迪士尼公主 Club
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Many thanks to M_gann who helped me come up with this idea and organized the first few polls, as well as to everyone who voted, commented, and 提交 their lists! Now it's finally time to take a look at which DPs we think are most 流行的 and compare them to which DPs actually are most popular. Please take a look at link as well!

11. Merida
Actual rank: 10

Wow, I am legitimately shocked that Merida is 更多 流行的 than we thought she was. I've always viewed her as Fanpop's most hated princess, but I guess that's not true anymore! Unfortunately she's still very unpopular.

I'm going to tentatively guess Merida, although I think Tiana and Snow White are also pretty disliked around here. Merida has had a long tradition of haters though, ever since her film first came out. This mainly seems to stem from people viewing her as a brat, and also those who think she doesn't "fit" in the lineup. ~MaidofOrleans

^well said. ~disnerdtobe

Not only does she have a ton of really vocal haters here, she also doesn't have as many passionate supporters as the other DPs and people rag on her looks a lot. ~UnholyNoise

Ariel gets a lot of flack but she has a lot of passionate 粉丝 here. I haven't seen that for Merida who gets mostly lukewarm support at best. ~jeangreyforever

^ exactly and it kind of sucks. I like her. ~zanhar1

i agree with MaidofOrleans ~anukriti2409

I would say Tiana is the least talked about, but she doesn't get the same continuous hate that Merida gets. ~touchingthesky

i always see people hating on Merida ~pretty_angel92

10. Tiana
Actual rank: 7

Looks like we overestimated Tiana's lack of popularity. Although she certainly isn't universally loved on here, she's 更多 well liked than we thought.

I think her 或者 Snow White. They both tend to be low on people's lists, but both have a few 粉丝 on here as well. I went with Tia because I see 更多 outright dislike for her, while in Snow's case people just don't really talk about her. ~MaidofOrleans

I rarely saw her 粉丝 as well. ~Sparklefairy375

或者 Snow. ~Angelica_AW

Yep ~ApplesauceDoctr

I don't think she appeals much to 迪士尼 fans, especially 迪士尼 Princess fans. ~jeangreyforever

i agree with MaidofOrleans. There's 更多 negative opinions about Tia in general than positive ones, People appreciate Snow's characteristics but she's mainly low because of low relatablity factor. ~anukriti2409

9. Aurora
Actual rank: 9

Aurora is the first of only two princesses that we got exactly right! Poor Aurora is in Fanpop's bottom three princesses, just as we thought.

On the rare occasion when people actually mention her, it's to talk about how she has no personality, etc. ~UnholyNoise

Honestly I haven't seen much, if any, hate for Ariel lately. People just haven't been talking about her a lot. Aurora isn't talked about much either, but I think she tends to be higher on people's lists than Snow, who also tends to be forgotten on here.

Also, Rapunzel is leading this 民意调查 由 a huge margin, but there are no comments. I smell a rigger. (Plus people 爱情 her on here. She is consistently in people's 最佳, 返回页首 5.)

*edit* Changing my vote! I see 更多 Aurora haters on here than Snow haters. ~MaidofOrleans

At first I chose Pocahontas, because nobody really talks about her much. Same with Mulan. But it's obvious that the least 流行的 of all is definitely Aurora! Everyone says she's lazy (?!), 或者 that all she does is sleep (?!?), 或者 that she's bland and devoid of personality (??!??!??)....which is the farthest thing from the truth. All that one needs to do is actually watch the film. ~ClassicTV

I never see any Poca haters but I do see Aurora haters. ~ace2000

hahaha. Belle never has been and likely never will be unpopular, here 或者 irl. Guys, please stop voting for your already very 流行的 faves just because they don't get the 100% adoration rating 你 think they should. be a little objective sometimes.

anyway. I was originally gonna vote for Poca, but I realized people are just neutral towards her when they remember her at all. she's not UNpopular, just... there. then I considered Snow. Aurora's popularity has gotten a boost the past couple years, thankfully, but Snow still gets 更多 respect, I think.

