the window, followed 由 a loud bang. A gunshot. The moment he heard that, William broke out into a run. He reached toward his holster, taking out his revolver. He rushed to the doorway, and in the light from the streetlamps, he saw what he was afraid of. Hannah lied on the ground, a bullet wound in her stomach. As William stared at it, he could hear the cocking of a handgun, before he looked up, seeing a mysterious figure inside the house.*
William: W-Who the hell?
*William had no time to 火, 消防 his gun. The figure had already prepared for a 秒 person, and fired into William’s stomach as well. William clutched his gut, groaning in agony. He wasn’t in the same shock that Hannah was in, but he was still in immense pain. As he looked up, the figure was standing right in front of him, before swinging the handgun across William’s face, and this time, William fell unconscious.*

*Hannah gave a sharp gasp, the burning pain surging in her gut, as she looked around the area. She appeared to be inside of a strange vehicle, the remains burnt out. She was lying what looked to be a table. As she stood up, she groaned in pain, clutching her gut. Her handgun rested on the side of the ambulance. She picked it up, doing her best to ignore the agonising pain, not before long when it was replaced with another pain from her hand. She looked down to see the 蝴蝶 emerge from her hand and fly out the back of the vehicle. Her thoughts were on Drew, knowing that he was still in great danger. She struggled to get up from the table, barely able to, as she clutched her stomach. She stepped out of the vehicle and slowly started to follow the butterfly. But as she followed it, she saw that it was not heading toward her house, but instead, the school. She knew that Drew was in danger, but she couldn’t abandon the thought of someone else being in danger. That, and she didn’t know what was waiting for her throughout the town. She decided to just follow the 蝴蝶 for now, hoping that Drew could still be saved.*

*Hannah slowly made her way to the school, still clutching her stomach, the blood continuing to 移动 through her hands. As she walked toward the school, she could see a flash from one of the 秒 floor windows, along with a bang. As soon as she saw that, she made her way inside, trying her best to 移动 at a quicker pace. She only had a few bullets on her, so she had to make them count. As she stepped inside, the school was filled with a horrifying sight. A group of small, fleshy creature, the size of children, wandered the halls. They appeared to be slouched, a miserable sight, yet they all wore masks that resembled smiles. The masks looked to be shoved deep into their flesh, almost like it was forced inside of them. They carried sharp objects, like pens, broken rulers, and glass, in their hands, and as soon as Hannah stepped inside, they started to stumble toward her, ready to attack her. Hannah did not have enough ammo to deal with them, and thus, quickly made her way to the stairs. The small monsters tried to grab at her ankles and drag her back down the stairs, but she was able to quickly make her way up them. The small creatures seemed to have 更多 trouble going up the stairs because of their stubby legs. Once Hannah made her way to the 秒 floor, the sounds of gunshots echoed throughout the halls, followed 由 the sounds of screaming. Hannah followed the noises to one of the rooms, labeled Class 202. She entered to see William, a bandage around his stomach and head, shooting at three of the smaller creatures.*
William: Get the hell away from me, 你 freaks!
*William fired his revolver at them, striking them in the head, being 更多 accurate with his bullets than Hannah. He quickly turned his gun to Hannah, who held her hands up. Once he saw her, he put his gun to his side, giving an exhausted sigh.*
William: Jesus, 你 see what I mean, Hannah? This kind of thing? This isn’t the sort of thing a kid like yourself shouldn’t get involved in. This is too much.
Hannah: Don’t say that, Will. Look, we can get 你 out of here.
William Can we? Is there a way out?
Hannah: Yes. Marcus and Diana both had it. I was able to save them both, and I’ll save 你 too
William: How heroic of you, kid, but what if this goes on forever. Are 你 gonna save everyone in the world?
Hannah: If I have to
William: Dear god. A good 心 but not much in the head, huh? 你 can’t save everyone. If humans could, they would. But they just can’t, dammit.
Hannah: That’s why I have to stop the one who is responsible.
William: Yeah. If 你 really think 你 can
Hannah: It won’t be that hard now. 你 saw him too. He shot me, and he clearly shot you
William: Yeah, I can see that. Speaking of which, here
*He tossed Hannah a package of bandages*
William: I found them in the nurse’ office. They’re still good, thankfully.Trust me, you’ll need them
*She gave William a nod and started to apply them to her wounds. Once finished, she spoke again.*
Hannah: Were 你 able to get a good look at him?
William: Afraid not. It was too dark for me to see anything. I was 更多 worried to see if 你 were still alive. I thought maybe 你 got involved in something 更多 dangerous than this
Hannah: Well, there could be a connection to all of this
William: Is that so?
Hannah: There’s a man called Deetz who was able to get something guilty on Wendy. From everything I’ve seen, a person is dragged into the dreams when they experience guilt of some kind. I think that Deetz may have been finding the things that make people guilty and bringing them in here
William: But why in the hell would he want to do that?
Hannah: I intend to find out. I’ll continue to find out until these dreams are gone
William: So, does this mean 你 have some guilt?
Hannah: Yes. I could’ve helped Wendy, but I didn’t.
William: That it? No, you’ve been here for so long… There’s more. 更多 to it than that. I know it for sure.
Hannah: And what about you? What are 你 guilty of
William: That is none of y-
???: Dad?
*William went quiet immediately. The voice he had heard many times. The voice that he had heard for the past three days had returned. And it was right behind him this time. He turned around to see the 来源 of the voice. It was a small child, wearing pure white, with his hands behind his back. The child had black hair that parted in the middle, with blue eyes. William was unable to take his eyes off the child.*
William: Joshua
*Hannah stared at the child. What this child was, was clearly not human. It was a being of the nightmares. However, the child was not threatening at all. The child was quiet, calm, and had a friendly aura about him. However, anything of the nightmares was a threat, at least, Hannah had thought so. She thought of the trio inside the bar. The trio that had never attacked her once, sometimes were helpful, if vague at times. She thought that, maybe, Joshua was one as well. William walked toward Joshua, looking at him, before being as close to him as he could, and getting down on one knee as he looked at the child. The child gave a sincere smile to William. However, Hannah’s doubt made her hold the gun in her hands tightly. She looked at Joshua, and many thoughts went through her head. She would have to make a choice, right now. There was no longer any time.*
100: Spectral Force 3
99: Yoshi’s Topsy-Turvy
98: Ghostbusters: The Video Game
97: Lego Battles
96: Return to 城堡 Wolfenstein
95: Matrix: The Path of Neo
94: Glover
93: Gex 3
92: Pac-Man Party
91: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King: The Video Game
90: Halo 2
89: Army Men: Air Tactics
88: Sonic Generations 3D
87: Saints Row IV
86: Lego 星, 星级 Wars 2: The Original Trilogy
85: Trauma Team
84: Tetris Plus
83: Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
82: Army Men
81: Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag
80: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
79: The 7th Guest
78: SimCity 2000
77: Resident Evil: Revelations
76: Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3
75: Dead...
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Now, there are a lot of games that people praise for good reasons. However, there are times when I look at games and say “People say these games are the best ever made”? Now, don’t get me wrong, I do not hate these games (Well, not all of them, anyway), I just think they get 更多 praise then they deserve. Now, with that said, lets start the list

 Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V

#10: Grand Theft Auto V - Wow. Only number ten and already I am pissing people off. Now, Grand Theft Auto V is a fun game. It has an amazing open world, a great story, a cast of wonderful characters, and addictive gameplay....
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Leonard: I'm a perfectly nice guy. No reason we can't go to a nice 晚餐 together. Have a lovely dinner. Maybe take a nice walk after. She ends up taking me to her apartment (begins having panic attack). We begin kissing.. We're GONNA HAVE SEX! OH GOD! OH GOD!
Sheldon: Is the sex starting already.
Leonard: I'm having panic attack!
Sheldon; Well.. Calm down.
Leonard: I can't calm down. Other wise they wouldn't call it a panic ATTACK!

Leonard: Do I have to hold up a sarcasm sign. Everytime I open my mouth!?

Penny: Your so sweet. Why can't all guys be like you.
Leonard: Cause if all guys were like...
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Guard: (Whistles)
Link: Hey, you, 随意 guard
Guard: Hey, its you....... girl clothed boy
Link: I got something for you
Guard: Oh, is it a Snickers bar
Link: Nope (Cuts guard in half) That's for throwing me in that cell 你 asshole

Link: (At the top) Finally. Here we are.... again
Aryll: Link, your back
Link: Aryll, how have 你 been
Aryll: Oh, well the seagulls have been looking at me constantly, but thanks to this jail cell, they can't really get in to attack me
Seagull: 你 LUCKY BITCH
Link: Well, lets get 你 out of here
Aryll: Um, Link, why is there some pirate hooker behind you
Link: Who (Turns)
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King of Red Lions: Well, here it is. Dragon Roost Island
Link: I knew that
King of Red Lions: How
Link: Well, the name of the island just materializes on the 最佳, 返回页首 of the screen
King of Red Lions: Oh, well, 你 go ahead and see whats going on
Link: Aren't 你 coming with me
King of Red Lions: I would, but, 你 see, I have things to do, and- Oh right, I'M A FUCKING BOAT
Link: Okay, Mr. Smartass, I'll go look (Walks off)

Link: Wow, its a place filled with bird people. I feel as though, that this must be some sort of alien race
Postman: Link, hello again
Link: Hello... you
Postman: 你 don't recognize me....
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Hello everyone. Now, what are some of the things that make a character unlikable. Are they annoying? Are they jerks? Well, it depends on who they are. But trust me, there are lots of hateable characters in video games. The only 问题 is which ones are the worst. Well, the rules are that there is only one per franchise and only games I've played. Now, here we go
(Warning, this 列表 contains spoilers)

