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posted by Summer_Leanne
Here's the 下一个 chapter. I know it's kinda long...sorry :/ I was 迷失 in my own little world. lol. Thanks for all the sweet 评论 and support! I hope 你 爱情 it as much as I do ^.^ Much 爱情 and appreciation to each of you, from me! :]
“Does that fit well, Chloe?” Summer asked her three 年 old princess. Chloe was in her mother and father’s bedroom trying on a dry, sky blue dress with layers of white frills on the skirt. Thankfully, while she was pregnant, Summer stocked up on enough sizes in outfits for Chloe till she reached age five. Aro changed out of his wet clothing and went to see about some business with his fellow elders, so it was only Summer and Chloe in the room. Chloe grinned shyly, twirling around in the striking dress, “It fits, mommy, and I 爱情 it!” Summer leaned back and smiled, contemplating her daughter’s graceful movements. “You, my dear, may well become a dancer someday.” Chloe gasped and ran to embrace her mother at the knees, “Do 你 really think so, mommy?” Summer placed Chloe in her lap and turned Chloe’s chin to face her, “I have no doubt about it.” She touched her nose to Chloe’s and laughed. Summer felt like a true housewife. She enjoyed sharing time with Chloe, but how long would Aro be “doing business?” Many times in the past, she wouldn’t see him until he came into the bedroom at night. Summer was anticipating for things to no longer remain that way. Well, at least Aro wasn’t roughly as bad as Caius when it came to making time for his wife. It was bad enough that anyone had to be married to that half-hearted, brutish imbecile. But, to 最佳, 返回页首 it all off, he paid a very 分钟 amount of time acknowledging Athenodora’s, his wife’s, presence. Speaking of which, Summer hadn’t gotten the chance to say hello to her old friend.

“Chloe, dear,” Chloe looked up a Summer from the fairytale book she was 阅读 on the floor, “Would 你 like to go see Aunt Athe?” Chloe giggled and yanked Summer 由 the hand into the long hallway. “Okay, okay, slow down, miss!” Summer begged her scurrying daughter. The memory of a three 年 old half vampire was astounding to her. She and Chloe left Volterra when Chloe was only six months old, yet she remembered who Aunt Athe was. Summer and Chloe skipped down to the end of the darkened hallway until they reached Athenodora’s room. Summer allowed Chloe to knock 由 herself on the closed door. They heard light footsteps approach rapidly. The door swung open; Summer was overjoyed to see her beautiful “sister” with mouth agape, standing calmly. “This can’t be real…” Athe barely muttered, “Summer?” Summer rolled her eyes, “Oh, come now, Athe. It’s only been three years!” Summer gave her old friend a compassionate hug. They crazily giggled, “Three long years and you’ve suddenly returned! Life has been dragging without 你 here!” Athe swayed Summer in her arms. Chloe stomped her foot and frowned, “Aunt Athe? What about me?” Athe let go of Summer and placed her hands on her chest as she took in Chloe’s appearance. “Oh, sweetie,” Athe scooped up Chloe and cuddled her closely, “look how much you’ve grown, dolci!”

Chloe beamed back at her, taking her aunt’s face between her soft hands. Gently, Chloe kissed Athe’s pale nose, “Yay! 你 remember me!” Athe threw her head back in laughter, “How could I forget my 最喜爱的 angel?” Summer covered her smiling mouth with her hand. Athe had always been there for her and Chloe. 下一个 to Aro, she was Summer’s 射线, 雷 of hope in the despairing Volturi. Summer had no trouble with Volterra itself. The trouble lay within the Volturi’s actions and abuses. Athe, similar to Summer, disagreed with the majority of the elders’ choices. Summer guessed that was half the reason why she and Athe never quarreled. “Come, Come,” Athe called to Summer, still holding precious Chloe in her arms, “you must tell me where you’ve been and why you’ve recently decided to come back, dear.” Athe took a 座位 下一个 to the bedroom window, motioning for Summer to take a 座位 also. Summer sat down and stared into Athe’s sharp red eyes, “I’ve missed chatting with 你 after all these years, Athe.” She patted Summer’s knee, “So have I, hun. 你 have forever been my escape from this place.” Athe glanced out the window, her eyes saddened. Summer broke the stressful pause, “Has Caius changed any?” Athe didn’t look at her, “I suppose.” Her voice sounded distraught. “That man…” Summer sighed, “doesn’t even deserve to be called a man. I wish I could 拍击, smack, 味道 him for you.” Athe grinned faintly, “You’ve done it before.” Summer chuckled, “Yes, but I wish I could do it till he gains some sense.” Athe stood Chloe onto her feet, “I’ve kept all your 最喜爱的 toys in that corner there, sweetie.”

