吸血鬼日记 Club
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Bonnie walked with her plate to a 表 and wanted to start eating when she felt a pair of eyes burning in her back. She looked up and saw Keith standing 下一个 to her shooting her a meaningful glance. Bonnie, not wanting to be rude, waved at the 座位 opposite of her. Keith walked around the table, put his plate down and sank on the chair.
“Keith Dason” Keith introduced himself. Bonnie accepted his hand. “Bonnie Bennett” she said. She started eating.
Keith, however, didn’t touch his food, but kept staring at Bonnie. Bonnie looked up, feeling uneasy. She swallowed.
“Why, eh, why are 你 here?” she asked to be polite.
“I saw something” Keith said. “My friend’s 心 got ripped out”
Bonnie looked at her plate. “That must have been awful” she mumbled. Keith nodded.
“She was a really close friend. We met three years ago. She was going through a hard time. Her parents kicked her out of the house, because she was…different”
Bonnie took a deep breath. “Different” she 说 soft. “I’d know how that feels”
“You do?” Keith asked curious.
Bonnie’s face stiffened. “Yeah, but not anymore” she quickly recovered herself. “I’m just like everyone else now”
“There was a time 你 weren’t?” Keith continued guessing.
Bonnie got up and took her plate. “I have to go”
“Oh” Keith said, sounding disappointed. “Eh, talk to 你 later?” he asked hopeful.
“Yeah, sure” Bonnie 说 and she walked away.
Damon wished he would stay unconscious until he died, so he wouldn’t have to feel anything anymore. Part of him wondered why he didn’t just switch off his humanity, so he wouldn’t feel any pain. But if he wouldn’t feel the pain, neither would he feel the joy he felt when he thought about Elena.
Elena. Damon hoped she would never hear that message on her voicemail. He hoped Stefan would be decent enough to erase that message.
Stefan. Damon knew his brother hated him, but this much? Then why did he sacrifice himself to save his life? Why did he 加入 Klaus to get the cure? And where was...
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Damon tried to open his eyes, but the vervain burned too painful. Now he had 迷失 his sight he had to count on his hearing. And Bonnie gladly took advantage of that. She slowly step around Damon, waiting a few 秒 after each step.
“What are 你 doing?” Damon asked anxious.
But Bonnie didn’t answer.
She held a horn in her hands and held it right 下一个 to Damon’s ear.
“What are 你 doing?” Damon repeated. He tried to feel where Bonnie was with his free hand.
Bonnie grabbed his hand and turned it on his back, until she felt it break. While Damon cried she pressed the horn, which drowned his voice.
Run, that’s all he could think about. He had to run before she would catch up with him. And as he ran, he felt the aching coming back. His back started burning again, his head bounced and with every step he took it was as if thousand needles stung in his feet. But he had to keep running, for he had to stay ahead of her.
A few yards further he heard two voices argue. He recognized the voices. He wouldn’t count on the male one, but the girl would listen to him, she would understand, help him.
“Elena, wait!” Stefan yelled. After his proposal she had jumped out of the car and ran away.
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Jeremy’s eyes bulged as he stared at Damon like he had betrayed him. Damon let go of the 螺丝刀 and fixated his eyes on the blood.
“What?” he 说 confused. He looked at his hands, which were covered in blood and he crawled backwards.
Upstairs Alaric was finally liberated from the invisible force and he raced downstairs to the kitchen. His face went pale when he saw Jeremy lying on the ground, bathing in blood. He saw Damon, sitting in a corner, his expression shocked and confused.
“What have 你 done?!” Alaric yelled, paying no attention to Damon’s wounds. He ran to Jeremy,...
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It’s just a party, Damon had to tell himself when he knocked the Gilbert’s house door. However, it was Alaric who opened it.
“You’re looking for Elena?” he asked frowning.
Damon smirked. “No, Ricky, I was hoping 你 could do me the honor of being my 日期 tonight” he 说 sarcastic.
“Sorry, Damon, you’re too old” Alaric joked back. Then he was serious again. “Ehm, Elena left five 分钟 ago”
“She did?” Damon asked confused.
“Yeah” Alaric said. “Hey, why don’t 你 just get inside, pour yourself a drink, then I’ll change clothes and go with you. Jeremy can come...
