TDI's Noah and Cody Club
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Hello people who are 阅读 this right now! That's right; I will be updating this now, and sometime around x-mas eve! :D And, I just wanna give a quick thanks to all my reviewers! 你 all are the real reason I keep doing these! TuT

*sniffles* Anyway, onto our story!

*No ones POV*

So, the two geeky boys slept through the night.

In the morning; Cody and Sierra woke up snuggling on the couch. They laughed about sleeping on the couch, and then went along with their day. Sierra made Cody breakfast, Cody ate it, and, finally, Cody kissed Sierra before going off to work.

Meanwhile, Noah woke up in the bed. He figured Alejandro must have woken up earlier, and had carried Noah to the bed. After getting showered and dressed; Noah then goes to the 厨房 to find Alejandro 阅读 the paper at the table. Noah gets a pot of coffee, and sits 下一个 to Alejandro. After awhile of sitting in silence; Alejandro puts down the paper, and puts an arm around Noah. The two exchanged greeting, and then pulled each other into a kiss. Noah finishes his coffee, and leaves for the cafe. But, not without giving Alejandro another 吻乐队(Kiss) before he left.

It is now four weeks later, and Cody and Sierra's wedding was closer than ever. In fact; the wedding was that following day. And, as it just so happens, Cody was getting paid today – which meant he'd finally be able to properly propose to Sierra.

Of course....he still needed a best man.

*Cody's POV*

As the alarm went off as my signal to get up; I didn't actually mind it. I then turned the alarm off, and merrily went on with my morning routine. I had no idea why, but, for one reason 或者 another, I had woken up in a chipper mood. I took a shower, got dressed, and headed to the 厨房 for some breakfast and coffee. Once I got there; I saw Sierra making something at the stove.

“Good morning honey bear!” Sierra gushes; momentarily looking away from the stove. I smile, and, curiously, I'm not even fazed 由 her voices volume. I then take a 座位 at the 厨房 table.

“Morning Sierra.” I reply. “Did 你 sleep well?”

“Oh I slept wonderfully!” Sierra coos; turning back to the thing cooking on the stove. “And how did my little sugar cookie sleep last night?”

“I slept just as well as you.” I replied happily. Sierra then put whatever was on in the frying pan on a plate, and brought it over to me. Once she laid it in front of me; I saw that what she had been cooking was a omelet. “An omelet? Aw Sierra, this is so sweet! didn't have to make this for me.” Sierra gives me the biggest smile, and kisses me on the cheek.

“I know, but your so worth it!” Sierra then goes over to the counter, and gets a mug from the cabinet. She then picks up the coffee pot, and put it over he cup. At that point; I begin to nibble at my omelet. For some reason...I just wasn't hungry. “So,” Sierra began as she started to fill her mug with coffee. “You promise 你 won't be gone long? I just don't wanna miss 你 to much.”

“Of course I won't be.” I reassured Sierra as she put the pot back. “I'm just gonna go 由 work, pick up my 圣诞节 bonus, and then go buy our rings.”

“And...then you'll be home.” Sierra says as she takes a 座位 下一个 to me. “Right?”

“Of course.” I then put my arm around her, and she smiles. Sierra then leans in, and gives me a quick peck on the lips.

“Okay...please be careful then.” I nod, and once again eat a little of the omelet in front of me. I then quickly gulped down the rest of my coffee, and stood up. I then gave Sierra a 吻乐队(Kiss) on the cheek, and went out the door into the snow-covered world outside. On impulse; I walked directly to the metro, and hopped onto my train. There wasn't actually that many people aboard, so I was able to take a 座位 close to the front and 由 the window.

“Next stop; my work office.” I mumble happily as the train starts to 移动 along the tracks. I then silently watch as the snow-blanketed world outside the train goes by. Of course, all I could think about getting to the office, pick up my bonus, and then rush to the jewelry store to buy the rings that had been eluding me for the longest time. In fact, was buying the rings. I was so caught up in getting to my office; I hadn't even noticed the train had stopped at a station just three away from mine. And I wouldn't have noticed, but, then, from no where, a voice speaks up.

“Excuse me,” a timid voice comes out of no where. I then look up, and....I see...this familiar looking boy with scruffy red hair, silver frame glasses, a green coat, loose fitting blue jeans, ocean-blue eyes, and pail skin accompanied with freckles around his nose. “Is this 座位 taken 由 anyone?” I then realize....the boy in front of me looks....familiar in a way. Of course, I couldn't put my finger on it....

“No, go ahead.” I say; still trying to figure out who the guy was. The red head then sat down, but...his familiarity was driving me insane. I then wound up staring at him for a long time.

“Uh...can I help you?” the red head asks after I continued to stare at him.

“I'm sorry, but....what's your name?” I ask the boy 下一个 to me. The red head smiles, and pushes a stray red hair from his eyes ocean-blue eyes.

“Demetry.” the boy responds. I then realize I didn't know anyone 由 that name.

“Okay, thanks.” I say to Demetry. “My names Cody, and....I swore I knew 你 from somewhere. So, yeah....sorry for bugging you.” Demetry smiles, and rolls his eyes playfully.

“Eh, it's fine.” Demetry reassures me. “I often think I now every other person on the street!” Demetry then starts to go into a semi-rant, and, to be truthful, I wasn't even listening to half of it. “Hey, sorry if I'm boring you. Nigel is always telling me I'm to kind to strangers.” I then get wide eyed, and....I suddenly realize he just 说 Nigel! And, that could mean....Noah's older brother!

“Uh...okay, quick question.” I speak up. “What's this....Nigel's last name?”

“Ishtar.” Demetry 回复 instantly.

“Oh my god!” I exclaim happily. “I know his younger brother; Noah Ishtar!” Demetry then gets a mirror-like happy smile, and his eyes light up in wonder.

“Really?!” Demetry asks. “That's awesome! So...where do 你 know him from? Are 你 two, like, business partners? Roommates?” a feeling of uncertainty comes over to me, and....I oddly feel uncomfortable about talking to Demetry.

“Uh...well...we were once roommates.” I explain awkwardly – telling half of the truth. “So, do 你 and Nigel know each other?” Demetry then suddenly gets a blushed appearance.

“ see....” Demetry then leans in, and whispers. “He's sort of my boyfriend.” I then feel a blush come across my face, and, at that moment, Demetry gets back into his original position in the seat. “Look....I'm sorry if I just ruined the whole beginning friendship there, see...I think of it as a 'there gonna find out one way 或者 another' thing. And, to be honest, I'd like for people to know a little about me before we get attached.”

“I understand.” I mumble. “ be honest....I don't really have a problem with people of the same sex dating each other. I'm a straight but narrow type of person.” my words make Demetry smile, and he once again pushes some hair out out his face.

“Well I'm glad to here that.” I then smile back at Demetry, but, in the back of my mind, I still think he looks familiar. But, before I could even get another word in, the metro came to a complete stop. “Oh, well, this is my stop!” Demetry announces. He then stands up, and turns to me. “Well, it was nice meeting 你 Cody, and please say hi to Noah for me if 你 see him!”

