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posted by just_bella
嘿 everyone!! Ok so time for another of Bella's POV. I'm SO glad that everyone enjoyed the reunion, now let's see what happens.

End of Chapter 54

“Bella.” He 说 as he kissed my forehead. “My love, are 你 alright?” He asked as his hands slid up my arms and down my sides watching my face as he tried to find where I was hurt.

“I am better now. Edward, I missed you.” I 说 as I snuggled into his chest.

“I 爱情 you.” He 说 softly.

“I 爱情 you,” I 说 as I felt myself falling asleep again. “Edward, are they giving me something to sleep?” I wondered as I yawned.

“Do 你 want me to look?” He asked as he started to slide out of the bed, my arms wrapping tighter around him, letting him know that I didn’t want to know that bad.

“Maybe later.” I 说 as I closed my eyes and listened to his steady breath.

I heard him laugh quietly as he settled back into the bed. “Bella, I will not leave you. 你 won’t be in this room alone, sleep my love…I will protect you.”

“I know, thank you.” I said, my words coming out as mush as I tried to stay awake….not winning the battle against my sleep…wishing I was strong, strong as Edward…strong enough that NO ONE would ever take me away from him again.

Chapter 58

I tried to battle my sleep, to keep it away so that I could spend time with Edward, but in the end I couldn't fight it. I lay my head against his chest, the cool feeling comforting against my cheek. I knew that his arms were wrapped around me, that he was protecting me but he could not protect me from my dreams.

I tried to lead my dreams to happy things like our reunion, 或者 the time that we would get to spend together...but as soon as the sleep took over I dreamt that I was alone.

I was alone in the woods, I could hear things moving in the woods behind me, and no matter how hard I tried to run I kept falling. Each time I fell I felt myself getting hurt, my arms scratching against a tree...or my knees skinning as I fell onto the rocks. I knew I had to keep going, that I couldn't stop in fear of whomever was chasing me.

After falling hard onto my knees, which cut them open..the blood flowing down my knees, soaking my jeans. I heard voices, people yelling my name 或者 for me to stop. I didn't want them to find me, I knew that if they did they would take me away from Edward and the rest of the Cullens. I tried to stand, my knees giving out as I tried to move. The ground rose up to quickly as I fell, my face landing hard against the stones, knocking the breath from my lungs. I knew this was it, they were going to catch me. Tears streamed down my face as I tried to look up at the faces that came into view. The only one I recognized was Gabriel's, his eyes wide as he looked up and down at the amount of blood that covered my body.

"Gabriel," I whispered. "Help me, please. Protect me."

His eyes looked at my face, as if he didn't recognize me. He watched me closely as he leaned down and got to my level, a finger reaching out to trace the blood that ran down my arm.

"Gabriel, no." I whimpered. "Gabriel, 你 were my protector...please remember."

He looked to my face again, his finger that was now covered in my blood raising up to his mouth. I reached out, slapping the hand away from his mouth. I didn't want him to taste my blood that would be the worst thing that could happen, I would have no chance if this happened.

"Bella. Bella? Love?" A new voice called to me.

I knew that voice, but my fear was so real. I couldn't let Gabriel taste my blood, I had to stop that from happening. I reached out, to slap Gabriel's hand away but found that his hand was further away as if he had moved quickly away from me...his hand 《冰雪奇缘》 in the position he was in, hand half raised.

"Bella, Bella!" The voice called. "Love, 你 have to wake up. Come back to me." Edward's voice called, his tone sad and worried.

Even in my dream state I had to listen to him, I didn't want him to be sad 或者 hurt. I tried to find my way back to him, to get away from my dreams, to hold on to reality.

I opened my eyes as I blinked a few times, his face slowly coming back into focus. I noticed that the 床, 床上 was wet, I knew that I was covered in sweat. I looked at him, embarresed that my dream had scared me to the point that I was having cold sweats while he was holding me. I looked up at his face, concern and fear obvious on his face.

"Edward." I 说 softly as I looked up at him.

"Bella, you're alright love." He 说 as he kissed my forehead.

"Oh Edward." I said, tears running down my face. The dream had been so real, I wasn't sure that this wasn't the dream.

He held me tightly to his chest, the cool of his body wrapping around me like a sheet. I tried to calm myself to relax and breath as I thought about silly I was being.

"Bella, it was just a dream." He 说 softly.

"It was so real."

"What was your dream?" He asked as he kissed my cheek.

