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 I really think he loses it, here... Raging at a person is not explaining to a person your personal view.
I really think he loses it, here... Raging at a person is not explaining to a person your personal view.
Triton is one of those dads in 迪士尼 that absolutely makes me squirm. I don’t 爱情 him, and I don’t hate him. But I do find him extremely unnerving, and on the same plane of Mother Gothel upsetting. He clearly alternates between being “nice” only sometimes, and then being really “explosively nasty” at other periods. King Triton’s rule is a patriarchy. I think his abusive tendencies, though, stem from insecurities he has within himself. Triton is afraid of the unknown. He's also afraid of not appearing “manly” enough. ( Bizarrely, this also makes me think of Prince Adam and Gaston, who are also both afraid of not “looking like men” in front of women). Anyway, Triton shares the trait of “trying to look manly” with his adviser, Sebastian, since both males tend to view females as lesser individuals, and needing “constant supervision.” Triton seems to believe that in order to be a successful ruler and father “he must maintain control of the situation” at all times.
    This is something that has always bothered me about him. In fact, the very first time we are introduced to Triton in the original movie, he is wracked with anxiety about the sea 音乐会 celebration. To Triton, the celebration, and specifically Ariel 唱歌 at it matters, because it “keeps up appearances.” Having Ariel and the rest of her sisters sing at concerts reflects well on Triton. Why? Being a man who has the daughters with “the best voices in the ocean” gives Triton a heck of a lot of high social status. Triton definitely worries about his social status. It's part of his own emotional vulnerability. That’s why he is so infuriated when Ariel misses the concert. He is thinking of his vulnerability and embarrassment, and about social mores. The social mores of Atlantica and the ocean deem mermaid princesses ( the crowning females of the ocean) to have no innate power 或者 choices, as they belong as fixtures in the palace, a kind of “beautiful treasure collection.” Ariel upsets Triton’s expectations 由 making “choices” that, according to Triton’s laws, she should not be allowed to make. 由 being an explorer and venturing to the surface (an area where “Triton’s rule ends” because he must share this area with humans), Ariel demonstrates that she has free will. Triton does not believe Ariel “needs free will.” The very first father-daughter interaction in this movie causes me to believe this.
(Fade to the palace 王座, 宝座 room where Ariel is being admonished.)

Triton: I just don't know what we're going to do with you, young lady.

Ariel: Daddy, I'm sorry, I just forgot, I -

Triton: As a result of your careless behavior -

Sebastian: Careless and reckless behavior!

Triton: - the entire celebration was, er -

Sebastian: Well, it was ruined! That's all. Completely destroyed! This

音乐会 was to be the pinnacle of my distinguished career. Now thanks to

你 I am the laughing stock of the entire kingdom!

Flounder: But it wasn't her fault! Ah - well - first, ahh, this 鲨鱼 chased us - yeah - yeah! And we tried to - but we couldn't - and - grrrrrrrrr - and - and we - whoooaaaaaa - oh, and then we were safe. But then this seagull came, and it was this is this, and that is that, and -

Triton: Seagull? What? Oh - 你 went up to the surface again, didn't you?


Ariel: Nothing - happened. . . .

Triton: Oh, Ariel, How many times must we go through this? 你 could've been seen 由 one of those barbarians - 由 - 由 one of those humans!

Ariel: Daddy, they're not barbarians!

Triton: They're dangerous. Do 你 think I want to see my youngest daughter snared 由 some fish-eater's hook?

Ariel: I'm sixteen years old - I'm not a child anymore -

Triton: Don't 你 take that tone of voice with me young lady. As long as 你 live under my ocean, you'll obey my rules!

Ariel: But if 你 would just listen -

Triton: Not another word - and I am never, NEVER to hear of 你 going to the surface again. Is that clear? (Ariel leaves, crying.)

Sebastian: Hm! Teenagers. . . . They think they know everything. 你 give them an inch, they swim all over you.

Triton: Do you, er, think I - I was too hard on her?

Sebastian: Definitely not. Why, if Ariel was my daughter, I'd 显示 her who was boss. None of this "flitting to the surface" and other such nonsense. No,
sir - I'd keep her under tight control.

Triton: You're absolutely right, Sebastian.

Sebastian: Of course.

Triton: Ariel needs constant supervision.

Sebastian: Constant.

Triton: Someone to watch over her - to keep her out of trouble.

Sebastian: All the time -

Triton: And 你 are just the 螃蟹 to do it.

