Roleplay Hungergames! Hunger Games Roleplay redo

Bluefire7777 posted on Dec 04, 2011 at 05:04PM
You've watched the the games you've seen the battles in the district's as war rages on how have our characters lives changed as there time passes we introduce new characters in our world. Children of heroes now making there Mark on the world as they exit there secluded childhood and realize exactly what world they have inherited from their parents.

Jason aging father ex rebel now taking on his family life his bustling kids and sickly wife he has dark hair and bright green eyes
Selene:the women of riches in love with a man that trouble always seems to follow she has had a tough early life now with her aging children she becomes more sickly of her mysterious virus that hovers over her like a dark cloud she is a beautiful women wavy blonde hair and soft grey eyes
Aurora:here first daughter starting out as a mistake quickly stealing both her parents hearts being the connecting link as a little girl with the golden hair and green eyes but will with her teenage years bring defiance and independence break family life?
Lucas(Luke)-Jason's first son the middle child in as time goes on how long can he bare being surrounded by his sister's? With his sandy blonde hair and dreamy grey eyes he is already shaping up as a regular four surfer guy
Julianne: One of the twins Julianne is always in the know gossip girl fashionista she runs her daddy's credit card to the max and always knows what in and not and can dish out dirt on anyone but how does she deal with her exact opposite of a twin? Like her mother she has light wavy blonde hair and unique aqua eyes easily the 6th grade beauty queen
Victoria: the second twin the oddball shes quiet loves reading and learning in solitude hard to do with 2 siblings and a twin who happens to share a room with you and is the exact opposite she is the only brunette like her father and has great silver eyes

Mike:native to four falling in love with the mysterious Natalie Fjord who seemed to appear out of thin air to four now married he runs a surf shop on the island not rich but happy with his life he is a tanned tall man with dark hair and eyes
Nathalie: the party girl after her horrible experience in the games finally settles down and now runs after her son as a mother still haunted by her past some times tall blonde girl with green eyes like Jason's
Dylan: the parks first and only he's the cool surfer kid and Luke's best friend and cousin together they soon join the other guys on the beach his dark hair and green eyes he fits right in with everyone

Grayson Parker:An old friend of Jason's who used to work the races with him.
Maya Parker: the pretty girl who finally married Grayson after all those years. She had done well for herself with Grayson.
Austin Parker: as the star of sports, he is constantly at a practice, playing football, basketball, and soccer. He was a great player and can often be seen practicing. Typical sports star. He's a 17 year old and can be a bit of a hot shot. He took a liking to sports while his father pushes him to take up racing like his father had helped with Jason. He had dirty blonde hair with blue-grey eyes. He was tall, lean and muscular from constantly playing sports.
Sierra Parker:The middle child of a boy dominant- sport family. She was 16. She was a dancer mostly and took up cheerleading as well. She was nicer and easy-going. She was smart and was a good student. Unlike her older brother, she wasn't a major athlete on the court. She was a pretty girl, looking a similar to her brother with dirty blonde hair and blue-grey eyes.
Eli Parker:youngest Parker at 12. He had short light brown hair and green eyes. He played only soccer though and practiced sometimes with Austin. He was calm, and quick.

Travis Meyers: A 17 year old sports player who is constantly seen with Austin. THe both of them are great athletes with a good future ahead. He's Austin's best friend. He is smart but sarcastic and can be a bit cocky at times.
Ryan Meyers:Travis's younger brother who is 11 at the moment. He never really took a loving to soccer, basketball, and football like Travis. He sticks to being a good student and a baseball player.

Luke: a self made army man originally from five meeting the beautiful exotic marina falls in love on the battlefield and wanting to be with her moves to four still awkward in four life but runs his family well handsome man with blonde hair and blue eyes
Marina: the exotic native of four she is tough and beautiful now married she teaches her children everything she loved now she has dark skin and hair with beautiful blue eyes
Danny: the regular surf and sailing kid he practically lives on the water Evan though he comes from a decent family very handsome he is the guy on the beach girls drool over with his tanned skin dark hair and amazing blue eyes
Cassie: originally named Cassiopeia after a star she is Danny's twin sister and Auroras best friend she liked surfing and water sports she was never crazy all she really wanted to do was travel she had tanned skin to and lighter brown hair with blonde highlights and blue eyes like her dad
last edited on Dec 27, 2012 at 12:32AM

