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posted by laylastepford
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The content in this 文章 is rated PG-13 for mentioning horror-thematic elements though no explicit details are given.

So I was inspired 由 anukriti2409's link and was inspired to do my own, especially since I knew 万圣节前夕 was coming up! 支持 to link for her 文章 as it was actually what inspired me to want to do "themed" articles.

Some Factors in the Countdown: Before I begin the countdown, I want to let everyone know that I think crimes done to children/innocent are the absolute worst and my countdown will no doubt reflect that entirely. Additionally, I tend to believe that it is worse to torture someone than just to kill them. The reason being that their only purpose for living is to live in agony where as in death, there is no 更多 pain. I do, however, recognize that torture means chance of survival/rescue whereas death means game over so sometimes I'm torn. Ultimately I really think it depends on the situation, specifically. (I think that sadly, there can be times when someone might not want to live after the torture they endured.) Furthermore, the 更多 people a villain negatively affects (or tries to affect) the 更多 villainous I consider them to be. For me, less people = 更多 Bully; 更多 people= 更多 Villain. That's not meant to be taken 100%, it's just one factor worth one point in my rating system with many factors involved. That being said, this is a countdown of who I think is the most villainous, as in scariest villains, not who my 最喜爱的 villains would be. I did not include Mordu as I wouldn't know how to rank him.

Honorary Mention: This Creeper. Greedy, devious, downright sinister and he owns an asylum! I don't think I have to speak about the horrible things that used to go on in asylums but let's just say, Maurice would not have had a happy ending going there! This guy 说 himself "Maurice is harmless" but with the right amount of compensation, locking him up was "worth his while".
 "So 你 want me to throw her father into the asylum, unless she agrees to marry you? Oh that is despicable... *laughs*... I 爱情 it!"
"So 你 want me to throw her father into the asylum, unless she agrees to marry you? Oh that is despicable... *laughs*... I 爱情 it!"

12. Duke of Weaselton: In watching the film 《冰雪奇缘》 I don't think there is any 问题 that the Duke of Wesealton is certainly a villain (and a weasel). He comes into Arendelle for the first time already looking to manipulate and "exploit" (from his own mouth) Arendelle's secret(s). He is the first person to turn on Elsa and immediately instigate the crowd 由 calling her a "monster". When Anna goes missing, he tries to do everything he can to paint Anna as a "monster" as well. When the 搜索 party is organized to find Anna, he sends his henchmen to kill Elsa so he can try to take over her kingdom. Unfortunately for him, he is very unsuccessful which is why he is a Duke who loses trade with Arendelle and nothing more.

11. Gaston: Stereotypical "jock" type who thinks he's an alpha-male but in reality is too conceited and narrow-minded to be an alpha-male. This guy doesn't understand boundaries and keeps trying to force himself on Belle. On 最佳, 返回页首 of that, he's a narrow-minded and idiotic jerk. Idiot + Jerk = Horrible Combination. As Belle accurately described him, he is "rude and conceited". He becomes a greater villain when he develops the plan to throw Maurice in an asylum if Belle won't marry him. Yikes! That is completely despicable and villainous. In addition, he went on a killing mission solely out of jealousy. Killing someone just because 你 are jealous that they got the girl over 你 is insane in my book. The way he tries to manipulate the beast when he is attacking him, saying that Belle could never 爱情 someone like him when she has someone like Gaston, was absolutely disgusting and inhumane as well. His life could've been spared and he could've gone back to his 3 blonde bimbos (I don't know their names but I'm sure that 描述 tells exactly who I mean) but instead he refused to stop attempting to murder the Beast, even if it meant losing his own life in the process. That's frightfully insane to me.

10. Facilier: Predator for those with struggles in life and looking for an "easy way out". I'm a bit torn on this one. On one hand, I don't believe it's right to take advantage of other people and manipulate them to harm themselves for one's own benefit. On the other hand, I believe in accountability, responsibility and character; So I believe that once 你 go looking for an "easy way out", 你 are inviting certain new things in your life that might harm you. In the end, Facilier paid his own price and the predator became the prey. For me, this will always take away from his villainy.

9. Jafar: A coward 更多 than anything else to me. He was the king's advisor who thought the king was an "addlepated wit" so he believed that he should be the one in charge. Unfortunately for him, he was not a prince and therefore could not be in charge... That is, until he got the suggestion of finding a loophole that would force 茉莉, 茉莉花 to marry him. I find this to be very similar to what Gaston did except Gaston tried to take the problem head on with 更多 character, albeit villainous. Since Jafar used his power to become "Sultan of Agrabah", it put everyone's lives in greater danger who lived in that city. The greater power and responsibility gives Jafar a bump in my book otherwise he would be equal 或者 possibly even less villainous than Gaston. His most frightening forms are the beggar in the prison cell and the snake. (He's got a lot of cool secret passageways though.)

