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After the first worst bosses list, I failed to believe that there could exist 更多 awful bosses. I have hope in game creators that they will do everything in their power to make bosses 更多 fun, challenging, and worth my time, and would never find 更多 bosses as bad as those in the past… I was an idiot to think that! While I do believe there exists 更多 good video game bosses than bad bosses, that doesn’t mean there aren’t bad video game bosses out there. And let me tell you, they are, for a fact, out there. And they are really bad. So, naturally, the same rules as it was previously, only bosses from games that I have played and only one per franchise. Simple as that. These bosses blow. Let’s go!


As much as I will always say that I prefer Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask over Ocarina of Time any 日 of the week, I will admit that Ocarina excelled at some things where Majora’s Mask fell flat. While Majora’s Mask had a better story and side quests, Ocarina of time did have a 更多 expansive world to explore, if a little barren, but at least 更多 accurate and less Mario-styled like Majora’s Mask. And the bosses in Ocarina of Time, I found to be much 更多 fun. Majora’s Mask’ bosses range from one great, the rest being okay… to Gyorg.

#10: Gyorg from Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask

First off, let’s talk about Gyorg’s name… What the hell is that? What kind of name is Gyorg? That isn’t even creative. That’s just pure gibberish. The name, however, is far from being the worst part of this boss. It’s important to note that this boss is at the end of the Great 湾 Temple, the worst dungeon in, debatably, all of Zelda. A confusing mess to traverse through and being constantly carried 由 heavy currents. So already, anyone could easily be in a bad mood. And Gyorg is just there to make things worse. At least Morpha, while being trash, 你 could stay on dry land. Gyorg will cower under the water juuuust out of reach of your projectiles and forcing 你 to go into the water. Once 你 are inside, if 你 aren’t on him in an instant, you’ve already 迷失 him. But don’t worry, it won’t be long before 你 find him, coming out of nowhere and eating 你 alive, doing a large amount of damage. After some point in the fight, it will send out little baby fishes, as if trying to fight the camera wasn’t enough. The camera in this fight does everything to work against. If 你 wanna avoid getting hit, if 你 don’t see him as soon as 你 enter the water, start running, and don’t stop until 你 feel like your safe. And trust me, 你 really aren’t safe. It’s like the water dungeons in Zelda games are made to be awful, and Great 湾 Temple is no exception.


Dead Rising, the first one, while not perfect 由 any means, is still a fun game, and still my 最喜爱的 of the series. The psychopath bosses in this game are also pretty fun. Adam is a lovable bastard, Kent is a snarky douchebag, and Cliff will always be my 最喜爱的 boss in the series. But sadly, like Dead Rising itself, the boss 列表 isn’t perfect. 你 do have bosses like Carlito with a rifle… and Cletus.

#9: Cletus from Dead Rising

While 由 far much better than Sullivan just for the simple fact that he is optional in the game, Cletus is still an annoying bastard. As soon as the cutscene prior to the boss fight ends and 你 are in gameplay, 你 have no time to react to getting shot. 你 will take a hit, regardless, unless you’re moving immediately. And once 你 get that done, congratulations, 你 avoided one of the many bullshit hits. 你 win an extra 秒 before you’re health is drained because 你 don’t know what to do. If 你 are inside the gunshop, 你 are just screwed. Since the shotgun can spread, it will hit 你 and it will hit 你 hard, and not only will it instantly knock down one block of health, it can also stun 你 and even knock 你 on your feet, giving Cletus just enough time to reload and 火, 消防 again! All 你 can do is hide outside of the store and shoot at him with some low level handguns 你 probably got from some zombies. If 你 didn’t know that, you’re just shit out of luck, because the only handguns are in the store, and 你 know what that means. Run out into the line of 火, 消防 just to get a weak gun and probably die in the process. And if that wasn’t enough, if 你 take too long, Cletus will take out a bottle of wine and fully heal himself. Again, this is far from as bad as Sullivan, as I said, this is an optional boss fight and can easily be avoided. It isn’t even mentioned as a side quest. And, it is lower, because if 你 do manage to unlock the Mega Buster, Cletus, like every other boss in the game, is reduced to a pathetic weakling.