Athe pointed to the left hand corner beside the bed, “You may play if 你 want.” Chloe kissed her aunt on the cheek and ran off to have fun. Athe’s full attention was focused on Summer now, “Enough about me, love. Tell me everything 你 got yourself into when 你 left.” Summer explained in a nutshell her various jobs and travels. What extremely caught Athe’s attention, though, was the fact the Summer met Carlisle and his family. “You saw Carlisle? How is he? Has he changed any?” “He’s doing fine, and he hasn’t changed at all from when he was with us here. His family is incredible. I’ve never known such loving, nurturing vampires.” Athe beamed, “I would 爱情 to meet them. Carlisle always stood out from the rest of the Volturi. I would have endeavored to follow his feeding habits, if Caius hadn’t 给 me such heavy restrictions.” Summer’s eyes saturated with rage, “It’s about time you’ve fended for yourself. He doesn’t need to be controlling your every move. Ugh…” Summer crossed her arms. Athe tried to calm her, “It doesn’t matter, dear. I’ve put up with him for years, and I will continue to do so for eternity. I become 更多 numb towards him every passing day.” Immediately, Athe’s bedroom door burst open, and in stepped Dominique, her eyes blazing. She pointed at Summer sternly, “I need her to come with me.” Athe eyed Dominique, “Why?”

“Aro wishes to speak to her.” Dominique replied through her teeth. Chloe looked at her mother fearfully, but she didn’t say a word. Summer stood and smoothed back Athe’s snowy hair, “It’s alright. I’ll be back shortly. Keep an eye on Chloe for me, sweets?” Athe kissed Summer’s cheek, “Of course. She and I will be here waiting for you.” Unspoken gratitude gleamed in Summer’s eyes, “Thank you, Athe.” “Be safe, Summer.” Athe added before Dominique slammed the door. Dominique didn’t say a word. She simply grabbed Summer 由 the arm and jerked her down the hall. Instead of making a left at the end of the corridor, Dominique made a right. Summer knew this wasn’t the way to where the elders resided. She didn’t bother to ask Dominique any questions, until she flipped open a hidden hatch door laying on the floor. “Get in.” Dominique hostilely commanded. Summer stepped back, “I’ve never seen this door here before.” Dominique smirked, “Exactly.” When she realized Summer wasn’t moving an inch, she ran behind her and pushed her inside. Luckily, Summer landed on her two feet. Dominique climbed down the ladder and quietly locked the door. Summer scowled, “I appreciated that.” “Good.” Dominique tugged her down the new pathway.

Lanterns lit up the red brick walls and poorly tiled floor. Summer tried to pull free from her grip, “Why don’t 你 let me go?” “Ha, you’ll try to run. I’m no fool.” Summer knitted her eyebrows together. “Why are 你 doing this?” Dominique kicked open another door, but this time it led to a dead end. She shoved Summer into a musty, unsanitary room that resembled an old prison cell. There was a broken chair sitting under the minimal amount of sunlight shining through the barred window. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling and walls, creating a dusty feeling. Summer analyzed the room, “What is this place?” She spun on her heels to face Dominique, who had bolted the door shut using a plank of splintery wood. She began walking in circles around Summer, “So, you’re the beautiful spoiled brat Aro must put up with for all eternity?” She jeered. Summer was certain Dominique didn’t know she was a shield, 或者 else she would have planned this differently. Summer kept her scowl, “What is that to you?” She was attempting to delay Dominique so she could mentally contact the guard and the elders. While Dominique was rambling about how Summer was a traitor to Aro and the Volturi, she caught hold of everyone’s thoughts, “Dominique’s missing.” She whispered to them through their thoughts, “She’s dragged me down underground somewhere through a hatch door in the floor. If 你 walked straight down the hall that leads to your meeting place and take a right, you’ll find it. She’s locked me inside some old prison cell with her. I’m not positi—“