I considered not voting for Aurora at all but yeah, she still gets criticized a lot, and a lot of it is towards her having a growing fanbase here. "she's so overrated! she doesn't DO anything!" Like a largely forgotten/ignored princess (for the franchise, at least) to have a small fanbase on ONE website could possibly make her overrated. As I've pointed out many times, most people even online don't get her name right... 或者 know what happens in her movie... 或者 can name anything about her but "sleeping" which isn't even a personality trait. ~AudreyFreak

i think Snow and Poca both gets their fair amount of respect and admiration. Most people have tend to forgotten Aurora 或者 say most obvious that she doesn't have any depth in her personality. ~anukriti2409

8. Pocahontas
Actual rank: 6

I suspected that Pocahontas might be 更多 流行的 than users were giving her credit for, and it turns out that was the case. We may not hear much about her on here, but she isn't stuck at the bottom of everyone's lists as some people thought.

I don't see hate 或者 爱情 for her here. ~jeangreyforever

^ same ~zanhar1

Same as before. Peoples rarely talk about her here. ~Sparklefairy375

I feel Snow has 更多 lovers. Poca is always mostly in the middle of the list, people neither hate her nor 爱情 her. 更多 importantly, she's also thought to be a boring character 由 many. ~anukriti2409

Poor Pocahontas gets too much hate. She's one of my favourite underrated 迪士尼 characters. ~Starfox2000

^yeah, she's underrated, but when has she ever gotten hate? ~AudreyFreak

7. Snow White
Actual rank: 11

I'll admit I'm surprised that Snow White is Fanpop's least 最喜爱的 princess. I thought that, being the one who started it all, she would be 更多 appreciated, and other users seemed to think so too. Turns out we were wrong.

Ok, it's really time for her to go. She's at the bottom of so many people's lists, and she is rarely talked about on here. ~MaidofOrleans

Compare to the other princesses definitely! ~Angelica_AW

Compared to the other princesses she has very few fans. It is a shame considering she's the 星, 星级 of Walt Disney's first feature length film. But I do understand the hate. Three years 以前 on here, she was at the bottom 或者 秒 last on my lists too. ~PrincessAyeka12

A lot of people dislike her. ~jeangreyforever

she's at best respected for what she represents and her being the first princess but as a character i see very little 爱情 for her. ~anukriti2409

Although she's the first princess that 迪士尼 created, ironically she has a few 粉丝 here. ~Sparklefairy375

She has fewer 粉丝 and popularity compared to the others here. ~truth76

Not that she is disliked,it´s 更多 like is considered less interesting ~lililc

6. Mulan
Actual rank: 1

Ok, so I'm going to have to give a little disclaimer on this result. From the very beginning of this countdown there was a lot of rigging, which is why M_gann decided to give consideration to the 评论 as well as the 得票数 in the poll. It all came to a head here, where 花木兰 won the 民意调查 and 茉莉, 茉莉花 came in second. 花木兰 had three 评论 and 茉莉, 茉莉花 had four. At the time I didn't think that this was a big enough discrepancy to eliminate 茉莉, 茉莉花 instead of Mulan, but I now regret that decision. It was pretty obvious that rigging was a big issue during all of these polls, and after this point I began eliminating DPs exclusively 由 comments. My apologies for this mistake!

She isn't that 流行的 I guess.

Trolls again?(same user names) It seams they hate Punzel pretty much :/ ~tiffany88

She's one of my favorites, but so far I've mostly seen a 更多 hate than 爱情 for her.

EDIT: I just went to the link up there ^ and 花木兰 seems to be the number one for a lot of people... Well, I still haven't seen much people talk about here, so I guess she's loved in a way but kinda underrated? ~FloraorStella

I haven't seen much 爱情 for her lately either which is weird because I thought she was a fan-fav as well. But I also thought that about Belle and she has a lot of haters here. ~jeangreyforever

5. Jasmine
Actual rank: 8

I was surprised that 茉莉, 茉莉花 stayed in the running as long as she did, especially considering that her actual rank is much lower than what users thought it was. 茉莉, 茉莉花 sadly just isn't that well-liked around here.

Hmm, definitely wasn't expecting 花木兰 to get voted out so early. I certainly think 茉莉, 茉莉花 is less 流行的 than her. Lots of people dislike that she's historically inaccurate, plus I tend to hear the words "hypocrite" and "b*tch" tossed around whenever she's brought up. ~MaidofOrleans

I'm surprised 花木兰 went out so soon. I thought she got 更多 praise than Ariel and was considered to the best princess of the renaissance on here.

