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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters- Chapter Thirteen

Blair lifted the pregnancy test but before she could look at it she threw it back down on the counter. She was scared out of her wits to actually see if she really was pregnant 或者 not. This whole test decided her entire future, which frightened her even more. She slumped down onto the toilet 座位 trying to get the courage to look at the results.
Things between her and Chuck had been wonderful lately and now if this happened everything would go to hell. She knew that with absolute certainty. Chuck would never want a baby and she couldn’t say she blamed him; they were too young for this. But a part of her wanted this for them because she couldn’t deny anything that was made out of her and Chuck’s love. She was procrastinating and had to stop this. She just had to look at what the test said. Then she would be able to take the 下一个 step.
Blair stood up and went over to the sink and lifted the test out of the container she put it in. She brought it up to her face and forced her eyes to look at it. A gasp escaped her mouth when she saw the result. Two 粉, 粉色 lines stared back at her, and that meant that she was indeed pregnant.
She threw the test in her garbage can and went to sit on her bed. It was the strangest thing, she should been upset about this but she wasn’t. Blair knew that a part of her was actually hoping for this. She wanted Chuck’s baby and she was going to have it now. The only problem was going to be him. She placed her hand on her flat stomach and couldn’t get over the fact that her baby was growing inside of her, that was a miracle in itself.
Who knew that she was going to wind up being so blissfully happy about this? A thrill had gone through her when she had read the results and she knew that she would have been supremely disappointed if the test results had been negative. Now all she had to do was tell Chuck.

Blair hurried over to Serena’s apartment early the 下一个 morning. She buzzed the doorbell and waited for her to answer it. Instead, Nate came to the door.
“Blair, what are 你 doing here?”
She breathed a sigh of relief. “I need to talk to Serena about something crucial but I think it’s a good idea if you’re here too. I need as much support as I can get.”
He grabbed her upper arm. “Are 你 alright?” He asked with a worried frown.
She nodded tersely. “I’m fine. I’ll explain everything inside.”
She walked further into the apartment and found Serena at the dining room table.
A smile lit up her face. “B! I didn’t expect 你 here. What’s going on?”
Blair took a 座位 opposite Serena at the 表 and Nate sat in between them but he paused to give Serena a chaste 吻乐队(Kiss) on the lips.
“Serena, Nate, I have something important to tell the both of you.” She decided to dive right in and just get it out in the open.
Serena’s smile fell off her face a little but she leaned back into Nate’s chest. “Okay, go ahead.”
“I need both of 你 to promise me that what I’m about to tell 你 will stay in this room and not be repeated to anyone, especially Chuck.”
“We promise.” They both 说 in unison.
Blair was satisfied with that. “I just found out yesterday but I’m pregnant.”
Neither Nate nor Serena 说 anything they just stared at her with a blank expression on their faces.
Blair started to feel anxious and 说 a little snippily, “Are 你 going to say anything?”
Nate found his voice first. “Are 你 sure?”
“Yes I am. I took the test yesterday and I’m going to see a doctor to 确认 it later today.”
Serena finally found her voice. “Are 你 upset, Blair?”
She shook her head. “You know I thought I would be but I can’t be. I 爱情 Chuck and this is our baby that we made out of that love, and that to me is the most beautiful thing that I have ever heard. I want this so much.”
Serena grimaced. “Blair, you’re so young to have a baby. I mean you’re only eighteen and 你 basically have your whole life ahead of you. What about all of your dreams and what 你 wanted to do with your life?
Blair shot her an angry glare. “If 你 can’t be happy for me then that’s fine but don’t try to bring me down and get me upset about it. I know what you’re talking about S; 你 think I’ve screwed up my chance to get into Yale. And maybe I have, but that doesn’t matter to me anymore. I would give Yale up in a heartbeat for Chuck and this baby.”
Serena reached out to touch Blair’s hand but she moved it out of the way before she could clasp it. “Blair, I’m not trying to get 你 upset 或者 mad, I just want 你 to be realistic here. It’s such a huge responsibility and one that you’re too young to do on your own. Do 你 think Chuck is going to be happy about this?”
She shrugged. “I know he’s going to be furious about it because that’s how Chuck is. He doesn’t want anything to do with children 或者 婴儿 but I’ll just have to change his mind. And if he still is being difficult about it, then oh well. No one is going to convince me not to have this baby, not even Chuck.”
Nate stood up and began to pace around the room. He turned back to Blair. “Why do 你 think Chuck is going to be furious?”
She looked at him in amazement. “Do 你 even have to ask? Do 你 know the same Chuck that I do? I was his best friend for eight years and we talked about this often. He 说 that even as an adult he wouldn’t want to have children because he didn’t want to do the same thing to a child that his father did to him. It’s going to be a nightmare to tell him, I know that.” Her shoulders slumped in defeat.
Nate took the chair beside her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “I’m happy for you, Blair. All that matters to us is if you’re happy.”
She kissed him on the forehead. “Thank you, Nate. That means a lot for 你 to say that to me after everything that has happened between us. I am happy, I’m just really scared and worried what Chuck is going to say.”
“What if Chuck doesn’t want the baby?” Serena asked.
She started to get a blinding headache from all of their questioning. “Then I guess I’ll be forced to break up with him. I don’t even want to imagine that happening right now, I can’t even think about my life without Chuck. But if he makes me choose between him and the baby, I will choose the baby. He is not going to tell me what to do; I will make sure of that.”
They both shook their heads in agreement at that. “I think that is a very wise decision, Blair.” Nate chimed in.
“I know. I need to ask 你 guys a favor anyways. Can both of 你 come to 晚餐 tonight? Maybe it will soften the blow a little bit when I tell Chuck.”
Serena smiled. “Of course will come to dinner, anything 你 need don’t ever hesitate to ask. We’re your 老友记 and we would do anything for you. Do 你 think that maybe you’re overreacting and that Chuck might actually be happy about the baby? He loves 你 after all.”
Blair sighed and rubbed her temple. “I doubt it but I sure hope so.”