But before she could finish, Dominique clutched her throat and hammered her petite body to the ground. “You think 你 deserve Aro, 你 impudent seducer? I should be the one married to him. I deserve his unconditional love! He’s mine, and 你 won’t live to spend another moment with him. He’ll be mine the moment your life ends.” Summer glowered at Dominique’s demonic red eyes, “Do 你 have the slightest clue what it means when a vampire has found their mate? Their bond is unbrea—“ Dominique kicked her forcefully against the wall, “I know what it means!” She screamed, “and I know Aro loves ME because I’m HIS mate!” Summer slowly sat up, “They’ll find 你 and I soon.” Dominique grinned, “No, they won’t. I masked our scents.” So the saying was true, Summer thought. Hell hath no fury like a woman’s scorn. Summer shook her head, “You’re such a juvenile girl.” That did it; Dominique crouched down low, ready to pounce on Summer and end her life so she could have her selfish “happily ever after” with Aro. Summer knew this was the moment. She swiftly encompassed Dominique in her shield and, in an instant, pinned her against the opposite 墙 with a vigorous force. Dominique squirmed and growled, “Who’s doing this?” Summer put on a smug smile, “Me.” Dominique bared her teeth, “No one told me 你 had any powers.” Summer casually shrugged, “An arrogant person such as yourself should have known.” She tearlessly wailed, “Let me go! Let me go!” Aro barged through the door a moment later, breaking it in two. He ran to hold his Summer, “Are 你 hurt, love?” He scanned over every inch of her, panic rising on his face. Summer soothingly touched his face, “No. Don’t worry, honey.” Summer retracted her shield from Dominique. Demetri and Felix seized her 由 the arms. Aro helped Summer off the rigid floor, but when she tried to stand, she yelped in pain.

She clutched her side and slightly lifted her 衬衫 to see what was wrong. There was an unusual, silver bruise that ran down the right side of her stomach. “This must have happened when she thrust me toward the wall.” Unfortunately, human vampire skin was not completely impenetrable. The venom in her veins clotted where she had been hit, resulting in a large silver discoloration. Although he was an elder of the Volturi, Aro’s most precious possessions were his wife and daughter. That is why they were always under such heavy protection. When someone dared to hurt them, it meant a death sentence. Aro rested Summer’s head on his shoulder and tenderly touched her exposed, bruised side, “You did this?” He coldly addressed to Dominique. Dominique’s devotion to Aro was evident in her eyes, “Master, she left 你 and the Volturi without a care. Why do 你 pretend to 爱情 her? I belong to you! It’s me 你 should be holding in your arms!” “You ignorant child!” He yelled at her in disgust, making Dominique cringe to the floor, “You think I could 爱情 you? 你 are not my wife, and if 你 were in your right mind, 你 would have understood that 你 would never become my wife. Look at the mess you’ve created!” Wow, Aro is so loyal to me, Summer thought, and I’m the one who kissed another person. Some wife I’ve turned out to be. “Shhh,” Summer laid her hand on Aro’s arm, “she doesn’t understand. She’s been blinded.” He withheld his contempt, “I’m afraid there’s only one consequence for your treachery.” He nodded to Demetri and Felix. They escorted her out of the room and into the main hall. “Treachery?” Dominique was alarmed, “It’s that Summer of yours who is the traitor! She should be murdered! Kill her, Aro!”