I agree with MaidofOrleans about 茉莉, 茉莉花 and the 评论 I made in the other poll. ~PrincessAyeka12

Same reason as before. She's less 流行的 and some peoples are tend to dislike her.
Seriously? How can 花木兰 left? I've always think she's one of the most 流行的 in here?! ~Sparklefairy375

Wasn't 茉莉, 茉莉花 voted for the most as the least unpopular in the 前一个 poll? People change their minds real quick XD

Also, what's with the Rapunzel haters up there with the same names ^^ ~FloraorStella

I smell rigging around Mulan. 茉莉, 茉莉花 is way less 流行的 than Mulan. I have never heard a bad thing about 花木兰 ever here. 茉莉, 茉莉花 is my least 最喜爱的 too and is mostly criticized for being historically inaccurate and rude princess.

My 下一个 vote would be for Belle. ~anukriti2409

4. Cinderella
Actual rank: 4

This round required a tiebreaker between 灰姑娘 and Belle! It was very close, but the 粉丝 decided that 灰姑娘 seemed 更多 unpopular than Belle. Although they were wrong about her being less 流行的 (she's actually slightly 更多 liked than Belle), she did end up in the same rank on both lists!

As I 说 before she is 更多 respected 由 peoples rather than being loved 或者 hated. Belle have some haters, but she still have a lot of fans. ~Sparklefairy375

I actually wish 花木兰 wasn't voted out now. She's way 更多 流行的 than 灰姑娘 without a doubt. That being said, 灰姑娘 is definitely not that 流行的 on this site. ~FloraorStella

On the whole of Fanpop. ~ace2000

Definitely! World wide she is pretty 流行的 but on 潮流粉丝俱乐部 Belle has much 更多 fans. ~tiffany88

So far what I've seen, 灰姑娘 has not been high on any 收藏夹 lists that I've read. ~Beastlysoul25

My poor dear is so underrated here on 潮流粉丝俱乐部 :-( ~EmaSomolanyiova

She doesn't get the same attention that Belle does, that's for sure. Belle, despite criticism, ends up at the 最佳, 返回页首 of most user's 最喜爱的 lists on Fanpop. As I've 说 before, Belle is usually #1, #2, #3 或者 #4 on people's 最喜爱的 lists on Fanpop. Only a couple of people (myself and Ace2000) have Belle at #10 或者 #11. That's two people out of what, 更多 than 76 潮流粉丝俱乐部 users? Belle is hardly stuck at the bottom on Fanpop. Contrast this, with seeing only a couple of people, including myself, having 灰姑娘 in their 最佳, 返回页首 5, and
only one 或者 two people having 灰姑娘 as their 最佳, 返回页首 迪士尼 Princess overall. Owleyes and hatelarxene are the only users I know of, who 列表 灰姑娘 as their 最佳, 返回页首 DP. But at least 12 或者 更多 users 列表 Belle in their 最佳, 返回页首 five, and of that number, at least 5 users have Belle as their 最佳, 返回页首 princess.

My point is that 灰姑娘 is
definitely less 流行的 than Belle is around Fanpop. ~wavesurf

Belle has 更多 fans. ~truth76

Wavesurf has a point. ~PrincessAyeka12

3. Belle
Actual rank: 5

Yeah, I saw a few users saying that she was Fanpop's favorite. Nope, she's not, although she did manage to squeeze into the 最佳, 返回页首 five. She tends to be high on people's lists, but she's pretty far from the number one spot.

I see far 更多 criticism for Belle than for either Ariel 或者 Punzie. Not only that, but she is in people's 最佳, 返回页首 three less often as well. I still maintain that 花木兰 is Fanpop's most popular, and I'm disappointed she got voted out so early, but I think Punzie is probably 秒 and Ariel is probably third, so I'm not too unhappy with this 最佳, 返回页首 three. ~MaidofOrleans

She's the most polarizing. ~jeangreyforever

I'm surprised these three made it this far. I've heard a good amount of criticism of each of them. ~disnerdtobe

Belle gets a lot of criticism and heated debates. ~PrincessAyeka12

Compared with Ariel and Rapunzel, she gets a lot of hatred and criticism. ~Sparklefairy375