Can we get one good fighting game boss? Just one? Why do they all have to be cheap and hard to kill. Can we get one that looks intimidating and is just as skilled as a real player instead of spamming stupid, cheap, unavoidable bullshit? What I’m trying to say is that the final boss of Skullgirls is the one bad part of Skullgirls.

#8: Marie from Skullgirls

As far as cheap bosses go, Marie is probably one of the worse. Marie is nowhere near as unfair and as bullshit as Shao Kahn, but 你 can at least predict some of Shao Kahn’s attacks. Not all, but some. With Marie, it is impossible to predict all except a select few. All of her attacks immediately come at 你 while 你 are fighting and 你 get absolutely no warning as to what you’re supposed to do to avoid it. The first form of Marie starts with her standing in place as she launches skulls at 你 when 你 get close. The problem is that, considering it’s a fighting game, 你 kind of need to be close unless some of your characters miraculously has a projectile. If 你 are close, 你 will have little time to notice the skulls flying at you, 或者 the giant skeletal monster flying towards 你 that does several hits as it passes 由 you. Marie’s 秒 form will give her the ability to summon a skeleton with a tommy gun that shoots 你 several times and a shadow figure that is only predictable for a few seconds, before it leaves the screen and then flies towards 你 with a fast and hard punch. And the final phase has her using all of this, only now, Marie is constantly moving around the screen and she can only be hit with upward 或者 jumping attacks. Even if 你 have a special 移动 that could hit her, good luck getting a hit in. She is always moving and if 你 have to be on the ground for it to work, believe me, it’s not going to work. And even then, it still may not work. Try beating her on the hardest possible difficulty. Trust me, it’s like trying to dodge rain in a hurricane. It ain’t easy. Neither is this boss.



I doubt that I will ever find a game franchise that has excited me 更多 than the No 更多 超能英雄 franchise. This was a game series I had desperately wanted to play for years and struggled to do so…. That was fucking terrible! So, when I played No 更多 超能英雄 2: Desperate Struggle, I can say a few things for sure. In some cases, the bosses were much better than the original game. And in other cases, such as the case with the final boss, it was much, much worse than the original.

#7: Jasper Batt Jr. from No 更多 超能英雄 2: Desperate Struggle

给 that I have both reviewed No 更多 超能英雄 2 and discussed this boss in my 前一个 Best and Worst bosses list, I’ll try to keep from mentioning similar things and just discuss this boss as fast as I can. Jasper Batt Jr. is a boss with three phases, and each one is a sign of a bad final boss. The first phase starts out very easy, with Jasper firing easy to avoid lasers and not even trying bats. After 你 defeat that phase, the fight gets much, much worse. In the 秒 phase, it goes from pathetically easy, to complete cheap bullshit. Jasper will 冲床 你 around the room, giving 你 very little time to react once 你 get up, and even then, 你 have no time to react because 你 have to deal with Jasper constantly throwing punches and trying to suplex 你 into the ground. And, I’ve 说 this many times before, but avoid the windows. Avoid them like the plague. Because if 你 get in between Jasper’s 冲床 and a window, he will send 你 right through it and it will be an instant death, with no way of avoiding it and you’ll have to start from the beginning of the 秒 phase. But nothing is compared to the third and final phase, where Jasper becomes a giant parade float…. Yes, really. Not only are 你 now having to fight Jasper as he hits 你 with hard to avoid attacks and sometimes just waiting for the game to let 你 win, but 你 also now have to fight against the camera, which can get stuck because Jasper is such a big target, 你 may not be able to see what’s going on.Who designed this awful camera work for the boss? The Devil May Cry team? Regardless, as much as Jasper is a terrible boss, I think that many people have slightly blew it out of proportions. He is terrible, one of the worst bosses I have ever faced. But he isn’t impossible. It just takes knowing when to strike and just going right to him. Plus the game being generous with allowing 你 to save yourself from death when 你 run out of health makes the boss a little easier. Still, a terrible way to end No 更多 超能英雄 2 if 你 ask me.