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Jeremy was standing in front of Bonnies house. Caroline had told him about the party tonight and he planned on offering to escort Bonnie to it. Part of him 说 ‘Screw her, dude. She dumped 你 to hook up with Damon Salvatore, the dick that killed you’, but another, much louder part said: ‘You still 爱情 her and despite what she’s done 你 want to give her another chance. She would do the same for you’
But after knocking several times he understood his ex wasn’t home. He considered going back home, then figured it wouldn’t hurt if he just waited inside. And so he opened the door...
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Damon got up and pulled Elena up. He brought her to edge of the roof where he looked down. He looked back at Elena. “Do 你 trust me?” he asked, reaching out his hand. This time Elena didn’t hesitate. “Of course I trust you” She lay her hand in his and Damon lifted her in his arms. He stepped on the edge and jumped. They landed soft on the ground and after holding Elena in his arms a few 秒 he put her down. Elena stared at his lips as if she had to restrain herself from 接吻 them.
Then everything happened really fast. Damon gasped and his eyes bulged. Someone grabbed Elena’s...
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Night came in and stars enlightened the scene Damon and Elena were in. Damon fed Elena his last fry. Elena bit off half of it, took the rest and fed it Damon. Then they both lay down on the ground.
“I think I could stay here forever” Elena sighed.
“I hear you” Damon agreed.
“You know this place, don’t you? 你 knew exactly where to go” Elena said.
“I had a job here” Damon said.
Elena’s eyes bulged. “You used to work?” she exclaimed.
“Well, actually Stefan had the job” Damon clarified. “I was there just to annoy him”
“Damon?” Elena asked.
“Mm?” Damon said.
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Katherine was sitting on Caroline’s bed, a blood bag in her hand. Her stomach was healed and she was wearing one of Caroline’s tops. When she had finished the bag she gave it back to Caroline.
“Thank you” she said, though it took her quite some effort. They heard a car park. “I think your mother’s home”
Liz had been working really late. Caroline walked to the window and shoved the curtains. “No, it’s not mom” she rotated her head to the bed. “It’s Matt”
Katherine nodded and got up. “Yeah, I need to go 首页 anyway”
“No, 你 can stay” Caroline said. “I’ll just...
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Carol Lockwood walked into Tyler’s room, who was sitting on his bed, his iPod in his ears. She walked to the 床, 床上 and threw a collection of photographs on it. Tyler put out his earphones and looked at the photographs. “What is this?” he asked, pretending to be dumb.
“I found this in our mail. There was a note with it. ‘Dear Mrs. Lockwood, you’re son’s a werewolf. Have a nice day’” Carol said. “Who is this person, Tyler?”
Tyler shrugged, 表演 careless, but doing his best to avoid his mother’s eyes. “Just some dude who needs to get laid really soon”
“These are pictures...
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Damon and Elena were driving into the night.
“Where we going?” Elena asked curious. His eyes kept on the road Damon replied: “Remember when I took 你 to Georgia?”
Elena gasped. “We’re going to Bree’s Bar?” she asked excited.
“No” Damon said. “Bree’s Bar is gone. But there’s another place I’d like to take you”
He drove further for another twenty minutes. Then he parked the car on a parking lot of a restaurant. A very closed restaurant.
“Damon, what are we doing here?” Elena asked confused.
“Are 你 hungry?” Damon asked with a smirk.
“Yes” Elena said....
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Stefan ran into the hospital, Katherine in his arms. “Somebody help me! My girlfriend’s sick”
A doctor came running, while a nurse followed him with a stretcher. Stefan lay her down on it. “What happened?” the doctor said, while he rode the stretcher to an examination room. “She OD’d on some pills” “Do 你 know what pills? What kind?” the doctor continued. “Sleeping pills” Stefan hastily said. “I didn’t catch the name, though” He looked at the doctor. “She’ll be okay, right?”
“We’ll empty her stomach, but it’s important for us to know what pills she...
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7.40 pm
Katherine watched Elena jumping into Damon’s car and Damon driving away. She knew now was her turn and an evil grin appeared on her face. She stuck her hand in her pocket and conjured a box named Sonata, which she had swiped from Jeremy.
“Elena got what?”