Demetri slapped Dominique across the face, “Enough. 你 heard the master.” Aro delicately lifted Summer into his arms, “I take full responsibility for this. I should have kept eyes on her.” Summer wasn’t fond of being treated like a damsel in distress 由 anyone, but, sadly, she couldn’t walk on her own. Why did she let Dominique kick her so harshly? That would probably remain a mystery to her. “Aro, this isn’t your fault. It was mine for not stopping her sooner. I could have handled her quite easily.” He remorsefully smiled down at her, “I have no doubt about that, dear. But, nonetheless, you’re still hurt.” The shame never left his musical voice. Summer rolled her eyes and giggled, “Put me down and I’ll try to heal myself.” Aro joined in her laughter, “Alright then.” He approached their room and laid her down on the bed. She brushed back his hair, “Don’t blame yourself for this. It really is not your fault, Aro.” He remained silent, answering her with an indulgent kiss. She pulled him closer, though she knew that he wouldn’t be able to stay with her at the moment. “I’ll be back shortly, sweetheart.” He whispered. Summer sighed. She knew the business he must attend to. He was going to make Dominique suffer through her death. “Go on, love,” she faked a smile, “I’ll be here, obviously.” He kissed her cheek, “Get better 由 the time I come back.” She chuckled, “I’ll try.” He untwined their fingers and strode out of the room, leaving Summer alone to heal…and think. She had only been back in Volterra for four hours, and still chaos managed to ensue. She felt as if she was a burden here. She didn’t seem to fit into the mix of things. Back with the Cullens, she was accepted and loved 由 all. Here, the only 爱情 she received was from Aro, Chloe, and Athe. Then her mind crossed over to Jake. How was he handling her absence? He was such a loving guy, and she had just broken his 心 twice. Did she actually belong to the Volturi, despite belonging to Aro? If she did honestly belonged here, would this have occurred? She craned her neck backwards and stared motionlessly out the window, wrapping her shield around her bruise. She concentrated on healing it slowly, while the thoughts of Aro, Jake, and Dominique bombarded her mind.
Was she technically a traitor as Dominique seemed to think? Perhaps she was...to everyone she held dear.
Thankies for reading! Hope 你 enjoyed it! <3
Chapter 9: My Futile Attempt to Protect Her (Jake’s POV)

It was the first time ever that Nessie couldn't hold my full attention with her kiss. My mind was racing she looked happy but physically she was a scary sight. Her face was gaunt after a week and a half of not eating 或者 sleeping right. Her eyes had circles underneath them that were so dark they were almost black; her eyes normally bright and effervescent were dull. She was so weak that she was shaking uncontrollably at times. It was Bella all over again only worse. I now was putting everything that I had on the table. My best friend;...
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Chapter 7: Broken Glass
I slowly opened my eyes my head was throbbing I was in Amore’s bed. Jacob was sitting with his head in his hands facing the wall. “Jake,” I croaked, “what happened”. He spoke with his head still in his hands, “you passed out Renesmee.” I tried to sit up but couldn't, and Jake finally looked at me. The look on his face took my breath away his eyes flashed with pain, anger and fear. “I cannot do this anymore,” he whispered. I felt my 心 sink, “do what I?” I asked nervously. He looked at me clearly shaken. “Sam almost 迷失 everything in there,...
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posted by Isabellaashley

During the pivotal parking lot scene, Bella wears a hoodie 由 Nordstrom store brand Rubbish and mittens 由 Ruth 交叉, 十字架 — a conscious choice 由 Chuck to not use designer brands: ''My look is always character-based and not fashion-based. It's really easy to get over-stylish, and I felt that Bella in particular had to be anchored in the real world.''


Filming in Washington during the winter months meant dealing with icy temperatures, so nestled under Bella's brown hoodie were lots of layers, including this long-sleeved cream top. The thermal, 由 Curious...
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Chapter 6: Preconceived Notions and The Choices That We Make (Nessie's POV)

Getting to the airport as well as the flight back was a blur. Somehow my father had arranged a private jet for us that flew us straight back cutting our travel time. Jake was 给 the job of calling Sam and convincing him of Amore’s vision and to let my family help them. His eyebrows furrowed as Sam picked up the phone, “Sam its Jake listen to me…I know that she is in labor trust me this is a good time for this conversation. Amore had a vision she is going to have twins Sam, she saw something choking one of the...
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Chapter 4: Of Panthers and Goddesses

“Nessie!” Zafrina crooned as she caught me in a warm embrace. “I am so glad that 你 came!” She exclaimed, she turned to Jacob and hugged him as well. “Thank 你 for sharing her on your honeymoon”. He grinned at her. I felt my stomach rumbling again and I clasped it. “I am so hungry,” I confessed. Jake smiled at me alright lets go get 你 something then. I looked at him and smiled, “No, I’m 更多 thirsty than hungry…I want to hunt.” I turned back to Zafrina, “Do 你 mind it will only take a little bit”. She looked at me curiosity...
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“As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there's a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged, and it is in such twilight that we must be aware of change in the air, however slight, lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness.”
-William Orville Douglas

* I 发布 pictures of the dresses in the image section of my spot "lovethecullens" check it out!

