马达加斯加的企鹅 Club
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He was the one putting eye drops in just an 小时 ago!He’s taking the night shift the day he finds out Skipper was going to be fine! How could I have been so blind?!”

“Eve! Who are 你 talking about!?” Private called after her, him and Kowalski trying to keep up with her fast pace.

“Manor! Gah! I’m such an idiot!”

“You’re not an idiot, Eve! I should’ve suspected, too!” Kowalski pointed out.

Once they arrived at the prison, Eve stopped and turned to them. “You two stay out here.”

“What?!” Kowalski and Private 说 simultaneously.

“I know my way around the infirmary; I don’t need 你 two to slow me down.” Kowalski and Private tried to protest, but Eve had already turned and entered the prison.

Eve slid around corners and scrambled up the stairs. She stopped abruptly at the entrance to the infirmary, wanting to enter stealthily. She slowly opened the door and quietly stepped in. She peeked in, and when she saw no one, she entered.

She crept across the infirmary, staying hidden in the shadows. When she reached Skipper’s room, she took a deep breath and opened the door.

It opened fast and hit the 墙 with a thump. Eve stood in combat position as she stared into the empty room, with the exception of the sleeping Skipper. She looked around the vacant infirmary, stepped in, and shut the door behind her. She then approached Skipper until she came to a stop at his side. She gently touched the side of his face, which was cold to the touch, but his 心 was still beating according to the monitors. She pulled the cover up to his chin.

Was she wrong? Manor was nowhere to be seen and Skipper was still alive…could it have been a coincidence that Manor had eye drops and decided to take the night shift? She was about to leave when she heard the knob to the door turning. Panicking, she hid behind a 大车, 购物车 that was sitting idle on the other side of the room. She watched as dim light gradually flowed into the room, along with the eerie sound of the door creaking open. Once the creaking ceased, indicating that the door was fully open, she examined the penguin-shaped shadow that lay on the floor from behind the cart. Her 心 pounded so hard she could barely hear the light pat…pat…pat… of the footsteps the other 企鹅 was making. When the 企鹅 was visible, she crouched tighter into the shadows.

She couldn’t see his face because his back was turned, but she knew it was Manor. He stopped at the side of the 床, 床上 and stared at Skipper for a moment, then took the tube that pumped saline into Skipper’s vein in his flipper. Eve’s eye’s widened in shock as Manor started connecting a syringe to the line. She acted without thinking; she leapt to her feet and screamed, “NO!” as she charged at him. Manor whipped around; his eyes were wide with shock as Eve grabbed him 由 the shoulders and pushed him to the other side of the room. She then pounced on him and pinned him down. “Why!? What logical reason would 你 have to kill him?!”

Manor laughed. “Like 你 don’t know. He’s paying me, and he 说 not to let anyone get in my way…including you.” He then pushed Eve off of himself, rolled on 最佳, 返回页首 of her and pressed his elbow into her trachea. Eve gasped for air when a twinkle caught her eye. The syringe laid on the floor a couple of feet away. She reached for it, grabbed it, and stabbed Manor in the shoulder with it. Manor cried out in pain and Eve was able to push him off.

She gasped for air and rolled back on 最佳, 返回页首 of Manor, pinning him down again. “Why would Alastair need to kill him?! Wasn’t sending him to prison enough to satisfy him?!”

Manor grinned evilly. “Go to hell.”

“You first…” Eve placed her flipper on the syringe pump. “Talk.”

“Ha! 你 don’t have the guts…”

“Try me.” Eve stared hard into Manor’s eyes.

Manor stared hard back and said, “You’re cute. Your little intimidating act may work on everyone else, but not on me.”

For a moment they stared at each other in silence, then Eve said: “Alright, have it your way. Tell Alastair I 说 嘿 when 你 get to hell.” Eve began to slowly push the 泵 in, and Manor’s smile faded.

She’d injected about a fourth of the solution in when Manor said: “No! Wait! 你 can’t…you wouldn’t!”

Eve stopped injecting and said: “Then spill.”

“I don’t know! Alastair only told me to kill him! He didn’t give me a reason! Please!”

“I don’t believe you…”

“I’m telling the truth!”

