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On January 1st, 1987, the world was graced with the first edition of the Japanese manga, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood. 30 years later, in 2017, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is still going strong. In fact, it’s even stronger today than it has ever been, and I am happy for that. So, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, I am going to make the 月 of January an event known only as Jojo-nuary, where I will be making many lists associated with Jojo. And to start this event off, I am going to introduce 你 all to the ranking of Stands from the fifth edition of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Vento Aureo 或者 Golden Wind. Now, while Vento Aureo wasn’t appreciated very well in the west for poor translation and Giorno’s character, I still loved it, mainly because of it’s lack of bad Stands. This part definitely had 更多 good Stands than bad Stands, and I am okay with that. So, with that, let’s start the ranking of all of the Vento Aureo Stands.

Rank 17: Rolling Stone (Used 由 Scolippi)

When this Stand was introduced, right near the end of Vento Aureo, I didn’t really feel like it was necessary. And yeah… I was right. This Stand has no fighting strength, no interesting moves, nothing. All Rolling Stone has is that, whenever a person is destined to die, it will allow the person to die a painless death. However, if they continue to refuse the Rolling Stone, than it will leave, suggesting that the person wishes to die painfully. The only reason this Stand was created was because (Major spoiler) It was coming after Bucciarati and was made to predict his fate near the end of the manga. 由 this point, we were already aware of what would happen to Bucciarati, so 由 this point, Rolling Stone was just there to 显示 how strong the group wanted to survive. That is about it, really. I felt that Rolling Stone was just real pointless and was not really a necessary thing to have at the end. Maybe there was 更多 to it, but I honestly couldn’t care to see.

Rank 16: Talking Head (Used 由 Tiziano)

Now we go from one pointless Stand to a less pointless but still pretty bad Stand. Talking Heads is a Stand that has no means of fighting at all. Instead, it has an ability that makes it kind of unique but pretty pointless. Talking Head is able to latch onto a person’s tongue and, once on, the person it is attached to cannot tell the truth. So, say that 你 are in danger, and someone asks if 你 are okay. Instead of telling them that 你 are danger, Talking Head will make 你 say that 你 are okay and that 你 are in no danger at all. 你 will be aware of what 你 said, but will have no way of saying this. 你 can’t write it out either, as Talking Head will make 你 write the lie down as well. I can at least admire Talking Head for it’s ability and how it uses them, so it gets points for that. Unfortunately, Talking Head does nothing much after that, and doesn’t do anything else after that. Not to mention, he is defeated in such a simple way. Enemy Stand users are always defeated because the character outsmart them. Here, Narancia just shoots at Tiziano and finds his breathing. That’s about it, sadly. Talking Head. Lots of potential, but potential is all it was.

Rank 15: Mr. President (Used 由 Coco Jumbo)

Now, I can at least say that Mr. President was useful for giving the group a place to hide, and use Mr. President to their advantage. Plus, it’s used 由 a turtle, so that just makes it better. But sadly, Mr. President just lacks in so much that makes a good Stand. So, Mr. President has only one simple ability. Mr. President has a key that, when inserted into the special place on the shell of Coco Jumbo, it will create a room inside the 龟, 海龟 shell and allow the person to enter. Inside the room is plenty of furniture, a fully functioning television, and a refrigerator, complete with drinks. The only thing that this room lacks is a bathroom. The room is able to keep the group 安全 from the many assassins that hunt them throughout the manga, and it definitely has it’s uses. Sadly, that is about it. Mr. President is really just a way to keep the group from dying. It doesn’t get truly interesting until Jean Pierre Polnareff comes onto the scene. I won’t spoil what, but let’s say that when 你 do see it, you’ll understand those Polnareff 龟, 海龟 jokes. Anyway, Mr. President. Good for the group, and nothing much else.

