Submarine tour of the Catalina Island's waters. Take a look of the marine plants, the kelp forests undulating in the current and the feeding frenzy created 由 the 鱼 食物 dropped down the feeding tubes of the submarine.
We snorkeled late afternoon on the Kona Coast of the Big Island of Hawaii with manta rays. People have 说 that snorkeling with manta rays could be dangerous but manta rays don’t have stingers like sting rays 或者 eagle rays.
Here's a GIANT Unidentified Creature that has washed up on an unknown beach. While this may me photoshoped, theories 最佳, 返回页首 what this is have just begun to surface on the internet.
Today's instructional how to cooking video features new chef Emory and Taylor as they lovingly respond to a 三明治 request and create a brilliant brain-food sandwich. Remember It's What's On The Inside That Counts!