“Good bye…”

“Wait! Fine! Ugh…all he told me was…” He grinned again. “You should’ve been careful of how close we landed to the suture cart.” Eve’s eyes widened, and before she could react, Manor cut into her side with a small scalpel. Unfortunately for Manor, Eve managed to inject the remnants of the syringe into him at the same time. Eve toppled onto her side as she grasped at her wound. Manor got to his feet and pulled the needle out of his arm and held his shoulder. He cringed in pain and fell back down to the floor. Eve watched in horror as Manor began shaking and grasping tight at his chest where his 心 was. He cried out in pain and thrashed about the floor. Gradually the shaking and thrashing slowed into quick twitches, until he stopped moving completely.

Eve stayed where she was a moment, letting what had just happened sink in. Manor was dead. Alastair bribed him into killing skipper. She looked down at her wound and cringed in pain, squinting her eyes shut. She opened them again when she heard a small sound. She looked over at manor, and cautiously got to her feet and checked his pulse. When she found none, she assumed it was just her imagination, until she heard it again. That’s when she realized it was Skipper. He was waking up!

Despite the pain, she half-limped as quickly as she could to Skipper’s side. “Skipper? Skipper, it’s me…can 你 hear me?” Skipper slowly opened his eyes and looked around until he saw Eve, who smiled. “Welcome back.”

32 Hours Earlier…

Skipper watched the distorted figures above him fade into black, and he fell into a 床, 床上 of snow. His vision was a blur…a white haze obscuring his view. A cold chill ran up his spine and he shivered. He blinked a few times to clear his vision and slowly picked his head up. Looking around, he seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. He pushed himself to his feet and scanned his surroundings. He was in a vast, white clearing covered in snow. The wind carried snow through the air, causing it to swirl around him and making it impossible to see past about a ten-foot radius. Despite the fact that he had no idea where he was 或者 what was going on, he was calm. Suddenly a whistle resounded in the distance.

He turned toward the sound and cocked his head curiously, taking a cautious step forward. The snow pressed against the bottom of his feet, squishing between his toes, and making a light crunch with each step. He wrapped his flippers around himself, trying to fight off the cold and pressed on, taking another step forward. After about a 分钟 of walking he came upon a small clearing where some tracks cut through the snow. All was quiet until he heard that whistle again, which sounded closer than last time.

That’s when he saw it. Off in the distance, a train approached, slowing as it got closer. Once it had arrived, a door opened on the first compartment and a 企鹅 holding a clipboard stepped out. He took a moment to look at Skipper from under his white cap, then he spoke. “Come forth, penguin.”

Skipper was hesitant, but came forward. “Where am I?”

“This is where 你 come…after life, I’m afraid.”

“So…you’re telling me…I’m dead?”

“‘fraid so. Please board the train.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Well, once this train leaves, it isn’t coming back. So if I were you, I’d come in where it’s warm.”

Skipper considered for a moment, then figured he didn’t have much choice. He stepped slowly 前锋, 期待 and boarded the train, feeling the door close behind him, separating him from the chill of the outside. I must be dreaming… He thought. That’s when the most unexpected happened.

As he walked between the seated rows of small animals, he saw the 獾 that had helped him and Eve out of that animal testing place. They looked at each other, eyes wide with shock. Skipper took the empty 下一个 to him. “What are you…what happened?” He whispered.

“I don’t wanna talk about it…the real 问题 is, what happened to you? 你 should see the commotion in New York!”

“Commotion? What commotion?”

“Well, if 你 don’t know, I’m not gonna waste time explaining it to you. 你 still have a chance to get outta here.”

“But what am I supposed to do once I get out?”

“I dunno, but something tells me you’ll figure it out.” Suddenly there was a lurch, and a vibration shimmied through their bones. The train had started moving. “You need to go. Now.” Skipper stared back into his eyes, unsure of what to do. “Now!” The 獾 pushed him from the 座位 and Skipper stumbled to the back of the car, where the capped 企鹅 stopped him.

“I changed my mind…I want to get off.”

“I’m sorry, you’re too late. The train has started moving.”

“You don’t understand, I need to get off!”

“You can’t! You’re too late! Now take your seat!” Skipper, determined to get off the train, turned around and pushed his way to a window, opened it, and looked out. The train was gradually picking up speed and cold, icy wind flowed into the compartment. He acted quickly, knowing that hesitating might make him realize what a bad idea this was. He climbed onto the pane and pushed off into the white abyss. The impact of his body into the snow felt like someone had just Tasered him; the shock exploding through his body as he rolled through the snow.