“Uh...sure thing.” I reassure him awkwardly. I then realize two things; the first is that Noah is the answer to my best man problem I'm currently facing and that it wouldn't be a bad idea to pay him a little visit. The 秒 is that....when Demetry began to walk out of the train....I finally knew where I had seen him from.

I had seen Demetry whenever I look into a mirror; with a few minor differences of course.

*Noah's POV*

I was sleeping peacefully until the dreaded alarm woke me. With a slight groan; I reach over and turn turn it off. I then sit up in bed, and stretched out while yawning loudly.

“Man...what a good nights sleep.” I say as I rub a little of the sleep from my eyes. With that; I get up, and start to get ready. I take my shower, get dressed, and head to the kitchen. Once I entered; I saw Alejandro at the 表 阅读 the morning paper – which he seemed to be doing daily for some reason. “Good morning Alejandro.” I speak up. Alejandro looks up, and then smiles at me.

“Morning mi amor fáciles de engañar(1)” Alejandro 回复 in Spanish, which he's also been doing quit frequently these last few weeks. Even though I couldn't understand part of what he said; I knew it had to be something loving....right? “How did 你 sleep?”

“Just fine.” I tell him smiling. “And did 你 sleep well?”

“Very.” Alejandro says happily. I then go to the counter, and pour grab a mug that was nearby. I then go over to the coffee maker, and begin to fill my cup with the hot liquid. But, once I put the pot back, a pair of arms snaked around my waist. “Hey.” Alejandro says a little huskily. I then turn my head so I'm looking into his beautiful green eyes.

“Hi.” I reply in a love-struck tone. We then spent a couple of 分钟 looking into each others eyes, and, then, we both lean in for a kiss. Of course, before our lips meet, Alejandro's cell-phone rang.

“Por favor que sea mi ángel de pelo morado(2).” Alejandro mumbles. His right hand then leave my waist, and goes to his back pocket. He then looks at the caller ID, and, before I could even see it, he was walking into the hall. “Sorry, I have to take this.” he then puts the phone to his ear, and walks into the hall. “Yeah?” I hear Alejandro say before he closes the 厨房 door.

“I wonder who he's talking to.” I think out-loud. I then sit at the table, and begin to sip my coffee as calmly as I could. Of course, inside, I was buzzing with curiosity. Who was Alejandro talking to? Why couldn't he have just talked to them here? And, finally...would I have enough time to ease drop on him? “Well...I guess if I just over-heard wouldn't technically be ease-dropping.” I then got a wily smile, and tip-toed to the door. I put my ear against the door, and I listened with the greatest intent. At first I heard nothing, but, when I finally heard Alejandro's voice, I was only able to catch bits and pieces of his conversation.

“Wedding's tomorrow.......around my little finger.......plans working perfectly.” once I hear those words, I cold chill suddenly comes over me.

“W-what's he talking about?” I ask myself quietly. “What wedding? Who does he have around his little finger? And...what does he mean 由 a plan working perfectly?!” I then start to frantically sort this all out, but....I was to suddenly panicked to think straight....

“Okay, I've gotta go.” Alejandro says; pulling me out of my thoughts. “Talk to 你 later.” I then scramble back to the table, got back in my seat, and picked up my coffee mug just when Alejandro entered. “Hey Noah! Sorry about that, just called. Apparently there was a bit of a crisis of the....burners! But the only problem what that it just wasn't lite properly.” Alejandro then scoffs, and sits down at the table. “Can 你 believe that Noah? Interrupting our moment for something so simply solved.”

“ idiotic.” I agree; trying to keep the distrust out of my voice. Alejandro then smiles, and puts an arm around me.

“Well.....we could always continue from earlier.” Alejandro suggests. Before I could say another word; Alejandro's lips are pressed against mine in a kiss. I want to pull away from the kiss, but....I force myself to 吻乐队(Kiss) back. It's not that I didn't like 接吻 him, but....I just...felt a little uncomfortable doing it after what happened just then. We stay connected at the lips for a few 更多 minutes, and then Alejandro pulls away. “Mmm...I 爱情 your soft lips mi amor.” a deep blush comes across my cheeks, and I give a genuine smile.

“Thanks.” I say a little embarrassed. All of a sudden; I remember I still had to work today. “Oh crap, I almost forgot! I need to get to work!” Alejandro then smiles at me, and nods.

“I understand.” Alejandro 回复 smiling slightly. He then pulls me into another kiss, and, soon, pulls away. “That was just a little something to keep 你 going until 你 get home. And, I promise, I'll be waiting for 你 when 你 get home.” I smile, and....ll of a sudden...I give Alejandro a hug.

“Thanks.” I whisper so low that....I don't even know if Alejandro heard me. I soon release Alejandro, and he smiled down at me.

“Have a good 日 Noah.” I nod, and scurry out of the door. I then practically run down the street, and I didn't stop till I was boarding the train. There were a few other people aboard; so I then quietly took the first available seat. The metro then took off, and I stared blankly out the window. I had tons of 问题 on my mind, and, as always, I was trying to answer them on my own. Of course, sooner than I actually realized, the train had finally made it to my stop. I then stand up, and hastily go out the exit. After that; I walk down the snow-covered 街, 街道 until I'm in front of the cafe.

“Morning Noah!” Crystal calls as I enter. Once I get in; I immediately see the person who came in for the interview behind the 台, 办公桌 and in the apron.

“Hi!” the person says merrily. “You must be Noah! I'm the new guy; Nemi, and I hope we can be good friends.” so it's a guy.

“Hey, and...I hope so.” I reply, walking up to the counter. “It's nice to meet 你 Nemi. Welcome to the cafe.” I then extend my hand, and Nemi instantly takes it. We then briefly shake hands, and, once we let go of each others hand, Crystal comes out from the kitchen.

“Oh, Noah, I'm glad your out here!” Crystal exclaims. “Anyway, I see you've already meet Nemi! Cool! So, since 白兰地 still had the flu, I'm gonna need someone to do a little bit 更多 of cleaning!”

“Your kidding me....right?” I asked in a very bland tone – automatically thinking it was gonna be me.

“No, no I'm not!” Crystal 回复 merrily. “But, since I'm not a total Scrooge, I'm gonna let 你 take a 日 lounging around the counter! But, Nemi, your gonna have to earn your strips and do some cleaning in the kitchen!” Nemi then sighs sadly and nod.

“Okay.” Nemi groans. Crystal then grabs his arm, and pulls him into the kitchen.

“Well.....this is a nice turn of events.” I say to myself; smirking ever so slightly. I then go behind the counter and sit on the stool. I then rest my chin in the palm of my hand, and....I begin to think about what I was thinking about on the train this morning. What I heard Alejandro 说 over the phone to that person a point, haunted me. I mean....what could he possibly mean 由 what little I heard? “But....he still loves me....right?” of course; I knew to a point he still loves me....

I then shake the subject from my thoughts, and go back to running the counter.

*No ones POV*

So, Noah then manned the counter, and, since it was now cold outside, he was actually busy serving shivering costumers.

Meanwhile; Cody was finally getting his check from the office. He thanked his boss, and bolted out of the building. He then hopped a metro, and rode it to the downtown station. He then got off, and walked a whole two blocks to the jewelry store. He then ordered the rings, paid for them, and the clerk 说 that the jewel in Sierra's ring was gonna take an 小时 and a half to cut and put in the actual ring.

