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 Everyone is flailing for this interview!!!
Everyone is flailing for this interview!!!
Here comes another ONE ON ONE INTERVIEW!!!!!
We've all seen her rallying Cadley, she's one of the most devoted Cameron followers and her 最近的 marriage to Hilly has made Aivi one super devote House fan!!

I'm pleased to provide a very long interview with Aivi!!!!!!

1)So firstly Introduce yourself:
Whoa, flashback to the first 日 of school! OK, what can I say? I 爱情 House MD, obviously. When I think about it, I'm a 粉丝 of this 显示 for almost a 年 now, amazing, huh? I'm a HUGE Cameron, Thirteen, Cameron and Thirteen fan. My House life actually spins around this fact. My life in general spins around House, I'm an addict! I 爱情 reading, writing, watching TV/movies, doing stuff with zero effort. Oh, and I can touch my nose/elbow with my tongue.

2) What made 你 decide to watch the show?
I knew this 显示 briefly, saw a few episodes from the 3rd season (but I didn't give it all the attention, I just 爱情 that my TV in open while being on the computer), I never really got to watching this 显示 fully and giving in its right attention. But one day, about a 年 ago, while flipping through channels, I saw the Pilot episode of House just started. I 爱情 watching shows from their first episode, and the first House episode was on, so I thought why not? I already heard it was a good 显示 and the episode summary was interesting, so I watched it. Needless to say, I enjoyed it a lot.

3) 最喜爱的 Character and why?
The lovely Dr. Allison Cameron. Someone once told me we 爱情 character that we can relate to, see ourselves instead of it. That's my case with Cameron. From the first time I saw her, I
immediately related to her. From the first moment, she was so caring and nice. She also looked like me in the first season, which was kind of scary. It was like I saw myself on TV. Then we got to know her better, her desire to be a successful doctor and be taken seriously despite her beauty, her tragic life story, her morals and principles which she always tried to work 由 them. Her all personality is complex; there are lots behind the surface. Why is she 表演 the way she it? Why she cares so much? All those 问题 made me want to know 更多 about her and 由 every answer I got – I loved her even more.

4) 最喜爱的 episode from each season

Season 1 – "Three Stories". If I could use one phrase to describe this episode, it would be epic win. The 写作 of the episode: how the stories connected together, how it was shown, the way it was shown. The directing was amazing; the 表演 of Hugh was truly astounding. Pure awesomeness.

Season 2 – "Euphoria". Both parts were amazing, but if I need to choose only one part, it would be the 2nd. The storyline in both parts was great, I loved Omar's 表演 – it was probably one of the few moments I actually adored this person. Also, I learned a lot about Cameron in this episode, so of course it was great.

Season 3 – "One Day, One Room".
This is probably one of my 最喜爱的 episodes of House ever. First of all, it was all about clinic patients, which was awesome. Second, the interaction between House and Eve (the patient) was amazing; their conversations about God and what's right 或者 wrong, Eve's will to be taken care of 由 House, House's behavior 下一个 to Eve, their weird connection. It was brilliant. Cameron's storyline with her clinic patient was brilliant as well.

Season 4 – "House's Head". Again, the 写作 here was amazing, the storyline was brilliant. The directing – so awesome! I remember I just sat in front of the TV,
not moving an inch. I was so drown into it; I actually felt House's desire to find who this person was. This episode was one of the few how actually made me almost having a 心 attack. Amazing.

Season 5 – "Last Resort". I think this episode in also probably one of my 最喜爱的 episodes of House. Again, the 写作 and directing were amazing. Olivia's 表演 was so awesome! The all idea of people's last resort, what they are
willing to do and go through just so they can get their wish was brilliant. This episode was also the turning point of Thirteen's life in so many aspects.

5) House MD plays around a lot with drama and comedy, when the 显示 writes its best comedy 或者 drama, which do 你 prefer to watch?
I'm a drama sucker, so of course I prefer to watch the drama. The jokes and the comedy in general are great; they make a nice relief in this all drama. But when I think about it, the drama parts play the biggest role in this show, and no matter how many awesome jokes there will be in one episode, I'd still rate the episode 由 the drama level and not in how many jokes there were.

6) Ships seem to be a big part of the House MD fandom, what ship has really grabbed your heart?
Hameron, no doubt. Yes, I 爱情 Chameron and Cadley and ships with Cameron in general, but Hameron will always be my first and greats 爱情 in this all shipping thing. Cameron's wish to heal House and help him with his problems will always be the most sweet think I've ever heard.