Once he had stopped rolling, he lay still, breathing heavily, watching the train disappear into the white haze. He pushed his aching body to its feet and stood where he was for a moment, then began walking.

He walked for about two hours, shivering and fighting through the cold. He didn’t know where he was going, but knew that he couldn’t stop. There was this feeling deep inside him that he couldn’t quite describe that drove him on. Maybe it was the feeling of knowing that his team wasn’t 100% 安全 yet. 或者 maybe it was the fact that someone had tried to kill him, and he needed to know that whoever it was wasn’t going to go after the ones he cared about. Whatever it was, was telling him that he couldn’t stop, no matter what. Suddenly a small sound cut through the whistle and howl of the wind. He stopped for a moment and listened. He was about to assume it was his imagination when he heard it again; a small crackling sound reached his eardrum. He listened a little harder, trying to pinpoint the direction of the sound. He began walking toward it, the crackle becoming 更多 audible with every step.

As the sound of the crackling grew so did the intensity of the glow of a flickering light in the near distance. Skipper continued 前锋, 期待 until he came upon the 来源 of light: a small bonfire. How would a 火, 消防 be able to withstand this cold? Skipper jumped at the sound of someone’s voice.

“Very interesting…”

To Skipper’s right, a couple of feet from the fire, sat an owl. He had silky white feathers that blended in with the snow. The only distinctive areas that caused the owl to stand out were his dark colored talons and his golden eyes, which slowly opened as he turned his head to look at him. “Who are you? Where am I?”

The owl closed his eyes and turned his head back toward the fire. “I am but a figment of your imagination.” He answered. His voice was calm and mysterious, bringing out each syllable and his s’s slightly hissed.

“So…I am dreaming?”

“More 或者 less.”

“I don’t understand…what’s going on?”

The owl opened his eyes again, and then he spread open his large wings and flapped them together, causing the 火, 消防 to swirl into the air. When it settled, Skipper approached the fire, not believing his eyes. He was looking at himself.

He examined it curiously; he was unconscious, in a 床, 床上 in the infirmary. A tube was down his throat and an IV was in his fore-flipper. A nurse was there with a clipboard, listening to his 心 and taking notes. “I still don’t understand…if that’s me…then how am I here?”

“This is just your subconscious’ way of adapting to your current situation.”

“And how exactly am I supposed to get back to reality?”

“That depends on you.”

Skipper looked the owl, then back to himself in the fire. Now Eve was 由 his side; she looked around, as if making sure she wasn’t being watched, then bent over him and gently kissed his cheek. She then left the room. After a moment, the hazy image of his resting body was consumed 由 the flames and disappeared. He touched his flipper to his cheek, recrossed his flippers, then asked: “What do I have to do?”

The owl opened his eye once again, but then stepped forward. He approached Skipper, his talons shuffling through the snow. When he stood 下一个 to Skipper, he held out one of his talons and said: “Come with me.”

Skipper looked at his sharp talons, then into his kind golden eyes and asked: “Where are we going?”

“I sense there are some things that 你 don’t understand.”

“Like what?”

The owl smiled. “Come with me and we’ll find out.” Skipper hesitated a moment, then took the owls’ talon. The owl closed his eyes, and a moment later the snow began to swirl around them. The 火, 消防 puffed out and the resulting smoke fell into the path of the vortex of snow. Skipper watched in sheer amazement as the snow whipped around them and licked at their heels. Gradually the wind and snow slowed and drifted slowly to the ground. Skipper looked around, and to his left, was Alastair and two small hatchlings.

Skipper’s face twisted in anger. “I’m gonna kill you, ya psycho!” He started for him, but the owl stopped him.

“He can’t hear you, nor see you. And 你 won’t be able to touch them. Just watch.” Skipper was going to say something, but instead just turned and watched as told.

