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 Princesslullaby's 最喜爱的 迪士尼 Dudes
Princesslullaby's favorite Disney Dudes
Hello, Everyone! Today, it is my great pleasure to introduce --- Princesslullaby, 粉丝 of The 月 for April 2018!!!! CONGRATULATIONS, Princesslullaby, on winning 粉丝 of the 月 for April 2018!!!

It’s good to catch up with you, today, my friend. I’m proud 你 were selected. Do tell me some 更多 of the unique things (we should all learn) about you!

1. How does it feel to be 粉丝 of the Month? Surprising? Heart-warming? It’s certainly impressive.

Humbling, to be honest. I haven't been on 潮流粉丝俱乐部 actively in years and this is my "revival" period...it will never be as good as the renaissance but it's fun to come back with fresh perspective. This is a totally new crew of fanpoppers who are smaller but share much different viewpoints/opinions than the old crew!

2. So, who is your 最喜爱的 Princess? Why is she your favorite?

Ariel, because of how she never 秒 guesses herself; she's so self-assured. I tend to be overcritical of myself and sometimes too cautious, and only recently have i started taking super spontaneous risks. I 爱情 how she has such blind faith and confidence in herself that everything will work out. How she's willing to risk everything for what could be considered a pipe dream. To me, that's not foolish. It's inspiring.

 Princesslullaby's 最喜爱的 迪士尼 Princess
Princesslullaby's 最喜爱的 迪士尼 Princess

3. Having watched every movie, I imagine 你 have a least 最喜爱的 princess 由 now. Who is your least 最喜爱的 Princess? Why is she your least favorite?

My least 最喜爱的 is Rapunzel, because she's so marketably adorable, endlessly charming, effortlessly talented...I like Ariel because she's flawed. Essentially, Rapunzel is almost inhuman in personality because of how perfect she is.

4. Has your 最喜爱的 princess ever changed?

No. When I first started revisiting 迪士尼 电影院 I liked Aurora a lot, but I hadn't rewatched the little mermaid at that point.

5. Mmm. So who is the lucky prince? I mean, who is your 最喜爱的 Prince? Why is he the lucky guy? :D

It constantly switches between Eric and Shang but as of now it's Eric. He's so humble, unassuming, genuine, and I 爱情 that such a nice guy loves someone like Ariel who 由 all accounts comes across very kooky and not traditionally likable. Gives me hope lol

 The hunky prince-turned-sailor that captivated Ariel seems to have Princesslullaby's affection, too
The hunky prince-turned-sailor that captivated Ariel seems to have Princesslullaby's affection, too

6. 你 probably have a least 最喜爱的 prince. Achem, achem. Who is your least 最喜爱的 Prince? Why is he down there?

Aladdin-- as put so eloquently 由 Patrick Star, "Liar, Liar, Plants for Hire".... he just...keeps..lying!!!

 Yes, he's charming...but the lying sinks this dreamboat for PL.
Yes, he's charming...but the lying sinks this dreamboat for PL.

7. Of the now eleven 迪士尼 Princess movies, which is your 最喜爱的 DP movie? Why is it your favorite?

The Little Mermaid.....<3 I just 爱情 the story and the cast is so charming.

8. And of these eleven, which is your least 最喜爱的 DP movie? Why is that movie your least favorite?

Princess and the Frog...I was overhyped for that movie since it was the first traditionally animated movie to come out in a long time and also the first movie to come out and it was just such a let down. Convoluted, underwritten, and sometimes just plain boring. The soundtrack is great though!

9. Go back, for a moment, to being a much younger version of Princesslullaby… I’m sure 你 had a 最喜爱的 animated character who wasn’t a 迪士尼 Princess. If 你 could choose one 迪士尼 heroine to be in the line-up, who would it be? Where would they rank on your prettiest list, and your 收藏夹 list?

Well, I guess Kida. I 爱情 her and she is an actual princess. Kida would be towards the middle-top of my 收藏夹 list, and prettiest, towards the top. She's beautiful. (also, the much younger princesslullaby wasn't into 迪士尼 Princesses but I distinctly remember playing in my basement pretending to be Pocahontas... I like that she was adventurous and exploratory.)

 Definitely one of the underrated 迪士尼 females who reminds me of Arwen from Lord of The Rings. Kida is cool and needs 更多 love.
Definitely one of the underrated 迪士尼 females who reminds me of Arwen from Lord of The Rings. Kida is cool and needs 更多 love.