So, since he had so much time, Cody decides to go do what he was planning earlier. He then left the store, hopped a metro, and, one short train ride later, he was standing in front of the one and only creative cafe....

“I can do this.” Cody told himself as he slowly reached for the door handle. “Just go in there, and ask him! It isn't that hard, and...there really is no other options.” He then took a deep breath, and opened the door. Inside; Noah was at the counter with his usual bored expression. Of course, when he saw Cody, his expression suddenly turned to surprise. The two then stared at each other for a long time, but, finally, Noah broke it.

“'s....been a long time.”

“Yeah,” Cody agrees. “It really had been a long time.” there was then 更多 silence, but, this time, Cody was the one that broke it. “ have 你 been?”

“I've actually been really good.” Noah replies; a smile slowly forming on his lips. “And yourself?”

“Same.” Cody says, a smile also slowly coming onto his face as well. “So much has happened since we last meet, so....if your not busy; can we catch up a little?” Noah's smile then became wider, and there was no hiding the joy he had.

“Well....I'm working at the counter right now,” Noah explains. “But, there's nothing that says 你 can't pull up a chair, sit 由 the counter, and talk to me.” Cody smiles widens as Noah's had, and he goes off to a nearby table. He then takes one of it's chairs, and drags it over behind the counter 下一个 to Noah. He then sits down, and the two fall into a silence. “So.....are 你 excited for the holidays?” Noah asks a bit awkwardly – breaking the forming silence.

“Actually, I am.” Cody happily replies. “And....the reason I came in here is because....I needed to ask 你 something.” Noah then turn to face Cody on the stool, and gave Cody a curious look.

“Sure,” Noah says. “You can anything.” Cody then takes a calming breath, and continues.

“ and Sierra are....getting married.” and just like that; Noah's curious expression goes blank and his emotion is undefinable. Cody notices this, and instantly gets nervous. “So....I was would like to be.....the best man?” Cody inwardly cringes, and waits for Noah's answer.

“.....that's....that great about the wedding.” Noah says in a somewhat bland tone. “And......I'd 爱情 to be your best man!” Cody smiles, and gets a relieved sensation.

“Your the best Noah!” Cody exclaims; jumping up and capturing Noah in a hug. Noah stays completely still for a few seconds, but hugs Cody back. The two then stay like that for a couple of minutes, but then separate with huge smiles engraved on their faces. “This means so much to me Noah!” Noah then forces himself to smile for his friend.

“Hey, no problem.” Noah says in a much lighter tone. “So....whens the big day?” Cody then remembered why Jake couldn't be his best man, and got a sheepish look.

“'s actually....on 圣诞节 Eve.” Cody explains embarrassed.

“Oh....I see.” Noah says; losing his smile. “I'd like to be your best man, but....I can't. Me and Alejandro have plans with his family. Besides.....having a wedding on 圣诞节 Eve is kinda stupid. I mean; everyone 你 ask is gonna have plans!”

“I don't have any plans.” a voice speaks up. Noah and Cody both turn to see Nemi standing in the doorway. “I don't really know who 你 are, but, hey, any 老友记 of Noah's is a friend of mine!”

“Well....thanks.” Cody says a little shocked. Cody then remembered he had an invitation in his pocket that that was supposed to go to Noah. (he had a few left over since he didn't send the ones to his parents) Cody then pulls the invitation out of his pocket, walks over to Nemi, and presents it to him. “Here; this gives 你 all the information you'll need for the wedding.”

“Thanks!” Nemi exclaims; gratefully taking his invitation from Cody.

“No problem.” Cody mumbles – greatly confused. Nemi then goes back in the kitchen, and Cody just stands there for a moment. ' least my best man problem are over with.' Cody thinks hopefully as he goes and sits back in the chair. “I take it he's the new guy?”

“Yep.” Noah groans out. “He's just like anyone else who works here; insane.” Cody laughs lightly at Noah's observation.

“Oh come on!” Cody urges. “He's not that bad....I think.” it was then Noah's turn to laugh.

“Probably not, but....even if he is....he's your best man!” Noah then start to laugh a bit hysterically, and Cody just groans. After Noah finally calms down; the two then spend a few 更多 分钟 talking. Of was now 更多 strained than it was before. All the ease of talking to each other had suddenly vanished, and awkward conversation took it's place. But, to the relief of the two boys, it didn't last long. Because, soon, Cody looked at the clock, and gave a sad sigh.

“Well....I better get going.” Cody says as he stands up. “The rings won't pick themselves up.” of course, what Cody didn't tell Noah was that the rings weren't gonna be ready for another hour. But....Cody was....staring to get this weird feeling talking to Noah and....he needed to leave.”

“Oh.....alright.” Noah mumbles. “So.....I hope 你 have a wonderful wedding.”

“Thanks.” Cody thanks Noah with a genuine smile on his face. “I will, and....I really wish 你 could come.” then, Cody spontaneously did something he never thought of doing. He then captures Noah in a hug, and....after a moment of sitting there, Noah hugs back. After awhile; Cody then detached himself from Noah, and smiles. “Okay.....see 你 around.” and, just like that, Cody went out of the cafe. Noah then watched Cody as he left, and even continued to stare when he left. Suddenly....for no reason...a small stream of tears start to flow down his cheeks. Noah then fully realized......Sierra was getting what she wanted. She was gonna marry Cody.....Noah's best friend, and....his once great boyfriend....

“Noah?” a female voice speaks up. Noah then quickly dries off his cheek, and turns around to see Crystal giving him a concerned look.

“Oh....hey Crystal.” Noah says. “Um....what's wrong?”

“....nothing really.” Crystal says. She then walks over to Noah, and puts a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. “Look, I sort of heard the conversation between 你 and Cody, and.....I was thinking....maybe 你 should take an early day. 你 know; get into the holiday spirit to let go of the old and let in the new.” at that point; Noah knew why Crystal was letting him off early. She....she knew how upset Cody getting married to Sierra made him, and....she wanted to spare him the shame of putting on a fake smile and serving ungrateful customers.

“Crystal,” Noah speaks up. Crystal then looks like she's about to say something, but, before she could, Noah grabbed her and pulls her into a hug. “Thanks.” Noah whispers into Crystal's ear. He then releases her, and, after putting on his coat, leaves the cafe.

So, the two boys were now going in totally different directions. Cody went back to the jewelry store, and took a seat. And, meanwhile, Noah trudged slowly back to his apartment.....feeling very upset over what Cody told him. I mean....Cody didn't even like Sierra at first, and, suddenly, they were getting married?! But.....there was nothing Noah could do. He had his chance with Cody, just didn't work out. Besides, Noah had Alejandro to lean on know, and would certainly take Noah's mind off the fact Cody was getting married to that stalker.

Of course....things can go very wrong very quickly.

*Noah's POV*

As I made my way 首页 through the snow; a different kind of coldness was upon me.