    Again, we see the emphasis from Triton and Sebastian on "showing who is boss" and keeping “Ariel under strict supervision.” We, the audience, thus surmise that Ariel is a social pariah for having her disparate views. We know nothing about Ariel’s mother in the first movie. Not a trace. But something must have clearly happened to his wife, because Triton is running scared. He’s scared of humans. So scared is he of them, that he has forbidden any chance of ever encountering one: that’s what being forbidden to visit the surface means. Triton has no control up there, and that’s what scares him and worries him. Triton wants to protect his populace as his 最佳, 返回页首 priority, so he has lowered his portcullis-- meant to keep the humans out as well as confine the merpeople within. His laws/rules really make up a kind of voluntary sequestration, if 你 will.
    Ariel hides from her father’s explosive anger. After the argument with Triton, where she is forbidden to even explain her side of the story—that’s what “Not another word!” means—Ariel tries to hide. Victims of domestic violence often withdraw and try to avoid their abusers. They tiptoe around them. They know the “triggers” that set off the “lambaste” and the “raging.” Ariel even admits in her grotto, that she knows that her father has a different view than she does.

Ariel: If only I could make him understand. I just don't see things the way he does. I don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things - could be

    Now, here is the part I really don’t get. Why doesn’t Triton explain to his daughter why she cannot venture to the surface? (Heck, even Mother Gothel shares/ scares Rapunzel into compliance, with her song about the world outside the tower, lol). But honestly, any good parent should want to champion their child’s burgeoning self-awareness and independence—and what better way to do that than 由 offering “some explanation 或者 reasoning” for why 你 believe humans are “X, Y, and Z.” Then your child can at least acknowledge where 你 sit on the topic. Your child won’t have "to guess" why 你 believe something to be true, and your child can believe your efforts to “protect them” matter because they can see the logic and the reasoning behind it.
    Does King Triton explain to Ariel why he set up these laws? No. He does not. And this is what leads them to verbally spar with each other when in the same room.
    I’m skipping ahead now, to the section of the movie after Ariel saves a human’s life, Eric’s. Ariel is thrilled to have met a human for the first time. Of course, 说 human was 1) self-effacing, 2) saved his father figure, 3) saved his dog, and 4) did not threaten to kill a merperson.
    Yes, throw in the “hot looking” factor, and if 你 are a pubescent girl 或者 boy, 你 know that hormones make thinking quite a bit harder in adolescence. However, falling for someone is real… even if in 迪士尼 they so definitely rush up “the how 你 get from friendship to romance” in 96-102 minutes.
     Anyway, Ariel is on 云, 云计算 nine. She’s high on dopamine from falling for Eric. Her sisters are the first to notice this, and tell Triton that “Ariel is in love.” Triton is taken aback at this for a while. Then he feels kind of happy and smiley about this event, too. He is all smiles, because, again, according to the social mores of the Altantican and ocean population…an impending marriage is great news if 你 are the father of the bride. Your social status goes up if your daughter marries.
    Triton never suspects that Ariel has fallen for a human. And why should he? He believes that he has “made his thoughts known” and “the subject is closed.” But since Triton did not explain his reasoning for why he is so scared of humans…the subject is not as “closed” as he assumes that it is. This is the interval where Triton is closest to being “the nice, caring” father to Ariel. He does not 显示 any opposition to his daughter finding someone and falling in love.
    Just as I was getting all of these warm and fuzzy feelings for Triton…then comes the section of the movie where Triton needs to know who Ariel’s paramour is. Sebastian is summoned, and divulges who Ariel loves. And Triton does a 180-degree-characterization-shift. All of his “happiness” for his daughter dissolves into rage. In a fury he visits Ariel’s grotto, where he delivers yet another reprimand. In the admonishment, he—yet again—“talks around” why he is so scared of humans.

Triton: I consider myself a reasonable merman. I set certain rules, and I expect those rules to be obeyed.

Ariel: But Daddy!-

Triton: Is it true 你 rescued a human from drowning?

Ariel: Daddy, I had to-

Triton: Contact between the human world and the mer-world is strictly forbidden. Ariel, 你 know that! Everyone knows that!

Ariel: He would have died-

Triton: One less human to worry about!

Ariel: 你 don't even know him.

Triton: Know him? I don't have to know him. They're all the same. Spineless, savage, harpooning, fish-eaters, incapable of any feeling-

Ariel: Daddy, I 爱情 him!

Triton: No . . . Have 你 迷失 your senses completely? He's a human, you're a mermaid!

Ariel: I don't care.

Triton: So help me Ariel, I am going to get through to you. And if this is the only way, so be it. (Begins to blast the artifacts with his trident.)