8. Hans: A person who was born with too much money and too many siblings; self-absorbed and semi-suave. Unlike Jafar, he was not a coward who sought a handicap to help him. Instead, he was 更多 evil and got right down to dirty business. Similar to Jafar though, his goal was to be in command of an entire kingdom. I must say that it was impressive how he took out the Snow Monster and protected Elsa from the arrow. That being said, he's also a master manipulator. He is supposed to come off charming and impressive etc. He was a phenomenal actor at every part of the film where he was acting. The way he leaned in and faked true love's 吻乐队(Kiss) before 展示 his true 颜色 was absolutely villainous! Especially paired with a line like "Oh Anna. If only there was someone out there who loved you." Poor Anna didn't even realize what was going on at first. The way he spoke of his plan "As heir, Elsa was preferable, of course. But no one was getting anywhere with her. But you... 你 were so desperate for love. 你 were willing to marry me just like that." That was cold. Talk about objectifying people. Additionally, he had always been planning on killing Elsa. Someone who is that cold and calculating is definitely a scary villain in my opinion. PS All of the corny stuff he did with Anna was pure commitment to his role!

7. Ratcliffe: Along the lines of villains on this half of the countdown, his villainy comes from his flaws rather than a downright sinister place. He told the king there would be 金牌 in Virginia without knowing if it were true and turned out to be wrong. Instead of wanting to admit he was wrong, as he knew he would pay the price, he developed a 幻想 that the Native Americans must have been hiding the gold. He then used this 幻想 to justify genocide. That action is downright sinister but he just doesn't embody "sinister evil" the way other villains do which is why he isn't any higher on this list.

6. Maleficent: The Evil 皇后乐队 had the justification of vanity while Lady Tremaine had the justification of jealousy and maternal instincts but Maleficent has the justification of "not being invited to the party"?! Wow! That's insanely evil. Especially when one goes about the route of punishing an innocent that is close to the 心 of the perceived "guilty" party as opposed to taking it out on the actual "guilty" party themselves. Then when the only solution to Aurora's spell appears in Prince Phillip, her plan is to keep him locked up to wither away and die as an old man who was able to do nothing for most of his life but be a prisoner. Geez! When Phillip escapes, she transforms herself into a magnificent evil dragon and that is her best villainous form. Unfortunately, I don't see much 更多 evil actions from her so I cant put her any higher on this countdown but I do think she is a magnificent villain who certainly captures the look and feel of villains. Her powers and dragon transformation are astounding! She has the best entrances and exits of all of the villains.