Roleplay Hungergames! 16791 回复

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一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
*walks up to him* your pretty good surfed boy I do admire your skills *smiles* -Leona
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
Night dove
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
Thanks. * smiles* -Sam

Night bluefire
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
i forgot how hungry you get after you swim and run...breakfast anyone? -Leona

yes im starved ill go wake sleeping beauty and well get going *goes back to the cave to wake layla* -Scotty
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
Breakfast sounds amazing , I'm starving-Sam
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
so any recommendations that ares standing? since were dead we should probably go in disguse or somthing unless we want the entire nation of panem after us -Leona
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
Theres a good place not to far from here. And although having the entire nation looking for us sound fun , There's also a place we can get some new clothes and such. -Sam
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
yea were going to have to change more then our cholthes were going to have to change our looks... *shakes her head* not looking forward to that -Leona

*walks up with a yawn* im up... -Layla

yes sleeping beauty has finally awoken -Scotty

*elbows him* shut up -Layla
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
Well then let's get going then. * runs a hand through his shaggy hair and heads to the clothing / hair cut place just across the street from his house* -Sam
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
*follows after him* where to first? -Leona, Layla, and Scotty
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
The clothing place.. Sorta. * walks to the hair/ clothing place,* here we are. * tries to not look at his house -across the street * Sam
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
*looks around kind of sheilding her eyes from everyone* -Leona

here they dont know us will get the appointments set up spot me the cash sam -Scotty

ah no i wouldnt trust him with cash hes never had enough to squander around dont want him to excited... -Layla

*smiles at them* -Leona
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
Alright. * he looks back t his house* were gonna need money . * trots across the street to his huge fancy white house* -Sam

Brb dinner
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
*watches him go* in four you can just wander into someones fancy house and get money randomly? awesome! -Scotty

i think that is his house... -Leona
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
Welcome to my home.. * motions to his house and he grabs a key from a hidden spot and unlocks the door* -Sam
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
you live here? *looks up at it* makes my house look like a shack oh right my house is a shack... -Leona

all ours are le -Scotty
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
Yea.. I live here.. * runs his neck, embarrassed. He walks inside and trots to his room quickly* -Sam
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
*looks around at all the nice decor a bit amazed* -Leona

Le you should she your face your like farm girl in big city all over again -Scotty
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
* looks back at them from his room* I feel kinda bad ... I mean .... -Sam
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
why would you feel bad its so nice here i love the view of the sea it must have been nice... *looks out the window to the sea the sea brezze blowing through her slightly wet hair* -Leona

its very pretty indeed must have costed a fortune though nothing we could ever afford in opur lifetime -Layla
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
* he nods and walks into his room and comes back , stuffing a wallet and a old crumpled piece of paper in his pocket* Ready? -Sam
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
*looks back at him* aww we just got here i havent got a chance to explore *smiles and bats her eyes* -Leona

you would leona but im hungry -Layla
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
You can always loo around if you want but I'm just worried someone might walk in on us that thinks we were dead.. We'll probably end up coming back really soon anyway. Sam
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
who is going to walk in really dont people in four understand privacy and respect? *walks around the living room* nice things i dont think id ever make enough for this stuff in ten life times... -Leona

well if leonas is going exploring im going to get some food with scotty cause were hungry *looks at sam* you coming to or are you staying with le? -Layla
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
Well.. You'd be surprise who has walked through those doors.. We'll be bak soon.. Im gonna go get something to eat. You gonna stay here , Leona? -Sam
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一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
yea ill catch up with you guys before you though *reaches for the frezzer and grabs some ice and raps it up* use this for your head sam -Leona

alright lets go see you later Le dont get into trouble *says playfully* -Scotty

me? never! im a good girl *smiles and walks onto the balcony* -Leona
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一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
* takes the ice * Thanks. * puts it against the back of his head * alright, let's go. -Sam
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
*follows after him* -layla and scotty

*when they leave she goes back into the house and walks upstairs exploring the bedrooms and sees sam's* humm he probably wouldnt want me in there so...i have to go in there *smiles and she pushes the door open to see [insert sams room description in next comment please]* -leona
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
- Sam's room -