100% agree with MaidofOrleans. I think 花木兰 should have been the winner of this countdown. Belle definitely has lot less 爱人 than haters. I have hardly seen Rapunzel in bottom end of anyone's list. At best, she's only thought to be of "too-perfect" to be Mary Sue. Even Belle's qualities are considered to be as negative and labelled as "pseudo-intelligence" and "snob". At least Ariel is appreciated and liked for her qualities of being free-spirited, adventurous and fun-loving. ~anukriti2409

2. Ariel
Actual rank: 3

The final 民意调查 was extremely close, but Ariel was determined to be slightly less 流行的 because she's a far 更多 polarizing character. Turns out we were right! Despite this she's still a very 流行的 character and it's not uncommon to find her in users' 最佳, 返回页首 five favorites.

Both are very popular, but I see 更多 criticism of Ariel, and she also tends to be low on people's lists 更多 often than Punzie. ~MaidofOrleans

It's opposite outside 潮流粉丝俱乐部 but here Rapunzel gets 更多 爱情 than Ariel. ~truth76

Ariel is
definitely LESS 流行的 than Rapunzel. The most that Rapunzel gets is being called a Mary Sue on Fanpop. Most of the time users don't have anything else negative to say about Rapunzel.

On Fanpop, Ariel gets derided on her choices. Ariel's hair color is mocked. Ariel's dresses are "ugly" to some people. Users on 潮流粉丝俱乐部 believe Ariel's abusive dad Triton is right to bully her, and she should have stayed in the sea, and never visited the world above. Ariel is considered "stupid" and is seen as "trading her self-worth for a guy." Users think Ariel "tricked" Eric, 由 pretending not to be who she was....? I don't know how. As soon as Ariel got her voice back, she sang, and Eric
knew exactly who she was. Eric shook off Ursula's spell and made a beeline towards Ariel. And Ariel managed to get his attention, even without her damn voice.

I've hardly ever had to really defend Rapunzel, my third princess, on Fanpop. Instead, I have to keep right on defending Ariel, my 秒 最喜爱的 princess from yet 更多 "cooked up notions" of how evil she is. 潮流粉丝俱乐部 is really a horrible place...now that I've been here a while.

I don't know how many times "ghost users" and "legit users" on 潮流粉丝俱乐部 have literally come out of their foxholes and attacked me for defending Disney's mermaid princess. I know people are entitled to hate whatever they hate, but one of the major reasons I dislike 潮流粉丝俱乐部 on the whole--- and the damn internet---is because I find it
extremely difficult to only get vitriol and horrible blow-back directed at me, for loving a character that I think needs 更多 respect. Other princesses get respect. Even if these princesses are ignored on Fanpop, the 粉丝 who like them aren't attacked. Just saying that off of 潮流粉丝俱乐部 and the internet is better for me. I find it really disgusting to be bullied. ~wavesurf

I agree with Wavesurf. Also users hate 80's fashion with passion. However I have seen a rise of Ariel 粉丝 recently on the polls. But Rapunzel is still 更多 popular. ~PrincessAyeka12

I don't agree with this at all. Belle is 更多 流行的 than Rapunzel! ~FloraorStella

A lot of people criticize Ariel for being immature and selfish. ~disnerdtobe

^ Lots and lots of people. ~ace2000

She definitely gets 更多 hate than Rapunzel. Rapunzel is always in this 安全 zone with fans, she's sweet and a bit naive and jolly person. Hardly I have seen people criticize her. Ariel has her lot of dedicated 粉丝 but she also gets criticized equally 由 the other lot. She basically swings a lot between being at the 最佳, 返回页首 end and the lower end of the lists for people. I have hardly seen her in the middle of the 列表 for anyone. ~anukriti2409

1. Rapunzel
Actual rank: 2

Although we were wrong about Rapunzel being Fanpop's favorite, she did land 秒 place in the 收藏夹 survey, so I'd say we were pretty close. She is nearly universally loved on this club, consistently landing in people's 最佳, 返回页首 three favorites.