10. Do 你 ship any 迪士尼 Princesses? 迪士尼 Princes? Which ones?

Yeah, Eric and Naveen is my ultimate ship-- it's my icon..my banner..and my wallpaper. They're both 音乐 爱人 with upbeat attitudes, and both romantics. Eric is hardworking and humble, Naveen is cocky and lazy, but I can also see him making Eric laugh a lot and pull him out of his shell a little (to me Eric is slightly shy and reserved). They would play 音乐 together, travel around, and Naveen would serenade him and fall for Eric's natural charm since Naveen's charm is premeditated. They're very different but similar in the right way.
I also really like Ariel x Aladdin, Belle x Elsa, Shang x Phillip, and randomly Jim Hawkins x Audrey Ramirez.

11. Of the eleven princesses ( queens-to-be), which Princess do 你 relate to most? Why 或者 how do 你 relate to her?

Jasmine, probably. There's nothing I really don't relate to. I stick to my morals, I am not shy to verbally confront someone 或者 call them out no matter if they're my superior, I am usually turned off 由 most men and their disingenuousness, I'm considered pretty but unapproachable, and I'm clever. I also have a bad habit of forgiving the person I 爱情 way too many times.

12. Let’s get nitty-gritty. Who is your...
Prettiest? Pocahontas
Funniest? Mulan, I guess
Smartest? 花木兰 also, followed 由 Rapunzel
Nicest? I honestly and truly see 茉莉, 茉莉花 as the nicest. She doesn't talk behind anyone's backs (Cinderella even does this) and she values authenticity. She is so kind and forgiving and only combative to those who wrong her. And she tried to give that kid an apple. Even Snow barged in on a house that wasn't hers. But kindness is valued in different ways:)
Most underrated? 茉莉, 茉莉花 and Merida. Everytime someone criticizes them for being 'bitchy' (jas) 或者 making a mistake (merida) it drives me up the wall. So women can't be human anymore??
Favorite 唱歌 voice? Rapunzel!!!!
Least 最喜爱的 唱歌 voice? Cinderella. It's beautiful but muted.
Most annoying? Meeko and Percy... in their case I support animal cruelty.
Least annoying? Eric...I 爱情 himst..He is a pure 天使 and we are not worthy of him.

13. Some 迪士尼 Couple makes 你 go “aw” and feel all warmly romantic on the inside. Which is your 最喜爱的 DP couple? Why do they have chemistry in your opinion?

Ariel & Eric because they just seem genuine. I also 爱情 Snow White & The Prince because they're both so enthusiastic about each other.

14. Yes. I had to ask it. *shudders* Who is your least 最喜爱的 DP couple? Why are they your least?

This is a contradiction because I 爱情 Tiana and Naveen as a couple, but I also think they're going to get a divorce like a 年 after they get married. Naveen is gonna spend maybe a week working at her restaurant before he's like "nah fam" and leaves on a journey to discover himself and his talents, and Tiana will basically be like "good riddance" and prosper wonderfully without him dragging her down.

15. Princesses would not be princesses without a touch of glam. What is your 最喜爱的 DP Outfit?

Jasmine’s outfit at the very end of 阿拉丁 when she's on the carpet with him. It's purple and sheer and looks like it's made of clouds.

16. And how about your least 最喜爱的 DP Outfit?

From the 最佳, 返回页首 of my head I think of Snow White's main dress. 3 primary colors.. gross.

17. What is your 最喜爱的 song from each DP movie? (It doesn't have to be sung 由 the DP)
Snow White: One Song
Sleeping Beauty: The Gifts of Beauty and Song
Cinderella: The Main Titles
The Little Mermaid: Part of Your World
Beauty and the Beast: Belle (Reprise)
Aladdin: One Jump Ahead
Pocahontas: Just Around the Riverbend
Mulan: I'll Make a Man out of You
Princess and the Frog: When We're Human
Tangled: When Will My Life Begin Reprise
Brave: Mor'Du

Whew. That’s a ton of songs. But I’m glad 你 爱情 them. I, too, seem to feel that these songs resonate with 你 long after you’ve supposedly grown up. (But whoever truly grows up, lol?)