Rank 14: Clash (Used 由 Squalo)

Now this is where the Stands get interesting. Clash is a very small Stand, and can create it’s size depending on what liquid it is in. Since Clash is a shark, it is only limited to liquids, but that just makes it all the 更多 dangerous. No matter what the liquid may be, whether it be a pool of water, a puddle, 或者 even a glass of wine. Whenever it is in these bodies of liquid, it will shrink it’s entire body down to fit in it. However, this doesn’t change how strong it is, as, no matter what the liquid may be, it can grab hold of it’s target like that of a real shark, and drag them through the liquid, as shown when it dragged Giorno through multiple puddles. Clash is a Stand that not a lot of people talk about and I don’t know why. It certainly has a lot of good ideas behind it, but just wasn’t shown that much. That, plus it was shown along with Talking Head. I understand that both of these Stands were limited in their abilities, but that didn’t stop Clash from being an interesting Stand… I can’t say the same for Talking Head though.

Rank 13: Little Feet (Used 由 Formaggio)

Little Feet is a very interesting Stand. It does have an ability that I am not exactly the most interesting in, but I felt that it was used very well. Now, I am not the biggest 粉丝 of the ability to shrink in size, but, like I said, I really did enjoy how Little Feet did it. Anyway, in case 你 couldn’t guess, Little Feet has the ability to shrink. Not just the user, but it’s target too. When Little Feet slices anyone with it’s sharp index finger, they will begin to gradually shrink in size, even to the point of being microscopic. Once they are of this size, the user of Little Feet is able to use their small size to do what he pleases, whether it be to torture them 或者 just kill them right there. Little Feet is also able to shrink the user in size, and can control it unlike that of its targets. Now, I do have to say that, since Little Feet was the first Stand to be used 由 the first of the assassins to be introduced, it had a lot to live up to, 由 introducing just how ruthless the assassin group was, and I think that it did it’s job. Sure, as I’ve 说 before, I don’t like the idea of people shrinking, but I also 说 that Little Feet did it in such an interesting way, that it kept me 阅读 the whole way through. So, good work on their part.

Rank 12: 海滩 Boy (Used 由 Pesci)

I never thought that 你 could make something like a fishing rod interesting, but, unsurprisingly, Araki found a way. 海滩 Boy is just a simple fishing rod used 由 the cowardly Pesci. This was the moment that showed how interesting the villains were. They weren’t just another obstacle in the characters way. They had emotions too. But, enough about that. Let’s get back to why 海滩 Boy is great for a fishing rod. So, 海滩 Boy does what a normal fishing rod does. It catches it’s target and pulls them forward. However, it does even more. 海滩 Boy can sense when a target is nearby and, in a sense, swim towards them to hook them and allowing the user to reel them in like a fish. And it isn’t just limited to going around solid objects. 海滩 Boy is able to 移动 through solid objects like walls and even human flesh and can go for miles, as long as the string of the rod is there. It also cannot take any damage. Once a person is hooked onto 海滩 Boy, if they try to attack it, all the damage will be directed toward them and hurt them, as if they aren’t in any 更多 pain. Honestly, this is a pretty surprising Stand. I suspected 海滩 Boy to be a really dull Stand, but it was used just too well. And when a fishing rod is a great Stand, than that just shows what Stands in Vento Aureo 你 are in for.

Rank 11: Notorious B.I.G. (Used 由 Carne)

Every time I hear about this Stand, everyone talks about how terrible it would be to have this Stand. And yeah, I understand. But the Stand itself is actually pretty interesting. So, Notorious B.I.G. is a Stand that is immortal. It cannot die, no matter what 你 do. Now, that may sound pretty cool and make 你 wonder how people would hate to have a Stand like this. Well, in order for the Stand to even be activated, there’s one thing the user must do. The user has to die for it to work… Yep. When the user has a grudge against the target, such as being killed, then it will allow Notorious B.I.G. to come out and kill the targets. This is when it shows how powerful it really is. As I said, Notorious B.I.G. cannot be killed. It is immune to all attacks, since the user is to be dead, they cannot be killed again to kill the Stand. This is hacks if I’ve ever seen it. Notorious B.I.G. is also able to control the parts of people like that of Talking Head, only it can allow them to do 更多 than just lie. Notorious B.I.G. has one disadvantage at least. It can only spot people through how quickly they move. They faster they are, the easier Notorious B.I.G can find them, and will rush toward them to kill them. Notorious B.I.G. was so OP, they just dumped him in the ocean to get rid of him because of how powerful he is. Yeah, I would never want this Stand, but it is definitely not a Stand to take lightly.

