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This is a (long) rebuttal to KatiiCullen94's argument, the 标题 of which is in is article's title. (Though you've probably all seen that 由 now.) I haven't included her points in this, so it will be necessary to read her 文章 first.

1. The majority of people in this world cannot relate to Bella. Tell me, how many people can go to a new school and automatically be the prettiest and most 流行的 girl there? How many girls can say that they have FIVE males lusting after them?

Bella does care for people other than herself - her boyfriend. That's it. She was perfectly happy to hurt her father on several occasions in order to be with her boyfriend - and if 你 value your boyfriend over your own parents, then there is something seriously wrong with you. She also treats her 老友记 like crap, and still expects them to be loyal to her. Even if it was possible to relate to Bella, it would not be a good thing if a person actually did in real life. It's not a very good thing if a person:
a) treats her 老友记 badly when they have done nothing to her, and they still try to remain loyal to her.
b) constantly needs a man in her life to rescue her from the situations she gets herself into.
c) is willing to hurt her father's feelings to be with her boyfriend.
d) puts her life (and the lives of others) at risk in order to hear her boyfriend's voice in her head.

There are many 更多 reasons, but I don't want to spend too long on one point.

2. Yes, Twilight is indeed 更多 original than some other vampire stories. I can't deny that. However, originality is a blade that can cut both ways. (As any blade can...I don't know...) Honestly - 吸血鬼 that sparkle? It's original, but it's taken the one flaw a real vampire possesses and made it into a "non-flaw"; thus, Meyer can retain perfect characters for her books. Perfect characters are not good. Have 你 ever heard the saying "Perfection...is apt to be dull"?

3. 由 the way, Twilight is also in a narration format. Every fictional novel in the world is in narration format. Please get your terminology right. Twilight is in first person narration (AKA point of view) while Harry Potter is written in third person narration/POV. 你 should specify which form of narration 你 are referring to, otherwise you'll confuse a lot of people.

你 cannot understand the thoughts and feelings of all characters when 写作 in first person POV, because 1st person only follows one person's thoughts and feelings - the narrator. Bella is the narrator of the Twilight 图书 (I generally don't classify Midnight Sun as one of the books, because a) it's not published 或者 even complete and b) it is pretty much one of the former 图书 with a new name and different POV - it only tells us what we already know), and thus we only have access to her thoughts and feelings. In Harry Potter, third person POV is used. This makes the Harry Potter 图书 deeper, because while most of the thoughts and feelings we see are Harry's, we can also see the feelings of others through his eyes. This maintains an unbiased tone - unlike Twilight, as I will explain later.

While both 1st person POV and 3rd person POV each have their benefits, Twilight's use of 1st person means that the series is extremely biased. Jacob is presented as a jerk in Eclipse because the 图书 are in Bella's POV, and we don't see him in any other way. Likewise, Edward is presented as a god-like figure: again, because the 图书 are in Bella's POV and she is a biased narrator.

4. The fact that Twilight doesn't kill the main characters is one of the reasons why it is such a boring read. It is extremely predictable - every book in the series serves up a happily ever after to Bella on a platter. Breaking Dawn is most suggestive of this - had Meyer actually included the fight that every single reader had anticipated excitedly, and then killed at least one significant character on the Cullens' side (such as Jacob, one of the Cullens 或者 one of the other Quileutes), many people would have been happier with the book. Killing off characters when a war scene is written makes a book much 更多 interesting and realistic. During the Battle of Hogwarts, the fact that many people died reinforces just how realistic the sequence is. (Go watch a movie with at least one major battle sequence, such as Lord of the Rings, and then tell me that it's better for nobody to die during a war.)

I also find it extremely sad that 你 were once a HP 粉丝 and then converted. What devil possessed 你 to force 你 into making such a terrible decision?

5. While there is indeed a friendship present between Bella and Alice, it is sadly underdeveloped. If Meyer had developed this enough to make it into a sub-plot (for Eclipse, probably), the 图书 would have been a 更多 interesting read. Unfortunately, such a subplot doesn't exist, and we are instead left with rants about how hot Edward is and Bella's constant whining.

As for Bella and Jacob's "friendship", it is one-sided. To Bella, Jacob is merely a boy for her to play with while she gets over Edward. She leads Jacob on, then finds herself in a little bit of trouble when she realises that Jacob has fallen in 爱情 with her (what did she expect?) and she solves this 由 breaking his heart.

