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Masamune47 说 …
thats a really bad 格言 发布 一年多以前
aquariusCuller 说 …
Glub. 38) 发布 一年多以前
fansfunsz 说 …
i have got a acquarium with fish(and i had got hate 鱼 yesterday evening)at 晚餐 from 1 of mine uncle 发布 一年多以前
Lancebassfan1 说 …
I two pet 鱼 . 发布 一年多以前
WWEBen 说 …
1700TH FAN!!! 发布 一年多以前
britneybear10 说 …
发布 一年多以前
wierdgem7 说 …
I like 鱼 as pets not to eat 发布 一年多以前
coriann 评论…
lol, i like them 4 both ^ ^ 一年多以前
Sprinter23 说 …
idk if I wanna 加入 this club 或者 not...fish kinda creep me out...but I have an immortal goldfish named Tyler who's 14 years old. 发布 一年多以前
my fishes wouldn't last two weeks! one time i had a goldfish, we feeded him and all, and then, on the fifth day, at lunch, my brother says to my mother 'what'yo cooking? is it goldfish?'... a few 分钟 after he 说 that, the goldfish died!! i think he was scared to death, literally. 一年多以前
Sprinter23 评论…
omg that's so weird O_O 一年多以前
coriann 评论…
lol! 一年多以前
big smile
Private110 说 …
I have a betta named Earl 哈哈 发布 一年多以前
trixie123 评论…
Mines name is Bubbles. My first beta was named Sarafina and my 秒 was Bluey. Now I have Bubbles!! 一年多以前
ReddXX1 评论…
I had a betta 鱼 named Whalzy cuz it liked this plastic 鲸, 鲸鱼 i put in its bowl and it shook its tush every time i went to feed it so thats where the "zy" part of the name comes it (im such a loser) and i had another one names Dragon (i 偷了 it from my sister) but then my kitten played in their bowls so they both died.......... 一年多以前
maemae12866 说 …
i have a comit 鱼 named comit and a baita 鱼 named........well i had to pick the most enbarrsing name................how do i say i mean tipe this .............fine i'll tell.............................his name is swimmie 发布 一年多以前
trixie123 评论…
Cool!!!!! I mean last 年 my fishes name was Bluey. Now I have Bubbles. Pretty much their names can describe them. Their not original names. But I like the name Swimmie! 一年多以前
beepboop 说 …
I have a chinese fighting 鱼 named midnight she is 5 YEARS OLD! 发布 一年多以前
trixie123 评论…
Woe!! My Chinese fighting 鱼 lived to be 6! She would have lived longer if she didn't have an awful disease. 一年多以前
wierdgem7 评论…
shes old! 一年多以前