Chapter 1: For as long as we both shall exist… (Nessie's POV)

I was surrounded 由 brightness, as though in a dream. I looked down at the Oscar De La Renta 袍, 礼服 that my Aunt Alice...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

Renesmee had aged dramatically in the first two years of her life. 由 the time she was two, she looked twelve, so then suddenly, she began growing so much slower. Like a normal human. Carlisle was astounded, to say the least.

Renesmee is beautiful, and is officially (and in the technical sense, too, I might add) 19. She has been in physical existence for 19, but has not grown in over a decade. Her hair and nails grow, but she doesn't physically grow in any other way.

For the past few years, she's attended high school, kept up the human charade, etcetera.

Now, today, against my better...
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i'm feeling allot better, so here are 3 文章 up like i promised :D ^_^enjoy

Bella's pov

“Bella, NO! DON’T! STOP!” Alice screamed from behind us. “your going to die, Bella” she 说 in panic and with sadness.
“Alice, what are 你 saying” Edward asked her worried and all concerned and upset too.
“She’s still to weak to fight the poison, I saw it, it’s going to kill her” Alice 说 in panic now.
“Alice, I’m kind of death already how can poison kill me, I thought 吸血鬼 only die ...” I started say before I was interrupted 由 Carlisle
“it’s not because your a vampire,...
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I'm feeling a little better, so here's another 文章 :D

Bella's pov

I just laid there against his chest when i thougth about something.
“Where were 你 when Franco got killed” i 说 calm still with my head against his chest.
“Well I was at LaPush with Jake and the kids when Alice called me. She 说 they were at Isle Esme because 你 had called her, but she couldn’t stay on the phone long. I was pretty angry so when I was almost at Isle Esme too I called her back to tell her that I was on my way.” He 说 still with that angry tone in his voice.
“That was 你 on the phone” I said....
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Ok so i havent been 写作 what? my sever was down so dont blame me for ANYTHING but this chapter is alittle to short and i think its crap but just read and rate!!

I never thought things would happen like this but it did and everthing was fine, for now. Renesmee and Trenton spoke and played around like nothing ever happened. Weird. Ness would be up the 墙 或者 plumiting into the sky if she was me when i was a human.
I snapped back to reality and Edward was watching my facial expressions change. "Is somthing wrong love?" He asked as if he didnt know. "Wel I've been thinking about Trenton and...
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posted by twilight-7
Charlie’s POV

“Look, it was a just a few drinks.”
“Three bottles of expensive champagne, Sarah.”
“Like I 说 – a few drinks.”
“Do 你 think about anyone else before 你 start on the drink? Do 你 know who has to pick up the pieces after one of your benders?”
Sarah stared at me, different emotions crossing her face. Embarrassment, shame, disgust and then anger.
“How dare 你 speak to me like that!” she screeched at me. “You haven’t seen me in years, Charlie, so how would 你 know anything?!”
“Do 你 think I don’t talk to Kayla?” I shouted at her. “She calls me...
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the 下一个 one will be later today, now i'm going to relax and watch a movie :D

Bella's pov

“I guess 你 know who we are Charlie” Carlisle started saying and Charlie turned himself to him.
“yeah, So what, 你 drink human blood? Is it that why these killings happened years ago” Charlie sounded a little upset and angry
“No Charlie, were vegetarians” Carlisle answered back normal. But the look on Charlie’s face was like he just got hit with a rock.
“vegetarians” he answered back slowly
“What Carlisle is trying to say is that we don’t drink human blood, just animal blood” Alice...
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posted by twilight-7
I threw the last piece of clothing in my drawer and groaned in frustration.
“Where the hell did it go?”
“Maybe 你 迷失 it?” Edward suggested picking up my drawer and sliding it back into place.
“But 你 saw me put it in my jewellery box.” I pointed at my jewellery box, the drawers opened wide and the lid almost ripped off. “I haven’t worn it since Saturday.”
I threw myself on my 床, 床上 and tried to smother myself with my 枕头 but Edward’s hands lifted the 枕头 before I could do any damage.
“Why are 你 over-reacting?” he asked smiling. “It’ll turn up.”
“I wanted...
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posted by just_bella
Chapter 4

They managed to get him out the door, the sounds of Jazz's growls still roaring into the house. Emmett still had him in his arms and was now walking around the house to the woods. I wasn't sure what was going on, but I saw Esme look back at the mess and then out the door before she walked out closing the door behind her.

