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So, I made a 最喜爱的 princess countdown a while ago, and decided to post results today.
I choose placements based on fanpopers 得票数 on each princess.
Ex. 花木兰 1st place - 5 votes, 3rd place - 7 votes, 5th place - 2 votes.
So average score for 花木兰 would be 3.
The princess with biggest average score is last, and lady with lowest - first.
If I know which fanpoper had picked princess I write his/hers ID 下一个 to placement
Ex. Ariel - x place - x 得票数 - x fanpoper.
I added all 评论 from 民意调查 (and mine from today that weren't published...
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posted by -MoonlightBelle
Hi, 下一个 part of MBTI series :)

- Think before acting
- Prefer ,,deep'' relationships
- Enjoy being alone
- Listen 更多 than they talk
- Sometimes have trouble with expressing their feelings
- Some of them are shy
- Some of them have trouble with making friends
- Express their secrets and feelings only to family/closest friends
- Don't like talking about eveything and nothing

Cinderella is a great example of introvert - she always thinks before 表演 (her situation kinda explains this), never
searched for company, listen 更多 that talk (when she's with Fairy 灰姑娘 doesn't suggests her...
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Hi, I've decided to make some 文章 to bring back this spot to life and I really enjoy making analysis, so here is first part of MBTI posts.
Hope that you'll enjoy it :)

- Act before thinking (or do both things at the same time)
- Don't mind ,,shallow'' relationships/talks
- Prefer spending time with others
- Talk 更多 than listen
- Doesn't have trouble with expressing themselfs
- Confident
- Makes 老友记 easily
- Likes expressing their secrets and feelings to not-very-close people
- Enjoy talks about everything and nothing
- Outgoing and enthusiastic

Snow White actually fits that description...
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posted by JefefrsonFan99
Although it is quite true that Maleficent is indeed the Big Bad of Sleeping Beauty, there are hints that another antagonist, not evil villain, people might overlook. His name is King Stefan. Princess Aurora's father who rules France.

He is Responsible for Maleficent's Curse on Aurora:
King Stefan invited all the Ladies, Lords, King Hubert, Prince Phillip and the Three Good 精灵 to Aurora's christening, except for Maleficent without Stefan himself confessing his reason why he didn't invite her. After Maleficent curses Aurora, he shows no remorse for his mistake.

He Poorly Handled the Situation...
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I want to make it clear- I 爱情 THE MOVIE ALADDIN, I 爱情 every character in it- except Aladdin. And finally, i'll tell 你 why.
I didn't really organize this well because I couldn't figure this out.

Main issues- Aladdin's sexist/classicism assumptions, and Jasmine's hypocrisy

Scenario: 阿拉丁 sees 茉莉, 茉莉花 in the marketplace, falls for her, brings her back to his poor-boy hut, and together they have a 心 to 心 about how they feel trapped 由 their situations. Although 茉莉, 茉莉花 doesn't explicitly state that she is a princess, she does hint that it's not an enjoyable life. "Oh sure,...
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 Seriously, if these three were princesses they'd be #1
Seriously, if these three were princesses they'd be #1
Oh my god! This is literally the hardest countdown I've ever done! I did this 列表 awhile back and my opinion has changed radically on all the princesses. With my favourites list, one princess moved, with this 列表 they've all changed places, I used math to help me rank them and I was surprised, especially 由 my #8. I gave each of them scores of 1-10 for three different areas, face, body and hair. Then added it up. No one got 30 as their final score. Funny enough, even though they're princesses, none of them are perfect. To be honest I'm only sure about my 最佳, 返回页首 two, this 列表 could change again...
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Who is the most beautiful 迪士尼 heroine ever drawn according to 潮流粉丝俱乐部 princess fans? Let's find out, shall we? This 列表 does not necessarily reflect my own personal opinion but instead shows the results according to approximately forty voters per round. We'll work our way to the 最佳, 返回页首 starting at number fifteen...

 Kida is about eighty eight hundred years old but doesn't look a 日 over 22.
Kida is about eighty eight hundred years old but doesn't look a 日 over 22.

15. Poor Kida. Her film was considered second-rate 迪士尼 由 most and her looks don't get much appreciation either. To her credit, Kida is one of the most unique princesses in appearance and personality....
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posted by JNTA1234
Even though all the princesses are pretty and attractive, one is just abit hotter than the next. So let's get started.

I don't know if it has anything to do with the 3D 动画片 but I just don't find Rapunzel hot. She looks an 11 年 old and she's supposed to be 18. And her face isn't all that great either, her eyes are too freaking large.

9.Snow White
I guess we're not to supposed to find Snow White hot. She is only 14 but she looks a little older than that. Probably because she looks so tall compared to the dwarves. She's too cute and baby like to be hot. I like her...
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 Early concept art of Belle and the Beast
Early concept art of Belle and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast; often considered the 马格南, 大酒瓶, 万能 opus of the Walt 迪士尼 company was released on November 13, 1991. As most people know, it is the only traditionally animated film to 日期 to have garnered an Oscar nomination for Best Picture. This may have been due to the approach to this film. It was so unusual for an animated film; having a screen writer, 表演 director, flawless score, elements that were typically reserved for high-budget live-action films. So much care and detail was put into this film that entire 图书 could be written about...
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Hello everybody, I just wanted to inform that this 文章 is completely my personal option. There is absolutely no need to have a hissy fit if my opinion doesn’t conform to yours. Feel free to 评论 what your own ranking is if 你 wish. Anyways, let’s get on with this ranking.

#14 Merida

 “I’m a boy with long hair.”
“I’m a boy with long hair.”

