神奇宝贝 Club
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posted by Courtneyfan6
Rock a Bye Chikorita

(Ash, 皮卡丘 and Serena are outside with the birds in the early morning)
Serena: There 你 are, 你 sweet feathered creatures, you. Breakfast time.
Ash: They're eating their breakfast alright.
Pikachu: Pika Pika.
Misty: Where's my breakfast, Ash Ketchum? I'm starving to death!
Ash: Stop whining, Misty. Serena and I are feeding the birds.
Misty: Hmph. He's annoying as usual like my psyduck.
Psyduck: Psyduck.
Misty: Get back in your pokeball, 你 annoying duck!
(As 皮卡丘 goes to the little duck, a 鸭 spits at Pikachu)
Pikachu: Pika!
Bird: Ha ha ha ha!
Pikachu: [Whimpers]
Serena: Pikachu, there's nothing to be afraid of. No one would never do us any harm. (A Swellow catches Serena and begins to fly) Aah! Ash! Help me! Help me!
Ash: Serena! Let's go, Pikachu!
Pikachu: Pikachu!
(As Ash and 皮卡丘 ran off to find Serena, Misty comes out of the house to find him left)
Misty: Ash! (She growls and storms back inside)
(Ash and 皮卡丘 ran to see the 树 house up of the 树 as they heard Serena screaming)
Ash: I'm coming, Serena!
(He climbs up the 树 with 皮卡丘 on his shoulder to find Serena hanging out with a Chikorita)
Ash: Serena!
Serena: Ash, Pikachu! Check out this Pokemon! She's a cutie!
Chikorita: Chika!
Ash: That's a Chikorita.
Pikachu: Pika Pika.
(Ash reaches and checks his pokedex)
Pokedex: Chikorita, the Leaf Pokémon. Chikorita releases a sweet relaxing fragrance from the leaf on its head.
Serena: (she tickles Chikorita) Gootchie gootchie gootchie goo.
Chikorita: (giggling) Chikori.
Clara: Now remember...
Pikachu: Pika?
Clara: I'm only going to be gone for a few hours. (She returns her Swellow back into its pokeball) Imagine, a woman of my quality having to raise my Pokemon all alone. Good thing I'm such a devoted trainer. And that's why I'm off to Florida on a raven party-- to look for a present. Now, 你 take good care of my precious Chikorita. She  means the world to me. If I come back here and find just her gone... I'm going to bash 你 with this baseball bat!
Ash: (gasps)
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Clara: So long. (She leaves her 树 house)
Serena: Don't 你 worry now. I'm sure she'll be a perfect little angel.
Chikorita: (whimpering and starts sobbing)
Serena: What's wrong, Chikorita?
Ash: I think she's hungry.
Serena: Oh, Ash, Pikachu, I'm so glad you're here. We've got a hungry Chikorita to feed. Would 你 mind getting her something to eat?
Ash: Yeah. I got some Pokemon 食物 right in here. (He checks his backpack and sees nothing) I guess I don't got it.
Pikachu: Pika Pikachu. (He checks his 食物 and it's all gone!) PIKA! (He fell on the floor as he cries)
Ash: Sorry, Pikachu. I forgot to get 你 some food. I'll get it Serena. 皮卡丘 你 stay here with her and Chikorita.
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Ash: Good thing Team Rocket doesn't want to ruin everything today.
Serena: That's because they're on a vacation.
(Cut to Team Rocket at the famous hotel, where they're relaxing at the pool)
Jessie: Prepare for trouble, we're in this relaxing hotel!
James: Make it double, we're not in the disgusting motel!
Jessie: To protect the world with devastation!
James: To unite all people within our nation!
Jessie: To denounce the evil of truth and love!
James: To extend our reach to the stars above!
Jessie: Jessie!
James: James!
Jessie: Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!
James: Surrender now 或者 prepare to fight fight fight!
Meowth: Meowth. That's right!
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet.
Chimecho: Chime Chime.
(Later, back at the house, Max sneaks inside and quickly makes 薄煎饼, 煎饼 which he didn't notice Misty is sitting in the table)
Misty: Ash, it's about time. I'm dying of starvation here! (She looks at Max with the pancakes.) What's that for?
Max: For my girlfriend Bonnie. She really loves pancakes. Bye! (He leaves)
Misty: Hey, what about me?
(Ash came back with Pokemon 食物 for 皮卡丘 and Chikorita)
Ash: I got some food!
Serena: Awesome, Ash!
Pikachu: Pika Pi!
Chikorita: Chika!
Serena: I have pokepuffs for the two and some macarons too!
(Ash is now amazed!)
Ash: Now I'm getting hungry, Serena!
(Pikachu and Chikorita are now finished with the lunch, Serena hands the pokepuffs to them)
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Chikorita: Chika! Chika!
Serena: Glad 你 two like them. (She notices the other pokepuff is gone) Where is the other one?
Ash: (he ate the pokepuff and he burst out 火, 消防 like a flamethrower) Hhhooooottttt!!!!!
Serena: Ash, the pokepuff is for 火, 消防 types.
Ash: Sorry, I forgot.
Pikachu: Pika.
Chikorita: Chikori.
(Later in the day...)
Ash: That Chikorita reminds me the time that I caught mine back in the Johto region. After she was jealous of 皮卡丘 during the travel one time, she got over it and became 老友记 with Pikachu.