Rank 10: Soft Machine (Used 由 Zucchero)

Soft Machine was the one of the two Stands that users were attacking other members of Passione and were the one of the two to actually survive an attack from the protagonists. Not that they didn’t get beaten badly, but still. Soft Machine has the ability to deflate a human like a tire 由 stabbing them with the sword that it carries. Once the person is completely deflated, Soft Machine is able to drag them through any sort of hole, crevice, 或者 anything, making it easier to hold onto their targets as hostages. Soft Machine can also stab people, but no one cares about that part. Now, if Soft Machine behaved like any other enemy Stand user like in any other part, Soft Machine would have just been another simple to defeat Stand, but how it was used is what I like about it. It never showed itself, always stayed hidden, and allowed others to come to it, letting their curiosity get the better of them, so that Soft Machine could catch them. It shows just how patient the user is. I really like how it was so secretive until the reveal of it near the end of the battle, and I think that is what made Soft Machine 更多 interesting for me.

Rank 9: Oasis (Used 由 Secco)

When Vento Aureo came about, there was a new type of Stand that was introduced. The type of Stand that the user wears. There were two Stands in Vento Aureo that were worn 由 their users, and this would continue on in later Jojo parts, such as the Stand, 20th Century Boy in Steel Ball Run. One of these two worn Stands was Oasis, and it was a very interesting Stand. When the user is near any sort of solid surface, Oasis can be activated in order to turn the solid surface into that of mud. Once in the mud, Oasis can allow the user to swim through it easily, while making it hard for the target trapped within the mud to even escape. However, just like Notorious B.I.G., the user cannot see while in the mud, but instead of speed, it relies on hearing it’s targets to attack them. Though the surface is all mud-like, it still acts as a solid to others. Say that someone were to shoot it. Instead of the bullet going through, it would deflect the bullet because it is just rock. Another intriguing thing is that Oasis can turn the surface from mud to solid easily, allowing it to badly harm it’s targets, such as turning mud into jagged rocks to impale its enemies. Oasis was a very interesting Stand, but I think that the other worn Stand did better, which we’ll get to soon enough

Rank 8: Kraft Work (Used 由 Sale)

This is the other Stand that went against another members of Passione and managed to live… Some how. The user was shot in the head, so I am wondering how it survived. Anyway, Kraft Work is a pretty confusing Stand to understand, but when 你 do figure out what it does, it turns out to be a very threatening Stand. Kraft Work has the ability to control kinetic energy. I have no idea what any of this means since I sucked in science class, but thankfully, it’s very easy to explain. So, anyway, this means that Kraft Work can stop the movement of anything at any time and can create 更多 movement to them at their current state with great force. For instance, in the fight with Mista, when he fired a bullet into the user’s head, Kraft Work was able to stop the bullet from going through, so that it would not kill the user. When the user had one of the bullets in his hand, he was able to simply tap the bullet, and send it at Mista with the same force as being shot out with a gun to kill the target. It really manages to be a very interesting Stand, and be a very cool one for all those who understand this science stuff that I don’t. Seriously, I just came to watch sharply dressed guys beat the crap out of each other with ghosts.