This was certainly something Skipper never would’ve expected…Alastair was happy…and not in his usual devious way. He seemed like he was…at peace. He stepped closer, watching him play with the two small chicks. The small penguins laughed with joy as Alastair chased them around. Skipper wouldn’t have imagined Alastair capable of causing actual joy. Then one of the chicks stumbled and fell into the snow. Alastair rushed to her side and picked her up, cradling the weeping chick. “It’s okay, Eve. It’s okay, Daddy’s here.”
posted by Sylvia_Puffin
Okay, I decided to take a break from my other fanfiction to write this. It's a Kico story, so if 你 don't like Kico, please don't waste your time commenting on it.

I was in my lab, fiddling absentmindedly with a piece of wire while staring at the wall.
I had been trying to figure out the greatest mystery of all: love.
Why do we feel love? What is it exactly? And why can't I understand it?
I picked up the smoking device at my side. It was supposed to make me know the 答案 to all these puzzling questions, but it hadn't worked.
"'Walski?" a hoarse voice asked.
I looked up. Rico, my friend and practically...
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 Garrett Bobby Ferguson trying to take over the park.
Garrett Bobby Ferguson trying to take over the park.
嘿 guys! So, this is it and in this series, I'll be putting one villian from Regular Show. So enjoy.

Private woke up. He fixed his 床, 床上 and was on his feet. But he did not see any light from outside. "I'm pretty sure it's daylight."Private said. But as he opened the 鱼 bowl, he was so astonished. The world was a disaster. "Buy me the park 或者 else."Garrett Bobby Ferguson Jr. commandee. "Never!"Skipper exclaimed.c Soon, GBF Jr. shot Skipper's leg. "SKIPPA!"Private exclaimed. he dragged the flat-headed 企鹅 behind the bushes. "What are 你 doing, Private?"Skipper asked. Private peeked on...
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Hi everybody I just want to tell 你 that extra extra are newspaper like articles. And this issue is about Jeff Bennet being on the legend of Korra. If 你 have Nick 你 should know that The Legend Of Korra is a 5 日 old series. Well I watched A Leaf In The Wind. (I watched it because one of the chracters sounded like Jeff Bennet and it was divivng me mad.) And when I pulled up the credits it 说 Jeff Bennet played the Radio Broadcaster. So I thought I should share this with you. 加入 me 下一个 time on Extra! Extra! Thank 你 for your time. (P.S picture is of the Jeff Bennet chracter.)
posted by sowem
In the body swap part the characters are like this:
Skipper in Julien and Julien in Skipper.
Marlene in Mort and Mort in Marlene.
Maurice in Kowalski and Kowalski in Maurice.
Private in Rico and Rico in Private.

It was a nice morning in the Zoo

After training the penguins went inside and did their things. Rico brushing his doll's hair, Private watching Lunacorns, Skipper enjoying a coffee and Kowalski inventing a new thing.

Kowalski: Eureka! I did it! he 说 coming out of his laboratory.
Skipper: Did what, Kowalski?
Kowalski: I've invented a brain swapping machine. That way we can embarrass the ones...
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Dreaming in Black ‘N’ White

Chapter 3 – One Fight. One Skipper

    Marlene and Kitka brought out their wings and hands (paws) respectively as they charged one another. The two came together in the center of the penguins’ habitat, as Kitka’s wings wrapped around Marlene. The two females began to aggressively push and shove each other as they continually growled at each other. “You’re going to pay, Kitka, for even trying to go after my Skipper!” Marlene snarled. In the meanwhile, Kitka was somewhat gaining the advantage over Marlene, pushing her a few feet backwards....
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New TPOM movie featuring Blowhole and Alex the Lion

Date: 08/20/11 2:48 PM

嘿 guys, did 你 watch the new episode: Operation Vacation? After it ended, the annouced that there will be a new 1 小时 movie, Blowhole Strikes Back! Another popper: Alex the Lion from the orginal Madagascar 电影院 is in it. Also Hans the 海雀 there. Premiring on Sept. 9 at 8:00pm.

Hey,guys!I just watched Operation:Vacation,and after was a 预览 for the first ever POM movie,Blowhole Strikes Back! And it's guest staring Hans (Blowhole's partner) and Alex the Lion! It's all on September 9th,which is also my cousin's birthday!It'll be one epic movie in one epic day,I just know it! Are 你 ready to watch? I know I am!
I just couldn't resist! XD This is just a oneshot on what Kowalski could possibly do when no one was looking. Inspired 由 Icicle1penguin's answer. (If 你 don't like Justin Beiber's songs skip the song!!!)