7) 最喜爱的 season and why?
Season 3. I think that in this season we really got to know all the characters. They "grew" up in those 2 seasons and in season 3 we actually see the ducklings stand up against House and Wilson and Cuddy stopping being gentle and nice with him. In overall, it wasn't a nice season for House's character, maybe it's also a reason why I loved this season. Also, there were some really great episodes in this season like "One Day, One Room", "Fetal Position", "Meaning", and this 列表 can just go on and on.

8) 最喜爱的 arc and why?
House finding his new ducklings in season 4. I think it's called Survivor Arc 或者 something like that, I'm not really sure. Those 8 episodes where House is looking for a new team are all amazing, each and every one of them. First, seeing House trying to deal with new people he doesn't use to and trying to study them all was really interesting. When he first saw season 1, House already knew his team, he already chose them. In season 4 we actually saw this process, saw House messing around with them, challenging them. We also saw the other side, the potential ducklings messing around with House, challenging him. And in the end we got a new awesome team, which is a lovely bonus.

9) Name an episode that really made 你 think twice about hypocrisy and the double standards society allows:
Wow, that's a hard one. "Acceptance" counts? I think there was hypocrisy and maybe even double standards. This episode was centered about this death row guy who was brought to the hospital to be treated 由 House. Only the fact he's going to get killed because he was a murderer and still he's going to be treated there brings out the not-so-nice thoughts and beliefs out of people. I think that Cameron is the evidence of the hypocrisy in this episode. She is the one who talks about the sanctity of life, that doctors need to treat every patient. But in this episode she acted against her usual morals. She wanted House to do the "right" thing, to treat the "right" patient.

10) 你 make a lot of wonderful 粉丝 art, describe to us your thought process, is there anything that acts like a muse, how do 你 come up with your ideas?
First of all, thanks. I appreciate that. About the 粉丝 arts, I need something to guide me, something that will give me the inspiration to make something. Sometimes an idea just pops up in my head and I open my Photoshop and do something. Most of the times I just force myself to do something, no matter what, just open a 随意 file and make something out of it. But I think that big parts of my 粉丝 arts and 图标 come up after I watched an episode 或者 remembered an episode and I just feel like doing something.

11) Obviously House can be a horrible person sometimes, but what redeems him in your opinion, what makes 你 like him?
He doesn't scare to do what he believes is right. Yes, sometimes it makes thing worse, but the fact he's willing to do it anyways is what I really like about him.

12) Is there a quote from House MD that really stands out to you? What is it?
"Sometimes the 答案 just aren't that simple." 说 由 Cameron, of course. I really relate to this quote. In this stage in my life, 答案 aren't just yes and no, they are 更多 complex than they were few years ago. There isn't black and white anymore, there are also different shades of gray.

13) Who needs “needy” people more, Cameron 或者 Wilson?
It's a complicated question. Wilson showed 更多 signs of needing these kinds of people than Cameron. Cameron only needs to take care of them heal them, making sure they are OK. Most of those people were patients, only 2 of them were her "personal project". Well, maybe just one, House wasn't a success. She just wants to make sure their lives will be better. Wilson on the other hand needs to feel needed; he needs to know people need his help. It isn't just a simple care like Cameron's; it's 更多 complex than that. So in 总体, 整体 I think Wilson "needs" those more.

14) What’s a quirk in your 最喜爱的 character that 你 love?
Cameron's sperm issue. There isn't anything 更多 quirky than that! The fact she kept her dead husband's sperm for years can be really weird. I thought so and I still do. But when I think 更多 about it and about the all psychological aspect I can see why she did it. It's the only reminder of the person she loved and cared about, that's the only thing that is still "alive". Creepy, I know, but it shows so much about Cameron's personality.

15) Honestly now, do 你 actually pay attention to the differential diagnosis?
I pay lots of attention actually. This is one of the reasons I 爱情 this 显示 and makes it so different from other shows. Though recently I don't pay too much attention to it. The 显示 started to focus 更多 on the personal issues of the characters, and to be honest I care about that thing 更多 than the diagnosis process. Also, I watch season 6 on the internet and it's really hard to follow the diagnosis when half of the time I don't understand what they are talking about.

16) House MD does not make a clear stance on religion, do 你 side with House and believe in only reason, 或者 does religion have a spot in your heart?
Religion plays a pretty big part in my family's life, also in mine. I'm Jewish and through a big of my childhood I've been taught about religion and God and all the things that are connected to it. 你 can say that House kind of changed my perspective about religion and God. I mean, when I grew up, life experiences made me 问题 about the things I used to believe in, it's not like that this 显示 made me change my mind completely. It just added 更多 things to this equation. Religion still has a spot in my heart, though.