5.Lady Tremaine: We are warned right off the bat in the beginning of 灰姑娘 that the "evil stepmother" here is "Cold, cruel, and bitterly jealous". I believe it is also implied that she is "vain and selfish" which is where her two daughters get it from. Though she is not entirely selfish as she does have the maternal instinct, albeit evil version, to do everything she can to see her daughters thrive. (I personally know that a woman can be selfish enough to not have maternal instinct so that's why I make that distinction. She treated 灰姑娘 bad but not her own two daughters.) Unfortunately, anything means belittling and degrading competition regardless of the fact that they are (were) children. She forced 灰姑娘 to be a servant in her own 首页 and gives her an almost unbearable amount of work to do. She never lets 灰姑娘 speak 或者 defend herself, she simply punishes her regardless. What makes her sick is the fact that she knows that poor 灰姑娘 isn't responsible for what she gets blamed for yet Lady Tremaine berates her for it anyways. She is a master of psychological torment, adding little sentences to 灰姑娘 like "Now, it seems we have time on our hands. time for viscous practical jokes. Perhaps we can put it to better use." She goes on an ego trip, degrading 灰姑娘 and making her redo chores that she has already done on 最佳, 返回页首 of countless others that are very back-breaking and time-consuming. She is constantly doing what she can to keep 灰姑娘 looking bad and feeling bad. This is disgusting behavior of a woman towards a child. I can relate to 灰姑娘 in many ways so I understand the torment inflicted 由 an "evil stepmother and her two daughters"; The evil stepmother who makes 你 work hard in taking others' chores on, feeds 你 the bare minimum that she has to only because she has to, doesn't give 你 proper housing, always blames 你 just because 你 are there, never lets 你 defend yourself ever and on 最佳, 返回页首 of it tries to psychologically manipulate 你 into believing that 你 are less than 你 actually are; The two daughters who constantly degrade 你 and try to put 你 down and make 你 feel like less than them as well as get spoiled while 你 are neglected and they 爱情 to rub it in your face. Lady Tremaine knew full and well that 灰姑娘 had nowhere else to go and no way to escape so she just allowed herself to get as nasty with her as she wanted. Even worse, she taught her two little minions to do the same if not worse to Cinderella. She knew exactly what to say to set her daughters off on 灰姑娘 with ripping the dress too as she was a master manipulator. Excuse me, the one route of escape that 灰姑娘 had was finding a man who Lady Tremaine could not stand a chance against rescuing Cinderella. That's why she locked 灰姑娘 in her room during the glass slipper fitting. While I completely respect and admire the maternal desire for one's child(ren) to do well, I find it downright sinister to treat another child like that under the basis of "competition". Nobody should treat children this way and Lady Tremaine started this treatment of 灰姑娘 while she was still a young child. Having met a woman just like her in real life, I don't believe they have souls in the sense of the word. PS I'd like to note that I don't think 灰姑娘 realizes that her strength makes Lady Tremaine treat her worse. While 灰姑娘 does occasionally try to speak up for herself but is silenced right away, she mostly tries to be obedient, thinking it will not make it worse. In one way she is right but I don't believe she recognizes the other side at play because she's too close to the situation as well as doesn't think that way, herself. I think it is only in retrospect that she would be able to realize that Lady Tremaine would never let up until she had completely broken Cinderella's optimistic and innocent spirit.

4. Ursula: The competitive, cruel, cold-hearted manipulator. She preys on "Poor Unfortunate Souls! It's sad but true." What makes her different, and worse, than Facilier is the fact that she is 更多 like the devil herself than Facilier. She even has contracts which are representative of "making deals with the devil". She lures in "the lonely, the miserable and the weak" in their times of despair, manipulating them so that she can turn around and trap them in a torturous state for the rest of their lives/eternity? While we don't necessarily know if Facilier makes deals with "children", we certainly know that Ursula does. Now I don't think of Ariel as a child since in her time and place, she was a young adult but the main point here is that Ursula called her a "child", therefore saw Ariel as a child and decided to proactively take advantage of her. Ariel was just a "necessary casualty" in Ursula's war for power against Triton. She wanted to hit him where it would hurt him most and she knew his youngest daughter was the perfect way to do that. Unlike Maleficent though, she took it a step 前锋, 期待 and manipulated it into a plan to gain power over all of the seas, affecting merpeople and humans alike; Whereas Maleficent just got revenge. She oozes evil with her aggression and devious scheming. She also manipulated the power of 爱情 to her advantage, knowing that Ariel would naturally want to do anything to attain her true love. That's despicable to me. She does whatever she wants and she doesn't care about what anyone else thinks 或者 feels. A cold-hearted snake....