Ariel: Daddy!. . . No . . . No, please- Daddy, stop!. . . Daddy, Nooo!!. . .

(He blasts the statue. Ariel begins crying and he leaves, ashamed.)

    When Ariel mentions that Eric would have died, Triton says coldly, “One less human to worry about!” Okay. That was completely unnecessary. Humans have just as much a right to live as the merpeople do. And claiming that 你 don’t have to know the human in 问题 to “pass judgement” on him is rather prejudicial. 你 just speak out of a lack of knowledge, Triton.

    Furthermore, what happened to your wife, Triton? Why don’t 你 address that, instead of calling all humans “Spineless, savage, harpooning, fish-eaters.” That would actually help me believe your criticism towards humans is well-founded.
    But, Triton is ASSUMING that all humans are “incapable of any feeling.” Really? He doesn’t know that for a fact, because he is a recluse. Triton has not gone and spied on multiple humans for an extended period of time to see how their emotions play out. (Triton, 你 don’t get out much, so 你 can’t realistically back up that argument, can you?) In fact, Triton proceeds to tell his daughter to her face that she:

1)    Does not have the freedom to make any choices for herself.


2)    Has 迷失 her mind.     
    Triton implies that his own daughter is insane! Ouch.
    I have forever wondered at what Triton does next, though. It’s not enough to belittle his daughter’s arguments. Triton proceeds to DESTROY all of the things that his daughter loves. I don’t feel warm and fuzzy toward Triton after this incident. I don’t feel “under King Triton’s protection” at that moment. What I feel is that Ariel has just been severely bullied. And Triton is like most domestic violence abusers. He 威化饼, 华夫饼 back and forth being “nice” occasionally, and then “flies into a rage” when he is upset. Then he looks embarrassed about it afterward.
    Having taken a domestic violence class in my own life, I can identify that the victims of domestic violence so often have to walk around on eggshells, desperately trying to keep the fragile peace alive. Victims usually “worry” about upsetting the abuser. Why do 你 think Ariel hid her grotto and never told her dad about its location? Of course, she did. Ariel knew it would upset him and make him “enraged.” Ariel knew her dad would never listen to her, and was trying to have a “small area of reprieve” from the abuse. Ariel knew that hiding her collection would not last, though.
    After the destruction of all of her items, Ariel goes off and makes a deal with the manipulative sea witch. This is the deal, that everyone blames Ariel for making, because it jeopardizes Atlantica. But I consider Atlantica as being already jeopardized, from the very moment the family dynamic between father and daughter deteriorated into domestic violence. I actually blame Triton for emotionally bullying Ariel until she dissolved into tears and sought Ursula’s help. If Triton had been able to listen to his daughter and had been willing compromise with her, Ariel would definitely have gone to him first about her “wish” to be a human.
    There are consistent arguments that vilify Ariel, and claim that she made all the wrong choices in the movie. But the movie itself actually shows that Triton was the major “force” that drove Ariel to Ursula's lair. If the truth at the very 心 of this movie is to be told…both daughter and father share an equal amount of the blame, since they both created the mess that almost swamped Atlantica.

    To 包, 换行 up, one of my 最喜爱的 parts of this movie is the moment when both Sebastian and King Triton acknowledge that they were WRONG to “prevent Ariel from having free will” and to prevent Ariel “from growing up.” Everybody makes mistakes in this movie. Ariel made the mistake of taking Ursula's deal. Triton made the mistake of breaking his daughter's spirit. I believe that King Triton’s kindest act was to accept that all humans weren’t completely awful. His 秒 kindest act was to give his daughter her legs.
    (Fade to morning with Eric on 海滩 and Ariel watching from a distance.

Triton and Sebastion look on.)

Triton: She really does 爱情 him, doesn't she, Sebastian?

Sebastian: Well, it's like I always say, Your Majesty. Children got to be free to lead their own lives.

Triton: 你 - always say that? (sighs) Then I guess there's just one problem left.

Sebastian: And what's that, Your Majesty?

Triton: How much I'm going to miss her.

    At some point, children cease to be “children.” They need to make their own mistakes, and they need to have the freedom to lead their own lives. Yes, I do feel that Triton was overreaching, and not the best father, because he did abuse his daughter at the beginning and at the middle of the movie. However, I do consider King Triton “redeemed” at the end, because “he began communicating with his daughter” and “began seeking to understand her view to which he was formerly so opposed.” The ability to listen is so important. That is a large part of why I tear up at the end of this film.

For a slightly different view than mine, on why someone would find King Triton abusive… here is another article. link.