17) These 语录 are the mottos of the show, which one pertains to your outlook on life?
a) Everybody Lies
b) 你 Can’t Always Get What 你 Want
c) Sometimes 你 get what 你 need
d) Hope is for Sissies

"Everybody Lies". If there is one thing that this 显示 made me be aware of (besides getting so many weird diseases) is people's honesty. 或者 lack of. At first I didn't believe it, I had some faith in humanity, but again, life experiences made be change my mind. Like in the religion thing, I already questioned people's honesty, but this 显示 made me realize that even more.

18) When House was detoxing in “Merry Little Christmas” who’s side were 你 on, Wilson’s, Cuddy’s, Cameron’s 或者 House’s, say why 你 agreed and then why 你 disagreed with the others.

Will it be surprising if I say I agreed with Cameron? I also agreed with Wilson, but mostly with Cameron, if that makes sense. Cameron's motives were probably the purest: she was the only one who actually cared about House; she was the only one who saw how wrong Cuddy and Wilson were 由 forcing House to stop with his Vicodin. She was the only one who spoke softly with House about the deal, she asked him to do accept it, didn't force.
Wilson's actions were kind of weird for me. I agreed with some of them, when 你 could see he really cared about House's health. But like Cameron said, 由 making House accepting the deal, he got something in return. Though towards the end, he understood he wasn't right and he went to talk with Tritter, that's what I really liked about him.
I didn't really agree with what House did, when he tried to steal the drugs, when he managed to steal them and when he hurt Wilson 由 taking them, especially after Wilson decided to cut his deal with Tritter. I can understand detoxing is hard, but House could have done better than stealing drugs.
With Cuddy's actions I disagreed the most: 你 DON'T FORCE DRUG ADDICT TO STUP USING DRUGS. I was also mad at Wilson about it; he manipulated Cuddy to do it, even though he knew it's wrong. And I'm sure Cuddy knew that too, but she did in anyways, which was making me disagree with her even more. Like Cameron, she really tried to help House, but they way she did it was way wrong. It surprised me a lot, I was sure Cuddy would do better.

19) Did 你 prefer Amber alive 或者 as a hallucination?
Hallucination Amber was really awesome, but it was because she was part of House. She was his subconscious; I didn't see her as "Amber". For me there was only one Amber, and it was Wilson's girlfriend, alive Amber. Did I like alive Amber? Only when she was with Wilson.

20) Tell us your saddest and happiest moment while watching House MD:
Saddest moment – There are too many of them! But the first thing that comes up right now, it's Cameron's departure on "Teamwork". Do I really need to explain why?
Happiest moment – Chameron's wedding! Again, do I have to explain why? It's pretty obvious.

21) When have 你 felt the worst for House?
On the end of season 5, from Kutner's death through his decision to be admitted in Mayfield. House slowly 迷失 is mind in those episodes, it isn't just a "simple" detoxing, it's something 更多 dipper than that. We're talking about his mind and sanity. I think it's the worst thing a person can go through.

22) Now we’ve seen House trying to get better after Mayfield, do 你 think he’ll stay that way until the end of the season, 或者 do 你 think he’ll revert back to his old ways?
He'll be back to his old ways eventually. I have no idea when it will happen, but I think there will be something that triggers House's need for Vicodin. Maybe something about Cuddy? Just a wild guess.

23) If 你 were to become a doctor, which of the character’s doctoring “style” would 你 be the most likely to adopt…ex..Wilson is caring, empathetic but manipulative.
Probably Cameron's. When I put myself in her shoes, most of the times I find myself thinking that I'll do and act like she did. If I need to put it in definitions, it will be caring, trying to do the right and ethical thing, sometimes judging.

24) House has come close to killing himself many times now, but do 你 think, if provoked enough, House would actually take his life?
No. His ego won't let him do it. I mean, it's House, he knows that without him the world will be boring and full of lies. The world needs him! OK, seriously now, I don't think he will do it. Most of House's near death experiences were because of his curiosity to find out what's "on the other side". I really don't think he has the power to actually take his life.

25) House and his fellows and his relationship with his fellows are a key part to the show, what do 你 think that each of his fellows, past and present, has allowed us as viewers to see about House’s personality?
They all showed that House, even though he doesn't 显示 it, is truly a caring person. When 你 think about it, House did different things to teach his teams, to protect them, to 显示 them how to be. He actually cared about them. Without his ducklings, old and new, we wouldn't have seen this side of House.