3. Mother Gothel: A sick, manipulative, outspoken woman who 偷了 a baby out of vanity. At least the Evil 皇后乐队 married the father and waited for him to die (most likely) before going after Snow. Additionally, she made Rapunzel live in near-total isolation her whole life. It's surprising that Rapunzel has such a good vocabulary and conversation skills. She should've come out far 更多 socially awkward and ignorant than she was. Back to Mother Gothel. If it wasn't bad enough that she made keeping herself young the sole purpose of Rapunzel's existence, the way she went about it was just atrocious. To keep Rapunzel from leaving the tower, not only did she make the world seem honestly like "hell" but she also made Rapunzel very insecure. Her tactic was to keep Rapunzel down, describing her as "sloppy, under-dressed, immature, clumsy, gullible, naïve, positively grubby, ditzy, vague and getting chubby". This would be horrible coming from a stranger but coming from someone 你 believe is your mother is just horrifying. It's actually inhumane in my opinion. When Rapunzel believes that Eugene might have feelings for her, Mother Gothel's solution was to completely destroy Rapunzel's confidence and break her heart. She gets even harsher on Rapunzel than ever before 由 saying "Likes you? Please, Rapunzel, that's demented.... Why would he like you? Come on now- really! Look at you- 你 think that he's impressed?" Ouch! She could've just painted Eugene as a liar and went with the "he's a deceiver who will leave you" argument but no. Instead she decides to make Rapunzel feel like the problem starts with her not being worthy of love. This is heartbreaking. Absolutely heartbreaking. I experienced a lot of this growing up (except with my real mother unfortunately) and I can tell from first-hand that mental abuse like this should not be underrated. Thank goodness Rapunzel was strong and able to overcome Mother Gothel because if she didn't then it would be a devastating ending, in my opinion. I hate to imagine Rapunzel's live if this villain had been successful; forced to be isolated with only a cold manipulator using her for the rest of her life. What makes this all worse is that Mother Gothel is pretending to be Rapunzel's mother. Anyone who knows about psychology, and child psychology in particular, knows that as humans we idolize our mothers and hold her as a pinnacle in our minds and hearts. So to hear such horrible, awful, belittling things from one's mother (or perceived mother in this case) is just heartbreaking, as I said. Plus she hired thugs to frighten her "daughter", thank goodness she didn't take that any further. And she forced Rapunzel to carry her weight up 由 her hair every time she came and went from the tower (which was quite often) even though she had a (secret) door the whole time! Oh, and she forced Rapunzel to watch as she stabbed and murdered her boyfriend right in front of her eyes... Proof about the psychology towards "mothers" is the fact that even after everything, Rapunzel still couldn't help but feel sad in the moment Mother Gothel died in front of her eyes as well. That makes the whole situation even worse to me. The fact that someone so innocent as Rapunzel had to live so closely bonded with such a monster without even realizing it (for the most part).

2. Evil Queen: Completely horrible human being. This woman actually wanted to kill a child solely out of vanity. Talk about sinister. She is incredibly villainous, with her jealousy knowing no bounds 或者 limits. She believes she can do whatever she wants, including killing someone because they make her feel bad about the way she looks. She is ridiculously competitive and stubborn, never ceasing to go after Snow when she finds out that her plans to kill her have failed. The simple fact that another female who is prettier than her could even be alive, was too much for her to bare. That's a woman with some serious issues and this woman had authoritative power over a kingdom? Yikes! She also practices witchcraft, black arts, black magic, and sorcery which is incredibly frightening. She is very symbolic of a Satanist, in my eyes. Those people are truly frightening to me as their #1 rule is self-centeredness: Do whatever 你 want, whenever 你 want it (regardless of what anyone else thinks). It is their excuse for all kinds of horrors. As she goes deep into her dungeon we see many skulls and one skeleton of a prisoner that she clearly had locked up and starved to death. Upon seeing this forgotten prisoner, she kicks it's bones! She is called the "Evil Queen" for a reason. She combines torture and murder. When I was a young girl and went to Disneyland, I remember her in the window and it frightening me as well as everywhere she was on the "Snow White" ride. I do think they should've shown 更多 assassination attempts on her part to be 更多 accurate with the original tale. The lightning bolt death was the most amazing villain death ever though, it was like nature claiming her because she was so vile.

1. Shan Yu: Based largely on a real-life villain, Attila the Hun. Anyone who knows this part of history knows that this guy was evil incarnate. link among his enemies and the general populace of the territories that his armies swept through." Did anyone else see the village that Shang's father failed to protect? That was the work of this guy, Shan Yu. Talk about a frightening scene. He had to have slaughtered the entire military as well as every townsperson including the women and children. I wont speak about this in detail but it's likely that the women of the village had slower and 更多 painful deaths than everyone else in town. What an absolutely horrendous way to die. This guy was murdering countless people with his hands and simple weapons. He was killing people up close and personal in gruesome fashion. He also killed people "just because" as shown in his line, "How many messengers does it take to send a message?" and he clearly commands equally sinister people as one of his soldiers gave an evil smile and answered "Just one." before setting up his bow and arrow. An avalanche couldn't kill this guy and when he popped out of the snow along with his hardiest soldiers, well that was the stuff scary 电影院 are made of. (Another thing scary 电影院 are made of: Shan Yu perched at the 最佳, 返回页首 of the building like a gargoyle, so scary!) This is hands down to me, without a doubt the all-time worst DP villain as he combined torture and murder for nothing other than his own ego and power.