'How could he be marrying Sierra?' I thought as I stepped onto the metro. There was practically no one on, so I took the first seat, and stared out the window. 'But....but....that's almost impossible! I thought he hated Sierra! The again....he 说 they've been dating since he was in collage....' I then wallowed in my own self pity until the train finally reached my stop.

I then got out, and slowly walked through the snow to my apartment – where I knew Alejandro would be waiting for me. That fact made me feel warm inside, and my mood lightened. I then stepped into our apartment, and, once I did, I saw Alejandro 写作 something at the 厨房 table.

“Hey.” I spoke up. Alejandro then looked up, and got wide eyed.

“Noah?” Alejandro asked in a shocked tone. “Y-your home....your here....and not at work.....” just 由 his tone and reaction; I could tell there was something wrong. I also noticed he was trying to cover up the piece of paper he was 写作 on. “Why are 你” I blinked in surprise, and....for some reason....the pool of self-pity I was in on the train suddenly came flooding back to me.

“...Crystal let me off early because....well...I got some bad news.” Alejandro the got a concerned expression, and he pushed the paper aside.

“That's terrible!” Alejandro exclaims. “Oh, come here, let me give 你 a hug.” even though I didn't exactly trust Alejandro....he was the only thing I had to lean on. I then sat 由 him, and he pulled me into his lap. He then wrapped his arms around me, and....that's when the emotions flooded out. I then buried my head in the crook of his neck, and began to weep softly into it. “There, there.” Alejandro says soothingly as he strokes my hair. “Now, tell Alejandro what happened.” I then sniffled, and pulled away from Alejandro's neck.

“'s kind of complicated.” I tell him.

“I can at least try to understand.” Alejandro reassures me. I then take in a deep breath, and tell him all about how Cody was getting married to Sierra. But...when I was telling him....he had this expression as if....he already knew everything I was telling him.

“And that's what happened...I guess.” I say after I had finished.

“....forgive me asking,” Alejandro speaks up. “But...why are 你 upset 由 this? I's only Cody getting married to his stalker.” I then took a deep breath, and speak my mind.

“But....I don't think she's right for him!” I exclaim. Alejandro then suddenly gets a dangerous look.

“What do 你 mean?” Alejandro asks in a cold, almost angry tone.

“I meant just what I said!” I reply a bit snappish for some reason. “Look, I know everyone thinks their this great couple, and that they belong together, but.....they don't! They just....don't have that spark that makes a couple a couple. be honest....Cody could do better.” once those last four words came out of my mouth; I felt Alejandro's grip tighten around me.

“What's that supposed to mean?” Alejandro asked in the same cold tone. His tone sends a shiver of fear through me,'s not enough to make me stop from speaking my mind.

“I mean; Cody doesn't have to settle for Sierra!” I snap. “Just because she spent all her time stalking him doesn't obligate him to marry her 或者 even go out! That's what I mean 由 him settling for her!” after my minor explosion; I was breathing a bit strained. Alejandro's then darkened even more, and he just stared at me with a....pissed expression in his green eyes.

“And, how do 你 know,” Alejandro asks. “ That it's not Sierra settling for Cody?” I for some reason hate the tone Alejandro's speaking to me with, and I then really explode.

“Because she's the one who's a crazy, obsessed, and....and....and an annoying wannabe fangirl who thinks just because she has one crappy blog that she's the most important person in the world!” I yell out. “Plus, she was stealing his tooth brushes from 日 one on TDWT! I mean; what kind of twisted, sick, insane person does that?!”

“Shut up.” I barley hear Alejandro mutter under his breath.

“Why, don't like the truth?!” I snap. “And, what kills me the most, is that Cody didn't even like her until that stupid Paris episode! She probably threatened Cody 由 saying that she'd never leave him alone if he didn't fall in 爱情 with her! And, 你 know what, I wouldn't be surprised if that idiotic stalker actually did do that!” and then, out of no where, Alejandro suddenly throws me from his lap and into the nearby wall.

“No one talks about my ángel encantador(3) like that!” Alejandro yells angrily. “Especially not some little smart-ass bookworm!” Both of Alejandro's hands then close around my neck, and...he then starts to strangle me. I gaps, but that only seems to worsen things.

'Oh my god he's gonna kill me!' I thought as his hands somehow grew tighter around my skinny neck. I then start to claw uselessly at the Spaniards hands, does no good. Of course, the real terror Alejandro's eyes. His green eyes were aflame with fury, and, as I begin to make gasps for air, his lips formed into a smirk. I then suddenly remember my dream for a long time ago, and....all at once...I realized....he wanted to kill me. And he probably was.

“Alejandro.” I gasp out. “Please...p-please stop....” after my struggled begging; Alejandro's hands seemed to loosen up slightly. His fury-filled eyes suddenly flooded with rationality, and he then let go of my neck; letting me drop to the floor.

“Well...I guess Sierra's plan's ruined.” Alejandro muttered.

“ about!?” I ask while still gasping for precious air. “And...and....why do 你 care about Sierra so much?” Alejandro then looks down at me, and smirks evilly.

“I guess 你 know to much not to be told.” Alejandro then looms over me, and got face to face with me. “It's actually a very simple plan really. 你 see, when TDWT first started, me and Sierra made this little deal. She 说 if I dated 你 to keep 你 away from Cody, she'd repay me in wonderful kisses – much better than the ones 你 give me.” my jaw then drops, hearts feels like it had been ripped out, and stomped on.

“So....our relationship,” I speaks up. “Every kiss...every night we spent together...every time 你 told me 你 loved me; it had all been lies!?” Alejandro then gets this evil smirk, and nods.

“Well, duh!” Alejandro exclaims. “I mean; how could 你 even consider a guy like me hooking up with a guy like you? Plus, in case 你 hadn't noticed, I'm not even bisexual – let alone even consider being it! I was gonna break up with 你 after TDWT ended, but, apparently, but, apparently, Sierra was afraid you'd be able to easily make Cody fall in 爱情 with you. So, to prevent this, she made sure she'd never heal. That way Cody would keep coming to the hospital to visit, and, since he felt as if he was the reason she got hurt, he did anything she asked of him!” I then got wide eyed, and....a bad feeling settled in his stomach. All of what Alejandro told me was pretty shocking, but.....that last few things Alejandro said...made my eyes open dramatically.

“Wait....did she.....force him to not talk to me?!” I ask; sudden;y putting two and two together.

“Something like that.” Alejandro explains, the evil smirk still on his face. “I'm not entirely sure, because I was still trying to seduce 你 at the time as apart of the deal. Thank god that's over with! And, if 你 think that's all, think again! It gets even better! So, after their little wedding came and passed, Sierra 说 I could turn 你 lose! As a matter of fact; I was just 写作 a quick letter that 说 I was leaving you, and then I was gonna jump ship; leaving 你 in shambles just as Sierra had requested.” 由 that time; tears start to slowly stream down my face.

“Then....then just leave already!” I exclaim; momentarily forgetting my placement in this certain situation. “I don't wanna see your face again anyway 你 little rotten liar!” Alejandro's evil smirk suddenly becomes....wider, and he deeply chuckles.