6. Good villains? I laughed for about ten 分钟 straight at this. James is not a good villain. He was introduced in the last 1/8th of the book. He is not scary - if James was real, I would probably only have to blow on his face to make him run away like the wuss he is. James inspired fear in eight people - Voldemort inspired fear in the hearts of thousands, if not millions.

Victoria's eyes are piercing red, and she is pure evil? What exactly is your point here? Try 阅读 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - I think you'll find that Voldemort has piercing red eyes, and is pure evil.

P.S. Oh yes, I am absolutely TERRIFED of Victoria's army. An army of newborn 吸血鬼 which are completely and utterly incapable of any kind of combat.

7. If each character of Twilight has one beautiful quality, each Potter character probably has about three. Rosalie was a good character - 你 are absolutely right about her feelings. Her backstory was quite good (apart from, 你 know, the Great Depression "not existing" for her because her father is a banker. Check XDRoseLuvsHP’s 文章 “Response to ‘Analysis of the Opposite!’” for further detail). However, due to Meyer’s use of first person narration, Rosalie is hated 由 粉丝 that are taking Bella’s side and calling Rosalie a stuck-up 婊子, 子 – because they only have one side of the story.

However, please do give me a 列表 of Bella’s “beautiful qualities”. Seriously – Bella has no beautiful qualities. She’s a beautiful person, but how does this count as a quality? It’s what’s on the inside that counts, not the outside. (Bella could learn A LOT from that sentence.) While you’re making a 列表 of Bella’s beautiful qualities, do likewise for Edward. He is abusive, a pedophile and also a stalker. He also appreciates Bella for nothing but her smell – again, Edward could learn from liking a person’s inner qualities instead of their outer ones.

8. Why are 你 bringing the movie cast into this argument? The cast has nothing to do with why Twilight is better than Harry Potter. (Excuse me, I need to go wash my mouth and fingers for saying such a thing.) Still, I will need to bring the cast into this again to rebut this point. The cast of Harry Potter is far 更多 talented than the Twilight cast. Daniel, Rupert and Emma are capable of pulling 更多 than one facial expression while 表演 – which Kristen and Robert don’t seem to have mastered. (Can I just add that Robert’s considerable 表演 skills are evident in the Goblet of 火, 消防 movie? Not so in Twilight.) And 由 the way, Kristen Stewart has been seen smoking 大麻 in public – I don’t think this is the mark of a good role model. She also treats her 粉丝 like crap.

9. Again, I laughed for a good fifteen 分钟 at this point. All of the 问题 in Twilight have been answered – we know why Edward couldn’t read Bella’s mind, as we see her retract her shield into herself so that Edward can read her mind. Not that there were that many things to 辩论 in Twilight in the first place – probably the only important 问题 was “Edward 或者 Jacob?” This only serves to point out exactly how anti-feminist Twilight is – why is there no option for 粉丝 that want Bella to become an independent woman that doesn’t need a man in her life at all?

In Harry Potter, on the other hand, there are 问题 upon 问题 that 粉丝 were able to ask themselves. “Is Harry a Horcrux?” “Is Dumbledore really dead?” “Whose side is Snape on?” These are 问题 stemming from Deathly Hallows alone. Even the epilogue leaves many 问题 未回答的 – “Who did Neville and Luna marry?” (We only found this out in one of Rowling’s interviews.) “What happened to the rest of the DA?” “How have the Weasleys coped since the death of Fred?” “What the hell is a Hufflepuff?” (Just kidding…;D)

10. There have actually been several vampire/human 爱情 stories before Twilight - Stephenie Meyer's concept isn't entirely new. The Vampire Diaries series (by L.J.Smith) was first published in 1991, while the Sookie Stackhouse 图书 were first published in 2001. Vampire/human 爱情 stories aside, we see millions of “forbidden love” stories. Romeo and Juliet is the classic example – and yes, Meyer 说 that she based her 图书 (I think it was New Moon) off this Shakespearean story. However, she then had the nerve to say that New Moon was of an equal level to – even better than – Romeo and Juliet. Also – Shakespeare didn’t have to rape a thesaurus to make his works seem intelligent.

由 the way, inter-species 爱情 stories are not something completely new and different. The story (well, sub-plot) of Arwen and Aragorn came around in the 1940s-1950s – the story of Edward and Bella came about in 2005.

I hope this was a sufficient response for 你 – I would post 更多 reasons for HP’s superiority to Twilight, but I don’t want to go off track. Maybe another time.