    I know this is a touchy subject, so many thanks for reading.
 One of King Triton's redeeming acts.
One of King Triton's redeeming acts.
For those of 你 who dont know 茉莉, 茉莉花 has been my 最喜爱的 迪士尼 Princess FOREVER. I just really feel that 茉莉, 茉莉花 has one of the best personalities out of all the princesses and I want to express why, because I feel she needs a little bit 更多 love. :) Despite her sassiness, she is very generous, kind, fun-loving, and flirty.

Before 写作 my reasons on why 茉莉, 茉莉花 is the best DP, I my 3 reasons on why people may not like 茉莉, 茉莉花 或者 maybe why they have her low on their list. Not all of them may be true.

Reason 1- She has a bad temper.
Reason 2- She is selfish.
Reason 3- Her sassiness is annoying...
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posted by princecatcher93
 图标 made 由 made 由 cuteasprincie
Icon made by made by cuteasprincie
Hello everyone, and welcome to team Rapunzel's Team Article. Now 你 maybe thinking why is princecatcher93 写作 this? Well I was asked 由 Team Rapunzel to 加入 them because a lot of them got really busy to help them. So I joined the team. I only help make the 文章 but the 粉丝 art, banner, power came from this team.

 粉丝 Art made 由 Emmalou13
Fan Art made 由 Emmalou13

I like Rapunzel mainly because of her character development. I admire characters who develop in the movie and Rapunzel was one of those characters. She went from being an insecure girl to a strong, mature woman. I also like her art skills and...
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posted by BelleRose829
 Is basically what he said...
Is basically what he said...
I want to do this for all the 迪士尼 princesses but 花木兰 has to come first she is like my 最喜爱的 princess, but still not my 最喜爱的 princess. She is just so awesome. I'll try to not be redundant but pardon me if I do. Without further introduction, here are the reasons I 爱情 Mulan.

花木兰 shows independence, maturity, bravery, everything a lot of the mother princesses seem to be lacking. She is a amazing role model for young girls, 由 her being the heroine, saving a whole country and the person she loves, yet putting her family before love, and making her man come to her rather than the...
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posted by MacytheStrange
I've seen a lot of these floating around, and decided to give it a try! Original idea 由 the lovely dimitri_.

1. What name would 你 change yours to?
Elsa! It's such a lovely and unique sounding name, and like I just have so much want for that name.

2. Which skills would 你 like to develop?
Merida's skills of archery, climbing and horseback riding! I already know how to cook and clean, and I'm not so interested in martial arts, but Merida's skills are so cool and nature-ish.

3. Who would 你 want for a parent?
James and Eudora. Well, not really certain, but they seem really sweet and...
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posted by secretlife98
I look up to 灰姑娘 because she is an amazing princess who takes pride in her personality. 灰姑娘 never let's others bring her down, when her evil step sisters and step mother would say mean things to her and force her to be their maid she never stoop to their level. 灰姑娘 would always stay positive and know that someday her happy ever after would come and sooner 或者 later it did. So I think everyone should be like 灰姑娘 and never give up hope and stoop to others level. Whenever someone mistreats 你 或者 makes 你 feel down just remember 灰姑娘 and have hope that someday 你 will have your Happily Ever After.

I hope that everyone learns something from this article.
posted by dclairmont
Not sure if 你 all have seen my ramblings on the wall, but I've converted! I am now officially a Merida 粉丝 (not that I wasn't before, but just recently I've fallen in 爱情 with her 更多 than ever before). She's now sixth on my 列表 including Anna and Elsa, and fourth not including them. This kind of came out of nowhere, but lately I'm over the moon about her and I think it's a good time to write one of these 文章 for her. I've already written one for Aurora, Snow White, Cinderella, Pocahontas, Jasmine, Tiana, Elsa, and Anna, and plan on making one for all of the princesses at some point....
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Keep in mind this is an opinion article. ;) This is not a "defending the classics article", it is stating why 灰姑娘 is the best Classic princess.

While I 爱情 all three classics, 灰姑娘 has always stood out to me. And no it is not because of her ball gown( although it is lovely). Many criticize her for being weak and passive but she is not at all that. Many people have been defending Sleeping Beauty and The Fairiest of Them All Lately. Also known as Snow and Aurora. But here is why Cindy is the best out of them all in my opinion.