“Oh, I would have gladly left if 你 hadn't come so early!” Alejandro exclaimed. “But, because of what just occurred and the things 你 now know, I'm afraid I can't let leave under the current circumstances. And I can't let 你 leave either, so, it looks your gonna be staying here with me for awhile....a long while if Sierra finds in necessary.” fear then suddenly grips my entire being, and I gulp hard.

“W-what do 你 mean?” I asked in shock. Alejandro then grabs me 由 my 衬衫 collar, and pulls me nose to nose with him

“You'll see.” Alejandro informs me in a almost teasing tone. He then stands up, and drags me 由 the 衬衫 to our, 或者 now his, bedroom. Alejandro then shoves me through the door way, and I instantly fall to the floor. “And this is where you'll be staying for your long while! Sucks to be you, and, hey, bashing Sierra didn't really help your case!” I then scramble to my feet, and, once I do, Alejandro slams the door shut, and I hear it being locked.

“Oh. Crap!” I exclaim. I then rush over to the door, and clasp my hands tightly on the doorknob. I then try to pry open the door, but it was locked tight. “Alejandro, please un-lock the door! I promise I won't go back to Cody, 或者 tell anyone about 你 and Sierra's deal!”

“Sorry Noah,” Alejandro's voice teases from the other side of the door. “But I can't take that risk. Now, be a good boy and stay quiet! I'm gonna call Sierra, and we'll work out what to do with you. And, remember this, anything can be staged to look like an accident. If I were you...I would be scared. Oh, and, 由 the way, don't bother trying to make any calls! I swiped your cell-phone when I dragged 你 down the hall. Have fun!” I then hear Alejandro walk away from the door, and I begin to panic.

“Alejandro, please, come back and let me out!” I beg. Of course, there was no answer. “Come on! I 说 I wouldn't tell anyone about what 你 told me!” 更多 silence. I then start to bang on the door, but that only manages to hurt my hands. After awhile of hardly hitting the door; I put mu fore-head against the thick wood, and cried softly. “Please...” I whispered out.

Everything seemed to pile on me at that moment. I've never been much of a crier, but, at that moment, tears flowed down my cheeks. “Well....look what a fantastic 日 this turned out to be!” I grumbled through my sobs. “The person I 爱情 is getting married to a purple haired fake, my boyfriend turned out to be an evil snake – which I SHOULD have guessed! - and...and I just want my old life back!” I then spent the 下一个 few 分钟 just letting my emotions come in and out until in a great flurry. Of course...I was certain of one thing; I loved Cody. Why else would I have verbally assaulted Sierra for no apparent reason? At that realization; my self composure finally comes back, and, soon, I'm able to stop crying.

“ 更多 self pity.” I tell myself; wiping the few remaining tears from my eyes. “I 爱情 Cody, and...if what I think is true, then....he still loves me. Now, first things first.......finding a way out of here.” I then began to look around the room for possible escape routes. The air-vents were to small for me to fit through, the door was, of course, locked, so....that only left the windows. “Might as well give it a try.” I mumble as I walk over to 说 windows. I then put my hands on the windows, took in a deep breath, closed my eyes, and pushed upward with all my might. And, to my great liking, the window slid up without any resistance. “Yes!” I exclaim at a low volume. I then push then window up all the way, and look out. I then looked down the five-floor drop, and....I wondered how it'd feel if I fell from here. “Come on, this is my only means of escape! Surely there has to be some-” I then stopped the words dead in my tracks, because I then look over, and, only a few inches away, I see a snow-covered staircase people who had to get to their rooms on a higher floor in a hurry used.

“....that could work.” with that, I then bring my head back inside. I then go to the bed, and look under it. To my great relief; the suit-case I had brought when I moved in with Alejandro was still there. “Perfect.” I say. I then take me suitcase, pull it out, open it, and lay it on the bed.

“Okay, time to pack!” I say. I then go to the chest of drawers, and went to the 秒 drawer. I pulled it open, and it revealed all my pants, shirts, boxers, etc. “Now I'm glad Alejandro only gave me one drawer.” I mumble. I then scoop out all of my things, and go back over to the bed. I then folded my clothes as neatly as possible, and put then in my suitcase. I then went around, and gathered anything I had in the room. But, aside from the clothes, I didn't really have anything else in the bedroom that belonged to me. Come to think of it...the only things that were mine were located in the bedroom – except for one 或者 two items. After I did a quick heck to make sure I had everything, I was finally ready to bolt. I then put on my spare 涂层, 外套 and scarf – which were both stored in the closet – and walked up to the window.

When I did; I then saw something reflection. My hair was messed up and, because I was curious, I pulled my scarf down just to see if what I feared was true. And, to my prediction, five Alejandro's finger's-sized bruises were left on either side of my neck.

“Well....great a time as any for a scarf.” I mumble; re-tightening the scarf around my neck. Without further delay; I then shove the window up. Being very cautious; I then slowly made my way onto the window pane. “Don't look down, don't look down.” I chanted silently to myself. I then slowly turned so that I was facing the wall. With a calming breath: I then start to inch my way across the narrow ledge. And, after what felt like hours, I had finally inced my way across the buildign and had reached the stairs. I then hop onto the railing, and I then hop onto the main platform. “Oh...oh thank god!” I exclaim. I then back up to the railing which I had just been atop of, and sank to the floor. “Man.....someone somewhere must really 爱情 me, because I could NEVER do that again!” after a few 分钟 to sit and calm down; I then practically run down the stairs. And, as soon as my feet touched the street, I took off as fast as I could down the street. I didn't stop running until I had finally reached the safety of a farther metro than the one I usually go to. Once there; I then realize....I had no place to sleep, and little money on me.

“What am I gonna do?!” I ask myself frantically. I then look around, and I see a whole row of pay-phones outside the metro station. “ could I forget?!” I then run over to an empty pay-phone, pull out some change, and put it in the machine. I then dial a familiar number, and, after a few rings, a voice of a certain red-head answers.

“Hello?” Demetry's voice asks through the phone.

“Hi Demetry.” I reply; a smile forming on my face. “Look....if it's not to much trouble; could 你 please put my brother on the line?” there was a momentary silence from Demetry, but, soon, the red-head finally spoke up.

“Sorry, but he has stepped out.” Demetry explains. “Want me to take a message?”

“ offense, but the matter is to personal for that.” I tell him. “But......would it be alright if....I just came over to your guys apartment and wait for him?”

“Of course!” Demetry says happily.

“Thanks, I'll be right over.” with that; I then hung up the phone. I then quickly looked around to see if Alejandro may have followed me, but, as far as I could tell, he wasn't. I then head into the metro, and, after another quick scan, hop on a train. And, as the train speed off, I was finally a word, safe.

But...I just knew it was to good to last.

*No ones POV*

“Come on.” Alejandro groans as the phone kept ringing. It had been a couple of 分钟 since the accident, and had finally calmed down enough to call Sierra. But, ironically, she wasn't answering. “Please pick up Sierra.” of course, the phone kept ringing with no answer. But, just as Alejandro's thumb was moving to the 'end all' button on his cell-phone; someone finally picked up.

“Hey Alejandro.” Sierra's voice says in a rather happy tone.