20: Vannile from Final 幻想 13 - Wow. We are actually starting with her? This is going to be a long list. Now, I would have chosen Tidus from Final 幻想 10, but I haven't played that one,...
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(I would like to thank Alinah for informing me of this)
(Warning: This review contains spoilers)
So, um... I was told to review a Pewdiepie playthrough of the Witch's House, even though I told myself that I'm not supposed to review reviewers, and Pewdiepie is technically a reviewer so I can't review this. However, I can review the game itself, The Witch's House. but before I do, I have to make a short statement on Pewdiepie... Pewdiepie's funny, okay, now the review
The Witch's House is a Japanese game that was then translated to English. It is about a gmae where 你 [lay as a young girl named...
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posted by windwakerguy430
January 20, 2:39 a.m.
Wind Waker Guy's Room

Happy Yappy- Wow. So this must be the room where 你 make your shows
Wind Waker Guy- Yep. Anyway, we need to think of what was going on when the mystery man was lurking around the warehouse
Happy Yappy- We could go to the warehouse and try to find some unfound evidence
Wind Waker Guy- I guess it wouldn't hurt to look

January 20
Tetra and Crew Fishing Warehouse

Wind Waker Guy- (Thinking) No matter how many times I come here, I keep wishing I had no nose
Happy Yappy- So, we need to find some evidence that we missed
Wind Waker Guy- Right. Whats this right here...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Remember Afro Samurai? Neither do I. Okay, but seriously, let’s talk about Afro Samurai. Trust me, it is relevant to the game we will be discussing. Afro Samurai was a really dumb, nonsensical video game about a samurai with an afro who searches for his father’s killer and takes out all the 最佳, 返回页首 samurai in the country. It’s a dumb series with large breasted samurai women, everyone has cellphones, and there’s Kanye West bears everywhere, all in feudal Japan. And yet I still liked it. And it must’ve been good enough to get an anime, a movie, and have the main character voiced 由 Samual...
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posted by windwakerguy430
So YIIK was a hipster ridden game that people were very annoyed 由 and against. Well this time, it’s time for us to talk about a game that is hipster ridden that people are quite fond of. To an extent, of course. It does have it’s haters, but this game has far 更多 support than it does hate. And I am referring to the indie adventure title, Night in the Woods. 或者 as many people like to call it, Life is Strange… But Good.

 Image from
Image from

Night in the Woods takes place in the small town of Possum Springs, which has slowly been losing family businesses in place of larger businesses,...
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I 爱情 indie games. Call me a grump, but I just don't see much passion in most video games nowadays. While passion definitely exists thanks to creators like Hideo Kojima, Yoko Taro, Suda51 and many more, big publishers just want to make video games be a quick cash grab, companies like EA, Activision, Bethesda, Square Enix, and Microsoft. But indie developers don't have that kind of desire (Most of the time). All of their games are made on one thing and one thing only: Passion. Their 爱情 for the genre and their desire to tell an interesting narrative 或者 to create something, be it out of a creative...
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added by windwakerguy430
posted by windwakerguy430
~8:20 PM
April 2nd 2079
Neon 云, 云计算 Striptease~

Apollo: (He made his way down the street, his katana near his hip, as he made his way down the road. At the end of the 街, 街道 rested a small but fancy building, covered in neon lights. The sign read “The Neon Cloud”. The 街, 街道 was empty, most likely to prepare for the fight that was to come. As Apollo made his way to the club, helicopters began to loom over him, cameramen in sight as they filmed every moment of the fight. Apollo entered the building, 更多 and 更多 camera’s set up around the building, all with the Takedown TV logo on the side....
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added by DisneyPrince88
added by Seanthehedgehog
When 你 hit that play button, 你 are going to listen to the greatest theme song ever created for a TV show.
posted by windwakerguy430
Wind: (Sitting at coffee 商店 with Cody) So, 你 think that homosexuals come from space
Cody: Well, how else do people just… become gay
Wind: Thinking it through mentally, maybe
Cody: Nah, that’s silly
(A large protest group walks down the street)
Cody: What’s that?
Wind: A protest, it seems. Let’s see if the cops start to beat them up (Heads out, and Cody follows)

Arnold: We can’t let this racism keep going
Wind: (Passes through the crowd) Get out of my way (Gets to the front of the crowd) Excuse me, but what the hell are 你 talking about
Arnold: Do 你 not see the racism around us. Blacks,...
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posted by windwakerguy430

Bishop, Rollen “Roll”, and Tiny Tom are all video game making novices, all wanting to make it big in the gaming industry. However, they lack any skill in creating a game. So, they decide to head to a place known as Glass Sky Hills, where they hope to meet a man known as The Prodigy, who has created several amazing games. When they find The Prodigy, they find him to be a high schooler just like them, named Maximilian, with his alias name being Max 1. Million, but asks the others to call him Maxwell. His 爱情 for gaming completely blocks out his 爱情 for other things, including people,...
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