Cinderella is one of those people who always treats...
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 The stars of the 显示 <3 (Art not my own - found on pinterest)
The stars of the show <3 (Art not my own - found on pinterest)
I have been wanting to write another 文章 for a while, so I decided to write about: "Why I 爱情 the modern princesses". With any luck, I should be able to do a full series for all the eras :)

Tiana -
What I have always loved about Tiana is so hard-working and determined she is! She doesn't sit and wait for her dream to happen. She works hard 日 and night to achieve her goals. To me, that is a great example to set to young girls! I feel there are too many girls I know who do not try at anything at all. Tiana helps to teach that wishing and hoping only gets 你 so far in life. The reality...
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 Best 照片 of last week was Rapunzel who gave us a spine shivering evil version of herself
Best Photo of last week was Rapunzel who gave us a spine shivering evil version of herself
Firstly if 你 haven't read the first articles:
Introduction: link
Week 1: link

Previously on DNTM: 茉莉, 茉莉花 gets on Ariel's nerves after talking about her behind her back, the 模特 pose as evil versions of themselves and at a shocking elimination Aurora was sent home. Who will be eliminated tonight?

Confessionals after elimination
Snow White: I was shocked that Aurora was sent home, I thought the two of us would make it to the final two together
 Snow White in confessional
Snow White in confessional

Cinderella: Was not expecting Aurora to be eliminated
Merida: I was in the bottom two with Aurora. I definitely thought...
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posted by cuteasprincie
来源 : Wiki

=Anna's name means "full of grace." Ironically, =Anna is 更多 bubbly and daring than graceful.
=Anna, being the younger sister, has two braids in her hair; while Elsa, the oldest, has one.
=Anna tends to touch her hair whenever she gets nervous.
=Anna is the 12th member in the official line-up, and is the third freckled and third computer animated princess after Rapunzel and Merida.
=She was the third to have her movie be released in 迪士尼 Digital 3D.
=Anna is the third 迪士尼 princess to have her movie rated PG after Merida from 《勇敢传说》 and Rapunzel from Tangled.
=Anna is the...
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It looks like everybody has done a 列表 with the favourites scenes so I decided to make one too. I haven't included 《冰雪奇缘》 because there are still many people that haven't seen it. Anyway, enjoy!

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Ending Scene

I'm not sure about my choice because the last time I saw the movie I was 6 years old, so... Anyway, the 动画片 is stunning when they walk away and 你 see the castle. I find that scene very romantic and sweet and I believe that Snow White totally deserves her happy ending.

So this is love

Soo romantic! I 爱情 the 动画片 and the atmosphere...
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posted by TheFabulousFAN
Merida VS Ariel: The Ultimate 辩论
Well this will be my last 文章 before I leave fanpop
Ok so this all happened when Hatelarxene messages me on a 评论 about Anna. This will be a long debate. I know some of 你 are annoyed with this but I'm going to make in anyway so this can be over with...for me at least. I need closure on this before I leave.

re: Anna
10 分钟 ago

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Ok,so I've not been 写作 文章 lately from a long time.It may have been over a year!So I read the 文章 of many other users and noticed that 粉丝 fiction 文章 are not written so often in this club,so I only decided to write some 粉丝 fiction in the days to come.Actually this is my first 粉丝 fiction!And so I'm not at all confident on what I'm 写作 and so right now I'm just dumbstruck!So I've decided to 发布 the plot (A small one) and the cast of a fiction (with fairly big name!),so that 你 all can just get an idea about what I'll be 写作 in the days to come...!!


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added by glezps
posted by dee389
 They inspired me!
They inspired me!
Hi everyone, I'm going to be 写作 my favourite DP songs and I will also include relevant songs from other of my favourite 电影院 as well my personal experience, here we go:

10) I Wonder/ Once Upon a Dream

This song makes me think of what will happen for the 下一个 day, as it also reminds me of another 流行的 song 'Up Where We Belong'. Once Upon a Dream tells me to dream big!

9) Whistle While 你 Work

It helps me to do my daily chores around the house, and I 爱情 doing it at my new house because it's smaller compare to my old house! It also do my chores faster with the help of very fast music....
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 The full-lineup
The full-lineup
This is my third 文章 on this club and I decided to write it because I haven't written an 文章 like this and I had just wrote my prettiest ranking list. Remember 评论 are welcome as long as they don't insult me 或者 another commenter. Now lets begin!

13. Tiana
I just don't really like her. Please don't say I'm racist because her race has nothing to do with it. In fact I think she's really pretty and I admire her hard working spirit. I just think she's kind of boring and her movie is also my least 最喜爱的 迪士尼 princess movie.
 Tiana Collage
Tiana Collage

12. Aurora
I just think Aurora has so little...
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added by Maria7Potter
Source: Maria7Potter
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by ariel90
Source: Doll Divine
added by ariel90
Source: Doll Divine