Rank 7: White Album (Used 由 Ghiaccio)

I 说 we’d get to the 秒 worn Stand in Vento Aureo, and here he is. This one is even 更多 so, as it really feels like the user does 更多 than just have a Stand. It feels like the user has abilities of it’s own, which I think makes White Album all the 更多 interesting. White Album is able to control the weather, turning the entire area that it surrounds. However, it can get even colder due to White Album’s ability, known as White Album Gently Weeps, which turns the area’s temperature to below freezing, and can create sheets of ice that are strong enough to deflect even bullets. This only adds to the armor that it has, as it is already impenetrable on it’s own, with the only way for the user inside to be harmed is 由 attacking through the opening on the back of White Album’s neck. However, due to it being warm inside White Album and air turning into a gas, it can easily be blocked (Sheesh, what is it with this science stuff). Also, thanks to the skates on the bottom of it’s feet, White Album can 滑冰 across the ground at a speed of 80km/h. That’s 更多 than Highway Star, who could go at a speed of 60km/h. White Album was a Stand that was full of surprises, and they were all pretty good ones.

Rank 6: Baby Face (Used 由 Melone)

Okay, so most of the Stands may have had some creepy moments, but they were pretty tame for the most part. Baby Face is a Stand that changes that in seconds. Okay, so Baby Face starts out as a simple computer that can gain information on people and store them into itself. Sounds pretty tame to start with, don’t 你 think. Well, I agree. Then 你 get to the Homunculus part of Baby Face. 或者 rather, how the Homunculus is created. Baby Face can create a 秒 part of the Stand, which is a small Homunculus that starts as a baby and grows with new information 给 to it so that it can continue it’s mission, but how it’s created is the creepy part. In order for Baby Face to be created, it has to gain the DNA of a woman and get her pregnant for the Homunculus to be born. Oh, that is just all kinds of screwed up. Anyway, after this point, Baby Face is able to use it’s Homunculus abilities to reform anything 由 turning them into cubes. For example, when Baby Face was tasked with kidnapping Trish, he used his abilitiy to turn her into cubes, and to hide her from the group, he turned her into a table. Baby Face can use this on himself as well, and can hide from enemies 由 turning himself into any inanimate object, and can even take away pieces of each person just to kill them. So, Baby Face. A very unique and interesting Stand…. But god, is creating that thing messed up.

Rank 5: Green 日 (Used 由 Cioccolata)

Being one of the most sadistic villains in Vento Aureo, maybe in the entirety of Jojo, it only makes sense that the user would have a Stand as sadistic as Green Day. Green 日 has the ability to create mold. That may not be much until 你 actually witness the effects of this mold. The mold is able to tear apart the bodies of people, and have them fall apart like some sort of mutation. It also doesn’t help that Green 日 has a range that can cover the entire city of Rome. This is mostly affected 由 the altitude of a person, as the mold is at a low altitude. The lower a person is, the 更多 effective Green Day’s mold is. If a person were to be lying on the floor, they would be infected and dead within seconds, while someone at a higher level will take longer. That is why Green 日 worked alongside Oasis, as Oasis’s ability to turn solid ground into mud would allow Green 日 to have a better chance at killing its targets. Green 日 was a very deadly Stand 给 to a very sadistic user. So sadistic, he made sure to record each 秒 people were suffering from the effects of Green Day’s ability. It’s no surprise that the user of Green 日 got the longest beating in the Jojo 日本漫画 to date.

Rank 4: Man in the Mirror (Used 由 Illuso)

Remember when Kakyoin 说 to Polnareff that there was no such thing as a mirror world 或者 a world inside the mirror. Well, as it turns out, Kakyoin was full of it, because Man in the Mirror proves that there is in fact a world inside the mirror. Anyway, Man in the Mirror was a pretty cool Stand. Man in the Mirror has the ability to bring its user and anyone it wants into the mirror world, a world that is just a mirrored version of our world, completely devoid of other people. When Man in the Mirror is about to drag someone else in, only they will be able to see it, and no one else can. Breaking the mirror does not stop the target from being dragged in. In fact, it just makes things worse for them. If the target that is being dragged in 由 Man in the Mirror happens to be a Stand user, than the user of Man in the Mirror can choose if it wants to bring their Stand in 或者 not (Which, honestly, why would they want to do that?). So, in other words, if a Stand user is dragged in, only they are dragged in. Not their Stand. So, they cannot defend themselves from Man in the Mirror once they are inside the mirror world. This is a good thing for Man in the Mirror, since it is rather weak, and it and it’s user can leave at any time, and leave a target trapped inside with no way of getting out. So, in other words, Man in the Mirror is a nerfed Hanged Man, to say the least. But it’s still just as good as Hanged Man.