Resident Evil Zero is a game I am very… mixed about. I’d go into 更多 detail than that, but trust me, I have a whole 列表 planned for that occasion. So, with that out of the way, let’s discuss the bosses instead. The bosses in this game aren’t great. The 蝎, 蝎子 boss sucked, the 蜈, 蜈蚣 boss sucked, Proto-Tyrant is okay, the Leech 皇后乐队 sucked, but the Infected Bat...Oh boy.

#6: Infected Bat from Resident Evil Zero

Let me tell 你 something right now. Resident Evil was not a game made to handle multiple enemies in one room all coming at 你 real fast. It was not meant to be a big run and gun game. I’ll get to that crap in a bit. Let’s talk about the first part of the boss and why that alone is terrible. The Infected Bat, despite being a big target, is very hard to hit with some weapons. It will mostly fly above 你 and out of your view of the camera as 你 just have to wait for it to 显示 up. Once it does 显示 up, it gives barely enough time to react. 你 have to shoot it the very 秒 it comes flying at you. If 你 stall for a second, 你 will be taking a hit. But 你 will never know when it will be coming at 你 because the camera is always locked in one spot and stops just short of where 你 can see the Infected Bat. And it can also grab you, lift 你 off the ground, and fly around, hurting you, before dropping 你 to the ground. A lot of bosses have this annoying mechanic where they grab 你 and hurt you, and it gets real annoying. But the fight only gets worse, because as soon as 你 widdle it’s health down enough, a group of smaller bats will come in, and this is where the fight becomes atrocious. Like I 说 before, Resident Evil was not meant for 你 to handle several enemies. The same strategy still stands, wait for the bat to fly at 你 and hit it. Only now, because of the auto lock on in Resident Evil Zero, 你 may end up aiming at one of the smaller bats flying around the area, and that will greatly screw 你 over because 你 could either waste a bullet from a powerful gun on them 或者 end up aiming at the wrong enemy as the Infected Bat flies at you. The 蝎, 蝎子 boss, the 蜈, 蜈蚣 boss, and the 皇后乐队 Leech were no winners, I assure you, but they at least had the decency to fight 你 on their own without 随意 enemies getting in the way. The Infected Bat? Not so much.


I did once have plans for making a 最佳, 返回页首 5 Best and Worst bosses for Dark Souls 2, but the 更多 I played it, the 更多 I realised, “Wow, there aren’t many memorable bosses from this game, is there. In fact, a majority of them are just okay at best”. If 你 want my honest thoughts, the Looking Glass Night was the best boss and Royal 鼠, 大鼠 Authority is the absolute worst.

#5: Royal 鼠, 大鼠 Authority from Dark Souls 2

The first thing 你 should notice about this boss and how much of a problem it is can be seen from the Fog Gate alone. There is a bonfire right outside the boss room. So, when 你 die, 你 can just run right back in and get a do over. That is how 你 know that this will be one of the worst bosses in the game. The moment 你 step through the door, 你 will see a giant 鼠, 大鼠 on the 最佳, 返回页首 of a platform with four smaller rats at the bottom. What 你 want to do is simple. Kill those four rats. Fast! Using your strongest projectile as fast as 你 can. The reason is because those rats are carrying Toxic, a status ailment that will deplete your health at a much faster rate than Poison. Once 你 are Toxic, 你 might as well just die right then and there, because there is no way to get 安全 from that, because the Royal 鼠, 大鼠 Authority will continue to leap at you. And 你 want to kill the smaller rats before the Royal 鼠, 大鼠 Authority joins the fight. Even if 你 aren’t hit with Toxic, he can kill 你 while 你 are dealing with them and kill 你 in a few seconds. Once the smaller rats are dead, if 你 somehow manage to kill them in your first few tries, the rest of the boss is simple. But the boss appears to have a similar moveset. One of a giant four-legged creature. Yeah, the boss is just a reskinned Sif from the first Dark Souls. Only instead of being a fun and emotional fight, 你 get this annoying one. But I am feeling some emotions alright! That’s for damn sure! I’ve also heard rumors that the boss’ hitbox makes absolutely no sense. 你 could roll out of the way of an attack, but 你 will still get hit regardless of what 你 do. This was the Dark Souls 2 equivalent of Sif… Let that describe the quality of the bosses in this game compared to the first Dark Souls.