26) Out of the “villains” who have graced PPTH, who has been your favorite?

Tritter. His motives were pure, he wanted to right thing. I mean, House should have been in jail LONG time ago. Besides, his presence showed different sides in different characters, especially in House.

27) Who has been your 最喜爱的 Patient of the week and why?
Eve from "One Day, One Room". Her interactions with House were brilliant. Their conversations made me think a lot. This all episode made me to think a lot.

28) Imagine 你 have entered into an internship at PPTH, what would happen to 你 during your first week?
I would probably get a restraining order from Cameron and Thirteen. That's what happens when 你 stalk people.

29) Would 你 actually want House as your doctor?
Yes. Like House said, I'd rather have a genius mean doctor who knows how to treat me than having a stupid nice one who has no idea what he's doing. Though if I could choose, I'd rather have Cameron. 你 know why.

30) It seems as though Cuddy is trying to teach House humility 由 forcing him to do clinic duty, do 你 think this scheme could ever work?
I think House getting 更多 humility 由 treating his own regular patients. House stuck with the idea that clinic patients her idiot, and really – they are. Unless something incredible will happen, House would still continue to think that way and would never change his perspective about them. So no, I don't really think this will work. Not good enough as his own patients.

31) House and Wilson have a very special relationship, but in the long run, who do 你 think has been the better friend?
Wilson, but only because House's social skills aren't developed enough. I think if House were friendlier, he would be the better friend. House does care about Wilson, but he shows it in a very unique way. Wilson on the other hand, has the right social skills so he knows how the handle being a friend, so he does it 更多 nicely.

32) When Cameron took her exit in “Teamwork” did 你 agree with what she 说 about Chase and House?
No. Just kidding! Of course I agreed with what she said. Like I 说 before, House was some kind of mentor for the ducklings, they all have learnt a lot from him, both good and bad. House taught them to act according to what they think is right and forget about what the society thinks. If it's good 或者 bad – I'm not the right person to decide. But I do know that his mind and perspective on things made Chase, Foreman, Thirteen, Taub, Kutner and even Cameron act 由 them and believe they're doing the right thing, even though it doesn't always was like that. In one way 或者 another, House did "poison" them.

33) Do 你 agree with what Chase did to Dibala in “The Tyrant”?
I've been trying to avoid this 问题 for a long time, but I think it's the right thing to finally answer it: I have no idea how I feel about it. I was pissed and mad he did that, but also couldn't stop myself from thinking that maybe it was the right thing. It's a difficult 问题 and the answer is even more. There isn't agree 或者 doesn't agree, there isn't one simple answer. It's too complicated, I'm sorry.

34) What’s your opinion on the OT3? (House, Cuddy and Wilson):
To be honest, I don't really know. I 爱情 them as separated characters and they make awesome couples, but I've never really thought about them as a trio. I 爱情 how they help each other and the interactions between them all is great, and it gives the viewer some 更多 ways of understanding the characters, but I don't really have a strong opinion about them. Is that even making sense?

35) Do 你 believe that Stacy did the right thing 由 going against House’s wishes in “Three Stories”?
Yes. House was in unknown condition, no one really knew what will happen with him, no one knew if he'll survive 或者 die and if his decision was right and it will help him. Stacy was probably in the hardest place – the person she loves is risking his life for something no one knows if it'll work and now she has the option to save his life. She though House will be grateful and they could live happily with no worries. I don't know about others, but I know I would have done what she did if I were in her place.

36) Did 你 ever think that Chameron truly stood a chance?
I did actually. I thought that for once there are going to be two happy people in this show, two people that deserved it. Cameron went through hard things in her life, especially in the
relationships area, and for once I though she's going to be with a person she loves and together they'll be happy. I guess I was in some kind of euphoria, because I totally forgot about the EVIL writers and the fact no one is truly happy in this show. I wasn't an idiot, I knew they're going to have problems, but I still thought they'll make it through, they need to. But then Chase killed Dibala and Cameron decided she had enough. DAMN 你 EVIL WRITERS!

37) House MD has a lot of good 音乐 used on it, what has been your 最喜爱的 song?
Song? As in one single song? Wow, that's impossible to choose! OK, if I need to pick one song, it will be "Passing Afternoon" 由 Iron & Wine. The choice of the song and the way it was put with the different scenes in the end of "Wilson's Heart" – BRILLIANT! I felt like this song, with his lyrics and melody, matched all the characters so beautifully.