Blair was becoming impatient with all of the waiting she was doing in the doctor’s office. First she had to wait before being called into the exam room and now she was waiting again for the doctor to come into the room. She wanted to make sure she was actually pregnant. Maybe she had jumped the gun and she wasn’t. Pregnancy tests were inaccurate sometimes and the only way she would know for sure was when the doctor examined her and gave her the news from his own lips. Still not knowing for sure was killing her and she was cursing the doctor to hell when he walked into the room. She adjusted her 袍, 礼服 to cover 更多 of her legs.
“I’m Dr. Thompson, Miss…” He consulted the chart. “Waldorf. So what can I do for 你 today?”
He sat on a 粪便, 凳子 and snapped on a pair of latex gloves.
She swallowed hard. “I think I might be pregnant. I took a 首页 pregnancy test yesterday and it 说 that I was but 你 just never know for sure unless 你 come to the doctor’s office. So, here I am. I just want to 确认 it before I tell my boyfriend.”
Dr. Thompson nodded. “Alright, well I guess all we have to do now is take a look.”
The doctor completed his exam and looked at Blair with a smile on his face. “You were right Miss Waldorf, 你 are indeed pregnant.”
A smile overtook her face. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. How do 你 think your boyfriend is going to take the news?”
Her smile was replaced 由 a frown. “I’m not sure. I hope he’ll be happy but 你 just can never tell with him.”
He nodded sympathetically. “Good luck with that.” He consulted his computer and some charts. “It looks like you’re a little over two months pregnant and you’re due 日期 is November nineteenth.”
“November nineteenth.” She repeated, placing a hand over her stomach.
“Everything looks so great so far with the baby. I am going to give 你 a prescription for some prenatal vitamins and I will see 你 back here in four weeks. And if 你 want then we will take a sonogram and we will be able to tell the sex of the baby.”
“Thank you, Dr. Thompson. I would like that very much.”
He left the room and Blair shrugged out of the paper 袍, 礼服 they had 给 her and put her regular clothes back on. She placed her hand on her stomach again. She couldn’t wait to meet this baby. It was surely going to be the best thing that ever happened to her. She just hoped it would be for Chuck too.
As she left the doctor’s office she remembered back to the time that she and Chuck had had the conversation about children and if they would ever have them.

