迈克尔·杰克逊 Wall


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1012jackson 说 …
I'm thankful for all that I see.
Like all my 老友记 here dear to me
And all the 天使 in the sky
Including one special guy
The one that always says "Hee Hee!" 发布 ·2个月前
Aurychansan 说 …
Mio marito non lo sopporta 发布 一年多以前
MJFanoftime3969 说 …
Samone! 发布 一年多以前
NippyxApplehead 说 …
Can't believe it's about to be 14 years this June... 发布 一年多以前
MJisLove4life 说 …
嘿 Yall... Am I The Only OG 粉丝 Left On Here???? Well I Hope Not... I Really Miss The Good Ole Days When This Club Was Booming. Ive Ben Thinking About Getting Back Into 写作 Fanfiction Again. But Havent Thought Of Any Ideas, If Yall Got Any Ideas And 评论 Them Ill Read Them.

If 你 Want To Follow Me On My Instagram, Its MJFansince05 Its Also The Same On Twitter.
Wanna Add Me On 脸谱 Just PM Me.

Well Untill 下一个 Time
Lots Of L.O.V.E.
MJisLove4life 发布 一年多以前
DeanndriaMJ15 评论…
I'm on here. Hi. 一年多以前
Milaela 评论…
No 你 are not alone 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Hi 一年多以前
DeanndriaMJ132 说 …
Hi everyone. This is my new 潮流粉丝俱乐部 account. Well my old one got suspended so I got another account so I have to be careful. And I’m not gonna post anything when I am ready because if I 发布 now then I would get suspended again so yeah hi everyone ❤️ 发布 一年多以前
animemoonwalker 说 …
sup moonwalkers sort of new to 潮流粉丝俱乐部 but I'm not new when it comes to golden pants ya know? 发布 一年多以前
Calzond_m1kol 说 …
Hola... Amo a Michael. ¿Cómo me hice fan? Gracias a los cómics y a Eminen... Yes... Xdxd 发布 一年多以前
Calzond_m1kol 评论…
Eminem* 一年多以前
sylvieAva 说 …
Is anyone here I feel like no one ever posts? 发布 一年多以前
NatureCriminal 评论…
People post but not that much because... 你 know. 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
I post once in awhile 一年多以前
NatureCriminal 评论…
Checkout MJJC. nice fansite. 一年多以前
cherl12345 说 …
I've recently read on the internet that Michael Jackson's estate had made 1.7 billion dollars 发布 一年多以前
awsomegtax 说 …
Literately just came on here to say Happy Birthday to The King of Pop. We sure do miss you, Michael. 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 说 …
We miss 你 much, Micheal, 发布 一年多以前
MJisLove4life 说 …
嘿 Yall. Im Back...... Yet Again..... So Life Got In The Way. Had Two Relationships And Both Didn't Work, But Whatever. Is It Me 或者 Did This Club Became Active Again? The New Mocamentry Sucks. And I Never Want To See It. Its A Bunch Of Lies, Like If The Molestation's Did Happen Why In The World Would 你 Wait Till A Person Dies And He Cant Even Defend Himself Which Is Screwed Up.

But Anyways Hi Again. Gonna Try To Go On Here 更多 Often.