"Edward, let me check her." Carlisle 说 as he walked over. Edward was still in a defensive stance and took a moment before he relaxed and let Carlisle close.

Her arm was very badly cut, I ran into the 厨房 and grabbed a 厨房 towel. I ran back to Carlisle...
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Chapter 16: A Meeting of the Minds (Sienna’s P.O.V.)

The winds whipped at us ferociously as Seth flew through the forest in his 狼 form with me clinging to him. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. We finally stopped outside of the Cullen’s house. Seth gently let me down; I sat on the porch for a moment regaining my bearings. He licked my hand and then disappeared into the woods. Nessie opened the door and came out to me her eyes were rimmed with redness and it looked as though she had been crying. “Nessie, what’s wrong?” I asked her in alarm. She came up to me and...
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Warning: Thist is just my 幻想 coming through. And some information to you; the story plays before Bella became a Vampire and there is no Nessie in sight. So its just for our little Jacob's sake, he needs some luving.

Death is just the beginning
It was cold and hard, but for some strange reason i found it comfortable. I told myself i was deserving that, for betraying my brothers. I couldnt step back from my decision though, and i knew that just as well. So it was no suprise that i couldnt sleep well since days, rolled together to a ball.- in Bella Swan's backyard. I made sure that Charlie...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
THE WIND BENEATH MY WINGS part two of two... _________________________________________________
I pulled into Edward's drive way, and parked the car. I got out, and smiled when I saw that his car and Jasper's car was in the garage. I then closed the car door, and walked to the front door. I raised my hand in a fist, and knocked on the door three time. I took in three breaths of air, and thats when I knew I was nervous. I heard someone coming to the door, and I was excited to see Edward. But when the door opened, it was Jasper.
"Bella? What are 你 doing here!?" He asked and I...
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1. Snarl at you
2. Throw something at you
3. Possibly kill you
4. Kick 你 into the 下一个 continent
5. Throw 你 into the 下一个 cotinent
6. 拍击, smack, 味道 你 in the face and break it
7. Get Jacob so she comfort Renesmee and so he can take care of you
8. Get pinned down 由 Emmett so she won't kill you
9. Scream at you
10. Tell you, "Run while 你 still can!"
11. 冲床 你 and break your jaw into pieces
12. Get Rosalie to help
13. Perhaps Rosalie will do the dirty work for Bella while everyone's comforting Renesmee
14. Spit at you
15. Drink your blood
16. Try to go at your throat
17. Crush 你 with a giant boulder
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posted by twilight-7
It starts out in Kayla's POV then changes to Mitchell's. Hope 你 enoy.

“No. Absolutely not.”
Charlie began a rant about how I was too young, Edward was too old and neither of us knew what we were getting ourselves into. All I could do was stare at Edward.
Don’t listen to him. Edward thought. Think for yourself.
“And 你 have only been dating for a year, it’s not like-”
I don’t know, I don’t know.
You 爱情 me, right?
You know I do.
And 你 don’t want anyone else?
No one.
Then marry me.
“Are 你 two having a mind conversation?” Charlie shook my arm. “Are 你 not listening to anything...
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posted by CullenLover1844
I woke up in the dark. Finally, the burning stopped. I didn’t know where I was, but there was something different.
I wasn’t in the asylum.
But then, where was I?
Also, there was a burning, no, scorching, in my throat. But why?
And why can’t I remember anything?
I just had a vision. I saw a pale, honey-blond male, fighting others. He’s gorgeous. But who is he?
Another: He’s talking to a woman, except she doesn’t look like a woman, 更多 a girl. Her name’s Maria. His is Jasper.

I get up and walk around. I walk so gracefully! And I can barely hear my footsteps, too. There’s another...
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