Mortal Kombat: Armageddon was a terrible game. Bad combat, generic fighting, and a Konquest mode that made Deception’s look good, with some of the worst story 写作 and most bland fighting mecaniques in a Mortal Kombat game thus far. But don’t worry, because Konquest mode allowed 你 to beat up enemies outside of 1 v. 1 fighting, almost like a beat ‘em up. A very sloppy one. And there were bosses in them… And these bosses sucked. But of course, one of them is worse than the rest.

#4: Shao Kahn Colossus from Mortal Kombat: Armageddon

你 thought Mortal Kombat 9 had the first shit Shao Kahn fight? Well, allow me to 显示 你 the Shao Kahn Colossus from Armageddon, while not being worse, it’s still bad on it’s own. The first thing to note about this boss is that, since it’s a colossus, 你 have no means of fighting it. The boss will 火, 消防 projectiles at 你 from across the room and ground pound, sending 你 flying. Instead of hitting the boss, 你 are resorted to running around the room like an idiot and launching fireballs at four glowing spots on each side of the room. After that, 你 have to slowly and painstakingly lure the Shao Kahn Colossus to a 圈, 圈子 in the center of the room, while he is still firing at 你 with projectiles, and then ground pound a button to send a beam of energy at the Colossus. But of course, that only brings him down to half health. If 你 want to kill him, 你 have to do the same thing again! And while 你 are doing this, 你 won’t be able to look at him and see the projectiles flying at you. And if 你 are on the ground, he can still hit you, giving 你 no breaks from his constant onslaught. So not only can he hit 你 from miles away, he also takes his sweet time for 你 to get a chance to hit him. Despite all of that, the boss is also really short, and can be beaten in a few seconds, if the AI allows it. But until 你 get the chance to defeat him, have fun being sent flying through the air a few times.


Man, Devil May Cry 3 was such a great game. Dare I say it, it’s the best in the series. Though, I think many will agree with me on that account. So tell me why they had to go and make a boss like Arkham and put him in the game, and just have to ruin it’s chance of perfection? Just why?!

#3: Arkham from Devil May Cry 3

From the start of the boss, it may not seem like the best boss in the game, but it isn’t too bad… Yet! His attacks mainly consist of him flailing his arms around and running around the room, making it a bit annoying to combo him with any melee weapons. A real annoying attack of his is when he sinks into the floor and creates an army of these slug creatures that will jump at 你 and attack 你 all at once. If 你 aren’t constantly moving, 或者 have an area clearing item, 你 will be taking a few hits from them, guaranteed. But, like I said, this isn't where the fight because terrible. No, the fight becomes terrible when Vergil shows up. And I never thought I would ever have to say things get worse when Vergil shows up. When the fight starts, 你 can ask Vergil to help 你 out 由 pressing the B button. That sounds sick, doesn’t it? Well, it would be, if it wasn’t for the fact that it takes away your skill that 你 choose at the beginning of the game. Well, as 你 continue the fight, you’ll notice something. Where’s my fucking Styles?! In Devil May Cry, 你 can choose four styles before each level. One’s that allow better blocking, shooting, melee, 或者 dodging. Well, in this fight, 你 get nothing, because the button to use your Style is replaced with a button to call Vergil over. As handy as Vergil is in this fight, that doesn’t help when the slugs are jumping 你 and constantly beating 你 because your Royalguard Style is now gone 或者 你 can’t get any good dodged because your Trickster Style is now gone. Depending on how much 你 relied on that Style, 你 will get annihilated very quickly, and it’s what makes the fight with Arkham so much worse than it could have been. Thankfully, 你 get one of the best fights in the entire series afterward, but that still doesn’t save the atrocious fight with Arkham.