Lots Of L.O.V.E. MJrulzBiebersuxs 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Welcome ba k 一年多以前
sylvieAva 评论…
Well come back 一年多以前
cherl12345 说 …
It seems that everything Michael has built up is being torn down like a wrecking over the same lies
being to told pertaining to him 由 his so-called 老友记 发布 一年多以前
DashaLovesError 说 …
Hi Iv been looking for a 论坛 about Michael to Discuss this documentary, Ever since Iv seen the programme its been really annoying me. why didn't these 2 men come 前锋, 期待 before, when Michael was alive. Now he isn't here he doesn't have a voice. I believe they are doing it for nothing but money. HAD this happened what they are saying it would have been CAREER over for Michael. The 更多 I see this the 更多 I know Michael is INNOCENT, 发布 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 评论…
that's right, it's disgusting... it's clear they're both lying. Wade wanted a job at The One show.. the estate refused him and after that he came up with this. He went in court accusing the estate that MJ molested him and asked for 1,5 billion $. The judge catched him lying and 说 that no rational judge would ever believe his sworn testimony. That being said, he came out with this crap of documentary.. 一年多以前
sylvieAva 评论…
I know right it’s so stupid 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 说 …
Honestly I'm sick about this story with Leaving Neverland. False accusations were before too... but then he was here, he could defend himself and prove his innocence. Now he's not anymore here.. now he's being accused 由 two jerks... for money. I can't believe my eyes/ears when I read/hear that his 音乐 is no longer played on radio.. What? I mean this fake story is believed and taken as a real fact.. with no proofs, nothing but their lies. So MJ was hunted 由 FBI 10 years and nothing was found. 发布 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 评论…
These two accusers defended Michael in 1993 and in 2005 too.. (when they were adults).. and 10 years after he died they made up this bullshit... Such a shame... but we know.. that the truth will always win. Michael Innocent!!! 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Agreed 一年多以前
autumn777 评论…
i wish it was just a dream (it would be an awful dream) so i could wake up and forget it 一年多以前
Ajagirly 说 …
Hi everyone,
First of all I am not going to watch leaving Neverland because it's
full of lies and hate against Michael Jackson. I will always 爱情 MJ,
King of Pop. Just gonna keep 唱歌 and dancing to his 音乐
to make me feel better. 😊 发布 一年多以前
autumn777 说 …
I will never watch that stupid leaving Neverland documentary I 爱情 MJ and will continue to 爱情 him forever its so stupid he's dead leave him alone! thank 你 MJ family for being there I L.O.V.E 你 all! 发布 一年多以前
Ajagirly 评论…
👍 一年多以前
awsomegtax 评论…
Same here, I wouldn't waste my time on trash like that. My prayers go out to MJ and his family. 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Leave him alone 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 评论…
Same here... I only solw some scenes 由 mistake on facebook.. and.. I can't believe how those people are lying. And why?? for money... 一年多以前
AliceHatter1958 说 …
Hi, I'm new here.... Forever Michael 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Welcome 一年多以前
Mj_forever19 说 …
嘿 guys, the 'leaving neverland' documentary is almost gonna be out in a 月 world-wide both in the UK and the USA we have to be prepared for this.I believe that Michael Jackson is Jesus. In the Bible it says that many people will turn there backs on Jesus,well that exactally what is happening now! 发布 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 说 …
Hi everyone!!!! It's been a long time since I haven't been here.. I missed this place ♥ How are you? 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Good. Welcome back 一年多以前
big smile
BradDackson 说 …
hi! i cant belive that i needed that much time to discover this amazing site.is there anyone here who have to explain to me how 潮流粉丝俱乐部 and all this stuff works? 发布 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 评论…
Hi! I'm happy that 你 like it :) well, 你 can add 照片 if 你 have, 你 can create polls, ask questions, add links, answer the 问题 that others asked, 评论 to photos, polls, 答案 etc.. it's a community and we share our love, thoughts.. about Michael Jackson (in this club) 一年多以前
autumn777 说 …
this is it is on Netflix!!! 😁😆😍 发布 一年多以前
autumn777 说 …
happy thanksgiving!!!!!!! 发布 一年多以前
N_City 说 …
Hearts FOREVER 发布 一年多以前
Moonwalkinq 说 …
How can I join?? :3 发布 一年多以前
1012jackson 评论…
There's a "join club" 图标 on the 最佳, 返回页首 right hand corner. Click on that and you're instantly in the club. Every club has that. 加入 as much 俱乐部 as 你 want 一年多以前
autumn777 说 …
happy Michael Jackson month!! 发布 一年多以前
big smile
autumn777 说 …
hello i am new 发布 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 评论…
hi! how are you? 一年多以前
autumn777 评论…
i am doing fine thanks for the add back! 一年多以前
emi_mjfan1958 说 …
Hi how does this website work?
Thanks in advance :) 发布 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 评论…
Hi!! we are a community and we share.. we share pictures, add videos, create polls, asking questions.. answering questions, add links.. comment.. it works like this. 一年多以前
deanafreed 说 …
hi im new 发布 一年多以前
lauraluvmj 说 …
Wow... it's been like 5 years since I've been here. Anyone still about?
I hope 你 are all doing well, wherever 你 are and whatever you're doing.