"Gabriel, the man that was holding me." I 说 as I looked up at him and saw something 交叉, 十字架 his face. I was about to ask what was going on when he smiled and looked at me as he waited for the rest of the dream.

"He was suppose to be my protector, and I was running. Trying to get away, but....well I fell. I cut my arms and legs badly, they were bleeding and he caught me." I said, afraid to go on. "He wiped a finger across my wounds, he was going to taste the blood." I 说 into his chest, the sound so quiet that I knew he leaned down to hear better.

"Oh Bella." He 说 as he squeezed me softly. "No one will ever hurt 你 again."

"I know." I 说 as I looked over and saw the door open slightly, Carlisle's face peering in the door.

"Bella, you're awake." He 说 as he started to walk in. "Do 你 want a visitor or...well 或者 4?"

"No." Edward 说 as he glared at Carlisle.

I looked up at him, doing my best to 显示 him my grumpy face. "Yes, send them in." I 说 as I smiled at Carlisle.

A 秒 later the door opened again as Alice, Emmett, and Esme walked in the door. All of their faces lighting up as they smiled at me. Alice moved the fastest, moving up to hug me gently.

"Bella." She 说 as she hugged me. "I don't want to be rude, but...you need a shower." She 说 as she laughed.

"Alice." Edward groaned.

"No...she's right. I am sorry, but I do need a shower." I 说 as I sat up a little, with Edward's assistance.

"Are 你 sure 你 should do this?" He asked as he helped me to the edge of the bed.

I turned and smiled at him as I leaned in and kissed his surprised mouth. I meant it to be a quick sweet kiss, but before I knew it...like always I got carried away. Edward laughed as he kissed me before pulling away, a smile streatched across his entire face.

I laughed as I turned and threw my legs over the side of the bed, standing up slowly as Edward put a hand on my back just in case. I went to take a step and realized that I wasn't steady. I felt myself falling as Emmett's arms caught me, his entire body laughing as he carried me like a doll.

"Hey, put me down." I 说 as I smiled up at him.

"I will put 你 down in the shower." He 说 as he smiled.

"Oh no!! Not you!!" I 说 as I started to freak out.

"Calm down Bella, he's just helping 你 into the shower. I will help 你 if 你 need it." Esme 说 as she followed us into the bathroom.

A few 分钟 later, Esme was carrying me out of the bathroom as I laughed at the fact that she was barely taller then me but carried me like I was a newborn.

Edward..or Carlisle had remade the 床, 床上 while I was showering, and someone had managed to fill every open spot with fresh flowers. I smiled as Edward walked over and took me from Esme, transfering me into his arms. I snuggled my head into his neck, 接吻 it a few times as he carried me back to the bed.

"No, please. I would rather sit then lay down." I said.

"Ok." Edward 说 as he set me in the chair softly, the chair barely moving as I settled into it.

"So, what's been going on?" I asked as I looked at everyone. "Where's Jasper and Rosalie?"

"Jasper stayed back at the hotel, he doesn't like to go places where human blood is everywhere." Alice 说 as she smiled.

"Oh, that makes sense." I 说 as I realized that she was right, it did make sense for him to avoid hospitals.

"Rosalie...well, she is cleaning up and...I think her and Jazz were going hunting." Emmett said, something about the way he looked at everyone but me let me know that there was something else going on.

"Ok, well what else has been going on? Did 你 find out anything about Gabriel 或者 the others that were keeping me away from you?" I asked as everyone turned and looked at Edward, no one saying a word...which meant that there was something that they were keeping from me...and that would NEVER do. I would find out the truth, and soon..seeing as how I knew that we couldn't stay here long, that I had to get back 首页 to Charlie and the rest of my normal everyday life.
posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 29
***Alice's POV***

"Wow..beautiful and brave." Felix 说 as he smirked at Rosalie. "I came to deliver 你 an invitation."

"An invitation?" I said, watching his face closely.

"Yes, don't 你 want to come back into the castle? 你 left in such a hurry last time." He 说 as he laughed, remembering the last time we were at the castle..when Bella saved Edward and barely left with her life.

"No." I 说 quickly. "But I will go to save my brother."

"Yes, Edward...the reason I'm here. Caius, Aro and Marcus would like to host a family reunion of sorts. They would like for 你 all to come...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 25
***Emmett's POV***

"We have to go, I don't know where exactly they are going to be attacked, but I know some of the small details of the surrounding area. Plus, I think that the 更多 of us looking, the better." Alice 说 as she rushed out of the room.