Rank 3: Black Sabbath (Used 由 Polpo)

Black Sabbath was the very first enemy Stand introduced… And it was definitely a great way to introduce it. I mean, seriously, I could talk about how great it is just 由 Black Sabbath’s 设计 alone. But, let’s just stick to its abilities. Black Sabbath creates something known as The Trial. Before Black Sabbath appears, one must fail The Trial. As part of initiation for Passione, the user orders a joining member to watch over a lighter for twenty four hours without letting the lighter go out. If they succeed, they get to 加入 Passione. If they fail… Well, that’s where Black Sabbath comes in. If the 火, 消防 on the lighter goes out, Black Sabbath appears before them, and drags out a person’s soul, 或者 Stand if they are a Stand user. Once it has it in it’s hands, Black Sabbath will have one of the Arrows come from it’s mouth. These Arrows are a huge gamble. If 你 get pierced with them, 你 have a chance of getting a Stand, but 你 risk dying as well… So it’s kind of a big gamble. Anyway, besides that, Black Sabbath can 移动 through shadows. When in shadows, such as a person's shadow, it will try to attack them through them, even using the shadows birds flying over them to catch them. This is also a disadvantage to Black Sabbath, as it cannot 移动 in sunlight, as it will disappear when doing so. Black Sabbath had a lot to live up to as the first enemy Stand of Vento Aureo, and I think it managed to live up to it very well.

Rank 2: Grateful Dead (Used 由 Proscuitto)

Baby Face may have been the most disturbing Stand of Vento Aureo, but Grateful Dead was the first disturbing Stand of Vento Aureo. The thing about Grateful Dead is that it has no way of fighting, no way to protect itself, no sure way of where it’s going, nothing. It is just a Stand that activates its ability and let’s it happen. However, it does it so well that I just 爱情 everything about this Stand. Grateful Dead is a reverse Sethan. Instead of aging people backwards and making them younger, Grateful Dead accelerates the aging process and makes people older. Not just physically, but mentally as well, as if they don’t know what’s going on. No matter who it is, whether it’s a friend 或者 an enemy, Grateful Dead will cause everyone except its user to age. That’s not to say that it’s user can’t age. If it wants to disguise itself, than Grateful Dead will allow them to age. Grateful Dead’s ability of aging rate depends on a person’s body temperature. The hotter it is, the quicker they age, so it is advised for a user to stay cool with something like ice to keep them from aging. Grateful Dead had a very unique way of aging it’s targets, instead of what Sethan did, Grateful Dead affected anyone and everyone, and managed to be one of the most overpowered and most disturbing Stands of Vento Aureo, and that is what makes it so great.

Rank 1: 金属乐队 (Used 由 Risotto Nero)

Metallic ais a Stand that is bizarre, crazy, 阅读 of it makes my skin crawl, and, of course, is one of the best Stands of Vento Aureo. 金属乐队 doesn’t really have a great appearance. It’s just a bunch of little metallic creatures that swarm around in some iron. Nothing much. But I assure you, that’s just the beginning of how creepy these little guys are. Thanks to the ability to manipulate any sort of iron, they are able to blend their user into any environment, so he can remain hidden from his enemy. But, that isn’t what makes 金属乐队 a threatening Stand. Being a very lethal Stand, it is capable for Risotto to never even come face to face with his target before he violently kills them, and 金属乐队 is a Stand that is probably one of the most violent in Jojo. As I 说 before, 金属乐队 can manipulate iron of any kind of iron, weather it be in items, in the ground… 或者 in human blood. That’s right, 金属乐队 can manipulate the iron inside of a person’s blood. This created probably the bloodiest fight in Jojo, with the fight between Nero and Doppio. 金属乐队 proved itself as a dangerous Stand 由 filling Doppio’s face with nails, creating a pair of scissors in his throat, and losing so much iron in his body, that Doppio was close to death, as he had 迷失 far too much iron and was suffering from anemia. But 金属乐队 isn’t all destructive. It can use it’s ability to help its user, as when Nero had his entire foot cut off, instead of just leaving it there, he had 金属乐队 turn his blood into staples and had his foot put back in place for it to heal. 金属乐队 is just full of surprises, huh. 金属乐队 may not have been around for long, but it’s multitude of abilities and its violent nature proves itself as the Stand of the leader of the assassin group and my 最喜爱的 enemy Stand of Vento Aureo. I hope 你 enjoyed this list, and don’t worry, Jojo-nuary is just getting started
Wind: So, I get to go on a vacation to Spain, huh. This shouldn’t be so bad. I was getting sick of being in Ponyville all of the time anyway