Stefan and Katherine turned around. Jeremy was standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
“Jeremy, please let me explain. But not here. Let’s go to the 厨房 where we can talk in private” Stefan 说 and he went into the kitchen, Jeremy following him. Katherine, however, stayed behind. While Stefan filled Jeremy in on what...
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Damon’s phone rang, while Katherine was standing 下一个 to him, her hair straight. Bonnie had called Elena to go to The Grill to ‘have a drink’.
“Yes?” Damon 说 smooth.
“Damon?” Caroline asked.
“No, the pope” Damon sarcastically replied. Caroline sighed. “You’re sooo funny! Anyways, are 你 busy now?”
“Ehm, depends, why?” Damon asked.
“I might have a little something in store for you” Caroline 说 mischievous.
“Oh oh, should I worry?” Damon asked. Caroline laughed. “No, not at all” she reassured him. “It involves my house, dinner, you, Elena…You get...
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“Open the door now, Stefan! I need to talk to my sister!”
Stefan opened the door after Jeremy had banged it about twelve times.
“Alright, alright, don’t get all up tied” Stefan 说 as he opened the door, a blood bag in his hand. “Now, what brings 你 here? Something about Elena, I assume?”
“I need to talk to her” Jeremy repeated. “And 你 know why”
Stefan shrugged. “Why didn’t 你 come here last night?”
“Because I knew Elena wasn’t here. I knew she was with Alaric and her friends, I didn’t want to make a scene” Jeremy explained.
“And 你 were also chicken that...
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Elena opened her eyes and sat up. One thing was certain. This was not her room. Neither was it Damon’s. A picture of her and Stefan told her this was Stefan’s room. She got up and regretted it the moment she stood on her feet. Her head bounced, everything was blurry and she got so dizzy she had to sit down again. And on 最佳, 返回页首 of that her stomach was twisting around. Then she remembered the state she was in. This was just one of the symptoms…Wait, Caroline didn’t say anything about feeling nauseous.
“Hey, I cleaned your sheets” Damon 说 in the doorway. He noticed Elena’s pale face....
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Evening fell and the gang at Alaric’s loft had moved inside. Damon had 给 in to Elena’s 啤酒 request and she was now halfway her second. Status Quo was playing and Caroline made her way to Damon. She took his hand and pulled him with her. Bonnie took his place. “Hey, Elena” she 说 soft.
“Hiii” Elena smiled and she threw her arms around her friend and squeezed her. “How 你 doing?”
“Fine” Bonnie said. “You?”
“Very good” Elena answered. She looked up and gasped. “Looook, I can see the stars”
“It’s seven, it’s not even dark yet” Bonnie said. “And we’re...
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The sun warmed Kelsey’s body and as she opened her eyes she noticed she was covered with a jacket.
“It’s all I have”
Kelsey looked up and saw the bartender sitting 下一个 to her.
“I think introduction is in order. Keith” he 说 sticking out his hand, but Kelsey only stared at him confused. “My imagination is too restricted to fully understand what happened last night, but I have quite some theories” he added.
Kelsey rubbed her forehead.
“Stay here, I’ll get 你 some clothes” Keith 说 and he returned to his bar. A few 分钟 later he came back with some clothes. “I left...
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The Lockwood House
Gabe walked the doorstep and knocked. He’d been to the police station, but they had refused to release his daughter. A few 分钟 later the door went open and a middle age woman appeared. She was wearing an apron. “Can I help you, sir?” “My name’s Gabe Lindy, Mr. Lockwood knows me. I have to speak to him” Gabe said. “I will see if he can make some time” the Maid answered. “Tell him it’s important” Gabe added. The Maid nodded and turned around.
A few 分钟 later the Maid returned with Mayor Lockwood. As soon as they arrived at the front door the Mayor...
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The 下一个 morning when Gabe came in the 厨房 he saw the TV was on, airing the news. They were talking about a car accident. Someone had hit a car and driven away. “The culprit has turned herself in last night” The newsreader told some 更多 details, but Gabe and Rachel didn’t hear it anymore.
“Idiot!” Gabe cursed.
“Gabe!” Rachel reproached, nodding at Amber who looked up from her plate rotating her head from her mother to her father and back. “Amber, sweetie, why don’t 你 take your breakfast upstairs? 你 can watch some TV in your room”
“Nice offer, mom, but I think I’d...
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