There are papers of all kinds scattered on his desk there're tons of photos or paintings writings quotes and lyrics and sheet music . There wasa big board that took up a big majority of one wall that has photos all across it. There were lots of pictures of him surfing and with his friends at the beach. There were several paintings of the beach on it. There were sticky notes on the pictures with notes o them. His desk had lots of colors from paint and pastels used I it. A camera sat in his desk. Two surf boards were propped against his wall next to his bed. His bed had two notebooks with lyrics and quotes scribbled on it with a beat up guitar on his bed next to them. His room was blue , same for his bed. His dresser has letters and awards for surfing on it. His room was messy in a sense. The floor had used small paint tubes dropped around his desk.
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一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
*looks around at the art and smiles then looks at all the pictures of him surfing and his friends then grabs a picture of her in her locket of them she was able to salvage from 13 of them dancing in the hallway that apprentely scotty had gotten the picture of them and pins it to the wall in the center and grabs a peice of paper and scribbles a caption on it and pins it below the picture and smiles looking back at it* The first step of the rest of our lives -Leona
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
* walks to eat, walking past the clothing/ hair place and sees a sign there saying that if they let the stylist cut your hair however they wanted it would be free. He stops in front of the sign* -Sam
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
*follows after him* -Layla and scotty
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
Well, there's a good idea. * points the sign out to Layla and Scotty* -Sam
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
I guess so but were not hiding well actually our skins a give a away there are no Carmel skinned people here everyojes pale... -Layla

I thought we were getting food -Scotty

*wanders through the rooms aimlessly imagining how things would be like growing up there her favorite place was the lofts balcony on the their floor where she could watch the ocean* its so perfect no wonder Sam missed it here I could stay here forever *smiles as the sea brezze blows her hair and the sea gulls fly around the beach* perfection -Leona
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
I guess. But I mean.. Lots of us are really tan. You fit in with surfers and beach people. Besides this can be helpful too. * points at the sign* anyway, let's eat. * leads them to a restaurant nearby* -Sam
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
I guess so *follows after him* -Layla

*looks back towards the house* I wonder what le is getting up to in there *looks over at Sam* I hope you locked your room that's probably the first place he Berliner to * smiles* -Scotty
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
* he shrugs* there's nothing really important in there, but I bet that's the first place she went. * walks up to the door of the restAurant* -Sam
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
*looks off the balcony and sees themm and waves then uses a bird call* -Leona

*here's the call and turns to see Leona on the balcony waving* there she is -Scotty

*looks up at her* she would *smiles* -Layla
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
* looks at Leona and smiles* -Sam
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
Shes crazy *smiles* I think all of four can see her good job laying low le -Layla

Ya she crazy but that why her and we all new Leona cant hide from panem shes to bright *smiles* -Scotty

*blows a kiss at Sam then walks back inside the sea brezze gently blowing her hair* -Leona
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一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
* smiles* now half of fours population just saw her. * pauses * now the surfers just saw her* smiles as she walks back inside* -Sam
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一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
Now they fall in love with her and go knocking at her door *sighs* good job le -Scotty
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
* shakes his head* Come on, Leona saw where we were, let's get something to eat . * walks in the restaruant , avoiding eye contact with other four people * -Sam
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
Lets just hips she puts some sunglasses on and kicks the surfers back to the beach and gets over here before she causes a scence again -Scotty

*thinks to herself* great now all of four is going to be after me... *looks around and grabs a pair of dark sunglasses and hopes no one will bother her as she slips out of the house and continues down the road* -Leona

It would be funny if she was swarmed by surfer guys as she walks down the road lol
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一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
Lol- Let there be surfers!

* l surfer boys swarm her as she starts to walk down ye road*

* sees the surfers swarm her* oh dear .....* sighs* -Sam
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
Oh God...unman hi I'm just gonna get some breakfast...excuse me...sorry *almost runs into someone board* oh sorry... *tries to push through them* -Leona

Great job Le wonder if they know she has a boyfriend -Scotty

Should we help her? -Layla

I say let her get out of it she should have been smarter about the balcony -Scotty
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
* still swarm her making it almost impossible to get out* -Surfer dudes

Lets go help Leona.. * walks over to the surfers* -Sam
一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
Do you mind moving? *starts to sound a bit irratated* and stop calling me beautiful please and no I don't want to go out with you I have a boyfriend...*mutters* hes probably better surfer than you all to... *pushes through the guys slapong them away if they try to touch her* -Leona

*follows after him* what's the plan and damn I cant even see her you wouldn't think shed be this popular -Scotty

Shes always been popular Scotty you've just never noticed -Layla
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一年多以前 Bluefire7777 said…
Appreciate the goodbye before you leave so I'm not sitting here wondering when your gonna reply you know
一年多以前 Dovemoon said…
Sorry. I was picking up someone. I'm on though. Sorry for the delay