Merida is one of the most hideous animated females ever. She just screams ugly, unfeminine and manliness. She is the epitome of what’s wrong with strong female characters (or just females in general). Her head shape is hideous and makes her look...
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Hello, I'm PrueFever, a 32 years old guy from Denmark and a Major 迪士尼 Fan! My all-time 最喜爱的 迪士尼 Movie is The Little Mermaid, Walt Disney's 28th full-lenght animated classic from 1989. I just 爱情 all the characters in the movie, the songs, the score and the animation. I grew up with Mermaid, it was the first 迪士尼 Movie I saw, so there's definitely nostalgic reasons as well, I'm not gonna deny that! I can always watch the movie and my mood goes up 100%! It never fails to amaze me. Also, the voice actors in this movie is spetacular! Jodi Benson is great as Ariel and even greater as...
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Years have gone 由 and the Tremaine's had been blessed with two little girls. The elder daughter was named Drizella, after her late grandmother, the Lady Drizella Tremaine. She had curly brown hair, dark eyes, a pointy nose, thin red lips, and wore green a lot with a big blue boy in her hair. She wasn't very pretty but she wasn't ugly either, she was only plainly pretty. She resembled her late grandmother and a little bit from her mother. She also was also very much like her grandmother because of her snobbish attitude and 爱情 for the 更多 superficial things in life. However, she didn't inherit...
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 12 Season Color Wheel
12 Season Color Wheel
So I never really got to experience much of fashion-culture growing up and have just recently begun to give it any focus 或者 attention. I have heard of the rule that "Redheads shouldn't wear pink." and I have seen some people discuss this here on FanPop in terms of Ariel and her 粉, 粉色 dress. I have also read many 评论 debating Aurora's famous "Blue vs. 粉, 粉色 Dress". In those discussions, I heard a talented user on this site, link say things like "She's a Winter." etc. I thought that was so fascinating! I had never heard of this concept before so I decided to look into it. That is how I came...
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The 迪士尼 Princesses wear some of the cutest little outfits, both inside and outside of ceremonies and balls, so I wanted to do a fun and light-hearted ranking of all of their outfits! I already did a sort of "part 1" to this countdown with the non-ceremonial outfits/ball gowns ranked. Here I will be ranking the non-casual categories of outfits. I ranked them based on which I'd like to wear/own most:

Ceremonial (Non-Casual/Non-Ball Gown) Outfits:

10. Tiana's Green Dress:
(Top Right Picture) Probably my least 最喜爱的 of Tiana's dresses. I don't like whatever's going on with the 最佳, 返回页首 half (the...
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This was reposted due to an unwanted and frankly annoying troll spamming my last article

Over the years, I've noticed that people really HATE Aurora in Keys To The Kingdom from 迪士尼 Princess 着魔 Tales: Follow Your Dreams. I've honestly never understood the hate she received, mainly because no one ever freaking EXPLAINS it! I've always asked and they just say "SHE SUCKS," 或者 "SHE'S A GIRLY STEREOTYPE," 或者 "SHE HAS A POP VOICE," and all that but they don't EXPLAIN! The reason this version of Aurora is so hated is even less explained than the plot holes in Frozen. First of all, Enchanted...
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posted by KataraLover
We all know the step-sister from 灰姑娘 that ends up reforming in the sequels. However, many people seem to have criticisms about her because they feel that she shouldn't have been forgiven 由 Cinderella, there was nothing to 显示 that she deserved to be redeemed, and that it's ridiculous that she got to be redeemed but Drizella didn't. First of all, I think I need to explain where this idea of 真假公主 reforming came from. In the original Charles Perrault version of Cinderella, Cinderella's real name was actually Ella. When she became a servant she would sleep 由 the fireplace to keep...
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Okay, so I already did this, but with a different method. This time, I'll just be doing the regular way I always do it. Anyways, please keep in mind that this is my opinion, and we may disagree, so respect my opinion and I'll respect yours.

Enjoy the article! :)

13. Merida
In my opinion, she definitely isn't ugly, but she's not as pretty as the rest of the 迪士尼 Princesses here. First, I absolutely 爱情 her curly red hair! It's absolutely gorgeous. I also 爱情 her eyes, they're very pretty, especially with the blue color to them. However, I do have a problem with her head. Her hair is...
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13. Snow White
Snow would definitely be higher on my 列表 if her curls were 更多 defined. I like the idea of her hair styled in a bob with a red bow. Unfortunately, that idea didn't come out too nicely to me.

12. Cinderella
Strawberry blonde is my 最喜爱的 hair color and Cinderella's burnt 橙子, 橙色 hair color is no doubt uniquely gorgeous. Speaking of unique, so are her bangs but I can't say I really like them as they look like plastic to me.

11. Tiana
The little strands of curls that hang down are pretty cute. Although it doesn't look like 你 can do much with Tiana's hair but tie it...
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Welcome! This is yet another 文章 in defense of the classic Princesses - otherwise known as Snow White, 灰姑娘 and Aurora. I've always wanted to write something like this but never really had the inspiration for it until I read Silverrose1991's fantastic article. I find myself constantly defending the classic three in 民意调查 on here, but I've never actually made an 文章 on it... until now. I hope 你 like my 文章 and apologies if it comes across somewhat preachy 或者 as if I'm attempting to force people to agree with me as this is not my intention.

Note: This is not a bashing of the...
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你 know I hate when people say that classic princesses are not good role 模特 and all these, 你 have never see a person who like cooking and cleaning, cause I like that, and stop judje them, 你 judje them and compare them with things that exist only in the 21th century and with a negative point of view, a selfish point of view, 你 see the critics about them who are very negative, cause that's their work to find negative things, even when they doesn't exist, 你 say they are only cooking and cleaning and waiting for a prince to come, 你 know they don't live in the 21th century! In those...
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