They were sitting on the 长椅, 沙发 in his suite and he was guzzling a flute of champagne even though he was barely fifteen. Blair didn’t criticize him about it though, that was one of the perks of their friendship they accepted each other for who they were and there were not games between them.
Chuck was regaling her with the latest story of his attempt to 床, 床上 a brunette beauty.
She cut him off. “Chuck, do 你 ever think about what our life is going to be like when we get older? Who we’re going to marry and how many kids we’re going to have? Things like that.”
He had the flute raised to his lips but hurriedly set it down on the coffee table. He smirked. “Why would I think about things like that? We’re only fifteen years old, Blair.”
“I know. I always think about these kinds of things. I just can’t help myself. I want the perfect life, the perfect marriage, and the perfect kids.” He laughed at this but she continued on. “Do 你 want any of those things that I just mentioned?”
He shook his head. “I don’t think so. I’m not entirely sold on the marriage idea but I am certain that I never want to have kids.”
“Why?” She asked puzzled.
“I just don’t think it would be fair to the kid if I was it’s father. After seeing how my father treated me I don’t think I could ever have kids because I would be scared that I would do the same thing. Bart’s scared me for life on this particular subject.”
She gripped his hand. “You would never be like that to your child. 你 know why?” She didn’t wait for him to answer. “You know better than Bart ever did. You’re not like him Chuck, even though 你 pretend 你 are. 你 are so much better than that.”
“I don’t know if I am, Blair.” He 说 with an uncharacteristic sad expression on his face.
“You are.” She insisted. “Don’t 你 want to experience that kind of 爱情 in your life?”
His playful nature returned and he ruffled her hair with his hands. “The only person I’ll ever 爱情 is you, Waldorf.”
She laughed with him. “Back at you, Bass.”

Blair made her way back 首页 after the doctor’s appointment to get ready for 晚餐 that evening. She just hoped that Chuck had changed his mind in the last couple of years 或者 she was going to be completely screwed. He had to want this baby; she just kept reminding herself over and over again of that fact. Except she didn’t believe it at all.

She sighed; 晚餐 was not going how she planned it at all. Instead, Chuck was sullen and moody while Serena and Nate chatted with each other. After thirty 分钟 of tense silence she finally exploded. “Are we ever going to actually talk to each other?!”
Chuck placed his hand over hers, trying to calm her down. “It’s a little awkward to say the least, B.” He turned to Serena and Nate. “I don’t know, Serena was it?” She nodded. “And Nate is your ex-boyfriend so forgive me if I’m not jumping up and down with joy for wanting to talk to him.”
Nate frowned but Chuck continued. “What was the purpose of this 晚餐 anyways? I could think of much better things that we could be doing, Blair.” He 说 with a suggestive leer.
Blair gave him a cold look. “I thought it would be nice if 你 got to know some of my friends, Chuck. I consider Nate a friend now, so don’t be rude to him.”
Chuck removed his hand from Blair’s and shouted, “I don’t want to be 老友记 with your ex-boyfriend!”
“Chuck.” Nate said. “I know why you’re hesitant to have Blair around me and I can’t say that I blame you. I would feel uncomfortable too if I was in your position. But 你 have to know that I don’t want Blair anymore, we were always 更多 like 老友记 than boyfriend and girlfriend. Blair was in 爱情 with 你 and I could tell that. Anyways, I’m with Serena now. I 爱情 Serena.”
Serena turned to Nate with a huge smile on her face and a shocked expression wavering in her eyes. “You 爱情 me?”
“I do.”
Serena threw her arms around his neck. “I 爱情 你 too.”
They shared a 吻乐队(Kiss) before Nate spoke again. “See? 你 have nothing to worry about, man.”
Chuck threw his arms around Blair’s shoulders. “Alright, I do have to admit that I was a little worried how 你 felt about Blair. I thought that maybe 你 still had an attraction to her. Maybe we can work something out and try to be friends. For Blair’s sake.”
Blair went to 吻乐队(Kiss) him on the cheek but he moved his face so her lips touched his mouth instead. Once they broke apart she was grinning like a fool. “I actually have something to tell you, Chuck.”
“It’s not something 你 tell someone at the 晚餐 table. It’s a little 更多 important than that but I will tell 你 later.”
A frown appeared between his brows. “Is it that important?”
“Yes, very important.”
The frown deepened. “Are 你 alright, Blair?”
“I’m fine.” She reassured him. “Actually, I’m better than fine. I am very happy 由 this piece of news and I just hope that 你 will be too.”
He grinned. “If it makes 你 happy then it will make me happy.”
Blair smiled back at him and leaned her head on his chest. The rest of the evening went surprisingly well. Everyone got along and even Nate and Chuck spoke quite a lot. In fact they made plans to go do something tomorrow. That was a definite improvement on Chuck’s part.
Now she just had to tell him that she was carrying his baby. The time had finally come and she was almost so scared that she didn’t even want to risk telling him. Blair didn’t want to lose him but the baby came before anything else for her.