“Sierra!” Alejandro sighs in relief. “Am I glad 你 picked up! So......yeah......I'm afraid something....troubling has just accord.” there was silence on both lines for a moment, but, finally, Sierra spoke up.

“What happened?” Sierra asks in a 更多 business-like tone.

“'s actually a VERY funny story.” Alejandro explains in a nervous tone. He then tells her the whole story of what had happened. How he strangled Noah, told him everything, and how he had him locked in the bedroom. Of course....he decided to leave out the part that the only reason he even got mad at Noah was because he insulted her....repeatedly. Alejandro decides it would only complicate things, was way beyond the point of having a chance with Sierra. “And that's all of what happened.” 更多 silence then grew between the two.

“My god Alejandro.” Sierra say. “What on earth were 你 possibly thinking of?! If anyone finds out about this; 你 and I both could be in serious trouble! Not to mention my little Cody, and I won't stand to see him get in trouble!”

“Okay, okay, I screwed up.” Alejandro admitted in a defeated tone. “I had no idea what I was thinking, and....I need to fix this. But how am I supposed to fix this mess like this?! Sierra, I tried to strangle Noah and am know keeping hm locked in a bedroom! I could be arrested if this gets out! So, my 问题 to 你 is....what are we gonna do about this!?” a momentary silence followed those words, but Sierra once again broke them.

“I know 更多 about Noah than 你 probably do,” Sierra states matter-of-factually. “I have a great understanding of how his mind works, and, if 你 allow me to talk to him, I might be able to persuade him in our favor. It may be a long shot, but 你 don't know until 你 try.” Alejandro then considered this, and sighed heavily.

“I guess your right.” Alejandro mumbles – not really believing Sierra could persuade Noah. He then gets up, walk to the bedroom door, and un-locks the it's. “Hey Noah, I have someone who wants-” Alejandro then opens the bedroom door to find Noah no longer in it. He then does a quick scan of the room, and he notices that the draw where Noah's cloths were held was open and empty, and that the window was wide open. Alejandro then races to the window, and looks out to see that Noah is no where in sight. “Why that little worm.” Alejandro mutters loudly enough for Sierra to hear.

“Alejandro, what's wrong?” Sierra speaks up. Alejandro then brings the phone back to his ear, and 回复 to Sierra.

“He's gone.” Alejandro says flat out. “Noah is gone, and, from the looks of it, he took all of his stuff.”

“But....but that's impossible!” Sierra gasps. “I locked him in the bedroom, and 你 guys are, like, fourth 或者 fifth floor! He couldn't have just jumped put the window!”

“No, but he did do something close to that.” Alejandro speaks up. “If I'm correct, and, 由 judging how clever Noah is, I think he packed his stuff, and went out the widow. He then would have had to slowly scale along the narrow ledge all the way to the outside staircase on the side of the building. From there; he could have easily go onto the stairs, and climbed them down to safety.”

“Then....he could be anywhere!” Sierra blurts out.

“Exactly.” Alejandro tells her. Once again, silence befell the two for some time. “So....what do 你 recommend I do?” Sierra then took a moment to think, and spoke.

“Find him.” Sierra says in an ordering tone. “I don't care what 你 have to do! I want Noah found, and brought back before he can tell anyone what had just occurred! And, for the 爱情 of Christ, please try and keep a cool head!” Alejandro then sighs, and nods.

“Alright....I back as soon as I find him,” Alejandro sighs. They both then hang up, and do two completely different things. Alejandro start to look around the room for any clues to where Noah could have went, but came up empty handed. Of course, that is, until he reached into his pocket, and felt Noah's phone. “Wait....I forgot; his phone!” Alejandro then wipes Noah's cell-phone out, and opened the simple flip-phone. (the only phone Noah could afford) Alejandro then quickly searches through the phone, and finds a number in the contacts labeled 'Brother – Nigel'. Alejandro smirks, and clicks on the contact. The numbers of the contact are shown, and the simple information is enough for Alejandro. “Found you.” Alejandro says in a evil tone. He then slides the phone back into his pockets, and heads out the door with his new information.

Meanwhile; Sierra was freaking out. Even though the wedding was tomorrow; she knew if Cody got word of what had conspired between Alejandro and Noah....he'd surely leave her.

“I....I can't let that happen!” Sierra exclaimed. “It can't, and...and it won't.” Sierra then took in a deep breath, and regained a lot of her 迷失 composure. “Alright, I can surely come up with a solution to this!” Sierra then went into thought, and....suddenly....she got a brilliant idea! “Of course! Why didn't I think of that sooner?!” Sierra then face-palms herself, and pulls out her cell-phone. She then quickly dials a few numbers, and makes some....arrangements.

As for Noah; he had finally arrived at Nigel's apartment. And, as Demetry had said, Nigel wasn't there. But, Demetry was, and, thankfully, he greeted Noah at the door with a huge smile.

“Hey Noah!” Demetry say warmly. “Whats up?”

“Lots.” Noah reply’s; shoving past Demetry and going into the apartment. “But....of 你 follow me into the living room...I'll consider telling you.” Demetry then stared blankly at me, and didn't say anything. “....what?”

“....okay....why all dark and secretive?” Demetry asks teasingly.

“I'm not being all dark and secretive!” Noah defends. “Look...I really don't wanna talk about it, okay?'s been a long day. I think I'm gonna go take a nap in the guest 床, 床上 until my brother gets back 首页 if that's okay.”

“Sure, it's fine.” Demetry reassures Noah. He then unfolds the couch, and quickly makes it up for him. “There 你 go!” Demetry says happily. “All made up, and ready for your nap!”

“Thanks.” Noah yawns out. Noah then sit on the edge of the bed, but, before he could do anything else, Demetry came in front of me. “Look, Demetry,” Noah groans out. “I think your a really nice guy, but I really wanna sleep. So, whatever 你 were going to say, please consider not saying it.”

“...Noah...please,” Demetry begged. “If there's anything 你 need to talk about...please just say it!” Noah then just stays quiet, and, after awhile, Demetry sighs sadly. “Okay....I guess I understand if 你 don't wanna talk about something personal to you. But....just so 你 know; 你 can come to me about anything. I mean...I like to think we're considered friends! And, since we're friends....we should be able to tell each other anything. No matter how messed up it is; I'll always be your friend because...that's what 老友记 do.” Noah then looks up, and...for a 分裂, 拆分 second; Demetry didn't look like Demetry. His red hair was now a light-brown hair, he didn't have glasses, and...he wasn't his brothers boyfriend.

Because....for a moment....Demetry looked like Cody to Noah. Without even thinking; Noah grabbed Demetry's shoulders and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Demetry's eyes widen, but....he just allows Noah to 吻乐队(Kiss) him. After awhile; Noah pulls away, and then pulls Demetry into a hug,

“Cody....I'm scared.” Noah whispers into Demetry's ear. “I don't know what to do.....please; your the only one I truly 爱情 and trust!” Demetry then gets a sad look, and shoves Noah away from him.