Peace & 爱情 xox 发布 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 评论…
Hi!!! welcome back dear!! :) I'm back too :) 一年多以前
big smile
awsomegtax 说 …
Happy Birthday to me!! 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Happy Belated Birthay 一年多以前
cherl12345 说 …
I just heard on the news yesterday that Joseph Jackson
terminal cancer according to older brother, Jermaine 发布 一年多以前
big smile
awsomegtax 说 …
Some of the new MJ 照片 I uploaded I don't even REMEMBER seeing! Had to share them though! 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Nice pics 一年多以前
awsomegtax 说 …
Hello everyone, it's been such a long time since i've gotten on Fanpop... Way overdue, but this is where it all began. I've made so many wonderful 老友记 through this club specifically, and met people who shared their love, and passion for Michael art as much as I did. Time flies by, and I was very little when I joined. I hope everyone is doing great, and I don't know if some of ya'll remember me, but... I want 你 all to know that I am doing well. Thank 你 all for being amazing people. 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Welcome back 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 说 …
Hi everybody, I know I was away for a time... I hope 你 are all ok! I missed 你 a lot... 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
We missed you, too 一年多以前
awsomegtax 评论…
Hey, I'm glad you're doing well! I just recently got back on too... Just to see how things were going with the club, and the ones I run... 一年多以前
Celess123 说 …
I grew up with Jackson 5. I was born October 20th, 1957. Have loved them all and always will. 发布 一年多以前
mikewemissu_jr 说 …
Hi, I'm new here and I'm wondering why im still so sad about Mike's passing even though it was almost 9 years 以前 and i was four years old at the time! I just feel like the world 迷失 something so so special that will never be replaced. Although I know in my 心 he's with god resting in peace, It kills me to know we'll never see him physically ever again. I will continue to fight for his justice and bunk all the nasty rumours that were made about him. His songs and legacy live on forever! <3 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Welcome 一年多以前
joy10777 说 …
Ok, I'm new here. I'v known of Michael all my life and had his 音乐 but never really followed him. When he passed away it hit me harder then I expected but I continued to listen to his 音乐 and say prayers for his children and family. Anyway...one I was able I started looking for communities to connect with. I'm pretty new to this. But I look 前锋, 期待 to hearing what people have to share and just being a part of this. So Hi to everyone who may run across this and take the time to read. :-) 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Hi, How are 你 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 评论…
Hi!!! :) 一年多以前
MJfan97 说 …
OMG!!! i was repairing my hard drive, now i've 迷失 two files "Michael Jackson" and "Movies 3", it took me years to collect a good quantity of both, and both ment a lot to me. I feel so fucking screwed, and honestly i feel attacked. 发布 一年多以前
joy10777 评论…
Did 你 send any part of your files to anyone? Maybe 你 could get part of them back that way if 你 did just a thought. I understand how 你 feel, been there myself. Really sorry to here this. :-( 一年多以前
mjpeterpan7 说 …
Hi guys! Its been a long time I haven't been here and this page is not that much active. I miss those times! 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Welcome back 一年多以前
joy10777 评论…
Welcome back even though I'm knew I hope 更多 of your old 老友记 drop 你 a welcome back too. :-) 一年多以前
cherl12345 说 …
Merry 🎄 and a Happy New 年 发布 一年多以前
RoseLovesJack 评论…
Happy New 年 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Thanks 一年多以前
briannajackson8 说 …
i 爱情 你 michale jackson forever in our hearts. 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 说 …
Life is beautiful knowing Michael was in the world 发布 一年多以前
MJisLove4life 说 …
Hi Everyone.... Sorry I Havent Been On Here In Awhile. Life Has Been Hard For Me. And It Seems Like Michael's 音乐 Doesn't Help Me Anymore Like It Has In The Past.... Idk Whats Wrong with Me...... I Think I Need To Take A Brake From My Dear Michael But I Don't Want To. Like He Is My Everything. Idk.... Maybe The Older Fanpopers Can Help Me Out.... 发布 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 评论…
what happens? I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems, I haven't been on here either because I don't have the time I used to have to stay online, I had some problems too.. Be strong, if 你 need to talk with someone.. here I am, if 你 really need to take a break.. if that's how 你 feel.. just take it. If 你 have someone if your life (which is totally normal!!) and this is why 你 say 你 need to take a break "like he's your everything"... remember that Michael wanted his 粉丝 to be happy, to smile.. Enjoy your life, be always happy, be strong when life is hard. I always have in mind that 爱情 is the only way to 移动 on...take care and hope to hear from 你 :) 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
I'm still here 一年多以前
zozogopp 评论…
log off. 一年多以前
glelsey 说 …
My personal 万圣节前夕 tradition is to make sure I listen to Thriller at least once every 31st October. 发布 一年多以前
big smile
Queen_Chill 说 …
Michael is coming out with a new 万圣节前夕 Album called ''Scream'' the release 日期 is September 29th it has some new songs that he recorded before his death.

