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The 下一个 morning
Jeremy stumbled off the stairs; he probably would’ve fallen down if he hadn’t hold on to the banisters. Coffee, he needed coffee and lots of it. He staggered to the 厨房 and opened the cupboard to get out a cup. He managed to take three out and watched them shatter into pieces on the floor.
“Damnit” he 说 and he ducked to collect the fragments. He picked one and naturally cut his hand. “Shit” he cursed.
“It’s never a good idea to swear in the very early morning” Alaric entered the 厨房 and noticed the glass and the blood. “Does it hurt?” he asked with a nod at Jeremy’s hand.
“It’s okay” Jeremy said, pressing his hand to stop the bleeding. Alaric came closer and ducked as well. “Let me see” Jeremy showed his hand. “Hmm, looks pretty bad. 你 should see a doctor” Jeremy reluctantly shook his head. “No, Ric, it’s… it’s fine. I’m not going to bleed to death” Alaric waved his hand. “Just do it, Jeremy. Okay?” he 说 in a tone that didn’t tolerate any objection. Jeremy nodded, giving in. “I’ll give 你 a ride” Alaric said. He grabbed the car keys and walked to the front door, Jeremy behind him.
During the ride Alaric tried to keep a conversation. “How are things with Bonnie?” Jeremy relegated uneasy. “She broke up. I thought Elena would’ve told 你 that” he 说 a little grumpy. “No, no, she didn’t tell me anything” Alaric said, keeping his eyes on the road. “I noticed she’s been a little off lately. She doesn’t talk about Stefan anymore. Not that she usually talks to me that much” “She’s a little in denial” Jeremy explained. “She has a lot going on. I think she misses Stefan 更多 than she wants to admit. And now that Damon hooks up with Bonnie-” Alaric braked so abruptly Jeremy bumped his head to the windshield. “Damon hooks up with Bonnie?” Alaric exclaimed, ignoring Jeremy’s ‘Ouch’. “Are 你 serious? Are they serious?” he continued. Jeremy looked up with an uncomprehending expression. “What is this? Why is everyone so over the 最佳, 返回页首 surprised about Damon and Bonnie being together? Bonnie is an awesome person and well, I guess, Damon has his positive traits, too. I should want to kill Damon for stealing my girl, but I won’t. Surprising, huh? If Bonnie finds happiness with Damon, then who am I to judge?” Alaric drove further, shaking his head in unbelief. “Look, Jeremy, Damon is a very good friend and I know him. I’m not going to pretend to have seen the depths of his soul, but one thing I am sure of. He is not in 爱情 with Bonnie. Whenever he mentioned her he talked about how she could stop Klaus from killing Elena. He didn’t care if Bonnie died in the process. All he cared about was Elena. I can’t believe that has changed” Jeremy relegated again, rubbing his forehead which still hurt a bit. “I 爱情 my sister, she can be cool, but she’s not the world’s greatest girl ever. Sure, I want to believe Damon had a thing for her. Apparently she has to kind of power on men, I wouldn’t know since I’m her brother. But that doesn’t mean they can’t get over it. Damon must’ve realized it was a 迷失 case and moved on” Alaric clucked his tongue. How could Jeremy so easily cope with this situation?
added by HaleyDewit
面包车, 范 werkloze en alleenstaande moeder tot multimiljonair: het levensverhaal 面包车, 范 J.K. Rowling, de schrijfster 面包车, 范 de immens populaire "Harry Potter"-verhalen, spreekt tot de verbeelding. Haar levensloop wordt nu ook op het witte doek vastgelegd, in de tv-film "Strange Magic". De Australische actrice 罂粟 Montgomery, bekend 面包车, 范 "Without A Trace", zal de rol 面包车, 范 Rowling spelen, zo melden Britse media donderdag.

"Strange Magic" zal in maart in Canada worden opgenomen, omdat de filmbazen daar gebouwen hebben aangetroffen die sterke gelijkenissen tonen met het huis waarin Rowling in Edinburgh woonde toen ze de Potterboeken schreef. De mediaschuwe Rowling heeft echter geen toestemming gegeven voor de tv-biografie.
Ze verkocht wereldwijd meer dan 400 miljoen exemplaren uit de Potterreeks. Haar fortuin wordt geschat op 590 miljoen euro. Dat maakt 面包车, 范 haar een 面包车, 范 de rijkste vrouwen in Groot-Brittannië. (Belga / LEE)
Waarschuwing: als je Zinloos GeweldiG nog niet gezien hebt, en je wilt verrast worden, is het verstandig dit niet te lezen, want er staan heel wat details in.

Mijn excuses voor eventuele spelling en/of grammaticafouten.


Zinloos GeweldiG. Geef toe, de titel alleen al spreekt aan. Lieven Scheire komt als eerste het podium op en begroet het publiek op een ietwat kinderlijke manier, wat meteen voor een gelaten sfeer zorgt. De oorsprong 面包车, 范 de naam Neveneffecten is weliswaar op het internet te vinden, maar het klinkt allemaal veel interessanter, als het uit Lievens mond komt. Ook omdat je op...
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added by HaleyDewit
Source: 谷歌
added by HaleyDewit
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