I have 说 it before, and I will say it many times in the future. I hate Final 幻想 XIII. I do not like the combat system, I think the story is really dumb and confusing, the world makes 你 feel trapped and unable to break out of it, and the characters are okay at best and Lightning at worst. And then there is the main villain, Barthandelus, 或者 太空 Pope to the internet. I know that, as the main villain, he should appear numerous times… But does he gotta suck every time?
#2: Barthandelus from Final 幻想 XIII

There are only two ways I know how to beat this boss. Believe me, none of them are any good. The best way is to do the obvious. GRIND! Grind until 你 are at the peak of the level 你 need to be in the game. If 你 aren’t at the very point of leveling up, than 你 may not stand a chance against the boss. The other tactic is to level up just enough and then be prepared for a long and rather boring fight. The reason I say that is because, if 你 have the right strategy, you’ll never really be in any danger when 你 go up against Barthandelus. Well, until 你 get hit with some 移动 that makes 你 think, “Wow, that was fucking cheap”, mainly because if the party leader dies, everyone dies. Oh yeah, it’s one of those JRPGs! If it wasn’t good in Persona 4, what makes Final 幻想 XIII think it will be better. So yeah, this fight will drag on and on and on until either he dies, 你 die, 或者 your brain cells just quit completely. The fight will be nothing 更多 than a bore, but hey, at least 你 got a strategy that will kill him soon- Wait a minute! I almost forgot! In Final 幻想 XIII, bosses have this thing where, if they believe that 你 are taking up too much of their time, they will speed the fight up, 或者 make 你 speed it up, 由 introducing a Doom ailment to your party leader. What this does is start a countdown over the leaders head. If 你 don’t beat the boss before the timer reaches zero (Trust me, 你 won’t beat him before that time), then 你 will automatically die, lose the fight, and have to restart the entire fight. This is the way of the game telling 你 to get out of here and grind until 你 can kill the boss quick enough. That is the thing that made me hate the Barthandelus fights that much more. Because it just decided that it doesn’t feel like taking too long and just ends the fight right then and there. And worst part, 你 have to fight this boss again two 更多 times. Granted, after the first appearance, 你 get used to what 你 have to do and now that 你 need to grind in order to defeat him, but that doesn’t make the fight any better. They all still suck. And so does this game.


I knew from the very start that I had to put this boss at the number one spot. This may just be a boss that no one has ever talked about, but they should. They really should. Because this boss is terrible in every way. Nothing about this boss works. It is atrocious. And that boss is Jen from Primal

#1: Possessed Jen from Primal

Okay, so in this boss fight, Jen, your character that 你 use for your combat, ends up getting possessed 由 the big bad guy of the general area. So, instead, 你 have to play as Scree, the weaker and smarter of the two. So, you’d think you’d probably have to solve a complicated puzzle 或者 do a pretty average stealth sequence, correct? No! Instead, 你 must fight Jen head on. Alright, that’s not so bad. Maybe I could get a real strong statue to fight her with- Here is this new statue with an all new fighting style 你 have no idea about. Start fighting right now. That’s right, 你 have a new character to play as, and 你 get no time to react as Jen rushes towards you, ready for a fight. Because she is moving while 你 are taking control of the other statue, 你 will be taking at least one hit right off the bat. It’s a guaranteed hit and impossible to avoid. After that, Jen will start to throw constant combos at you, combos that 你 don’t have when 你 play as Jen. And 你 have to deal with them, which are almost unblockable in some cases, and can really mess 你 up if 你 aren’t careful. She can keep up this combo until 你 are dead. Another thing that really irritates me, 你 know, besides the boss room being pretty small in comparison to other areas, is that 你 are not able to parry Jen. When 你 knock her attack out of the way, and go for a strike, she will always dodge out of the way. But when Jen parries, it always manages to hit you, regardless if 你 manage to dodge 或者 block. 你 will get hit and 你 can’t do a thing about it. This is what we like to call Fucking Bullshit! The boss has every single advantage over 你 and makes the choice of weather 你 get to win and 移动 on with the game 或者 not. It becomes such a pain after a while that 你 just want to scream in utter anger. The only way to beat this boss, as far as I know, is to psyche her out repeatedly. When she isn’t attack, that’s when 你 need to do a big swipe and finish her off. The fact that 你 need to resort to cheating is almost as bad as another boss that I know. But that’s beside the point. Regardless, Jen is a boss that took me, no joke, two hours to beat, because of how much bullshit was in this fight. The only plus side is that 你 can save the game at any point, so 你 can start right outside the boss room. And thank god for that, because I don’t think I could have handled going through that level. So, there 你 go. Possessed Jen. Worst boss I ever fought. I’m going to go play Persona now.
added by AquaMarine6663
Song: link

Commander Kane: So, let me get this straight. You're 日本动漫 characters, and 你 live in a place called Animeland?
Addie: Yep.
Cassie: Watch our show, and you'll see why.
Mily: *Blowing her whistle as she comes towards the humans*
Commander Kane: It's a talking train!
Mily: What's everyone shouting at me for? *Passing the humans* 嘿 guys, welcome back. I'm Mily, and I'm your hostess tonight. I got back to back episodes of a new series joining our lineup, called Johnny Lightning. Enjoy.