38) Assign 迪士尼 princesses to all of the female characters!
Cuddy: Belle. She was the one who wasn't afraid to come near "the beast", she wanted to help and understand him, just like Cuddy and House.
Thirteen: Mulan. They are both fighters, willing to go against what society dictates. Also, they both suck in relationships.
Cameron: Cinderella. They both seem shy, nice and willing to do what they are told too. But once they have the chance, they are willing to do whatever it takes to be happy.

39) Do 你 like how the 显示 dealt with Kutner’s suicide?
I was kind of disappointed they didn't 显示 更多 details and had 更多 conversations about this subject, but other than that I think it was great. Maybe great isn't the right word, but 你 understand what I mean.

40) Do 你 think 你 would be able to deal with being on House’s team, 或者 would 你 buckle underneath the pressure?
Buckle under the pressure, defiantly. I don't do well with pressure, especially when it comes to important things, like saving lives in House's team. Although some people say pressure is doing wonders to my apathetic personality, so maybe it won't be that bad being in the team.

41) If 你 were 给 a chance to be House for a day, what would 你 do?
Cameron. Literally. If it's possible, I would add Thirteen as well.
OK, seriously now, I would do what House usually does – I would play the PSP, bother Wilson and avoid any sort of social contact. Wait, that's what I almost do every day. Something is wrong here!

42) Foreman can be a bit of an asshole sometimes, but what is a quality that 你 like about him and why?
And I'm clearly the right person to answer this question. Most of the times he is the one who makes the team actually think about the case and not just fool around with House. He takes everything seriously, like it should be. Without him, things could have gone even worse.

43) There have been some bad mistakes, medically, on House. Which one, in your opinion, has been the worst?
The first thing that pops to my head is the patient from "House Training". The final answer was so simple, so easy to find. I felt so frustrated in the end! The patient died because of a stupid decision, Foreman's stupid decision. Just remembering this episode makes me angry.

44) 最喜爱的 hallucination/fantasy sequence House has had?
When House shows the patient in "No Reason" how the surgery robot works on Cameron's body. WOW. As Cameron and Hameron fan, I was peeing my pants. God, it was so awesome! The episode itself was pretty amazing, it was some kind of a fantasy, and this scene was just the 最佳, 返回页首 of it.

45) If 你 could give one character anything in the entire world, what would 你 give and to whom?
Cure for Huntington's to Thirteen. She needs this 更多 than anything I could give to her 或者 any other character – She's too awesome to die!

46) If 你 could pick one female’s wardrobe to wear, who’s would it be?
Thirteen's. Her taste in clothes is the most similar to my own. Cameron's and Cuddy's are great too, but vests and skirts aren't my thing.

47) How often do 你 agree with House’s outlook on the world?
Quite often actually, we tend to have the same outlook most of the times.

48) House is dead, who killed him?
The 问题 should be what killed him, and the answer is House's unprovided sexual needs towards Cuddy. This thing can kill the best men!

49) Whose background would 你 like to know 更多 about?
I know the background of most of my 最喜爱的 characters: I know House's, I even know Thirteen and a bit about Wilson, but when it comes to Cameron I don't know a lot. Throughout the seasons, we got lots of hints about her past, but never got the real facts. I would 爱情 to know 更多 about her.

50) Out of the reoccurring guest stars the 显示 has had, who are still alive; who would 你 like to come back?
-House’s mother Blythe
-Any of the competitors for the fellowship from season 4
-Dr. Nolan

Seeing Stacy back can be nice. She has some 更多 unsolved issues with House, I think it's fair enough she'll be back and solve those things with him.

51) Would 你 prefer that the 显示 end on a sad 或者 happy note?
Prefer – Happy, most likely to happen – Sad. I think those characters deserve to be happy for once, and I think the end of the 显示 is the right time to make them feel like that for a change.

52) Anything else 你 would like to say?
This was FUN! I thought a lot for the past few days, about the show, about what I think about the show, about Cadley… Though the last one I always do. Anyways, I really enjoyed answering those awesome questions. Good job oldmovie! (:
Latley, there has been alot of 辩论 about Huddy and Luddy here on the Huddy spot.

I used to visit this spot 更多 than any other spot on fanpop. I loved 写作 fics, making images, and squee-ing about Huddy with others who were as obsessed with Huddy as I was.

I still 爱情 doing thses things. The only thing that changed when Luddy was introduced was the Huddy spot itself.

When I come here, I feel like I'm diving into a 鲨鱼 tank.

We have people literally *attacking* individual users who aren't even THERE to begin with for doing nothing but not liking Huddy. Huddies on the Luddy spot making...
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