18. Now who is your 最喜爱的 character from each DP movie, besides the DP?
Snow White: The Prince!
Sleeping Beauty: Phillip...or that owl who puts on his clothes.
Cinderella: BRUNO!! I 爱情 HAT DOG!
The Little Mermaid: This may surprise you, but Eric.
Beauty and the Beast: GASTON!
Aladdin: Iago is hands down the funniest character in the movie.
Pocahontas: John Smith...I 爱情 a man who aims to kill and then changes his mind because I'm hot.
Mulan: Shang, a close runner up is every woman's dream, Chi-Fu.
Princess and the Frog: Naveen 哈哈 even though I would probably detest him in real life.
Tangled: Maximus.
Brave: pthhh.......... Mor'Du I guess, but 更多 like his human form, the backstory.

19. Get out the vote!! Who is your 最喜爱的 and least 最喜爱的 DP sidekick?
Favorite: Maximus, if 你 consider Maximus Rapunzel's sidekick. If not, probably Rajah.
Least: Pain and destruction should be brought upon Meeko and Percy.

20. So 你 have a 最喜爱的 DP Quote?

"I am Merida, first born descendant of Clan DunBroch. And I'll be shooting for my own hand!"
also "Right..a prince like you...and every other stuffed shirt, swaggering peacock I've met!"

21. I know that there is one 迪士尼 movie that carries the whole package for you. Which one is your 最喜爱的 迪士尼 movie? (Not being a DP 或者 皮克斯 movie)

Treasure Planet. Is it the best? No, but it resonates emotionally with me so strongly and I find the concept to be one of the most innovative and I 爱情 the world building. Plus John Silver lives my dream life.

 Another extremely underrated movie that packs a punch.
Another extremely underrated movie that packs a punch.

22. Well, I had to ask. Do 你 have a 最喜爱的 皮克斯 movie? Badumtssss.

Absolutely. Monsters Inc. I can't decide if I like Monsters Inc 或者 The Little Mermaid 更多 and that's saying something. Plus Sulley is THICCC

23. Okay, Princesslullaby. Picture yourself as a 2D 或者 a 3D version of yourself. You’re a princess with your own 标题 and a kingdom where 你 reside…. Of your eleven 迪士尼 Princess neighbors, which DP do 你 want to be best 老友记 with?

JASMINE!!! She's got the hook up, the groovy pad, she's fun, and we could just kick it

 PL's spunky 迪士尼 Princess Neighbor
PL's spunky 迪士尼 Princess Neighbor

24. Neighbors can be loving, funny, 或者 just plain irritating people. Which DP do 你 think 你 would not get along with?

This is tough, because I'd like to think I'd get along with all of them. Maybe Belle, only because people who complain without taking action really irk me. I 爱情 Belle to death as a character, but in real life I think she'd drive me up the wall. Also Pocahontas, because she's indecisive and somewhat clueless even though she's seen as "wise" (although I don't find her particularly wise).

25. Have 你 ever been to any of the 迪士尼 theme parks? Which one? If not, which one would 你 like to go to the most?

I have only been to 迪士尼 World, but I did work there for 5 years. I am traveling to Disneyland Paris in May to meet up with two old 潮流粉丝俱乐部 users and spend a 6 日 trip in Paris!!

26. Because now, apparently, it is a thing. CGI 或者 Hand-drawn animation?

Hand drawn! Both take real talent but CGI hasn't quite been perfected yet.

27. Fun 随意 Trivia about Princesslullaby. How did 你 decide on your username?

I have two big spinning wheels in my room with 随意 words on them and I spun them both together and whatever two words they landed on made my username.

28. Let’s see. What are your hopes on...
Upcoming 迪士尼 movies? (At this time, they would be the live-action version of 花木兰 and 阿拉丁 ) I am super looking foward to Mulan. I don't care too much about 阿拉丁 although I am excited to see Will Smith as the Genie! I always like seeing new takes on 电影院 instead of just basically a copy.
Future 迪士尼 movies? Further out: live action Pinocchio, Dumbo, etc.? Could care less to be honest. I wish they came up with 更多 original content.
Something non-DP related 或者 non-Disney related?
Could care less to be honest. I wish they came up with 更多 original content.

Well, thanks so much, Princesslullaby!!! This was terrific, and really fun!! Congrats, again, and well deserved. ;)
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