Ash: Let's get going, Pikachu.
Pikachu: Pika. (He gets on Ash's shoulder) Pika!
Chikorita: Chika?
Ash: Come on. The other shoulder's just for you.
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Chikorita: (smiles) Chika? Chika! (She gets on Ash's other shoulder and rubs his cheek.) Chika Chikori Chika!
*End Flashback*
Serena: I'm so glad of her got over her jealous.
Ash: Mmm-hmm. I kept battling with her all over and over again. And one day...
(Ash is attacked 由 Jessie and James' Pokemon, sending him down)
Ash: I want Chikorita back!
Chikorita: (crying) Chikori...
Ash: (groans) Chikorita!
Chikorita: Chikori!!!! (She starts to evolve)
Ash: Something's happening.
Brock: Hey, look!
Misty: Chikorita's evolving!
(Chikorita evolves into Bayleef)
Bayleef: Bay!
Ash: Awesome!
Misty: Your Chikorita just evolve into Bayleef!
Jessie: We got a Bayleef!
James: That's even better than a Chikorita!
Meowth: Let's make our getaway!
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!
(Later, Bayleef blasts Team Rocket off with her vine leaf after 皮卡丘 and Electabuzz attacks them)
*End Flashback*
Ash: That's why she evolved into Bayleef.
Serena: Then what happened?
Ash: Well, I fed up with Bayleef kept tackling me so I made her go away. Then after I saved her and 皮卡丘 from Team Rocket, I apologize to her for being inconsiderate. Soon after, she managed to become a vital part of my team and helped me win so many Gym and League battles.
Serena: That's awesome. Where is your Bayleef?
Ash: I left her at Professor Oak's Lab when I decided to make a fresh start when I left for the Hoenn region.
Serena: All the starter 神奇宝贝 are so sweet, aren't they, Ash? I just 爱情 to hear them at play.
(Ash sees 皮卡丘 and Chikorita plays ball with a bee hive)
Ash: What are two doing?! You'll get stung 由 the bees!
(Ash hammers the hive back in place as the bees came out)
Ash: (laughing nervously) Hi. (As he fell on the ground, the bees attack him!) Ow! ow! ow! ow!
Pikachu: Pika Pi! (He uses thunderbolt to get rid of the bees) Pika-Chu!
(Ash is now covered with bees sting and dirt, he climbs up back to the treehouse)
Serena: Oh, thank goodness you're back. What happened to-
Ash: Don't ask.
Pikachu: Pika.
Serena: Let's find some new toys to play with.
Ash: I know, Serena. Misty has a bucket of fishing bait in the cellar.
Serena: I'm sure 你 two would enjoy the toys of that.
Pikachu: Pikachu.
Chikorita: Chikori.
(Ash ran into the cellar of the house to look for the bait while Misty comes out of the front door.)
Misty: (whining) Ash, where's my food? (She sees Ash carrying her bucket with her fishing bait) First, he forgets to make me some 食物 and now he's stealing my fishing bait! (angrily, as she chases after him) Ash Ketchum! Get back here with my bait!
(Ash trips from a rock which made him drops the worms and he tries to grab them. He grabs a Seviper 由 the tail and puts him in the pail under the worms.)
Ash: There.
Misty: I'm coming to get you, Ash!
(Ash climbs up back in the treehouse)
Ash: I'm getting way tired from climbing up there.
Serena: Oh, there 你 are, Ash.
Pikachu: Pika Pi!
Chikorita: Chika Chikori!
(While 皮卡丘 is getting the worms out of the bucket, a Seviper comes out of the bucket!)
Pikachu: Pika Pi! (He ran to Ash as he hugged him)
Seviper: Yuck! How utterly disgusting.
Chikorita: Chika?
Seviper: Chikorita. I 爱情 Chikorita. Let me name you. How about dessert?
Chikorita: (as she hides behind Serena, feeling scared) Chikori.
Seviper: Oh, how very witty.
Serena: No! (She hugs Chikorita) Stay away from my Chikorita, 你 horrid creature, you.
Ash: Can things get any worse around here?
Misty: Ash, is that 你 up there? I'm hungry! 你 come down here this instant!
Ash: Go away, Misty!
Misty: (as she starts climbing up the tree) Just wait until I get my hands on you. Just 你 wait.
Seviper: Come here, baby girl. Don't be afraid. Come and play with papa's poison tail.
(Ash throws a bee hive at Seviper, but it misses and it hits Misty instead and she's now covered in honey and black bird feathers!)
Misty: Aah! Why am I so sticky? (She licks her hand) Honey?
Seviper: Enough of this tomfoolery. (As it tries to eat Serena and Chikorita)
Ash: Pikachu, use your thunderbolt!
Pikachu: (he uses thunderbolt on Seviper) Pika-Chu!!!
Misty: What the heck is going on up here? (Then she gets attack 由 a bunch of bees) Aah!
Chikorita: Chikori?
Pikachu: Pika?
[Misty screaming as she runs around in place while she flaps her arms like a bird]
Seviper: Huh? Good heavens. It's the beautiful raven.
Misty: Huh? A Seviper! Aah! (She falls as Seviper chases after her)
Serena: What kind of bird was that? It's so strange, yet so familiar.
Misty: Help! help!
(Chikorita yawns in Serena's arms)
Ash: Whoa, Chikorita's tired.
Serena: I guess she is. Want me to sing a lullaby, Chikorita?
Chikorita: (she smiles at Serena) Chikori.