I can't believe it! Belle got kicked off???
Well, as much as I don't want to admit it, Ariel is popular. ~Beastlysoul25

I think Belle is much 流行的 than Rapunzel.
But from these two definitely Ariel. Everyone know Ariel, 爱情 her 或者 hate her, everyone have an opinion about her. People aren't really passionate about Rapunzel. ~tiffany88

Both are 流行的 but Rapunzel is slightly less memorable if compared with Ariel. ~Sparklefairy375

my 最佳, 返回页首 2 最喜爱的 DPs ~twinklestar11

I really didn't expect that Rapunzel would get this far... ~Anaji

I guess I'm too new to have seen much Ariel hate. Maybe because Ariel is my favorite, I've only really seen her 爱人 and the nostalgic fans. Rapunzel on the other hand I've seen both plenty of 爱情 and hate. ~jeangreyforever

I do not think she is 流行的 here. In my country she is so-so liked. ~phalangeregina

 Just coz ;)
Just coz ;)
Okay, I'll try not to totally bore anyone who reads this, and I know a lot of people will seriously feel like killing me after 阅读 this, but hey, it's just my opinion. I never bag yours :P May be some bad language, but chill.

I know plenty of 你 are probably thinking "Wtf? Is she on drugs?" .. and the answer is no. I don't even have a real reason for her being this low. I think maybe it's the short hair, sickeningly sweet voice, and the fact that she takes an 苹果 from the freakiest looking old lady I have ever fcking seen! If I had one piece of 建议 to give...
continue reading...
 *~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
Yes, 你 read it correctly...I'm 写作 what I DO NOT like about them...I thought it would be a refreshing change of pace from all the other 文章 I have written in the past couple of months. These aren't in any particular order...I just numbered them chronologically. Here we go...

**if 你 are easily offended, 你 might want to stop 阅读 right here...ok, no turning back now...

Snow White
 Someday her puberty will come...
Someday her puberty will come...

The voice....oh poor Snow White. I wish 你 would have hit puberty at some point during your movie so your voice wouldn't come across so irritating. Not like Jessica...
continue reading...
So, I don't know how many people will actually be interested in 阅读 my 列表 of favourite princesses, but I decided to make one anyway so too bad. :P One of the main reasons I made this is so I can have a structured 列表 as to who my favourites are, as the only thing I seem to know in my 列表 is who is first. So, let the countdown begin!

9. Aurora

I don't know what it is about her, I've just never really liked her. Sure, she's beautiful, but that's about all I can say in favour of her. She's hardly even in her own movie and her voice just really bothers me. Never been a big 粉丝 of Aurora...
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9)Snow White
I have nothing to say!Don't like ANYTHING about her!
I really 爱情 Tiana!I really,REALLY do!But i like the other 7 more!She's hard-working,persistent,unstoppable...And that's how 你 make a dream come true!
Funny,positive,always smiling...When i hear those words i think of Ariel!She's also stubborn and she's still a child!
I 爱情 that girl!She's sharp,confident,ambitious...She's not afraid to speak up her mind and she's not afraid of the consequences!You go girl!
Bookworm,smart,unique,quiet...That's Belle!Most of the people in her city thought that she's...
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Everyone stood, gaping at Mulan. Tiana's eyes flickered back and forth from Cinderella, 花木兰 and the spear. Finally, after a short period of 《冰雪奇缘》 shock, Aurora rushed 前锋, 期待 and knelt 下一个 to Cinderella's body. A single tear ran down her face. It hit the ground, then she looked up. "How could you? What did 灰姑娘 ever do to you?"
"Nothing! I-"
"Exactly. Nothing. I'd banish 你 and let the knights hunt 你 down, but I can't risk the lives of my people."
"You wouldn't! I didn't-"
"Just shut it, Mulan. 你 killed Ariel, and now Cinderella." She turned to a guard that happened to be walking...
continue reading...
"WHAT?!" 花木兰 burst out. "You think I KILLED ARIEL?!"
"Well...it's not like we WANT to suspect you, dear," 说 Aurora. "But 你 DID kill Shan-Yu...and all of his Hun army in that avalanche 你 caused."
"I had to! That's what a soldier does. otherwise it would've looked suspicious."
"You are a girl. 你 were already out of whack."
Tears streamed down Mulan's face. "I don't know WHO I can trust anymore! Ariel's dead...you all think I did it. I just want to go home."
Mushu popped out from Mulan's bag. "You still have me, girl! Aren't I much better than these catty princesses?"
"AHH!" Everyone shrieked....
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posted by madisonsavanna
Yes, I'm remaking it. Mainly because my other one was sort of thrown together and it the 文章 itself kind of sucked because it was my first and I just kind of 说 stuff...So here's the updated one!