Wind: Okay, I have no idea where I am going
Gonado: (Stares at Wind)
Wind: Uh…… Can I help you?
Gonado: (Speaks Spanish)
Wind: …….. Okay (Walks off)
Gonado: (Picks up an axe and follows Wind)
Wind: Well, that guy was a damn freak
Gonado: (Swings the axe at Wind’s head)
Wind: Goddamn it. Not again (Bend down to tie his shoes)
Gonado: (Misses, losing his balance, and falls off of the cliff)
Wind: Huh, wonder where that weird guy went

Wind: (Locks himself...
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We all do something to spend time with our siblings. Either it’s having a fun conversation with them, playing with them, 或者 just hanging out with them. What did me and my two brothers do when we hung out? We beat the living shit out of each other on a daily basis. So, when our little sister was still in elementary school, and my older brother still lived with us, we watched this 显示 called Deadliest Warriors, where two different warriors from the past would be tested with their strength and then they would fight to the death to see who would win. It’s kinda like Death Battle if it was...
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(Note: This is based off of CinemaSins Everything Wrong With series. Also, this is just nitpicking. I do this out of 爱情 for Wind Waker)
You will first notice that this game was made in 2002, and considering that the 星, 星级 Wars prequels were made around this time, 你 can tell it wasn’t a very good year
Well, it’s no wonder the town was attacked. The Triforce is just lying in a field right out in the open
Why does this village only have one horse
Man, when did Ganondorf get a bad case of crispy-burnt skin?
This game really loves shoving Ocarina of Time in my face, huh
So, the hero never came?...
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Now, I am just gonna put it out there. I am not a 粉丝 of WWE. Sorry, but I’m not. All I see when I watch it are some guys beating each other up for peoples entertainment. It’s like Roman gladiators… but with a lot less death. But, I am a 粉丝 of Harry Potter… the 图书 anyway. Never got around to watching the movies, and I only read the books. They were great 图书 that had great characters and weaved a good story. But, well, 你 wanna know why I hate crossovers. Because of shit like this. Harry Potter Joins the WWE… Great. Also, the 作者 states that this story is fiction. Oh, that’s...
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Now, if 你 know me, 你 know that I watch Abridged series. One of my 收藏夹 would be Dragon Ball Z Abridged and Hellsing Ultimate Abridged. However, all of these were made 由 TeamFourStar, so they are pretty much abridged geniuses. However, there is one Abridged that, sadly, didn't go anywhere. That is Attack on Titan Abridged.
Now, this one had probably the longest first episode out of any other TeamFourStar series. And they used there time VERY well. All of the comedy is perfect in this. From dark to slapstick humor. This abridged used all of it. Another likable thing is the characters....
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posted by windwakerguy430
Sonic X Parody - Episode 1

The following is a non profit 粉丝 based parody. Sonic X is owned 由 4Kids and the Sonic Team. Please support the official release