Rabbit Peak, Chama New Mexico.

Japanese People: *Walking alongside a trailer, carrying Type 99 Machine...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Hello, and welcome to another installment of Hidden Gems, and today, we’ll be taking a look at the third party game from the Wii. Now, I know that third party games for the Wii were… Not the best. Usually, you’d find a bunch of awful party and fitness games. Sure, 你 get a few good third party games, but they're all kind of… E rated games. They never went to the extreme… But then one game did just that. There was a game on the Wii that decided to push it to the and create something rather gruesome and violent for a console as family friendly as the 任天堂 Wii… And no, we...
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Welcome, everyone, to the 下一个 万圣节前夕 oriented list. This week, we’ll be looking at the eight legged creepy crawlies 你 always find in the corners of a dark room. Spiders. Now, spiders are probably the least scariest things on this list… To me anyway. There are hundreds of people with a fear of spiders,known as arachnophobia. And with spiders hown growing larger and bigger and becoming the size of a house, I doubt they get any less scary. So, today, we will be looking at the ten spiders from movies, tv shows, and video games. Now, before we begin, a few rules. Only one 蜘蛛 per franchise,...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Wind: (Walking into school, with the school officer sitting in his car) Hey, 你 know that I passed, like, fifteen different drug dealers on the way to school right. At least seven of them offered to sell me cocaine.
Officer: Oh… right. I will get to work on that…. Right now (The officer drives down the road)
Wind: Hey, the drug dealers are in the opposite direction- Eh, I’m sure he’ll realize it (Goes into the school building)
Officer: Phew, that was close. I thought I’d actually have to do my job.

Wind: (Sees a bunch of students crowding the school stairway) (Sighs, as he heads to the...
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Now, after I did a 列表 for annoying Zelda characters, I noticed something. There are a lot of creepy Zelda characters. And, when I say creepy, I mean REALLY creepy. Now, this is my opinion, so, I may have a different idea of what’s creepy than you. So, with that said, lets start the list

 Dying Guard
Dying Guard

#10: Dying Guard from Ocarina of Time - Now, this is lower on the 列表 because this is a secret character. But, it’s still creepy nonetheless. After 你 see Zelda run out of Hyrule 城堡 Town, 你 are supposed to head to the Temple of Light. BUT, if 你 go to the alley that is opposite...
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Now, what are all Legend of Zelda games known for. Their dungeons of course. So, today, I Want to tell 你 all what my 最喜爱的 Zelda dungeons of all time all. Now, there aren’t really any rules for this list, other then this is my opinion, so…. Let’s start the list

 The Eagle
The Eagle

#15: The Eagle from Legend of Zelda - What better way to start off the 列表 then the first dungeon that started it all. Now, sure, it may not be all that great 由 today’s standards and it seems pretty lackluster when compared to the dungeons of this era, but, remember. This was the very first dungeon in Zelda...
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Ah, yes, its 圣诞节 time again and what better way to celebrate this time of year, then with a bunch of 圣诞节 movies. Now, remember, these are not the best 圣诞节 电影院 ever made, its just my favorite. Second, they have to be 电影院 I have seen. And, lastly, they have to be 圣诞节 themed in one way 或者 another. So, with that, lets get started.

20: Jingle All the Way - Now, this 电影院 may not be the best movie ever made, but, 你 have to remember… Arnold Schwarzenegger is in this movie. Holy shit, if that isn’t worth watching this movie, I don’t know what is. Anyway, this...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
To infinity and beyond.

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

Song: link

This is another intro focusing on my characters from Trainz, but only the diesels are involved this time.