 This is my 最喜爱的 sceencap of her, even though her hairs all messed up and she's SUPPOSED to look tired and worn out,..but she looks really pretty IMO
This is my 最喜爱的 sceencap of her, even though her hairs all messed up and she's SUPPOSED to look tired and worn out,..but she looks really pretty IMO

Favorite Feature: Her smile
Least 最喜爱的 Feature: Her hair

I think Tiana is pretty, but that's where it stops. At...pretty. I do find her kind of plain. 你 know the scene where she's serving people? (when 夏洛特 is telling her...
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18.) Drizella Tremaine
 "I'v never been a 粉丝 of Drizella at all"-VGfan30
"I'v never been a 粉丝 of Drizella at all"-VGfan30
"She's a dumb bitch"-kenzieiscool People don't like her becuase she is mean to poor 灰姑娘 and has no redeeming qualities. She is slightly prettier then her sister in my mind however.

17.) Carlotta
 "I don't like her at all"-sweetie-94
"I don't like her at all"-sweetie-94
"Carlotta is okay, her voice just irritates me"-DreamyGal, "She seems to act weird towards Ariel"-percyandpotter.

16.) 真假公主 Tremaine
 "Anastasia? I really like her, she is funny."-tiffany88
"Anastasia? I really like her, she is funny."-tiffany88
"I don't like her"-sweetie94, "ugly and so on"-skypirate....
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So I recently re-watched all the 电影院 and completely changed my personal ranking of the prettiest princesses.

9. Snow White

The youngest of the princesses, it makes sense that Snow is extremely cute looking but not gorgeous. Her face is a little pudgy her eyes are shut most of the time.

8. Mulan

One of my favourites, 花木兰 is definitely not ugly, she's quite pretty in my opinion. Unfortunately, she's 更多 plain than the others and doesn't have that extra spark. I 爱情 her oriental eyes and sleek hair though.

7. Tiana

Very pretty but again, lacks the je ne sais quoi that the...
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For first: šwhy do i have done this? Answer:No idea. i was bored and i wanted to make a countdown and this is the most amuzing page with the most amusing people: YOU. Bot here are so many countdowns and they are great so i deceded to make a new countdown about princesses sexi bodies. Forgive me the 床, 床上 language an i hope 你 will injoy the reading.

9. Is there any countdown where Snow White is not the leatest? anyway i thint she deserves this place and i can see 你 do agree.She has no breasts, she has no,no, just nothing. Theres nothing interesting about her body.She is very childish at every...
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 着魔 is without a doubt the best 迪士尼 film I have seen in a long time.A sweet 幻想 tale all about True Love.
Enchanted is without a doubt the best Disney film I have seen in a long time.A sweet fantasy tale all about True Love.
Ok I absolutly 爱情 fairytales as they contain magical scenes like in 阿拉丁 where 阿拉丁 was taking 茉莉, 茉莉花 on a ride on the magic carpet, romance like 灰姑娘 meeting her prince ,Enchanting moments like in The Little Mermaid where Ariel gave up her life as a mermaid to be with a human. So I decided to write an 文章 on my favourite princess movies.

1. The Little Mermaid

Since I was about 7 years of age The Little Mermaid was my all time favourite movie. Packed with a great film score from the late Howard Ashman and Alan Menken, and a great story plot, TLM was a very good movie. My favourite...
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Here are my 最喜爱的 scenes from each Princess movie.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
 Ho hum the tune is dumb, the words don't mean a thing. Isn't this a silly song for anyone to sing?
Ho hum the tune is dumb, the words don't mean a thing. Isn't this a silly song for anyone to sing?

I 爱情 the scene where they are all 唱歌 and dancing. They all seem so happy and are having such a good time. It surprises even myself that the end 接吻 scene isn't my favorite. I just find it depressing that Snow White leaves the very people who loved and took care of her for some dude she never even spoke to.

 But 你 see, I have the other glass slipper!
But 你 see, I have the other glass slipper!

I 爱情 this freaking part. Cinderella...
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posted by DreamyGal
Well, what can I say. I'm bored at work, and thought about 写作 a little bit about my 最喜爱的 princesses, so here they are...