Robot 1: And I was like, “That’s what she said”.
Robot 2: Ha ha, that joke never gets old
Robot 1: Yeah. Anyway….. Wait, did 你 hear that
Robot 2: (Turns to see something running at them) Oh shit
Robot 1: Okay, don’t worry. We were created for this very purpose. We can do this. Shoot him (Fires at thing)
Sonic: Get out of the way (Jumps over robots)
Robot 1: ……………….. Shit
Droid 1: Dr. Robotnik, it appears-
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Ganondorf: Ha ha, no doubt my giant black guard killed Link. (Laughs)
Tetra: I honestly could care less about him
Ganondorf: Now, nothing can stop-
Link: There 你 are, 你 fuckign cheater
Ganondorf: Goddamn it, I have..... wait, what is that...... 你 hold the final triforce piece
Link: Yeah, so wha- (Ganondorf slaps Link)
GanondorF: I'll be taking that (Picks up Triforce piece) Yoink. Finally, I have all three pieces (Giant Triforce appears) Ha ha ha. I did it. I got the Triforce. I'm so happy, I'm actually not going to kill 你 all
Tetra: Really
Ganondorf: (Laughs) No, your all so fucked
Link: Hey,...
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In my opinion. Johnny was the best protagonist. He's so fun to use.. And he's actually quite relatable in most ways. Coarse. This also goes for Niko, but that's anouther story.
Anyway. After his once best friend, Billy Grey had finally 迷失 his mind and Johnny having had to put him down.
Johnny was in charge of the lost.. But he became a meth addict, and all that made him badass we're removed, because if it weren't I'm pretty sure Trevor and him would of been easily matched in a fight. But instead, Johnny was too gullible, and it cost him his life. And Trevor. Knowing they would...
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How odd is it to read a fanfic based off a commercial. Pretty odd. But if it's good, then I'm all for it... But, what if that fanfic has rape and incest... That's the Saving 分钟 Saves Money fanfic.
Seriously, how does rape come to mind when 你 write a fanfic based on a cellphone commercial. Well, fuck, someone did it, and, surprise, surprise, sur-fucking-prise, some one did, apparently.
So, it starts with our character, Brad, getting yelled at 由 his mother for wasting minutes. Well, so far it is accurate to the commercial. Soon, Brad gets pissed and throws his mother onto the floor. And...
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(I'd like to thank Canada24 for this recommendation)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. It's just a joke. Just a Joke. JUST A FUCKING JOKE!!! Today's fanfic is Just a Joke.
Now, this is a Smosh fanfic. Now, I enjoy Smosh. It is a very funny internet series and I really enjoy it. But.... We get Just a Joke. From every chapter, I was fucking sick to my stomach.
So, this is a sjipfic of Ian and Anthony. And, it is not just sickening, but it is fucking boring. When the story isn't making 你 vomit, its making 你 fall to sleep. And, this is one of the stories I really didn't want to finish....
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Saten is trying to do tryouts for a play, the coach becomes frustrated with poor acts, Saten's rival sabotages performance and gets him cut.


Saten returns home, angry, Sword calls to him from a vent in the house where he was trapped chasing a dropped piece of Skittles candy, and if Saten gets him out he'll help in return.


BEDROOM / Sword had escaped.

Sword: I use to do characters and back before I met 你 guys (shows scrapbook) I was half of the most 流行的 ventril-agrgah act in the world....
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Western films, 电影院 about the freedom of the uncharted west of America, where man could make their own rules. And the samurai film, 电影院 about warriors that fight and die with courage and honor. So what if some Hollywood smuck 说 “Let’s put them together”, and put them together they did. The story of a samurai in an old west setting is nothing new. Putting an outdated group like the samurai in an era where 枪 were prevalent to see how they can stand toe to toe with outlaws and gunslingers has been around since the 1971 film Red Sun, yet very few games were made of it. The only...
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QuikPiks are a side part of NikPiks that I do when I write 文章 that are much smarter than the usual and when I want to get a point out there quickly. So if I have a topic that I will spend less than an 小时 working and editing on, well, this is what to expect.