“Noah....I'm not Cody.” Demetry reminds him. “My names Demetry, and I'm your brothers boyfriend.” Noah then gets wide eyed, and a dark blush appears on his cheeks. But...of course...he says nothing. “Noah....don't worry about the kiss.” Demetry tells Noah. “It was a mistake, and shouldn't be dwell-ed on.” Demetry then stands up, and pats Noah on the shoulder. “Okay, I need to get going, but Nigel should be 首页 in a couple of hours.” with that, Demetry then heads out the apartment door. Noah stares in the direction he left in, but, after awhile, he then lays back down.

“I can't believe...I kissed him.” Noah mumbles; replaying the last few 分钟 in his head. Noah just suddenly thought Demetry was Cody, and...he didn't know why. Was it because he looked so much like the tech geek? Because he sounded similar to Cody? Or, simply, because he just needed a friend he could trust – which was Cody.

Despite the many 问题 on his mind; Noah still manages to shut his eyes, and falls asleep.

*Cody's POV*

“Anderson.” the clerk at the jewelry 商店 called out. I then stand up, and hurry to the counter.

“I'm Anderson sir.” I tell the clerk. He then looked me over, and nodded. He then went back into the back, but, soon, came back with a little blue box.

“Per your request; I had cut the diamond in the manner as 你 wanted.”

“Thank 你 so much sir!” I say. The clerk nods slightly. He then hands me the box, and I take it gratefully. I then open the box, and, inside, there is a thick circular gold-colored ring, and another one that isn't as thick, but is made up for with a beautiful diamond with this complicated pattern cut into it. “These look fantastic!” I tell the clerk happily.

“Of course their fantastic!” the clerk chimed in. “I'm fantastic, and, therefore, my work shall be fantastic!”

“Right.” I say; closing the box the rings were in. “Well....thanks again for making the rings!” without another word, I then hurry out of the jewelry store with the box. Now, it isn't that I had a problem with it; it's just....I really wanted to get 首页 to Sierra. I then head to the metro, hop on my usual train, and ride it silently back to my stop. I then get off the train, walk down my snowy streets, and, in minutes, I'm walking through the door of my home. “Sierra,” I call out as I shut the door behind me. “I'm back with the rings!”

“That's great honey!” Sierra calls out.

“And, Sierra, theses rings are beautiful!” I say. “You really need to come, and look at them!” there was a momentary silence, but then Sierra replies.

“Okay,” Sierra calls back. “I will! Just hold on, okay snuggle bear?!”

“Sure!” I call back. I then stand in the 厨房 for a while, and, after a couple of minutes, I start to get ready. “Everything alright Sierra?” I wait for a response, but...there is none. I'm just about to go back and check in Sierra when she comes into the kitchen.

“Sorry about that!” Sierra giggles. “Now, lets see those rings!” I smile, and nod.

“Alright then!” I say happily. “Now, close your eyes and hold out your hand!” Sierra squeals happily, and does as I instructed. I then open the box, and carefully take out Sierra's ring. I then gently place the ring in the palm of her hand, and smile widely. “Okay Sierra; 你 can open your eyes!” Sierra's eyes fly open, and her jaw drops in awe.

“'s perfect!” Sierra squeals in pure delight.

“Just like you.” I speak up. Sierra blushes, and kisses me quickly on the cheek. I then take the ring from Sierra's palm, and slide it onto her perfectly tanned finger. “Sierra; my life and yours shall soon be one. Even though we aren't yet wed in holy matrimony; just the mere thought of 你 gracing my life fills me with joy and will be incensed when 你 really do 加入 my life.” Sierra then gets teary eyed, and captures me in a hug.

“Oh...Cody...your so romantic!” Sierra squeals. I then praise myself for preparing that little speech in so little time, and hugged back. We then separate, and Sierra gives me a shimmering look.

“What is it?” I ask; knowing she had something on her mind.

“ see,” Sierra begins giggling. “Since the wedding is really close....I think I'd be great if....we have the wedding tonight!” I then get wide eyed, and....was very speechless.

“But...but what about the reservations tomorrow?!”

“I know we have reservations for tomorrow,” Sierra replies. “But I just can't wait! Your so romantic, and I simply can't wait for our wedding day! Besides, I found this little place that will marry us at the last 分钟 你 decide that's what we wanna do.” I then think about it for a moment, and then get a smile.

“You know what...lets do it!” I says enthusiastically. Sierra then squeals happily, and hugs me.

“Thank 你 so much Cody!” Sierra says. She then releases me, and smiles at me. “Alright, I'm gonna go call a few people and tell them the changes! And, also, since we're not having a large wedding, we could have a bigger reception than we originally thought!” I then notice something....odd in Sierra's expression. It was as if the happy attitude was a mask, was being used to cover the true emotions Sierra was holding. But....of course, it could have been my imagination.“So, is there anyone who 你 still want to come to the wedding?” Sierra asks; pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah, but I need to go and invite him myself.” I reply – choosing to include Nemi. “And, plus, 你 can always invite Jasmin and Stephanie.” Sierra then nods her head enthusiastically.

“Great idea Cody!” Sierra squeals. “In fact; I'm gonna go call them right now!” Sierra then rushes out of the room, and....I just stare in the direction she left for awhile. I could understand she wanted the wedding to be closer, but....why couldn't she have waited until tomorrow, and....what was that emotion in her eyes?

Of course, I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized.....I was getting married in mere hours!

To be continue!

That's right; I have finally updated this! X3 So....yeah.........I'm probably the most proud of this part! And, the character Nemi is owned 由 my friend Kozi Kat on deviant art! (she asked if he could have a cameo on the 显示 awhile back, and I 说 yes) Anyway, if 你 have any suggestions for the finally; please leave them in the comments! And, now, I will tell 你 what Alejandro was saying!

1 - My easily fooled 爱情
2 – Please let it be my purple haired angel
3 – Lovely Angel
added by rockzsanders
Source: deviantART
The 下一个 morning I woke up to noah in my face just staring at me."uh how long have 你 been here"I 说 in a moning voice."Right when everyone feel asleep"noah 说 in a stalkerish kind of voice."Ok bye"I 说 in fear.Well that was the scariest morning ever!All he ever did was stare and talk and finally it happened we had to stay up for ever and ever. When I fell asleep of course Owen farts on me and I wake up confused and stinky why not just put a hefty bag over me! I wake up again in fear.

THIS TIME IT WAS NOAH 接吻 ME but wait I sort of enjoyed it "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH we both screamed. TO BE CONTINUED................
3rd person

Noah cried in his room.Tears steamed down his face.
Come on,get a hold of yourself Noah. 说 part of him. He stopped crying and looked up.
"Maybe I need to talk him,"he 说 quietly to himself.He got up from his bed,and went down-stairs to talk t him.Only to find a note on the floor.Noah picked it up and read it:

I don't know why 你 are crying,but I thought 你 needed some alone time.I took the camera with me to help 上传 it on the TDI website.Thanks for letting me use it.Ill give it back either this evening your tomorrow morning.

Thanks again,

Noah felt like he was gonna cry again.He had a chance to tell him his feelings,he missed it.But,hell be back,either tomorrow morning 或者 tonight.That's when he'll tell him.

