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*SPOILERS FOR SEASON 5, ESPECIALLY 5x20 'Simple Explanation'*

I'll start 由 saying that this is a selfish article. I am 写作 so that I can vent. I need an outlet, and 你 guys are always so supportive, so I know 你 won't mind my venting.

I saw a 星, 星级 Wars poster today and nearly cried.

I have seen a few 评论 around the place saying "its just a tv show" and "get over it". The thing is, it isn't just a tv show. If it was just a tv 显示 to us, we wouldn't be here, on this site. For a lot of us, 'House MD' is a huge part of who we are. We eat-sleep-breathe the 显示 and we are emotionally invested in the characters and the storylines.

Thus, if 你 are 阅读 this 文章 and thinking that I need to "get over it", please consider that, for me, 'House MD' is not just a show: it is a part of my identity. It is not just a 显示 to me.

'Simple Explanation' was a terrible episode. Not terrible in the sense that it was poorly made, but terrible in the sense that a terrible thing happened.

That Scene

The scene in which Foreman and Thirteen discover Kutner's body is devastating. The scene was executed perfectly to maximise the intensity of the moment. 由 not 展示 us the scene up close but allowing us to listen in on Thirteen's deperate cries, the emotional intensity of the scene was truly overwhelming for me.

I'm not a cryer. I have cried in 3 movies: 'Andre' (yes, the 密封 movie), 'Donnie Darko' and 'Dead Poets Society'. For those of 你 who have seen 'Dead Poets Society', 你 will have noticed the striking similarities between Kutner's death and Neil Perry's death. I never thought any scene would ever devastate me 更多 than the Neil Perry death sequence in 'Dead Poets Society', but I experienced Kutner's death as devasting beyond what I imagined. Even though I knew it was coming. I think that is testiment to the team who create the world of 'House MD'. The feeling that they created in that scene was horrifying and unforgettable.


Taub's reaction to Kutner's death was heartbreaking. I can't even put into words how bad I feel for Taub. In 'Here Kitty', Kutner kept pushing Taub to confide in him. How devastating to realise that Kutner was indeed someone who also had something to confide. I think Taub's letter to Kutner was the most heartbreaking to read. And seeing Taub burst into tears was so difficult to watch. The pain of losing his friend, coupled with the knowledge that while he was covering for Kutner, Kutner was actually killing himself, will be unbearable for Taub. The irony of Taub's protective actions is apparent and haunting.


House's reaction is the most heartbreaking. He seemed like a 迷失 little boy for most of the episode. I think Cameron's letter was so accurate: House actually liked Kutner. Genuine like. And I think Cuddy was right about House and Kutner being kindred spirits. Both of them suffered major traumas. When 你 think about, they had both 迷失 a limb: Kutner losing his parents and House losing the function in his leg. And they were both outside-the-box, creative thinkers. And they both had obsessions. Little did they know, they also seemed to share misery.

Kutner/Kal Penn

At this point, it still makes me too sad to think about the loss of Kutner. Why he did it, how he did it... It's upsetting to think about. The symbolism of his using a gun to kill himself is haunting and just makes me want to cry and cry and cry.
On a 更多 positive note, I have always loved Kal Penn. I repect him greatly, not only because he is hilarious, but because he is intelligent. He also wants to make the world a better place and we need 更多 people like that in the world. So I am thrilled to hear about his new job and wish him all the best. I guess I am just so very disappointed that it has come at the expense of one of my favourite 电视 characters.

So, those were some of my thoughts, 或者 at least the ones that I can articulate right now. I needed to vent them. Its like vomitting: once 你 throw up, 你 feel a lot better. Although, I must say, I don't feel much better. It still sucks and I'm still sad.
I guess I also want to say that it is okay to feel sad about it. For those of us who are totally obsessed with the show, its hard not to be devastated 由 the loss of a character, particularly if it is a character 你 loved.

Thanks for reading.
added by misanthrope86
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Source: 狐狸 (screencaps: comforting lie)
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Source: 狐狸 (screencaps: comforting lie)
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Source: 狐狸 (screencaps: comforting lie)
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Source: 狐狸 (screencaps: comforting lie)
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Source: 狐狸 (screencaps: comforting lie)
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Source: 狐狸 (screencaps: comforting lie)
added by tubby2002
Source: http://www.freewebs.com/housemdfan/houseguysgirlgallery.htm