"Let me get some things." Rosalie 说 before she rushed up the stairs. "Ok, let's go." She 说 as she returned wearing a jacket, a bag flung over her shoulder.

I grabbed a 夹克 while Alice rushed up the stairs, her phone in her hand. A few 分钟 later she came back down stairs, obviously flustered.

"Alice?" I asked as I reached...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 10

"No way." Bella 说 as she shook her head. "I'm bankrolling this party. 你 just have to supply the labor and expertise."

Embry and Quil both laughed at the idea of me having expertise, and when I looked at them Embry rolled his eyes...great I wouldn't hear the end of this one.

"That doesn't seem right."

"Jake," Bella 说 as she stepped closer to me, the smell of strawberries blowing off of her. "If I took these bikes out to a mechanic, how much would he charge me?"

"Ok, maybe you're getting a deal." I admitted.

"Not to mention the riding lessons." Bella 说 innocently.

"I bet...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 28
***Alice's POV***

"Can we open the card?" Emmett asked.

"Just a moment." Carlisle 说 as he came over and scooped Bella up in his arms, carrying her into the bedroom where she could sleep in peace.

When he returned Jasper had taken Bella's place on the couch, his arms wrapped around me like a blanket. Rosalie and Emmett had taken the overstuffed chair, while Esme sat on the other end of the couch, waiting for Carlisle to 加入 her.

"Rosalie." Carlisle 说 as he sat down and pulled Esme 下一个 to his side.

Rosalie nodded slightly before she gently tore open the envelope, removing...
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added by ashesandwine
Source: ashesandwine/livejournal 图标
added by ashesandwine
Source: ashesandwine/livejournal 图标
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粉, 粉色
who knew
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粉, 粉色
posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 14


I hope that when 你 read this that the other group of men have come back safely to their families. I wish I could say that about the group I was with, but I believe that they all have perished 由 now. I'm sorry father, it was a trap we tried to fight back but it was useless. I wish I could tell 你 everything, but my time is coming to an end. Please know that I take all the blame for the others being hurt, I should have taken the warning to heart. I should have listened to his warning and maybe everyone else would be coming home. I can only hope that someday God can...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 24
***Edward's POV***

"I saw the girl 你 met, with two people who I would assume are her parents. They were walking along an alley when they hear something, the mother wants to go investigate. They go down the alley and are attacked. I can't tell 你 anything else, I don't know her, it's hard to get a lock on her future." Alice 说 quickly, blurring her sentences together because of her anxiety.

"An alley?" I asked as I thought of the size of this town.

"Yes, I'm sorry I can't narrow it down anymore."

"It's ok, thanks Alice." I 说 as I remembered something Jasper had mentioned....
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added by just_bella
just bella
just bella
katie perry
added by just_bella
just bella
true 颜色
added by just_bella
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爱情 this song
posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 11

I cleaned up my plate, putting it in the sink with intentions to clean it later that 日 when I returned. I made my way to my room, finding some clothes that I wouldn't mind getting getting dirty in the sewer system. Once I was dressed I dropped to my knees 下一个 to my bed, bowing my head as I prayed to a God that I was now questioning.

'Father, please watch out for everyone. We need your guidance and your assistance, this is going to be difficult...possibly the most difficult thing we've done. Please watch over us, guide us on the correct path, the path that will send these...
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moulan rounge
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 22
***Edward's POV***

I didn't realize I was at the forest edge until I saw Jasper sitting on a rock about 200 feet into the forest. She stood up and walked quickly over to me, his mind racing as he searched the forest around us. I was about to look into his thoughts when my phone rang in my pocket.

"Edward." Alice's voice called, sounding a bit panicked.

"Alice? What's wrong?" I asked, my eyes searching the woods now along with Jasper's.

"Edward 你 have to find her, someone's after her."

"After who?" I asked as I listened to Alice and started probing Jasper's mind at the same time....
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 6

We had just got in the house when the phone started ringing, my father beating me to it. I listened as he apologized for the fires, stating that it was just a bunch of kids who were celebrating. He waited a few 分钟 while Charlie 说 something but when he finished my father promised to keep an eye on the fires and tell the kids to keep it down. He wished Charlie a good night before hanging up and turning to face me.

"Apparently Sam's 火, 消防 can be seen from Forks. Someone called to 报道 them." He 说 as he grinned.

"Celebrating." I 说 as I shook my head.

"Someday 你 will...
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