Sorry this one's short,the 下一个 one will be longer.
posted by canddfan29
NoCo Part 2:

   The 下一个 morning, I closed my locker and was about to turn the corner when Noah came up to me and pressed his lips to mine. "Hey," he greeted me.
   "Hey yourself," I said. "So how late did 你 stay up last night? One? Two? I hear you're 阅读 a VERY interesting book in Andrews's class."
   "You be quiet," he instructed, laughing. 
   "Not until 你 吻乐队(Kiss) me," I laughed. 
   "Fine," he said, 接吻 me again. Just then the 钟, 贝尔 rang, interrupting our kiss.
   "See 你 下一个 period," he said. 
   "Okay," I agreed, and went to class. 

Okay... As there isn´t enough words in this whole wide world to describe how amazing, funny 或者 simply incredible this video is! Let´s say that a wonderful genius created it. Here it is "Avenue Q" at the most NoCo style!!!
if 你 were gay
that ´ll be okay. i mean ´cause hey! i like 你 anyway...
added by nocofangirl218
Just something I saw on YouTube. :3
did did did!
posted by mehparty3
Noah sat in the woods, 阅读 his book, but for some reason, he couldn't focus. All he could think of was Cody...Cody...Cody...

"Cody!" Noah said, noticing Cody inching towards Noah. Noah stood up. "Uh, hey!"

Cody stopped and smiled. "Hi, Noah.... so, whatcha reading?" Noah blushed. "Um, 'Everlasting'."

"What's it about?"

"A girl and a guy that... um.... fall in love, and stuff..."

Cody blushed. "Oh. Sounds like a good book. Anyway, I came over here to- -"

"CODY!!!!" A familiar voice sounded across the trees, causing some birds to fly away. "Oh no..." Cody moaned, bracing himself. Soon Cody found...
continue reading...
added by rockzsanders
Source: deviantART
added by luz-anwar-light
Ok. I 爱情 this video SO MUCH! It´s the NoCo, 或者 TDI version of the opening "Sakura kiss" From Ouran HighSchool Host Club, Yeah! I hope 你 like it.
3 Days after the final of total drama world tour everyone was staying at a hotel for the 下一个 10 days , Noah, the Kno It All, didnt kno why he couldnt stop thinking about Cody
Noah: STOP IT,he screamed
Everyone looked at him, Izzy Slithered over to noah
Izzy: U thinking about cody
Noah: No No No No!
Izzy: Yes Yes Yes




Noah: Yes
Izzy: Gotcha!
Noah: Crap
Izzy: Bye bye
Izzy: Going....going....going....gone !
Noah: Good
----------------------WITH CODY-------------------
Cody: 嘿 Gwen saw u got dumped 由 Duncan
Gwen: Go away nerd
Cody: Please go out with me plz!
Gwen: NO
Cody walked...
continue reading...
this makes me miss TDI but well... check this out ;)
added by luz-anwar-light
i don´t make this video but i hope 你 like it.
i looooooooooooooooooooooooooooove this video♥ ♥ It belongs to:FlashQuatsch on youtobe
did did did!
That's right; I'm finally updating this! XD

Anyway, to the 粉丝 of this, I apologize for the wait. It's just that there's been busy updating another story, and hadn't had time to do this. :( But I am now! :)

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the last part of Thing's Change 或者 do They?! :D


*No ones POV*

And so it all fell into place.

Sierra and Cody were getting married in mere hours, Noah was now asleep in his brother Nigel's apartment, and Alejandro was hot on the trail to finding the Know it all. Tension was in the air, and it weighed heavily on...
continue reading...
posted by canddfan29
Part 3: 

   After school, I walked up to Noah's locker. He was frantically shoving 图书 in his backpack. He closed his locker, and smiled when he saw me. 
   "If I 吻乐队(Kiss) you, will 你 not tease me about my books?" Noah asked. 
   "It's a deal," I agreed, giving him a peck on the lips.  
   "Hey, want to come over?" he asked. 
   "Yeah, sure," I said. 

   At Noah's house, he opened the front door with his key and we went inside. "Nice house," I commented.
   "My parents are big-time lawyers," he informed. "Want to see my room?"
   "Sure," I said. "I'm guessing it has to be pretty...
continue reading...
posted by uhuhuhuh
Noah was sleeping in his 舱, 小木屋 由 himself.
Cody came in.
Cody: 嘿 Noah?
Noah: Yeah?
Cody: What are 你 doing?
Noah: Trying to sleep
Noah: What are 你 doing?
Cody blushed.
Noah winked..
Cody seemed confused. All Cody was picturing was Noah sleeping with him.
Noah: Like your 衬衫 Cody... looks good on you.
Cody: Can I ask 你 a queation
Noah: What?
Cody: Uh never mind...
Noah tell me
Cody: No it's uh I forgot.
Cody: I forgot....
Noah pulled Cody 由 his hips closer to Noah.
Cody seemed confused.
Noah stood up and closer to him.
Cody: fine...
Cody: Who do 你 like!
Noah: I'm not telling.
Cody: C'mon
Noah: I'll give...
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posted by Part_of_the_sky
Hehe, well I feel kind of awkward. I mean, I know the ladies 爱情 themselves some boy-love but Noah? Seriously? I barley know the guy, sure he kissed me and we looked at each other a couple of times but still! I mean I don't like other guys but it's cool if the girls pair me up with one. If that's what make them happy I'm game. But Noah? He's a jerk, apathetic, lazy and 总体, 整体 a jerk. Uhh, this is going to bother me. But hey, that's my fault for looking up that stuff anyway, but all the other campers were doing it! I joined in, it started off awesome. I found out I have a lot of fangirls,...
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Noah's POV

"Duncan,"cody greeted."What are 你 doing here?"
"oh,you know,"he said."Taking a little walk around the neighborhood,video taping 你 two trading spit."
"That's a really gross way to put it,"I added.
"Whatever,"he said."Anyway,im gonig 首页 to uplaod this on youtube,twitter,mypace,facebook,fanpop,and the TDI site!"
"what the hell is fanpop?"cody asked.
"Who cares!"duncan said.He ran off to post this on every known site ever!

Cody's POV

"WAIT!YOU GET BACK HERE!"Noah yelled.He ran after Duncan.
I knew he would never catch up,noah's too slow.
So,i had to take action into my own hand.
I went the...
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posted by CountessDorkula
“What’cha readin’?” Cody 说 in a sing-song voice as he walked up behind Noah. The high IQ didn’t bother to look up, “A book.”

“What’s it about?”

“Text on a page, see?” He held up the book and let Cody get a glimpse at the words for a mere second.

“No,” The slightly smaller nerd whined, “What are the words about?”

Noah glanced up, his expression 展示 no emotion, “If I told you, I’d have to kill you,” and he went back to his nose being stuffed into the spine of the book he held.

Suddenly, Noah felt his hands slip from the pages and his precious, precious...
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posted by nocofangirl218
This was something I came up with when I was one 日 when I was day-dreaming. I hope 你 all enjoy! Don’t forget to read and review!

Also: I don’t own anything in this story! Not the TD character, not the movie “Thor” and anything else that already belongs to some one else.

As I checked myself in the mirror for the millionth-time, I hoped my boyfriend would find this place okay. I mean, I even had trouble finding it when I first moved to these apartments. I took my gaze off the mirror long enough to glance...
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