Serena: (singing, as she softly pets Chikorita's back)

La la lu, La la lu
Oh, my little 星, 星级 sweeper
I'll sweep the stardust for you

La la lu, La la lu
Little soft fluffy sleeper
Here comes a 粉, 粉色 云, 云计算 for you

La la lu, La la lu
Little wandering angel
Fold up your wings close your eyes

La la lu, La la lu
And may 爱情 be your keeper
La la lu, La la lu, La la lu

Ash: Wow, I really 爱情 your voice, Serena.
Serena: Thank you, Ash. My mother used to sing this lullaby to me when I was a baby.
Ash: Look. Chikorita fell asleep.
(Ash and Serena sees Chikorita fell asleep on Serena's lap)
Ash: I guess the lullaby did the trick. Don't 你 think, buddy? Pikachu?
(He sees 皮卡丘 fell asleep too! Then Serena sets Chikorita down on the floor so she and 皮卡丘 can sleep together. Ash and Serena look at the sky as they held their hands.)
(That night, Ash and Serena see 皮卡丘 and Chikorita playing together as Clara got back)
Clara: Darling, mama's back.
Chikorita: Chika Chika Chikori!
Clara: The raven party was a bust. But on my way home, I found the present that I love. My Chikorita, say hello to my new present.
(It's Misty who is still covered in honey and bird feathers!)
Ash and Serena: Misty?!
Pikachu: Pika?!
Chikorita: Chikori Chika Chika!
Ash: (giggling)
Misty: What's so funny?
Ash: 你 are looking a pretty ugly raven there. (giggling)
Misty: (angrily) ASH KETCHUM!!!!

The End!!!
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