And I know I used parentheses - brackets - a lot up there, but I've just eaten 100 grams of 浓情巧克力 and I'm feeling rather hyper. Plus I sidetrack a lot when I talk, so 你 could say that my typing reflects my talking in that respect.
added by youknowit101
added by Gred_and_Forge
Source: Tumblr
added by narniafreak12
Source: motivatedphotos.com
added by crazychocolate
Logical reasons...
why Harry Potter v.s Twilight


Hi! I'm Cinnominbubble and I have noticed the war between fandoms have been going on for a while with no clear outcome. There is a reason to this-We are stubborn. Twihards want to stick up for Stephanie Meyer, whilst Potterheads want to do the same for J. K. Rowling. But, I have noticed something. Many of our reasonings aren't exactly logical. I mean, not to be offensive, some of our strongest points are downright idiotic!(from both sides) I'd like to come up with some smarter points to help people see our side of the story, whatever...
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Harry Potter beats Twilight. Of course. But I really don't like it when HP 粉丝 use opinion-ated "facts" when saying WHY Harry Potter is the better movie series. So, I, who am a major Potterhead, put together 7 true, solid, hard, and undeniable facts about certain aspects of the two movie series to prove why Harry Potter is the ultimate series.
**I will only be discussing the movies**

1) Soundtrack

Listen to this wonderful and memorable theme song. As 你 may have guessed, the theme song belogs to Harry Potter : link

Now listen to this: link
It's pretty, but it doesn't find a special place in...
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posted by yemi_hikari
Everyone knows Rowling and Meyer's stance on fanfiction and the fact both writers have 给 a thumbs up of sorts. However, there is something I don't think either one of them would of approve of and it involves those Reading the Books a lot of people are supposedly writing. I say supposedly 写作 because copying from another persons work is not 写作 unless 你 are quoting under fair use. And boy... every single 阅读 the 图书 I've come across is not in fair use and constitutes plagiarism. I know how to write one that doesn't constitute plagiarism, but I'll save that until the end.

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posted by RonGetYourWand
As 你 can tell from my username, I am a huge Harry Potter fan. However, I wasn’t always. I used to be a Twihard (a twilight obsessed fan-girl). In fact I was one during the early stages of puberty, which is the age where most Twitards fall into the ‘romantic’ trap.

Here’s my story about how I went from ‘Twihard’ to ‘Indifferent’ to ‘Potterhead’:

I first read Twilight as a recommendation from a fellow member of the Teen Advisory Board of my library. I finished that book quickly and moved onto the next. The 图书馆 didn’t have Eclipse so I read it ‘Twilight, New Moon, Breaking...
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I don't want to hear about Harry Potter 或者 any other book right now. I'm not setting this up for a 辩论 about which is better. I just want to know seriously and honestly why 你 Twilight 粉丝 enjoy 阅读 Twilight. I want to see an actual reason that Twilight is a good book.
If 你 don't like Twilight, I don't want to hear 你 saying anything bad about it. I just want to know why people like it. Because all the debate's I've seen have no actual reasons. They have HP 粉丝 and Twihards going on about which book is better, but not why they like it.
I do actually want respectful 辩论 though. I want to discuss the reasons 你 give, but nicely.
If 你 can't be respectful of each other's opinions then just don't comment.
And I'm not trying to hate on Twilight, but if I disagree with 你 I will 辩论 with you.
I don't know if there are other debate's about this, so I'm sorry if there are, but I didn't look.
I'm just rambling now so let's get onto it!
posted by SuperSnuffles13
I thought of a very wonderful quote. I'm not sure where it came from. I might have read it somewhere before. Maybe it is many 语录 brought together. Maybe it is entirely of my own creation. I don't know. Anyways, I find it to be very beautiful and thought-provoking...

"Twilight is a children's book poorly disguised as great literature. Harry Potter is great literature poorly disguised as a children's book."

I doubt I wrote it. I'm not capable of coming up with something so witty and beautiful as that.

Allow me to explain what it means. It means that Twilight makes people think it is great literature...
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Because My Taste In 图书 Is Just That Awesome

It's easy to point out the negatives in the things we don't like. Likewise, it's also easy to point out the positives in those things which we love. Difficult, it is, to accept the positives in that which we hate, and the negatives in that which we enjoy. Today, I would like to point out to 你 solely the positives. And it's a good thing I like both things that I intend to praise because otherwise I might find this a difficult endevour to pursue.