Kowalski waddled into his lab after the other three left to get snow cones. They invited him, but he declined. He carefully entered his lab and locked the door. After looking around for any signs that someone might be there, he walked towards a 台, 办公桌 holding his beakers. He looked around again. The coast was clear. He pressed against a brick and a screen with a keyboard popped out. He typed...
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posted by Kowalski355
Kowalski: So whats her name?

Ally: Elizabeth.

Kowalski: Oh, ok. And how old is she?

Ally: 18 months now.

Kowalski: that old? really? anyways, wanna go to see her right now 或者 go to Skipper and the rest of the team?

Ally: Lets go see Elizabeth. Kk?

Kowalski: See who?

Ally: *sigh*

Kowalski: oh, Elizabeth, right.. Heh heh…. Sorry…

Ally: Come on, Kowalski. We don’t want her worrying because shes all alone for a while.

*Ally and Kowalski quickly slide to the truck at the main entrance*

Alice: Okay people, slowly, slowly, WAIT! Stop!

Worker: What? Did something fall?

Alice: Yes! The penguin!

Ally: *gasp*...
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posted by skipperfan5431
"Good golly....CALL 911!" Kowalski screamed, trying to find Lilly's pulse. Then Miss.Hannah ran. In weilding a machette. "Come on 你 two. Let's get 你 to the hospital." She shouted, helping up Kowalski. She then grabbed Lilly's flipper and began dragging her across the floor. (Haha! How kind....) Then she threw Lilly and the car and drove the two teens to the hospital.
AT THE HOSPITAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kowalski needed to get three stiches for his bullet wound, but he was now able to 移动 around pretty well. He was now sitting beside Lilly,...
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posted by Lzk94pzpom
Nori Liz and Lizbeth tries to brake in to take the jewel,then suddenly the lights shines on them and they see all the heros.
Lizbeth: "oops...."
Liz: "have any ideas?"
Nori: "well,theres one...hit it!"
the musicians starts playing the 音乐 then the girls started to sing.

Nori: *sings* Good evening all 你 gentlemen, mobsters, creeps and crooks
Liz: Men in tights come after you, and still you're off the hook
Lizbeth: For those who scare and terrorize, it's the dawn of a brand new day
All:You scum can simply call us, the one and only Shadows Of The Night
Nori: Hans has a little plan to take over the...
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For this one the characters will be me,Lilly,kowalski,Scarlet,Rico,Private,King Julian, Jeremy,And Skipper.

A 日 Before Easter....
A 日 before Easter everyone was so happy about Easter. We where so happy we throw a celebration and an Easter egg hunt.
Me:Okay who every finds this egg first will receive a life time supple of chocolate.
Kowalski:Will 你 know who is going to win because he has a brain and the others don't!
Jeremy:I have a brain!
EveryBody:No 你 don't!
Skipper:I'm the best seeker there is!
Private:oh pish posh!
Rico:I'm going to win this thing Baby!
Kowalski:Your not gonna...
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posted by skipperfan5431
One afternoon in the Central Park Zoo, the penguins were watching tv. All of a sudden, the lights went out. "Ahh!" Someone sqealed. "Lilly! It's okay. Im here." Skipper 说 as he held Lilly in the darkness. She pushed him away defensively. "Hey! That wasn't me! It was Private!" Lilly stated back as Rico puked up a flashlight. He held it to a corner where little Private was shaking his tailfeathers off. "What can I say...darkness gives me the willies." Private 说 in an innocent voice. Then, as quickly as they turned off, the lights came back on, but the penguins saw something. Something that...
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posted by skipperfan5431
Kowalski (in Lilly's body) turned around in confusion, only to see HIMSELF staring back at him. "AHHHH!!!" Cried Koalski and Lilly as they fell to the floor in shock. "H-how is this even possible!?" Lilly asked, poking at Kowalski's gut. Kowalski turned around and looked at Lilly's butt. "Well...that's nice." He 说 to himself. Lilly promptly slapped him in the face. (XD) "Seriously, how did this happen!?" Lilly asked again loudly, the fear 展示 in her now manly voice. Kowalski looked on the floor at the burned up device. He picked it up and inspected it's parts closely. Then a frown spread...
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People saw the 标题 card for The 獭, 水獭 Woman. It had Skipper and Marlene "dancing" on it. They think it's Skilene.
But it's not.
You may ask, "Have 你 seen it? NO! NO ONE HAS! SO WE DON'T KNOW!"
No, I haven't. BUT my friend in New Zealand saw it. It's already aired there.
Marlene calls herself Arlene after being bleached white (she thinks the others would know her, but they think she's some new animal species). The only reason they like her is her pretty white fur. In no way are they attracted to her personality. And Marlene shows no interest toward any of them. And no, not Skipper. In...
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as marlene went back to her 首页 to get ready julion comes.
julion:why heloo to 你 newcomer my name is king julion lord of the lemers ruler of the ringtails etc etc etc whom might 你 be?
marlene:my name is arlene.
julion:well since a dance wicth me your king will be hosting I was hoping if you'd be the one to dance with me?
marlene:I'm going with skipper so no thanks.
at midnight the dance had begin.
julion:I still haven't got one who will dance with me.
maurice:ok any gal who does not have a boy to dance with plz step forword.
no gal steps up(bekay and stacy are fighting over privete and marlene...
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posted by Bluepenguin
 *Smiles* I will miss 你 too, Ester.
*Smiles* I will miss you too, Ester.
Skipper: Kowalski!!!