She sat alone in her bedroom waiting for Chuck to come in. The fluttering in her stomach was getting worse every 秒 that she had to wait and that was just an extra 分钟 of postponing the truth from Chuck.
He finally came through the door and leaned against it. “So Waldorf, what is this big news that 你 have to tell me?”
She smirked. “First before I get into that, I just wanted to tell 你 how proud of 你 I am that 你 made an effort to be friendly to Nate. I know that wasn’t easy for 你 and I appreciate it. Is it possible that 你 might actually be beginning to like Nate Archibald as a friend?”
He looked down at the floor sheepishly. “Possibly, but I wouldn’t read too much into it. I’m doing it as a favor to 你 but I think he might be an okay guy.”
She patted the 床, 床上 and he came over and sat down. “Chuck, I found out something today which I am thrilled about. But I don’t know how you’re going to react and that has me very worried.”
He grabbed her hand. “What is it? You’re starting to scare me now B, all I’ve been hearing is how important this is. You’ve just got to come out and tell me now.”
She nodded. “Promise me that 你 won’t be upset about it.”
“I promise.”
Blair felt like she was about to heave and she didn’t know if that was because she was pregnant 或者 because she was so nervous about what Chuck was going to say. She wet her lips. “I-I-I”
She couldn’t get the words out and Chuck looked like he was ready to throttle her. “I’m…”
“Just say it, Blair!” He exploded. “You’re what?”
She tried to take a deep calming breath but it didn’t work. She forced herself to try and calm down for the baby’s sake. “I’m pregnant.”
A shocked silence followed her proclamation. He looked like he had been hit over the head with a baseball bat. “You’re what?” He asked in amazement. Daring her to tell him again.
“I’m pregnant, Chuck. We’re going to have a baby.”

To Be Continued…

A/N: Okay, I’m back from my ankle surgery and everything went fine. I’m just in a lot of pain but I’m sorry for having no 更新 out sooner than this. I know this is my most 流行的 story, so this is the one I decided to update first. Please let me know how 你 enjoyed this latest chapter.
added by waldorf
Source: Andreas at LJ / The CW
added by crazyMaSha
added by lilie2
Temptation of the Best Kind- Chapter One

His brain was addled from the lack of sleep, but even in his semi conscious state he knew what he had done. He only prayed that it had only been a dream. That would be his only excuse. It had to of only been a dream, right? He would never have had sex with his best friend’s girlfriend and not only that, but he was the one that took her virginity.
Fuck. Who was he really kidding? He was Chuck 低音 and he knew he would do it if he wanted too, nothing ever stopped him. Chuck slowly pried his eyes open and found that he was lying on his side in the middle...
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 Annoyed B?
Annoyed B?
[Read Part 1 if 你 haven't already:)]

Okay to start off THANK 你 GUYS SO EFFING MUCH for those who read it and reviewed. 你 all literally made my day<3
I actually am clueless about how many majority shippers are either DS 或者 NS. Lol, so bare with me if it’s not your ship.
Honestly I have no idea where this story is going,,, so pretty much every chapter is what just comes to my mind, and whatever floats my 船, 小船 that day=]

[omg my computer is so screwey right now, its posting multiple times, and it is so slow, so if any multiple chapters occur i appologize for my stupid computer:(]

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 Wedding Prep!
Wedding Prep!
Chair Tales S02E15- The Wedding Fate


...The wedding has arrived and everything is chaos, but in a good way.