In short, I'm gonna tell 你 what's good about both HP and Twi. These might seem a bit repetitive to...
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(I didn't include plot, good characters, etc. because those are automatically included)

2. pirates
3. ninjas
4. An awesome pirate/ninja fight
5. Swords (preferably celestial bronze)
6. Closets (for Edward to hide deep inside)
7. giraffes
11. Butterflies
12. Chuck Norris
13. Jet-packs
14. kittens
15. strip poker :D
16. hand lotion
17. Sue Sylvester
18. sherbet
19. 20 巴松管 players :D
21. Jedis
22. Druids :D
24. A monkey called Jeeves who occasionally slaps Bella
25. YOU.
posted by ilovereading
A lot of debates is going on about who would win, if Harry and Edward got in a fight 或者 duel.
This is understandable since it summerize the whole wizards vs. 吸血鬼 thing.
I will try to be objective and analize their chances fair.

1.Physical abilitys
Harry is, besides his magic, a human. He trains Quidditch and he is not exactly out of form, but he just doesn`t have what it takes to break trees in half and stop rushing cars. He can die because of wounds.
Edward on the other hand, is incredebly strong and fast (and cold and never eats and we all know what he is - a vampire). He CAN break trees...
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 WTF?! Sparkly vampires?!
WTF?! Sparkly vampires?!
1. A decent plot.
2. A plot.
3. Character death.
4. Quidditch.
5. Voldemort.
6. Bellatrix Lestrange.
7. Severus Snape (The best of all)
8. Hogwarts.
9. Magic.
10. A wand.
11. An all-ages audience.
12. A writer who doesn't make her characters bitches.
13. 吸血鬼 that don't sparkle.
14. Harry Potter.
15. Hermione Granger.
16. Ron Weasley.
17. The *very awesome* Weasleys.
18. Giants.
19. Broomsticks.
20. Triwizard Tournaments.
21. A lightning-shaped scar on the forehead of the main protagonist.
22. Draco Malfoy.
23. Real werewolves.
24. The Marauders.
25. The Order of the Phoenix.
26. Dumbledore's Army.
27. Death Eaters....
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posted by Renesmee_XD
The 文章 is not mine I only used it cause everyone has always wrote 文章 aganist Twilight how about Harry Potter now
I finished 阅读 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows a couple of days back. In my view, the book is much 更多 tightly written than the last two books. And that itself is a relief. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are much better etched out in Deathly Hallows, and there are quite a bit of surprises, disappointments, revelations.

But when someone asked me today what I thought about it, I replied,...
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Okay so I've been hearing a whole load coming from a whole bunch of people, the majority being females, that Robert Pattison is hot. They say this like it is fact and when someone comes along and says he isn't it's like they don't get it.

They asked, "How is he not hot?" This is a 更多 formal format of putting it, but I got a whole bunch of responses which were very retarded. Well it has to do with personal preference.

So someone's opinion might clash with another person's opinion. Like how Twilight 爱人 think in Twilight all the 吸血鬼 really are hot. But someone else might come along...
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posted by LilysLittleTwin
Essay Three in my ‘What’s Wrong with Twilight’ 或者 WWT series, is entitled “Bella is Messed Up”. We will be exploring what is wrong with Bella 由 examining her choices and actions. I may later test her on a psychoanalysis test.

One, she is pathetically whiny. 你 could open any page of a book and find one where she’s whining. TwiFans try to cover this up 由 pre-bookmark-ing a book at a page with a 描述 of the setting (One of the so very few there are). She always begs Edward to turn her into a vampire, even when he blatantly refuses her pleadings every time.

Two, she is too...
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I don't mean any hate towards non of the series.
I just found it seriously immature how both 粉丝 of the series blame eachother.
I went through many sites that are Anti-Twilight
and then I started searching for Anti-HP.
Ofcourse what I have saw was mostly twilight hate.
I find it very,very useless too have this 'debate' about Twilight vs Harry Potter.

As i also read most 文章 from this spot I have seen that MANY people here truly HATE twilight.
There's nothing wrong with it.
The only problem is that it is invading all the sites.

Most people from...
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秒 part of my review on both of the 图书 this fanspot is about.

Despite most arguments on how different both series are, they do have many shocking resemblances, specially in the bad message part. I hope that after 阅读 both of this, 下一个 time a fanpick 问题 of "Which is best" pops up, 你 take a 分钟 to consider your answer.

1. If 你 have 老友记 或者 people that care about you, there's no need for 你 to have skills. Just let them sacrifice themselves.
Explanation: Harry Potter prevails against all perils not because he is a skillful wizard 或者 because he is smart. He prevails because...
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