Leon: *Leaving Impala Station, on a passenger train with Stan, Sebastian, and Xavier*
Sean: *Pulling seven coaches as he passes Mike Fonzi pulling twenty freight cars*
Jesse: *Returning from the yards. He yawns as he stops on the turntable*
Ian: *Pulling a freight train with Shayne, and Jerry*
Sean: *Passes Ian, and the others with a passenger train*
Jeff: *Passes Bryce. The both...
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Thank you. -Sincerely, COLA.
posted by windwakerguy430
Wind: Hey, who ate all the Captain Crunch
Drunk: I did. Sorry
Wind: Oh… Well (Takes out a gun) You’re gonna fucking die

Wind: (Playing Monopoly) Looks like 你 gotta go to jail, Drunk
Drunk: Fuck that! I ain’t going to jail (Jumps out of the window)
Police: (Tackle Drunk once he starts running)

Drunk: (See’s a girl hitchhiking) Hey, 你 need a ride
Girl: Yeah. Could 你 drive me to my boyfriend’s house
Drunk: Oh hell no, you’re walking 首页 (Drives off)

Drunk: This is my girlfriend (Points at a girl) Go on. Tell everyone about us
Girl: Help, I’ve been kidnapped
Drunk: Well, we gotta go (Places...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Teacher: Alright, listen up class
Cody: What is it, Mr. Faggot
Teacher: 你 will all be having a fundraiser. Each of 你 will be 给 a box and 你 will need to go door to door and sell them. The 最佳, 返回页首 seller-
Wind: Okay, I’ll sell them
Teacher: ….. The 最佳, 返回页首 seller will win a prize
(After school)
Cody: (Carrying box) So, all we have to do is sell everything inside this box and we’ll get our prize
Wind: Oh, fuck the prize. I just want to win and be the superior
Cody: Okay, just let me do the talking (Knocks on door)
Woman: Hello
Cody: Hi, uh… wait, what were we supposed to say
Woman: (Closes...
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So, I have been on the internet for a LONG time, and, its no secret that the internet is a weird place. I mean, it has some weird stuff in it. It ranges to those god awful fanfics, to those weird bloated fetish pictures on DeviantArt, to Rule 34- NO, we’re not talking about that again. But, what’s REAL weird is the fact that people actually dedicate their time and even money to make full websites dedicated to these sort of things. So, I want to share with 你 some of the strange websites that are out there. Now, I am going to talk about STRANGE websites. Not those putrid disgusting ones...
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posted by Canada24
I'll skip to when our idiot version of Rick, arrives at Atlanta..

Rick rode into town, as expected, ignoring all the warning signs about the city being overrun.

At one point he believed he heard a helicopter but while it, he saw, too his horror, thousands of walkers who ended eating his horse, freaking out, Rick literary started 表演 like a gorilla, as if doing so was possibly gonna fix the situation.

Though biconcles, Glenn saw Rick, as wehaws jumping up and down, making animal noises.

"Clearly he's Canadian" Glenn said, under the belief that 'all' Canadian's responde to life and death situations,...
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Cody: (At club talking to girl) Yes, I own a mansion in Beverly Hills and- (Phone rings) Hold on (Answers phone) Hello
Nick: Cody, get over here. We got ghost problems
Cody: Umm... Butler, I'm a little busy
Nick: Butler? 你 son of a bitch, the last thing I am is your butler. Who do 你 think 你 are, some rich douche bag that lives in a mansion. In case 你 forgot, we live in a run down two story house in the suburbs of New York
(Girl walks off)
Cody: No, come back. My butler is always a joker. Goddamn it. What is it Nick
Nick: There's a ghost in the house. I'm trying my best to get rid of it with...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Hello everyone, and welcome to Boss Bits. Today, we will be looking at Dead Rising. Dead Rising is a game where 你 kill zombies........... Okay, I should be 更多 specific. Dead Rising is a game where 你 kill zombies, get survivors to safety, level up, kill psychopaths, and find out the truth of what happened. It's a pretty fun game series, in my opinion. Now, lets take a look at the bosses
(Warning: Spoilers)

Boss: Carlito
This guy is the main villain of the game... Such a sad thing since they really didn't add any build up. They 显示 he is the main villain in the first actually mission of the...
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added by Seanthehedgehog