9. Mulan
I don’t hate Mulan; I just like the others better. I admire her for her bravery and strength. She sacrificed herself to save her Father; that’s 爱情 people. My 最喜爱的 line from her movie is “The greatest gift and honor... is having 你 for a daughter”. It is such a loving and powerful line.
 Who is that girl I see?
Who is that girl I see?

8. Snow White
Snow White is so innocent and sweet, how can 你 not adore her? I 爱情 her sweet spirit and the fact that she keeps on...
continue reading...
posted by KataraLover
This is my version it a work in progress it how I feel I wish I could be a merman

Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't 你 think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't 你 think I'm the one?
The one who has everything
Look at this trove
Treasures untold
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Looking around here 你 think
Sure I've got everything
I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty
I've got whozits and whatzits galore
You want thingamabobs?
I've got twenty!
But who cares?
No big deal
I want more

I wanna be where the merpeople are
I wanna see wanna see them swimming
with those-what do 你 call'em?

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posted by AllegroGiocoso
    “Hang on,” Tiana told the others with a confused expression. “What are 你 all doing here?”
    “We are lost, and we have missing friends, and we were looking for you,” Ariel told Tiana. “Do 你 know where we are?”
    “New Orleans,” Tiana told the others.
    “Like noorwhens!” Ariel told Tiana excitedly. “Those are those things that 你 cut things with…Scuttle told me about those!”
    “Those are called knives,” Tiana told Ariel. “I run a restaurant, I should...
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posted by AllegroGiocoso
    “Oh my,” 灰姑娘 gasped as she looked at the girl she was staring at. If this was a princess, this would certainly be the strangest princess any of them had yet seen. She had sparse clothing on in a sandy color, with her arms and legs exposed, but she had long, black hair that waved in the windy air.
    The girl was tattooed and she playfully smiled. Ariel decided, “How about 你 go through the same thing!” and Ariel plunged the girl into the water, and the girl came out, shaking her head out.
    “My name is Pocahontas,”...
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posted by DreamyGal
 *~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
For most of my life I’ve been a scullery maid.
My Stepmother wants me dead, and I’m afraid.
I’m lucky, because I was able to get away.
I didn’t know what was to become of me, but I knew I’d be okay.
I had just met my one true love, and we shared one song.
I know it’s with him that I belong.
I don’t know if I’ll ever see him again,
But as for now I am living with seven little men.
They gave me a 首页 when I had no where else to go.
My feelings for them are starting to grow.
They want to keep me 安全 from the evil Queen.
All they ask in return is that I cook for them and clean.
I’ve never...
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posted by DreamyGal
 *~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
It was only yesterday that I wanted to leave this place.
Today that is no longer the case.
Things have changed, and I don’t understand.
Nothing is going as I planned.
In his presence I used to be scared.
I was lonely and I didn’t think he cared.
But now there is something different in his eyes.
He’s letting his guard down, and isn’t wearing a disguise.
His inner beauty is finally shining through.
He is sincere and true.
Now I stand in front of a mirror in a beautiful yellow dress.
I feel a little nervous, I must confess.
I think I have fallen in 爱情 with him.
Should I tell him how I feel, and go out on a limb?
Yes, my feelings must be released,
Because this Beauty has fallen in 爱情 with a Beast.
I realized before I continued on with 写作 my Disneyville High school story, I needed to put my various students into cliques of some sort. I have one rule only *No 迪士尼 herione/princess can be in the "Meal Girl" area. That's restricted to the triplets (one of whom is called Helene), Driezella and Anastasia, and anyone else I can think of who isn't a 迪士尼 heroine (or isn't a teacher)

Gaston is jock-either football 或者 wresting.

the others?
Snow White* she's the youngest
Belle-nerdy type I think
Ariel-(I need something for her to collect?)


I've been thinking of 写作 a 文章 for awhile now, but I wanted to wait until after 魔发奇缘 came out before I wrote it. This is my first article.

10. Tiana(The Princess and the Frog)
I don't dislike Tiana, but I don't care much for her either. She's a dreamer, but her dream is a realistic one, and a like the daydreamers more. She also quite bland compared to some of the other characters, such as 夏洛特 and Naveen. If she wasn't the main character, I'd probably wouldn't remember her as much.

9. Jasmine(Aladdin)
Now, I like Jasmine. She's smart, pretty, and knows how to stand up for...
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