Skipper ran over to the electrocuted Kowalski, whose senses seemed to be in another realm, making Kowalski unable to 问题 his own life 或者 death.

Kowalski's Thoughts: ......What have I done.....

Skipper pulls Kowalski up and starts to shake him, which is not the best idea to try on an unconscious victim.

Skipper: Kowalski!!! Can 你 hear me?!
Skipper points at Private.
Skipper: Private, go get Rico and my medical supplies!
Private: Right!.... *looks over at Kowalski*... O-ok...

Private slides off toward the habitat, but Kowalski's thoughts gradually return and he begins to...
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posted by Bluepenguin
The penguins are working on a new secret operation on protecting the HQ if Dr. Blowhole ever ambushes them. Skipper stands beside an ancient looking projector that shows the defenses that Kowalski will have to create today, and the barriers that Rico and Private will have to set up as Skipper plans the whole process.
Skipper: Ok, so on the left side, we'll add in a electrification fence. 10,000 bolts of sheer mortal danger will definitely stop that bottlenose freak!
Private: But Skippa, shouldn't we put some fence over around the right side of the HQ too?
*Skipper slaps Private*
Skipper: Private!...
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posted by Amberpet
We see the penguins doing whatever they usually do in their room when Julien comes in)
Julien: Hi silly penguins. Why is there a big present in my kingdom, but 你 have 3 presents up there?
Private: What?
Skipper: Let's take a look.
(They go up and look)
Skipper: Kowalski, analysis.
Kowalski: We have 3 transfers from the Hoboken zoo and I will bet my left flipper thats the one in the 狐猴 habitat is too.
Private: I wonder if they are girls.
Skipper: That is highly unlikely.
(The penguins inside break down a side of their crates)
Tiggie: Girls! We're here!
Princess: Neat. I wonder if there willl be unicorns...
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posted by CoolNala
Part 3 - 爱情 and Imprisonment

005 (Leah) is about to talk to her boss again, courtesy of a web cam on her computer while at the palace.
Blowhole: "Glad to hear from 你 again, Agent 005."
005: "Yes. And I have new intel on that jewel 你 were looking into."
Blowhole: "Do tell me." 005: "Well, it's known as the Ocean Jewel. The King didn't specifically say what it did, but, he did say if it went into the wrong hands, the results would be catastrophic." Blowhole: (laughing in a 海豚 voice) "Then it must do some pretty powerful things. I must have it. I will assemble a great team of agents to...
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Note: The following is the first of three samples I will be posting here of my FanFiction.net 写作 project “A Skilene-Filled September.” In the project, I will write and 发布 one short story daily in the 月 of September 2010 which will explain one possible way that Skipper and Marlene could get together for the first time. My personal 写作 style has always been to portray Skipper and Marlene as just really good 老友记 and to only “hint” at something more, but I have decided to exempt this project -- and only this project -- from that standard.

On FanFiction.net, a much longer...
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