So what did 你 think?
added by applebear123
added by KataraLover
Source: Mark Fitzpatrick
posted by Sparklefairy375
The 迪士尼 Princesses are usually have some beautiful and iconic dresses. In this 文章 I would share my 列表 of 最喜爱的 迪士尼 Princess wardrobes.
I don't include some undergarments, undone dress (ex: Ariel's sail outfit), and some that I don't count as an outfit like Ariel's mermaid attire.
Credit goes to link's 文章 of link for ideas of rate each princess' dress.
Anyway, here's my list, started from least to most 最喜爱的 :)

11. Tiana

Tiana has a lot of clothes out of all Princesses, but a lot of dresses doesn't make me like them. Most of her outfis consist of yellow and green, which were...
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posted by WinterSpirit809
I actually got this idea from disnerdtobe, who got this idea from anukriti, and I actually want to do the same, since I have a lot of princesses I relate to. That being said, this will be very hard, but keep in mind, these are princesses I myself relate to. It is also set up a little differently than disnerdtobe's

Not Relatable

Making up a majority of this part of the 列表 are Golden Era princesses. I think they were relatable to the girls in their time period which I think is why I personally don't relate to them. That isn't to say that there aren't people who relate to these princesses-...
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added by Sparklefairy375
Source: Me
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: http://www.facebook.com/DPrincessScans
added by KataraLover
 迪士尼 爱情 songs.
Disney love songs.
Hi guys, since I 爱情 traveling, I would like to write down some nice cities on which the 迪士尼 Princess and their respective princes will fall in 爱情 with since Valentine's 日 is coming soon.

1. Manchester, England, UK

Snow White and Prince Ferdinand will definitely 爱情 this city, it is very country-oriented and Snow White will consider this as her 秒 home!

2. Milan, Italy

Since France is a neighbour to Italy, 灰姑娘 will carry her duties with Prince Kit 由 making her first official state visit there. They will definitely 爱情 this city even 更多 than Paris.

3. Prague, Czech Republic...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: 迪士尼
 We wish 你 a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
So, imagine if all of the princesses gather together on 圣诞节 Eve and here are the lists of famous carols 或者 any songs that are 圣诞节 related from famous 圣诞节 films.

1. Believe (The Polar Express)

I absolutely adore this song from the film, it was originally sung 由 Josh Groban but was later covered 由 Jackie Evancho. The lyrics has a message about believing during 圣诞节 especially.

2. As Long as There's 圣诞节 (Beauty and the Beast: The 着魔 Christmas)

Since this is Belle's song, the other princesses can 加入 in as the chorus 或者 they could 'echo' her words when she sings...
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added by deedragongirl
posted by dclairmont
Hello guys!! To those who recognize me, I hope you're all doing well! I've been busy with college apps and life in general, but I've been well! To those who don't, nice to meet you! I used to frequent this site a couple years ago. :) Anyway I'm just going to go straight into the review! There won't be any large plot type spoilers, but if 你 want to go in knowing absolutely nothing, I would recommend not reading!


I just got 首页 from seeing this beautiful film and I need to let out all my feelings somewhere, but hopefully this will be somewhat coherent and not come across as a giant rant...
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posted by bluethunder25
Now a lot of 你 are probably thinking, 'bluethunder25 Gothel can't be redeemed because first of all, she was 'too evil,' and two, she died from old aging and turned to dust.

Well as 你 know, I've stated in 前一个 文章 that I don't feel Gothel is entirely evil. As for the 秒 one, if Gothel did in fact turn to dust, then I say, that means she has a good chance to come back to life which also means she has a good chance of a redemption. How? Allow me to explain.

Now first of all, before 你 all freak out, no, Gothel's redemption won't be overnight, in fact, for Gothel's redemption arc,...
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added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by tiffany88
Which 迪士尼 Princess got to live in the most beautiful house? Which ruled the hearts of 粉丝 - the cottages, mansions 或者 humble homes?
Fans have voted and results are in! Here's a look how 粉丝 ranked the DP homes.

12. Aladdin's home:
Most 粉丝 understood that this barely counted as a home, but 更多 like a shelter to rest at night. It barely had anything, not even a door. Even though it had a great view, beautiful it surely wasn't.

anukriti2409: This is really an abandoned place, which 阿拉丁 uses for shelter. It's really downtrodden, with no furniture 或者 gate 或者 windows 或者 curtains. It's...
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Hello again everyone! Here we are with the 列表 of best brown outfits. There are a few of them among the DPs, and I enjoyed this countdown because these outfits so rarely get the spotlight. Most of them are overshadowed 由 other outfits the characters wear. Hope 你 enjoyed it!

Previous Articles

6. Snow White's brown and white dress

I was kind of sad to see this dress be the first eliminated, although I expected as much. I'm rather fond of this dress for some reason. I'm not sure why. I actually like it better than her iconic dress - I think the 颜色 look much nicer on her...
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