The songs are:
1. This Place Hotel
2. Thriller
3. Blood On The Dance Floor
4. Somebody’s Watching Me
5. Dirty Diana
6. Torture
7. Leave Me Alone
8. Scream
9. Dangerous
10. Unbreakable
11. Xscape
12. Threatened
13. Ghosts

I'm really excited!!!! 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Wow, That's nice 一年多以前
Queen_Chill 评论…
I know. 一年多以前
khieghyadra 评论…
i already have it \ 一年多以前
DanialKing 说 …
MY REPONSE TO PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT JUST MOVING AWAY FROM BEING A michael 粉丝 IS MOVING FORWARD. GOD SAVE THEM, will they stop thinking of their dear ones because they are no longer there. 发布 一年多以前
DanialKing 说 …
zozogopp 评论…
michael jackson is far better than jesus. 一年多以前
anouk1998 说 …
Happy birthday my beautiful King <3 I 爱情 and miss 你 very much 发布 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 说 …
Happy Birthday angel... we 爱情 你 and miss 你 so much!!!! ♥♥♥ 发布 一年多以前
Termilka 说 …
WE MISS 你 MICHAEL 爱情 你 SO MUCH 发布 一年多以前
kitten_jackson 说 …
June 25....Michael, All your life 你 just wanted to help and 爱情 everyone but the dehumanization from this horrible world tortured 你 until 你 could take no more. I hope 你 are enjoying heaven right now looking down on all of your moonwalkers. We will never stop defending and loving 你 like family.
✌️ 发布 一年多以前
80smusiclover1 评论…
Well said. 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Agreed 一年多以前
cherl12345 说 …
I miss Michael as much as I miss my father 发布 一年多以前
kitten_jackson 说 …
DANGEROUS 25 发布 一年多以前
80smusiclover1 评论…
You're quite late on that. The 25th anniversary of Dangerous was on November 26 last year. 一年多以前
Termilka 说 …
oxSaraLouiseox 说 …
I 爱情 Michael Jackson. I miss him.... Rest in peace Michael jackson. 😢😭💔 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 说 …
Also 加入 my other club, www. Fanpop/spot/classic r and
B music. Michael Jackson is 发布 in that club 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 说 …
Hi, please 加入 my club pertaining to Michael, www.
Fanpop/spots/Mari,. Thank 你 发布 一年多以前
MJisLove4life 说 …
Michael Jackson 音乐 All 日 Every Day!!!!! 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Agreed 一年多以前
JosepineJackson 说 …
Why this club is SO dead??????? 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
I don't know 一年多以前
cherl12345 说 …
I just read another online 文章 pertaining to Michael's
daughter, Paris, just signed a modeling contract with
some big name modeling agency 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 说 …
Not a 日 goes 由 each time I think of Michael 发布 一年多以前
Emy1402 说 …
Michael was awesome back in the day, he didn't cuss 或者 sing dirty like the stuff we have on the radio now.. He was a true Legend and always will be!!! RIP 发布 一年多以前
JosepineJackson 评论…
Agreed. 一年多以前
80smusiclover1 评论…
你 说 it! ;) 一年多以前
mikewemissu_jr 评论…
Exactly! The 音乐 world is dying along with the earth and the 动物 and just everything! I mean look at the 最佳, 返回页首 5 artists today : Cardi B, Lil 泵 and all that 金牌 digger, disgusting, disturbing bs that makes no sense. Please, someone has to take the lead! If only Michael were here... 一年多以前
cherl12345 说 …
Michael Jackson will always be one the greatest All-time
Entertainers alongside Prince, Sam Cooke, Nat King Cole,
Aretha Franklin and Johnny Mathid 发布 一年多以前
JosepineJackson 说 …
Happy Valentine's day! Mikey loves us! 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Agreed 一年多以前
kelsey_clayton 说 …
your kids are missing 你 right now and your family and me too and your 粉丝 too 发布 一年多以前
JosepineJackson 评论…
He can't read it now... 一年多以前
kelsey_clayton 评论…
i know it is sad that he had to go too soon and i 爱情 him i wonder if he is still alive 一年多以前