Let’s talk about Saints Row, preferably 2. Now for those who may not have played the franchise, 你 may think, “Saints Row? 你 mean that lame GTA rip off that just turned into pure insanity that everyone grew to hate”. But me, an intellectual, would tell you, “Of course not.” But it’s fair to think that. Saints Row did...
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你 know what’s a setting that indie developers really seem to like? The cyberpunk genre. I’m not complaining, I 爱情 that stuff too. But I have like three games played that are cyberpunk, and I am pretty sure I have 更多 waiting to be played that are also taking place in that setting. And naturally, I thought I would review the one I played first on here before the others. And low and behold, it is one that many people have talked about before, VA-11 HALL-A, pronounced Valhalla.

VA-11 HALL-A is set in a cyberpunk world, where corporations decide the fate of humans, where everyone...
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Oh boy, we still got some Cultober to go through, everybody. 或者 at the least, we’ve reached the ranking moment for these movies. I think we had a good haul this season. We had a few goodies, a few mehs, and some trash in the mix. But it was mostly a good first year. So let’s talk about the movies, talking about the worst ones and then making our way to the good ones, and what I recommend for ones viewing pleasure. Oh, and I will be rating this film on a ten outta ten scale, 5 points for how scary 或者 spooky the film is and another 5 for how enjoyable it is. So there’s a chance I may like...
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Our protagonist.... named "Boy", because his parents never loved him, was looking through the assortment of treasure (And 由 treasure, I mean a bunch of garbage not even a homeless man would want) at a yard sale. Suddenly, he found a 盒式磁带, 墨盒 lying on the 表 written in black marker "Majora's Mask". Since Boy has not played Majora's Mask in ages, he decided to buy the game from the old man which looked 90% like a serial killer and 10% a pedophile.
"How much does this game cost?, 说 Boy.
The Old Man stroked his moustache, because he really liked to do that, and said, "Oh, it's free".
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Here’s another list, because twenty 迷失 games wasn’t enough. There was way too much games that were 迷失 for several reasons. You’d think that in this 日 and age, it would be hard to lose a game with the level of internet access we have. But no, there are still hundreds of games out there, that never made it to consoles, and probably will stay that way. There was just way too much to leave out, I just had to make a 秒 list, continuing the discussion on 迷失 video games that were either eventually found, have some evidence of their existence, 或者 are so obscure, 你 probably wouldn’t...
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Okay, let’s just get the most controversial opinion out of the way. Let’s talk about the biggest horror game franchise of this year, and maybe even of all time, also being the video game franchise that I… well… How do I put this… I don’t like Five Nights at Freddy’s
(And thus, Wind was never heard from again. They say his screams as the 粉丝 tore him apart could still be heard in his house to this very day)
Yeah, just saying that I don’t like this game is like a black man at a Klan meeting. 你 don’t do it unless you're suicidal. So, why am I doing it then? Because somebody...
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Yet another fanfic about a 显示 I never had the chance to watch. Now, from what I know, this fanfic is based off of the hit anime, Sailor Moon... A 显示 in which I never got around to watching because I'm an idiot that never looks at 流行的 stuff. Anyway, this fanfic here, named Rini's Horrible Death, is a huge piece of shit that I'm surprised I actually got through it without wanting to find the actul sorce for this fanfic and burn every bit of it. Lets begin, shall we?
So, the whole fanfic is about a character from the 显示 named Serena is getting fed up with Rini always getting in the way...
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What do 你 get when 你 take a beloved cartoon and mix it with some of the worst fanfics known to man... 你 get Dipper Goes to 塔科, 炸玉米饼 Bell
You can tell just from 阅读 that 标题 that this is stupid. This is a Gravity Falls fanfic, and a bad one at that. Now, let me start off 由 saying I have not had the luck to watch Gravity Falls. Of course, I am willing to give the 显示 a try, but, for the moment, I have no clue what the 显示 is, 或者 who the characters are, so, if I make a mistake involving the show, then, don't get mad. Just remember, I have not watched this 显示 yet. Anyway, the fanfic...
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