Serena/Dan's house is already full of people, all helping Serena get ready.

Blair is the maid of honour and is Serena's sidekick for the day. Blair has of course been living at Serena's house since her and Chuck broke up.

Chuck has already made plans to leave New Haven after the wedding is over. He would have left immediately but doesn’t want to let Dan down 由 refusing to be his best man and not attending the wedding. Dan is...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters- Chapter Five

He bit down on her lip, and Blair gasped. As she opened her mouth, he used the opportunity to sink his tongue inside her mouth. They both groaned out loud at the contact. His tongue swirled around inside her mouth, memorizing every crevice and corner and making Blair his. She 魔发奇缘 her tongue with his, and Chuck had to grip her hips to steady himself. The passion was threatening to overtake them both.
She 魔发奇缘 her hands in his hair, and they kissed for what felt like hours. He finally broke the 吻乐队(Kiss) and looked at her face, and he had to admit he loved what...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters-Chapter 1

Blair’s alarm clock rang and she reached with her hand to turn it off. But instead of getting up, she snuggled further down into her covers. Her alarm rang again, and she decided that it was time to get up if she didn’t want to be late for school.
She had a smile pasted on her face; everything was finally turning out right in her life. After a few rocky years of feeling misguided, she was feeling perfect. For starters, she was going out with the perfect guy. Nate Archibald. He had finally asked her out about three weeks ago, although she had been trying to land...
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The Mess that is Chuck Bass~ Chapter 6

“You want to go have dinner?” She asked, shocked that Chuck had suggested it.
He moved away from her a little bit. Chuck was dismayed 由 her reaction and embarrassed no less. “Well if 你 don’t want too Blair, I can just go 由 myself. It’s up to you.”
Blair held up her hand to stall him from saying anything else. “Don’t be silly. Of course, I want to go with you. But I have to go back to my hotel and change clothes. Should we just meet there?”
His mind started whizzing. This was it. Even though he was the one that suggested dinner, he was...
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 Will 你 Marry Me?
Will You Marry Me?
Chair Tales- S02E07- Desperate Housewives.

Serena's house.
There are house keepers and other employees rushing around on Serena's order. She is hosting a pre-engagement party. Dan is confused because they are already engaged, but Serena wanted to have a pre-engagement party before having an engagement party!
Her plans include ending the night with Dan formally proposing to her in front of their guests to officiate their engagement, this would then be followed 由 an announcement to inform guests of an engagement party which would be held the following weekend.
Dan is arguing with Serena about the...
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A Million 爱情 Songs Later

A/N: Hey, Okay I 说 I'd post this on Thursday but I got busy revising my ICT work. God I hate revising! I can't wait until my GCSE's are over with! But then there's A-Levels *cry*. But anyway since I didn't I just read through it and was not happy with the ending so I changed it around a little and added another scene. Just to say thank 你 to 你 guys, I really appreciate 你 taking time to read and leaving me comments, Thank 你 and I'm so glad 你 who left 评论 on chapter 1 liked it. I thought It was bit trashy but I guess not that bad right?! Anyway leave...
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 皇后乐队 J?
Queen J?
(Sorry but this one is kinda long, we had a power cut and I just started 写作 galore! Couldn't stop, I think I wrote like 4 episodes in one night =] )

Episode 20: The Changing

GG: To quote Christina Aguilera “Some days I'm a super bitch”, Define that quote; Blair Waldorf. Just days after being de-throned Blair is back on top, apparently... Sources say B is not giving up her crown without a fight, Who's ready to fight the former Queen?

(At the Waldorf Apartment)

(It's been a week since Blair has been dethroned, Jenny is now starting to become the new 皇后乐队 B. Blair has done nothing so far,...
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posted by GGLover_1
 it's 圣诞节 eve!
it's christmas eve!
-So i'm a first timer... hope 你 like it. I started to write it bcuz, i'm a huge fan, of all your fanfics and bcuz i <3 chair!!!

Chuck and Blairs 'Love Story', it takes place in the 1st season, right after nate breaks up with blair, after she slept with chuck...

GG: What will happen this 圣诞节 eve?! Is B gonna get her C present???