kelsey_clayton 评论…
in my imagination and y dream 一年多以前
kelsey_clayton 说 …
苹果 head your my 最喜爱的 person in the whole wide world I am listening to beat it ... 发布 一年多以前
kelsey_clayton 说 …
Paris his daughter thinks he was murdered 由 his doctor it could be true 发布 一年多以前
JosepineJackson 评论…
Of course it's true. :( 一年多以前
kelsey_clayton 评论…
do u thik it is true xx 一年多以前
Queen_Chill 评论…
It is true. Michaels doctor Conrad, gave him an overdose on medicine. and Michael had a 心 attack 一年多以前
kelsey_clayton 说 …
爱情 u mj forever and your my guardian 天使 发布 一年多以前
kelsey_clayton 说 …
I 爱情 你 Michael I 爱情 his work hi dancing 爱情 你 更多 than my family your in my 心 发布 一年多以前
JosepineJackson 评论…
I 爱情 him too. :) Nice to meet new his fans. 一年多以前
khieghyadra 评论…
its nice to know there is still some of us out there including me 一年多以前
cherl12345 说 …
Seeing how Paris still misses her father, Michael Jackson, I just 迷失 my father two weeks ago, myself. 发布 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 评论…
I'm so sorry :( May he rest in peace.. :( 一年多以前
JosepineJackson 评论…
R.I.P. :( 一年多以前
MJisLove4life 评论…
Im So Sorry. R.I.P :( 一年多以前
80smusiclover1 评论…
I'm very sorry to hear that. :( 一年多以前
JosepineJackson 说 …
WOW!! Since I registred here I have never seen so much 更新 made in one day. A lot of huge 粉丝 are online again and there are a lot of new fans. Mikey is not forgotten! 发布 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 评论…
fortunatelly maybe this place will become like it used to be... :) 一年多以前
JosepineJackson 评论…
Maybe.. i hope so. :) 一年多以前
khieghyadra 评论…
im glad there still some of us out there shamone 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 说 …
Happy New Year!!!!! :) 发布 一年多以前
JosepineJackson 说 …
Happy New Year! 发布 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 评论…
Happy New 年 to 你 too!! 一年多以前
cherl12345 说 …
Have a 安全 an prosperous new 年 to all of 你 发布 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 评论…
Happy New 年 to 你 too!!! :) 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Thank yoy 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 说 …
Merry 圣诞节 all of you!!! ♥ 发布 一年多以前
JosepineJackson 评论…
Thanks. :) 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Same here 一年多以前
JosepineJackson 说 …
Merry Christmas. 发布 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 评论…
Merry 圣诞节 to 你 too! :) 一年多以前
cherl12345 说 …
If it hadn't been for Michael recording some of his songs, Rod Temperton wouldn't have gotten any recognition as a songwriter 发布 一年多以前
MikezillaAddict 说 …
Eeey, anyone, just a 随意 thought from me here
But what do 你 guys miss most from him
My answer will be: HIS LAUGH AND JOKES LOl 发布 一年多以前
80smusiclover1 评论…
Yes, I 爱情 his sense of humor too! ;) 一年多以前
MikezillaAddict 说 …
Im new 粉丝 in this Fandom
Can anyone tell me how fun is it being a 粉丝 in this fandom
MJ had been a very great person throughout his entire life
His Love, His Soul, His Music, EVERYTHING
I... No, WE will always miss him
Rest in 安全 Applehead, we 爱情 你 and we promise to keep your legacy alive! 发布 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 评论…
Welcome to MJFamily here on fanpop!!! :) I 爱情 your username!! :)) Also, I hope you'll enjoy it here :) 一年多以前
liberiangirl_mj 评论…
True, we will always miss him.. but remember that he's still with us, he will always be with us through his music. ♥ 一年多以前
khieghyadra 评论…
im a new 粉丝 here too but i've always been a 粉丝 一年多以前
michael123129 说 …
happy 万圣节前夕 发布 一年多以前
MJisLove4life 说 …
嘿 Guys. I Know Its Been A Long Time Since Ive Been On Here, Life Sucks. But Yeah Any Of The Oldie 粉丝 Here? If Yes Hiiiiiiiiiii Lol. New 粉丝 嘿 Yall How Yall Doing?

Oh Btw Happy Thrillerween.

Untill 下一个 Time,Lots Of L.O.V.E. <3 <3 <3 <3 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
I'm doing fine 一年多以前
MJisLove4life 评论…
Wholly Snoz Berries. 嘿 cherl12345 I'm Glad That Your Doing Ok. We Really Need To Catch Up. My 收件箱 Is Always Open. Until Then Lots Of L.O.V.E. 一年多以前
mikahpoe 说 …
嘿 guys ^^ 发布 一年多以前
hsinformatica 说 …
Always be missed 发布 一年多以前
80smusiclover1 说 …
"Make 爱情 your weapon to overcome any evil." ~Michael Jackson 发布 一年多以前
80smusiclover1 说 …
"I gain strength from God...I believe in God and 爱情 God." ~Michael Jackson 发布 一年多以前
80smusiclover1 说 …
Another reason why I 爱情 Michael is because he loves God! 发布 一年多以前
80smusiclover1 说 …
How is it that 你 get to choose
Who will live and who will die?
Did God say that 你 could decide? ~From "We've Had Enough" 发布 一年多以前
80smusiclover1 说 …
Mothers cry, 婴儿 die
Helplessly in arms
While rockets fly
And research lies
In progress to become
But what of men
Of flesh and blood
We turn our backs on life
How can we claim to stand for peace
When the races are in strife
Destroying life? ~From "Be Not Always" 发布 一年多以前
cherl12345 说 …
As stated 由 fellow entertainer, Barry Manilow, the world was a beautiful place knowing Michael was in it 发布 一年多以前
80smusiclover1 说 …
Fellow Moonwalkers, I ask all of 你 to accept this Truth regardless of what 你 believe: Although there are many fake Michaels and Michael look-a-likes out there now, The REAL Michael, the one whom God loved and whose Spirit strives with Him, is IN a 安全 place! Period! 发布 一年多以前
80smusiclover1 说 …
God bless 你 Michael! <333333 发布 一年多以前
80smusiclover1 说 …
Those who hated Michael are getting an empty mansion. It is nothing compared to the one God is giving him. 发布 一年多以前
big smile
cherl12345 说 …
Hello, I know I've been gone for quite a long time, and I just wanted to extend a friendly hello to everyone. Michael Jackson has 给 me the inspiration; as well, as the encouragement to lose weight and do 更多 exercise. As of now, I've 迷失 at least 40 lbs. 发布 一年多以前
80smusiclover1 评论…
Hey, that's great for you! ;) 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Thank 你 一年多以前
kakakakakakaka 说 …
King of pop 发布 一年多以前
80smusiclover1 说 …
Michael became the key that opened my 心 to a 爱情 that only 耶稣 can give and instill into. <33333 发布 一年多以前
80smusiclover1 说 …
Laugh at me if 你 want, but did 你 know that everything about Michael and what was going to happen to him was already written/recorded in the Bible? It's true! 发布 一年多以前
YourBestofJoy37 说 …
I find it absolutely amazing how even in the roughest 日 and when i'm in a really bad mood, seeing him 或者 any moonwalkers can easily put a huge smile on my face...
I L.O.V.E. youuu Michael and all the moonwalkers around the world
God bless 你 all 发布 一年多以前
80smusiclover1 评论…
I 爱情 你 too! And God bless 你 always my friend! <3333 一年多以前
blpj_2000 评论…
I 爱情 你 tooo and god bless all the moonwalkers around the world. I AM SO PROUD TO BE A MOONWALKER ARE U ??? 一年多以前
cherl12345 评论…
Agreed 一年多以前
80smusiclover1 说 …
I know who Michael is, and 你 should too. :) 发布 一年多以前