As Rouge stood with Vanilla, she began telling her a story about her mom.
Rouge: When my mom got her new Impala, I was 12 years old. We got along very well, because we had many things in common. We enjoyed stealing gems, our 最喜爱的 color was pink, and we also enjoyed 展示 off our boobs. That's why Mom took me to her job frequently at the strip club.
A song fades in as it starts at 0:05:
linkLiberty City, 2008.
Noir: *Dancing on a stage with a 粉, 粉色 bikini*
Echidna's: Yeah!! *Banging their fists on the table*
Hedgehog: *Whistles*
Noir: *Spins on her heel, doing a 360. She winks while blowing a...
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