* It's 圣诞节 eve finally, blair and nate just broke up. Nate forgave her because he realized she really did have feelings for chuck. Now at the 面包车, 范 der 低音 apartment, Serena needs to get chuck to forgive blair and go to her.

S: 嘿 eric, have 你 seen chuck?...
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posted by GGLover_1
 serena's sweet gift
serena's sweet gift
-So i'm a first timer... hope 你 like it. I started to write it bcuz, i'm a huge fan, of all your fanfics and bcuz i <3 chair!!!

Chuck and Blairs 'Love Story', it takes place in the 1st season, right after nate breaks up with blair, after she slept with chuck...

GG:Hello upper esat siders, Gossip Girl here. It's that time of the year, when all of our elite tries to outshine themselves with the best gifts and the best sweets. Yes it's Christmas... What about you, any sweets for me? scandals i mean!

*at the waldorf's penthouse: blair is all alone, sitting in her living room, still confused...
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I think I know the reason. I 爱情 chuck and Blair, as do most of you. We don't want to betray chair. We think about it like this, Chuck and Blair.. That's it, that's love,that's Gossip Girl. We can't imagine either of them being in 爱情 with anyone else. We don't want nair, we want chair! But, there will always be nair. nate and blair will always have history that we chair 粉丝 can't ignore. So that leaves us with the ultimate question, who's it gonna be, nair 或者 chair. Although most of us think it'll be chair, there's still that chance that nair could fall back in 爱情 like in the books, and crush all of us chair fans. They, wouldn't do that, the writers know we all 爱情 chair, right?? well, the writers always surprise us. I know chuck and blair will end up together, so while we wait, why not give nair a chance to have a cute little fling?? we don't have a choice.
posted by ChuckBlairLuvA
A/N: Okay, now that I’ve finally updated my three lingering CB multichaptered stories, I have gone insane and decided to write yet ANOTHER one shot. I know…crazy. And as we speak I do not know if it will turn depressing 或者 into crazy CB fluff….at this point we NEED fluff desperately to get through the 下一个 few episodes of CB angst. Aww…poor Chuck! Poor Blair! *sighs* But perhaps my mind is sucking up the angry tension of the 下一个 depressive episodes and exploding it in this simple 5-pager, if even I write for that long…or for that little. Lol. XD But anyways! I’m getting ahead of...
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A/N: 嘿 all! Sorry this has taken me so long to update….but I plan on updating my stories a lot quicker now, so hopefully you’ll all keep up! ;p
Ch.4—Faulty Evidence
    Chuck stopped right outside the Waldorf residence and waited for his limo to arrive. He had expected the meeting with Blair to last longer, but apparently she hadn’t needed him for that much. Come to think of it, it was he, who had excused himself early with the insistence that him walking out of the penthouse would cause enough stirring on Gossip Girl’s part. However, his phone did not...
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posted by bl0ndy
Edward "Ed" Westwick (born June 27, 1987) is an English actor best known for his role as Chuck 低音 amongst the main cast on the American 电视 series Gossip Girl. He is also the lead singer of the English rock band The Filthy Youth.

Westwick was born into a family of two older brothers, his father a lecturer in Business Studies and his mother an educational psychologist. He attended St Ippolyts Church of England Primary School and the Barclay School in Stevenage, England. He was attending North Herts College when he made his first film, Breaking and Entering, directed 由 the late Anthony...
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Episodes - Gossip Girl (19 total Episodes)

5/19/2008: Much 'I Do' About Nothing
5/12/2008: Woman on the Verge
5/5/2008: All About My Brother
4/28/2008: Desperately Seeking Serena
4/21/2008: The Blair 婊子, 子 Project
1/9/2008: A Thin Line Between Chuck and Nate
1/2/2008: School Lies
12/19/2007: Roman Holiday
11/28/2007: Blair Waldorf Must Pie!
11/14/2007: Seventeen Candles
11/7/2007: Victor/Victrola
10/24/2007: The Handmaiden's Tale
10/17/2007: Dare Devil
10/10/2007: Bad News Blair
10/3/2007: Poison Ivy
9/26/2007: The Wild 早午餐
9/19/2007: Pilot
9/19/2007: Pilot
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared